[HN Gopher] Show HN: A color picker for named web colors
       Show HN: A color picker for named web colors
       I had this idea kicking around in my head for quite a while. Took
       an evening to make this, and a short morning to polish it a bit. So
       here it is!
       Author : arantius
       Score  : 544 points
       Date   : 2022-11-21 15:12 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (arantius.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (arantius.github.io)
       | mk4p wrote:
       | Love it. One suggestion - make it so it either copies to your
       | clipboard when you click a color, or add an explicit "copy"
       | button so it's easier to grab the name.
       | But awesome stuff - the color wheel looks so cool.
       | somid3 wrote:
       | Doesn't work for the latest Safari browser.
         | tambourine_man wrote:
         | Yep, Safari latest
         | https://imgur.com/a/Tsx9pEZ
           | moffkalast wrote:
           | To the surprise of absolutely nobody.
           | Webkit implementing web standards: https://media.tenor.com/im
           | ages/7d9d11dacf3d5c4043c1da7cf5f11...
             | alwillis wrote:
             | WebKit is doing quite well these days:
             | https://wpt.fyi/interop-2022
             | tambourine_man wrote:
             | I've been developing for the web for 25 years and Safari is
             | my browser of choice.
             | I use Chrome for its developer tools exclusively.
               | moffkalast wrote:
               | Well it's not like you get a choice on iOS anyway
           | alwillis wrote:
           | Same... and I'm running Safari 16.2 on the latest public beta
           | of macOS Ventura.
         | [deleted]
         | evantahler wrote:
         | iOS and MacOS. It's ok in chrome.
         | digitalsankhara wrote:
         | Seconded. Safari Version 16.0
         | Fine in Chrome. Thanks for this colour wheel, very handy
         | reference.
         | arantius wrote:
         | Interesting, can you be more specific? Developed in Firefox,
         | reports that Chrome is OK. I don't have a Mac to test with.
           | halostatue wrote:
           | I found and I think fixed the issue.
           | https://github.com/arantius/web-color-wheel/issues/1
             | panzerboiler wrote:
             | I don't think the real issue is that one. At least in
             | Safari I get this:                   t =
             | document.createElement("template")         t.innerHTML =
             | `<style id="outside"></style><svg><style
             | id="inside"></style></svg>`
             | t.content.querySelector("#outside").sheet // null
             | t.content.querySelector("#inside").sheet // undefined
             | That means that the .sheet property is present on the style
             | element, but not if it is inside an svg element.
               | divbzero wrote:
               | This is what I saw too. Safari apparently does not
               | support _SVGStyleElement.sheet_ :
               | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
               | US/docs/Web/API/SVGStyleEle...
               | halostatue wrote:
               | The compatibility chart shows Safari supporting
               | _SVGStyleElement.sheet_ since v 3 (v1 iOS).
               | The fix that I suggested does seem to produce a working
               | colour wheel, however.
               | divbzero wrote:
               | Which version of Safari is producing the working color
               | picker? The fix does not work for me with Safari 16.1 and
               | another user described the same in the GitHub issue you
               | filed.
           | panzerboiler wrote:
           | For some reason, the style element inside the svg does not
           | have a .sheet property. A workaround is to create the style
           | element in js and append it to the svg, or move it outside
           | the svg and let the styles cascade. A strange bug...
           | lioeters wrote:
           | As per another comment, this is the problematic line: points
           | += `${s.x} ${s.y}, `;
           | It has an extra comma at the end. Safari throws when passed
           | to: c.setAttribute('points', points)
             | JKCalhoun wrote:
             | Yeah, Chrome don't like either, but apparently Chrome does
             | not throw.
           | r2222 wrote:
           | Shows just pretty much empty screen, with one black polygon
           | at the top: https://i.ibb.co/3Ms9m6T/SCR-20221121-qgw.jpg
       | cpeterso wrote:
       | I miss the vibrant _!!!_ designs using only the 216  "web-safe"
       | colors, like HotWired in the 1990s. :)
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Color_table
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HotWired
       | moffkalast wrote:
       | Lime is the greenest green, I knew it!
       | flawn wrote:
       | Interesting to see that there are sections where rectangles of
       | color spaces are aligned parallel to the circle middle. They
       | always have one of the RGB elements set on "00" as the colors get
       | more intense and the other 2 color elements get stronger
       | cormorant wrote:
       | Totally irrational, of course, and now set in stone for backwards
       | compatibility. https://arstechnica.com/information-
       | technology/2015/10/tomat...
       | CSS Color Module Level 4 (draft) admits as much, and states
       | "their use is _not encouraged_. " https://www.w3.org/TR/css-
       | color-4/#named-colors
         | WithinReason wrote:
         | _In 2014, however, an unexpected event cast the color list in a
         | more favorable light: a new shade. "Rebecca purple," was
         | introduced to honor the life of Rebecca Meyer, the daughter of
         | Eric Meyer, a respected programmer and CSS writer. Rebecca died
         | of brain cancer at the age of six; the hue (#663399) was chosen
         | to reflect her favorite color. (A few developers opposed the
         | addition, maintaining that a set of standards was no place for
         | an emotional tribute. They were dismissed as curmudgeons.)_
           | dotancohen wrote:
           | That colour is right in the top center of the tool we're
           | discussing. I suspect that is not a coincidence.
           | zestyping wrote:
           | I do agree that a Web standard is not the place for personal
           | tributes. (Imagine how unusable the colour list would become
           | if all the colours had random personal names in them!) Am I a
           | terrible person for being aligned with the folks who opposed
           | the addition?
             | cybrox wrote:
             | No, I agree. Web standards are not a place for personal
             | tributes and documentations are not a place for political
             | statements.
             | These days, we have both.
             | DangitBobby wrote:
             | Is rebeccapurple really any worse than dodgerblue,
             | cornflowerblue, greenyellow, or yellowgreen? At least it
             | has "purple" in the name.
             | coldpie wrote:
             | No. But if you go on and on that you didn't get your way,
             | you might be.
             | tyleregeto wrote:
             | When I loaded up the link, before viewing the comments in
             | here, the very first thing I did was look for "Rebecca
             | purple", and I was happy to find it. Not really a comment
             | on your remarks, but thought I would share it.
             | I'm influenced by the having a daughter born around this
             | time, and Rebecca's story sticks with me.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | I take that to mean they're not discouraged. After all, the
         | <marquee> element still appears to work in 2022. I imagine if
         | named colors are ever removed as a feature from browsers, it
         | won't be until a year like 2057.
         | We should instead encourage named colors AND recognize
         | `chucknorris` as an actual HTML color value.
       | auxermen wrote:
       | Why is lightpink darker than pink?
         | katsura wrote:
         | And why is gray darker than darkgray?
       | lelandfe wrote:
       | https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2014/06/19/rebeccapurple/
       | Time to resurface the most human side to CSS. She's in this color
       | picker, too.
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | iambateman wrote:
         | I didn't know about this 8 years ago. I'm glad I found out
         | about it today - as the father of a young child - because this
         | post was incredibly moving to me.
         | Thanks for sharing.
         | reaperducer wrote:
         | I can't speak for anyone else, but I try to include
         | rebeccapurple whenever I can in the web sites I build.
         | Some may consider it an Easter Egg. I consider it being a
         | human, and a throwback to when computing was more of a
         | community, and less of a competition.
           | althaffe wrote:
           | I still have fond memories of the time when the Smashing
           | Network was a thing.
       | thih9 wrote:
       | Feature request: letting the user provide their own data and
       | maybe offering some presets; e.g. I'd like to see the XKCD color
       | survey [1] as the base.
       | [1]: https://xkcd.com/color/rgb/ ; context:
       | https://blog.xkcd.com/2010/05/03/color-survey-results/ .
       | rickstanley wrote:
       | Why are they called "web" colours?
       | I understand that the term "web safe colour" is for colours that
       | was within the space of 216 "safe colour" table, for displays
       | that could only display 256 colours, but I think it's another
       | matter?
         | EamonnMR wrote:
         | If I had to guess, it would be because they're the names you
         | can use in place of RGB values in style/CSS
         | kevincox wrote:
         | They are colours that have names in CSS. You can access 16M
         | colours with #RRGGBB syntax but these colours are aliases to
         | specific values and can be specified by name.
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/named-color
           | arethuza wrote:
           | Didn't those come from X11 - I'm sure I was using some of
           | those for terminal settings long before the Web (let alone
           | CSS).
             | dspillett wrote:
             | _> Didn 't those come from X11_
             | Almost. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names#C
             | lashes_betwee...
             | I remember, way back when some of hadn't been born and the
             | web was new and exciting, noticing the difference in greys
             | when using the same colour names in a desktop tool's output
             | and it's HTML documentation.
               | arethuza wrote:
               | I actually think I developed a preference for some
               | colours and combinations based on using HyperNeWS, which
               | had a particularly tasteful set of colour combinations
               | (at least for 1990 or so!).
       | ge96 wrote:
       | firebrick is my go to red
       | brandonscott wrote:
       | Very cool and I love how clean the code is
       | phrz wrote:
       | Broken on iPhone
       | iib wrote:
       | So simple and so elegant.
       | Would it be a good idea to make the click copy the color in the
       | clipboard? Not the color code, of course, in the spirit of the
       | website.
       | [deleted]
       | notRobot wrote:
       | GitHub repo: https://github.com/arantius/web-color-wheel
       | sourcecodeplz wrote:
       | This is quite cool. I've always used some of these colors when
       | doing initial mockups.
       | Thorentis wrote:
       | Why on earth do both lawngreen and chartreuse exist? I can barely
       | if at all tell the difference on my phone screen.
       | Regardless, I love this, and love using named colors when
       | prototyping.
       | PartiallyTyped wrote:
       | I found the limitations of my monitor, the two greens at the
       | bottom look identical.
       | Exuma wrote:
       | punyearthling wrote:
       | I love this. Good job!
       | hughjd wrote:
       | This is great! For those who like this, you may also like
       | https://enes.in/sorted-colors which also does the named web
       | colours.
       | distantsounds wrote:
       | The colors look entirely muted on Firefox compared to Chrome
       | (Windows 10).
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Rel...
       | I had to set gfx.color_management.mode to 0 for it to look
       | correct.
         | cpeterso wrote:
         | Are you on Mac or Linux? The colors look the same in Firefox
         | and Chrome on Windows 11.
       | ossusermivami wrote:
       | always use the emacs list-color-display for that
       | cdiamand wrote:
       | I'm picturing Bob Ross standing over this palette whispering
       | "We're going to put a happy little div here with a shade of
       | cornflowerblue".
         | jamesgreenleaf wrote:
         | Is there a Bob Ross for websites/apps (or general programming)
         | somewhere out there on Youtube or Twitch?
           | tabtab wrote:
           | "Happy little JavaScript errors"
           | plgonzalezrx8 wrote:
           | The Coding Train. Daniel is amazing and has a Bob Ross-esque
           | vibe to him.
             | fredrikholm wrote:
             | +1
             | My number one recommendation for people who want to get
             | into programming. Daniel is wonderfully quirky,
             | enthusiastic and warm.
         | hk1337 wrote:
         | cornflowerblue? That's happy little mistake in the making.
           | aliqot wrote:
           | should have gone with burnt umber imo, but to each their own
       | dotancohen wrote:
       | I hope you like green.
       | pc86 wrote:
       | I like the way you're displaying this.
       | How did you decide on the coordinates for each block of color?
       | KNN on a traditional color wheel?
         | rgovostes wrote:
         | It is a Voronoi diagram
         | (https://mathworld.wolfram.com/VoronoiDiagram.html) where each
         | point is a web color as it would be positioned on a full hue-
         | saturation color wheel.
           | CodesInChaos wrote:
           | It's cheating a bit and using `saturation + brightness / 5`
           | as radius. This separates colors with the same saturation and
           | hue, in particular grays.                   // Based on
           | https://stackoverflow.com/a/54522007/91238 .         // I've
           | tweaked it to spread out some of the colors (especially they
           | greys)         // that don't fit well into a true H/S wheel.
           | let colorRadius = (s + v/5)*0.75 * radius;         let
           | colorAngle = h/360 * 2 * Math.PI;
       | edw519 wrote:
       | Cool! I love it!
       | I made one of these years ago in alphabetical order (yea I know
       | stupid). Yours is way better. I can make great use of it.
       | I use these colors 95% of the time. I call them my "FU colors"
       | (except I user the NSFW pronunciation). Every time someone sees
       | my work, they say either, "How retro," or "You should really hire
       | a designer."
       | For functionality, they cover almost everything. For "higher
       | purposes" they suck, but I never cared.
       | Thank you. An evening well spent!
       | hoherd wrote:
       | PSA: these named colors can be used to set the color of Philips
       | Hue lights using voice assistants. Most of the X11 colors can be
       | used.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names#Color_name_cha...
       | Otek wrote:
       | Doesn't work on iPad
         | [deleted]
         | rgovostes wrote:
         | Specifically, in renderWheel() at c.setAttribute('points',
         | points), Safari balks at the assignment and says it cannot
         | parse the value it's been given. Perhaps the terminal comma
         | isn't supported? (Chrome complains about it but proceeds.)
       | bernardom wrote:
       | Cool way to learn some of these. Does anyone know why "Peru" is
       | #CD853F, a brown? It has nothing to do with the flag (which is
       | red and white).
       | (Aside: the word "peru" in Portuguese means turkey, like the
       | bird. I somehow doubt this is related.)
         | Zitrax wrote:
         | Related discussion with no definite answer:
         | https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/247129/why-is-pe...
         | awestroke wrote:
         | Probably because large parts of Peru is that color - deserts,
         | brown mountains
         | Shorel wrote:
         | I would completely invert saddlebrown and chocolate.
         | I mean, #D2691E is more orange than chocolate, IMO.
       | mixmastamyk wrote:
       | Dodger blue has always bugged me... since the turn of the
       | century. The css color it is not even particularly close. Too
       | bright and unsaturated:                 team color:
       | #005A9C       css name "dodgerblue":  #1E90FF
       | https://teamcolorcodes.com/los-angeles-dodgers-color-codes/
       | issung wrote:
       | Each of these colours should just be a single "pixel" in the
       | wheel, so how did you decide what shape/size to make each colour?
       | Just arbitrarily?
         | ducttapecrown wrote:
         | It looks like a Voronoi decomposition. That is, each region is
         | the set of points that are closest to the pixel with the given
         | named color.
       | fabstei wrote:
       | Nice. Check out https://github.com/meodai/color-names for a
       | rather large (29888!) collection of hand picked colors in case
       | you want to expand your project.
       | ikesau wrote:
       | This is great. I always use the named variables in prototypes
       | when I can (go tomato!) but have never thought about their
       | distribution.
       | me_bx wrote:
       | Interesting how some colors are so close from each other,
       | especially "Chartreuse" and "Lawngreen" (on my middle-end
       | monitors, at least).
         | iakov wrote:
         | Same for me, and the "springgreen"/"mediumspringgreen" are
         | practically the same color on my screen. I'm wondering what was
         | the reason the original spec included those colors. Were CRT
         | monitors of old that much better?
           | moron4hire wrote:
           | I used to know a lot of digital photographers who clung to
           | their CRTs for a long time after LCDs became common. You
           | could get LCDs with better color reproduction, but they were
           | extremely expensive, especially compared to the fact that you
           | could barely even get rid of CRTs (and all of the
           | photographers I knew were constantly cash-strapped from all
           | the photography kit they compulsively purchased).
           | It's gotten better, your run-of-the-mill low-end LCD these
           | days isn't that bad, and better ones aren't that much more
           | expensive anymore. But yes, there was a long time when CRTs
           | outperformed LCDs on this one metric.
         | jibbit wrote:
         | On my Mac, and on windows on my laptop, every colour is
         | distinct. On Ubuntu on my laptop (with good monitor) many of
         | the colours (the greens around the edge for example) look the
         | same.
       | dheera wrote:
       | Would be interesting to see one for this
       | https://nipponcolors.com/
       | drewmate wrote:
       | In case the named web colors aren't enough, we're making
       | excellent progress naming every color in the RGB space.
       | https://colornames.org/
         | adzm wrote:
         | It would be interesting to have goals or visualize tiers by
         | number of significant bits of the individual color components.
         | RheingoldRiver wrote:
         | I remember that! I participated a bit, it was pretty fun
         | cies wrote:
         | Which RGB space?
         | 8-bit? and then which bit-8? the "2 bits for blue" 8-bit?
         | Or 16-bit? 24-bit? 32-bit? Using floats or not?
           | kurthr wrote:
           | To be fair there's a point here, which is that color spaces
           | from sRGB to DCI-P3 to REC2020 do have quite different
           | color/tone/brightness ranges (gamuts). Old windows boxes (and
           | old monitors) also displayed them very differently
           | (especially the low brightness ones). Macs were much better,
           | and that made picking colors on them far more repeatable.
           | Now everyone in Windows world has standardized on sRGB and
           | Mac on DCI-P3, but mobile is more important, where I believe
           | it's still split sRGB Android, and DCI iPhone.
           | I don't know, but expect that HTML picked sRGB for their
           | color space since this is the one people historically meant.
           | I'd be surprised that it wasn't configurable and there
           | weren't multiple versions, because why have a standard, when
           | you can choose!
           | We won't even get into HDR, automatic brightness/eye-saver,
           | or white point adjustment. You'ld be better off looking for a
           | color perception scale rather than display scale, if you
           | wanted to avoid that. Environmental lighting has big effects
           | on perception though.
           | incrudible wrote:
           | The one that everyone and their grandmother uses to pick
           | screen colors: 8bits per channel, integer.
         | [deleted]
         | wpietri wrote:
         | This is absolutely deranged and I love it.
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | I'm not sure what the intent is, and what other people do with
       | it, but I thoroughly _love_ having these named colours for when
       | I'm hacking and prototyping. I can just start typing out a colour
       | and autocomplete will show me a list. But I don't find myself
       | ever using them in production.
       | Also: Finally, a tool to help me decide between greenyellow and
       | yellowgreen.
         | tabtab wrote:
         | If you don't get it right, you'll get a paleVioletRed-slip.
         | MaxLeiter wrote:
         | I use an editor plugin to autocomplete your CSS variables:
         | https://i.imgur.com/44wogB5.png
         | brettermeier wrote:
         | I never used named colors, I never knew why I should when we
         | have color pickers. But people care about them, interesting...
           | munk-a wrote:
           | They're nice in prototyping styling since it's trivial to
           | comprehend the intent of coloration while making it clear
           | that finalized colors haven't been settled on.
           | robert_tweed wrote:
           | I always (and only) use named colours for debugging. For
           | example border: 1px solid red; around some element that isn't
           | rendering as expected.
           | This makes it hard to accidentally forget about a rules that
           | just just put in temporarily. Real colours will always match
           | some design, which will have a carefully-chosen hexcode.
         | [deleted]
         | tta wrote:
         | Relatedly, Tailwind[1] has fixed my analysis paralysis with CSS
         | colors for good.
         | [1]: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/customizing-colors
           | edjw wrote:
           | I made this tool a few years ago to find the closest colour
           | from the Tailwind colour palette from any given colour
           | https://find-nearest-tailwind-colour.netlify.app
             | jozzy-james wrote:
             | tangentially related (not affiliated with the company, just
             | a fan), but https://usewindy.com/ does similar stuff - and
             | more.
           | leeoniya wrote:
           | it needs something between Yellow and Lime, like Olive. that
           | one transition is not as smooth as the others.
       | frivoal wrote:
       | All the history of the css colors, and lots of humor:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmStJQzclHc
       | [deleted]
       | basic612 wrote:
       | Does not work safari mobile
       | petepete wrote:
       | I love this! I've had the 'Web colors' Wikipedia page in my
       | bookmarks for years.
       | I often use them when I'm working on new designs and want to
       | experiment on responsive layouts with colourful test elements.
       | h4l0 wrote:
       | Funny to me that how #FF0000 is named Red, #0000FF is named Blue,
       | but #00FF00 is Lime. Maybe it was supposed to be RLB. Although
       | Green is the canonical name for that color range, what we
       | actually refer as Green in daily life is close to #008000.
         | crazygringo wrote:
         | Yup, it's due to the fact that we perceive green as much
         | brighter.
         | It's actually very interesting to look at "constant luminance
         | color wheels" which correct for this perceptually:
         | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ralph_Redden/publicatio...
         | https://i.stack.imgur.com/f4n0P.png
         | What we traditionally call "yellow" isn't even present, it
         | becomes more like "khaki" or "olive".
           | PaulHoule wrote:
           | On hot summer days I set my LED lights to 100% green. The
           | idea is that I get more perceptual brightness per unit of
           | heat released into the house. On days like that I am still
           | getting light through the window, even if it is filtered by a
           | space blanket, and I am mainly looking at screens, so there
           | is still plenty of red and blue light around.
             | meatmanek wrote:
             | You may want to measure the actual power usage and light
             | output of your LED lights. Typically, green LEDs are less
             | efficient than blue or red, which may cancel out the
             | perceptual differences.
             | lajosbacs wrote:
             | Why do you do that, does it have a health benefit?
               | kfajdsl wrote:
               | To reduce the heat that the bulbs are putting out, I
               | think? Though, LED bulbs are already very efficient, and
               | the difference in power usage between green light and a
               | perceptibly the same brightness normal warm or sky tone
               | light is probably minimal.
               | nayuki wrote:
               | > I get more perceptual brightness per unit of heat
               | released into the house
         | sricks3 wrote:
         | Funny to me that how... #00FF00 is Lime... what we actually
         | refer as Green in daily life is close to #008000
         | And that "limegreen" (#32CD32) is a third, distinct color name.
           | oneeyedpigeon wrote:
           | That doesn't sound SO absurd to me when I think about it.
           | Limes do go through a fair range of colour space, after all.
           | Maybe there should be a limeyellow?
       | samhickmann wrote:
       | [deleted]
       | FamosoRandom wrote:
       | Very cool.
       | Would be fun to add data visualisation, like "see how often those
       | color are used" or "what color is associated with that subject" !
       | Don't know how you could do it but it can be interesting
       | oneeyedpigeon wrote:
       | This is great! Would be useful if selecting a colour changed the
       | URL so you could link directly to it.
       | amsterdorn wrote:
       | Great little project! It's cool to see the skew towards red/green
       | variants.
       | IvanK_net wrote:
       | Today I learned that #00ff00 is not green, but lime! :)
       | awinter-py wrote:
       | I am a _very bad_ designer but good verbally, and when I design,
       | color names are how I remember differences
       | I especially like hue.tools -- not sure where they sourced their
       | name set, but combos like gecko's dream + blood rush
       | (interpolating to mochaccino) make life easier
       | people like me should 100% stick to backend and never produce
       | anything that other people have to look at, but until I can
       | afford a designer, the names keep me in the game
       | I wish sometimes for a database of 'product colors through the
       | ages', with tags by brand identity and broad style family -- as
       | an infant brand designer, this would help me a lot
         | webstrand wrote:
         | Looks like they get their color names from
         | <https://www.npmjs.com/package/color-name-list>, they're
         | partially crowd-sourced.
           | awinter-py wrote:
           | thank you! also wow the source list on there + the color
           | space viz are great. this is a top 10 readme
         | webstrand wrote:
         | That's a nice tool. Can you actually pick colors by name, with
         | that tool? I wanted to see what color someone would call
         | "gecko's dream".
           | awinter-py wrote:
           | I don't think it has a reverse lookup, but if you've ever
           | owned a gecko you've probably seen this color IRL
           | stuxnet wrote:
           | Looks to be #669900. I was curious as well.
       | FernandoMax wrote:
       | Which tool is used to create the circle distribution? I was
       | trying to find a tool to create something like this one
       | https://cdn.howmuch.net/content/images/1600/world-gdp-update...
       | which is similar in the sense of distributing the shapes inside
       | the circle. Could anyone help me?
         | thomas88 wrote:
         | Source code says it uses https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-
         | Voronoi
           | FernandoMax wrote:
           | Thanks Thomas!
       | joshwcomeau wrote:
       | This is amazing .
       | Named colors have one incredible use case: as placeholders in
       | teaching environments. In my CSS course, I'd much rather use
       | "color: hotpink" than "color: hsl(345deg 90% 50%)" (when color
       | isn't the focus of the lesson)
       | mNovak wrote:
       | Very cool. Also this reveals the secret, that brown is dark
       | orange!
       | c-fe wrote:
       | does not work on Safari (MacOS)
         | JKCalhoun wrote:
         | Yep. Error inside: function renderWheel().
         | Interestingly, errors in Chrome in the same function --
         | apparently rendering continues however.
         | Guessing the problem is that the line: points += `${s.x}
         | ${s.y}, `;
         | is adding an extra `, ` to the end of the string causing the
         | assignment/parse that follows to fail.
         | zaptrem wrote:
         | Can confirm.
       (page generated 2022-11-21 23:00 UTC)