[HN Gopher] SQLite-loadable-rs: A framework for building SQLite ...
       SQLite-loadable-rs: A framework for building SQLite Extensions in
       Author : petercooper
       Score  : 105 points
       Date   : 2022-12-13 18:54 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (observablehq.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (observablehq.com)
       | dfee wrote:
       | Where can I get a good understanding of the limitations of SQLite
       | for production use cases?
       | I've used it frequently for prototyping, but the dialect is
       | different enough from Postgres, that I usually switch over pretty
       | early. But for production, it seems people are really advancing
       | it as a solution for applications, which doesn't fit with the
       | "When To Use" guide on the website.
       | https://www.sqlite.org/whentouse.html
         | simonw wrote:
         | The idea that SQLite shouldn't be use for web applications is
         | about a decade out-of-date at this point.
         | But... actual guidance as to how to use it there is still
         | pretty thin on the ground!
         | Short version: use WAL mode (which is not the default). Only
         | send writes from a single process (maybe via a queue). Run your
         | own load tests before you go live. Don't use it if you're going
         | to want to horizontally scale to handle more than 1,000
         | requests/second or so (though vertically scaling will probably
         | work really well).
         | I'd love to see more useful written material about this. I hope
         | to provide more myself at some point.
         | Here are some notes I wrote a few months ago:
         | https://simonwillison.net/2022/Oct/23/datasette-gunicorn/
           | Thaxll wrote:
           | > The idea that SQLite shouldn't be use for web applications
           | is about a decade out-of-date at this point
           | I think it's still very relevant. I mean you have service XYZ
           | replicated two times behind a load balancer, how do you use
           | SQLite out of the box? You can't, you have to use one of
           | those service that will proxy / queue queries, so then why
           | even trying to use SQLite.
           | The fact that it's just a file on disk make it a bad solution
           | for a lot of simple use cases.
             | ok_dad wrote:
             | You could partition your data to 2 parts, and direct your
             | users to whichever service serves their partition of that
             | data. Every database turns out to be just a set of files on
             | disk, but for using SQLite you have to think differently
             | than most databases due to the extreme locality of the
             | data.
             | emadda wrote:
             | You only need a pool of servers behind a load balancer for
             | extreme reliability or for scaling out.
             | Most small to medium web applications can handle:
             | - Only being reliable for 99.99% of the time (using a
             | single cloud VM where the cloud provides the hardware level
             | failover).
             | - Scaling up instead of out (adding CPU, RAM and faster
             | disk).
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | The listed use cases for applications in the link you provided
         | are:
         | - Application file format
         | - Websites
         | - Server-side database
         | Under not recommended they essentially say, very high volume
         | and highly concurrent access.
       | senthilnayagam wrote:
       | I love sqlite and rust extension which author has given gets me
       | excited.
       | Last week saw a similar project in rust to built Postgres
       | extensions
       | https://github.com/tcdi/pgx
       | Hope I can play something interesting during vacations
       | Kinrany wrote:
       | SQLite has a big advantage over Postgres here if installing an
       | extension is trivial.
         | giovannibonetti wrote:
         | You might want to have a look at Pgx:
         | https://github.com/tcdi/pgx
         | michaelmior wrote:
         | I've never written an extension for Postgres, but for the ones
         | I've installed, it's amounted to copying some files and running
         | "CREATE EXTENSION" This feels pretty trivial to me already.
       | maxpert wrote:
       | Just in time! I've been planning a SQLite extension written in
       | Rust for Marmot (https://github.com/maxpert/marmot) for
       | evaluation purposes. I didn't wanted to touch C/C++ because I
       | feel more comfortable with rust tooling. Thank you for doing
       | this!
       | alexgarcia-xyz wrote:
       | Author here, happy to answer any questions! Here's a few links
       | that may be useful:
       | Direct GitHub link: https://github.com/asg017/sqlite-loadable-rs
       | A soon-to-be-released sqlite-loadable extension that's the fasted
       | CSV parser for SQLite, and rivals DuckDB's parser at non-
       | analytical queries: https://github.com/asg017/sqlite-xsv
       | A regular expression extension in Rust, the fastest SQLite regex
       | implementation: https://github.com/asg017/sqlite-regex
       | And in the near future, expect more extensions for postgres,
       | parquet, XML, S3, image manipulation, and more!
       | eatonphil wrote:
       | I worked on a set of extensions for mattn/go-sqlite3, written in
       | Go, inspired but a little further along (in functionality and
       | test coverage) than SQLean. Useful if you want to see examples of
       | this in Go or are using Go rather than Rust to embed SQLite.
       | https://github.com/multiprocessio/go-sqlite3-stdlib
       (page generated 2022-12-13 23:00 UTC)