[HN Gopher] The Book of CP-System [pdf]
       The Book of CP-System [pdf]
       Author : ibobev
       Score  : 78 points
       Date   : 2022-12-02 12:51 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (fabiensanglard.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (fabiensanglard.net)
       | jupp0r wrote:
       | I wish people spelled out acronyms more. I was expecting a book
       | about consistent and partition-tolerant distributed systems.
       | corysama wrote:
       | The entire site https://fabiensanglard.net/ is a goldmine of
       | high-quality content.
         | fabiensanglard wrote:
         | The quality decreases as you go back in time. Some of the
         | entries are embarrassing (both in terms of typesetting,
         | language skills, and tablet/phone scaling) now but I like to
         | keep them around so reminds myself and others that we all have
         | to start somewhere.
           | torh wrote:
           | From having followed your site for many, many years, I look
           | at it differently: It keeps getting better and better. Also,
           | as you mention, it's a good reminder of what one can produce
           | if one just put in the hours and keep at it.
           | bombcar wrote:
           | Thank you for that, by the way.
           | I really enjoy watching writing and art develop over time
           | (for example, web comics that run for decades like Schlock
           | Mercenary or Penny Arcade).
           | Sometimes the temptation to go back and rewrite or redraw is
           | too much, but if so leave the old version available.
           | jchw wrote:
           | The quality today is definitely excellent, but I think you're
           | being a bit too harsh nonetheless. Even the early articles
           | are still good intrigue, and I think we can forgive the lack
           | of more responsive layout in 2008-2012 :)
       | greenbit wrote:
       | Seems to be about Capcom arcade machines, 239 pages with lots of
       | technical content. Nice pics of humongous 1980-era circuit
       | boards. A nice addition to your file hoard if you're into retro
       | computing.
         | fabiensanglard wrote:
         | Not to forget a complete, modern toolchain if you want to
         | develop for it!
         | spicyjpeg wrote:
         | Proprietary arcade systems from the early to late 1990s, in
         | spite of the admittedly ridiculous prices they sell for
         | nowadays, are actually nice platforms for homebrew development.
         | More often than not there is no protection at all against
         | running homebrew software, as typically anti-piracy checks are
         | implemented in the games themselves rather than in the
         | hardware. Of course there is no documentation most of the time;
         | even though MAME usually provides enough information to get
         | custom code running, anything more complex than a simple demo
         | will require further reverse engineering of the system. But
         | figuring it all out is arguably part of what makes it fun.
         | The current platform I am obsessed with is Konami's System 573,
         | a PlayStation 1-based board introduced in the late 90s and used
         | most notably in Dance Dance Revolution. I have been reverse
         | engineering it and writing documentation as part of a joint
         | effort for about a year [1], uncovering previously unknown
         | details such as scrapped support for booting from a CF card.
         | There is still plenty of work to be done; Konami released
         | several expansion boards providing all sorts of functionality
         | from MP3 playback to online connectivity, and those have been a
         | hurdle to reverse engineer due to their heavy use of FPGAs.
         | Nevertheless, we already have pretty much everything required
         | to develop 573 homebrew games using existing PS1 SDK projects.
         | [1] https://psx-spx.consoledev.net/konamisystem573
           | fabiensanglard wrote:
           | Thank you for sharing your discoveries. This will without a
           | doubt save thousand of hours to multiple enthousiasts.
       | avinassh wrote:
       | What does CP mean?
         | fabiensanglard wrote:
         | "Capcom Play"
         | Which weirdly is not mentioned on
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP_System but only on the
         | disambiguation page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPS1.
       | bombcar wrote:
       | The Amazon version was cheaper, and nice enough - note that
       | Fabien recommends the Bookpatch version, but it's more expensive.
       | https://fabiensanglard.net/cpsb_paper/index.html
       | Recently discussed: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33716928
         | fabiensanglard wrote:
         | Amazon is able to reduce the price thanks to the volume they
         | move.
         | I inquired a while ago about a bookpatch group order feature
         | (volume order shipping to each individual). They said they had
         | it planned but it yet has to happen. Best they can do now is a
         | batch order but they mail to one destination and then that
         | person would have to dispatch it. Sadly not doable for a one
         | man operation.
           | bombcar wrote:
           | I think Amazon drops prices for competitive reasons - I know
           | for some of my self-published works I got "paid" the same
           | amount even when Amazon for inscrutable reasons decided to
           | discount the book to customers.
           | I do NOT think they bother printing multiple copies and
           | warehouse them, I think it is very much print as many copies
           | on demand as they need. I may be wrong here.
           | torh wrote:
           | I wouldn't mind the book price per se, but the shipping to
           | Norway is whooping $304.50, so I guess I'll go for the Amazon
           | version this time.
             | fabiensanglard wrote:
             | I don't understand their shipping price. Someone also
             | mentioned that shipping to France is $200.
             | Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about shipping
             | prices :(!
             | Too bad, they print with such high quality.
       | breckinloggins wrote:
       | I purchased the hardcopy and have been very pleased with it; it's
       | been a long time since I've enjoyed a technical book so much.
         | fabiensanglard wrote:
         | Thank you for your purchase and kind words.
         | zasdffaa wrote:
         | Then may I recommend in addition Hacker's Delight. The 1st ed
         | is most fun, 2nd ed has a lot more depth in certain areas
         | (division IIRC) which you might choose to skip.
       (page generated 2022-12-02 23:01 UTC)