[HN Gopher] South Africa's national electricity crisis to worsen
       South Africa's national electricity crisis to worsen
       Author : herodoturtle
       Score  : 118 points
       Date   : 2022-11-20 19:05 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.news24.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.news24.com)
       | boeingUH60 wrote:
       | Typical African country. I've always wondered what's wrong with
       | my continent. You can't literally point to a single African
       | country that's developed and successful...corruption and
       | incompetence rules every sector here...so horrible.
       | Sorry for my rant :(
         | fatneckbeardz wrote:
         | i tend to disagree. Africa has some countries with very good
         | GDP growth over the past 20 years, higher than some developed
         | countries (Japan) that are struggling with debt and demographic
         | collapse.
           | boeingUH60 wrote:
           | Please name some...I really want to have hope. Most times,
           | the countries people name like Rwanda are definitely
           | improving but still far behind on a global development scale.
           | Sure, Japan is struggling, but Japan's struggles seem like
           | paradise to the average African country's struggles.
             | pepperonipizza wrote:
             | Ethiopia was having a rapid growth before covid.
             | I am not sure after covid and the war in Tigray how it's
             | doing at the moment
           | mschuster91 wrote:
           | > Africa has some countries with very good GDP growth over
           | the past 20 years
           | The key question is: just how much of that nominal growth
           | ended up back at the population, and how much ended up in
           | anonymous Swiss accounts or shell companies belonging to
           | autocrats and their families/friends?
           | knaekhoved wrote:
         | inglor_cz wrote:
         | It is my impression that Rwanda has been improving under the
         | Kagame rule, but that the improvement is still precarious.
           | boeingUH60 wrote:
           | Rwanda's GDP per capita is $834 [1]. That's way worse than my
           | poor country (Nigeria) at $2,085 [2], so that improvement is
           | very much in question and under a dictator nonetheless.
           | Edit: Removed the part describing Kagame as genocidal because
           | I mixed up his identity. He's still corrupt and power-drunk
           | though.
           | 1- https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?locati
           | on... 2- https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?
           | location...
             | inglor_cz wrote:
             | I am ignorant about the details in case of Nigeria and
             | Rwanda, but GDP per capita may not be a good measure of
             | living standards in nations with massive inequality.
             | A couple of ultra-rich oil tycoons in an otherwise poor
             | country will artificially increase the per capita figure.
               | thaumasiotes wrote:
               | To boost the per capita GDP of Nigeria from $834 to
               | $2085, your two oil tycoons would need to have annual
               | income of more than 130 billion dollars each.
               | A couple of ultra-rich people can't really move GDP per
               | capita figures anywhere; that's not how averages work.
               | inglor_cz wrote:
               | By "a couple" I meant something like several thousand. A
               | tiny minority within the entire population.
               | How many are, for example, the Saudi princes? Five
               | thousand or so?
               | ethbr0 wrote:
               | Saudi Arabia's population is 38.5 M.
               | Nigeria's is 225 M.
               | That's the denominator difference.
               | rsj_hn wrote:
               | First, you are getting this casualty reversed if you
               | think a few thousand billionaires just drop on a poor
               | country, raising GDP. What happens is wealthy countries
               | give rise to wealthy elite, and poor countries have
               | poorer elite. The billionaire's income cannot just be
               | added to GDP, and removing the billionaire does not
               | reduce GDP by the amount of his income.
               | We can do a thought experiment -- let's say Taylor Swift
               | makes $100 million. Does that mean she increases GDP by
               | $100 million? No, because part of that $100 million is
               | taking money away from other uses, e.g. someone with a
               | fixed entertainment budget going to see her instead of
               | doing something else. Only the resulting increase in
               | overall income -- if any -- is the measure of how much
               | Taylor adds to GDP.
               | GDP is the sum of total final production in an economy,
               | and while a billionaire may play an important role in
               | organizing production and encouraging more production to
               | happen, it's usually the case that if they were never
               | born or left, the economy would continue with other
               | replacements for the billionaire's contribution. The
               | replacements would be less efficient and so output would
               | be a bit smaller. That difference is the contribution to
               | GDP, not the billionaire's entire income.
               | And if you talk about Saudi oil princes, then they are
               | not producing anything at all. Make those Oil princes
               | disappear, and Saudi Arabia's GDP would be unchanged.
               | Actually it would certainly increase, since imports
               | subtract from GDP and those oil princes like to stash
               | their wealth overseas and import luxury goods.
               | Bottom line, please don't confuse household income with
               | national income, they are different beasts, and you
               | cannot increase or decrease national income in a material
               | way by adding or removing rich households to the country,
               | anymore than you can make a business increase or decrease
               | in revenue by paying the CEO more. Rather, CEOs of high
               | revenue companies earn more, and those of lower revenue
               | companies earn less. You can't just look at a company
               | that is earning less revenue and say "Oh, just add a few
               | thousand highly paid executives to the company, and the
               | revenue will be way up".
               | kragen wrote:
               | > _What happens is wealthy countries give rise to wealthy
               | elite, and poor countries have poorer elite._
               | This does occasionally happen, and by choosing your
               | definition of "elite" carefully enough you can make it
               | happen in more cases, but it is generally not the case.
               | Poor countries generally have much greater inequality
               | than wealthy countries, with the result that elites in
               | poor countries (say, top 1%, 5%, or 10% by either net
               | worth or income) are often _wealthier_ than elites in
               | richer countries.
               | > _let 's say Taylor Swift makes $100 million. Does that
               | mean she increases GDP by $100 million?_
               | Generally, the answer in cases like this is "almost".
               | Your explanation leaves out what she does with the money
               | after she gets it. If she spends it all immediately on
               | domestic products and services, then yes, she does
               | increase GDP by her earnings, because her spending
               | replaces the forgone spending you correctly identify on
               | the part of her fans. Similarly if she lends it to
               | businesses who use it to buy domestic products and
               | services, or if she buys their stock from them or from
               | other shareholders who then go on to use it in the same
               | way. So-called "entertainers" tend to be quite
               | spendthrift, and those from the US mostly spend their
               | money in the US.
               | To some degree Ms. Swift is an exception on this count,
               | known for her wise investing, estimates are that she's
               | grown her net worth to only US$450 million over her
               | 18-year music career, despite currently earning US$150
               | million per year from her work; as a very rough
               | approximation that means she's spent the first 15 of her
               | 18 years of showbiz earnings already, and most of her
               | savings are probably also in US stock markets and money
               | markets.
             | SamReidHughes wrote:
             | Kagame being genocidal is news to me.
               | boeingUH60 wrote:
               | Mistake...was thinking of someone else. I stand
               | corrected.
         | askvictor wrote:
         | Imperialism has a lot to answer for.
           | winReInstall wrote:
           | Yeah, kept china, japan, south-korea and Hong Kong down. 3
           | generations later, they still suffer. The atrocities were
           | real, the explanation power for current day missery
           | diminishes rapidly.
           | My prefered theory is that human capital stays valuable even
           | through crisis and that it pays of to be the direct cold
           | conflict zone for two super powers, who then prop you up.
             | geysersam wrote:
             | China, and especially Japan were never colonized the way
             | Africa was. You clearly don't know what you are talking
             | about.
               | TheLoafOfBread wrote:
               | Except when Mongols took over in China or the "century of
               | humiliation".
               | Japan is also example for itself. They voluntarily
               | isolated themselves for centuries and fell back in
               | everything. They were shocked when Americans forced them
               | to trade in steam ships. But instead of finding excuses
               | and blaming Americans for waking them up, they started
               | Meiji restoration.
         | forinti wrote:
         | I can think of a few that seem to be developing nicely:
         | Botswana, Mauritius, Cape Verde, Rwanda, and Namibia.
         | pharmakom wrote:
         | I suggest reading Guns Germs and Steel for some context
         | concordDance wrote:
         | Building institutions and culture takes centuries and can be
         | lost quickly. Take heart that the West is burning its cultural
         | capital quickly and becoming low trust as people start to
         | realize they're in a reputation poor environment.
           | User23 wrote:
           | Why is that something to take heart in? It sounds ugly and
           | spiteful to me.
             | thfuran wrote:
             | Is schadenfreude not your favorite flavor of ice cream?
               | User23 wrote:
               | No I genuinely derive joy from seeing others, be it
               | individuals or entire nations, do well.
               | I'm not perfect of course, so sometimes I do feel
               | schadenfreude. But I never mistake it for a good thing,
               | but rather a sign of my own imperfection.
           | ch4s3 wrote:
           | More than just that, it takes a lot of luck. You need people
           | in power at key moments who can rise to the occasion and then
           | peacefully pass along power. You need leaders who build
           | institutions and not networks of patronage. You need people
           | in place who are willing to accept the constraints of rule of
           | law, and to establish that norm.
           | [*edit] can someone downvoting explain what they disagree
           | with here?
             | guywithahat wrote:
             | I didn't downvote you but you can't really call it all
             | luck, because if that were the case you would see a random
             | smattering of countries becoming successful and others
             | failing, however what you see in the real world is
             | continents either being successful or failing.
             | Unfortunately I think some of the major actors at play here
             | are too politically sensitive to talk about, but I don't
             | think there's much luck involved at the end of the day
           | knaekhoved wrote:
             | lazide wrote:
             | IQ is the wrong term IMO.
             | IQ is attempting to measure intelligence, and generally
             | (but not always) ignores things like education, ongoing
             | mental load (except for during the test), etc.
             | Intelligence is generally innate ability, but not what you
             | would see day to day 'under load'.
             | What we're seeing is somewhat different IMO. It's a
             | decrease in the available executive function/free mental
             | capacity of the population.
             | Executive function is the ability to synthesize the
             | available information (past and present), and create a plan
             | which produces the best outcome - and then follow it
             | successfully.
             | Someone can have a very high IQ, and low executive function
             | for a number of reasons - disorder (ADHD), bad nutrition,
             | stressful or distracting environment, having too high a
             | workload, or too much bullshit being thrown at them all the
             | time.
             | Corruption makes it worse because it means it's impossible
             | to directly reason about how long something will take, or
             | what resources it will take, without going through a bunch
             | of opaque and situational hurdles. It also means tests and
             | validation can't be trusted, and it's more likely the water
             | system will be dangerous/cause disease despite everyone
             | saying it's ok.
             | It burns executive function and decision making ability.
             | Extra complexity of all kinds does, but bullshit is one of
             | the worst.
             | SA had an evil, but competent gov't so for folks 'within
             | the system', things were relatively straightforward and
             | worked as expected. That freed up a lot of executive
             | function to do even more things that worked effectively.
             | With corruption and BS (aka say one thing, the other thing
             | happens) everywhere, it burns more executive function and
             | everything starts to rot everywhere else too, because
             | everyone starts to get more and more expensive on the
             | executive function side, just to stay alive.
             | Rather than just driving to a place, for instance, everyone
             | has to figure out if it is going to go through a place that
             | will get them killed (and /or kidnapped and raped).
             | Rather than just have working water, they have to spend
             | effort figuring out if they need their own supply, how much
             | to keep, when it needs to be rotated or treated so they
             | don't get sick, etc.
             | Same with power now, etc.
             | Often, societies end up stratified into layers based on
             | available executive function. Being rich allows someone to
             | help educate their kids and shelter them during key years,
             | so they learn how to protect and grow that executive
             | function, and aren't exposed to as many of the traumatic
             | effects that can hurt it. There is also a genetic factor
             | that clearly shows up (not along race lines, but along
             | family lines - it's pretty clear).
             | Eventually, folks lose the plot or get pushed down a level
             | due to external factors or mistakes. People with particular
             | behaviors that fit well to the environment can also move up
             | (unless suppressed) using wealth they've accrued due to
             | effective function to continue to perpetuate what they
             | think is important to have more executive function, hence
             | class turnover/mobility.
             | Having a large swath of oppressed folks (who have had their
             | ability to progress or sustain things that give them high
             | executive function systematically broken for generations)
             | take over for the folks previously maintaining it just for
             | themselves, when those folks also disappear, is going to be
             | a shitshow every time, for at least several generations.
             | milsorgen wrote:
             | Meritocracy seems to be looked at with derision by some
             | these days. It's a worrisome trend.
               | knaekhoved wrote:
               | Even if you have notional meritocracy, you're still
               | screwed long-term if migration and reproduction patterns
               | are dysgenic.
               | winReInstall wrote:
               | I blame hacker culture, were to gain with little input
               | effort, aka a parasitic existence is cherished. Its
               | prevalent in lots of places now, including the financial
               | sector, were leveraging is more important then long term
               | investment. The good thing though is, its self
               | destructive, and the resulting riots will know who they
               | want to take it out on.
               | vsareto wrote:
               | Meritocracy is biased for people with money, especially
               | if you were born with significant sums.
               | inglor_cz wrote:
               | Still it seems to have better results than outright
               | aristocracy or primitive tribalism.
           | georgeecollins wrote:
           | https://pjmedia.com/culture/jeff-
           | reynolds/2017/05/31/things-...
             | joenot443 wrote:
             | Note this was written in 2017. A lot has happened since the
             | which affirms what GP is saying about the degradation of
             | cultural capital here in the west.
         | fulafel wrote:
         | In most other countries this same problem is solved by raising
         | prices. Which is better seems a subjective question - the
         | zavway at least gives low income people access to some
         | reasonably priced electricity.
         | akomtu wrote:
         | Europe, America, China and even Russia have mercenaries corps
         | (e.g. Glencore) that _help_ African countries choose the right
         | rulers, and when the ruler isn 't right he gets replaced. The
         | right ruler needs to be a chaotic plutocrat who cares only
         | about himself and looks the other way when his home country is
         | looted. As for IQ, it's a side effect of the above: NK and SK
         | are the same people who live under different rulers for less
         | than a century, but NKs are already much shorter. My guess is
         | that in a hostile environments, the smarts and height genes
         | stay dormant.
         | zosima wrote:
         | It's tribal and there is in most of Africa, no culture for
         | rewarding merit or excellence.
         | But there is always willingness to blame everybody else.
         | pessimizer wrote:
         | > I've always wondered what's wrong with my continent.
         | It's a source of raw materials for powers outside of your
         | continent, who pour money and arms into the hands of the
         | cliques most willing and able to get those materials out of the
         | country at the lowest price.
         | Any hint that a resource-cursed country wants to reign in its
         | elites, regulate its environment or labor, or negotiate better
         | prices is replied to with a torrent of funds directed to the
         | people most willing to murder the reformers.
           | jopsen wrote:
           | I don't believe every country in Africa have lots of
           | resources.
           | I think it's hard to build institutions, credibility and
           | trust in a society.
         | lzooz wrote:
         | https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2148945/
         | roomey wrote:
         | What's wrong with your continent?
         | This whole thread is making me feel like I'm in an alternative
         | reality...
         | The continent was raped, looted and pillaged by Europeans and
         | Americans. Complete populations were enslaved. Natural
         | resources were stolen, cultures were destroyed.
         | And of course, in the best traditions, divisions were sown
         | where one set of Native people were marked as better than
         | another set, in a move that takes many generations to heal.
         | My country (Ireland) was colonised, we lost half our population
         | to famine and emigration. We, almost, lost our language, out
         | culture. We still have sectarian conflict. We didn't have one
         | quarter the shit that was done to many parts of Africa. And,
         | without Europe's money, we would still be a state completely
         | dependent on our former colonisers.
         | Healing will take time, but to not mention the damage done, and
         | still being done there is nonsense.
         | The top post on this thread is saying the apartheid government
         | was bad yes... But they made the trains run on time!
           | pixelpoet wrote:
           | > The top post on this thread is saying the apartheid
           | government was bad yes... But they made the trains run on
           | time!
           | I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties with reading
           | comprehension, but if you're suggesting that I'm an Apartheid
           | apologist for trying to explain how things got the way they
           | are and how it's completely on-brand mismanagement from the
           | ANC government, you've got completely the wrong guy.
           | recuter wrote:
           | > The continent was raped, looted and pillaged by Europeans
           | and Americans. Complete populations were enslaved. Natural
           | resources were stolen, cultures were destroyed.
           | Our species is a violent one. The same can be said of other
           | continents. Africa had the same problems long before America
           | was hardly even a thing.
           | You could just as easily give counter examples of say gunboat
           | diplomacy cracking open Japan and hurling it out of stasis
           | and into modernity.
           | > The top post on this thread is saying the apartheid
           | government was bad yes... But they made the trains run on
           | time!
           | You are not doing the people you purport sympathy for any
           | favors with such an attitude.
           | Trains need to run, electric grids need to work. The
           | observation on competency in no way implies endorsement of
           | the previous government.
           | People are objectively worse off now, believe it or not (look
           | into it before arguing), while you get to moralize from far
           | away. Nobody is arguing for a return to the previous regime
           | obviously.
           | What you're doing simply isn't helpful.
         | recuter wrote:
         | Look at a map of how alphabets spread and literacy rates. I
         | think a more productive question would be not what is wrong
         | with Africa but what was right with Europe.
         | Religion played a part. The best selling book after the
         | printing press emerged was the Bible and majority of book sales
         | revolved around religious texts. There was money to be made
         | from this so it spread.
         | The great leap forward didn't come during the renaissance as
         | many people imagine but as late as the 19th. The 20th for
         | communist countries.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_literacy_campaign
         | Before the campaign, the rate of illiteracy among city dwellers
         | was 11% compared to 41.7% in the countryside
         | Present day Nigeria is still somewhere around 50%, somebody
         | correct me if I'm wrong.
         | Without universal literacy a country can't escape corruption,
         | it is a necessary but not sufficient requirement to move to to
         | the next stage. Not so long ago most everyone most everywhere
         | was an illiterate peasant, the first places to grow out of that
         | got first mover advantage.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_curse
           | TheLoafOfBread wrote:
           | > The great leap forward didn't come during the renaissance
           | as many people imagine but as late as the 19th. The 20th for
           | communist countries.
           | Actually it is more like 18th century in Austria-Hungary
           | where compulsory school attendance (6 years long - just read,
           | write, count) was established in 1774 School Reform under
           | Empress Maria Theresa and the elementary school as I know it
           | was established by The Imperial Elementary School Act
           | (Reichsvolksschulgesetz) of 1869 standardized compulsory
           | schooling as a whole and increased compulsory schooling from
           | six to eight years.
           | Which is very nice history lesson, but does not answer the
           | question of "why did European rulers even bothered with
           | compulsory education at all".
         | tomjen3 wrote:
         | >You can't literally point to a single African country that's
         | developed and successful
         | /me lifts hand and point finger to Botswanna.
           | Barrin92 wrote:
           | yep. It's a small country but it's the oldest democracy on
           | the continent, ranks quite highly internationally (30th on
           | the democracy index, ahead of Italy), and has a gdp per
           | capita only slightly lower than the baltics (20k). By most
           | accounts a pretty tremendous success.
             | jl6 wrote:
             | Any obvious reasons why it has enjoyed this success while
             | its southern neighbour hasn't?
         | knaekhoved wrote:
           | hef19898 wrote:
           | That is some pretty disturbing comment.
           | xphilter wrote:
           | lol. I just love casual racism on HN.
       | mikaeluman wrote:
       | It is incredible how the collapse of SA, having happened over a
       | moderately short span of time, has largely escaped coverage.
       | The infatuation with the "rainbow nation" and Mandela overcoming
       | the evil apartheid government.
       | But the policies have just been a disaster. And in recent years,
       | it's become so bad that we have to read news like this. Anyone
       | that can get out, has or is getting out. I worked in a project
       | with ppl from Johannesburg; suddenly they had moved to my
       | country.
         | lgleason wrote:
         | The flight out of the country has been happening for a long
         | time.
       | gatvol wrote:
       | Is this a deliberate strategy of the current regime to "dismantle
       | the legacy of colonialism"?
       | marcusverus wrote:
       | > ...the implication was that load shedding would in fact, be
       | several stages above stage 4.
       | For the uninitiated, "load shedding" is a euphemism for "rolling
       | blackouts". According to the wiki, Stage 4 load shedding leaves
       | 25% of grid users without power. Assuming "several stages above
       | stage 4" means Stage 7, that would mean that, at any given point,
       | ~45% of grid users would be without power. [0]
       | Yikes.
       | [0]
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_energy_crisis#Lo...
         | zx76 wrote:
         | This is correct.
         | Due to how long these power cuts have persisted a lot of
         | businesses, industry and the middle class & up have almost
         | habituated to the levels up to 4. Shopping centers have
         | generators, business parks have full solar and retail stores
         | have battery backup. For instance a local clothing chain
         | (Foschini) installed 300+ Tesla powerwall setups so that all
         | their locations can be totally uninterrupted even with
         | 2.5/5/7.5 hours per day of power cuts. Cell towers, fiber
         | infrastructure, hospitals, even traffic lights at busy
         | intersections all have battery backup these days.
         | The reason this announcement is making the news is because
         | levels above 4, like the two weeks or so of stage 6 we recently
         | had are much more problematic. You start to run into issues
         | where cell tower batteries can only charge like 80% back up
         | with the number of hours powered per day - and so after a few
         | days they no longer have enough charge to keep up with the
         | interruptions and go offline, disrupting communications &
         | internet access.
         | Additionally the provisions heavy industry has made over the
         | years to deal with this become insufficient and you start to
         | lose shifts and thus there's a lot of evidence the economy is
         | very materially affected at these levels of cuts.
         | Of course the real weight of this crisis lands massively on the
         | poor and disrupts job growth when it's desperately needed,
         | curtails foreign and local investment etc. To discuss how parts
         | of society can easily function with the lower stages of power
         | cuts is not to miss how insane this all is... A society of 60
         | million people has largely stood by while this has happened for
         | approx. 15 years now. And it's not like this is a matter of a
         | poor nation without the ability to invest - approximately $40
         | billion USD has been spent by the power utility just in capex
         | alone in this period - and afterwards they are producing less
         | power than at the start... Quote from a local article: "It
         | means that Eskom destroyed 46 GWh of power generation per R1
         | billion spent on increasing its power generation." [1]
         | [1] https://mybroadband.co.za/news/investing/465641-eskom-
         | blew-r...
           | lelanthran wrote:
           | > Of course the real weight of this crisis lands massively on
           | the poor
           | Yes, the poor shoulders this crisis more than the minority
           | non-poor. But, it is in their power to fix it, because it's
           | the masses of poor that have been voting the same government
           | into power repeatedly for almost 30 years.
           | What would you have us do? Revoke their voting rights? They
           | vote for more poverty _every single time_ , and there's
           | nothing anyone can do to get them to change there minds.
           | eikenberry wrote:
           | If they already have the infrastructure they should just skip
           | ahead to 100% solar/wind power with no base load
           | infrastructure. Storage/batteries at the endpoints makes base
           | load redundant and wasteful.
             | zx76 wrote:
             | The problem is that not everyone can afford battery backup,
             | due to the poverty in our society the country basically has
             | to have a reliable base load. Coming from the sections of
             | society where everyone has solar, inverters, datacenter
             | style lipo UPS in their houses etc. it's also been
             | interesting to me how inefficient storage at the endpoint
             | is. People are spending R300k ($17k) on batteries and
             | inverters sized to their houses' peak load, but 90% of the
             | time they could actually get by with radically less. I read
             | on HN about a company making a smart Distribution Board for
             | houses - seemed like a really good idea based on this. If
             | you can intelligently manage load you can cut your off grid
             | setup cost substantially at minimal inconvenience.
             | klipt wrote:
             | Yeah all that batteries do is time-shift power usage. If
             | there's an overall shortfall of power generation, batteries
             | don't really help on a systemic level.
             | And every little business having its own diesel generator
             | is just like building more power stations, but much dirtier
             | and less efficient...
               | zx76 wrote:
               | Exactly. I've had conversations with friends about how
               | much less effective load shedding must be now compared to
               | when it started because of the proliferation of battery
               | backup. At the beginning, an two hour cut would have
               | reduced total GWh used substantially. But now, as soon as
               | the cut ends demand will spike as batteries charge.
               | Without data on just how many batteries there are it's
               | hard to work out at what point an additional hours cut
               | will be required!
               | Of course it's not the biggest crisis because grid-level
               | electricity usage spikes overwhelmingly at morning and
               | evening peaks. So if you can use the power cut schedules
               | to shift demand away from these peaks, even if the
               | batteries reduce the efficiency a bit, you're still
               | having a substantial effect on the required peak grid
               | power.
           | jasonhansel wrote:
           | I'm assuming that the need to recharge all those batteries
           | means that, when the power gets turned back on, usage spikes
           | very rapidly, making the problem worse.
           | Since those batteries aren't 100% efficient, a fair amount of
           | this power is probably being lost to the batteries
           | themselves.
             | zx76 wrote:
             | Absolutely. That said, the bigger effect is actually from
             | geysers since almost every house has one whereas batteries
             | are not as widely spread. As the power comes back on the
             | geyser will suddenly draw substantially since the temp will
             | have fallen during the scheduled cut.
             | Accordingly there have been big govt. subsidies for geyser
             | timers to put on your DB and solar geysers to try reduce
             | this effect. Big information campaigns about not running
             | the geyser all the time etc.
             | The consequences can be substantial, the city electricity
             | depts. have to continually deal with substations and local
             | transformers blowing up (literally, in an explosion, I've
             | seen the aftermath!) because of the demand surges. Some
             | areas are exempted from the scheduled cuts in my city to
             | preserve older infrastructure.
             | Additionally, insurance companies report big spikes in
             | claims from devices being damaged due to the unstable power
             | as it reconnects. In my house everything is behind varying
             | levels of surge protection, and interestingly I actually
             | have SA made surge plugs that don't pass power through for
             | the first 5 minutes after powering back on. This way my
             | fridge compressor won't be damaged by unstable power (e.g.
             | sudden substantially lower voltage, or a surge) as the
             | scheduled cut ends.
               | lbotos wrote:
               | I think "geysers" are a type of hot water heater, yes?
               | zx76 wrote:
               | Yes. Most houses in SA have electrically heated water
               | stored in a tank called a geyser. There are other options
               | - some apartment complexes have central heat pump hot
               | water, some houses have on demand heating via gas - but
               | the most common is something like a 100/150/200 litre
               | insulated steel tank in the roof that stores hot water
               | and regulates it to 60 degrees C via thermostat.
               | lgleason wrote:
               | It's what us American's call a hot water tank. Basically
               | the same thing.
       | liampulles wrote:
       | Eish, glad I bought an inverter that can withstand a 4h
       | loadshedding block instead of a 2h one, but the economic and
       | societal implications of this are pretty horrifying.
       | Curious if there any SA expats here that can comment on their
       | experience of emigrating? I have looked a bit but not very
       | seriously. I should mention I do have a Netherlands passport (via
       | my father).
       | Semaphor wrote:
       | Ouch. We are planning to visit my mother-in-law for the first
       | time since covid in December. Maybe this isn't a great time, but
       | then when will it be.
       | pixelpoet wrote:
       | As someone who grew up and went to uni in SA, then later
       | emigrated to NZ (and later Europe) in 2007, this is completely
       | expected.
       | My understanding is that what happened is, in 1994 when the
       | Apartheid government handed over power to the ANC, basically
       | everything the government had in the pipeline was scrapped; of
       | course it was in many ways an evil government, but it was also a
       | surprisingly competent one, the only government to produce
       | nuclear weapons and decide on their own to dismantle them or
       | something? So anyway, all their plans for much-needed energy
       | infrastructure upgrades were scrapped in 1994, and never
       | considered again until the rolling blackouts started, by which
       | time it was far too late. Since then the nearly universal
       | corruption within the ANC and overall state capture meant things
       | rapidly got worse, not better.
       | I distinctly remember writing code to do periodic saves of a long
       | running computation's state, because the power would just
       | randomly go out, and at one point the power went out while saving
       | the state, so I switched to saving A/B alternating state files.
       | Most of my family is still hanging out in SA and things just get
       | worse and worse... don't even get me started on the crime...
         | perfecthjrjth wrote:
         | Can one blame apartheid governments for today's problems? When
         | can one stop blaming the apartheid? Instead of blaming, what
         | mistakes that the post-apartheid governments have committed?
         | Sure, corruption is one. How about competence? Competence and
         | corruption can co-exist, though.
           | lelanthran wrote:
           | > Can one blame apartheid governments for today's problems?
           | No. Too many other countries suffered worse and bounced back
           | faster.
           | > When can one stop blaming the apartheid?
           | It will never happen. While the voters are all tribal in
           | their support, the one thing they _mostly_ agree on is
           | racially-based legislation. In such an environment you do not
           | expect the voters to ever dig themselves out of this.
           | > Instead of blaming, what mistakes that the post-apartheid
           | governments have committed? Sure, corruption is one. How
           | about competence? Competence and corruption can co-exist,
           | though.
             | antonvs wrote:
             | > No. Too many other countries suffered worse and bounced
             | back faster.
             | For example?
             | One issue with apartheid is that it essentially withheld
             | education from the black population. Sure, it had schools
             | for them, but they were nothing like the standard of the
             | schools for white children.
             | So what's an example of a country with an essentially
             | uneducated population of tens of millions who "bounced
             | back(?) faster"?
               | TheLoafOfBread wrote:
               | Germany leveled to the ground in 1945, occupied up to
               | 1955
               | chess_buster wrote:
               | Germany made the allies to believe much more factories
               | and infrastructure were destroyed than actually were.
               | Additionally Germany has been shortly before that the
               | scientific center of the world regarding Physics,
               | Chemestry, Engineering... So the land of the thinkers and
               | poets ("Dichter und Denker") obviously had a different
               | starting point, no?
               | (I'm German, in case that matters).
               | inglor_cz wrote:
               | In that case, try Poland. It was destroyed very
               | thoroughly and methodically, with all the famous German
               | attention to detail, so to say. And the subsequent
               | occupation by the Soviets didn't help either.
               | Looking at contemporary Poland, one would hardly believe
               | that the country was a heap of ruins and dead bodies mere
               | three generations ago.
               | TheLoafOfBread wrote:
               | What was not bombed down, was looted by invading armies,
               | especially in eastern front.
               | xnyan wrote:
               | With the help of huge amounts of cash and other support
               | from the United States. This is also why Japan and South
               | Korea recovered so quickly. South Africa did not get a
               | Marshall Plan.
           | [deleted]
           | buyx wrote:
           | The ANC is structurally broken: that's the bottom line.
           | The same sort of intrigue that happens in the Chinese
           | Communist Party ruling circles happens in the ANC (not
           | surprising since both are organised under the same
           | principles), meaning that the leader has unfettered power
           | until the next ANC elective conference. Mbeki (competent but
           | with crazy ideas about AIDS that were his undoing) and Zuma
           | were allowed to run amok. Add cadre deployment to the mix,
           | and you can see why South Africa is such a mess...the
           | democratic constitutional order is badly weakened when the
           | electorally dominant political party is run as a personality
           | cult.
           | I expected Cyril Ramaphosa to be more aggressive in cleaning
           | out the rot, and to perhaps reform the ANC structurally, but
           | he seems very tentative...
           | Gareth321 wrote:
           | I agree. Successive governments have had 28 years to build
           | and upgrade power infrastructure. Negligence and corruption
           | have prevented that. Electricity is just one symptom of a
           | much greater problem in SA. Apartheid was clearly immoral,
           | but they handed over the keys to a very productive economy,
           | on land with some of the best resources in the world, on
           | which they had built excellent infrastructure. Since 1994,
           | every single development metric has continued to decline.
           | Everything from literacy to health outcomes to
           | infrastructure. In September, the government passed a
           | Zimbabwe-style bill which will allow it to seize land on the
           | basis of race (https://allafrica.com/view/group/main/main/id/
           | 00083533.html). Within a matter of years we will begin seeing
           | famine; in a nation with some of the best and most abundant
           | farmland in the world.
           | South Africa is one of the most beautiful countries on the
           | planet. It has the raw ingredients to be a global economic
           | powerhouse. What its government - and ostensibly the people
           | voting for it - are doing to it is so sad to see.
         | karp773 wrote:
         | Have they ever tried to emigrate? And if yes, why are they
         | still there?
           | sgt wrote:
           | I think this kind of energy crisis article gives a bit of a
           | skewed perspective of SA. South Africa is still an absolutely
           | brilliant place to live.
           | I can say this because, well, I am still here and I am not
           | planning on moving. It of course assumes you have a decent
           | income and that you don't live in a dodgy neighborhood.
           | Standard of living is very high. As for load shedding, you
           | can easily mitigate this by putting up solar panels on your
           | roof, an inverter and a bunch of batteries. You don't even
           | need to pay right away, you just bake it into your bond (aka
           | mortgage).
             | pixelpoet wrote:
             | > Standard of living is very high.
             | Yeah, if you're willing to look the other way and lock your
             | car doors in literally the most unequal country in the
             | world: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-
             | rankings/gini-coef...
             | And since you're also a Saffer, I don't need to say
             | anything about the daily threat from crime, and how
             | everyone lives basically in a castle with electric fences.
             | Do you have electric fences and private security? Of
             | course, just like all the other white people in South
             | Africa. Afrikaans was my first language, I know how it is
             | over there.
             | Sorry but I'm going to have to disagree about "brilliant
             | place to live", having lived in so many countries
             | (including Poland, Czechia, Germany, NZ, England, ...).
               | doix wrote:
               | > and how everyone lives basically in a castle with
               | electric fences.
               | I feel like this is a huge exaggeration. I'm extremely
               | far from an expert, but I'm in SA (right now) surfing and
               | it's not that bad everywhere. Cape Town and the bigger
               | cities felt like that, but I went through a bunch of
               | small surfing towns/villages/suburbs and stayed in a
               | bunch of places that didn't have electric fences.
               | They did have a sticker saying they paid for some
               | security company, but that was it.
               | The inequality is absolutely disgusting though, I agree.
               | It's such a shame, because it's such an amazing country.
               | Staying here longer definitely crossed my mind, so I see
               | what people mean by quality of life. The food is amazing,
               | amazing surfing and hiking spots, amazing wild-life, the
               | list goes on and on. I really wish it was possible to fix
               | the inequality, but I can't even begin to imagine what
               | that would involve. I did my best to tip well, but
               | obviously that makes no difference at the macro level.
               | lelanthran wrote:
               | > I really wish it was possible to fix the inequality,
               | but I can't even begin to imagine what that would
               | involve.
               | It's not possible to do that, because the government is
               | fairly and democratically elected[1], and the voters who
               | keep supporting this government are too short-sighted to
               | see that trying to vote themselves more handouts doesn't
               | work in the long run.
               | [1] When a government stays in power for almost 3
               | decades, all the while being fairly elected by the
               | voters, and the voters suffer because of it, who exactly
               | are you going to blame? What exactly will you "fix"?
               | sgt wrote:
               | That's often the case - worse in the bigger places like
               | JHB. No electric fence for us, but private security
               | patrolling the neighborhoods yes (similar to ADT).
               | lelanthran wrote:
               | > Do you have electric fences and private security?
               | Sure, but isn't private security and gated living (AKA
               | security fences) becoming the norm in most of the middle-
               | class suburbs in many other countries?
               | > Sorry but I'm going to have to disagree about
               | "brilliant place to live",
               | Yeah, I wouldn't go so far as to call it brilliant, but
               | my understanding is that, even if I move to another
               | country, I'm still going to live in a secure place
               | anyway, only it will be much smaller and more expensive,
               | both at the same time.
               | NikolaNovak wrote:
               | I mean, no, not all other countries.
               | I moved to small town in Canada on the outskirts of
               | Toronto. Literally nobody here locks the door, ever. They
               | don't lock their cars, they regularly forget or leave
               | their keys in their car. They definitely don't begin to
               | have my habit of locking doors when you stop at an
               | intersection.
               | There's more crime in other parts of Canada of course,
               | and I enforce a bit stricter security in my own house due
               | to my background, but honestly? Much of Canada is almost
               | as nice as stereotype would portray it.
               | Again, not to say it's wonderful all the time for
               | everybody everywhere in Canada ; it's not and I try to
               | check my definite privilege. But I don't think people
               | here really understand what "high crime levels" really
               | means, on a world wide scale, and I don't think I've
               | really seen a real gated community let alone anything
               | like electric fence, outside of US embassy in Ottawa.
               | FWIW I lived in Winnipeg and various parts of Toronto,
               | worked in Ottawa and Nova Scotia, visited Saskatchewan
               | and Quebec. There are bad neighbourhoods for sure but
               | it's not pervasive and bad neighbourhoods here are better
               | than brilliant neighbourhood in some places I've lived.
               | ericd wrote:
               | Cape Town was absolutely gorgeous when I visited, but the
               | level of fortification of normal homes was definitely
               | striking, coming from the US. You don't see a lot of
               | cement walls topped with glass shards here.
               | TulliusCicero wrote:
               | > Sure, but isn't private security and gated living (AKA
               | security fences) becoming the norm in most of the middle-
               | class suburbs in many other countries?
               | No. Even in the US, I wouldn't say gated communities are
               | the norm, and at least from what I've seen of what SA
               | houses look like, they're vastly more serious about
               | security than gated communities in the states.
               | karp773 wrote:
               | It must be more expensive for a reason, right?
               | lelanthran wrote:
               | > It must be more expensive for a reason, right?
               | Sure[1], which is why I periodically check what standard
               | of living I can expect if I emigrate to any of the
               | countries I've visited.
               | I'm frequently shocked that in places like the US it is
               | considered normal to have a 30yr mortgage (I took a 15
               | year one, and am on track to pay it of in 10 years).
               | [1] High level of crime, low level of service delivery,
               | shortage of opportunities for my kids, etc. I'm not
               | blind, you know.
               | damagednoob wrote:
               | > ...in places like the US it is considered normal to
               | have a 30yr mortgage...
               | Check the historical interest rates of the US/UK vs SA
               | for why that exists.
               | pixelpoet wrote:
               | I'm suddenly realising that we probably know each other;
               | you might remember me from the forums of a SA university
               | we went to, I usually go by lycium :)
               | lelanthran wrote:
               | Yup, remember you :-)
             | jamiek88 wrote:
             | >Standard of living is very high.
             | Ignoring the obvious massive disparity you are glossing
             | over here I have perhaps a less antagonistic question.
             | Do you have to spend a lot on security? Some of these
             | houses look like compounds with wire fences and huge gates
             | etc.
             | I'm remember the coverage of the Pistorious trial showing
             | all that etc.
               | lgleason wrote:
               | I'm currently looking a houses in South Africa (Pretoria
               | East and the Cape Town Area) and can provide a couple of
               | data points.
               | In Pretoria I would only consider living in a security
               | estate, Oscar lived in Silver Lakes which is one on the
               | east side of town. All of these estates have walls,
               | electric fences and armed security guards with access
               | controls that require a remote or one time code etc..
               | Most houses inside of the security estates have very
               | little if any security measures such as alarms etc.
               | because the crime inside is generally petty low. These
               | estates are very similar to US HOA's with architectural
               | standards, many have pools, common ares, golf courses
               | etc.. The levies (monthly fees) are usually between $58
               | and $174 a month. Taxes seem to run about $100 a month
               | for a $260k house and in Pretoria that can get you a 400
               | square meter house on a nice sized lot with premium
               | finishes and a pool.
               | The Cape Town area seems to have higher taxes and what
               | appears to be some community security that seems to even
               | out to the same as what you would pay for a similar house
               | (price-wise) in a security estate in Pretoria. The
               | difference is that it appears that you can have enough
               | coverage with cameras and beams in the parts I've been
               | looking at, though many choose to have the electric
               | fences for good measure and there are some security
               | estates as well.
               | sgt wrote:
               | We just have an alarm system hooked up to a local
               | security company (similar to ADT) which costs about
               | $20/mo
           | swarnie wrote:
           | Unsure if emigration is still a viable option. Most my family
           | came back to the UK in the 90s and took a massive hit on
           | currency conversion, its got so much worse since then.
           | lelanthran wrote:
           | > Have they ever tried to emigrate? And if yes, why are they
           | still there?
           | Because, while crime is high, and power is intermittent, it
           | is not bad enough to make me give up my 700sqm house on a
           | 2000sqm plot in a (somewhat safe) suburb close to everything,
           | to live elsewhere in about a quarter of the space.
           | Every time I look at emigrating I face a large drop in my
           | standard of living if am in a similar role in any high-paying
           | area in the US or UK.
             | ununoctium87 wrote:
             | Don't forget the cheap servants
               | lelanthran wrote:
               | > Don't forget the cheap servants
               | I have a gardener come once a week, and a domestic worker
               | once a week. I'm hardly saving money on servants by
               | staying in SA, you racist moron.
               | Nullabillity wrote:
               | That's... exactly the point? A civil society doesn't let
               | its income gaps get large enough that the idea of
               | domestic servants makes sense.
               | lelanthran wrote:
               | > A civil society doesn't let its income gaps get large
               | enough that the idea of domestic servants makes sense.
               | Well then the masses at the bottom of the income gap
               | should start voting for someone other than who they've
               | been voting for, for the last 30 years.
               | You can't blame the higher-income people for this - they
               | have been trying to change the government by voting for
               | someone else, but the the low-income people you are
               | feeling so sorry for refuse to vote otherwise.
               | The "civil" society you seek can't happen while the
               | masses are still voting the same corrupt government into
               | power in _every single election_.
               | Do you propose revoking their right to vote?
               | lgleason wrote:
               | In countries like the US that is generally not something
               | many software engineers can afford. In South Africa, as
               | an engineer that is more affordable and more seem to have
               | them from what I've seen.
               | lelanthran wrote:
               | > In countries like the US that is generally not
               | something many software engineers can afford.
               | So? You think I'm staying in SA just because once every 7
               | days I pay someone to mow my lawn?
               | How much money do you think I am saving by staying in SA
               | and paying someone to mow the lawn?
             | bojan wrote:
             | Genuinely curious, what do you need a 700sqm house for? Do
             | you have a very large family, and/or hobbies that require a
             | lot of space?
               | lelanthran wrote:
               | > Genuinely curious, what do you need a 700sqm house for?
               | Do you have a very large family, and/or hobbies that
               | require a lot of space?
               | Entertaining guests, large extended family, having enough
               | space for both a pool table and a ping-pong table
               | indoors, nice to have dedicated study (came in handy
               | during pandemic), bedrooms are very generous so get used
               | for more than sleeping (e.g. MiL's b/room has all her
               | hobbies in it, jigsaw tables, crafts, etc).
               | People watch TV and kids play games, and they never
               | disturb each other.
               | Large space _is_ a component of standard of living; when
               | I talk to people who 've never lived in a large space,
               | they can't imagine how their life would be improved by a
               | large space.
               | Asking people "Why do you need a large house?" is like
               | asking people "why do you need an SUV?[1]"
               | [1] The SUV is, IIRC, the most popular class of car sold
               | in many countries (excluding commercial vehicles). People
               | like nice things. I like nice houses.
               | inglor_cz wrote:
               | I lived on 32 sqm until very recently (I moved this
               | Thursday) and now I have 118 sqm.
               | 700 sqm sound like an endless dusting and cleaning chore
               | to me, unless you can afford to have servants.
           | eloff wrote:
           | People do, but it's hard to get out. There are monetary
           | controls, so you have to break the law to get your money out.
           | You will also end up with very little once the exchange rate
           | and fees are covered. So you will take a huge haircut on
           | standard of living. But the standard of living in South
           | Africa is something of an illusion anyway with horrific
           | crime, a corrupt and incompetent government that confiscates
           | private property, a jobs market heavily biased against people
           | of non-African descent (very strong affirmative action),
           | rolling blackouts, etc. My grandparents opted to stay and
           | they did pretty much live out their days in relative comfort
           | in their own house - but rarely saw their children or
           | grandchildren.
           | Source: my parents are from South Africa
             | perfecthjrjth wrote:
             | Monetary controls matter for the uber wealthy. Majority of
             | immigrants from the third world are not that wealthy, so
             | they either cross illegally or seek asylum. If they are
             | qualified to get work visas, that's another option.
             | Investment visas are out of reach for the majority of
             | immigrants.
             | kragen wrote:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cryptocurrency_by
             | _... says Bitcoin is legal in South Africa. I believe you
             | when you say "you have to break the law to get your money
             | out", because you know about a million times more about
             | South Africa than I do, but how are they preventing people
             | from using Bitcoin to get their money out?
               | zx76 wrote:
               | There are much stricter rules now, KYC on exchanges etc.
               | But up until 2017/2018 I'd say the tax authorities
               | weren't paying much attention and I'd be surprised if
               | people with money who wanted to get it out didn't take
               | advantage.
               | buyx wrote:
               | In 2017/2018 people could just go to a bank, or one of
               | the many foreign exchange companies that operate in SA,
               | and transferred their money anywhere in the world,
               | legitimately. Exchange controls have been largely done
               | away with for individuals.
               | kragen wrote:
               | Does KYC on exchanges stop you from taking your money out
               | of the country if you earned it legally in the first
               | place? I'd think that the process would go like this:
               | 1. Transfer the majority of your legally earned savings
               | in rand, on which you have already paid taxes, from your
               | South African bank account to a South African coin
               | exchange, using it to buy Bitcoin, or Dai, or Ethereum,
               | or whatever. Since this is white-market money, KYC should
               | be no problem, right?
               | 2. Transfer your Bitcoin (etc.) to a wallet or wallets
               | you control, maybe with multi-signature authorization,
               | maybe using an Electrum seed phrase, etc. Presumably this
               | is what an exchange is for, right? Buying Bitcoin and
               | then sending it somewhere.
               | 3. Move to New Zealand or the Netherlands or wherever
               | your new job is.
               | Where does this plan fall down in practice today?
               | buyx wrote:
               | You don't need to do any of this. Exchange controls were
               | relaxed a while ago and taking money out of South Africa
               | isn't difficult for most people.
             | buyx wrote:
             | _that confiscates private property_
             | Private property rights are intact in South Africa (for now
             | perhaps, but things are bad enough without the need for
             | exaggeration). Also, monetary (exchange) control
             | regulations are quite loose nowadays, and shouldn't affect
             | normal people trying to emigrate, but as you say, the
             | exchange rate makes this a moot point.
             | zx76 wrote:
             | Exchange control has been somewhat relaxed compared to when
             | I'm guessing when your parents left. It used be insanely
             | punitive. Provided you have up to date tax clearance I
             | think you can now take R11m out the country per year. So
             | approx. $600k per year. So people with a higher net worth
             | than this who are leaving will have to a take a few years
             | to fully financially emigrate, but it used to be much more
             | complicated and restricted. If you have a substantially
             | larger net worth you can also negotiate with the reserve
             | bank! Famously Mark Shuttleworth - the Ubuntu linux founder
             | - had a series of big court cases litigating some of these
             | rules. He sold Thawte for approx $500m(?) to Verisign while
             | South African but then moved to the UK. It's still a very
             | unusual thing and foreigners are often surprised that a
             | country with western style democracy has some China-style
             | exchange controls.
             | mradek wrote:
             | Not a fan of crypto but this is a legit use of btc buy and
             | sell on the other side.
           | pixelpoet wrote:
           | The harsh reality is that the programming half of the family
           | got great job offers and stayed in NZ, the other didn't :(
             | karp773 wrote:
             | So it's purely paperwork/legal barriers that hold them
             | back? Otherwise they would have left?
               | pixelpoet wrote:
               | Yeah they came with and were not successful in their job
               | searching, had to go back.
               | FredPret wrote:
               | That's horrible, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine a more
               | discouraging turn of events
         | buyx wrote:
         | To add to your point: the roots of South Africa's energy crisis
         | date back to the early 90s, when the apartheid government was
         | finishing up. Until the late 1980s, the apartheid government
         | were into central planning, price controls and other state
         | interventions (like many other western governments of that
         | era). They started deregulating and privatising in the late
         | 80s, and had already started cutting infrastructure spending by
         | the early 90s.
         | Thus, throughout the 1970s and 1980s they actually massively
         | overbuilt electricity generation infrastructure. In the early
         | 90s, electrification programmes were being rolled out in black
         | townships to soak up the excess capacity. Of course, this
         | excess capacity came with an opportunity cost, as all central
         | planning tends to do.
         | With the advent of the ANC government the emphasis switched to
         | paying off South Africa's national debt (which has largely been
         | incurred by the apartheid government fighting proxy wars
         | against the Soviet Union and Cuba).
         | Finance minister Trevor Manuel and then-deputy president Thabo
         | Mbeki, who pretty much ran South Africa from 1996 to 2008
         | continued and expanded the early 90s austerity. The economy
         | actually did well during this period and South Africa was
         | widely lauded internationally for its fiscal responsibility,
         | however infrastructure investment didn't keep up, as you point
         | out, the public transport network (which the apartheid
         | government misguidedly deregulated and handed to the free
         | market in the form of the minibus taxi industry in the late
         | 80s), the road network and other infrastructure started
         | deteriorating and also failed to keep up.
         | The ANC government attempted to restructure the electricity
         | network in the early 2000s to bring it into line with
         | developments in the rest of the world (creating a market for
         | generation), but by this time Mbeki's AIDS denialism had cost
         | him a lot of political capital with the left of his party
         | (actually the trade union movement, COSATU in alliance with his
         | party). The bottom line is that it was politically infeasible
         | to restructure the electricity industry (the current government
         | is trying again under duress). So without government build of
         | new generation, and no private sector investment because of the
         | stalled market reforms, demand eventually outstripped supply by
         | 2007 (remember what I said about economic growth being
         | relatively high in that era). Load shedding arrived in late
         | 2007. It was actually a huge surprise when it started, and as
         | you say, we were totally unprepared. The IT industry scrambled
         | to install generators in offices.
         | With the Soccer World Cup coming up in 2010, Eskom (the
         | government body with a virtual monopoly on electricity supply
         | and generation) ran its fleet hard, and also commissioned two
         | mega coal power stations. Mbeki was replaced by 2009 with Jacob
         | Zuma: Mbeki's arrogance and his insane AIDS policies having
         | finally done him in. Zuma, was of course, not a technocrat like
         | Mbeki, but embodied some of the worst traits of a politician.
         | Load shedding actually faded into the background for much of
         | the early 2010s, but by 2015 or so, load shedding returned, as
         | that lack of maintenance because of an electricity fleet that
         | was being run too hard caught up.
         | The two mega coal power stations have been beset with issues as
         | well.
         | Eskom, despite recent efforts to clean it up, languished under
         | a cloud of corruption and incompetence through the 2010s with
         | politically connected incompetents gaining purchase throughout
         | the state. Water woes kicked in by 2014, with large parts of
         | high-altitude Gauteng province without water because the pumps
         | that raised water from dam catchments failed (they were
         | repaired but it was a sign of how badly things were being
         | neglected). There are rumours that hangers on from Zuma's era
         | are sabotaging Eskom from within...it's hard to be sure, but
         | regardless, it was left in a sorry state.
         | South Africa is a constitutional democracy with strong
         | institutions...the fact that it managed to survive the Zuma era
         | without collapsing is a testament to that. However, the ruling
         | ANC is run under the Leninist precepts of Democratic Centralism
         | and thus the president of the ANC has enormous power because of
         | the electoral dominance of the party (you could look to China's
         | CCP intrigues for an analogue).
         | Even if Cyril Ramaphosa, the current president, and basically a
         | good egg, manages to push through reforms, it may well be too
         | late. The country could well be in a death spiral.
           | zx76 wrote:
           | Long comments like this often look like they're going to
           | present a serious diatribe but this is actually a balanced
           | take.
           | The line "The two mega coal power stations have been beset
           | with issues as well" even radically undersells just how much
           | of a debacle these two power stations have been. They were
           | supposed to be the 8th/9th biggest coal stations in the world
           | & accurately sized to solve the pending shortages in time,
           | the major contracts went to legitimate companies like Alstom,
           | GE & Hitachi. They were supposed to take approx. 5 years from
           | 2007 and cost a reasonable approx. R30 billion each.
           | What's actually happened is that 15 years later neither is
           | fully operational and the money spent has crossed 10x the
           | original plans. The parts of the stations that currently do
           | work are hamstrung by massive and debilitating design flaws
           | that regularly cause trips or bigger issues (e.g. a smoke
           | stack collapse last month) and there is no clear end for the
           | construction in site even after all this time & money. And
           | these aren't complex nuclear plants - these are just standard
           | coal power stations. How to build them is quite well
           | understood by now!
           | It's a combination of sustained and massive corruption (every
           | now and then the current administration finds a few extra
           | billion to recoup from a corrupt contractor), poor original
           | designs that have complicated every subsequent step in the
           | waterfall chart and finally unfortunate incompetence (for
           | instance one of the 6 units at Medupi was entirely blown up
           | after hydrogen wasn't vented before maintenance. The entire
           | generator room must now be replaced with new parts from
           | France at the cost of multiple billions of rands and over a
           | year and a half of additional delay).
           | Finally, w.r.t. the reforms mention in parent comment's final
           | line - I think they have a chance. South Africa has
           | previously had a radically regulated energy sector. Basically
           | you couldn't generate your own power, period. But due to the
           | pressing political weight of the current situation there have
           | been increasing steps away from the ideological commitment to
           | exclusively state run coal powered grid. Large energy users
           | and businesses can now do paperwork for approval to run their
           | own multi-megawatt stations and basically every big factory,
           | mine, mill etc. is now doing this to varying degrees. The big
           | mining houses especially will spend a lot of money building
           | their own infrastructure now. Between allowing the grid to
           | buy private power (a lot of which is affordably priced
           | renewable energy) and a lot of heavy demand starting to make
           | its own power I think there's a fair chance things will
           | stabilize in the next 2 years. The big question is electoral
           | conferences and the next elections. If EFF wins meaningful
           | electoral power there is a strong chance SA will go the route
           | of Venezuela quicker than people think - and I say that as
           | someone who is very committed to staying here and doesn't
           | subscribe to most of the negative takes people can have about
           | SA.
       | cagenut wrote:
       | One of the reasons renewables will have an easier time replacing
       | fossil fuels than people who worry about intermittency/baseload
       | think is that for most people, in most places, the grid simply
       | isn't that reliable anyway. Cheaper and 'good enough' is a
       | relative variable on both axis.
         | toomuchtodo wrote:
         | Very much so. Those who can afford it are going to go solar and
         | batteries as soon as they can, and those who can't will be
         | exposed to this low level of electrical service until solar and
         | battery cost declines meet them at their socioeconomic level.
         | The resulting system will be more resilient end state, but the
         | process is going to suck to get there.
         | The average house in South Africa uses 967 kWh of electricity
         | per month. That's roughly a 5kw-6kw system, or 12-15 400W solar
         | panels + inverters. Payback period at current prices is ~6-7
         | years.
         | https://www.myggsa.co.za/how-much-electricity-does-a-househo...
         | https://www.handymanhomes.co.za/energy-saving/how-much-will-...
           | mschuster91 wrote:
           | > The average house in South Africa uses 967 kWh of
           | electricity per month. That's roughly a 5kw-6kw system, or
           | 12-15 solar panels + inverters.
           | ... what? That's 11.000 kWh a year. Even in Germany, with
           | water heating by electricity (which is rare because it's just
           | so inefficient), homes _rarely_ hit 6.000 kWh.
           | [1] https://www.energie.web.de/ratgeber/verbrauch/stromverbra
           | uch...
             | [deleted]
             | Semaphor wrote:
             | For a whole house that sounds reasonable? I'm at 4200 kWh a
             | year with only 2 people in a 60 m2 apartment.
             | Durchlauferhitzer, but still.
             | The link you posted even mentions a range of 14,000 -
             | 28,000 kWh for houses not built for efficiency.
             | ununoctium87 wrote:
             | Houses in South Africa are (on average) 1) bigger, and 2)
             | poorly insulated.
             | Also, way less efficient hot water cylinders
             | tannhaeuser wrote:
             | > _water heating by electricity [...] is rare because it 's
             | just so inefficient_
             | Entirely depends on the number of accommodation units per
             | building, installation and ongoing maintenance cost of
             | heaters and metering equipment, availability of gas and/or
             | district heating, etc. It's certainly uneconomical to send
             | heated water through expensive copper pipes in a building
             | inhabited by only two singles when it's needed only for a
             | shower in the morning, yet has to be kept running for
             | hygienic reasons the remainder of the day.
       | vt85 wrote:
       | reuben364 wrote:
       | As a South African, I have a engineer friend working for a
       | company that does solar for places like retail complexes. They
       | have a lot of business.
       | Also there is a widely used app for load shedding timetables
       | called "EskomSePush" which is a pun on "Eskom se poes" roughly
       | translates to "Eskom's cunt" with poes being very vulgar and
       | offensive.
       | knaekhoved wrote:
         | oblak wrote:
         | This guy's history in this thread alone is crazy. Racist is an
         | understatement
           | n0tth3dro1ds wrote:
           | jojobas wrote:
           | The real question would be "what if he's right".
           | Imagine there was an island discovered with some sort of
           | transitional, Homo Erectus style people. Let's say they
           | can't, for organic reasons, exceed IQ 50 - can speak, wildly
           | efficient in hunting and foraging, can't figure out 3rd grade
           | maths, can't learn letters, can't understand how seeds work.
           | What would be a reasonable policy towards such people?
           | pessimizer wrote:
           | Simpatico with a lot of the other content in this thread, but
           | more direct. At least he isn't talking about angry blacks
           | with a chip on their shoulder rejecting the white wisdom of
           | the west. All of the Idiocracy mentions aren't very far away
           | from this guy in essence, though.
             | userbinator wrote:
             | It's unfortunate that people don't want to talk about the
             | elephant in the room because it's too politically incorrect
             | to.
       | damagednoob wrote:
       | Usually I like BBC's More or Less but their episode[1] on this
       | situation really rubbed me the wrong way. They dismissed one
       | elderly white couple's concerns with implied racism and didn't
       | look at the trendline of per capita output from Eskom.
       | Any South African currently living there is completely
       | unsurprised by this latest news.
       | [1]: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07jm2zy
       | lelanthran wrote:
       | FTFA:
       | > "If we continue to burn diesel the way we have for the past
       | seven months, the cost would be astronomical. But we do not have
       | the cash to spend. We would be able to pay if the *municipalities
       | were paying us*,"
       | That, right there, is a pretty big reason for the current
       | blackouts: The masses refuse to pay, and the cost of keeping
       | society afloat falls to a minority who cannot really be squeezed
       | any further.
       | Last I checked (2007), each taxpayer was supporting 4.3 people
       | _other than their dependents or themselves_.
       | It is not a sustainable situation, and the state should have been
       | doing everything it could to encourage foreign investment.
       | Instead, empowered by the voters, they repeatedly loot the
       | coffers.
       | herodoturtle wrote:
       | > At the briefing last week, Eskom provided a statistical
       | forecast of load shedding over the next 10 months. The forecast
       | showed that until August 2023, SA would experience stage 3 load
       | shedding on most days of the month, provided that diesel was
       | burned to make up for the shortfall. The diesel required to keep
       | the system at Stage 3 varied from R3 billion to more than R7
       | billion a month. As burning this amount of diesel is physically
       | and logistically impossible, the implication was that load
       | shedding would in fact, be several stages above stage 4.
       | inglor_cz wrote:
       | It is wild what rampant corruption (that voters are willing to
       | tolerate, possibly for tribal reasons) will do to a fairly
       | educated nation with enormous natural riches.
         | FredPret wrote:
         | It's not just corruption. It's a rejection of the values of the
         | Enlightenment (reason, evidence, progress, etc), because those
         | ideas came from colonial powers.
         | Those are also the ideas that work, whether they are applied in
         | Europe or in Africa.
           | whatshisface wrote:
           | I don't think that African dictators are rejecting reason and
           | evidence in the course of administrating their corruption,
           | although they might reject evidence of corruption in public.
             | FredPret wrote:
             | The real problem is that most of the people there (black,
             | white, and others) reject the mental frameworks that have
             | been proven to work elsewhere, perhaps due to distrusting
             | the West, or for whatever other reason.
             | In my mind this mental framework features capitalism,
             | democracy, and a style of thinking that emphasizes - or at
             | least accommodates - kindness, openness, progress, thinking
             | in nuances. Basically, humanism.
             | From my experience there, some population groups will
             | reject ideas they see as white, which includes capitalism
             | (origin: probably Europe?) but not communism (origin:
             | Germany!). Others, including white folks, might feel
             | inclined to embrace those "white" ideas specifically, but
             | will reject other parts of the Enlightenment framework.
             | Many think problems should be solved by force instead of
             | careful and nuanced consideration, which is seen as
             | effeminate.
             | Corruption is more of a symptom than a cause.
             | inglor_cz wrote:
             | Some South African politicians are heavily into AIDS
             | denial.
               | whatshisface wrote:
               | Using certain types of denial that western politicians
               | have a history of as a reference, are they doing that
               | because that's what the voters want to hear?
               | zx76 wrote:
               | Interestingly I wouldn't say it seemed so. AIDS
               | devastated the political base of the politician in
               | question and people who fought for the right to treatment
               | were also politically popular. I think it may have just
               | been a strange ideological bent in a specific set of
               | political circle. Thankfully these ideas and policies
               | have been pretty much entirely consigned to history now.
               | The consequences were terrible though, nearly a million
               | children were orphaned because of both parents dying of
               | AIDS. I can't find a specific source to cite a specific
               | number, they all reference much higher numbers across the
               | whole Southern African region.
             | lelanthran wrote:
             | > I don't think that African dictators are rejecting reason
             | and evidence in the course of administrating their
             | corruption, although they might reject evidence of
             | corruption in public.
             | South Africa isn't a dictatorship, but the voters still
             | vote along tribal lines, with a concerning minority
             | (+-10%?) voting along race-hate lines.
           | inglor_cz wrote:
           | They worked beautifully in East Asia too.
           | It was the other imports (Communism, Prussian-like
           | militarism) that would be better discarded.
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