[HN Gopher] Wasmer 3.0
       Wasmer 3.0
       Author : syrusakbary
       Score  : 168 points
       Date   : 2022-11-23 17:01 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (wasmer.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (wasmer.io)
       | tlarkworthy wrote:
       | Off topic but is there a good way of running wasi on browser?
         | syrusakbary wrote:
         | There are multiple ways! I'd recommend `@wasmer/wasi` since it
         | uses the same WASI implementation as Wasmer (compiled from Rust
         | to Wasm using wasm-bindgen):
         | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@wasmer/wasi
           | williamstein wrote:
           | wasi-js is another one I'm actively supporting that is in
           | pure JavaScript (hence small and easily hackable):
           | https://www.npmjs.com/package/wasi-js
           | This is based on what wasmer used to provide for wasi in the
           | browser before they did their major rewrite in rust mentioned
           | above. I personally find the JavaScript version more useful
           | for my projects so I revived their old project and am
           | maintaining it.
             | DustinBrett wrote:
             | Thanks for this info! I have a terminal on my website that
             | was still using the old version and I've been wanting to
             | upgrade it and get better input/blocking support. I will
             | give this a try.
               | williamstein wrote:
               | I have added some new ad hoc hooks for blocking io. You
               | can see how they are used in https://CoWasm.org and
               | https://CoWasm.sh
       | nycticorax wrote:
       | Can someone ELI5 what problem this solves? I think of WebAssembly
       | as being a tool for getting code written in <random language> to
       | run in a web client. Can't I already run code written in <random
       | language> on a server that I control? Heck, PG went on at some
       | length in one of his early essays about how that was one of the
       | great things about the Web: you could use any language you wanted
       | on the server. Even Common Lisp...
         | brundolf wrote:
         | - Running code on a server you don't control
         | - Running code you don't fully trust on a server you do control
         | WASM comes with powerful sandboxing, and if you combine that
         | with static linking you can pretty much drop Docker for your
         | PaaS (and all the overhead/complexity/insecurity that comes
         | with it). This is what Cloudflare Workers do
         | duped wrote:
         | WASM is JVM with lessons learned
         | flohofwoe wrote:
         | WASM is also useful for distributing a single binary blob that
         | runs on different Operating Systems and CPU architectures,
         | instead of 'stamping out' NxM native executables. This area
         | overlaps more with Java and .NET (but with more/different
         | language options) than 'an alternative to JS in the browser'.
         | For instance I have a C++ shader compiler which includes some
         | massive 3rd party libraries (glslangValidator, SPIRVTools and
         | SPIRVCross) which takes _forever_ to compile, so distributing
         | in source code form is not really an option, and the only
         | alternative is to ship precompiled binaries for each supported
         | OS /CPU combination. Currently I do this via GH Actions, which
         | kinda works, but just building a single WASM blob and shipping
         | that to users (who then would need to install one of the WASM
         | runtimes though) sounds kinda interesting.
         | PS: WASM may also be useful as universal plugin format. For
         | instance the new Microsoft flight sim uses WASM instead of
         | scripting or native DLLs for modding:
         | https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Programming_Tools/WASM...
           | kaba0 wrote:
           | Java's GraalVM can do plenty of languages, on top of running
           | managed ones much faster. I don't see novelty here.
             | flohofwoe wrote:
             | If I compile a C or Rust program to run in GraalVM, will
             | the LLVM bitcode be converted to some sort of universal
             | bytecode, or does Graal attempt to run the bitcode directly
             | via a plugin? (e.g. do I distribute GraalVM bytecode or
             | LLVM bitcode to the user?).
             | The documentation is a bit unclear about this, but there's
             | this weird blurb at the end:
             | > Note: LLVM bitcode is platform-dependent. The program
             | must be compiled to bitcode for an appropriate platform.
             | ...why would this detail even matter if LLVM bitcode is
             | converted to 'GraalVM bytecode'? In any case, it doesn't
             | sound much like "write once run everywhere" ;)
             | See: https://www.graalvm.org/22.2/reference-manual/llvm/
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | Graal's truffle runtime works basically as an AST
               | interpreter, so you have to ship the LLVM bitcode.
               | I have yet to get my feet wet with sulong, but my guess
               | would be that LLVM will produce different bitcode on
               | different platforms, and thus the execution can
               | potentially be different - also note that llvm bitcode is
               | not a stable format. But I don't think that interpreting
               | it on a different platform than it was compiled on would
               | have a fundamental reason not to work (after all, it is
               | just java code) - perhaps it uses the platform llvm libs
               | for some parsing, which is not platform-agnostic?
             | coldtea wrote:
             | Well, the point is not in some novelty, but that it does a
             | similar thing as an open standard, with more than one
             | vendor and community behind it for runtimes, tooling, etc.,
             | that it doesn't come from Oracle (which is an extra bonus),
             | and with compatibility with the web and bigger boost behind
             | it than Graal ever achieved thus far to boot.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | Java bytecode is an open standard with more completely
               | independent implementations than wasm, but it is slightly
               | higher level. Graal (truffle) uses ASTs mapping to Java
               | language primitives as a basis (in a way sorta similar to
               | wasm, as that is not really a byte code).
         | iknowstuff wrote:
         | It lets you run untrusted code. Great for exposing a plugin
         | API.
         | rglullis wrote:
         | "dumb clients" don't exist anymore. Why run things on the
         | server and have to deal with scaling issues, if I can just
         | distribute super complex applications easily and as reliably as
         | publishing a web page?
           | satvikpendem wrote:
           | Next.js' (and others') server side rendering exists and React
           | Server Components exist as well. We're seeing a reversion
           | back to the server due to SEO and performance concerns.
         | Sodman wrote:
         | Being able to add arbitrary logic to an otherwise static binary
         | has a lot of interesting use cases. For example Envoy Proxy
         | supports hot-loading arbitrary HTTP filters compiled to WASM
         | into its filter-chain. This allows users to extend the feature
         | set of Envoy, by adding custom logic to request parsing,
         | reporting custom metrics, calling out to other services before
         | forwarding the request, etc etc.
         | This allows their unique custom use-case-specific code to be
         | managed separately to Envoy, so it can be ported across
         | upgrades etc. It also means that if there's a very particular
         | feature you want that's unique to your business, and wouldn't
         | make sense to contribute to the upstream OSS project, you can
         | write a WASM module for it.
         | It's somewhat niche, because anything built in this way which
         | is generally useful to many users, will probably just be made a
         | native feature of the host platform. Conversely, anything that
         | does something significantly complex and custom should probably
         | live as it's own stand-alone microservice somewhere. There's
         | still a lot of room for value between the two extremes though!
         | FooBarWidget wrote:
         | And can someone ELI5 why WebAssembly is useful, given that
         | there are already a myriad of other virtual machines out there
         | (JVM, CLR, BEAM, etc)?
         | And why could/did those other virtual machines not evolve to
         | fulfill the need that WebAssembly fulfills? Why is a new
         | machine language and new virtual machine necessary?
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | Webassembly can be targeted by C/C++ and Rust. It's also
           | designed with security in mind. The JVM is not a reliable
           | sandbox.
         | hahnchen wrote:
         | I think it's meant to make it easier to use. They also have
         | their whole package manager to use
         | jasonwatkinspdx wrote:
         | WASM has an OS abstraction API that ends up being pretty good.
         | There's work in progress on cross language resource sharing,
         | interface types, etc. It's early days yet but this is
         | generating excitement for WASM as a sort of very lightweight
         | cross language container/vm.
         | It's also useful in "plugin" scenarios, like say filtering code
         | in a network proxy. Or if you wanted to make your own Function
         | as a Service system.
         | cheriot wrote:
         | Plugins for desktop apps would be safer if the plugin is run
         | with WASM.
         | clscott wrote:
         | It's also valuable for running code written in <random
         | language> to be executed in <another random language>.
         | Write a library in Rust and compile it to WASM, theoretically
         | any language with WASM bindings could run it.
         | This could really make niche languages more easily adopted if
         | their execution environment supported libraries in WASM.
         | Imagine using Java's JDBC from something like Nim. Nim could
         | take advantage of a 30 year old mature and fast database access
         | framework without haveing to envest that ime and effort
         | themselves.
         | Or even something more modern like the polars dataframe
         | library.
           | cpeterso wrote:
           | Firefox uses this approach to create a lightweight, in-
           | process sandbox (called "RLBox") for some third-party
           | libraries. The library is compiled from C/C++ to wasm and
           | then wasm is transpiled _back_ to C++, all at Firefox compile
           | time so no wasm compilation is needed at Firefox run time.
           | https://hacks.mozilla.org/2021/12/webassembly-and-back-
           | again...
           | ptx wrote:
           | > _Imagine using Java 's JDBC from something like Nim._
           | You can already do this with JNI. How does WASM improve
           | things? In both cases (WASM or native code) you get the
           | overhead of two runtimes and the hassle of converting data
           | types, don't you?
             | kaba0 wrote:
             | GraalVM's polyglot execution does solve this problem, it
             | can even optimize across language barriers. (But it runs
             | native languages as LLVM "bitcode" basically, not natively)
               | merb wrote:
               | GraalVM will Not succeed, because every language needs
               | Tour be reimplemented in graal, in wasm every language
               | just needs a wasm Target. Also Java is really slow Boy
               | adding a wasm Target. Most languages have a way to run on
               | a wasm engine.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | They have to be implemented as interpreters only though.
               | > Most languages have a way to run on a wasm engine
               | But it is basically useless for managed languages that as
               | of yet has to bring their runtimes as well.
             | paulgb wrote:
             | Even if the feature set were limited to what's possible
             | with Java/JNI, the fact that Oracle does not own any piece
             | of it is a feature in its own right.
             | fschuett wrote:
             | WASM is executable from every language to every language,
             | you wouldn't have to write code specifically targeting the
             | JNI for example. Say you want to use a PDF library from
             | Java, a web server from C# and some scripts someone wrote
             | in Python, and for whatever reason your preferred language
             | of the day is Haskell. In the normal case you'd have to
             | rely on someone to maintain Java -> Haskell, C# -> Haskell
             | and Python -> Haskell glue code. But with wasm, you just
             | pull in csharp.wasm, python.wasm and java.wasm, so it's
             | just one binding layer, not three.
             | It's often the case that people choose languages based on
             | the availability of the libraries written in those
             | languages. The goal of non-browser WASM is to get rid of
             | that and to minimize the friction of inter-language
             | communication, so you don't have to rewrite it in
             | $language. WASM is not tied to any language (like the JNI).
               | return_to_monke wrote:
               | That does look pretty awesome - wouldn't it hurt the
               | performance tho? Especially with the DB Example, a
               | database usually needs to be fast.
               | clscott wrote:
               | Sure, maybe it's not as fast to execute as another
               | implementation, but having ANY implementation is far more
               | useful than none at all.
               | Here's an example where performance wouldn't matter as
               | much:
               | Let's say I'm the author of a programming language and I
               | want to add a db layer to my standard lib.
               | Via WASM I can use a working backend while I'm protyping
               | the API for my db layer. If the performance isn't fast
               | enough I can start implementing my own "native" version
               | with feature parity.
               | I can then use some of the tests from the original
               | library (via WASM) to make sure my implementation has
               | feature parity to the original.
               | fschuett wrote:
               | In the short term, you wouldn't want to run databases in
               | WASM. You could, but it's not really worth the effort, as
               | long as the WASM runtime allows TCP connections, you can
               | just connect to any hosted DB as usual.
               | For performance, we ship three compiler backends: LLVM
               | (fast execution, but slowest compilation), cranelift and
               | singlepass (our own compiler, very fast compilation and
               | you can compile untrusted code - but slowest execution).
               | There is a slowdown, but the goal is to keep that at a
               | minimum (proper performance tracking is on the bucket
               | list). We are pre-compiling the python.wasm (which was
               | already pre-optimized when the compilation to WASM
               | happened) with LLVM, so you should get assembly that is
               | very close to the native execution, with the exception of
               | the necessary VM overhead. The goal is to make it so that
               | the interoperability gains are worth the performance hit.
               | comex wrote:
               | > But with wasm, you just pull in csharp.wasm,
               | python.wasm and java.wasm, so it's just one binding
               | layer, not three.
               | A bit of a rant, but there's nothing specific to
               | WebAssembly about this.
               | Whether you're using WebAssembly or native code:
               | - The basic interface you get between caller and callee
               | is a low-level calling convention, where essentially all
               | you have are integers (which can be pointers), and any
               | higher-level data structures need to be built out of
               | that.
               | - A slightly higher-level interface is the C ABI; many
               | languages support exporting and consuming APIs using the
               | C ABI, but it can be frustratingly low-level.
               | - To provide an even higher-level interface, there are
               | bindings generators, which could in principle either be
               | designed as direct language-to-language bridges, or as a
               | single common standard that any language can provide and
               | consume APIs for.
               | The WebAssembly Component Model standard and the wit-
               | bindgen tool are an example of the latter. They happen to
               | be defined specifically for WebAssembly rather than
               | generically for any architecture. If they become
               | ubiquitous at some point in the future like they're
               | supposed to, then WebAssembly will have an advantage when
               | it comes to high-level bindings, not because of any
               | fundamental technical aspect of WebAssembly itself, but
               | just because people building these bindings on top of
               | WebAssembly have more motivation and more consensus.
               | (WebAssembly does have a technical advantage when it
               | comes to sandboxing between components, but this is
               | relatively unimportant for most use cases.)
               | But for now, wit-bindgen isn't ubiquitous, and most of
               | those languages don't even work in WebAssembly yet...
           | MuffinFlavored wrote:
           | > Write a library in Rust and compile it to WASM
           | this misses the fact that (unless I'm wrong), WASM by itself
           | can't really do anything like file system/network operations
           | I know that's not the main usecase of where to put WASM logic
           | that needs to be performant (it's the opposite really)
           | I just think it's worth calling out that a WASM library
           | really can't do much from what I understand. Like... basic
           | math? You have to supply it (through a WASM runtime) interop
           | to other functions it can call... I think?
           | Would love to be taught/proven wrong.
             | nateabele wrote:
             | This is where WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) comes in.
               | TobyTheDog123 wrote:
               | But isn't WASI considered harmful?
               | I absolutely disagree with ASC's stance on this, but it
               | seems that the AssemblyScript project at least wants
               | nothing to do with that kind of thing:
               | [1] https://devclass.com/2022/09/08/assemblyscript-
               | project-wasi-...
               | [2] https://www.assemblyscript.org/standards-
               | objections.html
               | [3] https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/issues/401
               | codeflo wrote:
               | It's my understanding that WASI is using Unix-like
               | abstractions, because they also target native execution,
               | while the AssemblyScript would prefer web-like
               | abstractions, because they exclusively target the
               | browser. From your second link at least, this seems like
               | the main technical complaint:
               | > Languages that would naturally fit the Web platform not
               | only are overlooked, but WASI's self-imposed abstinence
               | of Web concepts undermines other languages'
               | interoperability potential with JS and the Web platform
               | specifically.
               | The problem is that objectively, the web platform is
               | garbage. Half-baked, weirdly incomplete abstractions,
               | most of can only be rationally explained as either
               | historical accidents or the aftermath of political fights
               | on standards committees. Why would anyone base a new
               | abstraction around those if they don't strictly have to?
               | initplus wrote:
               | I have a hard time taking this seriously, it's the
               | objections of one individual who seems to be seeing
               | ulterior motives behind WASI... I don't think their
               | objections are really as strong as they make out. Big red
               | "In violation" labels are a bit much.
               | WASI is trying to be a cross language API for use by
               | multiple languages that target WASM. But the author wants
               | this API to more closely follow existing JS conventions?
               | Sure that's useful to JS/Web, but it's not useful for
               | anyone else trying to target WASM with a language that's
               | not JS. And if you want to target Web API's with JS,
               | can't you already just write native JS?
               | Bikeshedding over string encoding for example and
               | objecting to WASI's promotion of UTF-8 because it doesn't
               | match the encoding used by JS.
               | [deleted]
               | MuffinFlavored wrote:
               | https://www.npmjs.com/package/as-fetch
               | this has 7 weekly downloads... I would expect more?
         | zrail wrote:
         | I'm not sure if it's mainstream but my thoughts on server-side
         | WASM always run to user-provided logic. WASM provides a helpful
         | building block for a generic user-provided logic sandboxed
         | runtime.
         | Think about a workflow engine embedded in a marketing product.
         | Usually there's some kind of GUI builder which generates an AST
         | to be interpreted directly at runtime. What if instead the GUI
         | generated a WASM artifact to be run on sandboxed runtimes?
         | What if, furthermore, you offered advanced users the
         | opportunity to upload WASM binaries where they could implement
         | arbitrarily complex logic to be executed in the sandbox?
         | I think this is a super powerful concept, although of course
         | making a business case for implementing it is the trick.
           | fwsgonzo wrote:
           | I don't think a server-side sandbox makes sense for anything
           | that is JIT-based (or even binary translation). We already
           | have KVM which is actual native performance, and it can run
           | anything you would ever want, and then some. WASM is bytecode
           | working on a 2GB linear arena, and it fits OK in a browser.
             | azakai wrote:
             | The 2GB limit was a temporary browser limitation. Modern
             | browers mostly support 4GB now. And wasm64 is testable
             | today, which supports 64-bit pointers and more than 4GB.
             | zrail wrote:
             | I don't think that's really the use case I'm describing.
             | Maybe I'm doing a bad job, I dunno.
             | The use case is essentially user logic for event stream
             | processing, where the events are things like "received an
             | email" or "clicked a link" or "3 days have passed". You're
             | not going to spin up a KVM for every contact on a 2 million
             | member email list even if you're using Firecracker, but
             | executing a WASM blob for every event might be feasible.
         | moralestapia wrote:
         | wasm is a specification for a VM (VM as in Java, not as in
         | AWS/docker).
         | wasm gives you the bare minimum to run, other projects fill the
         | gaps between that and what you would normally expect for an
         | execution environment (ABIs, file system access, stacks,
         | etc...). wasmer is one of such projects.
         | trh0awayman wrote:
         | WASM is basically a misnomer at this point. People are using it
         | as a universal virtual machine/runtime. Whether that makes any
         | sense is still an open question.
           | kbaker wrote:
           | In your view, why does it not make sense? It certainly seems
           | appealing as a universal runtime, and lives up to its claims
           | as long as things like WASI get standardized.
           | CharlesW wrote:
           | > _WASM is basically a misnomer at this point._
           | Web standards/technologies are in wide use outside of
           | browsers (via things like Electron), so you may find that the
           | name makes more sense when viewed through that lens.
       | nuc1e0n wrote:
       | Does the exe generation need any runtime like vb needed vbrun.dll
       | back in the day?
         | fschuett wrote:
         | No, it's a standalone binary. It compiles the wasm file to
         | native assembly (depending on target), then uses zig build-exe
         | to link libc and libunwind into a final exe file.
         | $ wasmer create-exe --target x86_64-windows-gnu qjs.wasm -o
         | ./js.exe && llvm-objdump -p ./js.exe | grep DLL
         | DLL Name: KERNEL32.dll         DLL Name: msvcrt.dll         DLL
         | Name: WS2_32.dll         DLL Name: ADVAPI32.dll         DLL
         | Name: USERENV.dll         DLL Name: bcrypt.dll
       | lijogdfljk wrote:
       | The `create-exe` subcommand is interesting!
       | For any language with decent cross compiling capability, is there
       | a use case for `create-exe`? Eg i use Rust these days.. and i
       | wonder if there's any use case for me to cross compile via wasmer
       | instead of natively. My project(s) do work on WASM as a target
       | (for browser reasons), maybe it would be easier to setup cross
       | compiling via wasmer and not manage the release pipelines i have?
       | Though for some of my performance critical applications i may not
       | want to bother with it. Simply because i'd suspect wasmer might
       | not have the same platform specific optimizations that natively
       | compiling would give me.
         | williamstein wrote:
         | Wasm provides very extensive sandboxing capabilities that are
         | extremely valuable for certain applications (plugins, real-time
         | collaboration, multi tenant hosting), and pointless for others.
         | You can leverage that by using wasm and create-exe.
       | gary_0 wrote:
       | The docs.wasmer.io page could use some work (it looks nice,
       | though!) For instance, under the C/C++ section, the MinGW link at
       | the bottom leads to a hijacked domain, and the "Wasmer C API"
       | link in the sidebar leads to a 404.
       | samtheprogram wrote:
       | Running WASM outside of a web browser? Obligatory Gary Bernhardt,
       | "The Birth and Death of JavaScript":
       | https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death...
       | Jaxkr wrote:
       | > support for multi-value functions
       | Link to example for this? Tried Wasmer about a year ago and had
       | too much trouble passing multiple non-int args with a Rust host
       | (so no JS bindgen)
         | syrusakbary wrote:
         | This test might be useful (although it might be a bit hard to
         | read because of the usage of macros) [1]. We will create a
         | simple example of multivalue to showcase how it can be used
         | [1]:
         | https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/blob/master/tests/compile...
       | kthakore wrote:
       | Great work Wasmer team :)
       | tracker1 wrote:
       | One annoyance, on the wapm website, seems you can't click on
       | search results to open in a new tab. :-/
       | Wasmer seems pretty cool, and may in fact be a future for micro-
       | services.
       | tromp wrote:
       | Can this be compared to something like actually pdrtable
       | executable [1], that makes a single executable run on Linux,
       | MacOS, Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD?
       | While wasmer seems to support more source languages, it requires
       | running the executable under a WASM virtual machine. Are there
       | other important differences?
       | [1] https://justine.lol/ape.html
         | brundolf wrote:
         | WASM also gives you sandboxing
           | gary_0 wrote:
           | And it works the same regardless of the host CPU
           | architecture, whereas APE is built around x86_64.
       | TobyTheDog123 wrote:
       | While I'm glad to see WASM get more attention, iirc wasmer has
       | had some behavioral issues / drama in the past.
       | However, it seems they're making far more progress than wasmtime,
       | so taking the bad with the good I guess.
       | lioeters wrote:
       | Cross-compiling to different targets with `create-exe` command is
       | a very intriguing idea.
       | > In Wasmer 3.0 we used the power of Zig for doing cross-
       | compilation from the C glue code into other machines.
       | > This made almost trivial to generate a [binary] for macOS from
       | Linux (as an example).
       | > So by default, if you are cross-compiling we try to use zig cc
       | instead of cc so we can easily cross compile from one machine to
       | the other with no extra dependencies.
       | https://wasmer.io/posts/wasm-as-universal-binary-format-part...
       | > Using the wasmer compiler we compile all WASI packages
       | published to WAPM to a native executable for all available
       | platforms, so that you don't need to ship a complete WASM runtime
       | to run your wasm files.
       | https://wasmer.io/posts/wasm-as-universal-binary-format-part...
         | h4x0rr wrote:
         | one thing to note is that the performance is still on the level
         | of normal wasmer exexution and thus inferior to natively
         | compiled code in most instances
           | coder543 wrote:
           | > thus inferior to natively compiled code in most instances
           | Do you have a source for this claim? Using a JIT with AOT
           | binaries (which is what this seems to be) can sometimes be
           | very beneficial. It's like doing PGO without the manual work
           | of doing PGO properly.
           | I'm sure the JIT can make poor decisions sometimes, but I
           | would want to see a comprehensive set of benchmarks, like The
           | Benchmarks Game and TechEmpower showing this. Benchmarks
           | aren't always reflective of reality, but good ones are
           | usually more insightful than random opinions.
           | The only Wasmer benchmarks I could readily find were from
           | three years ago, and that was before Wasmer 1.0, let alone
           | 3.0.
           | EDIT: Reading more... maybe `create-exe` doesn't include the
           | JIT at all, so it is just making an AOT binary from the
           | source WASM? In which case, benchmarks are _just as
           | necessary_ to understand how it affects performance compared
           | to a normally-compiled native binary.
             | grose wrote:
             | Here is an extremely unscientific benchmark using the
             | Takeuchi function and Trealla Prolog:                  $
             | make wasm        $ wasmer create-exe tpl.wasm -o tpl-wasm
             | $ time ./tpl-wasm --consult < tak.pl -g 'time(run)' --ns
             | '<https://josd.github.io/eye/ns#tak>'([34,13,8],13).
             | % Time elapsed 1.39s        real    0m1.403s        user
             | 0m1.333s        sys     0m0.070s             $ time tpl
             | tak.pl -g 'time(run)' --ns
             | '<https://josd.github.io/eye/ns#tak>'([34,13,8],13).
             | % Time elapsed 0.448s        real    0m0.473s        user
             | 0m0.463s        sys     0m0.010s
             | WASM is about 3x slower. In general I've found it to be
             | 2-3x slower, at least for my use cases. I also tried the
             | LLVM compiler instead of Cranelift but it was slightly
             | slower.
               | coder543 wrote:
               | Certainly interesting, but I'm not sure how well the
               | performance of a prolog interpreter maps to other use
               | cases.
               | That benchmark looks too short to be a useful measure of
               | how JIT influences performance, otherwise I would ask how
               | the regular Wasmer does in that benchmark too (since it
               | seems like create-exe doesn't include a JIT).
             | riquito wrote:
             | I guess it's safe to assume that if they're not providing
             | benchmarks claiming it's faster than native, then it's
             | slower (and that's ok)
               | coder543 wrote:
               | I don't commonly see mainstream programming languages,
               | compilers, or runtimes providing comparative benchmarks
               | for themselves these days, so I don't consider that a
               | safe assumption at all. It would certainly be nice if
               | Wasmer did provide some benchmarks.
               | _joel wrote:
               | There are lies, damn lies, statistics and benchmarks, but
               | I do take you point. It does give an idea but is the main
               | goal of the project speed or portability (genuine
               | question)?
               | coder543 wrote:
               | The usefulness of portability is generally less the more
               | it sacrifices performance.
               | I also think of WASM as a tool that could provide a
               | useful security boundary.
       | karmasimida wrote:
       | I have a use case in mind
       | I have a piece of library written in rust that i need to run on
       | multiple different hosting environment due to business reasons,
       | like java/js. They will all call this library to validate part of
       | the logic at the same time do something else
       | Could wasmer help in this case for me to write once and have
       | consistent behavior everywhere ?
       | devops3 wrote:
       | Cool! Does this support compiling of games to WASM, with
       | deployment at the edge?
         | fschuett wrote:
         | It does, using the wasm4 console target:
         | https://itch.io/jam/wasm4-v2
       (page generated 2022-11-23 23:00 UTC)