[HN Gopher] GitHub is replacing Rails front end rendering with R...
       GitHub is replacing Rails front end rendering with React
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 79 points
       Date   : 2022-11-12 20:30 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (twitter.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (twitter.com)
       | deergomoo wrote:
       | This seems like a good move. GitHub worked great using server
       | rendering for a highly interactive app, but it was quite easy to
       | end up in a situation where two UI elements would show different
       | things for the same piece of information, because one was
       | updating live and the other wasn't.
       | mhoad wrote:
       | Genuinely confused why someone would reach for React in a 2022
       | rewrite scenario.
       | It is on a bad path in terms of integrating with the web platform
       | and doesn't seem to have any clear signs to resolving that
       | technical debt.
         | xmonkee wrote:
         | I chose React in 2022 for a new app. I looked at the
         | alternatives, and the only ones that seem mature enough are Vue
         | and Svelte. Vue honestly doesn't really seem that different to
         | me. Svelte is great, but the ecosystem is a fraction of react's
         | and I don't want to waste time looking for libraries. The one
         | alternative that looked amazing was htmx. I would honestly love
         | to use that but my app is too dynamic and making it in htmx
         | would be a fun puzzle, but a puzzle nonetheless.
         | StreamBright wrote:
         | Scaling development efforts is a challenge. Reaching for the
         | most popular thing out there is a solution.
           | azemetre wrote:
           | Does "most" popular thing actually matter? Or is it mostly
           | choosing X because everyone else choose X as well?
           | I mean we aren't talking about a rewrite in Mithril.js here.
           | It's not hard to find people that want to work in vue,
           | svelte, or solid. These three also seem to beat react at
           | every benchmark (also nearly everything is better than react
           | performance wise it seems).
           | https://krausest.github.io/js-framework-
           | benchmark/current.ht...
           | I honestly wonder how much bloat and loss of performance
           | we're wasting on hundreds of millions of clients because
           | companies and teams and orgs are no longer opting for better
           | experiences thru experimentation or choosing better tools but
           | simply chasing after wrong KPIs set by people that don't care
           | about tech.
         | nvllsvm wrote:
         | So what would you recommend instead?
           | mhoad wrote:
           | Probably something like Lit.dev seems exceptionally well
           | positioned to stay aligned with the platform and give the
           | same developer experience and a much faster user experience.
         | randomguy0 wrote:
         | What would your suggestions be in place of React?
         | [deleted]
         | ojkelly wrote:
         | React is still a safe bet, there's an enormous quantity of
         | engineers who know how to use it.
         | The performance you can achieve is respectable, especially as
         | your application grows.
         | > It is on a bad path in terms of integrating with the web
         | platform
         | What do you mean?
       | pacifika wrote:
       | GitHub probably is more of a webapp than a webpage at this point,
       | so makes sense.
         | davzie wrote:
         | I have to say, the notion you can only build webpages with
         | Rails and not webapps did make me chuckle.
         | If Rails can take a company such as GitHub this far then it,
         | along with other traditional server side rendered frameworks
         | like Django and Laravel, should more seriously be considered
         | when starting new projects and apps.
           | systemicdanna wrote:
           | I absolutely love Django and used it for many many years for
           | all my new projects. Nowadays I only use it in a very limited
           | set of use cases. Having an instant admin UI is a huge
           | advantage for some business cases, flexible auth is great,
           | very fast prototyping is still amazing, etc. Wouldn't choose
           | it for any front end heavy app.
             | scrollaway wrote:
             | Have you looked into Django Ninja?
             | I use FastAPI exactly because of the reasons you point
             | out... but damn do I miss the Django ORM and admin. Django-
             | Ninja is an acknowledgement of the realities of that.
           | threatofrain wrote:
           | If you've already mastered a system, then the n+1 case is
           | going to be much more timely and cost-effective. So if you
           | know RoR and you've got a similar team then go for it. But
           | for greenfield projects I'm not sure one should go with Ruby
           | on Rails, and this is coming from someone who used Ruby
           | before Rails.
           | If I'm not mistaken, even 37 Signals made a new framework for
           | their new Hey app.
           | https://hotwired.dev
             | mnutt wrote:
             | Hotwired is a ruby gem that sits on top of Rails' existing
             | Turbo approach: start with a regular server-rendered ERB
             | page, layer on Turbo to allow for page updates without page
             | refreshes (via XHR-fetched html fragments) and layer on
             | Hotwire to sync state with websockets.
         | superkuh wrote:
         | Yeah, supporting people who use older software and older
         | computers doesn't make financial sense for Microsoft. Plus now
         | it's a lot harder to index the pages so it's more lock-in. Web
         | apps have so many advantages for for-profit corporations in
         | filtering out the unprofitables.
           | lghh wrote:
           | > Plus now it's a lot harder to index the pages
           | Why does using react mean it is harder to index pages? You
           | can certainly write something that's difficult to index in
           | React, but using React does not mean it is inherently more
           | difficult to index. This is especially true if you're using
           | SSR + modern react features with a meta-framework like
           | Next.js
           | > supporting people who use older software and older
           | computers doesn't make financial sense for Microsoft
           | Pretty much the same point here. Fundamental misunderstanding
           | of React.
             | 1123581321 wrote:
             | You just said it: if your HTML delivers a react app that
             | hasn't taken the extra steps to be SSR, then the crawler
             | has to run the JS in order to index the content instead of
             | just parsing the HTML response.
           | saila wrote:
           | I just disabled JS in my browser and most stuff still works,
           | although there's a few things that don't, like loading commit
           | data and dropdown menus. I would guess they're doing server
           | side rendering and progressive enhancement so that at least
           | the core functionality still works okay.
           | eyelidlessness wrote:
           | Guillermo (Twitter OP) replied in the thread saying it will
           | be server rendered. Other replies point out it's not enabled
           | for all users, so this (and presumably the UI changes it
           | brings with it) isn't final. I _do_ see the changes, but I
           | also opt into most if not all preview features and I wouldn't
           | mind if I'm part of an A /B test or whatever.
           | I wouldn't be so paranoid to think this is some nefarious
           | plot, it's probably just incomplete. Whatever their "lock in"
           | strategy, it's more about building and extending a feature
           | moat that users don't _want to_ leave than restrictive dark
           | patterns. Harming searchability is more damaging to GitHub
           | (which thrives on being highly ranked in Google /etc
           | searches) than it could possibly be to would-be defectors who
           | are almost certainly capable of using their API either
           | directly or by using any number of tools to do that for them.
           | If anything, shipping this widely as-is would probably drive
           | users away not lock them in.
           | Judging by the timing of adoption of React/Next for their
           | Blocks landing page (also mentioned in the Twitter replies),
           | I wouldn't be surprised if this is intended to be rolled out
           | alongside further stabilization of React Server Components,
           | or otherwise integrated with existing internal SSR
           | implementation. (Leaning towards the former given it's a
           | Vercel person speaking confidently about GH's plans for
           | server rendering)
       | warpech wrote:
       | GitHub is a great example of mostly server-side generated HTML.
       | Their output HTML is very stable: the structure rarely changes,
       | is semantic, logical, and self-documenting. This has helped
       | hundreds of browser extensions (e.g. Refined GitHub, ZenHub) and
       | userscripts, including dozens of my own.
       | Of course, treating HTML as API/data exchange format is fragile
       | and might be seen as hindering progress by some of the GitHub
       | staff. However, it has been like that for many years and was
       | beneficial for the community. Perhaps not that beneficial for
       | GitHub, who would prefer integrations over the official API.
       | If GitHub's HTML changes to a dynamic React-powered div-soup,
       | that might be the end of browser extensions and userscripts. And
       | another reason for power users to flock to other platforms.
       | Edit: React does not necessarily mean div-soup, but I have seen
       | too many React-powered div-soups to expect GitHub's HTML to stay
       | the same.
       | colin353 wrote:
       | I'm one of the engineers at GitHub who was behind this new UI,
       | let me know if you have any questions. We chose React for this
       | code search/code view because it has a lot of interactivity, and
       | it has worked well so far.
       | And we do intend to write a blog post with more details in the
       | coming weeks.
       | cntainer wrote:
       | Honestly github always felt snappy and intuitive to me, more so
       | than many "cool" react fronts I've seen.
       | It would be great if they wrote an article about this switch to
       | understand some of the challenges they were facing.
       | I would also be curious if they considered other approaches and
       | stacks.
         | ronnier wrote:
         | I don't have any data to back this up, just my opinion, but I
         | prefer backend rendered sites with Javascript augmentation for
         | the parts that need it. Just feels faster.
         | These JavaScript UIs feel clunky and slow IMO. Maybe it's the
         | (sometimes) dozens of calls the UI make back to the server to
         | get data whereas if it was all rendered in the backend the
         | round trip time would be a lot faster since the server is
         | closer to the data, but my browser needs to make a call across
         | the internet to the server and then to the database or
         | whatever.
         | Also for tools websites at companies I work at, as a backend
         | dev, building those tools in react is huge overhead. Webpack
         | and react and redux etc. It's a lot to deal with for some
         | simple tool. I'm wondering how much internal tool websites
         | built in react slow down the development process at corps.
           | 323 wrote:
           | In theory React websites should transfer less data since you
           | just send a JSON model instead of one annotated in full HTML
           | markup. The React runtime would be cached after the first
           | visit.
             | coffeefirst wrote:
             | That's the theory, but every time I measure it the combined
             | data and JSON needed to render it wind up being more than
             | plain HTML both in bytes transferred and milliseconds to
             | render.
             | There will be exceptions of course, but I haven't found
             | them.
             | martinald wrote:
             | The problem isn't the amount of data but the number of
             | round trips required to get it.
             | Imagine you need to do the following calls to get the page
             | rendered with the various information different parts of
             | the page has:
             | 1. Get user information
             | 2. Get projects for user
             | 3. Get the selected project
             | Now, if this was all server side rendered, it might take
             | 1ms to go to the database and get the various bits of info,
             | or 3ms for 3 sequential requests.
             | With a react app and say 250ms of latency to the database,
             | you're looking at 750ms of overhead - 200x slower.
             | Of course you can architect all your APIs to always return
             | everything the user needs so they don't have to do multiple
             | requests, but that has its own drawbacks and honestly is
             | very difficult to do and plan ahead for, especially at
             | scale with multiple consumers of various APIs.
               | lomereiter wrote:
               | What you describe is solved with GraphQL, which is a very
               | mature technology by now.
           | [deleted]
         | paxys wrote:
         | Snappy and intuitive while loading static pages of text, sure,
         | but their code browsing and search experience needs massive
         | improvement. I'd love to not have to clone a repo and pull up
         | an IDE just to be able to understand the code.
           | thegginthesky wrote:
           | Trur, when I need to browse code I just use codespaces, which
           | you can access by using github.dev/owner/repo, or pressing
           | dot ( . ) when inside the repo
           | gw98 wrote:
           | Actions is also a broken pile of shit. The UI falls to bits
           | constantly.
             | diarrhea wrote:
             | I work with it on a daily basis and am still confused by
             | most pages in Actions.
           | williamdclt wrote:
           | GH Codesearch is in beta, it seems to improve exactly that
           | diarrhea wrote:
           | It's not impossible to imagine Web IDEs surpassing desktop
           | ones, but it's not happening anytime soon. Until then desktop
           | IDEs will remain superior, so this experience won't change
           | anytime soon. For every new feature a web IDE adds, we'll end
           | up missing desktop features still.
         | papito wrote:
         | One thing they did at Github years ago was get closer to the
         | metal by ditching JQuery. You can do the same things - and more
         | - with ES6 and updated browser support pretty much across the
         | board. Nowadays you don't even need a transpiler.
         | https://github.blog/2018-09-06-removing-jquery-from-github-f...
         | noahtallen wrote:
         | I actually disagree -- GitHub has been relatively slow for me
         | when it comes to page transitions. For example, switching
         | between a PR's various tabs would probably be a lot faster with
         | client rendering.
         | Of course, performance will come down to how well the team
         | builds the site and optimizes it. It is very easy to make a
         | site slow in so many different ways. You always have to be
         | looking at and optimizing it for improvements, both on the
         | client and server. React isn't immune to this, just as various
         | server frameworks aren't immune to it either.
         | adamredwoods wrote:
         | Interesting, they use html content templates for code re-
         | usability, which is more difficult to use than React.
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/te...
       | mirekrusin wrote:
       | Funny to read this because since couple of days I've noticed
       | github is loading noticably slower for me. I thought something
       | may be off with my internet connection (I'm on 400 Mbps in
       | Switzerland, M1 16GB, FF).
         | StreamBright wrote:
         | It is noticeably slower. I do not have the data to back up this
         | claim though.
         | dombesz wrote:
         | I second this, this week was noticeably slow.
         | rocketbop wrote:
         | Had the same experience since Thursday or Friday.
       | weinzierl wrote:
       | "Repositories" and "Activities" on the Dashboard are not loading
       | for me anymore. All I get are two endlessly turning spinners.
       | Never had this issue before and looks like these two components
       | can't load their data.
       | jakub_jo wrote:
       | Not sure how I should feel about this. GitHub always felt snappy
       | to me. It's a joy to use and I always admired their approach
       | sending html over the wire. Let's see how this unfolds in the
       | future.
         | z9znz wrote:
         | I'm not a frontend guy, so maybe someone else here knows how to
         | effectively benchmark the current system. I would be very
         | curious to see how the current system performed versus a new
         | React FE. Surely MS will do this themselves, but I don't know
         | if they will publish it (especially if it shows the net result
         | of the change was negative).
           | systemicdanna wrote:
           | There is also a very big difference in dev experience/toolset
           | and dev velocity between RoR templates and React. Large apps
           | that use RoR or Django templates become very messy and
           | unenjoyable to work with over time. Plus being able to reuse
           | parts of the state on the client is a big productivity boost.
           | For me personally API+front end is a much cleaner and
           | productive paradigm than having to pass massive dictionaries
           | from a controller to a template. This separation of concerns
           | allows to focus on and optimize data sources/retrieval and
           | UI/rendering independently. Really nice!
       | nells wrote:
         | Kiro wrote:
         | This type of useless reddit snark is the reason I wish I could
         | filter out green names. Low effort bait has no place on HN.
           | pvg wrote:
           | Just flag bad comments and bad posts.
           | Naga wrote:
           | What do the green names mean? I've seen them before but have
           | had no idea.
             | threatofrain wrote:
             | New accounts.
               | revskill wrote:
               | I thought green name means some kinds of VIP account.
               | eyelidlessness wrote:
               | Very Introductory Poster
             | Cu3PO42 wrote:
             | Green names indicate recently created accounts. I'm unsure
             | of the exact cutoff, but it should be around two weeks.
           | telman17 wrote:
           | Unfortunately these type of posts aren't limited to new
           | accounts but I agree with you about the Reddit snark.
       | ianbutler wrote:
       | I wonder if they're just replacing the parts of the site that
       | needs to be dynamic with React, since you can mount a react app
       | on any page. It seems overkill to replace even the relatively
       | static parts as well.
         | systemicdanna wrote:
         | They will probably start with that and progressively replace
         | all parts. Having a mixed front end framework is a very
         | inefficient setup and a bad dev experience. Much easier to just
         | SSR those static-ish pages and cache them until content
         | changes.
       | trey-jones wrote:
       | I can't believe they were still running a rails frontend til now,
       | to be honest. I thought rails had fallen out of favor at least 5
       | years ago (deservedly in my biased estimation). We'll see what
       | happens with Github. I don't have any use for the new bells and
       | whistles like editing the repo directly from the webpage
       | (scary!), or deeper VS Code integration. I'm not interested in
       | Co-Pilot, though a co-worker told me the other day that it had
       | saved him hours in a particular instance.
       | I just hope they don't kill the parts that I think are useful,
       | and the things that made GH so valuable in the first place. It's
       | a worrying trend that software seems to get worse for users in
       | the name of making more money.
         | cientifico wrote:
         | Why can't you believe they were using rails?
         | CharlesW wrote:
         | > _I thought rails had fallen out of favor at least 5 years ago
         | (deservedly in my biased estimation)._
         | For the folks downvoting, GitHub said basically this in 2018:
         | https://www.theregister.com/2018/08/16/github_rails_microsof...
         | "GitHub is about a third of the way through an architectural
         | change that began last year. The company is moving away from
         | Ruby on Rails toward a more heterogeneous, composable
         | infrastructure."
         | This doesn't mean that they're rewriting Rails infrastructure
         | for the sake of it, so legacy Ruby/Rails software will
         | presumably power big chunks of GitHub for many years to come.
       | gedy wrote:
       | Not involved with this project but FYI (some) React sites can be
       | rendered server side as well. This doesn't have to be some slow
       | SPA load.
       | eyelidlessness wrote:
       | So, this seems to be at least partly related to early
       | introduction of Blocks[1] features. If so, and assuming that
       | several of Blocks features are implemented with React, it makes
       | some sense that they'd broaden adoption of React overall. You
       | _can_ use React for smaller isolated parts of a mostly client-
       | static /server-rendered page, but it's not typical on a page
       | which is already as highly interactive as GH repos are (even if
       | that interactivity is not immediately obvious).
       | I personally wouldn't pick React for, well, anything under my
       | personal control. But it's a sensible choice for the features
       | they describe at their scale, and a sensible choice for their
       | repo experience generally. I've seen some comments about
       | bugginess in navigation etc, but none that don't sound familiar
       | from their Rails implementation. Hopefully with some bugs ironed
       | out this will be bug compatible or better.
       | 1: https://blocks.githubnext.com/
       (page generated 2022-11-12 23:00 UTC)