[HN Gopher] Build the Modular Monolith First
       Build the Modular Monolith First
       Author : kiyanwang
       Score  : 85 points
       Date   : 2022-11-13 17:23 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.fearofoblivion.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.fearofoblivion.com)
       | twblalock wrote:
       | You can try to build a monolith that is modular enough to break
       | up later. But I have never seen it happen, and I've been around
       | for a while now.
       | What actually happens, 100% of the time in my personal
       | experience, is that you end up with both the old monolith and new
       | microservices, the monolith never gets fully broken up, and now
       | you need to support two development paradigms forever.
       | Has anyone here ever seen a monolith be successfully 100% broken
       | up into microservices?
         | groestl wrote:
         | Not only broken up, but merged again after a while as well.
         | hfjcic7 wrote:
       | mtkd wrote:
       | Any team starting with microservices on an unvalidated concept
       | likely hasn't built a big project from the ground up before
       | If it's a small engineering team there is nothing more optimal
       | than working on a big scappy vertical codebase in the early
       | stages
       | In the fortunate situation you need to start scaling -- breaking
       | that out into MS later is usually low effort and fun
       | If you break it up to early you often end up with logic ghettos
       | forming in the wrong stack that become near impossible to
       | relocate later
       | I was talking to a startup last year who were hiring several
       | hundred engineers to build a handful of microservice stacks in
       | anticipation of the traffic they may get at launch (success
       | expected because of previous unrelated founder experience), and
       | wanting to make it easier to deploy vast engineering resource on
       | it -- they've still not launched anything
         | eanghel wrote:
         | > breaking that out into MS later is usually low effort and fun
         | In my experience, breaking down 5+ year old / multiteam
         | monoliths has always been painful, frustrating, and required
         | huge efforts, especially when nobody remembers why certain
         | things are the way they are. In addition, getting enough
         | support for business to do it was hard. I really find it quite
         | surprising to hear someone share the opposite opinion and
         | wonder what kind of environment and the size of the project you
         | were in.
           | alecthomas wrote:
           | 100% agreed there. I've never seen this go smoothly, and
           | usually the monolith lives forever, slowly shedding
           | functionality but never quite disappearing.
       | [deleted]
       | revskill wrote:
       | The issue is not microservice is complicated. It's about CI/CD
       | complexity.
       | janef0421 wrote:
       | I think an important thing to keep in mind when discussing
       | monoliths or Microservices is that you can build modular code
       | without needing multiple binaries, processes, or server
       | instances. If you follow best practices when creating a monolith,
       | creating well-defined modules with clear input and output
       | boundaries, then it should be relatively easy to split those
       | modules into separate programs and create ways for those modules
       | to communicate, if it later becomes necessary to move towards a
       | micro-services architecture.
         | KyeRussell wrote:
         | I think a (but not the only) central conceit of a microservices
         | architecture is that most development teams cannot be trusted
         | to maintain proper separation of concerns, and enforcing at a
         | technical level the inability to call Any Old Function is a big
         | part of what you're buying into.
           | eeperson wrote:
           | This always seemed strange to me. If your team can't be
           | trusted not to make spaghetti in a monolith, what stops them
           | from making distributed spaghetti in microservices? In theory
           | the extra work of making an API call would give you smaller
           | bowls of spaghetti. However, once you add some abstraction to
           | making these calls it seems like developers are empowered to
           | make the same mess. Except now it is slower and harder to
           | debug.
       | anon23anon wrote:
       | I 100% agree w/ this and play an enterprise architect type role
       | at my employer but I would totally get lambasted if I proposed
       | this. Honestly a lot of the ppl I work w/ aren't developers and
       | never were. They just have big mouths and climbed the ranks.
       | Sadly they're the ones who write my reviews and could get me
       | canned so I have to play ball.
         | rroot wrote:
         | Been there, done that, caused a burnout after a long time.
         | 0/10, wouldn't recommend. Pay was good though.
       | basicallybones wrote:
       | Microservices vs. monoliths is a false dichotomy in the present
       | day.
       | If you put microservices in a monorepo with a good build tool
       | (like NX), put the common auth/logging/types/dtos/etc. functions
       | in reusable libs, and version/release all the apps together, you
       | get the best of both worlds.
       | At a small scale, you can deploy your whole containerized stack
       | on two big HA instances (monolithic infrastructure, so much
       | easier). You can leverage common libraries without versioning
       | hell/cross-repo coordination. If you have mediocre developers on
       | the team and very aggressive development timelines, the monorepo
       | structure helps enforce modular organization. If you are a good
       | developer, your workflow gets very, very fast, and you can manage
       | a lot of complexity.
       | Add: additionally, if you have ever-changing requirements and
       | some are obviously bolt-on one-offs that aren't going anywhere,
       | you can limit damage to the code quality by splitting those
       | features into a separate microservices (making it much easier to
       | safely deprecate/remove them in the future).
         | twblalock wrote:
         | A monorepo of microservices is the best pattern, but only if
         | you have a dedicated team that keeps the monorepo buildable,
         | builds tooling for it, and enforces best practices and the
         | right culture. If you don't do that, you will end up with a
         | huge mess -- I've seen it happen.
         | For companies that can't dedicate the resources to do a
         | monorepo properly, a repo per team is the best approach. The
         | true value of microservices is decoupling teams so they can
         | move independently without blocking each other.
         | Also, needing to release the services together, or in a certain
         | order, is a very bad and unscalable pattern. Teams need to be
         | able to move independently. This requires a commitment to
         | avoiding breaking API changes no matter what kind of repo
         | structure you use -- and for the love of God, never let more
         | than one service access a database table! A table should only
         | ever have one service that accesses it, and API boundaries need
         | to be enforced as the only way other services get to the data.
         | Do those things and you will be better off no matter what repo
         | structure you use.
           | basicallybones wrote:
           | These are very good points. A few responses:
           | - The monorepo tooling I prefer at startup scale (NX) does
           | have a learning curve, but it has been pretty easy to
           | maintain using automation (good linting, good build/test
           | pipeline, etc.). For me, learning and leveraging the right
           | monorepo tooling is way easier than having to enforce
           | consistency across large numbers of repos with a small team
           | or watch a low-tooling monolith decay into tightly-coupled
           | spaghetti. I am also in a particular situation where the need
           | for eventual scale is obvious, will come very quickly
           | (clients are big), and the thought of having to rush a scale-
           | inexperienced team (management and devs!) through a monolith-
           | to-microservice migration on a tightly coupled codebase while
           | meeting SLAs is so unpleasant that it makes me a bit sick to
           | my stomach to think about it.
           | - The monorepo framework/tooling matters a lot. For instance,
           | NX is small-scale friendly and largely can be overseen by
           | senior Typescript devs. Bazel, on the other hand, requires a
           | hefty context switch and has a very steep learning curve.
           | - You are right that releasing all services together does not
           | scale past a certain point. My point is that microservice
           | monorepos let you pivot quickly between all-together
           | (monolithic) releases and individual app releases as
           | appropriate for your scale. With good caching and parallel
           | blue/green deployments, adding new services to an all-at-once
           | build/deploy pipeline just uses a bit more compute for the
           | pipeline without meaningfully impacting the pipeline run
           | times.
           | - Having to release services serially in a certain order
           | obviously indicates something is seriously wrong under the
           | hood.
           | - You are very right about monorepo tooling/best practices,
           | but I would extend that to any project that eventually will
           | need to scale. Someone has to take ownership and enforce good
           | practices. Spaghetti code can be harder to prevent in a
           | feature-heavy monolith and certainly is harder to deal with
           | for me if it is in many different repos (i.e., several
           | monoliths).
           | - You can have more than one monorepo for teams that are very
           | different or have specific needs (i.e., different languages,
           | mobile apps, etc.).
           | - I wish I were in a situation where the people around me had
           | a commitment to avoiding breaking API changes, but it just is
           | not so because of aggressive development timelines. All-
           | together versioning/releasing helps deal with (planned,
           | intentional) breaking API changes very efficiently, because
           | (as long as you can tolerate a failed API call once in a
           | while as a blue/green deployment switches traffic) you're
           | basically performing the deployment as if it is a monolith.
       | theptip wrote:
       | The assertion that monoliths are taboo is a bit odd; "monolith
       | first" has been pragmatic best practice for years:
       | https://martinfowler.com/bliki/MonolithFirst.html.
         | mirekrusin wrote:
         | Exactly, Sam Newman says the same thing in "Building
         | Microservices" book.
         | I don't know where people got this idea but I've noticed the
         | less experienced, the more noise they make about it.
         | ch4s3 wrote:
         | I think this depends on who you listen to, but I'm a huge fan
         | of the monolith and wouldn't break one up unless I has a
         | specific tech need(eg some weird library), a performance issue
         | unaddressable in the monolith, or big organizational people
         | problem and in that order.
       | miroz wrote:
       | Ditto. You should start with a monolith with a vision of how to
       | break it down into microservices (if ever needed).
       | When my company got a contract for a new project, my colleague
       | created a prototype, a bare-bone solution that had 9 web projects
       | that communicated over REST, because microservices. I suggested
       | starting with monolith. Guess whose design was accepted because
       | it was more sexy. It never got to production for multiple
       | reasons, but part of it was that development was awfully slow.
       | Orchestrating changes across services when development is in flux
       | is extremely hard.
       | jacurtis wrote:
       | I think more startups need to consider building monoliths first.
       | Micro-service architecture definitely has the advantage at scale,
       | but the advantage of monoliths is the speed that you can build
       | and improve them. Microservices require much more planning and
       | architecture discussions compared to monoliths.
       | Microservices also can have incredible performance improvements
       | over monoliths (being able to scale or tailor each micro service
       | to its' specific needs as opposed to "on size fits all" of
       | monoliths). So yes they can be right-sized in your cloud easier
       | and have tailored performance, but it comes at the complexity of
       | the deployment and management of the system. By comparison
       | monoliths can sometimes be managed without a dedicated
       | SRE/DevOps/CloudEngineering team.
       | Monoliths tend to be cheaper to deploy (up to a certain point).
       | Startups should consider building on monoliths more often. For
       | proof of concept and MVP tools, monoliths are the way to go. Solo
       | developers also are much better served with monoliths compared to
       | micro services. But I will say, eventually if you scale big
       | enough it will eventually make sense to leave monoliths behind
       | and move towards micro services. Yes there are exceptions
       | (someone will write, "but XYZ company is worth 9 gajillion
       | dollars and runs on a monolith), but generally speaking I
       | consider starting with a monolith and moving to micro services
       | after you hit market acceptance for your product.
         | mirekrusin wrote:
         | They are better at scale (hundreds of developers or machines
         | needed to run the system).
         | They are better at avoiding downtime during deployments because
         | everything is built around supporting it - but at huge cost.
         | Offline migrations - which may be taking just seconds/minutes -
         | are so much easier to do. We're talking about order of
         | magnitude difference in complexity of adding new features.
         | In typescript world, monorepo with shared packages where some
         | are dockerized services (all under same monorepo wide version)
         | is more than enough for most projects. Microservice crowd will
         | call it monolith (because services can't be deployed
         | independently, they likely share SQL database etc), but it's a
         | set of services. You can run it from docker/swarm/k8s -
         | scalability is not really a problem here until you're HUGE
         | (hundreds of developers or hundreds of machines to deploy to).
         | Refactoring, adding new features, dropping stuff etc. - is all
         | easy, usually type checker will guide you to all places that
         | need changing. Single set of migrations. Straight forward e2e.
         | Fast local development where you can spin the whole thing etc.
         | Why people like to complicate their lives when they have this?
       | mberning wrote:
       | I have long running ruby and java apps that I use for this
       | purpose. They have build scripts, test frameworks, etc. When I
       | get an idea for something new I add them to one of these existing
       | projects, but I do it in a way that I can easily excise it in the
       | future.
         | plugin-baby wrote:
         | Megalith!
         | afhammad wrote:
         | Curious to hear more. Are these personal projects or serving
         | users? What are some examples of unrelated ideas you've tacked
         | on to existing app servers?
       | BiteCode_dev wrote:
       | And then on it because you most likely part of a project that
       | will never have any requirement that needs anything else.
       | jrochkind1 wrote:
       | This is written like it's a novel take bucking the trend, but I
       | feel like most things I have seen on this topic for at least
       | several years now have the same observations and conclusions?
       | If anyone wants to actually speak up for microservices, I feel
       | like that's what needs a defense at this point!
         | jameshart wrote:
         | I think anyone who has taken a large monolith through a
         | significant platform version upgrade or change, like .NET 2 to
         | .NET 4, or Python2 to Python3, or Angular to React, would need
         | a very persuasive argument to make them believe that starting a
         | new project with a monolithic design was a good idea.
           | KyeRussell wrote:
           | I'd tell anyone that thought that that it's a very
           | shortsighted view. If they had started with microservices
           | there's a good chance the project wouldn't be around long
           | enough to even go through that transition.
             | jameshart wrote:
             | So don't start with microservices. But also don't start
             | with a monolith!
             | If you have offline batch processes, don't make the mistake
             | of implementing them in the same codebase as your website
             | just because you already have the DB access and
             | build/deploy tooling set up. If you have an admin portal
             | and a public website that listen on different ports, don't
             | run both listeners in the same process.
             | 'don't build microservices yet' does not have to mean
             | 'start with a monolith'.
         | jolux wrote:
         | Microservices to me are solving two problems: an organizational
         | problem and a technical problem. The organizational problem is
         | more obvious: well-factored monolithic codebases go poorly with
         | large, interdependent groups of teams. The technical problem is
         | that while it's true that you can write a monolith in a modular
         | style, in my experience enforcing the single responsibility
         | principle in a monolith demands a level of discipline that is
         | not feasible to maintain indefinitely in an environment with
         | personnel turnover. When architectural coupling requires making
         | coordinated changes to multiple services, the barrier is high
         | enough that people will tend to avoid it instead.
           | eanghel wrote:
           | Wholeheartedly agree, I also feel like people are
           | overestimating how much discipline you can collectively have
           | in an organization. And if you create a monolith with hard-
           | enough boundaries to enforce modularization then you might as
           | well create multiple services (and not necessarily the one-
           | microservice-per-entity kind of architectures, just as many
           | as the modules)
       | vyrotek wrote:
       | Completely agree! We build our .NET projects in a similar way
       | too.
       | My current SaaS company has 8 web projects and 1 core project.
       | Some of the web projects are SPAs using BFF and others are APIs
       | for customers or our mobile app. They aren't tiny sites. We're up
       | to ~500 controllers. All in a single repo and automatically
       | deployed as a monolith. We have a super small but very productive
       | team which we attribute to this simple design.
         | jjtheblunt wrote:
         | BFF ?
           | kroken wrote:
           | Backend for frontend
           | vyrotek wrote:
           | Backends for Frontends. An alternative to making "one API to
           | rule them all". Far less time spent trying to model an API in
           | an abstract way that makes sense to many consumers.
           | Instead, an API and the endpoints are designed for a specific
           | client. (e.g. A Mobile App or SPA) For us, this also meant a
           | more RPC based API where and reusability is managed after the
           | network hop.
           | https://samnewman.io/patterns/architectural/bff/
       | rwoerz wrote:
       | The whole monolith vs microservice discussion revolves around a
       | false dichotomy and higly subjective and context-dependend
       | definitions. For example, what if a monolith is integrated into a
       | larger system landscape (e.g. due to an enterprise merger). Is it
       | still a monolith?
         | [deleted]
         | adra wrote:
         | A monolithic architecture isn't about being the one and only
         | compute tier. It's about defining how many distinct things that
         | any tier does, which is why microservices go well with
         | partitioned teams. Smaller compute business domains means
         | specialization and easily divisible work functions.
         | jameshart wrote:
         | Indeed. Most companies which are cited as 'running the whole
         | system as a monolith' aren't _really_ a monolith. They don 't
         | actually run their CMS, their online comment system, their
         | payment processing, their payroll, their recruitment databases,
         | their build pipelines, their bug tracker, and their hardware
         | asset management system, all out of one codebase with a single
         | RDBMS on the backend.
         | People will laugh at that concept, but go look at how mainframe
         | systems work, and you might be surprised how close some old
         | banking systems are to that level of monolithicness. There
         | really are companies who run essentially all of those systems
         | off a single ERP platform. Or worse, on Sharepoint.
       | [deleted]
       | mirekrusin wrote:
       | Microservices is too catchy name. It somehow implicitly means to
       | people less complexity, but the reality is quite opposite. They
       | should be called "a lot of little monoliths that we have to make
       | always running and compatible with each other when updating"
       | would reflect more appropriatelly what it is. Good analogy is
       | replacing wheels for better ones while driving. In non
       | microservice system you stop, change wheels and start driving
       | again with new wheels. With microservices you need to do it while
       | driving and it's going to be more complicated.
       | rroot wrote:
       | During the Covid pandemic, I watched from a distance a group of 6
       | people start and destroy a project.
       | After the 6 months, they didn't even have a a MVP.
       | This was run on a 6 month fund from the local government. They
       | didn't know each other but they all knew that after 6 months it'd
       | be over unless they'd secure more funding.
       | They spent the time faffing around, configuring things, splitting
       | things, ... effectively making things harder for themselves.
         | gw98 wrote:
         | That's what we're currently working on.
         | Only 20% of the work now goes into actually improving the
         | product.
           | actually_a_dog wrote:
           | That may be better than 100% of the work going into improving
           | the product, taking 1/5 the speed it should.
             | gw98 wrote:
             | We're still doing 100% of the work but with 20% of the
             | quality.
       | jameshart wrote:
       | There are more than two architectures.
       | I agree if you don't have organizational scale, microservices
       | solve problems you don't have.
       | But there are at least three separate things that are
       | 'monolithic' about a classical monolith. 1) the codebase, 2) the
       | database, and 3) the build and release process.
       | And you can certainly modularize your codebase into libraries or
       | independent modules, but retain monolithic builds and releases
       | against a monolithic relational database - a 'modular monolith'.
       | But I'm not sure that's the _interesting_ part to break up,
       | especially if you are not trying to solve the organizational
       | problems microservices help with.
       | On the other hand, modularizing your build and deployment process
       | could be helpful even if you are a solo developer - because it
       | helps you reduce cycle times, and make smaller changes which
       | means that you can trace bugs more quickly.
       | And modularizing data access is better for security and reducing
       | blast radius of bugs or errors.
       | Modularizing the codebase seems much more like a problem you only
       | need to tackle when your organizational complexity increases.
         | mind-blight wrote:
         | Similarly, I feel like microservices are implemented to help
         | with "scale", but it's often fuzzy which metric is being
         | scaled. You can scale
         | 1. Number of developers in your org 2. Number of users on your
         | platform 3 Amount of data or compute used
         | Not all products need to scale all of these dimensions, and a
         | microservice architecture may or may not help much. I'd argue
         | that you probably get better results for #2 by optimizing
         | database queries and implementing a good catching layer
           | KyeRussell wrote:
           | The core question "what is this in service of?" is what
           | separates good developers from mediocre ones.
       (page generated 2022-11-13 23:00 UTC)