[HN Gopher] Ask HN: What is the most impactful thing you've built?
       Ask HN: What is the most impactful thing you've built?
       I'll start. For me, I think the most impactful thing I've ever
       built was an internal application for a FX trading desk that
       eventually went on to handle billions in daily trades.  It didn't
       use any fancy frameworks, just plain old CRUD on Java.
       Author : rafiki6
       Score  : 103 points
       Date   : 2022-11-18 18:47 UTC (4 hours ago)
       | steve_adams_86 wrote:
       | Wow, weird to think about.
       | Nothing. I haven't built anything with a significant impact. I've
       | made things that made a significant impact on businesses, but in
       | the scheme of things, nothing exciting.
       | The thing I made which generated the most revenue was easily the
       | most harmful, and likely the most impactful. Unfortunately. It
       | was an ad exchange that did extremely well. The owners went from
       | random guys with a gross idea to multimillionaires in a couple
       | years. They both spend their days buying up startups.
       | I should have done better by now. I feel like I need to make up
       | for building that exchange. I was young and had no idea what I
       | was getting into until it was too late.
       | chamakits wrote:
       | A temporary low resource form for people in Puerto Rico to send
       | an SMS message out to family outside of PR after Hurricane Maria.
       | During Hurricane Maria most of Puerto Rico was offline. Slowly
       | but surely, some people started having access to some online
       | services. To this day, I don't know how, but I saw frequent posts
       | in social media (Facebook and others) of people saying they could
       | access spotty internet but SMS and making calls wasn't working,
       | and asking people to let their family outside of Puerto Rico know
       | that they were okay.
       | So I setup a site on glitch.com with real simple 2 field form.
       | One for a phone number and another for a message to send. It was
       | dead simple, no framework, no CSS, just little bits of vanilla
       | HTML and JS, and a bit of backend code connected to Twilio. Some
       | text on the top with instructions too. I was making it
       | intentionally small so that a spotty connection wouldn't have a
       | problem using it.
       | Any time I saw someone posting in social media asking for someone
       | to reach out to their family, I posted a link. I also shared it
       | in a slack where many from the PR diaspora where trying to
       | contribute ways to help. Before I knew thousands of people were
       | using it. I did some continuous monitoring to make sure nobody
       | was using it for abuse, and making sure it was being used as
       | intended. It would have been EXTREMELY easy for someone to abuse
       | it if they wanted to.
       | No one abused it. Thousands used it as it was intended. Left it
       | up for weeks, and I kept monitoring it to make sure it wasn't
       | being abused. I eventually saw it had stopped being used entirely
       | for two weeks and spun it down.
       | I saw some people posting about it afterwards being thankful they
       | were able to receive messages from their family, and I'm happy I
       | rushed through to write very sloppy high impact code.
       | _jcrossley wrote:
       | I helped build V1 of https://www.balanceapp.com as part of a
       | small team. Meditation is a super crowded space, but it's a
       | lifestyle habit that I really believe in. Proud that it's reached
       | a fair number of people, even if it isn't as well known as the
       | competitors
       | halifaxbeard wrote:
       | I wrote a vaccine booking availability scraper that helped double
       | digits of people get a COVID vaccine a few weeks sooner
       | otherwise.
       | [deleted]
       | thisisbrians wrote:
       | I cofounded a startup (bractlet.com) that uses IoT data,
       | thermodynamic simulations, and other technologies to optimize
       | building energy consumption. We've prevented around 10,000 tons
       | of CO2 emissions, which equates to many millions of dollars in
       | energy savings.
       | Shameless plug: we're hiring :)
       | arnon wrote:
       | I built (together with my team) an entitlement service, which
       | makes creating new billing plans a lot easier, and reduced our
       | time to launch in new markets down to just a few minutes.
       | I wrote about it here https://arnon.dk/why-you-should-separate-
       | your-billing-from-e...
       | RajSinghLA wrote:
       | A hotel concierge that's helped 50 million guests during their
       | stay. The goal is to create unforgettable experiences for a
       | billion people!
       | Ivy sends you a text message introducing herself as a virtual
       | concierge when you check in. She answers FAQs in 1 second using
       | NLP and routes anything more complex to the front desk team for
       | resolution in 2-3 minutes. All in one simple text thread, no apps
       | or UI needed.
       | Guests often come to the front desk trying to tip Ivy, rave about
       | her in reviews, ask her out on dates, and even drop off hand
       | written thank you notes for her.
       | One woman texted Ivy in a panic asking about the nearest drug
       | store to buy Benadryl because her son was having a severe
       | allergic reaction. A guest service agent brought Benadryl to her
       | door in 3 minutes at a large Las Vegas property. She called Ivy a
       | life saver.
       | waltbosz wrote:
       | I wrote code to generate the graphic for a decal that gets
       | applied to units in the mobile equipment fleet for Dupont. It's a
       | bit satisfying to drive past a Dupont site and see my work out in
       | the real world.
       | Also I helped publish a Simpsons themed mod for the video game
       | Doom 2. It's got it's own fan wiki page at this point.
       | I wrote a pretty popular sequential image downloader in the early
       | 2000s. I suspect it may be the reason why websites started
       | randomizing the filenames of their image assets.
       | coutego wrote:
       | Monodevelop, I think: https://www.monodevelop.com
       | It wasn't a planned thing. I had recently got injured playing
       | football, so I was stuck at home, not being able to walk or
       | drive. I started checking the #mono IRC channel (it was 2003 and
       | internet was something you did over a 48k modem, when your home
       | phone line was not needed). Some guys, lead by Miguel de Icaza,
       | the founder of Gnome, were implementing a compiler of C# and a
       | bytecode interpreter of .NET IL, and I was very curious about it.
       | I kept downloading, compiling and trying things out.
       | Then one day Miguel wrote in the channel that it would be nice to
       | have some graphical editor and that somebody could perhaps port
       | SharpDevelop over to Linux, by replacing Windows.Forms by calls
       | to GTK. I said that I'd give it a shot and... well, 10 days later
       | we had a working editor and half a dozen of contributors.
       | https://tirania.org/blog/archive/2008/Mar-14.html
         | nam17887 wrote:
         | I love MonoDevelop, I used it to write C# for Linux before the
         | .NET core days
       | Bacito wrote:
       | I created Tiny Flashlight for Android 12 years ago. It's been
       | downloaded almost 500m times. Back then every hardware vendor
       | implemented the camera API in their own way and it wasn't easy to
       | start the camera led. I had to purchase many different devices
       | from different carriers from all around the world just to find
       | out a way to start the camera LED. It was very helpful when the
       | vendor published the kernel source code with the camera drivers
       | for the particular device model. I could send custom commands to
       | the driver to start the LED, where it was not possible using the
       | standard camera API.
       | leet_thow wrote:
       | The second generation Web UI of a Series A startup in 2011 that
       | went on to be acquired for $1B in 2020. I have another promising
       | personal project in the works I'm hoping overtakes it.
       | tromp wrote:
       | In late 2013 I came up with the first memory hard Proof-of-Work
       | puzzle, Cuckoo Cycle [1], based on finding fixed-length cycles in
       | random graphs. Recently, custom chips were developed to solve it
       | more efficiently than GPUs can.
       | That probably had more impact than the Binary Lambda Calculus
       | language I designed [2] or the logical rules of Go I co-
       | formulated [3].
       | Computing the number of Go positions [4] or approximating the
       | number of Chess positions [5] had little impact beyond satisfying
       | my intellectual curiosity.
       | [1] https://github.com/tromp/cuckoo
       | [2] https://tromp.github.io/cl/cl.html
       | [3] https://tromp.github.io/go.html
       | [4] https://tromp.github.io/go/legal.html
       | [5] https://github.com/tromp/ChessPositionRanking#readme
       | don-code wrote:
       | About 14 years ago - before I'd taken as much as an intro to CS
       | class - I wrote some software that helped a bar keep track of
       | who'd drank what. They were the type of bar where, if you drank
       | every beer they had available, you'd get a free mug. Prior to it
       | being computerized, the staff used index cards in shoeboxes. Lots
       | of the wait staff's time was lost fumbling through those boxes,
       | unsticking them from each other (gross!), etc.
       | I've since gotten a degree and written software for a handful of
       | companies.
       | When I think of how many people are actually _using_ my software,
       | though? Fourteen years later, the mug club software is still live
       | in a production environment, used every day by wait staff who
       | turns over every few months. No doubt hundreds - potentially
       | thousands (it got deployed at a few different bars) - of people
       | have interacted directly with it. That code embarrasses me
       | nowadays, but as far as impact goes: that's probably it.
       | bsnnkv wrote:
       | Right now I'm quite humbled by the number of people who are using
       | Notado[1] to liberate their Twitter Liked Tweets before the
       | collapse that everyone is worrying about.
       | There are also thousands of people using a tiling window manager
       | for Windows which I originally built for myself and decided to
       | share publicly for free.[2] I still can't believe how popular it
       | has become.
       | [1]: https://notado.app
       | [2]: https://github.com/LGUG2Z/komorebi
       | tspike wrote:
       | I was leading mobile platform engineering at Walmart when they
       | first merged their Walmart and Walmart Grocery apps into a single
       | app. It was a herculean effort and the resulting product left a
       | lot to be desired, but my work certainly impacted hundreds of
       | millions of people.
       | decodebytes wrote:
       | https://sigstore.dev - although its really not true to say I
       | built it. I started it off, but very quickly smarter folks then
       | me jumped on board and really took it to all sorts of new
       | directions.
       | koliber wrote:
       | I've built 15Five, a employee engagement platform. It was an
       | effort of many people working together over many years, and I had
       | the good fortune to be there at the start. Many people use it
       | weekly to communicate with their managers and peers. I've seen it
       | deliver a positive connection in remote and on-site teams.
       | martininmelb wrote:
       | Many years ago I built some software to allow people with
       | cerebral palsy to use a computer. I did not get paid and it was
       | not used by thousands of people (as far as I know) - but what
       | made it impactful for me was that I got to see the delight of the
       | people who hadn't been able to access a computer and who were
       | then able to access one.
       | user3939382 wrote:
       | For 10 years until recently a statistics research system that was
       | the primary tool for keeping granular measurements on the health
       | of the US economy.
       | justsocrateasin wrote:
       | First job out of college, I was at a consulting firm doing
       | software development for DHS (Homeland Security). I got a lot of
       | flack from my friends and family for "working for the devil", but
       | the work was actually objectively good for society - basically
       | there was a big data problem where when an immigrant trying to
       | illegally cross into the US was apprehended, and if they were
       | sick, their custody would be transferred from US Customs and
       | Border Protection (CBP) to Health and Human Services (HHS) so
       | they could receive medical attention. There was zero data
       | transparency between these two orgs, so when that transfer
       | happened it usually caused families to be separated (Sick dad,
       | healthy mom and child, sick dad gets brought in for care and
       | never finds his family again). Since HHS and CBP don't have data
       | communication and everything is siloed, the handoff was really
       | poor and they often wouldn't find each other for months
       | afterwards.
       | There was a lot of talk about this in the news, and although the
       | software I was working on didn't entirely fix the problem, it
       | allowed the agencies to communicate better. Their data wasn't
       | siloed, and families got separated for only a few days rather
       | than (sometimes) permanently.
       | I really miss that job. The pay was atrocious and zero WLB, but
       | everyone agreed it was an important problem to solve, and I think
       | the tool we had built really was helping.
       | bcrosby95 wrote:
       | I built the first version of a Facebook gaming app that, just
       | before I handed it off, was wasting about 475 person-years worth
       | of people's time every day.
         | kokocute wrote:
         | 2 million users @ 2h/day.
         | Charitably, it was providing leisure.
       | sterlind wrote:
       | a couple of algorithms deep in the core infrastructure of Azure:
       | the cluster scheduler for placing VMs (published as "Protean"),
       | and a color-constrained shortest path solver for route planning
       | in the WAN.
       | amazingly I once failed an interview at Google, despite my
       | abilities. I think because it takes me a while to think before I
       | get anywhere.
       | throwaway2729 wrote:
       | Myself. Came from a dysfunctional family, enormous debt and have
       | survived lots of trauma to reach a decent position + decent net
       | worth.
         | uptown wrote:
         | Way to go stranger internet friend! Glad to see not only that
         | you've overcome what you say you have, but also that it's a
         | point of pride. Keep it up!
           | throwaway2729 wrote:
           | Thank you!
         | solarmist wrote:
         | This is a very underrated comment
       | adamdusty wrote:
       | I worked on the epitaxy for vcsels that go into iphones for the
       | facial recognition. Not that impactful but cool to know that the
       | stuff I worked on is in use all around me.
       | gardenfelder wrote:
       | I guess my most impactful project was a microprocessor-based
       | weather station for siting wind energy systems and fruit frost
       | prediction in the early 1980s. Turned out that one of my
       | stations, being used by a frost predictor, was across the street
       | from a rural drainage ditch in which a young child was discovered
       | face down in the water. The frost predictor faxed temperature
       | profiles for the previous several hours to the hospital, where
       | doctors determined the child could be revived. She was.
         | dan_wood wrote:
         | That's amazing.
           | gardenfelder wrote:
           | Interesting that one my the developers on my projects was Dan
           | Wood.
         | thewebcount wrote:
         | Wow! That's a pretty amazing story. Thank you for sharing.
           | gardenfelder wrote:
           | Thank you! Took me by surprise when my client phoned and said
           | my weather station was on the evening news.
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | wait... they won't try to revive a child unless they can first
         | _prove_ that said child _can_ be revived? Why not just... try
         | to do it regardless and hope for the best?
         | Also, as a new parent, my immediate thought is of course "WHO
         | wasn't watching the kid??"
       | jph wrote:
       | BoldContacts: a mobile app that helps elderly people call their
       | friends, families, and caregivers. I wrote it for my folks, and
       | the app is now translated into 60 languages worldwide. All free,
       | open source, pro bono.
       | https://github.com/sixarm/BoldContacts
       | jiggawatts wrote:
       | During a centralisation of public school local servers to a data
       | centre, I created a consolidated library enquiry system. It
       | served over 2,000 libraries, had 330 million titles, and had
       | about a million users. It was efficient enough to run off my
       | laptop, if need be.
       | AFAIK it was one of the top five biggest library systems in the
       | world at the time.
       | I was asked to add some features that would have been too
       | difficult in the old distributed system. Things like reading
       | competitions, recommended reading lists by age, etc...
       | I watched the effect of these changes -- which took me mere days
       | of effort to implement -- and the combined result was that
       | students read about a million additional books they would not
       | have otherwise.
       | I've had a far greater effect on the literacy of our state than
       | any educator by orders of magnitude and hardly anyone in the
       | department of education even knows my name!
       | This was the project that made realise how huge the effort-to-
       | effect ratio that can be when computers are involved...
         | silasb wrote:
         | ... and this is how OCLC was created?
         | sideshowb wrote:
         | > had a far greater effect on the literacy of our state than
         | any educator by orders of magnitude
         | Nice work, but check your ego mate. Seems your growth hacking
         | would have had zero result if those kids couldn't read to start
         | with, so you could share some credit ;-)
           | silasdavis wrote:
           | Maybe it wasn't meant that way. If they hadn't had been there
           | then somone else would have been. You can be on the crest of
           | a wave and be not responsible for its power.
         | robbywashere_ wrote:
         | Cool story! what languages, frameworks, etc did you use? Or are
         | you about to tell me COBOL? :P
         | nicbou wrote:
         | > This was the project that made realise how huge the effort-
         | to-effect ratio that can be when computers are involved
         | I love Steve Jobs' metaphor: computers as a bicycle of the mind
         | [0]. Unfortunately, a lot of effort is concentrated on problems
         | that scale to billions of people. There's a lack of attention
         | to problems that would have a big effect for a relatively small
         | number of people. It's a shame, because they're a blast to work
         | on.
         | [0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L40B08nWoMk
           | OkayPhysicist wrote:
           | They really are. I think the most rewarding software I ever
           | wrote was my first paid gig, where I automated lap swim
           | scheduling for my local swim club. Took me maybe an hour, got
           | paid more money than I'd make in two days as a lifeguard, and
           | they were thanking ME for it. Turned out I had saved a
           | volunteer upwards of an hour every week. With a shitty little
           | JavaScript program.
         | domlebo70 wrote:
         | Any more info? This is fascinating.
       | davidw wrote:
       | Probably political stuff, for better or worse:
       | * Made it easier to create a limited liability company in Italy:
       | https://blog.therealitaly.com/2015/04/16/fixing-italy-a-litt...
       | * Pro-housing organization here in Bend, Oregon:
       | https://bendyimby.com/
       | Software wise, I really enjoyed my time working on these devices:
       | https://www.icare-world.com/us/
         | nicbou wrote:
         | Fixing bureaucracy is a gift that keeps on giving. Well done!
       | yboris wrote:
       | Built _Video Hub App_ that almost 5,000 people have purchased. I
       | was a math teacher, became a web dev 6 years ago, built this 5
       | years ago. Most proceeds go to charity. Very minor by comparison
       | to others, but I 'm just starting out ;)
       | https://videohubapp.com/ && https://github.com/whyboris/Video-
       | Hub-App
       | What I _did_ that is most impactful is that I 've been giving at
       | least 10% of my income to _cost-effective_ charities for over 10
       | years now (see _Giving What We Can_ - thousands of others do the
       | same). This amounts to almost $100,000 given to charity which
       | translates to _thousands_ of people protected from malaria for
       | many years of their lives.
         | mradek wrote:
         | Very cool! Thanks for sharing.
       | mehphp wrote:
       | Nothing crazy, but I built a Shopify app years ago that some
       | customers say is "crucial" to running their store.
       | It's not making me rich but it feels good knowing it's
       | legitimately helping people run their business.
       | KaiserPro wrote:
       | for me, the most impactful thing in terms of users, was
       | introducing graphite/grafana to a large news org.
       | Before it was all splunk, everything took ages, and you needed to
       | have a degree in weird regex/SQL syntax to get anything useful.
       | I started showing off graphite/grafana to a few devs. I put some
       | basic CPU/Memory/HTTP request time metrics in. They started
       | putting it in the expressjs layer they had. This meant that any
       | HTTP call was automatically logged, along with CPU memory and
       | anything else they wanted.
       | By the time I left, splunk was used to do post mortems, and
       | virtually every team had a grafana dashboard, with the
       | Product/buisness owners setting the SLAs/alerts.
       | calmtech wrote:
       | Found a single line of byte code that cost $4M of compute per
       | year.
         | suprjami wrote:
         | Please tell us more. This sounds like a good investigative
         | story.
       | munk-a wrote:
       | A library for streaming database interactions including piping a
       | query to a client as a CSV/JSON and running row-wise functions on
       | it as it passes through without ever holding the whole thing in
       | memory. It's well sugared syntax-wise, very easy to learn and
       | battle tested.
       | jasonwatkinspdx wrote:
       | In the early days of rails I wrote a monkey punch for Active
       | Record that'd raise a fatal exception if any query lacked a limit
       | clause or returned more than a couple 100 rows. Just a couple
       | lines of obvious stuff, but you wouldn't believe how much impact
       | committing that to a repo back then would have.
       | Phelinofist wrote:
       | A software solution for supply chain tracking under the Dodd-
       | Frank Act Section 1502 aka Conflict Minerals. I like to think
       | that this does not only have a positive impact for the turnover
       | of my (ex-) employer but also on the lives of the people in e.g.
       | DRC.
       | It was also the first project were I was the lead for the
       | development side of things and also made myself known as the
       | domain expert. Fun times :)
       | harel wrote:
       | I was tech lead and architect on the system that runs the UK's
       | digital trade remedies platform to control trade tariffs and
       | special measures post Brexit. It's the first and only platform of
       | it's kind. I suppose that's the most "impactful" as it manages
       | events that affect entire industries on a national scale.
       | mxstbr wrote:
       | Definitely styled-components[0].
       | #257th most starred repository on GitHub, used by millions of
       | developers to ship millions of websites -- you've very likely
       | visited websites that are built with it!
       | [0]: https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components
       | p0deje wrote:
       | Security Kit for Drupal: https://www.drupal.org/project/seckit. I
       | built it when I was a junior QA engineer both learning how to
       | program in PHP and doing first steps in the security. I open
       | sourced it, pretty much moved to Ruby and forgot about it just to
       | learn several years later that it's used on 50k websites across
       | the world.
       | lazyasciiart wrote:
       | I didn't even build anything here, just set up an online service.
       | In 2020 I volunteered with a small bail fund serving about 100
       | clients a year with annual donations of about $40,000 - primarily
       | checks, but increasingly online payments. In May I moved their
       | donation process from an excel spreadsheet manually reconciled
       | with PayPal to a saas donation portal, which managed recurring
       | donors, generated tax receipts, etc. I imported all our existing
       | donor records, set up the option to pay by Square instead, etc,
       | it was great. My notes from choosing the service mention that if
       | we ever hit 12,000 unique donors we would go up a payment level.
       | Later that month, when George Floyd died and people started
       | protesting, they also donated to bail funds - many of them
       | explicitly to bail out protestors but many plain donations. I
       | think our new donation portal handled over one million donations
       | in two days.
       | (Our new square account was, for obvious reasons, instantly
       | locked for fraud and we managed to get their support to re-open
       | it within a few hours on a Sunday, they were very responsive! We
       | didn't keep all the money - there's a National bail fund
       | coalition and it was very random which funds were shared as
       | donation recommendations, so the massive influx of donations to a
       | few funds was distributed across the country.)
       | blakesterz wrote:
       | I built a blog in 1999, very small impact, but it was the most
       | impactful thing I've built. I wanted to build a website to be
       | Slashdot for librarians, and it was quite popular for years. I
       | ended up starting my own webhosting business, and changed my
       | entire career path. So it mostly impacted me, but I think there
       | were some small ripple effects.
       | jmstfv wrote:
       | https://rectangles.app
       | It's a way of visualizing time differently - 144 blocks, where
       | each block represents 10 minutes of your day.
       | simonsarris wrote:
       | I built GoJS, which is one of the most popular commercial JS
       | diagramming libraries: https://gojs.net
       | I built carefulwords, a very fast thesaurus and quote site for
       | inspiration, used by... tens of people a day. Eg:
       | https://carefulwords.com/gift https://carefulwords.com/solitude
       | I made the site because I was mad that it was hard to type in
       | urls to use thesaurus.com, and because that site fails to focus
       | the cursor in the search box. So I made my own site that did. I
       | mostly made it for myself, me and my wife use it all the time. I
       | am slowly editing down the thesaurus to manageable size.
       | I built a 12x16 "Goose Palace" barn out of local pine timbers,
       | which taught me timber framing, and taught my tiny baby who
       | turned 2 years old while doing it that this is just the kind of
       | thing that people normally do, build barns in their driveway.
       | Some context: https://simonsarris.substack.com/p/the-goose-palace
       | Some photos of building it with the baby:
       | https://twitter.com/simonsarris/status/1584169368203956225
       | I designed my house, and have been writing extensively about
       | that. Maybe this is the most impactful, since photos of it are
       | all over Pinterest and other sites, now. The first post on that:
       | https://simonsarris.substack.com/p/designing-a-new-old-home-...
       | I am not sure what is most impactful. Maybe ultimately it is
       | building my family.
       | cameronperot wrote:
       | During my master's, I took a job in a physics group that works
       | with high pressure time projection chambers for neutrino
       | detection. They have a bunch of simulation and experimental data
       | they wanted to organize and share with colleagues.
       | I first worked on improving the database (adding indexes,
       | reducing redundancy, etc.). Next, I wrote a Python package to
       | make it easier to interact with the database from the command
       | line and Python, and act as a backend package for a frontend
       | Flask API I wrote to serve the data. Finally, I made a simple
       | website [1] where users can query the data.
       | It was great because I not only got to help out the people
       | working in the group, but I also contributed to making the data
       | available to other physicists around the world.
       | [1] https://rwth-aachen.de/gasdb
       | mod wrote:
       | I built an integration for a charity that processed many millions
       | per year. The money went to support needy folks in an
       | impoverished nation. Children could get sponsors for schooling,
       | food, and orphanages.
       | The high-impact part comes from the organization and their
       | mission moreso than my contribution to it, but it was also the
       | most technically challenging work I did (shoehorning previous
       | functionality into places it didn't belong and all the fun that
       | comes with that).
       | It's been about 9 years and I can see that largely, my backend is
       | still running. The site had a facelift since then, though.
       | This was a fully custom project, with a pretty standard Rails
       | backend. The complexity was mostly dealing with Convio, the CRM /
       | payment processing system from Salesforce for nonprofits.
       | atum47 wrote:
       | I've built a platform that helps furniture factory hire workers.
       | Given that the typical factory worker is not that tech savvy, the
       | platform did not see a lot of users, around 5k the last time I
       | checked. Nevertheless some people found job using it. Everything
       | using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and JS.
       | qroolen wrote:
       | i was watching a documentary about The Beatles and at some point
       | their bus driver said something like: 'you should know how to
       | build and dismantle the vehicle you use to hit the road' so i
       | learned how to build my bicycle wheels!
       | chrisrickard wrote:
       | My software consultancy developed a surveying system for young
       | people suffering with mental health issues. It was used before
       | their sessions with medical professionals, and helped inform
       | their clinician on their current state, along with overlaying
       | data from previous sessions to help point out patterns and
       | possible risks.
       | We met with focus groups of young people (and separately,
       | clinicians) in developing the app, and I felt a strong affinity
       | for the entire project. It still gets used thousands of times per
       | day, and I'm glad I could help bring it to life.
       | I'd always loved building software, but this project showed me
       | it's so much more than technology.
       | hollmare wrote:
       | I used to work in a CPU/MCU IP company, dealing with embedded
       | linux testing. The flow had been extremely manual and tedious so
       | I created a FPGA Farm for that.
       | Specifically, a general run-through of a test had involved the
       | following steps - Choose the right type of FPGA - Get a right
       | bitstream from design teams - load the bistream onto the FPGA -
       | Connecting the FPGA to your PC physically and then using OpenOCD
       | - Use gdb as the loader to load Linux image - With a telnetd in
       | the init script, remotely execute the test on that linux after
       | the boot by using expect/libexpect bindings.
       | With the FPGA farm, many FPGAs were connected to a server, and it
       | provides web interface and APIs so that people could login, claim
       | a board, upload bitstream, attach openocd and expose tty through
       | socat. In other words, the first half of the mentioned steps
       | became remotely doable.
       | My team did a bit fight and advocation, and soon CXOs bought in
       | and people shifted to use the system. Productivity got higher.
       | Also coincidentally, COVID breaked out, this system further
       | rooted in our culture. It changes how engineers do their work and
       | how sales do demo.
       | Despite the success, I always have wanted to replace the home
       | made architecture with something like OpenStack with modified
       | plugins. The closest thing I know is OpenStack with Ironic, but
       | it requires PXE, which is impossible for our embedded-case FPGAs.
       | Any hints or suggestions?
       | wvenable wrote:
       | I built a content management system back when that meant
       | something like Slashdot instead of Wordpress. It powered many
       | sites but the main one was https://www.coffeegeek.com. It was
       | launched in 2001 and I stopped working on the software in 2007
       | and it continued to power that site, basically unchanged, until
       | 2020.
       | I think a 20 year run for a popular website and application was
       | probably most impactful thing I've done.
       | thewebcount wrote:
       | Worked on software used in cash registers owned by Target,
       | Walmart, the US Postal Service, and various large European and
       | Asian equivalents. Comparing the previous model's UI to the new
       | one was similar to the jump from command line UIs to GUIs, in
       | that they were easier to understand without having to know a
       | bunch of obscure commands. The company did a lot of work to
       | ensure they were also fast to use like the old text-based ones.
       | It really made the obscure cases easier for cashiers with little
       | training to handle.
       | vbezhenar wrote:
       | So far most impactful thing I've built is web app for police in
       | my country. When I had issues with police, I noticed that they
       | used my app to look up my details. It was somewhat funny. Didn't
       | tell them, I don't think they would believe me.
       | CapmCrackaWaka wrote:
       | I like to write personal open source projects to learn a language
       | / learn a statistical concept to its core. To learn Python, I
       | build a missing-value imputation package. This one hit it (to my
       | standards) pretty big. 500k downloads so far, but as someone who
       | uses it daily, I'm most proud of the fact that it's still the
       | best at what it does[1]:
       | https://github.com/AnotherSamWilson/miceforest
       | [1] according to my personal benchmarking/use cases and anecdotal
       | experience, no promises.
       | m00dy wrote:
       | I built a decentralised ai network, it is more like openAI but
       | like without content policy.
       | evronm wrote:
       | This: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/The_Farmer%27s_Market . Helped
       | a few thousand people get their meds before we all got arrested.
       | No regrets.
         | atlasunshrugged wrote:
         | Reading your comment I thought this was going to be a darkweb
         | site for cheap pharma stuff from Canada/Mexico to the U.S., did
         | not expect straight up drugs.
         | sterlind wrote:
         | oh wow. you were adamflowers? did you just get out of prison?
         | glad you have no regrets, I can't imagine how much serving that
         | much time must suck.
       | cableshaft wrote:
       | For personal: Proximity[1], a flash game that ended up being
       | added to hundreds of flash sites and, from the stats I was able
       | to easily find across several popular websites, got up to over 10
       | million plays after only a couple of years.
       | For professional: Built a large and involved interactive speech
       | application (IVR) from scratch that allowed hospitals, doctors,
       | etc to call and check a person's health insurance status for a
       | Fortune 100 health insurance company. Was used in over two
       | million calls while I was there and was still being used when I
       | had quit a few years later.
       | [1]: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/183428
       | cdiamand wrote:
       | I built https://topstonks.com, it was one of the early sources of
       | information during the meme stock craze, and a primary source for
       | several major news outlets.
       | ksubedi wrote:
       | When the big earthquake in Nepal happened in 2015, I was working
       | with a volunteer organization called Translators Without Borders
       | to help with translation during relief efforts. Since I was in
       | the USA I could not contribute back physically, so this was the
       | next best thing.
       | My goal was to help volunteers that were in the field in Nepal
       | communicate in English -> Nepali and back. Even though this was
       | somewhat effective, there was still a communication gap because
       | most people in Nepal in remote parts could not even read in
       | Nepali.
       | I looked around for solutions but couldn't find any Nepali Text
       | To Speech solutions. The builder brain in me fired up and I
       | decided to build a Nepali Text To Speech engine using some of the
       | groundwork that was laid by Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya (Big
       | Library in Nepal) which they had abandoned halfway.
       | I spend all night hacking along to build a web app that let the
       | volunteers paste translated text and have it spoken. The result
       | was https://nepalispeech.com/ and the first iteration of this was
       | built in just 13 ish hours.
       | I hope the people that got affected by the earthquake are in a
       | better situation now.
       | jbirer wrote:
       | I developed a model contest mobile app where models from
       | Venezuela and Latin America can submit their SFW pictures and
       | earn Dash coin as upvotes. Many of those ladies thanked us for
       | giving them a way to earn during the tough times in Latam without
       | having to resort to camming work. I am kind of proud of myself
       | that I gave them an opportunity to survive the pandemic.
       | nunodonato wrote:
       | Nothing groundbreaking. But during my few years in game dev I
       | built a relaxing game that had a spiritual component to it. Was
       | one of my first games so.. plenty of flaws from a game design
       | perspective. But one day I got an email from a player thanking me
       | because the game helped immensely during a difficult time. Made
       | my day... actually, I still think about once in a while. So, I
       | guess you can say it was impactful for one ;)
       | jedberg wrote:
       | The thing that puts the title of the reddit link into the reddit
       | URL. Massively boosted our SEO.
       | At least that's the most visible thing I've done.
       | soinus wrote:
       | I think the most impactful thing I've built for now is an open
       | source project used to auto complete C++ code in sublime text:
       | EasyClangComplete. It does not take over the world, but I've been
       | using it for years along with tens of thousands of people and
       | that's good enough for me.
       | neilk wrote:
       | Did a lot of work on Wikipedia with media, usability, and
       | internationalization. As with all such things that merely
       | facilitate volunteers, it's hard to say what's mine or put dollar
       | values on it. But it's touched at least a billion lives, and
       | facilitated a large fraction of a media library that will likely
       | outlive me.
       | I've worked on minor stuff that was foundational to Google's
       | commercial offerings, but I think that isn't as high impact and
       | probably someone else would have done that as well or better. For
       | the Wikipedia stuff, for good or ill, I owned some of those
       | decisions.
         | nicbou wrote:
         | Wikipedia could not work without that sort of work. Same with
         | Open Street Map and all the little contributions to the map. It
         | adds up to a lot.
       | unclemase wrote:
       | The 2nd most used analysis tool on NSANet in response to the 9/11
       | commission report that the agencies weren't sharing data.
       | https://twitter.com/masonrothman/status/1521407937985404928
         | nosmokewhereiam wrote:
         | Spyspace and the Mitch Hedgeberg Quote Generator pages were a
         | hoot!
         | TechBro8615 wrote:
         | Did you work with Bill Binney? I had a chance to meet him once
         | and got the impression he was the go-to "get shit done" guy at
         | NSA around that time. IIRC, he mentioned having a group of
         | contractors that worked with him throughout his career and
         | credited them with his success.
       | daguar wrote:
       | GetCalFresh.org. Way easier way to apply for food stamps. Felt
       | good to have left after 6 years going from helping 1 person get
       | help to over a million. Still going strong.
       | Also lots of strangler pattern iterations! That was fun.
       | jtmcmc wrote:
       | Community
       | denuoweb wrote:
       | For some people the most impactful thing they have done in life
       | is create something that makes obscene amounts of money. I
       | designed and built nanoshelters.com to help homeless people
       | secure uninterrupted sleep. I should be worth more than most of
       | you 'money is god' programmers but we live in a world that values
       | how you much money you make rather than how you treat other
       | humans.
         | iuvcaw wrote:
         | What do you mean by "worth more"?
         | striking wrote:
         | I appreciate the good you've done for the world, but isn't that
         | last sentence just a little bit ironic?
           | pertique wrote:
           | I won't speak for the parent comment, and this isn't a
           | critique on you, but I think it's more of a reflection on the
           | reader than an ironic take.
           | Many would read "I should be worth more than..." as "I should
           | have more money than...", but that's exactly what the parent
           | comment is railing against. In the corporate world, and
           | especially in the startup space, money is often the metric
           | that defines worth. In the parent comment's world, I imagine
           | they would rather that not be the case, and by <some other
           | metric> they would be worth more than these startups/"money
           | is god programmers" that are "only" worth money.
           | It could've been put a bit more nicely by not implying the
           | reader is a 'money is god programmer,' but otherwise it's a
           | valid opinion, I think.
       | theylovezmw wrote:
       | When the vaccines were first rolled out, my friends and I made a
       | site that showed PA citizens hospitals and pharmacies near them
       | that had covid vaccines available.
       | Every week, PA would release a spreadsheet of all places that
       | received vaccines and we would call the places listed to see
       | their availability. We ended up scaling the operation to ~200
       | volunteers.
       | There wasn't much on the technical side, though. We had an
       | Airtable where volunteers would update records an a next.js site
       | that displayed the date via Airtable API. We found the Airtable
       | embed to be too complicated/ugly and even though wrangling
       | Airtable API was a huge pain, it was worth
       | unwind wrote:
       | Not sure if it counts as building something concrete (I have been
       | programming commercially for ~20 years so I'm pretty sure there's
       | something if I dig) but does Stack Overflow impact count? I have
       | over 6,000 answers posted and a calculated reach/impact of over
       | 50 million people. That sometimes makes me smile and feel that I
       | have contributed something.
       | neilpanchal wrote:
       | I designed a typeface and while small, the impact of bringing joy
       | and productivity to people is greatly satisfying:
       | https://berkeleygraphics.com/typefaces/berkeley-mono/
       | rsweeney21 wrote:
       | I built the first "post-play" experience for Netflix. It made it
       | so that Netflix would automatically start playing the next
       | episode of the show you are watching after a 15 second count
       | down. We built it in the Silverlight player on the web because it
       | was the fastest way to A/B test new features at the time.
       | Before post-play, you had to open the episode menu and click on
       | the next episode to play it. We didn't want to do autoplay for a
       | long time because we were afraid people would fall asleep with
       | Netflix playing and it would break the internet. So we included
       | the now infamous "Are you still there?" popup a few minutes into
       | episode 3 with no interaction with the player.
       | Now it is everywhere - YouTube, Hulu, HBO, etc. And people watch
       | way more TV than they should.
         | idiotsecant wrote:
         | I want to say I hate automatic playing of content after my
         | content is complete but when I really think about it I love it
         | when I want it to do that and hate it when I don't and i'm too
         | lazy to tell my UI which is which.
         | I guess when something just works your users will assume the
         | cases where it is working properly are just the way things are
         | and the cases where it does something they don't like is your
         | fault.
         | So well done!
         | kkamperschroer wrote:
         | As I was reading your comment I was thinking "whoa, that sounds
         | like Damien or Robert" and sure enough :)
         | Hope you are doing well!
         | fillskills wrote:
         | Ah good old Silverlight. I once wrote a Drag and Drop library
         | in SL. Good times. I miss XAML.
       | srhtftw wrote:
       | Some FreeBSD code which later found its way on to every
       | OSX/iOS/macOS system.
       | d23 wrote:
       | Most of the most consequential changes to the reddit feeds a few
       | years ago I was involved in or directly came up with. The most
       | visible was probably the one that started putting discussion-
       | heavy posts on the front page (things like legaladvice,
       | amitheasshole, askreddit, unpopularopinion, etc). It's weird to
       | think about the resulting butterfly effects that are completely
       | beyond my knowledge and comprehension.
         | nicbou wrote:
         | It's crazy how things have changed. Reddit is now heading in
         | the opposite direction. It's a shame, because I think that your
         | approach was the better one.
       | buildbot wrote:
       | Hmm oddly probably my first "real" full time job is where I had
       | the most impact - I was one of two programmers hired for a summer
       | to redesign a stress testing suite for a server hardware vendor,
       | prime95, cuda-burn, etc. integrated into one single python
       | application to collect the data. I stayed there during the school
       | year part time and the next summer I got to hire another dev (my
       | counterpart left to facebook).
       | We then worked on a baremetal automation system that worked
       | through IPMI to completely automate the burn in process -remotely
       | starting servers as soon as they got their IP registered, PXe
       | booting them to the burn in image, and then kicking off the
       | testing process. We had a way overkill rabbitmq system to collect
       | streaming logs from every server as they ran, and all
       | orchestrated via rethinkdb change feeds. I think it is still the
       | most complex software project I have done. Basically one python
       | file would launch 7 separate python processes, each their own
       | rethinkdb change feed. This predated docker otherwise it probably
       | would have been 7 docker containers haha.
       | karmakaze wrote:
       | Working now at a bigco, the most impactful thing I do these days
       | is in guiding projects away from building the first thing they
       | think will solve a problem. People don't spend much time doing
       | thought experiments of how changes will evolve in the future or
       | with adjacent scopes. After thinking in that mode for a while you
       | realize that there are concepts here that could and should be
       | separated. A small tweak here and there, changing some
       | naming/terminology goes a long way to saving tons of
       | refactoring/cleanup down the road.
       | If you mean single-handedly, kinda hard to say. I also rewrote
       | chunks of a retail FX app written in Java1/awt -> Java5+/Swing.
       | Right now I'm enjoying using my own HN viewer (hackerer.news).
       | I'd like to make an SQL-oriented library so people don't have to
       | settle for JPQL/Hibernate--started but not done/promoted.
       | A recent stroke of luck was working on a small team building buy-
       | online-pickup-instore for thousands/millions of merchants, that
       | completed just before the pandemic hit.
       | not_the_fda wrote:
       | I've worked on numerous medical devices, many startups. From
       | treating cancer, kidney disease, or providing tools for
       | reconstructive surgery.
       | Nothing hits you in the feels than having customers thanking you
       | for improving their quality of life, or a child thanking you for
       | giving a parent more years of life.
         | keepquestioning wrote:
         | Whats the most exciting medical device technology today? Red
         | light therapy?
       | ushercakes wrote:
       | Depends how we want to define impact.
       | Is it - what is the thing I made that the most people use? A core
       | service within AWS. Very insane scale.
       | Is it - what is the thing I made that I think will be the most
       | intrinsically "beneficial" to society? Probably
       | https://contractrates.fyi I've done a lot of freelancing myself
       | and there really doesn't seem to be any single community or hub
       | for freelancers that isn't trying to squeeze every last dollar
       | out of them. I'm trying to make a thing that is legitimately
       | helpful and completely free.
       | revskill wrote:
       | Migrate a responsive web app to iOS and Android store without any
       | code changes.
       | ohadpr wrote:
       | First implementation of CAPTCHA circa 1997
         | uptown wrote:
         | Thanks! I hate it.
       | jcuenod wrote:
       | In an MA program in biblical studies, I realized that the best
       | way to understand what words mean in context is to see how
       | they're used in similar contexts. To do that, you've got to be
       | able to find similar contexts. I didn't like the solutions
       | available from the major software vendors, but it turns out
       | there's a whole bunch of tagged data that's openly licensed. So I
       | built a webapp that has all the search functionality that I need
       | and I put it online (https://parabible.com).
       | Apart from word of mouth and the occasional post like this, I
       | don't advertise it, but it's getting about 100 users a day. Many
       | of my users come from the majority world and couldn't afford the
       | software from the major vendors, which is very gratifying.
         | Minor49er wrote:
         | I like the layout of this. Do you plan on adding any other
         | versions of the text? BibleHub also shows multiple versions of
         | the text, but has a wide variety of translations to choose
         | from. Though their layout isn't quite this elegant
           | jcuenod wrote:
           | Thanks, I have put a non-trivial amount of thought into
           | making the interface friendly. I appreciate the compliment :)
           | I've got a staging environment at dev.parabible.com with
           | other versions (it's a bit rougher and can break, but it
           | supports searching in Greek along with a bunch of other
           | translations). I've also added Apostolic Fathers there
           | (which, I believe, is the first place that Ap. Fathers have
           | been available in English and original language in parallel
           | for free anywhere).
           | I'd love to get versions like the ESV, NIV, NASB... but
           | they're all copyrighted and when I've spoken to publishers
           | about licensing they want me to pay (and I'm a grad student
           | with no income). There are some other free translations I
           | could add (like the KJV, etc.), but I'm aiming at a scholarly
           | audience, who I think don't care about most of the
           | translations that you'll find for free (the KJV is one
           | exception there, tbh).
         | waltbosz wrote:
         | When I was in college I wrote a Windows app to do the side-by-
         | side translations of the bible just like you have on your site.
         | It was commissioned by a multilingual church.
         | Funny thing is, I'm a atheist raised by Catholics. I'm not sure
         | if I would take the job today. I feel it would be unscrupulous
         | for me to facilitate religious studies.
           | jcuenod wrote:
           | I mean, parabible is really aimed at research. In that sense,
           | hopefully there's something useful about it as a tool for
           | study, irrespective of personal convictions. That said, I'm a
           | Christian and I'm studying the Bible because I believe that's
           | how we know God, and I would be the first to say that there
           | is something different about that kind of research.
       | mughinn wrote:
       | This probably isn't that impactful on the grand scale, but I want
       | to mention 2 things
       | On a problem meeting to get better at detecting some SMS fraud,
       | we realized some manual labor the fraud team had to do with
       | Excel. I made a program that automated the checks and presented a
       | resulting ranked list, I saved that team (according to them)
       | around 1 hour a day of boring, stupid work and let them either
       | rest or use that time for better work
       | I did a small audit on webpage size on my company to see how
       | impactful the changes would be. Approximately 30% to 40% of the
       | page could be reduced. The calculated cost saved was low, $150 to
       | $200 per month, but also around 100kg to 150kg of CO2 released on
       | the atmosphere. If replicated on other pages the total cost saved
       | on both dollars and CO2 could be tripled
       | While not a lot, I like to think that those small things done
       | everywhere could ne a substantial help on global warming
       | pjc50 wrote:
       | About 25 years ago, with a group of friends:
       | https://www.srcf.net/
       | It was what you'd call a community-run webhost, but at a time
       | when such things weren't common. The main innovation was making
       | it easy for multiple people to administer and hand over websites:
       | we'd noticed that student society websites tended to get lost or
       | rebuilt every year, because they were run under people's personal
       | accounts which stopped working when they graduated.
       | lyptt wrote:
       | I worked on an ad attribution service for a AAA games company and
       | sold my soul in the process. It was neat maintaining a service
       | that had 130m+ hits a day though, never had to deal with scaling
       | like that since. Even neater was it was just two instances in
       | production. Vertical scaling all the way!
       | jasonrojas wrote:
       | A nodejs closed caption converter. I'm not a developer but can
       | get along just fine for most of my projects.
       | Funniest part was, I open sourced it. Then a few years and an
       | acquisition later the parent company tried to sell us a tool for
       | converting caption files based off my own code.
       | https://github.com/jasonrojas/node-captions
         | suprjami wrote:
         | How did you feel about that from a licensing perspective?
         | Not trying to bait a copyleft vs permissive argument, I'm
         | genuinely interested.
         | seefish wrote:
         | I'd love to hear more details about how that interaction went!
       | projproj wrote:
       | https://flexbox.help/ I get a lot of people saying it was very
       | useful.
         | FigurativeVoid wrote:
         | Oh I like this a lot. This a helpful little tool.
       | wglb wrote:
       | The first commercial remote automated Electrocardiogram Analysis
       | Service, receiving ECG data from hospitals throughout US and
       | Canada, and returning English language analysis within 10
       | minutes. I was lead developer/architect.
       | simonw wrote:
       | Probably this JavaScript function I posted on my blog in 2003
       | https://simonwillison.net/2003/Mar/25/getElementsBySelector/
         | kmoser wrote:
         | Wow, 10 years before document.querySelectorAll()!
         | iamwil wrote:
         | He's understating, perhaps on purpose.
         | Datasette, Django, and Lanyrd.
         | cookie_monsta wrote:
         | Wow. You were the original querySelector. It's funny how you
         | forget that somebody actually sat down and wrote these things
         | into existence at some point. Thanks!
       | ryanbigg wrote:
       | Maintained Spree as it's community manager
       | (https://GitHub.com/spree/spree) for 2.5-3 years, depending on
       | how you count. Taught me a lot about OSS. Dollar figures
       | processed using code I wrote / maintained hurt my brain. What
       | hurt my brain more was US sales tax rules.
       | I also wrote quite a few programming books
       | (https://ryanbigg.com/books) and some of the Ruby on Rails
       | guides. These have gone on to teach thousands of people around
       | the world. I really love hearing from those who've read my work.
       | loudouncodes wrote:
       | I spent 11 years working as a contractor for the U.S. State
       | Department. During this time I:
       | - In 1996 built and deployed a system to keep track of the
       | removal of landmines in Bosnia. In 2015 I met someone who knew my
       | work as a child in Sarajevo, producing the maps they'd give out
       | to schoolchildren.
       | - I managed a project with over 30 team members to build a system
       | to help former Soviet Union countries manage their import/export
       | control policies.
       | - I helped create a system for generating some annual reports for
       | Poland that was a requirememnt for them to join NATO.
         | the_only_law wrote:
         | Never worked for the federal government but my first "real"
         | full time dev job was at a small state government agency and
         | the work I did there had very visible positive effects for
         | people interacting with the agency. Pay was really low though.
       | dusted wrote:
       | Compared to most of these comments, I've not built anything
       | impactful.
       | But the software I've written that seems to have gotten most use
       | is SDL-Ball and the FinalKey password manager.
       | Well, I also built a "digital bulletin board" for a youth org
       | back when PHP was in fashion, it's no longer used, but they used
       | it, and bought minor upgrades for almost 15 years, so I like to
       | think it had a positive impact on that org. They ended up
       | primarily using a booking system that we designed together
       | exactly to fit their needs.
       | waprin wrote:
       | Despite being in the industry a long time, I think most of what I
       | worked on had little to no impact.
       | In terms of impacting other people, probably the biggest thing
       | was blog posts and sample code. It's funny how sample code has
       | less "cred" than "real" code, but if you've ever been trying to
       | start a new project in a new language or framework you know how
       | invaluable sample code can be.
       | In terms of impact in general, what I'm working on now has been
       | the most impactful , because it's improved my health. Im trying
       | to innovate on the concept of a habit tracker. Since I started
       | working on it, I've lost 10 pounds, quit drinking, went from
       | about a gram of marijuana use a day to about a gram a month, quit
       | addictive video games, went surfing much more consistently, and
       | been able to put in many more hours of focused work than I ever
       | have before despite working alone and only being accountable to
       | myself.
       | Generally when Ive gotten feedback about the project, I've gotten
       | told it's too complex, people want simplicity, I should focus on
       | B2B, and I shouldn't write any code at all unless I've validated
       | a problem. I try to communicate to people that I don't want to
       | sacrifice my own health progress to simplify things. But I am
       | hoping long term I can figure out how to build a bridge between
       | what's effective for myself and what's appealing and
       | understandable to everyone else. Lots of work to be done! But I
       | think improving my own life a lot more impact than most of the
       | stuff my employers had me doing :)
       | chrchang523 wrote:
       | Adopted an orphaned open-source project that was still widely
       | used in the genomics community, despite no updates in ~4 years.
       | Used SIMD instructions, careful memory management, and other
       | strategies to speed up most operations by 1-4 orders of magnitude
       | and support the current generation of biobank-scale genome-wide
       | association studies
       | (https://academic.oup.com/gigascience/article/4/1/s13742-015-...
       | ).
       | ggambetta wrote:
       | Interestingly, I think the most impactful thing I've built is
       | Computer Graphics from Scratch, a book! Teaching people is high-
       | impact and also super rewarding.
       | In terms of code, probably some stuff that runs on every Android
       | device (although I don't think any of my original, 2013-2014 code
       | is still in use, but the project itself is very much alive)
       | stevage wrote:
       | Professionally, probably findmyschool.vic.gov.au. Used by
       | hundreds of thousands of parents every year to find what school
       | zone their house is in. Built and maintained almost entirely by
       | me.
       | Also SchoolScape, an internal department tool used by dozens of
       | public servants to plan which schools need to be built or
       | upgraded. I just coded it, with the hard stuff being done by
       | economists. But from the feedback I get, it has made a huge
       | difference to the people who do that work.
       | As a hobby, opentrees.org. Definitely seems to have caused some
       | ripples in how tree data is seen and used.
         | cookie_monsta wrote:
         | As a Victorian parent who moves house way too often I would
         | like to say thank you.
       | im_down_w_otp wrote:
       | I once built a test rig to evaluate the strength of different
       | designs of CNC'd bicycle crankarms I'd made. Basically a weighted
       | sled slammed into the side of a jig mounted crankarm. That was
       | pretty impactful.
       | dzink wrote:
       | I run https://www.dreamlist.com and it's become a major, if not
       | the top, online gift drive platform in the US. Anyone who knows
       | families in need can organize a gift drive for them. You can add
       | items to lists, lists to groups of lists, to multi-branch
       | organization pages full of items wished by children and families
       | who may not be able to afford gifts otherwise. It's like a Y
       | Combinator for direct giving.
       | DreamList is free to all participants in the system and I spend a
       | lot of Q4 helping giant drives set up to get just the right gifts
       | to many many thousands of children (some drives support 15-30,000
       | children in foster care, single parent families, natural disaster
       | situations, or church communities across multiple states, and we
       | support an increasing number of drives). Q1-3 are spent building
       | more functionality to make the next Q4 easier because it is
       | inevitably bigger than the last.
       | wazoox wrote:
       | I designed and implemented the whole graphic system for the World
       | Cup '98 (working 100h weeks for months). Billions of people have
       | watched in real-time the result of my work and I earned
       | absolutely nothing from it :) (there's a fun story to write about
       | this, the tremendous amount of work, setting up the WAN
       | connecting the SGI machines together, building the remote control
       | hardware, etc).
       | ashishbijlani wrote:
       | I'm building Packj [1] to flag malicious/risky open-source
       | dependencies. It offers "audit" as well as "sandboxing" of
       | PyPI/NPM/Rubygems packages and reports hidden malware or "risky"
       | code behavior such as spawning of shell, use of SSH keys, and
       | mismatch of GitHub code vs packaged code (provenance). We found a
       | bunch of malicious packages on PyPI/RubyGems using the tool,
       | which have now been taken down.
       | 1. https://github.com/ossillate-inc/packj
       | anonymouse008 wrote:
       | A few years ago we made therapeutic decision assistance software
       | for use in clinical psychology. A psychologist would see a
       | readout of the perceived 'engagement' in the current stimulus,
       | usually a question or a task in the session, to use as a decision
       | point in altering the therapy - it was moving to hear patients's
       | stories. We only took on a handful, but each made trajectory
       | altering changes in their lives - from one on academic probation
       | to achieve honor-roll, another to releasing their anxiety to be
       | more social, and a couple finding new ways to identify their ADHD
       | triggers. That was impactful and meaningful work.
       | maccard wrote:
       | I work in video games and have worked from writing gameplay code
       | all the way up to online infrastructure. It's only been
       | "impactful" culturally, rather than some of the other posts. My
       | top highlights are:
       | https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/28/sports/fortnite-world-cup...
       | I was a programmer working on Fortnite, and I ended up working on
       | the on-site fortnite events, doing everything from the custom
       | cameras and broadcast specific UI, to hooking up the events in-
       | game to the lights in the stadium. It was pretty cool!
       | https://youtube.com/watch?v=EWANLy9TjRc - I worked on this game
       | (and the demo in this video) for a few years. I wrote much of the
       | code for the asset pipeline for the destruction, lots of the
       | gameplay code for how it interacted with the game and a good
       | chunk of optimisation on the cloud physics side.
       | egberts1 wrote:
       | Impactful?
       | Designed and deployed credit card readers used in gas pumps back
       | in 1979. (Sold to Gasboy)
       | Wrote a fine tuner to allow communication between satellites
       | (precursor to TDRSS days). Still used to this day.
       | Failover of IP in ATM switches (VVRP, PXE, secondary DHCP,
       | secondary DNS, secondary LDAP, secondary NFS). While not invented
       | here, it is still used today as this is a Common setup to this
       | day.
       | Printer drivers for big, big high-speed Xerox printers on BSD.
       | Still used to this day by big, big high-speed printers.
       | Also, early IDS products (pre-Snort) at line-speed. Sold to
       | Netscreen.
       | Easy zero-setup of DSL modem before some BellCore decided to
       | complicate things (thus exploding their field deployment budgets;
       | Southwestern Bell/Qwest enjoyed our profitable zero-setup). Sold
       | to Siemens.
       | 1Gps IDS/IPS before selling it to 3Com/Hewlett-Packard Packard.
       | Now, I'm dabbling in a few startups (JavaScript HIDS, Silent
       | Connections, replacing the systemd-temp).
       | Impact? It is more about personal pride but its impacts are still
       | being felt today.
         | rglover wrote:
         | Obligatory: https://youtu.be/jjaqrPpdQYc?t=14
         | keepquestioning wrote:
         | How did you find all these product market fits?
         | Have you made more than a typical SWE?
       | nicbou wrote:
       | Definitely All About Berlin. A few years ago, I started
       | documenting how to deal with German bureaucracy as a foreigner.
       | The website grew and grew until it became a well-known resource
       | for immigrants. It has become my full-time job at some point in
       | 2020.
       | It's been a little over 5 years since I started, and I'm still
       | super stoked about my work. I still enjoy doing the research,
       | rewriting guides a dozen times, and answering reader mail. People
       | seem really grateful for it, and it means a lot to me.
         | atlasunshrugged wrote:
         | That's awesome! Wish I had heard about it when I moved there,
         | definitely going to hunt through the site to see if you have a
         | guide to getting some of my pension payments refunded now that
         | I've moved
           | nicbou wrote:
           | I do! https://allaboutberlin.com/guides/pension-payments-
           | refund
           | Don't forget your tax return too. If you didn't work the full
           | year, you'll get money back.
         | spery wrote:
         | I use your site often. Thank you for creating it, it's a great
         | resource!
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