[HN Gopher] Show HN: I made a pretty relaxing puzzle game
       Show HN: I made a pretty relaxing puzzle game
       I had the concept in my head for some time and firstly just
       prototyped it using only HTML & CSS. Sent it to a few friends and
       they liked it so I made it into its own website and added few
       'competitive' features like click counter and share button.
       Author : trizoza
       Score  : 462 points
       Date   : 2022-11-23 12:03 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (rotaboxes.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (rotaboxes.com)
       | nickstinemates wrote:
       | Cool project, I had fun. Could be like Wordle but more
       | interesting.
       | mfbx9da4 wrote:
       | Yeah I find it relaxing to fill out CAPTCHAs as well (not)
       | CobrastanJorji wrote:
       | I like how well this specific picture works for this puzzle. The
       | coastline lines up perfectly with a square border. The cat's face
       | is sideways. The two steps are the same color, so the rotation
       | could be in one of two possible positions. It makes it just
       | tricky enough to make the right answer not immediately obvious,
       | but it's not so hard that there's any chance for being
       | frustrated. Plus, it's a kitty.
       | homero wrote:
       | Sometimes the preview sticks sometimes it doesn't. I wasted all
       | my clicks on that lol
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Thanks for the bug report - that's fixed now to only allow it
         | for 3 seconds.
       | bambax wrote:
       | Solver in 0 clicks:
       | [...document.querySelectorAll("#game > div > div")].forEach(e =>
       | e.style.transform="rotate(0deg)")
       | It doesn't win the game, but can at least save the "preview"
       | clicks.
         | eutectic wrote:
         | An actual solver in Python:                   import numpy as
         | np         from mip import Model, xsum, minimize, BINARY
         | def solve(tiles):             rotations = [[[] for _ in row]
         | for row in tiles]             rot_vars = [[[] for _ in row] for
         | row in tiles]             model = Model("rotaboxes")
         | for i, row in enumerate(tiles):                 for j, tile in
         | enumerate(row):                     for _ in range(3):
         | tile = tile.transpose((1, 0, 2))[::-1]
         | rotations[i][j].append(tile)
         | rot_vars[i][j].append(model.add_var(var_type=BINARY))
         | model += (xsum(rot_vars[i][j]) == 1)             costs = []
         | for i, row in enumerate(tiles):                 for j, tile in
         | enumerate(row):                     for (di, dj) in [(0, 1),
         | (1, 0)]:                         if (i + di >= len(tiles)) or
         | (j + dj >= len(tiles[0])):                             continue
         | for r0, t0 in enumerate(rotations[i][j]):
         | for r1, t1 in enumerate(rotations[i + di][j + dj]):
         | if di:                                     a, b = t0[-1], t1[0]
         | else:                                     a, b = t0[:,-1],
         | t1[:,0]                                 n = np.square(a -
         | b).mean()                                 d = np.square(a[1:] -
         | a[:1]).mean() + np.square(b[1:] - b[:1]).mean()
         | e = 2. * n / (d + 0.01)                                 v =
         | model.add_var(var_type=BINARY)
         | model += (v >= rot_vars[i][j][r0] + rot_vars[i + di][j +
         | dj][r1] - 1)                                 costs.append(e *
         | v)             model.objective = minimize(xsum(costs))
         | model.optimize()             solution = [[[r for v, r in
         | zip(vs, rs) if v.x >= 0.99][0] for vs, rs in zip(row0, row1)]
         | for row0, row1 in zip(rot_vars, rotations)]             return
         | solution
         | bambax wrote:
         | Actual solver that does win the game:
         | document.querySelectorAll("#game > div > div").forEach(e => {
         | const rotation = e.style.transform.match(/(\d+)/)[0];
         | const clicks = 4-(rotation/90)%4;
         | [...Array(clicks)].forEach(i=>e.click());         });
         | It could be optimized to change the rotation direction
         | depending on whether the current rotation is smaller or larger
         | than 180deg, but that's not really necessary since running the
         | script only counts as one click, and generates negative
         | "overspin" numbers ;-)
           | prox wrote:
           | What does [...Array mean in this context? Does it create an
           | array?
             | manbash wrote:
             | The "..." is called a spread operator in javascript.
             | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...
             | (In python there is the "*" operator which should be
             | equivalent: [1, 2, *arr].
             | Array(clicks) instantiate an array of length 'clicks', with
             | its elements undefined.
             | Then "[...Array(clicks)]" takes the above array instance
             | and spreads it as content in another array.
             | Seems redundant and they could've just used Array(clicks).
               | tuukkah wrote:
               | > _Array(clicks) instantiate an array of length 'clicks',
               | with its elements undefined._
               | Not undefined elements but no elements, or "empty"
               | elements.
               | > _they could 've just used Array(clicks)._
               | No, because the following forEach call does nothing for
               | such an array. You need to fill the array first with
               | Array(clicks).fill() or shorter, [...Array(clicks)]
             | bambax wrote:
             | Yes it creates an array of length 'clicks'; so for example
             | [...Array(2)] creates the array [undefined, undefined].
             | It's just a way to do a loop without writing a for loop and
             | use forEach instead.
             | tuukkah wrote:
             | ... is the spread syntax, which is a neat way to use the
             | entries of an existing array or object in an argument list
             | or within an array or object literal.
             | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...
             | Array(length) creates an array that has a length but no
             | elements (or weird, "empty" elements). The square brackets
             | create a new array [...Array(length)] which will have
             | undefined elements instead, as trying to access an "empty"
             | element returns undefined.
             | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guid...
               | prox wrote:
               | That is neat! Thanks!
             | monkpit wrote:
             | Probably a shortcut for Array(n).fill()
         | ComodoHacker wrote:
         | Now you should count keystrokes for your type of solution.
         | kidsil wrote:
         | Just wondering - why are you spreading the result to an array?
         | document.querySelectorAll("#game > div > div").forEach(e =>
         | e.style.transform="rotate(0deg)")
         | Works too.
           | bambax wrote:
           | You're right!
           | (But since querySelectorAll returns a NodeList and not a
           | regular array, some methods are unavailable, so I just have
           | this habit of making it an array. But for iteration that's
           | indeed not needed.)
       | Blammar wrote:
       | Am I missing something? I completed a picture with two rotations
       | left, and nothing happened. I was optimal in the number of
       | rotations (always 1 or 2 rotations.) I checked I was right by
       | clicking the eye. The cute cat just sits there...
         | jbmny wrote:
         | "Tiles left to rotate" tells you how many still need to be
         | rotated to solve the puzzle. Sounds like you're still two away
         | from the goal. Some of the differences in this picture between
         | right/wrong are very subtle.
       | xivzgrev wrote:
       | Agree on removing ideal click count.
       | Some pictures were hard to distinguish they still needed to be
       | turned (like 95% mountain and a sliver of something else).
       | I'd consider making the background already in place - i find
       | rotating the cat the most enjoyable. Lining up a cloud or
       | shoreline starts to feel tedious to me.
       | boosteri wrote:
       | I only ever got 90deg rotation. The page mentions it should be
       | random .. am I just that lucky?
       | Enjoyed the game though, nice and simple. And no hug of death
       | yet, well done!
         | mungoman2 wrote:
         | They mean on game start each tile has been rotated a random
         | amount.
       | [deleted]
       | Sujeto wrote:
       | Nice!
       | tsm wrote:
       | Congratulations on the launch! It's a nice way to blow off some
       | steam on a pomodoro break or while mulling over a bug
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Thanks! That's exactly how I use it too! Also goes well with a
         | coffee break;)
       | knicholes wrote:
       | That was surprisingly fun! Thank you.
         | trizoza wrote:
         | I'm glad you liked it!
       | xwdv wrote:
       | How about if instead of a photo it would be an interesting video?
       | yonrg wrote:
       | Absolutely, this was relaxing and fun
       | 23 Nov 22 31/29 clicks rotabox.es/29
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Thank you!
       | hnfong wrote:
       | Implement right click for the other direction?
         | huhtenberg wrote:
         | It's not uncommon for right-clicks to be blocked at the browser
         | level.
         | A better option would be Ctrl-left-click for the other
         | direction.
           | RadiozRadioz wrote:
           | Who is blocking these? Paranoid corporates?
             | [deleted]
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Nice suggestion! How should that behave on mobile? Any idea on
         | how to best tackle it?
           | dhc02 wrote:
           | Long press?
           | huhtenberg wrote:
           | Tap-and-hold a tile, move finger outside of it and then
           | rotate by moving finger around tile's center (like using a
           | handle that you just extended from the tile).
           | dncornholio wrote:
           | Double tap
             | zoidb wrote:
             | I think for mobile have two ideal click counts, one for a
             | single direction and another with direction switches.
           | bambax wrote:
           | Or: pull down for rotate CCW, pull up for rotate CW. Just sum
           | up event.movementY to calculate rotations.
           | Cons: A little slower than simply clicking, maybe, and makes
           | it easier to overshoot. Need to count rotations instead of
           | clicks.
           | Pros: Quite intuitive (that's how dials work in most DAWs for
           | instance) and would work well on mobile, even if the tile
           | size is small.
           | bbx wrote:
           | I would have suggested having 2 zones per tile: one to rotate
           | left, one to rotate right. But the tap zone is quite small
           | already, so it's prone to errors.
           | One slower but more UX-friendly option would be to allow
           | long-press on a tile, it would zoom in, and you can pick left
           | or right with each button.
           | Double tap is also an option but you need to remove the
           | ability to select the content of the page.
           | kiru_io wrote:
           | Not sure how easy it is to implement, but here is another
           | idea: hold on the tile few seconds, then you have the choice
           | to swipe left or right (has also some edge cases, when the
           | elements are in the corner)
           | didsomeonesay wrote:
           | Maybe you could try swipe left/right or rotating gestures
           | that snap to 90 degree increments.
           | That is, rotating with one finger by holding and dragging
           | either in circle or straight line.
           | Better not the two finger rotation known from map apps.
           | woogley wrote:
           | I think you should lean into this problem and just call the
           | game "clockwise"
           | Consistent across platforms, consistent "ideal" count,
           | clever-ish game name
             | [deleted]
             | sh1mmer wrote:
             | If you did it as clockwise by default instead of listing
             | the ideal turn count you could list the minimum number of
             | "counter" turns. Then have a button to do the next turn as
             | a counter turn.
             | dwringer wrote:
             | I would like to see either as you describe (which I think
             | would be the most relaxing), _or_ have the direction-
             | changing buttons _also_ count as a click each time they are
             | pressed. I found it tempting to switch direction, turn a
             | piece, then switch back, often using two clicks instead of
             | the three it would take to turn it clockwise-only, but very
             | inefficient since I switched back and forth many times.
             | Making those count as clicks, though, does up the
             | difficulty and would make hitting the target require you to
             | use them only once, so perhaps removing them altogether is
             | the solution.
           | tcmb wrote:
           | Short tap for CW, hold for CCW
           | w-m wrote:
           | Click left half of square for ccw rotation, click right half
           | of square for cw rotation.
         | Someone wrote:
         | An alternative is to change the scoring system, and count
         | consecutive clicks on the same tile as 'one'
         | Alternatively, just count three consecutive clicks that are
         | close in time as one.
         | m4lvin wrote:
         | Or use scroll-up and scroll-down to rotate left/right?
           | l2silver wrote:
           | I might just get rid of rotate all together
         | vesinisa wrote:
         | Right click is often blocked, but Shift+Click is not.
           | sph wrote:
           | Blocked by whom?
             | abcd_f wrote:
             | By people who like browser's native context menus.
       | tommica wrote:
       | Please add more images!
       | thaumasiotes wrote:
       | To achieve the ideal click count you can switch the rotation
       | direction at any time by clicking on [clockwise] or
       | [counterclockwise]
       | This would be a lot less annoying, and involve fewer clicks, if
       | you just had left click rotate one way and right click rotate the
       | other way.
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Nice, looks like something that i really should look into. How
         | about mobile?
           | badcppdev wrote:
           | Swipe sideways left or right to turn left or right
             | Gare wrote:
             | Maybe also "swipe up or down for a 180 turn"?
           | busymom0 wrote:
           | Long press can be right click!
             | thaumasiotes wrote:
             | I have a puzzles app on my phone[1] that does just what you
             | describe. It's awful; I will always tap repeatedly instead
             | of long-pressing. Long-pressing is a gigantic usability
             | failure.
             | That app also implements the solution here, of having a
             | toggle that swaps the effect of press and long-press. I use
             | that... sometimes. Rarely. But more often than I attempt to
             | long-press.
             | Cell phones have a bad UI paradigm and therefore using
             | software on a cell phone is generally more painful and
             | annoying than using software on a computer. But that's not
             | a reason to force painful, annoying UI into the computer
             | too.
             | [1] https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/ h
             | ttps://f-droid.org/en/packages/name.boyle.chris.sgtpuzzles/
       | s3p wrote:
       | Found this very relaxing, thanks OP :)
         | trizoza wrote:
         | I'm happy it worked for you!
       | nuclearnice1 wrote:
       | This is a nice game. What technology stack did you use to
       | implement?
       | gmiller123456 wrote:
       | It could probably benefit from an indicator that there's still
       | work to be done. I thought I was done, but noticed a comment from
       | someone else that they got confetti.
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Yeah, that's actually a great idea. Do you have any idea on how
         | the indicator could look like? Something like counter how many
         | tiles are still not in position?
         | Tiles still in wrong position ............ 24?
           | gmiller123456 wrote:
           | I was thinking something like that, "x tiles to go". Or a
           | "Check" button that tells you how many are left, but it still
           | automatically shows the confetti when you're done.
       | spikenilan wrote:
       | Very cool. I made something kinda similar a while back but never
       | got around to publishing it. I think mine is overly complicated
       | and I never got around to writing a tutorial but you can check it
       | out here:
       | blurdle.cc
         | trizoza wrote:
         | The link doesn't work :(
       | jmclnx wrote:
       | I think it is nice :) Thanks
       | Robin_Message wrote:
       | On a phone, I didn't like having to change rotation direction
       | separately from rotating. And I don't always find rotation
       | directions intuitive. So maybe a direct manipulation would be
       | better?
       | Other than that, I enjoyed it.
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Thanks Robin! Yeah, it is not ideal game for phones, but I have
         | few ideas in backlog on how to improve that.
       | ranting-moth wrote:
       | Wow, this is nice. Love it!
       | Perhaps an option to hide the ideal clicks. If I was upset and
       | using this to calm down (which I totally will!) it would just
       | infuriate my messed up brain. But that's just me.
       | Well done!
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Thanks, would hiding the counter during the game and revealing
         | the counter once finished work? Or you'd prefer to get rid of
         | it completely?
           | ranting-moth wrote:
           | Personally if I've opted to hide it I wouldn't want to see it
           | unless I've specifically asked for it.
       | [deleted]
       | nnoitra wrote:
       | NotMyBestWork wrote:
       | I really enjoyed this, it was indeed relaxing. Do you grab any
       | statistics on how well people do? I was hugely over, but only
       | because a few of the 'difficult' squares were wrong.
       | bbx wrote:
       | I like the "Ideal number of clicks" criteria. Adds an additional
       | challenge, and increases replayability.
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Thanks! That was some of the feedback from my friends when I
         | initially sent it to them. They were like: "wow this is
         | relaxing" but shortly after: "ok, how do we compete?" :D
       | drivers99 wrote:
       | Some of the squares are basically a solid color (not so much the
       | cat picture but the previous ones I checked). I like to do jigsaw
       | puzzles and one good thing about them is even in fairly solid
       | color areas, you get a good confirmation by pieces fitting
       | together well. Something to think about when selecting photos.
         | prismatix wrote:
         | Agreed. In Tabletop simulator Jigsaw Join the pieces fuse
         | together when they're in the correct place. Maybe the white
         | border could disappear between pieces in the correct place -
         | although that might make it too easy if there's only one left.
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Yeah, apologies for that. There is no.4 that's extremely
         | difficult, especially on phones with not such great colours and
         | there's one more that has 2 tricky squares. I'm trying to pick
         | pictures that do not have solid squares for future.
       | phtrivier wrote:
       | Great marketing move of using a cat.
       | miiiiiike wrote:
       | cute.
       | larsonnn wrote:
       | It's nice. But I would love it more without competitive features.
       | Maybe you can choos if you want the relax or competitive mode.
       | badcppdev wrote:
       | Nice and relaxing but I want to do another one now.
       | You could do a hex tile version as well
         | bbx wrote:
         | There's a list of older games you can play at the bottom of the
         | page.
           | badcppdev wrote:
           | Thanks. I couldn't see it because it disappears if you click
           | on 'Play again' and reappears when the picture is solved
             | trizoza wrote:
             | Thanks for this feedback and that's now fixed - all older
             | games and all played games have now the option to play
             | older games at the bottom.
       | lleb97a wrote:
       | Great job! I found it the right balance of relaxing and
       | challenging.
       | rouxz wrote:
       | "Relaxing" and at the same time counting number of clicks right
       | next to Ideal number of clicks doesn't work very well for me :(
         | indigodaddy wrote:
         | It could just reveal the # of click stats after completion
         | JrProgrammer wrote:
         | I agree. I liked the idea but seeing an ideal number just puts
         | pressure on something that shouldn't be.
         | Maybe create a casual/competitive toggle?
         | Anyways good job OP :)
         | boringg wrote:
         | I'd agree get rid of any competitive features so that its
         | relaxing but if you want to make it competitive toggle it on.
         | cheapliquor wrote:
         | Right - I only noticed the "ideal" number of clicks after I had
         | finished the puzzle. That kinda diminished the "relaxing"
         | aspect and made me want to go back and start speedrunning.
         | Otherwise, neat lil game. I got a nice picture of a kitty cat.
         | :)
           | larsonnn wrote:
           | So you are the one which needed to go back.
         | Markoff wrote:
         | Try Prune, the most relaxing game I played in years.
         | http://www.prunegame.com
         | And while you are at it follow it by watching Tales from the
         | loop, most relaxing TV show I've seen in years.
       | boringg wrote:
       | I was surprised that I did find this relaxing - thanks OP. To
       | other commenters point toggle on/off competitive features would
       | be great otherwise it produces tiny amounts of competitive
       | anxiety.
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Thanks! And this is idea is noted in backlog. Like opt out
         | button from competition.
       | 8ivek wrote:
       | jamesbfb wrote:
       | That was...oddly satisfying. Really wish I could do another one!
         | mungoman2 wrote:
         | You can! "Play older games" at the bottom of the page.
         | HanClinto wrote:
         | Did you see the list at the bottom of the page? You can play
         | all of the older puzzles!
       | bobo_legos wrote:
       | So I use Imagus in Firefox. When playing older games hovering
       | over some of the tiles ends up loading the full image. Doesn't do
       | it on today's cat image.
       | Otherwise fun little game.
       | zaphodias wrote:
       | I had a computer game similar to this one like 15 years ago!
       | I can't remember the name but I think it came as a CD with some
       | encyclopedia for kids or something like this. You unlocked a
       | memory of me solving the puzzle of a picture of a shark :D
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Hahaha, I love that I could bring this memory back!
       | dbojan wrote:
       | implement random pic loading from ... somewehere
       | nemo44x wrote:
       | Excellent game, well done! Love that there's a new image daily so
       | I can choose to spend a small amount of time each day but I won't
       | get sucked into a non-stop treadmill.
       | mattw2121 wrote:
       | Thanks for creating and sharing. I really like it. I would like a
       | Easy, Hard, and Insane mode with increasing # of tiles.
         | trizoza wrote:
         | That's a great idea! Will add to backlog.
       | radres wrote:
       | I like the ideal number of clicks. But somewhat agree on sky etc.
       | should come in order.
       | dbojan wrote:
       | implement random picture loading from ... somewhere ? (with
       | proper size)
       | vesinisa wrote:
       | It's nice but could you make it so that the rotation direction
       | can additionally be toggled by holding down shift while clicking?
       | I find it _very_ irritating to always move the mouse to the
       | bottom right corner to select the rotation direction - especially
       | since  "every click counts".
       | Other than that, I first thought that some of the tiles should
       | start with _correct_ orientation but soon realized that would
       | make this puzzle just really easy, because our brains are just
       | excellent at seeing the correct image from just a few correctly
       | oriented tiles I think.
         | the_cat_kittles wrote:
         | another option be to have clicking the left side of the tile
         | turn it counter clockwise and right side clockwise
         | MikeTheGreat wrote:
         | Shift-click is a great idea.
         | I also like the idea of right-clicking to rotate the other way
         | (so click always rotates one way, right-click the opposite)
         | I ignored the ideal clicks thing and really enjoyed slowly
         | revealing today's picture of the lounging cat. Very relaxing
         | indeed!
           | mistermegabyte wrote:
           | Awesome game. I agree that left click to rotate left and
           | right click to rotate right would be so much more convenient.
       | uptownfunk wrote:
       | Wow, really nice, relaxing. Don't bloat it, sometimes simple and
       | sweet is a winner. Mobile app version would be helpful.
       | somberi wrote:
       | I loved this game and thanks for making it. It had a prayer-beads
       | quality to it, and extending that metaphor, may I suggest you
       | remove stats, but keep counter clock moves, where the mind gets
       | trapped, and moves on to the next block, thereby helping the user
       | focus on the task at hand.
       | johndhi wrote:
       | Bravo
       | blinding-streak wrote:
       | This is great! Shared with my family. Thanks for making it.
       | cambalache wrote:
       | kriro wrote:
       | Nicely done. Really enjoyed it.
       | Would be interesting if you combined it with DALLE-2. Either with
       | a prompt at the top that generates the picture on the fly or just
       | by curating some DALLE-2 pictures and using them for the puzzles
       | (and maybe the prompt to generate it could be revealed as a
       | reward).
         | trizoza wrote:
         | That's actually a really cool idea.
       | ldoughty wrote:
       | I like it, but I will say I found 28 very frustrating... There's
       | not enough detail in the picture to get the top row -- the entire
       | row is basically 3 very similar colors, and there's no good
       | hints... You basically have to determine the positioning by
       | looking at the artifacting of the background.
       | The cat one was enjoyable though!
       | throwaway_75369 wrote:
       | This was nice - I woke up in the middle of the night with some
       | anxiety and insomnia and this was just what I needed; a dark
       | background theme would have helped with the bright rectangle in
       | my hand :)
         | bmacho wrote:
         | Darkreader extension works on it.
       | hkon wrote:
       | Very nice, can you make it so that another puzzle shows up after
       | 10 seconds after completing one?
       | amadeuspagel wrote:
       | Nice.
       | It looks like it's always the same picture? It would be nice if
       | you could play this with a random picture.
         | justusthane wrote:
         | The picture changes every day (there's a countdown timer until
         | the next picture at the top after you finish), and you can play
         | previous days if you scroll down.
       | halftheopposite wrote:
       | Really like the concept, and played it longer than I initially
       | expected!
       | Shameless plug for a multiplayer puzzle game I created a year ago
       | https://flipcards.online of which your game reminded me. Although
       | mine has nothing relaxing as it favours competition. But rotating
       | tiles of images is clearly checked.
         | adigau31 wrote:
         | I like that game! It's way less relaxing for sure lol Have you
         | considered showing the progress of others in real-time to add
         | some spice, go more into details?
         | I really like what Chris has done with Liveblocks.io on his
         | multiplayer Wordle: https://github.com/CTNicholas/wordle-wars
           | halftheopposite wrote:
           | That's actually a great idea! Will work on it in the next
           | fews days. Also planning on putting a quick tutorial to
           | explain the concept. PS: Thanks for the link, looking at it
           | right now.
       | sbf501 wrote:
       | No. I do NOT want to "Stop Confetti" thank you very much.
       | bombcar wrote:
       | This is nice. I just liked clicking to see the cat.
         | trizoza wrote:
         | Thanks! Glad you liked it!
         | rwky wrote:
         | That is one chilled out cat
       | flapjaxy wrote:
       | Am I missing how you reshuffle to play another round?
       | iandanforth wrote:
       | Perfect on first try. I will now never play again to maintain my
       | overspin rating of 0.
       | s0teri0s wrote:
       | This is nice. If possible, I would change it so that a left
       | rotation happened on a left click and a right rotation happened
       | on a right click; make scoring optional if you want it to be more
       | relaxing.
       | 6LLvveMx2koXfwn wrote:
       | I did it in 27 clicks, page says minimum is 29.
         | 6LLvveMx2koXfwn wrote:
         | er, no I didn't 29, missed one in the mountains to the right.
         | Now confetti.
           | WesleyJohnson wrote:
           | Far right, row 2? That one got me as well.
       | permo-w wrote:
       | it's really nice. one suggestion I would have would be to make
       | the gap between the squares variable. it would be easier if it
       | was thinner or not there
       | searchableguy wrote:
       | Sorry OP but this triggers my captcha hell trauma on the internet
       | using a VPN for privacy.
       (page generated 2022-11-23 23:00 UTC)