[HN Gopher] Liblithium: A lightweight and portable cryptography ...
       Liblithium: A lightweight and portable cryptography library
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 35 points
       Date   : 2022-11-16 20:29 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | sbf501 wrote:
       | It is not a crypto library, it is an Ed25519 EdDSA library.
       | It has nothing else in it apparently.
       | WolfCrypt is a better solution and is FIPS certified.
       | EDIT: I didn't know what GIMLI was.
         | bsder wrote:
         | I seem to remember that WolfSSL had some fairly egregious
         | vulnerabilities even while being FIPS certified.
         | Do you have some reason to believe that WolfSSL has suddenly
         | gotten better for some reason?
         | lvh wrote:
         | No, it's an Ed25519 library _and_ a Gimli library. Gimli can be
         | used to make a wide range of functions, including MACs, hashes
         | and stream ciphers, just like SHAKE.
         | (That is not an endorsement.)
       | svnpenn wrote:
       | Doesn't C have years and years of repeated security flaws due to
       | lack of memory safety? What's the motivation to continue
       | releasing greenfield projects in C?
         | remexre wrote:
         | Sounds like this is intended to run on targets rustc would not
         | support, given the claim that it "does not assume 8-bit
         | addressability".
         | Also, while I'm fully on board the "Rust as a default userspace
         | systems language," the machine code I've gotten out of trying
         | #[no_std] Rust to write part of a bare-metal project was
         | heinously bloated. This is without even using any non-libcore
         | dependencies! Something like 3/4s of the machine instructions
         | looked like they were related to building error messages for
         | panics, despite the fact that there shouldn't have been any
         | reachable panics (and the code was small and simple enough that
         | I expected LLVM to be able to reason about this without any
         | MIR-level optimizations).
         | Maybe this would be better on a project that could use rustc as
         | its linker, but based on this, I wouldn't necessarily recommend
         | that a bare-metal library intended to be linked to C and hand-
         | written assembly be written in Rust versus, say, verified with
         | Frama-C or other C-specific tools.
           | mananaysiempre wrote:
           | To be fair, the AVR and STM8 code I've got out of GCC and
           | SDCC when feeding them normal (non-8-bitter-adapted) C also
           | sucked--though not to the point of building strings--because
           | the default promotion to int required by the standard really
           | hurts when the minimum required 16-bit int does not fit into
           | a register.
             | remexre wrote:
             | oh, yeah, I can totally imagine that; this was being built
             | for AArch64 though; with all the Cortex-A features, even!
       | lvh wrote:
       | This seems extremely similar to
       | https://github.com/jedisct1/libhydrogen -- X25519 and Gimli.
       | (well, and the name...). It also appears to pull from its test
       | suite and aim for compatibility in some ways.
       | TontonNestor wrote:
       | I would be careful with Gimli https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/744
       | bugfix-66 wrote:
       | Published by Tesla?
       | It's unwise to use cryptographic code written by engineers
       | working 72 hour weeks at an "extremely hardcore" company.
       | Here is the Gimli spec:
       | https://gimli.cr.yp.to/spec.html
       | Here is the attack illustrating weaknesses in the design:
       | https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/743
       | Here is a statement from the Gimli team arguing that it is still
       | secure despite the published 22-round attack:
       | https://gimli.cr.yp.to/statement.html
       |  _Finally, Hamburg 's "attack" will not be feasible in the
       | foreseeable future, even with quantum computers. Even if the
       | "attack" were extended to the full 24 rounds, it would not
       | contradict any security claims made in the Gimli paper._
       | Daniel J. Bernstein (djb) is a wizard, but use Gimli at your own
       | risk.
         | mananaysiempre wrote:
         | Judging from the statement (I haven't the cryptographic kung fu
         | to distil the paper myself), the attack seems to be more of an
         | exploration of how vulnerable the (relatively new) ways the
         | Gimli suite builds everything out of a single crypto core can
         | be when used badly, not something applicable to the usage
         | that's actually specified. Or is that still concerning? (Plus
         | it does seem worse than brute force from the numbers given,
         | though I can't judge whether that makes it uninteresting in
         | general, either.)
           | bugfix-66 wrote:
           | Yes, you clearly don't understand it. That's ok, but you
           | probably shouldn't confuse the issue.
           | Basically the attack shows that Gimli's speed and simplicity
           | introduces exploitable flaws and reduces its security:
           |  _Bernstein et al. have proposed a new permutation, Gimli,
           | which aims to provide simple and performant implementations
           | on a wide variety of platforms. One of the tricks used to
           | make Gimli performant is that it processes data mostly in
           | 96-bit columns, only occasionally swapping 32-bit words
           | between them. Here we show that this trick is dangerous by
           | presenting a distinguisher for reduced-round Gimli._
           | https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/743
       (page generated 2022-11-16 23:00 UTC)