[HN Gopher] Movie Maker mode in Godot 4.0
       Movie Maker mode in Godot 4.0
       Author : Tomte
       Score  : 112 points
       Date   : 2022-11-14 18:08 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (godotengine.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (godotengine.org)
       | incrashedSake wrote:
       | lynndotpy wrote:
       | This is really fascinating. I'd wanted a similar mode in many
       | simulation-style games ever since I was a child, trying to record
       | a video detonating TNT in a Minecraft world.
       | I've loved Godot since 2, and I didn't even know this was on the
       | radar. Good stuff!
       | the_mitsuhiko wrote:
       | Because of all the hype about Godot I tried it recently and I was
       | really pleasantly surprised. Particularly Godot 4 is a real joy
       | to create little games with. Went down the rabbit hole to build
       | something with my kids and we found it highly enjoyable.
       | Only sad aspect is that I eventually converted to Godot 4 and now
       | I'm stuck with it, but can't publish it for them on iOS because
       | that part is broken for a few months now.
         | CobrastanJorji wrote:
         | My oldest is reaching the age where they're requesting very
         | specific games of an appropriate starting difficulty for
         | something like Godot ("I want a DDR game but with my made up
         | character"). Can I ask for any suggestions you've got regarding
         | making a small game with your kids?
           | henryfjordan wrote:
           | I made 2 very small 3d "games" with Godot.
           | There are a lot of things to learn in Godot. I leaned mostly
           | on their own documentation and maybe a few YT videos here and
           | there for certain effects.
           | I would very much recommend 2d to start, there was a lot of
           | fiddling with trigonometry to get the camera and things
           | working in 3d. Really not hard but might be frustrating for a
           | kid if they haven't been exposed to math like that yet.
           | Other than that, just get started. I would recommend finding
           | examples of similar games before you start. For my second
           | game I just took the FPS tutorial and hacked at it until it
           | did what I wanted. Much easier than starting from scratch and
           | lets you dip your toes into the concepts you need to while
           | being able to ignore the rest for now.
             | tpxl wrote:
             | > fiddling with trigonometry to get the camera and things
             | working in 3d
             | FWIW, you don't need to do that. There are functions such
             | as look_at which do that for you.
               | henryfjordan wrote:
               | I think I had copy/pasted some code for a 3rd Person
               | Follower camera and I just needed to mess with the
               | negative signs to make sure left was left and right was
               | right.
               | But yes, you can certainly get away with very little math
               | even in 3d games.
           | the_mitsuhiko wrote:
           | It started with the kids wanting a specific game that they
           | saw in a hotel somewhere but was bespoke. So we tried
           | recreating it. Generally 2D things are relatively simple, and
           | if you can get away with using the built-in physics system
           | then even more so.
           | I'm not sure how much direct feedback I can give but
           | splitting up art and programming (oldest sits next to me and
           | gives me instructions) is quite fun. What makes Godot
           | particularly fun at this is that you can poke around in the
           | inspector as the game is running for fast iterations and
           | changes.
       (page generated 2022-11-14 23:01 UTC)