[HN Gopher] Source code is not enough
       Source code is not enough
       Author : kiyanwang
       Score  : 54 points
       Date   : 2022-11-13 17:34 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (fuzzypixelz.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (fuzzypixelz.com)
       | fragmede wrote:
       | With that license, does Aseprite qualify as capital-o Open Source
       | software, or is it merely source available?
         | rpdillon wrote:
         | It is not OSI open source, since it doesn't allow unfettered
         | distribution of original or modified sources.
       | jimjimjim wrote:
       | Seems sensible. Whenever i've had to do a code escrow with a corp
       | customer, I've included the whole build system, documentation and
       | enough to make it turnkey. For Open Source, it's like Open Car
       | Parts.
       | doix wrote:
       | I have re-read the post many times and I don't quite get the
       | point.
       | The first example is not FOSS because of its license. There are
       | loads of examples like that. I don't see how it relates to the
       | complexity of build systems or how it affects freedoms.
       | The obfuscation point is kind of interesting. I'm guessing a
       | minified JavaScript file does not count as open source even if it
       | is distributed with the correct license because it's been
       | transformed by a machine. If you hand wrote some obfuscated
       | JavaScript I'm guessing it's fine. You could argue the end result
       | is the same, or how can you tell it's not hand written, and you'd
       | be right.
       | Then it goes on to talk about upstream and what not, but I don't
       | get what the point is.
       | Then the last paragraph talks about forcing software to be
       | audited and enforcing regulation. To me, this is the epitome of
       | anti-free software. Now you can no longer run whatever program
       | you want and instead only what <someone>(your OS vendor? The
       | government?) wants you to run.
       | JonChesterfield wrote:
       | Building software is often a massive pain in the ass. I don't
       | think that's essential but it usually seems to be true.
       | Occasionally a program is wholly in some interpreted language in
       | which case it might run or you might have the same experience
       | with dependencies.
       | I believe guix and nix have largely solved that by writing build
       | scripts for everything they're willing to bring into scope.
       | Debian seems to be a mix of patching upstream source and build
       | script changes.
       | A few projects compile to C and ship that one program.c file -
       | sqlite comes to mind - but editing that one source file may not
       | be easy if it was built by a build system that did lots of
       | surprising things.
       | I'm mostly interested in llvm and we try to make it easy to build
       | on a variety of systems, so it could totally be worse, but it's
       | not easy either. And that's partly by DIY'ing a bunch of stuff
       | that could be library dependencies.
       | I've no idea what to do about this. It feels like a lot of
       | engineering effort is lost to chasing build weirdness. Open to
       | suggestions!
       | p.s. I blame cmake for a lot of build complexity in the C++
       | world, and npm for whatever the hell is going on over in
       | JavaScript. Random node projects from GitHub never run for me.
         | Gigachad wrote:
         | The root of most of these issues is the fact C/C++ has no
         | package manager and central repo. If you want to build a fully
         | Rust program, its trivial. As soon as it requires something C
         | based you now have to track down the things it needs. And the
         | build tools don't even know what is required. They just attempt
         | to build and spit out some unintelligible error you have to
         | search to find the stack overflow post telling you what package
         | is needed and the 10 different names it has on different OSs.
         | Thankfully the problem is getting better. Most languages now
         | have a central package repo as well as killing off dynamic
         | linking so the distro maintainers don't attempt packaging
         | libraries.
           | jimjimjim wrote:
           | c and c++ have been around since before there was a central
           | anything. Who should be the central for c?
             | vq wrote:
             | I doubt there could ever be something official, but for me
             | (and others,) nixpkgs serves as a central source for a huge
             | amount of C and C++ code.
       | haburka wrote:
       | This has a really terrible take where the author compares
       | javascript obfuscation to source code complexity, suggesting that
       | source code that's as hard to read as obfuscated JS is unfree.
       | This is a pretty flimsy point - so much that I doubt this article
       | was written in good faith. Firstly obfuscated javascript is
       | intentionally modified by a program. Secondly, does this mean
       | that any source code that's too complicated for the author is
       | suddenly no longer FOSS?
       | Code is often very complex for good and bad reasons but very
       | rarely is it done just to prevent comprehension. If it's not
       | being done intentionally then I'm sure that as long as you're
       | skilled and taking the time, you can understand the code.
         | [deleted]
       | kwhitefoot wrote:
       | I get the point, but credibility is dented a bit by making it
       | about FOSS and then using an example that isn't FOSS licensed
       | together with Arthur Whitney's b which doesn't even have a
       | license.
       | acedTrex wrote:
       | I absolutely despise this post. As an open source dev, politely
       | fuck off with your expectations of me. The source code is right
       | there, MIT licensed, go do the work on your own to work with it.
       | Its not obfuscated, it's the same stuff I work on every day. I'm
       | not required to accommodate or cater to other people wanting to
       | develop it.
         | [deleted]
         | zen21 wrote:
         | I don't understand why people are reading some requirement for
         | them to accommodate something into this post.
         | He's simply making the case that as things stand, open source
         | doesn't enable people to do much with the code if they aren't
         | part of the project itself.
         | For the most part that seems true. Why is it such a problem for
         | him to say it?
           | Supermancho wrote:
           | > people are reading some requirement for them to accommodate
           | something into this post.
           | There is no other interpretation. "not enough" implies there
           | should be MORE, which is a requirement. The requirement is
           | never elucidated. This is a Mazouz gripe post for OSS issues
           | that are not unknown, and provides no insight.
           | > open source doesn't enable people to do much with the code
           | if they aren't part of the project itself
           | All code requires effort to utilize. Proposing that OSS
           | should have some additional (hand-wave whatever you imagine)
           | requirement lowers the effort to utilize it in some way _and
           | that result differs for each program_. Imaging OSS code that
           | simply does not compile. What more can you ask?
           | Homogenization of code is a Sisyphean endeavor. The best we
           | have to a uniform interface is source-code text.
             | zen21 wrote:
             | > There is no other interpretation. "not enough" implies
             | there should be MORE, which is a requirement. The
             | requirement is never elucidated.
             | Yes it is. At the top of the article he says:
             | > People will often claim that since X is Free and Open
             | Source Software, every user of X is enabled to hack on it
             | and bend it to their will.
             | Which is basically the same goal as Alan Kay had for
             | smalltalk systems. Why is it so controversial to say we
             | haven't reached this goal?
               | bsza wrote:
               | Because it's an expectation about the _quality_ of the
               | maintainer 's work. FOSS and code quality are two very
               | different things, and they should stay that way. The
               | saying "looking a gift horse in the mouth" comes to mind.
               | zen21 wrote:
               | You seem to be validating the original complaint - that
               | FOSS alone doesn't empower people the way it is often
               | claimed.
               | As for looking a gift horse in the mouth, you may not be
               | aware of how much that sentiment devalues FOSS. The
               | implication being that as long as it's free, it doesn't
               | matter how bad it is.
           | mooreds wrote:
           | > He's simply making the case that as things stand, open
           | source doesn't enable people to do much with the code if they
           | aren't part of the project itself.
           | In that case, I'm unclear. Is he advocating for OSS devs to
           | do more to make projects inclusive?
           | Or is he saying that OSS isn't all that, and the code to
           | Asperite might as well be closed, given how much beyond the
           | source code goes into making a software product?
           | imiric wrote:
           | Except it's not actually true. Build issues are mostly a
           | solved problem with reproducible build systems, like Nix and
           | Docker to an extent. If a project is not using this, kindly
           | suggest it to its authors, or, you know, propose the change
           | yourself.
           | The lack of documentation is also a problem with specific
           | projects only, not a widespread F/LOSS issue. And again, if
           | the project lacks in this area, you have the means to improve
           | it.
           | As for projects being difficult for newcomers; yes, this is
           | an issue. But it's one you'll also encounter when approaching
           | _any_ codebase, where you'll find it takes time and effort to
           | understand and contribute a meaningful change. If you're not
           | a programmer experienced in a particular tech stack, then
           | it's obvious the barrier to entry will be even higher.
           | None of these issues are specific to F/LOSS, so the post
           | reads like a rant from an entitled user. The right mindset to
           | begin with should be one of gratitude that developers are
           | granting you these freedoms which you don't get with the
           | majority of consumer software nowadays.
           | And another benefit of F/LOSS: just because a project is
           | inaccessible to person A, person B might find it easy to
           | contribute, which encourages a community to exist, from which
           | everyone ultimately benefits.
             | zen21 wrote:
             | > None of these issues are specific to F/LOSS, so the post
             | reads like a rant from an entitled user.
             | > The right mindset to begin with should be one of
             | gratitude that developers are granting you these freedoms
             | which you don't get with the majority of consumer software
             | nowadays.
             | By this logic, FOSS is always impervious to criticism
             | because non FOSS is worse.
             | That's not an argument against the premise of the article.
       | scarface74 wrote:
       | I worked on a company sponsored open source project for a couple
       | of years. We were a small team from different departments who
       | kept it going as both a labor of love and because we used it for
       | customer projects.
       | I could make necessary changes for a customer, fork it,
       | generalize it and then after discussions with the rest of the
       | team, I could get my changes merged after the team came to a
       | consensus. It was a relatively painless process. We could release
       | any time we wanted to.
       | Then as the project became more popular, 5 years into its life
       | (about a year after I got involved), it became more official and
       | transferred to another team. Then any change had to go through
       | "the process" and any proposed change had to go through levels of
       | approval. I still had commit rights and they didn't take away my
       | access.
       | I found myself in the same position as the Haskell developers.
       | Either I had to hard fork the code and have a customer specific
       | implementation or go through "the process". It wasn't a fun
       | skunkworks project anymore.
       | Luckily, one of my last changes before the project got
       | transitioned to another team was an officially supported
       | extension framework where I could customize functionality without
       | changing the base code - much like the VSCode example.
       | jraph wrote:
       | The question for me is probably "not enough _for what_ "?
       | My requirement is user-respecting. Software should respect users,
       | be useful to society, and should not (be designed to) cause harm
       | (environmentally, psychologically, should respect user's privacy
       | - and why this is important is its whole own discussion).
       | Free software is (arguably) a requirement for being user-
       | respecting. A necessary condition. Because it is theoretically
       | necessary for users (or someone they ask - most people don't have
       | the required time / knowledge) to be able to adapt or maintain
       | pieces of software they rely on, if its original builders ever
       | disappear, want to take another path or simply won't fulfills the
       | user's need. Because the users should be able to inspect their
       | software. But indeed not sufficient. You may need guidance to
       | understand the code and build it (documentation) [1]. You need
       | reproducible builds (so someone can check that the shipped
       | version does what the code says, so users don't need to build the
       | program themselves each time to be sure). And other requirements
       | too: like the software should not manipulate the users to make
       | them do things that they would not have done and cause harm, or
       | skew society in some undesirable direction. Which can be
       | subjective.
       | For instance, Chromium is free software, probably documented
       | quite well, but still serves a monopoly from an ad-supported
       | company, which is arguably "not sufficiently" user-respecting and
       | helps it to push the entire world to an economical model that
       | relies on user-privacy issues, manipulation caused by ads, and
       | control from a company bigger than countries and yet not
       | democratic at all (assuming democracy is desirable).
       | Software should be free. And more. How exactly? I don't really
       | know.
       | [1] Note that I also think we can't require documentation or any
       | extra work from people contributing free software neither. They
       | already make a gift to the world by releasing their free
       | software, especially if they do it in their spare time.
         | scarface74 wrote:
         | I would think Chromium is just the opposite. If you have the
         | resources and the knowledge, you can fork it and make it your
         | own. I doubt Microsoft's version has any Google dependencies.
         | Also, if I recall correctly, MS has been able to get changes
         | pushed upstream.
           | jraph wrote:
           | > MS has been able to get changes pushed upstream
           | Yes, because they suit Google. I suspect you'd not get your
           | contribution to get back Manifest v2 features which allow
           | tampering with requests from extensions upstream. It would go
           | against Google's decisions. They can say that it's for
           | technical reasons, but this removal also helps their business
           | model.
           | Chromium is a wonderful piece of software, but it's not
           | politically neutral. Software, in general, is not neutral.
           | Assuming I have the resources, I can fork it and make the
           | changes myself. At an individual level, I'm covered thanks to
           | Chromium being free software. But at the collective level,
           | not so much. Most people will likely continue to use Chrome
           | (or Chromium with some luck) and play inside whatever limits
           | Google sets. Unfortunately, some network effect is present
           | too, which raises collective issues (some websites might not
           | bother with compatibility with other browsers, for instance).
           | And the collective aspect matters (to me).
           | Because of this network effect, using Chromium and Chromium-
           | based browsers is, in my opinion, a vote for Google's
           | business model. Not necessarily in the intent, but in effect.
           | The issue is that individual choices don't only have
           | individual repercussions.
           | Software, including free software, can harm society. Programs
           | are not neutral. Power games are in effect. Hence why I think
           | the free aspect is not sufficient.
           | I could have used a caricatural open source missile launcher
           | example to convey this idea, but also seams less interesting.
             | scarface74 wrote:
             | > They can say that it's for technical reasons, but this
             | removal also helps their business model.
             | Isn't manifestv2 basically the same as Apple is doing?
             | Apple has no business reason to prevent better ad blocking
             | in Safari. Having untrusted third party code intercept all
             | of your request is a privacy concern.
               | jraph wrote:
               | I'm not familiar with the Apple ecosystem. But it is my
               | understanding that Safari does this too indeed. That does
               | not make it right.
               | > Having untrusted third party code intercept all of your
               | request is a privacy concern
               | Indeed, but I trust uBlock Origin. More than Google's
               | software.
               | In any case, extensions are a privacy concern themselves.
               | I still want to be able to install them. Those I trust.
               | Google does have a review phase in their almost mandatory
               | Play Store anyway, they could use this instead of
               | removing useful features if that's their concern.
           | zen21 wrote:
           | If you "have the resources and the knowledge" then you don't
           | even need the source code. You can build your own browser
           | from scratch.
             | scarface74 wrote:
             | So you think it takes the same amount of resources and
             | knowledge to build a browser from scratch as it does to
             | make modifications to an existing one?
               | zen21 wrote:
               | No, that's not what I said.
               | scarface74 wrote:
               | > If you "have the resources and the knowledge" then you
               | don't even need the source code
               | Are you not equating the resources needed to create a
               | browser with the resources required to modify one?
               | zen21 wrote:
               | No. I didn't equate those things.
               | Edit: It's not clear why you think I did.
         | kkfx wrote:
         | Personally i consider Chromium as not really free. Simply
         | because of it's development model (not developed in an open
         | community form, from the start) and codebase size (no single
         | human can know it all).
         | Personally i consider a software free if it born free,
         | developed openly so to have eventually a community of different
         | peoples with different ideas, set of interests, culture, ...
         | have seen the code from it's early days when it was small
         | enough to be fully understood and subsequent
         | discussions/evolution happened in such open manner. It's not
         | exactly a measurable thing, and it's not merely "freedom" but
         | for me is a requirement to consider a software as a really free
         | one: the freedom of knowing and trusting it with acceptable
         | efforts.
         | feoren wrote:
         | > Free software is (arguably) a requirement for being user-
         | respecting.
         | Arguably indeed. I'll argue this all day. I'd argue that, for
         | instance, Excel is mostly user-respecting, within its own
         | limits. OneNote is, as well. (If you disable telemetry, which
         | is a counterpoint, but could be argued is not a core part of
         | those products.) Note for instance that you can save an Excel
         | document to .ods format, the main format for OpenOffice and
         | LibreOffice.
         | On the other hand, free software is (arguably) incompatible
         | with being developer-respecting, as TFA demonstrates. Software
         | needs to be developer-respecting to thrive as well.
         | > Software should be free. And more.
         | This is not compatible with the statement "developers should be
         | paid". As a developer who would like to make a living, I
         | obviously strongly disagree with this.
         | Nor is that statement compatible with any sensible intellectual
         | property or copyright protections whatsoever, unless you really
         | just hate software developers particularly. There's no reason
         | why software developers shouldn't be allowed to profit from
         | their work, but J.K. Rowling should be allowed to profit from
         | Harry Potter, or Lin Manuel Miranda profit from sales of the
         | Encanto soundtrack. If you truly believe no artist or creative
         | person anywhere in the world ever deserves to be compensated
         | for anything they do, well, I just really never want to live in
         | the world you imagine.
           | jraph wrote:
           | When I say free, I don't mean gratis.
           | > On the other hand, free software is (arguably) incompatible
           | with being developer-respecting
           | If you mean developer-respecting as in "paid developer".
           | That's not true. There are several ways of building a
           | business around free software. Anyway, people releasing their
           | software as free software do it willingly. That's strange to
           | say that their software does not respect them.
           | > This is not compatible with the statement "developers
           | should be paid"
           | No. As a developer, I chose to work for a company making
           | money from free software. This company sells paid licenses
           | for extensions (the code is free software, but people,
           | especially enterprises, will pay for the convenience of
           | having it built for them and installed from an easy-to-use
           | UI), support, cloud hosting and customization.
           | I should restrict my statement however: end-user software
           | should be free software. Not necessarily free beer. And if a
           | customer wants non-free customization, that's fine with me.
           | They are the ones who pay and use the software, under terms
           | they outline in the contract they have with the company.
           | Though I don't enjoy writing such non-free code if it could
           | benefit others and will try to avoid this. That's a waste of
           | my time, I'd rather have my time be spent on stuff that's
           | useful for more people than just a customer whose values are
           | not, by the way, necessarily totally aligned with mine. My
           | company too, by the way. It encourages their customers to
           | allow it to develop customization as open source components
           | (by making a discount, and open source components are more
           | likely to be maintained and get improvements outside this
           | specific customer's contract - improvements can be paid by
           | other customers needing them).
           | There are ways. Core WordPress and Nextcloud developers are
           | paid too. That's true for many projects.
           | > If you truly believe no artist or creative person anywhere
           | in the world ever deserves to be compensated for anything
           | they do, well, I just really never want to live in the world
           | you imagine.
           | There's no bad implication like people being locked up with a
           | closed solution with non-free art. I'm not against it, though
           | I have sympathy for people releasing art under a free
           | license.
             | feoren wrote:
             | > There are several ways of building a business around free
             | software.
             | For multiple orders of magnitude less opportunity than paid
             | software. You think some internal business to business data
             | processing software backed by hundreds of database tables
             | and containing trade secrets works as an open source model?
             | Because you said "software should be free." Period. And
             | that's software. Those big Excel workbooks with thousands
             | of formulas: that's software too. Internal ETL scripts, R
             | scripts for data analysis: all software. None of that makes
             | any sense as open source software. So what you're really
             | saying is: internal company software should not exist.
             | Trade secrets should not exist. A huge range of what
             | millions of people do every day is unethical because you're
             | not allowed to have a copy you can do whatever you want
             | with. It's selfish and narrow-minded and harmful to our
             | profession.
             | > Anyway, people releasing their software as free software
             | do it willingly. That's strange to say that their software
             | does not respect them.
             | I'm sure you can find many examples of people abandoning
             | open source projects because they're not making enough to
             | live on and their users are being toxic to them. You know
             | exactly what I mean.
             | > I chose to work for a company making money from free
             | software.
             | "I won the lottery, therfore everyone should quit their
             | jobs and just buy lottery tickets." There is not enough
             | opportunity in OSS for everyone to do this, unless you want
             | 95%+ of developers to lose their jobs.
             | > end-user software should be free software. Not
             | necessarily free beer.
             | This is an arbitrary destinction; anyone can be an "end
             | user". And for end-user software to be free, all libraries
             | it uses must also be free, so you've really only excluded
             | ETL scripts here. And you can't have the "free speech" kind
             | without the "free beer" kind.
             | Every single argument in favor of "all software everywhere
             | should be OSS" has the same fallacy: here's six examples of
             | OSS projects that make money, therefore all 23 million
             | developers in the world can do it, and we will forever
             | ignore all evidence to the contrary. It's unbelievably
             | idealistic and narrow-minded.
           | UncleEntity wrote:
           | > On the other hand, free software is (arguably) incompatible
           | with being developer-respecting, as TFA demonstrates.
           | Software needs to be developer-respecting to thrive as well.
           | I labored, happily, for free[0] on blender's dodgy old code
           | with virtually no documentation and the only way to figure
           | out the really tricky bits was hope someone was on IRC who
           | could point you in the right direction. Hell, with half the
           | user features I'd have to read the code to figure out what a
           | particular button did.
           | Frickin' nightmare -- did I mention happily?
           | I like to believe the time I spent was worth it because I
           | mostly worked on filling out the python API so other people
           | could write fancy extensions, this was right after the
           | transition to python 3 so somebody had to put in the time as
           | the old system was way too dodgy to be kept.
           | If I just didn't work on the things I did because blender
           | didn't respect me (whatever that means) I can give you a
           | bunch of examples that the users/artists were able to build
           | which wouldn't be possible because the core devs didn't have
           | the time to go poking all around and figure out there's no
           | reason <whatever> couldn't work. Just needed someone to ask
           | the question and someone else to go find the answer.
           | Oh, and last I looked blender is thriving. I wish I still had
           | time to hack on it because I really like the abuse.
           | [0] I did get a hand-tracking doodad for free from the
           | results of this and my name in the credits of one of the
           | movies so not completely without compensation.
       | noobermin wrote:
       | At some level all software will be too complex to understand
       | easily within one sitting. That is just the nature of life. In my
       | opinion, learning to read someone else's code is a sign of
       | maturity, the ability to not just jump to churn or replace
       | something just because you don't understand it is very mature.
       | While I somewhat agree there are levels of obscufation, just
       | because something is hard to understand on the first go isn't
       | sufficient for something to be "non-free" in my interpretation,
       | like the b interpreter.
       | ghuntley wrote:
       | See also https://ghuntley.com/fracture which details how the
       | source code of Visual Studio is available but it's fundamentally
       | useless by design as what people call Visual Studio (the product
       | experience of the standard desktop edition) isn't possible if you
       | compile your own version. Yes, this includes VSCodium and the gap
       | is getting worse as time goes on with the rollout of things such
       | as GitHub copilot. Microsoft is locking down access to Top 6 LSP
       | servers...
         | cxr wrote:
         | Visual Studio is still closed source. VS Code is open source.
           | ghuntley wrote:
           | But it really isn't. Sure the lower primitives are opensource
           | but the value of what people call VSCode // the language
           | servers and the market place. Yeah, they aren't and you can't
           | use it if you compile from source. I detail this in the link
           | above.
       | patrulek wrote:
       | Author of this post should develop something bigger by himself,
       | then mantain it and after all of this succesfully completed
       | complain about status of "free software".
       | cxr wrote:
       | See also other posts in this genre:
       | Open source is not enough:
       | <http://web.archive.org/web/20150828195814/http://adamspitz.c...>
       | Free software is not enough:
       | <https://jfred.dreamwidth.org/479.html>
       | A related comment (2020 December 17; 19 points):
       | <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25458080>
       | UncleEntity wrote:
       | > People will often claim that since X is Free and Open Source
       | Software, every user of X is enabled to hack on it and bend it to
       | their will.
       | Does any one really say this?
       | Every user has the _potential_ to hack on it if they're willing
       | to put in the time and effort to getting up to speed with the
       | codebase but the license doesn't _guarantee_ that right.
       | In fact they generally provide it "as is" with no expressed or
       | implied usefulness.
       | So no mandatory security audits, no mandatory documentation, no
       | onboard team to help the junior-woodchuck devs, nada. If it
       | breaks you get to keep both pieces and if you manage to fix it
       | you might be liable to share your changes with the rest of the
       | world, depending on licensing and what you're doing with it.
       | Requirements which make the developers responsible for anything
       | more than what they want to provide will just kill open source
       | because they also have the freedom to not labor for free if they
       | choose not to. If they have to get approval from The Commissar of
       | Free Software before every upstream push, well, silly argument
       | but it makes the point.
       | pessimizer wrote:
       | Very good post with a lot of detail, but very vague on the action
       | that it's looking for except for a vague, ominous nod to
       | "regulation."
       | I think that instead of looking for a daddy to tell people what
       | to do, the best thing is to come up with a reasonable standard
       | for _public_ projects. Projects that are not only Free by the
       | letter of the law, but are actually designed to encourage and
       | facilitate users in exercising those freedoms. And by  "come up
       | with," I mean compose them yourself and explain the reason for
       | each goal that the standard is meant to solve, and how the rules
       | within the standard address those goals. Like Stallman did.
       | I think it'd be nothing but positive to have some gold standard
       | eminently publicly-hackable and accessible Free software projects
       | out there. After criteria are laid out, I'm sure a few will be
       | discovered in the wild.
       | Another couple of things about easy-to-build, well-laid-out,
       | well-commented projects with few idiosyncrasies is that they're
       | great to learn on, and often possible for experienced programmers
       | to jump in and out of. Publicizing projects that want to
       | prioritize those features, especially as models, could be
       | consciously aimed at attracting the help to maintain those
       | features.
       | robust-cactus wrote:
       | So on one side we have folks saying we expect too much from OSS
       | devs and we're burning them out. And then on the flip side in
       | this post were saying they need to support a variety of compilers
       | and endless hardware configurations.
       | Personally, for OSS I subscribe to "no one owes me anything, I
       | can always fork or submit a patch or use something else".
         | [deleted]
         | ozim wrote:
         | Mahmoud author of the blog post wanted to play around with a
         | tool and found that he has to pay for something.
         | Then he follows with a list of why compilation is not free and
         | that is his argument why someone should do this for him for
         | free instead of charging him $20.
         | He also continues with some far fetched arguments that serve as
         | support for his claim that someone should do what he wants.
           | zen21 wrote:
           | Where did he claim that someone should do what he wants?
       (page generated 2022-11-13 23:00 UTC)