[HN Gopher] Show HN: I built an app that scans every social medi...
       Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for
       your username
       Author : Ostatnigrosh
       Score  : 101 points
       Date   : 2022-11-23 18:05 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.handlefinder.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.handlefinder.com)
       | moneywoes wrote:
       | Seems the HN one doesn't work
         | tomrod wrote:
         | Indeed. On that and a lot of sites I get false positives. Old
         | usernames that I used (and pretty sure no one else did) on
         | sites I've never visited.
       | serjester wrote:
       | Why use React for something this light? People wants to use a
       | frontend frameworks for everything now, I miss 1998. Just
       | kidding, great work! Way more accessibly to the average person
       | than the Sherlock CLI.
       | Also you have two requiments.txt's FYI.
       | jfk13 wrote:
       | A bunch of the occurrences it "finds" appear to be false
       | positives, as far as I can tell.
       | someweirdperson wrote:
       | I am using an un-pronouncible combination of 4 characters in some
       | games. Never could not get it anywhere I wanted it. Was surprised
       | to see it found on 60 sites, none of them me.
       | My username here is found on only 50, the other 49 not me.
       | It might be a useful tool to pre-check names before creating
       | accounts for someone who wants a consistent name everywhere.
       | dingdongdaddy wrote:
       | you made a web frontend for Sherlock LMAO
       | xeromal wrote:
       | Be warned people. You might find accounts you don't remember
       | making. lmao
       | A trip down memory lane.
         | JacobThreeThree wrote:
         | The only username you should use more than once is your real
         | name.
           | timeon wrote:
           | You shouldn't use your real name on the internet.
             | bombcar wrote:
             | Or use someone else's real name. Like Abraham Lincoln's.
             | someweirdperson wrote:
             | For most people it doesn't matter much because there is
             | many dupes.
             | Mine seems to be unique, which is a little scary.
           | xeromal wrote:
           | I was 12-18 years old so I wasn't really thinking that way.
           | Jerrrry wrote:
           | um, many people enjoy having a persistent online alter-ego,
           | and some annoying people like to claim others when a service
           | launches, just to be a dick.
       | someweirdperson wrote:
       | False positive bug list. These always return a match even if
       | there is none:
       | Archive of Our Own
       | Dribbble
       | Enjin
       | Fiverr
       | HackerNews
       | Instagram
       | Quizlet
       | Smule
       | We Heart It
       | livelib
         | s1mon wrote:
         | I put in a <somewhat random mashing of the keyboard> userid. I
         | got a shorter list, but clearly this is an issue.
         | [ ! ] Checking username q349t8y on:
         | [ + ] Enjin: Enjin
         | [ + ] Fiverr: Fiverr
         | [ + ] HackerNews: HackerNews
         | [ + ] Instagram: Instagram
         | [ + ] Quizlet: Quizlet
         | [ + ] Smule: Smule
         | [ + ] livelib: livelib
         | [ X ] End Results: 7
       | Ostatnigrosh wrote:
       | I found myself scrolling through Github's "trending" repos,
       | looking for some coding inspiration. Within the next hour, I
       | stumbled across something called The Sherlock Project.
       | Interesting, It had over 35k stars, must be pretty popular.
       | I quickly cloned the repo and started toying around with it. It
       | didn't take me long to realize the power of this tool. All I had
       | to do was insert a username, and voila! I was looking at every
       | social media website that was associated with the username. Not
       | only that but direct links to the accounts.
       | I immediately wanted to turn this into a web app so that everyone
       | could use it. My first challenge was that this was a CLI tool, so
       | I got to work. The Sherlock project makes about 400 requests to
       | various site s to check if your username exists. This was going
       | to be tough... I noticed they were using requests.FutureSession
       | to multithread the result.
       | I decided to use a multithreaded Web-socket to continuously
       | report out data to the frontend. After ALOT of trial and error I
       | finally got something working. The Issue now though was that it
       | wouldn't run in production due to a multiprocessing error:
       | Daemonic processes are not allowed to have children.
       | Eventually I learned that you cant use the standard
       | multiprocessing library for this kind of thing, you had to use
       | billiard. Bam! It worked. I quickly hacked together a simple
       | frontend, configured the web socket, and results were pouring in.
       | Turns out, the web-socket is considered a "long running request"
       | as it makes 400 external requests. Maybe I could use celery to
       | offload this process to a worker and queue it up. I started
       | working on it and realized this was a little out of my skill
       | range.
       | I then decided to take a look at the logs where I hosted the code
       | and what do i find? CPU, Memory, and bandwidth all reaching a
       | staggering 100% usage. I was using the free tier of Render that
       | only allowed for one instance of my app...duh. I did some rework
       | of my codebase and it started running a little faster.
       | Needless to say, I learned to take it slow, build tests for my
       | code, and be patient with results.
       | What do you guys think? Any hard lessons learned in coding? What
       | were your takeaways?
       | Here is also a link to the repo:
       | https://github.com/bnkc/handlefinder
         | rkagerer wrote:
         | You need a privacy policy (or at least a one-liner statement)
         | that gives potential users some assurance you aren't harvesting
         | their username / IP / etc or the results for some other purpose
         | or piping it to advertisers.
           | Ostatnigrosh wrote:
           | Havent really thought of that. Ill take a look
           | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
           | Yep. The wrap around the tool is neat and looks well done
           | based on what I could see, but I hesitated based just that
           | consideration.
           | edit: I thought I should make my feedback less generic. In
           | this case, by neat I mean: no fluff, no useless stuff on the
           | landing page, straight to the point. I appreciate that.
         | mattl wrote:
         | I think it would be useful to show the networks that the
         | username cannot be found on.
           | Ostatnigrosh wrote:
           | Thats a good thought. I was considering it but was worried
           | about "cluttering" the site
             | bombcar wrote:
             | Could be useful for people who like to "claim" their common
             | handle.
               | veb wrote:
               | what I find annoying is that (other than HN) most places
               | won't let you claim your username if the person has
               | signed up, yet never posted over years (or even logged
               | in) and places where an account was deleted.
               | when I signed up to HN, I had a different username. I
               | reached out to admins and they looked at the other
               | account that had been created but they let me have it
               | because the person hadn't logged in since. Oh! I think
               | GitHub did as well. (shit, I wonder if I have mixed up
               | GitHub and HN... I'm pretty sure they're the two that did
               | actually let me have my handle... :x)
               | mattl wrote:
               | That sounds like a bad idea.
               | Why would it be a good idea to recycle usernames like
               | that?
               | williamscales wrote:
               | Because some people sign up for a site early and then
               | never use it. I can't get my desired handle on a
               | particular social network because some dude registered 15
               | years ago, posted one item, and then never used it again.
               | I mean, obviously I'll live but it's a silly situation.
               | xwdv wrote:
               | Because overtime we can wear down the idea that a public
               | facing username is some kind of unique identifier.
               | mattl wrote:
               | Do you have any alternative solution in mind? ICQ
               | numbers?
               | xwdv wrote:
               | Content
               | bombcar wrote:
               | Same reason we recycle domains.
               | mattl wrote:
               | Which is a bad idea also. We should have some domain name
               | space which we let people register forever.
               | bombcar wrote:
               | That results in the clownpenis.fart problem.
             | TheTaytay wrote:
             | I echo this request. It was my expectation actually!
             | I searched for my username and was shocked it was used on
             | literally every website you checked. Then I tried a less
             | common variant and was similarly shocked, until I realized
             | that you were showing me fewer websites the second time
             | around. Only then did I realize you only showed me sites
             | where it was already claimed...
       | NaturalPhallacy wrote:
       | I got a false positive on runescape, fiverr, and tiktok for my
       | username (not this one).
       | smcl wrote:
       | Reminds me of this, which popped up recently here:
       | https://github.com/soxoj/maigret
       | sph wrote:
       | Add "Show HN:" to the title to have more time in the spotlight,
       | since you built this.
         | Ostatnigrosh wrote:
         | Good idea!
         | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | oriettaxx wrote:
       | great, it works (with some false-positive, like Enjin for
       | example).
       | A warning: an account could be suspended (since many still cannot
       | let you remove it), and by logging in again you end up re-
       | activating.
       | just be aware
       | deadalus wrote:
       | This tool is very fast! I used it to find my crush's social
       | profiles and it worked well.
         | Ostatnigrosh wrote:
         | haha thats one way to use this thing
           | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | s1mon wrote:
       | Some people are liking the UI here, but it wasn't clear to me at
       | first that a [+] meant the username was used on that site. In my
       | mind, it could just as easily mean that it's available on that
       | site (that could be a _positive_ result if you 're looking for
       | places to sign up with a name). This should be made more clear.
       | It would be interesting if you could toggle on the not-found list
       | as part of the results. If you get a big positive list, but you'd
       | like to find the sites where the username is not in use yet,
       | there's no quick way to get that info. (Yes you could scrape both
       | lists and use some simple command line scripts to get those
       | results, but it's such a simple thing to add to this tool)
       | [deleted]
       | avgDev wrote:
       | Great tool I used it to find all social accounts of my ex.
       | Anyway, got to go as I am outside her house and don't want to
       | miss her leaving for work.
       | /s if it wasn't obvious.
       | Cool tool.
         | culi wrote:
         | good reminder for why you shouldn't use the same username
         | everywhere unless you intend to have an online presence
         | Personally I have a specific scheme I follow w my more private
         | usernames. Basically the same username but depending on the
         | website it has a predictable alteration to it so I get
         | different usernames for different sites but don't have to
         | remember them all
         | Then I have a different username (well, a couple) I use for
         | sites where I don't mind having a public presence that can be
         | tied back together
       | nop_slide wrote:
       | You should also mention you are using Sherlock as the underlying
       | backend which does that actual searching as you did in this post.
       | https://old.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/z1ts1n/i_built_an_a...
       | Sherlock uses MIT license and you still haven't added MIT license
       | to your repo.
       | https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock
       | https://github.com/bnkc/handlefinder
       | With that said, I like the look of the UI you put on top, great
       | work!
       | Edit: As others have pointed out, the author doesn't need to make
       | their creation MIT as well. I misunderstood the license
       | agreement. They just have to include the notice of the
       | dependencies somewhere. TIL.
         | Ostatnigrosh wrote:
         | Hey! Just added the MIT license.
           | nop_slide wrote:
           | Apologies if I misread the license attribution, didn't want
           | to take away from the work you did but also wanted to make
           | sure credit was given.
           | Cheers
         | echelon wrote:
         | The MIT license isn't infectious! You might have just told the
         | author to give up their rights.
         | They're well within their rights to release their software as
         | MIT or whatever, but they should make that decision on their
         | own or as reflection upon the proper arguments from the
         | community.
         | nnoitra wrote:
         | Kiro wrote:
         | They don't need to add the MIT license. They only need to
         | include the notice somewhere.
           | nop_slide wrote:
           | Yep, my misunderstanding.
         | mtmail wrote:
         | OP did right after posting:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33722495 Almost the same
         | text as on reddit.
         | Second sentence in the README file on github is "This app is a
         | wrapper around The Sherlock Project" (last edited 5h before
         | posting) and second sentence in the UI is "This project is a
         | wrapper around the Sherlock Project."
       | high_pathetic wrote:
       | And that's why I prefer making a username per site I use. No need
       | to connect the dots, no need for this tool, except for spying on
       | a person.
       (page generated 2022-11-23 23:00 UTC)