[HN Gopher] France bans internal flights in favor of trains
       France bans internal flights in favor of trains
       Author : vincvinc
       Score  : 36 points
       Date   : 2022-12-03 19:56 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.euronews.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.euronews.com)
       | brainchild-adam wrote:
       | Does anyone know whether this also applies to the government?
       | [deleted]
       | zamadatix wrote:
       | "A tenth of all departure flights in 2019 were by private jets,
       | T&E research found"
       | That's quite a lot more than I expected. Still I'm a bit
       | disappointed there isn't more interest in going for high enough
       | taxation to have it subsidize cleaner emissions elsewhere (e.g.
       | about half the power in France still comes from oil and gas)
       | rather than outright bans. If someone really wants to pay that
       | much to get somewhere let them pay to create net reductions
       | instead of focusing on how much that trip would create.
         | ohgodplsno wrote:
         | >about half the power in France still comes from oil and gas)
         | What ? Unless you're talking about global consumption, at the
         | time of writing this comment, 12% of our electricity production
         | comes from gas (https://app.electricitymaps.com/zone/FR), and
         | despite the situation being dogshit throughout Europe, the only
         | countries cleaner than us at the moment are Norway (because
         | shitloads of hydro and small country), Sweden (because small
         | country and shitloads of nuclear) and Slovenia (because small
         | country and shitloads of hydro). On a good day (read: when half
         | of our nuclear reactors aren't busy being broken), we're at 40g
         | eqCO2/kWh.
           | zamadatix wrote:
           | I guess that's what I get for taking the front chart on
           | Wikipedia at face value.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_in_France seems to have
           | some weirdly adjusted chart generated by British Petroleum of
           | all sources as the main image. I'm not even sure I understand
           | what the heck the "inefficiency" factor they applied is
           | supposed to be based on.
           | Thanks for the correction.
       | johntb86 wrote:
       | Will this reduce the popularity of long-haul flights into hubs in
       | France (e.g. CDG), since it won't be possible to get connecting
       | flights to other cities in France?
         | ohgodplsno wrote:
         | 2h30 by train is not a whole lot. All this does is ban people
         | from taking a 4h long total flight (taking into account going
         | to and from the airport, waiting, etc.) that basically brings
         | you next door. Nobody gets connecting flights to other cities
         | in France. If you're coming from a long haul, you either land
         | in Orly/Roissy, Nice or Toulouse. From these places, you're
         | either still far enough from your destination to take another
         | flight, or you never had a connection to begin with.
         | EDIT:
         | Thankfully, Paris isn't the only city in France. Yes, the city
         | that concentrates every infrastructure has infrastructure to go
         | everywhere from it, fast.
         | Try to go from Nice to Lyon, Toulouse to Bordeaux (which is
         | juuuuust on that 2h30 limit), Nantes to Brest, etc. All of
         | these cities that are still major, but just connected through a
         | TER will keep having access to these flights.
         | Truly, it's just Paris.
           | guenthert wrote:
           | 2h30 on the TGV _is_ a whole lot. Keep also in mind that
           | train stations are typically in the center of a city unlike
           | air ports (with few exceptions). You can get from CDG to
           | Bordeaux in as little as 2h using the TGV.
         | tuatoru wrote:
         | It'll lead to perverse outcomes like people in one city in
         | France flying to Germany or Spain, and then back to their
         | destination in France, instead of flying directly.
           | lm28469 wrote:
           | No one will ever do that. It's only for trips that can be
           | replaced by a train trip of less than 2.5 hours, you won't
           | fly from France to Germany back to France in 2.5 hours if you
           | include reaching the airport+security+plane switch
       | nov21b wrote:
       | Time to bump the TGV capacity. Last time I tried to buy a ticket
       | for the TGV from Rennes to Bordeaux it was fully booked, which
       | appears to be a common theme.
       | hunglee2 wrote:
       | fantastic to see this type of state intervention. People have
       | choices, but those sometimes the consequences of those choices
       | are too severe and choices need to be removed
         | mytailorisrich wrote:
         | Well, looks like people _won 't have_ a choice... but it'll be
         | 'good' PR without making any difference.
       (page generated 2022-12-03 23:01 UTC)