[HN Gopher] Optimizing compilers reload vector constants needlessly
       Optimizing compilers reload vector constants needlessly
       Author : ibobev
       Score  : 82 points
       Date   : 2022-12-06 16:41 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (lemire.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lemire.me)
       | jeffbee wrote:
       | Moving the constant to file or anonymous namespace scope solves
       | the issue. It's too bad that intrinsics are not `constexpr`
       | because I have a powerful urge to hang a `constinit` in front of
       | this line.
         | gumby wrote:
         | Disturbing that this works, as it shouldn't do the reload even
         | if the constant is passed in as a parameter.
         | leni536 wrote:
         | In this particular case the broadcasting instruction can be
         | replaced with builtin operations, allowing constexpr.
         | https://godbolt.org/z/Td6vG9cqG
         | edit: uh, the constant requires some hand adjustment
         | edit2: fixed version https://godbolt.org/z/4Px5Mbsx4, and I
         | just don't get this. gcc really just wants to load that
         | constant twice.
       | foota wrote:
       | Maybe it's trying to avoid using SSE in the case where there's no
       | loop? SSE on some older platforms had a cost just from using it,
       | so it might be possible.
       | stephc_int13 wrote:
       | My experience with optimizing compilers is that generated code is
       | often frustratingly close to optimal (given the source is well
       | written and taking account the constraints of the target arch).
       | It is perfectly reasonable to take a look at the output on
       | Godbolt, tweak it a bit and call it a day.
       | Maintaining a full assembly language version of the same code is
       | rarely justifiable.
       | And yet, I understand the itch, especially because there are
       | quite often some low-hanging fruits to grab.
         | evancox100 wrote:
         | This may be true for scalar code but it seems like the
         | compilers still aren't quite there with vector code.
       | phkahler wrote:
       | The optimization here would be CSE or hoisting, or both? I'm
       | guessing the problem is those are performed prior to
       | vectorization.
       | In other words, I suspect an invariant calculation inside
       | consecutive loops but that is not vectorized will be pulled out
       | of the loops and also moved prior to them and executed just once.
         | JonChesterfield wrote:
         | At a guess, constant rematerialision failing to cross basic
         | block boundaries. Feels like a plausible thing for a heuristic
         | to miss. E.g. sink the constant into the loop so it's available
         | when optimising that block, then fail to hoist it back out
         | afterwards because constant materialisation is cheap.
       | JoeAltmaier wrote:
       | Intel had an optimizing compiler that was amazing. But unless you
       | were intel-only it made life harder to switch compilers for that
       | platform.
         | berkut wrote:
         | Yeah, I haven't used ICC for 7 years now, but at the time it
         | was much better than clang/gcc at keeping SSE/AVX intrinsic
         | types in registers through function calls (i.e. clang/gcc used
         | to spill out onto the stack and re-load), and things like this
         | in the article.
           | cwzwarich wrote:
           | Were you testing on the same platform? The Microsoft ABI has
           | callee-save XMM registers, whereas the Linux/macOS ABI does
           | not. Regardless, it would be nice if more compilers could do
           | interprocedural register allocation in cases where all
           | callers are known.
           | tester756 wrote:
           | I've heard similar opinions that people could just recompile
           | their soft and receive significant speed boost
       | inetknght wrote:
       | I haven't (yet) read the article, but I will. But the headline...
       | > _Optimizing compilers reload vector constants needlessly_
       | ...is absolutely true. I wrote some code that just does bit
       | management (shifting, or, and, xor, popcount) on a byte-level.
       | Compiler produced vectorized instructions that provided about a
       | 30% speed-up. But when I looked at it... it was definitely not as
       | good as it could be, and one of the big things was frequently
       | reloading /broadcasting constants like 0x0F or 0xCC or similar.
       | Another thing it would do is to sometimes drop down to normal
       | (not-SIMD) instructions. This was with both `-O2` and `-O3`, and
       | also with `-march=native`
       | I ended up learning how to use SIMD intrinsics and hand-wrote it
       | all... and achieved about a 600% speedup. The code reached about
       | 90% of the performance of the bus to RAM which was what I
       | theorized "should" be the limiting factor: bitwise operations
       | like this are _extremely_ fast and the slowest point point was
       | popcount which didn 't have a native instruction on the hardware
       | I was targeting (AVX2). This was with GCC 6.3 if I recall, about
       | 5 years ago.
         | an1sotropy wrote:
         | Can you recommend any favorite resources for learning how to
         | use SIMD intrinsics?
           | teux wrote:
           | Not OP but also work with this.
           | There's some tutorials but honestly the best thing is to just
           | use them.
           | Write an image processing routine that does something like
           | apply a gaussian blur to a black and white image. The c++
           | code for this is _everywhere_. You have a fixed kernel (2d
           | matrix) and you have to do repeat multiplication and addition
           | to each pixel for each element in the kernel.
           | Write it in C++ or Rust. Then read the Arm SIMD manual, find
           | the instructions that do the math you want, and switch it
           | over to intrinsics. You are doing the same exact operations
           | with the intrinsics as the raw c++. Just 8 or 16 of them at a
           | single time.
           | Run them side by side for parity and to check speed, tweak
           | the simd, etc.
           | Arm has good (well ,okay) documentation
           | https://developer.arm.com/documentation/den0018/a/?lang=en
           | https://arm-
           | software.github.io/acle/neon_intrinsics/advsimd....
           | * Edit: you also have to do this on a supported architecture.
           | Raspberry pi's have a neon core at least in the 3's. Not sure
           | about the 4's but I believe so too!
             | corysama wrote:
             | Adding on:
             | Go to
             | https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/intrinsics-
             | guid...
             | Start with SSE, SSE2, SSE3
             | Write small functions in https://godbolt.org/ . Watch the
             | assembly and the program output.
         | jeffreyrogers wrote:
         | That's basically the problem the article describes although
         | he's using vector intrinsics too and it still reloads and
         | broadcasts the constant before each loop.
           | pclmulqdq wrote:
           | When I have used intrinsics, the compiler at least has a hope
           | of getting this right, particularly when you use patterns
           | like:
           | __m256i mask = _mm256_set1_epi8(0x0f)
           | If you just used the intrinsic that sets the register to a
           | constant over and over, it often repeats the instruction.
           | The compilers just aren't that smart about SIMD yet.
             | jeffreyrogers wrote:
             | He sets it once like this before the loops.
             | __m256i c = _mm256_set1_epi32(10001);
             | And then the disassembly has                       mov
             | eax, 10001             vpbroadcastd    ymm1, eax
             | before each loop.
           | DannyBee wrote:
           | There are three reasons it reloads constants:
           | 1. It thinks it is cheaper than keeping them in a register (
           | this is known as rematerialization). It will reload constants
           | that it lets it keep something else in a register, and it's
           | cheaper to do this.
           | 2. It thinks something could affect the constant.
           | 3. It thinks it must move it through memory to use it, and
           | then it thinks the memory was clobbered.
           | In this case, it definitely knows it is a constant, and it
           | can't prove that both loops always execute, so it places it
           | in the path where it is only executed once per loop, because
           | it believes it will be cheaper.
           | I can still make at least gcc do weird things if i prove to
           | it the loop executes once.
           | In that case, what is happening in gcc is that constant
           | propagation is propagating the vector constant forward into
           | both loops. Something later (that has a machine cost model)
           | is expected to commonize it if it is cheaper, but never does.
         | teux wrote:
         | I often hand write neon (and other vectorised architecture)
         | intrinsics/assembly for my job, optimising image and signal
         | processing routines. We have seen many many 3 digit percentage
         | speedups from bare c/c++ code.
         | I got into the nastiest discussion on reddit where people were
         | swearing up and down it was impossible to beat the compiler,
         | and handwritten assembly was useless/pretentious/dangerous. I
         | was downvoted massively. Sigh.
         | Anyways, that was a year ago. Thanks for another point of
         | validation for that. It clearly didn't hurt my feelings. :)
         | I never come across people in the wild that actually do this
         | also, it's such a niche area of expertise.
           | fwsgonzo wrote:
           | It also slightly annoys me a bit the things JIT people write
           | on their github READMEs about the incredibly theoretical
           | improvements that can happen at runtime, yet it's never
           | anywhere close to AOT compilation. Then you can add 2-3x on
           | top of that for hand-written assembly.
           | I do wonder whats going on with projects like BOLT though. I
           | have seen it was merged into LLVM, and I have tried to use it
           | but the improvement was never more than 7%. I feel like it
           | has a lot of potential because it does try to take run-time
           | into account.
           | See: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/bolt
             | wyldfire wrote:
             | > improvement was never more than 7%.
             | If your use case isn't straining icache then you won't
             | benefit as much.
             | BTW 7% is huge, odd that you would describe it as "only".
           | wyldfire wrote:
           | > impossible to beat the compiler
           | Ludicrous! How could they be taken seriously? Which subreddit
           | was this?
           | astrange wrote:
           | Tell them to read the ffmpeg code. All the platform-
           | specific/SIMD stuff is done in asm.
           | This isn't only because it's faster, it's honestly easier to
           | read than intrinsics anyway. What it does lack is
           | debugability.
             | teux wrote:
             | For debugging you can actually use gdb in assembly tui mode
             | and step through the instructions! You can even get it
             | hooked up in vs code and remote debug an embedded target
             | using the full IDE. Full register view, watch registers for
             | changes, breakpoints, step instruction to instruction.
             | Pipelining and optimisations can make the intrinsics a bit
             | fucky though, have to make sure it's -O0 and a proper debug
             | compilation.
             | I have line by line debugged raw assembly many times. It's
             | just a pain to initially set up. Honestly not very
             | different from c/c++ debugging once running.
             | MaxBarraclough wrote:
             | Or any other highly optimised numerical codebase. From a
             | quick glance at OpenBLAS, it looks like they have a _lot_
             | of microarchitecture-specific assembly code, with
             | dispatching code to pick out the appropriate
             | implementations.
             | https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/blob/02ea3db8e720b0ffb3e
             | 2...
             | https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/blob/02ea3db8e720b0ffb3e
             | 2...
         | [deleted]
         | phkahler wrote:
         | >> This was with both `-O2` and `-O3`, and also with
         | `-march=native`
         | Until very recently GCC didn't do vectorization at -O2 usless
         | you told it to.
           | inetknght wrote:
           | That's true. I definitely omitted a bunch of other flags that
           | were added including the flags to turn on vectorizations
       | BoardsOfCanada wrote:
       | Seems like the compiler puts the test for the first loop before
       | loading the constant the first time, and therefor needs to load
       | it again before the second loop. So the "tradeoff" is that if
       | neither loop runs it will load the constant zero times. Of course
       | this isn't what a human would do but at least there is some kind
       | of sliver of logic to it. (Like if vpbroadcastd was a 2000 cycle
       | instruction this pattern might have made sense)
       (page generated 2022-12-06 23:00 UTC)