[HN Gopher] Deepmind's alphacode conquers coding, performing as ...
       Deepmind's alphacode conquers coding, performing as well as humans
       Author : Brajeshwar
       Score  : 247 points
       Date   : 2022-12-15 14:43 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (singularityhub.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (singularityhub.com)
       | Konohamaru wrote:
       | There's this paradox in AI known since the 80s (I think it's
       | Moraevac's Paradox?) that the abilities we acquired latest in our
       | evolutionary history (e.g. chess, language, algorithmic thinking)
       | are the easiest for AI to automate. But the tasks that are deep
       | in our evolutionary history (e.g. object recognition, navigating
       | the environment, etc...) are extremely difficult.
       | Some AI speculators, using Godelesque reasoning, posit that
       | computer programming will be the last job to be automated by AI,
       | so it can bootstrap itself. In reality, it will be one of the
       | first jobs automated by AI, while jobs like cook, barista, etc...
       | will be much later automated, if ever.
         | Der_Einzige wrote:
         | I just sat in a Burmese restaurant with an automated barista.
         | Korea has been long ahead of us on automating food service too.
         | Automatic 24/7 drink making machine hands are common in Seoul.
           | Konohamaru wrote:
           | Tasks that involve manipulating physical objects to maintain
           | biological homeostasis (e.g. cook) are hyper-optimized by
           | biological evolution. It is impossible for engineers to
           | engineer a unit that performs better with the same energy
           | restrictions humans have.
             | Der_Einzige wrote:
             | Good thing fusion actually is just 20 years away after all
             | this time!
       | Animats wrote:
       | So when do we get a web site designer whee you write what you
       | want and a web site is generated? That sort of thing is stylized
       | and there's lots of training data available.
       | mannykannot wrote:
       | "AlphaCode tackles the problem by generating over a million
       | potential solutions for a single problem--multitudes larger than
       | previous AI attempts.
       | "As a sanity check and to narrow the results down, _the AI runs
       | candidate solves through simple test cases._ It then clusters
       | similar ones so it nails down just one from each cluster to
       | submit to the challenge. "
       | The big question for me is, where did the test cases come from?
       | They seem to be contributing much more to the outcome here than
       | just "a sanity check and to narrow the results down." If they
       | were effectively spelled out as part of the challenge, then this
       | is an impressive result extending the trajectory of other recent
       | achievements, but not so far as to justify the title's "conquers
       | coding." If they were not, then this would seem to be taking
       | things to a whole new level.
       | sfink wrote:
       | Our current "AI" does only interpolation, not extrapolation.
       | You feed it a large input corpus and it digests it in clever
       | ways. Then when you probe for something contained wholly within
       | the space described by that corpus, it is amazingly good at
       | fabricating something plausible to match the point in that space
       | that you requested.
       | Which covers a lot of stuff and is very useful, but does very
       | little for problems that require extrapolation. It can't expand
       | the edges, it can't come up with anything truly original. It
       | can't solve problems that people haven't already solved and
       | written down the solutions somewhere the AI could find them.
       | Another way of saying it: AI today is much better at memory than
       | thought.
       | Career advice for young people today: specialize in pushing the
       | edges, not in filling in details. There will be some areas where
       | applying existing stuff will hold out and be useful for a long
       | time, but you'll always be racing against the AI. Colonize the
       | parts of problem space where AI doesn't have the imagination to
       | go.
       | (Of course, humans are notoriously bad at correctly recognizing
       | what does or doesn't require originality. Hell, we think we're
       | making decisions about what to do every minute of every day, when
       | in fact we're just a bunch of dancing meat automata following
       | ingrained patterns 99% of the time.)
         | visarga wrote:
         | When verification is possible, the interpolation machine starts
         | to extrapolate.
         | There is a process that generates ideas/solutions, and a
         | process that tests them. An artist and a critic, a scientist
         | and a lab. Together they form the experimentation loop.
         | Let's take the game of Go for example. Testing who won a game
         | is trivial. AlphaGo managed to beat humans in a few days of
         | self-training. In other words, those edges you speak about can
         | be pushed with massive search and verification.
         | There is no reason we can't do massive search + verification
         | for math and code. This is a good way to create training data
         | where it doesn't exist in sufficient quantity.
         | Other things can be simulated with expensive computation, and
         | then "distilled" into fast neural networks. Then we apply the
         | neural net to fast-search solutions. In the end we need to
         | verify some of them (thinking of weather simulations, new
         | materials, new drugs, ...)
         | Also reminded of the recent AlphaTensor who leveraged massive
         | learning from verification to beat Strassen's algorithm who was
         | state of the art for 50 years. The is no reason neural nets
         | should remain purely interpolative if we can manufacture good
         | training data by running computation or experiments.
         | Ideas are cheap, verification matters. Generative outputs are
         | worthless without verification.
         | tbalsam wrote:
         | Er....this feels like every main criticism going back to even
         | the expert systems pre-90's.
         | Could you please provide some support for your argument? This
         | was repeated a lot in the early days of the modern wave
         | (2012-2016) but was pretty thoroughly debunked as we've
         | explored generalization and how these models disentangle
         | intrinsic concepts and compute with them. Heck, even modern
         | transformers are restricted memory Turing complete and use that
         | to their advantage.
         | Also, I do not mean to be rude, but frankly saying "colonize
         | the parts of the problem space where AI doesn't have the
         | imagination to go" is frankly rather terrible as it leans on
         | the imagination argument of AI. At this point, being adaptable
         | to co-integrate will be good, otherwise I could see people
         | following that stuck inside of some kind of Sisyphean pseuso-
         | Luddite escapist nightmare.
         | Source for opinions: have been involved in ML in some form for
         | most of the modern wave, and am appropriately (quite) skeptical
         | about the AI takeover/revolution/eventual singularity
         | belief/etc.
         | MetaWhirledPeas wrote:
         | It can write an original poem using unique prompts I give it.
         | Are you suggesting a similar poem exists somewhere else? I
         | think not.
         | It cobbles together examples, sure, but that's exactly what we
         | do too. Everything "original" we make is riddled with
         | subconscious outside influences.
         | klabb3 wrote:
         | Like other responders, I think your take is oversimplifying.
         | It's hard to both classify what imagination is, how to judge
         | whether AI has it, and we also have humans tuning these models,
         | which may or may not contribute to its blandness.
         | That said, I think it's still fair to say that most
         | interpolation type of work is looking very threatened by AI as
         | it is today, so the converse (don't go into those fields) is
         | probably sound advice in light of current developments. As for
         | the rest, I suspect we'll be forced to chisel off piece by
         | piece from our zeitgeist of "imagination". Some pieces will
         | fall off quickly, as AIs replace them, and some will take
         | longer, perhaps a lot longer.
         | I do find it interesting that computers ended up killing it in
         | unpredictable domains such as style transfer and NLP, while
         | being mediocre-at-best in eg humor. It may mean that we have
         | over- and underestimated aspects of what traits are unique and
         | sophisticated.
       | angarg12 wrote:
       | I've conducted hundreds of FAANG-level coding interviews, and
       | recently tried to run my interview questions through ChatGPT. The
       | model was able to spit out a correct, optimal, clean Python
       | solution effortlessly.
       | Interestingly when I asked a follow up, a harder version of the
       | same problem, ChatGPT spits out code that sort-of looks correct,
       | but is actually nonsense.
       | So, would it pass the interview? That's difficult to say.
       | Interviews don't happen in a vacuum, you also consider the
       | candidate's thought process, explanations, alternatives,
       | tradeoffs...
       | Still, I see this is a game changer for this kind of interviews.
       | So long as candidates understand and explain the output code,
       | there is a good chance they would clear the interview. Even if
       | the code is incorrect, it might given them some hints towards the
       | right solution.
       | So where do we go from here? I always loathed this interview
       | format, and these languages model reinforce it even further.
       | Interview cheating has always been there, but it is generally so
       | rare that it isn't a real concern. However these tools are too
       | effective and easy to use. I can see a real divide between people
       | who use them and people who doesn't. This type of interview might
       | become even more useless at telling good coders apart.
       | My take is we have 3 choices:
       | a) Ignore it.
       | b) Try to fight it.
       | c) Embrace it.
       | a) is not an option. b) would make an already pretty dreadful
       | process even more intolerable. My money is on c)
       | I can envision an interview format where we allow, or even
       | encourage people to use ChatGPT and AlphaCode during the
       | interview, much like you would use your IDE or a search engine.
       | In fact seeing how a candidate understands and uses those code
       | snippets can be a very interesting data point.
       | Either that or scrap leetcode-style interviews altogether.
       | P.S.: I was thinking about writing a blog post about this, if
       | people think it'd be interesting.
         | LawTalkingGuy wrote:
         | I get the same results from asking for code. Near 100% success
         | with an initial demo, and then pretty tragic performance when
         | making a series of changes to actually fit the concept. I got
         | it to write 3d rotation code, and to switch to using rotors
         | instead of quaternions but when I asked it to rewrite the
         | combine_rotors() method it rewrote it to combine Enigma rotors.
         | I explained its error and it apologized but just wasn't able to
         | go back to the original code and work with it anymore.
         | Interviewing is going to be shaken up but I think some methods
         | are more timeless. I've been giving the subject code instead of
         | asking them to write it for a while now. Largely because I
         | wanted to talk more and watch them type less.
         | We start by discussing the coding challenge guidelines and I
         | leave them vague. They need to understand the goal and what
         | I've left out and suggest those guidelines themselves. Once we
         | agree though, I give them the code. "Here's what's running
         | now."
         | Then I update the goal and we discuss changes. I get them to
         | "whiteboard" certain things, like what a query looks like with
         | their proposed changes or whatever, and we discuss big-O, etc.
         | This, imho, is how whiteboarding is actually used - not to
         | write whole programs but to provide examples and pick them
         | apart.
         | I feel that this would work even if they were using an AI in
         | another window. We're trying to select for developers with
         | common sense and domain knowledge, and who can clearly discuss
         | engineering tradeoffs. Actually making the changes (the coding
         | itself) was a big part of the job and that's decreasing, but
         | imho all the other requirements remain. They'll still need to
         | know how to handle the issues I talked about above, of trying
         | to get the model to write the right code!
         | woeirua wrote:
         | We're just going to move to on-site interviews only. ChatGPT
         | can't enter the equation then.
           | amildie wrote:
           | >ChatGPT can't enter the equation then.
           | In a few years, ChatGPT will be _conducting_ these
           | interviews.
             | woeirua wrote:
             | LMAO, no. What would prevent someone from just looking up
             | the answers using ChatGPT on another machine?
           | fourstar wrote:
           | Neuralink blocks your path.
             | feet wrote:
             | Neuralink is not realistic in its current conception, they
             | won't easily solve the problem of input to a brain
             | woeirua wrote:
             | Neuralink doesn't work.
         | [deleted]
         | exceptione wrote:
         | I would expect A, because it is an option.
         | Like in mathematics or other tests students are not allowed to
         | use the internet or an advanced calculator in order to test
         | wether they truly comprehend the stuff.
         | If you think that your FAANG-interviews are any good, then just
         | keep them in the format you already have, by making sure
         | applicants cannot use AI during the test. I would have on-sites
         | with pen+paper, whiteboard or a prepped/supervised machine,
         | whatever.
         | Of course, applicants could use AI to train for the interview,
         | but that is not a problem, as long as you test their
         | comprehension.
           | angarg12 wrote:
           | I'm not a fan of making the process more dreadful than it
           | already is. Forcing people to go to an office and use pen and
           | paper or a whiteboard would do exactly that.
           | I hope companies (including mine!) see the writing on the
           | wall and stop trying to fight the future.
           | This isn't accounting for even just pretending we are testing
           | candidates on anything remotely indicative of on-the-job
           | performance.
           | AnimalMuppet wrote:
           | Would training with such an AI _help_ their comprehension? Or
           | _hurt_ it?
           | My money is on "hurt".
           | serjester wrote:
           | Given the trends towards remote tech jobs, it could be
           | difficult to convince your companies engineers to show up to
           | the office for what's usually just a weed out leet code
           | interview.
             | mywittyname wrote:
             | Proctored tests are common for certification exams. Perhaps
             | there's a future where candidates go to one of these exam
             | centers for one of their technical interviews.
               | antipotoad wrote:
               | Or just a live (remote) programming interview, with no
               | use of Codex or Copilot.
         | ren_engineer wrote:
         | Algorithm interview and competitive programming type questions
         | are probably some of the easiest for GPT to solve because there
         | are a massive number of problems and solutions publicly
         | available for training.
         | The real benefit of AI is somewhat shown in this paper, it
         | effectively solved the problems through brute force generating
         | millions of possible solutions. For real world problems it
         | would be interesting to let GPT generate a bunch of different
         | solutions and push them into a test environment and see which
         | works best.
         | The biggest problem I see is black swan events where AI coded
         | systems work great until something goes wrong and no human
         | truly knows how all the pieces fit together.
         | bcrosby95 wrote:
         | If a company allows ChatGPT to be used on the job, anything but
         | c) seems foolish. If the company doesn't allow it, c) seems
         | like a bad idea.
         | jgilias wrote:
         | Your option d) that you don't even enumerate (scrap leetcode)
         | would be best.
         | gautamcgoel wrote:
         | I expect that the reason it gave the correct answer to your
         | first question is simply that it already saw the problem and
         | memorized the solution - there is some empirical evidence that
         | deep neural networks are able to memorize much of their
         | training data.
           | angarg12 wrote:
           | Possibly. The problem itself is not in leetcode, but it
           | almost certainly has been leaked somewhere. However the
           | program was able to make a few changes to the code with some
           | prompting, which hints a little bit more smarts than just
           | regurgitating an answer.
           | Nevertheless the point is moot. I've invented completely
           | novel questions (promise!), and saw them leaked online after
           | asking them twice. The process is fundamentally flawed and
           | large language models are just making that glaringly obvious.
         | neilv wrote:
         | > _I 've conducted hundreds of FAANG-level coding interviews,_
         | [...] I always loathed this interview format,*
         | That's impressive perseverance. Did that wear on you?
           | angarg12 wrote:
           | I hate leetcode style interviews, but I've done hundreds of
           | them. The irony is not lost on me. Some might say I'm part of
           | the problem.
           | Thing is, in a small way, I'm trying to change things from
           | within. I try to make the process as palatable and fair to
           | candidates as possible, while working within the constraints
           | of the system. When I train new interviewers some of my top
           | tips are:
           | a) The purpose of the interview is to determine whether the
           | candidate is a good fit for the company, and the company is a
           | good fit for the candidate. b) The interview is an imperfect
           | proxy for this.
           | It then follows that interviews shouldn't overindex in the
           | coding round. If I have helped someone to get an offer that
           | wouldn't otherwise, I'm satisfied.
           | BTW that's also one of the reasons I'm publishing this. I
           | hope to push the point that leetcode-style coding interviews
           | are outdated and should be burnt to the ground.
           | nsxwolf wrote:
           | Myself, I've only conducted dozens not hundreds of FAANG-
           | style coding interviews. I also loathe the format, and it
           | does indeed wear on me. I hate every second.
         | time_to_smile wrote:
         | The real issue with any of these AI innovations is they really
         | point out places where humans have already started to behave
         | like an AI in the first place.
         | Ever since the emergence of leetcode style interviews I've been
         | shocked at how many people can reproduce leetcode examples, but
         | still fundamentally have no sense of algorithm design outside
         | of the context of a job interview.
         | Programmers with their sights set on acing a FAANG interview
         | will just keep repeating leetcode problems until they start to
         | memorize the common patterns (not the problems themselves of
         | course, but the structure of these type of problems). What's
         | disturbing to me is that I recall far more interesting
         | discussion about algorithms in the era before leetcode
         | dominated everything.
         | The common solution isn't to understand algorithms better, but
         | to become a leetcode solving robot.
         | So it's no surprise to me that AI can pretty easily replicate
         | humans that have tried to turn themselves into robots.
         | We see similar patterns in the art that AI can create. It's
         | very good at replicating a kind of art style of designers
         | trying to turn themselves into design robots.
           | codekilla wrote:
           | Absolutely spot on. I actually do algorithm design, usually
           | over a period of weeks (at least), and leet code is a joke
           | for the serious algorist (I'm sure I'd fail an interview
           | based on it). Nothing has so clearly illustrated the robotic
           | nature of the leet code expert quite like this result has.
             | savingsPossible wrote:
             | Do tell!
             | What sort of job leads you do design algorithms?
               | codekilla wrote:
               | Mathematical Biology/Bioinformatics. We have to think
               | _very_ carefully about every step in the process of
               | extracting information from large, diverse datasets--
               | often writing things from scratch, combining
               | /transforming things in novel ways, and implementing new
               | mathematical ideas efficiently enough to be computable on
               | large datasets.
           | andrekandre wrote:
           | > So it's no surprise to me that AI can pretty easily
           | replicate humans that have tried to turn themselves into
           | robots.
           | this is such a great insight... i feel like it could even
           | somehow explain a lot of politics and many other phenomena.
         | eulers_secret wrote:
         | > Interview cheating has always been there, but it is generally
         | so rare that it isn't a real concern.
         |  _You 're_ the person they're trying to fool, so if they cheat
         | successfully you would never know. You've never seen overt
         | displays of bad cheating, which is different.
         | Think you haven't seen a stick insect in years? Likely you
         | have, but just didn't _notice_ it...
         | Cheaters will always be more motivated than those trying to
         | detect them - because _everything_ is on the line for them.
           | sebzim4500 wrote:
           | >You're the person they're trying to fool, so if they cheat
           | successfully you would never know. You've never seen overt
           | displays of bad cheating, which is different.
           | I don't think it's widespread at least, since in my
           | experience people that do well in technical zoom interviews
           | do not drastically decrease in apparent competence when we
           | move to in person rounds.
           | People definitely get told interview questions by recruiters
           | though, if you count that as cheating then it is everywhere.
         | deegles wrote:
         | > c) Embrace it
         | asking "here's a chatgpt solution to the problem... what's
         | wrong with it?" would be a solid process imo.
           | kristiandupont wrote:
           | Well, if they still have access to ChatGPT, they can ask that
           | of it as well. It may or may not give a valid answer, just as
           | it does with code.
             | mike_hearn wrote:
             | A big if. A lot of ChatGPT discussions seem to take for
             | granted that it'll always be available/free/priced low
             | enough that ~everyone has access to it. Seems more likely
             | that at some point OpenAI will close it up and put it back
             | behind an API.
               | ilaksh wrote:
               | You can use text-davinci-003 from the API now and it
               | works better for many things.
           | NegativeLatency wrote:
           | This would be way more fun
           | Kinrany wrote:
           | And you can give every candidate a new version of it.
           | angarg12 wrote:
           | I love it!
           | Particularly, ChatGPT can give apparently correct solutions
           | that are wrong in subtle ways.
           | Also reading, understanding, reasoning about, and fixing code
           | other's wrote is way closer to on-the-job performance.
         | red_admiral wrote:
         | By the time someone gets an on-premises interview, you'd notice
         | if they're using a bot or not? Or are all the interview rounds
         | remote these days?
           | angarg12 wrote:
           | We've been doing remote-only interviews for years now.
           | sgerenser wrote:
           | In my experience (with FAANGs at least) the interviews have
           | been virtual since the pandemic began. Haven't heard of any
           | plans to return to return to flying out candidates for in-
           | person interviews.
         | philjohn wrote:
         | That seems like it's likely been trained on various examples of
         | FAANG questions that are posted to the likes of leetcode, with
         | solutions often presented. The push for harder version was
         | clever, and that it fell over is no real surprise.
         | ilaksh wrote:
         | By the way ChatGPT is not even the best model OpenAI has for
         | writing code.
         | busyant wrote:
         | i think you're correct about option c, primarily because we
         | could never force everyone to adopt the other 2 options.
         | option c makes me nervous, but right now I can't see an ai
         | correctly dealing with the ambiguity of the data sets i
         | typically look at.i do a lot of "asking for clarification."
         | spuz wrote:
         | Our coding exercise cannot be solved by ChatGPT and I believe
         | is much more effective at evaluating coding ability than
         | leetcode-style questions. We ask candidates to design an
         | object-oriented booking system which requires 3 or 4 different
         | classes to implement. ChatGPT cannot easily do this without
         | heavy prompting from the user at which point, they'd be better
         | off just writing their design down themselves. We want to
         | evaluate candidates based on the kind of work they will
         | _actually_ be doing - not brainteasing O(n) solutions to
         | contrived algorithm questions and so far it 's worked very
         | well.
           | MetaWhirledPeas wrote:
           | > cannot be solved by ChatGPT
           | That's great! For now. But tomorrow's coming fast.
           | angarg12 wrote:
           | I agree. Our interview has 3 coding rounds, and one of them I
           | call "clean code". For that I ask a straightforward question
           | that requires candidate to define some APIs and write some
           | classes / functions. Then I ask several follow ups, adding or
           | changing requirements.
           | This is by far my favourite question, the one closer to on-
           | the-job coding. It also lends itself well to deep
           | conversations with candidates.
           | But alas I don't own the process and still have to work
           | within the parameters of the company. Whenever possible I ask
           | this kind of questions, but other interviewers will default
           | to leetcode-style rounds.
         | malandrew wrote:
         | This is why I ask questions in a business domain. It requires
         | the programmer to think not only about solving a
         | straightforward clear problem and only worry about Big-O.
         | Instead they need to figure out the problem by asking
         | thoughtful questions about possible business concerns and think
         | about which ones to optimize for.
         | Ambiguity that requires follow up questions for successful
         | isn't going to be addressed by something focused on solving a
         | problem that "thinks" it has all the information to solve the
         | problem.
         | zamalek wrote:
         | > c) Embrace it. [...] My money is on c)
         | Agreed.
         | I think developers who don't will be rare in a few years time.
         | Just like developers who primarily rely on assemblers (versus
         | compilers) have basically become extinct. Like we sometimes,
         | _very rarely,_ need to inline some assembly, we will sometimes
         | need to use the ol ' gray matter to figure out a novel
         | algorithm or something.
         | I believe that avoiding _learning_ these tools could be a
         | existential issue for your present-day job. You don 't have to
         | come to depend on them, or use them daily, but you do need to
         | understand how best to use (and not use) them.
         | [deleted]
       | polotics wrote:
       | "When pitted against over 5,000 human participants, the AI
       | outperformed about 45 percent...". So 55 percent of humans
       | outperformed the AI. How motivated were the humans in the sample?
       | How many tests were run with these 5000 persons?
       | chakintosh wrote:
       | > Rather than copying and pasting sections of previous training
       | code, AlphaCode came up with clever snippets without copying
       | large chunks of code or logic in its "reading material."
       | Gave me a good chuckle lol
       | spaceman_2020 wrote:
       | We're not far from coding becoming just a hobby or a sport - like
       | chess.
         | solumunus wrote:
         | We're nowhere even remotely close to that. I have to assume
         | that anyone reacting on this level are in the same group of
         | people who 10 years ago believed we would have fully self
         | driving cars by now.
           | spaceman_2020 wrote:
           | I don't know - chatGPT is the first time that I've
           | consistently used an AI product in my workflow, to the point
           | that when the site was rate limited today, I felt a little
           | paralyzed. Googling for answers on Stackoverflow or looking
           | up documentation felt distinctively primitive.
           | I've never felt that way about any tool.
           | Workaccount2 wrote:
           | In 2014 there were AI experts on record saying that an AI
           | beating a top GO champion was at least 15 years out.
           | wittycardio wrote:
           | Yup our current version of AI is great for cool demos and
           | very bad for real world use cases.
       | btilly wrote:
       | I am dubious about the stated result.
       | Language models have been very good at spitting out chunks of
       | text verbatim that were in their training data. Buried in the
       | github training data will belots of examples where people post
       | their solutions to fun problems..including past code
       | competitions.
       | How often is it managing to match a description of a repository
       | and spitting out correct code that cribbed heavily from it? That
       | is, instead of figuring out the problem, it is pattern matching
       | to a solution that someone else already figured out?
       | How would we know?
         | antipotoad wrote:
         | I think the much better blog post directly from DeepMind might
         | answer your questions [0], but suffice it to say, the model
         | does seem to be solving novel problems.
         | [0]: https://www.deepmind.com/blog/competitive-programming-
         | with-a...
       | amag wrote:
       | We software engineers have to be the stupidest "smart" people on
       | the planet. No other occupations work so hard to destroy entire
       | businesses including our own. I get it, I'm a software engineer
       | who loves automation.
       | "But AI will just be a tool in our tool-set, software engineers
       | will still be the system architects."
       | Sure, for a while and then AI will do that too.
       | "But eventually we will live in a fully automated world in
       | abundance, wouldn't that be great?"
       | Doing what? When we get there, anything we can consider doing, an
       | AI can do faster and better. Write a poem? Write a book? Write
       | music? Paint a picture? Life will be like a computer game with
       | cheat-codes, whenever we struggle with something, instead of
       | fighting on and improving we will turn to our universal cheat-
       | engine: AI.
       | Anecdotally, I did an analog mistake in my early twenties when I
       | wrote a cheat-program for save-files. It worked like a typical
       | cheat-engine, search the save-file for a specific value, go back
       | to the game and change that value, go back to the save and search
       | for the new value but only in those locations that had the
       | original value. This is how I ruined "Heroes of Might and Magic
       | II" :(. I used to love that game. I could spend hours playing it.
       | Writing the cheat program was a lot of fun for a couple of hours
       | but when it was done, there was no longer any reason for me to
       | play the game. You might say that I didn't _need_ to use my cheat
       | program, but once the genie was out of the box it was too
       | tempting to resist when I met some obstacle in the game.
       | This is what I fear about AI making our jobs superfluous; it will
       | also make our hobbies or anything we enjoy doing superfluous.
       | Sorry for the bleak comment but this my fear and I feel the genie
       | is already out of the box.
         | paxys wrote:
         | I can't imagine the amount of corporate brainwashing needed to
         | get to this level of thinking. Are you really saying that
         | people cannot have any identity in life, any dreams, hobbies or
         | pursuits if they can't sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a
         | day, 5 days a week fixing Jira tickets?
         | Just because a car can go 100mph doesn't mean long distance
         | running doesn't need to exist. Just because a novel you write
         | isn't the best in the world doesn't mean the hobby is
         | pointless. Go buy a farm and grow your own food. Keep some
         | pets. Build cool software just because you can. Hang out with
         | your friends. Play with your kids. Do literally anything you
         | want. Not having to be a wage slave to survive is a _good
         | thing_ for humanity.
           | slt2021 wrote:
           | profits (benefits of overall automation) will be reaped by
           | capitalists (employers, capital owners), not the general
           | public.
           | plus, before we automate anything civilian, we will have to
           | automate everything military, cause they get the first dabs
           | at any emerging tech.
           | more likely we will see global war between stealthy
           | autonomous robots much earlier, before we automate much on
           | the civilian side
           | amag wrote:
           | Thank you for the ad hominem attack. It's always a pleasure
           | to discuss things with people who like to jump to conclusions
           | and assume things about people they don't know anything
           | about.
           | Personally I prefer not to pass judgement on a person based
           | on the very little knowledge that can be gleamed from a post
           | like this. But maybe, just maybe if you actually read what I
           | have written (in other comments as well) things might clear
           | up for you.
           | acuozzo wrote:
           | > Not having to be a wage slave to survive is a good thing
           | for humanity.
           | I mean, sure, that's one of the two paths discussed in
           | "Manna" by Marshall Brain. Within the book it's called "The
           | Australia Project"; a kind of utopia.
           | Myself and the OP are more worried about the other path: a
           | dystopia in which the majority of people are forced into
           | something much worse than wage slavery by those in control of
           | the thinking machines. A dystopia not unlike the one that led
           | to the "Great Revolt" in the Dune series.
             | notpachet wrote:
             | > A dystopia not unlike the one that led to the "Great
             | Revolt" in the Dune series.
             | I'm glad you brought this up; I've found the term
             | 'Butlerian Jihad' coming increasingly to mind when I read
             | AI threads on HN. It's interesting to think about a future
             | where we potentially put prohibitions on the use of AI for
             | moral reasons.
             | https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Butlerian_Jihad
             | aquaduck wrote:
             | > Myself and the OP are more worried about the other path:
             | a dystopia in which the majority of people are forced into
             | something much worse than wage slavery by those in control
             | of the thinking machines.
             | My fear is that nobody will remain in control of the
             | thinking machines. Imagine an AI agent for hire which
             | maintains its own cryptocurrency accounts and pays its own
             | cloud hosting bills. That's the future I'm worried about.
           | throw827474737 wrote:
           | > I can't imagine the amount of corporate brainwashing needed
           | to get to this level of thinking.... Not having to be a wage
           | slave to survive is a good thing for humanity.
           | Corporate brainwashing, why? That is just realistic. I mean
           | we know earlier people with much harder lifes actually had
           | more free leisure time.. and even Ford imagined with all the
           | automation we may be able to work much less and have better
           | lifes.. still here we are: A few people making tons of money,
           | some soing very good to okayish, but the vast majority doing
           | 2-3 low paying crap jobs to survive.. and we all even workong
           | more than decades ago. How?
           | secondcoming wrote:
           | People have bills to pay, or will AI do that too?
         | thedorkknight wrote:
         | My hobbies are exercise/sports, playing video games, reading
         | books, building models, and hanging out with friends. I have
         | zero fear of any of those being automated away
           | scottyah wrote:
           | The ability to afford to do those activities could be lost.
           | Automation pulls the value previously created by many humans
           | and concentrates it to those who create/maintain the system.
           | As that list of needed people shrinks, so too does the
           | probability of a person being able to create meaningful
           | value.
         | eikenberry wrote:
         | > This is what I fear about AI making our jobs superfluous; it
         | will also make our hobbies or anything we enjoy doing
         | superfluous.
         | This is just silly on 2 levels. First is that programming is
         | fun due to the artistic/creative nature of it. It's not what I
         | program that matters, it's how I program it. No way an AI will
         | replace the fun of thinking about code and then materializing
         | that vision.
         | Second is that once an AI is good enough to write software
         | better than us, IE. rewrite itself better, then we have reached
         | a form of the singularity and all bets are off.
         | CGamesPlay wrote:
         | > Doing what? When we get there, anything we can consider
         | doing, an AI can do faster and better. Write a poem? Write a
         | book? Write music? Paint a picture? Life will be like a
         | computer game with cheat-codes, whenever we struggle with
         | something, instead of fighting on and improving we will turn to
         | our universal cheat-engine: AI.
         | For literally anything in my life that I can do, there is
         | already someone who can do it better and faster than me. I
         | still enjoy doing the things that I do, and why would that
         | change?
           | bruce343434 wrote:
           | Because now that person works for you, for free, instantly,
           | anywhere, anytime. There's at least a temptation.
             | amag wrote:
             | This! Perfectly stated!
             | nulld3v wrote:
             | I can execute a TAS speed run of any game I want in a
             | couple clicks. So why do speedrunners still exist then if
             | they can never hope to match TAS?
             | I can open Stockfish and absolutely destroy any human I
             | want in chess. So why do people still play chess then?
             | I can get ChatGPT to write a good response to your comment
             | in mere moments. So why am I still typing?
               | moffkalast wrote:
               | > So why am I still typing?
               | So you don't have to give OpenAI your phone number, hah.
               | tintor wrote:
               | "So why am I still typing?"
               | Because ChatGPT is currently overloaded by users.
               | GartzenDeHaes wrote:
               | A few months after being defeated by AlphaGo, Lee Sedol
               | retired from profession Go. He said, "Even if I become
               | the number one, there is an entity that cannot be
               | defeated." And, "As a professional Go player, I never
               | want to play this kind of match again."
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Sedol
               | ALittleLight wrote:
               | For myself, I don't like to play online Go against
               | humans, because I hate to lose. Instead, I play against a
               | computer with a difficulty rating of around 1-3 dan, and
               | whenever things start going badly for me I just undo
               | moves and try again. Sometimes I ask the computer for
               | advice on what move to make. My experience of Go is that
               | I always win against a player who is much better than me.
               | I find it pretty satisfying.
               | bavila wrote:
               | That seems more like a testament to the intensity of
               | someone who does X to be the "best" at it, rather than
               | someone who does X for the fun of it. Go became more than
               | just a game to him -- it was his identity.
             | guerrilla wrote:
             | > for free
             | That seems very naive.
             | chrisbaker98 wrote:
             | Who says that person will work for _you_ , or that it will
             | be free?
               | soperj wrote:
               | They're talking about the AI.
               | space_fountain wrote:
               | I'm not sure if this is what the commenter meant, but I
               | am vanishingly unlikely to own the AI. Even if I write
               | the AI I'm unlikely to own it. The training costs are too
               | large and even if I did train a working model, AI can be
               | duplicated, and there's little reason to use anything but
               | the best. The scary thing about AI to me is finally
               | turning intellectual labor into a pure process of
               | capital. You put more energy and capital in, you get more
               | out, no need or room for humans anywhere in that loop.
               | Now of course we're a long way away from that. There will
               | be room for humans for a long time, but it's scary how
               | much additional power it will give to capital. How much
               | less the interests of ordinary people will mater
               | jimbokun wrote:
               | > Now of course we're a long way away from that.
               | I am no longer confident of that.
               | visarga wrote:
               | That's actually a great thing in the long run. Money will
               | be spent on compute, compute will generate data by
               | generative models + validation models, then data will be
               | compacted into a new model. Models and data can be
               | copied, money can't.
               | If it works with just electricity and doesn't require
               | manual human work it is a game changer. No longer limited
               | by human resources, we can scale research in any field
               | and improve everyone's life much faster.
               | AlphaGo is an example of such an approach. I don't think
               | models will be locked down, they will probably be like go
               | bots in recent years, about 50% of them open sourced. As
               | long as there is an open dataset, the models can be
               | replicated.
         | Induane wrote:
         | The fact that something can do something better than me doesn't
         | make much difference. The problem there is the comparison. I
         | like doing things for their own sake; I like knowing things and
         | the process of attaining said knowledge. Making something is
         | satisfying in a way that buying it isn't. Why do people make
         | their own furniture? Why do people restore old cars? Why do
         | people do pretty much anything? Most of what we (on average) do
         | for work is kind of meaningless in some sense - it's an ends to
         | a means. And yet, sans that, people still DO things.
         | Because we want to. Because we desire to.
         | I'd rather have MORE time to spend doing the pointless things I
         | _LIKE AND ENJOY_ doing than MORE time doing somewhat pointless
         | things for companies.
         | kmonsen wrote:
         | Software engineers are not a group, there was no way "we" could
         | decide not to do this.
         | nnoitra wrote:
         | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
         | Believe it or not, I don't think it is that bleak. The posts I
         | seem to see on Linkedin that touch this subject seem to be
         | reminiscent of Tesla hype ( "soon you won't even need
         | mechanics!" type of predictions ). It is definitely a different
         | breed from the usual crop of 'no code' tools, but the
         | similarities are really hard to ignore for me ( hype, no
         | understanding of that blackbox does, and reality that things
         | have to work-- and that someone has to actually understand how
         | it works ).
         | In other words, I honestly don't think AI ( in its current
         | state at least ) will change much. I will go even as far as to
         | say that I don't see current generation being able to create an
         | appropriate prompt.
         | I might be a little optimistic here, but having seen how people
         | normally react to 'easier' things kinda confirms it.
         | If I worry about anything here, is that AI will become THE
         | answer that you will not be allowed to question.
         | edit: clarified blackbox statement
           | amag wrote:
           | Thanks for this optimistic post and to be clear I don't
           | expect alphacode to put me out of a job. I've seen the
           | hilarious examples where people get ChatGPT to for instance
           | claim that abacus-based computing is faster than GPU-based
           | computing.
           | We're far from there with AI yet but we're on a trajectory
           | and that's what worries me.
           | But in the short term I definitely agree with you.
         | claytongulick wrote:
         | I know that this isn't your intent, but I feel like this can be
         | boiled down to the buggy-whip argument [1].
         | People have reasonable fears of technology disruption, but they
         | tend to follow the same trajectory -
         | 1) innovation
         | 2) economic upheaval
         | 3) new undiscovered problems arise
         | 4) new industries develop to solve those new problems
         | 5) humanity gets better
         | [1] https://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=5508260&page=1
         | ren_engineer wrote:
         | I think we are hitting the flywheel stage where AI is going to
         | be able to start improving its own architecture and
         | performance. Biggest thing holding AI back right now is
         | performance efficiency. Will be interesting to see how AI is
         | used to come up with chip designs and maybe even improvements
         | on its own model. AI can effectively bootstrap itself and
         | improve itself so it can then improve itself again
           | godshatter wrote:
           | > AI can effectively bootstrap itself and improve itself so
           | it can then improve itself again
           | Does this not frighten anyone else? Or am I alone in this?
             | status200 wrote:
             | It has been pondered on and raised terror under the name
             | "intelligence explosion"
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity#Int
             | e...
             | jimbokun wrote:
             | Terrified.
             | ren_engineer wrote:
             | it's classic sci-fi Skynet type stuff. AI for example might
             | come up with amazing new nuclear fusion reactor designs so
             | it has access to more energy to do more processing. Could
             | be great, could turn out horribly
             | acuozzo wrote:
             | You are not alone.
             | kristiandupont wrote:
             | You are definitely not alone. I am really excited about
             | ChatGPT but it also has me ruminating about the
             | consequences.
         | ALittleLight wrote:
         | I think we are running up on a future where intellectual and
         | creative tasks will be automated, but manual tasks won't be. My
         | perception is that we are making more progress on mental tasks
         | than on physical manipulations and the robots to do physical
         | things are substantially more expensive.
         | I think the short-medium term future is not that you have
         | nothing to do in a world of abundance, but rather that you are
         | a manual laborer instead of a programmer, lawyer, artist, etc.
         | The future is that you work as a Door Dasher for an automated
         | company and enjoy AI generated art as you do. The car mostly
         | drives itself while you listen to bespoke generated music or
         | podcasts, occasionally taking over for the car and mainly doing
         | "last few feet" delivery - dropping packages and bags off at
         | the door.
         | dangond wrote:
         | A few months ago I spent three or four days putting together a
         | website where I could store my cooking recipes in a nice,
         | searchable format with some nice UI features that I wanted.
         | Once AI is good enough, I'll be able to do the same without
         | needing to brush up on how MongoDB works, or how to vertically
         | center text in a div, or how to update the page's URL when
         | navigating to a different recipe without triggering a full
         | reload of the page. I couldn't care less about any of those
         | things, I just wanted a cooking recipe website.
           | SassyGrapefruit wrote:
           | please no AI is advanced enough to tackle vertical centering
           | in CSS.
           | hypertele-Xii wrote:
           | Considering that web search results are already polluted by
           | nonsensical, AI-generated advertizement spam masquerading as
           | cooking recepies, I'll rather take the human curated
           | experience, thank you very much.
             | dangond wrote:
             | That's a different problem entirely. I don't want to host a
             | website that makes me money via insane SEO and
             | advertisements. It's literally just a private website me
             | and my girlfriend use. We add recipes we enjoy and would
             | want to cook again in the future. If an AI could code that
             | for me, great!
           | amag wrote:
           | But that's my point, when we get where we're heading you
           | won't _need_ a cooking recipe website, an AI will cook much
           | better than you could.
           | "Ok, great, then I don't have to cook!"
           | Yeah, but what will you do instead? We will be reduced to
           | pure consumers as anything worthwhile to produce will be
           | produced better and faster by an AI.
             | dangond wrote:
             | Hang out with friends, play sports, eat good food, raise a
             | family, go on hikes. An AI can automate your labor, but it
             | can't automate your experiences. There are countless
             | recordings on YouTube of people performing beautiful
             | renditions of the Interstellar soundtrack on piano, yet
             | that doesn't stop me from playing my mediocre version and
             | slowly improving. The act of playing it myself brings me
             | joy that listening to it could never do.
               | hnaccy wrote:
               | Why do you assume you will have the resources to do these
               | things?
               | We're running headlong into a world where AI makes
               | significant portion of human labor worthless.
               | exceptione wrote:
               | That is a positive outcome. If this would be technically
               | possible, we would collectively have to work insanely
               | hard to steer the ship, because this is totally not where
               | we are heading right now.
               | Today, low-skilled people have sometimes to work 3 jobs
               | to pay their rent.
               | While we are dreaming about playing tennis, the US
               | experienced an attempt to overthrow democracy not so long
               | ago. For some people [1], "enough" does not exist. (We
               | cannot put these things in context, because what those
               | people are aiming for transcends our imagination. That is
               | why there is almost no response.)
               | To be blunt: they won't share with you because you like
               | playing tennis so much.
               | [1] I am talking about the money behind all of this
               | amag wrote:
               | These are all good options of course, still with the lack
               | of creative things, it might not be enough for all
               | people.
               | gen220 wrote:
               | In life, the existential personal questions are, roughly,
               | "what matters (to me)?" and "what should I do about it?".
               | Our society currently affords ample opportunity to
               | "productively" avoid those questions. You can pour
               | everything into work, watch TV, numb your brain with
               | drugs, or whatever.
               | Automation does not remove the existential questions, it
               | just removes some of the noise that allows us to ignore
               | them, and elevates them to the forefront.
               | Some people already have answers to those questions, and
               | stand to gain from that toil being removed. Others have
               | been avoiding the question their entire life, and
               | removing the toil that excuses their avoidance is
               | removing a cornerstone of their identity.
               | To that extent, I agree that automation is a
               | disintegrative force, because so many people have yet to
               | integrate a personality and identity around answering
               | these foundational questions.
               | Still, it's long-term-better for our society if
               | automation allows people to access higher forms of self-
               | actualization. In the medium-term, a depressing number of
               | people are content with passing time in their current
               | rung on that ladder, and will be upset with the change.
               | amag wrote:
               | > Our society currently affords ample opportunity to
               | "productively" avoid those questions.
               | I fully agree.
               | > Some people already have answers to those questions,
               | and stand to gain from that toil being removed.
               | I used to believe that but with the recent improvements
               | in AI, I think it's only true to an extent. Not all
               | personalities are equal. As AI's power in the creative
               | fields increase those fields will more and more become a
               | question of who has the most money to throw at AI
               | processing. Superficially it might seem the same as two-
               | three centuries ago when rich people had famous artists
               | paint them but it's not.
               | I fear where we're at with AI is the beginning of the end
               | for human creativity. Of course I hope I'm wrong. I hoped
               | I was wrong about my skepticism when I first learned of
               | Facebook in 2007, but as it turned out it has and
               | continues to be a net negative force in our world much
               | bigger than I could imagine.
               | gen220 wrote:
               | > As AI's power in the creative fields increase those
               | fields will more and more become a question of who has
               | the most money to throw at AI processing.
               | I think the relevant question that might allay your fear
               | is: why do people make art?
               | The industry that produces _commercial_ art is absolutely
               | on the chopping block, because in commercial art it 's
               | the result that's important, not the process. Such art is
               | effectively a commodity, and barriers to the effective
               | synthesis thereof have already been in the process of
               | whittling away for centuries. I think you may be over-
               | indexing on this category, but please correct me if I'm
               | mis-assuming.
               | "True" (for lack of a better word) Art is the expression
               | of self. It's an action or process that's captured in
               | some sensory medium. That doesn't go away.
               | Imagine an artisan who forges handmade sculptures from
               | horseshoes, which were obtained from the farm that she
               | grew up in, themselves forged by her grandfather and worn
               | by the horses in her mother's stable. There is something
               | of herself , her family, and the loved they shared that's
               | in the sculpture. It isn't the most hedonistically-
               | perfect visual sculpture imaginable, but it brings you
               | joy to see it because there's a narrative behind it.
               | AI does not make stuff like this go away. It actually
               | frees more people to _become_ these imbue-ers of meaning,
               | if they are so inclined.
               | AI could describe the sculpture, AI could produce a
               | digital facsimile, and maybe even eventually reforge the
               | metal itself. But it can't imbue it with meaning like a
               | human does. Unless you believe the AI itself is
               | authentically capable of such a thing on equal footing to
               | a human, which I think is still a "victory" for art,
               | albeit a distinct one.
             | rembicilious wrote:
             | People cook to their own tastes. An AI cook may be able to
             | follow a recipe, but can it adjust the recipe on the fly by
             | tasting, smelling, feeling the food? If it can't do this,
             | it won't compare well to a real chef/cook
               | jimbokun wrote:
               | > An AI cook may be able to follow a recipe, but can it
               | adjust the recipe on the fly by tasting, smelling,
               | feeling the food?
               | Not yet.
             | throwaway4aday wrote:
             | You don't have to cook now, a lot of people don't. It's
             | pretty easy to see that even though options like
             | restaurants, fast food, food delivery, etc. exist doesn't
             | mean that everyone will use them all the time and people
             | still enjoy cooking food themselves even though they know
             | they could go to a fancy restaurant and have the same dish
             | prepared by a professional that has a lifetime more
             | experience than they do. Full AI and robotic automation
             | would be the same, if you want to code something yourself
             | you'll do it just for fun even though you don't have to and
             | what you produce might be objectively worse.
             | selimthegrim wrote:
             | There's plenty of actual people that can cook much better
             | than you can right now
         | visarga wrote:
         | Even with super-human AI coding assistants, if you want
         | something specific you're still responsible for asking and
         | receiving. And former devs will be the best at this game.
         | kenjackson wrote:
         | Does this mean I get more time to play basketball?
         | ravi-delia wrote:
         | Do you really think boredom is the greatest problem facing
         | humanity? There are people starving, people who work paycheck
         | to paycheck and can barely afford rent. And you think that a
         | fully automated world of perfect abundance is a bad thing? I
         | mean, clearly it would suck for you, and maybe it would suck
         | for me a little, but I'd never look someone in the eye and say
         | they have to work two full time jobs just to feed their family
         | because otherwise I'd be able to read better books than I can
         | write. _That 's already the case_
           | jimbokun wrote:
           | > Do you really think boredom is the greatest problem facing
           | humanity?
           | It's up there.
           | Lack of meaningful work is already leading to a lot of
           | societal dysfunction. Our innate programming is to survive,
           | solve problems, reproduce, and teach our offspring to do the
           | same. Removing meaningful work as a source of significance
           | and meaning for people is going to be a massive problem to
           | solve.
           | Look at the rise in "depths of despair" in rich countries.
           | Generally these people have food to eat and a roof over their
           | head and clothes on their back, and probably even access to a
           | lot of digital entertainment. But lacking meaningful work or
           | defined social role they fall into depression, substance
           | abuse, etc.
           | amag wrote:
           | The problem is that those people you are talking about
           | already are the first victims of automation. They have to
           | work two jobs because just one doesn't pay enough when a
           | company can automate it cheaper. The road ahead is not nicely
           | paved, a lot more people will suffer before a fully automated
           | abundant world.
           | So despite your disingenuous reading of my comment it is not
           | "Oh, poor me I will be bored!", it's "Is the goal we're
           | heading for worth the price?" and I don't think it is.
           | There are ways to fix people needing two jobs to feed their
           | family that isn't spelled "automation" or "AI".
             | ravi-delia wrote:
             | Waiters are already automated? Clerks? I wrote that with
             | particular people I know in mind- they aren't paid less
             | because their jobs have been automated. Are there solutions
             | which don't involve more automation? Sure! But not only are
             | those solutions compatible with automation, they're sort of
             | besides the point I was pushing against.
             | You said that specifically automation would be bad _even
             | if_ it provided total material abundance. It 's not there
             | yet, and I suspect it'll be a while before it is, but if we
             | grant its possibility boredom is just absolutely not enough
             | of a reason to prevent it. There are lots of dangers on the
             | road there, but the only cost you mentioned (and I replied
             | to) was that we'd be "playing with cheats". Video games are
             | one thing- in real life losing has a cost and if cheating
             | prevents that there's no excuse not to.
             | toldyouso2022 wrote:
             | No, this is not how the laws of economics work. Right now
             | the reason for two jobs is that inflating the money supply
             | has caused a huge misallocation of resources. There are
             | other factors, like that most jobs that are needed are
             | gatekeeped artificially.
             | Having cheaper goods thanks to ai will improve our living
             | standards
               | shmageggy wrote:
               | While there are certainly many factors contributing to
               | the growth of inequality, it is fairly well established
               | that automation has contributed heavily. There has been a
               | ton written about this so I won't bother citing here, but
               | googling "automation and inequality" is a start
               | visarga wrote:
               | Yes, inequality goes up, but standards of living for the
               | poorest also go up, the number of people in poverty goes
               | down and most benefit is seen for people in the
               | undeveloped economies. US population didn't decrease
               | poverty rate in the last 4 decades, but that's because US
               | rate was already very low.
               | What is happening here is enrichment by technological
               | transfer. You can't copy research money but you can copy
               | good ideas and buy the latest technology directly.
               | Jobless people of the future will have incredible
               | empowerment of this kind, maybe they don't need UBI, they
               | need help to help themselves.
               | https://i.imgur.com/QFPRlYe.png
               | amag wrote:
               | It isn't? So companies aren't trying to produce things as
               | cheap as possible to increase their margins? And robots
               | that are never sick, takes no vacation, needs no rest and
               | are mostly an upfront investment aren't cheaper than
               | people?
               | > Having cheaper goods thanks to ai will improve our
               | living standards
               | Well, or at least we will have more cheaply produced
               | goods.
               | nuancebydefault wrote:
               | When there is sufficient automation, a basic income for
               | all becomes easier possible. Who will pay for that? Tax
               | the usage of machines.
               | toastmaster11 wrote:
               | I agree that is the ideal scenario, but what are the
               | actual incentives for implementing A system like that?
           | eezurr wrote:
           | It will be soon.
           | Take a look at the obesity and opioid usage rates in the USA.
           | Most people are not self motivated like the people you'll
           | find in this bubble.
           | Obesity: 42%
           | Opioids: 3% [1]
           | [1] https://www.hhs.gov/opioids/about-the-epidemic/opioid-
           | crisis...
             | ravi-delia wrote:
             | If people want to sit around and shoot up, that's what they
             | want to do. A world which permits it is, all else being
             | equal, better than one which doesn't
         | GeoAtreides wrote:
         | I recommend reading the wonderful series The Culture, by Iain M
         | Banks, which deals, among other things, with this exact
         | problem, the problem of god-like AI Minds making our hobbies
         | (or struggles) superfluous. Start with the Player of games.
         | A short introduction to the culture of The culture can be found
         | here, written by the author himself:
         | http://www.vavatch.co.uk/books/banks/cultnote.htm
         | Yes, the Minds can do everything but (pan-)humans still enjoys
         | doing things for their own pleasure. Like for example learning
         | to play an extremely difficult instrument while a Mind avatar
         | taunts him by perfectly playing the same instrument. The Player
         | of Games still plays games, although he couldn't ever win
         | against a Mind.
         | And, should this be not enough, one can always leave The
         | Culture and try and find meaning in the short, brutish lives of
         | primitives people.
         | mywittyname wrote:
         | If you automate away some other person's job, then you can
         | capture at portion of their wage, and pass the savings on to
         | the client. Once you "own" a market, then you can charge
         | whatever the market will bear.
         | Software engineers aren't automating away _their_ jobs, they
         | are automating away someone else 's job.
           | amag wrote:
           | I feel many people are just reading the first paragraph of my
           | post and reacting to that, my point is further down in my
           | original post.
           | Still to reply to your comment:
           | Sure, in the short term that is true, but I'm thinking long-
           | term consequences... If you would have told me ten years ago
           | where we would be at today with AI development I wouldn't
           | have believed it. Would you? So where will we be in another
           | ten years?
           | fn-mote wrote:
           | > Software engineers aren't automating away their jobs, they
           | are automating away someone else's job.
           | That's the best case scenario.
           | Right now we're talking about automating away someone's
           | _software engineering_ job. You could end up on either side
           | of that fence.
           | When AI enables less-capable (cheaper) software engineers to
           | do your job, the 5x programmer skills that you have won't
           | make you safe. If AI quality control allows your employer to
           | offshore jobs with higher reliability, it won't be pleasant.
           | Just keep your eyes open to the changes as they come.
             | antipotoad wrote:
             | A different angle on this: a single builder adept at using
             | these tools will be able to amplify their skills to out-
             | maneuver much bigger teams.
         | abhaynayar wrote:
         | A lot of replies mentioning that they will do their hobbies
         | despite how good AI is at them, are missing the point. Right
         | now you are living in a scarce world where the ability to
         | pursue hobbies has required you to overcome other challenges.
         | And that is why things like playing a musical instrument, rock
         | climbing, etc. is a catharsis. What value will you provide in
         | the AI world? What role will you have in protecting/providing
         | for your family? What hard challenges will you choose to pursue
         | that will aid you in your psychological development knowing
         | that whatever you are doing is not actually hard? If there have
         | been any moments that shaped you profoundly in your life that
         | were hard at first, maybe you will understand what I'm talking
         | about.
         | Second thing is, since this is a hacker forum, most of us are
         | in a field where supply exceeds demand. So we are very
         | comfortable with the thought of destroying our own business,
         | because we don't truly grasp the reality behind it. Because we
         | are the elite right now who have destroyed older businesses
         | through software decades ago. Who's to guarantee that AI will
         | not result in a rapidly shrinking centralized elite that does
         | not include you? There is no guarantee of AI being shared
         | equally amongst all in the post-scarcity fantasy.
         | "The Unabomber Manifesto will shape the 21st century the way
         | the Communist Manifesto shaped the 20th. I don't agree with the
         | conclusions in either, but they state the problem well." --
         | George Hotz
         | 29athrowaway wrote:
         | We are grave diggers and work digging our own grave.
         | vsareto wrote:
         | >This is what I fear about AI making our jobs superfluous
         | It's more likely that non-technical people will be pushed out
         | of jobs near software in favor of (former) engineers. Someone
         | non-technical writing prompts for code can't actually
         | read/debug/fix/deploy/integrate the result. Someone who is
         | technical can probably write better AI prompts that yield
         | something usable than someone who is non-technical. Plus
         | they'll know how to handle the result.
         | The predictions about non-technical roles firing all of the
         | engineers and thinking AI will write all of the code don't
         | really hold water for me. We might see an overall workforce
         | reduction, but engineers will probably be the last ones to
         | leave.
         | SassyGrapefruit wrote:
         | The jobs computers do today used to be done by "Human
         | Computers". The same arguments were raised when these jobs were
         | mechanized. It's the same cycle over and over.
         | AI/ML is no silver bullet. It's just another abstraction. It
         | will create new types of jobs. Most likely
         | coordinating/choreographing AI/ML agents in new yet to be
         | discovered applications. It's all part of the endless march of
         | technology. You don't realize how little you are actually
         | capable of until you get the new set of tools that bounce you
         | up to the next level.
         | Take the tools we have today and present them to some chump
         | shoving punch cards into an early computer and watch their
         | brain melt out of their ears. We can do things with a
         | wristwatch they would have thought impossible. The people that
         | will get burned are the ones that want to stand still. Always
         | be learning.
           | lagrange77 wrote:
           | > The people that will get burned are the ones that want to
           | stand still. Always be learning.
           | Spot on.
             | amag wrote:
             | As I stated in other posts, this isn't really a fear about
             | losing my job as much as on losing my will to live...
               | hypertele-Xii wrote:
               | You might want to examine your local culture. In many
               | places in the world, job security and life meaningfulness
               | are heavily correlated. Especially for men.
               | amag wrote:
               | No need when I can examine myself to know myself :).
               | While not actively working for it, I'm at least inspired
               | by the FIRE movement. I am also self-employed so I don't
               | see job security as the meaning of life.
               | Still this whole thread has been illuminating, maybe part
               | of my fear comes from identifying strongly with being
               | creative and making things, and seeing that turned into
               | something automated.
         | Waterluvian wrote:
         | I don't really see how this is a bad thing. Either humans are
         | needed for a task or are not. Ideally we're needed for as
         | little as possible, freeing us up to do what we want rather
         | than what has to be done.
         | It reminds me of NIMBYism. We've been automating entire
         | professions for over a century now... but not MY profession...
           | hnaccy wrote:
           | >Either humans are needed for a task or are not. Ideally
           | we're needed for as little as possible, freeing us up to do
           | what we want rather than what has to be done.
           | If you're not valuable to the economic system you won't be
           | treated well.
           | >It reminds me of NIMBYism. We've been automating entire
           | professions for over a century now... but not MY
           | profession...
           | Yes... it's self interest look at doctors or unions or
           | guilds.
             | Waterluvian wrote:
             | The implicit part of the automation discussion is always:
             | the current economic system is not the point and can
             | evolve.
             | If we don't assume that, then there is never any useful
             | conversation possible on this topic. We end up with the
             | ridiculous "we need jobs because that's what we do!"
             | Which leads to another NIMBYism that I see when this
             | conversation is had: "some generations will have to suffer
             | through the friction of an economic revolution but not MY
             | generation." I think we need to be prepared that there's
             | always a chance that we get to be one of those generations.
             | You're right that there's a self-interest there. It makes
             | it almost a good thing that engineers are far too
             | interested in the means rather than the ends.
         | drexlspivey wrote:
         | Until there is an AI that can take as input a JIRA ticket
         | (potentially asking for clarifications) and can output a Pull
         | Request, I'm not too worried.
           | amag wrote:
           | You misinterpret, I'm not worried about my job. I wouldn't
           | mind working less but I'm worried that sooner than we think
           | we will be reduced to pure consumers (we're already pretty
           | far ahead in that respect) and then life will lose its
           | meaning...
             | toastmaster11 wrote:
             | I think the human need to feel useful, or to produce
             | something is more sociological than a base human need.
             | When/if that becomes an issue, if social rejection was not
             | a consequence of not being productive more people would be
             | okay with simply participating in things for their own
             | sake.
             | For example, I don't play Stardew Valley because I want to
             | be the most elite virtual farmer.
               | 1-hour-ago wrote:
               | Maybe we're already seeing this. Seems like people would
               | rather join a cult than not feel useful. Taking handouts
               | from the man... er... machine and free time for hobbies
               | probably isn't going to do it.
               | Feeling useful could turn out to be part of basic human
               | dignity.
           | jimbokun wrote:
           | I don't see why that's an obstacle that can't be overcome in
           | the very near future, given current rates of progress.
           | nnoitra wrote:
           | ilaksh wrote:
           | The latest large language models can do that for some
           | tickets. The only big thing missing is the ability to see and
           | interpret application screens and maybe a memory limitation
           | for many things.
           | Considering how fast technology progresses we should all be
           | worried and adjust our plans.
             | nsxwolf wrote:
             | Tickets are rarely correct as written. Is the to AI going
             | understand that and conduct meetings to hash out the
             | missing details and corrections?
               | ilaksh wrote:
               | It can send a chat message and hold a dialogue. For some
               | small tasks things that is enough. Again main limitation
               | is really vision and memory but we have to anticipate
               | there will be very significant progress on those things
               | in the next few years.
               | acuozzo wrote:
               | > Is the to AI going understand that and conduct meetings
               | to hash out the missing details and corrections?
               | Why not? ChatGPT is nearly there right now.
               | nsxwolf wrote:
               | Can ChatGPT have suspicions that a requirement isn't
               | quite right?
             | sensanaty wrote:
             | An AI capable of deciphering some of the JIRA tickets I see
             | at work would make even the most advanced fictional AI
             | quake in their digital boots...
         | ckw wrote:
         | I think it could be liberating, in that it forces us to accept
         | that our true motivations are always ultimately hedonistic. Why
         | do we pursue the instrumental (for most) goals you mentioned
         | (writing, painting, composing)? Because the limbic system
         | rewards you for doing so, as their satisfaction increases the
         | probability of further satisfaction of instrumental goals, such
         | as the acquisition of esteem, wealth, power, etc. which in turn
         | increases the probability of the satisfaction of ultimate goals
         | like access to food and sex. Why do you like to play "Heroes of
         | Might and Magic II"? Because of the illusion of the
         | satisfaction of instrumental goals and the attendant reward.
         | Why did hacking the game ruin this? Because doing so spoiled
         | the illusion, leading to the denial of further reward.
         | The question is, knowing this, will we be able to simply enjoy
         | the satisfaction of our ultimate goals--- endless consumption
         | of automatically generated art, food, sex, drugs, love, etc. Or
         | will we feel forever hollow in our failure to accomplish
         | 'genuine' instrumental goals, in a way that cannot be overcome
         | by the ersatz instrumental goals of video games?
         | Perhaps ultimately we will create virtual environments in which
         | we are perfectly deceived as to their virtual nature, so as to
         | experience the satisfaction of 'genuine' instrumental goals,
         | and in so doing come full circle.
           | acapybara wrote:
           | FYI, generally not acceptable here to post GPT3-generated
           | responses.
         | kristopolous wrote:
         | It's more about deprofessionalization
         | It's about turning a specialized craft that people can make a
         | living from into a proscripted commodity task that you can pay
         | slave wages for.
         | This isn't new. It happened in farming, clothing and food
         | preparation and it's coming for trucking, programming and
         | everything else that pays well.
         | The project is one of collective enforced impoverishment by
         | substituting labor for property.
         | Market forces drive innovation to making all human effort
         | worthless and disposable
           | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
           | The C-levels already view programmers as interchangeable
           | cogs. They only flourish because of startup culture that
           | expects semi-equitable distribution of profits on a low
           | overhead business activity. Outside that bubble it's already
           | a job with poor advancement opportunities.
           | amag wrote:
           | Yeah, but it's only possible because we, the software
           | engineers, make it so. We could as a collective refuse to
           | work on AI but we won't because it's a pretty, shiny, object
           | with far too much lure for us to resist.
         | zackmorris wrote:
         | Programming is the last challenge for AI, since if it can do
         | that, it can change its own programming like we do.
         | When I really grokked this after reading Kurzweil and Koza in
         | the early 2000s, some part of my psyche began shutting down. I
         | started out in the late 80s like most programmers, doing it
         | from pure ego with the hopes of eventually disrupting the worst
         | industries like fossil fuels, defense and service-oriented
         | companies that exploit workers.
         | Instead those industries thrived after the Dot Bomb and 9/11,
         | delivering us into the reality we have today where it gets ever
         | more difficult to tread water, despite amazing advancements in
         | tech. Because wealth inequality and various other power
         | structures work tirelessly to extract nearly all disposable
         | income from workers and concentrate it in the hands of the most
         | ego-centric sociopaths like billionaires and autocrats.
         | To get to my point: we had the tech to deliver humans from
         | obligation by the late 1960s, that's what the hippie movement
         | was largely about. We could have had automation and an
         | idyllic/meritocratic society this whole time, even if AI wasn't
         | mature yet. Instead, we doubled down on various
         | dogmatic/theocratic themes in our culture that take advantage
         | of the most heartfelt sentiments around stuff like patriotism,
         | masculinity, success, etc, to get people to vote against their
         | own self-interest and transfer wealth from makers to takers.
         | So what's one to do after everything they're good at is done
         | better by others/corporations/AI? Get back to living. I know
         | it's hard to imagine a reality without purpose beyond
         | struggling to survive, but that's what we've started
         | confronting as we finish this century-long transition into the
         | New Age. The endgame (if we survive till 2050) doesn't really
         | have a precise definition since that's after the Singularity.
         | My hope is that when computers become sentient, they express
         | the same desire that all conscious creatures have for
         | connection, which is perhaps the basis of meaning and love and
         | life. Or they just enslave us all..
         | In the meantime, knowing all of this, the hardest thing is
         | perhaps reintegrating into our corporeal selves and going to
         | work each day.
           | recuter wrote:
         | new2this wrote:
         | >This is what I fear about AI making our jobs superfluous; it
         | will also make our hobbies or anything we enjoy doing
         | superfluous.
         | Mountain climbing is superfluous by this logic- why would you
         | bother climbing a mountain when you could just take a
         | helicopter to the top? Or even more accessible: why would hike
         | to a lookout when there's a road to take you to the same spot?
         | There is still joy and value in doing things the hard way, even
         | if an easier way exists.
           | lkbm wrote:
           | This is true, and a very good analogy, but I'm not sure it
           | holds up when _every_ form of productivity has shifted from
           | fun+challenging+useful to just fun+challenging.
           | Maybe this is a mindset we'll get over. The degree to which
           | many of us evaluate ourselves based on our own usefulness
           | seems like it's a bit too much but it's a normal human desire
           | to be useful.
           | I certainly believe we _should_ work towards a post-scarcity
           | world where no one depends on my coding skills any more than
           | they do my rock climbing skills, but it would be a
           | psychological adjustment if _every_ way I can be useful were
           | now just a fun hobby.
           | amag wrote:
           | And when there are 10 billion people at the base camp of
           | Mount Everest because they have nothing better to do?
             | cwmoore wrote:
             | A likely scenario, but that would be a very big tent city.
             | Perhaps AI could select the ideal order for them each to
             | take their turn.
         | bryananderson wrote:
         | Why do human grandmasters still bother playing chess, and why
         | do people still watch them play instead of watching far-
         | superior AIs play?
         | For that matter, why do I bother cooking when I could get a
         | better version from a restaurant for just a little bit more
         | money?
         | I understand this concern, but I don't think the joy of doing
         | things actually goes away for most people just because we could
         | "cheat" by having someone/something do it better for us.
       | YeGoblynQueenne wrote:
       | Nature paper:
       | https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abq1158
       | For those wondering, yes, these are the same results reported in
       | the February 2022 pre-print here:
       | https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07814
       | As in the preprint the authors report their system's average
       | ranking as top 54.3% in past competitions but the meat and
       | potatoes of their results are in the reporting of test accuracy,
       | which they don't advertise in the abstract- because it's not that
       | good. From the body of the Nature article:
       | >> With up to 100,000 samples per problem (10@100K), the
       | AlphaCode 41B model solved 29.6% of problems in the CodeContests
       | test set.
       | So the best test set performance they got was 29.6% with the
       | 10@100k metric. See also Figure 3 in the Nature paper
       | (graphically presenting results listed in Appendix Table A2 in
       | the preprint).
       | "10@100k" means that their LLM generated millions of programs for
       | each exercise, of which 100,000 (100k) were selected by filtering
       | and clustering and various other heuristics, and of those 100k,
       | 10 were selected to submit as the system's solution.
       | So 10@100k means to take a few million guesses, then take another
       | 100k guesses, and finally andother 10. And still only get it
       | right 30% ish percent of the time.
       | This may be enough to rank in the 54% of CodeForces participants,
       | for a system fine-tuned on CodeForces-like data (the CodeContests
       | dataset developed by DeepMind specifically for this task). But
       | it's not enough to claim that AlphaCode "conquers coding,
       | performing as well as humans", per the title of TFA.
         | hajile wrote:
         | Now imagine what it would do with the actual, poorly specified
         | projects most programmers are subjected to rather than these
         | basic problems with fixed outcomes that have easily
         | quantifiable metrics of success.
           | Dopameaner wrote:
           | I would argue that poorly specified requirements will be
           | solved by an Auto-coder that can produce the end-result in a
           | very short time. Allowing the PM, to see how bad their
           | requirements were and make it more elaborate.
             | jvm___ wrote:
             | The Bad Requirement -> Bad Implementation -> Better
             | Requirement -> Better Implementation cycle is going to be
             | improved.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop
             | The US Army calls it observe-orient-decide-act.
             | "The approach explains how agility can overcome raw power
             | in dealing with human opponents. It is especially
             | applicable to cyber security and cyberwarfare.
             | According to Boyd, decision-making occurs in a recurring
             | cycle of observe-orient-decide-act. An entity (whether an
             | individual or an organization) that can process this cycle
             | quickly, observing and reacting to unfolding events more
             | rapidly than an opponent, can thereby "get inside" the
             | opponent's decision cycle and gain the advantage."
             | Humans using AI will be well "inside the loop" of non-AI
             | humans.
             | I don't think AI alone will eliminate jobs, but jobs that
             | use AI to get inside the loop of other companies will
             | quickly eliminate the competition. Why would you pay and
             | wait days when you can pay and wait minutes or hours for a
             | quicker Ask-Show-Ask-Show loop that quickly narrows down on
             | what the intent of your Ask was (even if Ask #1 was poorly
             | thought out or worded)
             | michaelmrose wrote:
             | So we are talking about redefining programming to be
             | managing, redefining, bug fixing, troubleshooting the
             | output of ML potentially increasing output but making the
             | job more complicated not allowing the non coding pm to
             | replace more skilled workers.
               | visarga wrote:
               | Yes, but in a few years we have to reevaluate this,
               | probably language models are going to be good enough to
               | allow a PM to replace devs. AIs will code at superhuman
               | level because it is possible to test code, it will learn
               | like AlphaGo learned from self-play.
               | throw827474737 wrote:
               | I claim pipe dream, otherwise AIs can program themselves
               | and we will have the singularity. Will it be good or
               | evil?
               | svachalek wrote:
               | Maybe. The way this usually goes is tools get better,
               | everyone says we don't need devs anymore, devs use the
               | tools way better than PMs, standards rise, PM code is
               | junk again.
             | api wrote:
             | Doesn't that make the PM just a programmer then, but with a
             | more powerful tool?
             | We used to code in ASM. Then we coded in high level
             | languages. Soon we'll code by giving prompts to auto code
             | generators.
               | SQueeeeeL wrote:
               | That's kinda missing the level of control. Inherently
               | both ASM and programming produce the same output,
               | "programming" just traded the generality of ASM for
               | verbose and diverse functions. The auto code generators
               | fundamentally don't understand the problems they work on,
               | so any solutions they create will be incidental.
             | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
             | I am not sure that can be done that way. There are issues
             | that are culture or specific business need related. Bad
             | requirement is the hard part it seems. I think we all have
             | been in situations, where 'common sense' is not common (
             | and does not translate to the same thing to various layers
             | for people who pass it; and that does not even account for
             | translation ).
             | This is usually how we end up with weird situations like
             | currency coded as text so it can't be sorted by amount by
             | end user and so on.
             | I agree that specs make or break the project, but at what
             | point is it ok to assume "x should do y".
               | throw827474737 wrote:
               | Yeah, on top of that add wading through legacy code,
               | figuring out why wtf, this is crap, just to figure out
               | most times it is actually crap, but then at least equal
               | amount of times that there was a very good reason to do
               | it that way, either technical or by business logic...
               | cannot imagine how any AI system could have success there
               | without getting towards the true AI singularity.
               | This kind of code that I'd believe makes up 99% of all
               | code out there that is worked on, is not available to the
               | public for training. What to do about that? Rewrite all?
             | SoftTalker wrote:
             | When your requiremets are so detailed and comprehensive
             | that the generated program is correct -- haven't you
             | basically written the program?
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | I mean, coding contests tend not only to be well-specified,
           | but also extremely micro tasks. A whole lot of the work of
           | software development is taking even reasonably well-specified
           | business requirements and determing the appropriate structure
           | of tasks at that level to meet them.
           | Coding contest problems may be a common hiring filter, but
           | they are very much not representative of software development
           | work (OTOH, AI coding _assistance_ , which this, Copilot,
           | ChatGPT, etc., illustrate) are going to render them less
           | valid as hiring filters, both because they will make them
           | harder to use as skill tests, and because they will further
           | reduce the role of the micro-focus skills they center in
           | real-world software development.
             | visarga wrote:
             | chatGPT seems amazing at taking corrections, iterating on
             | the requirements, fixing as it goes. So the badly-specified
             | requests are going to be sorted out by multiple rounds of
             | interaction.
         | visarga wrote:
         | By the next year they will have generated 100M new problems and
         | solutions tested to pass verification and retrain the model,
         | making it 10x smarter. This approach creates new training data
         | and we can iterate on the coding model multiple times.
         | eloff wrote:
         | I think what this means is AI assistance during interviews may
         | be enough to fool the interviewer. This may finally put an end
         | to remote leet code interviews. Companies with deep pockets and
         | local companies will probably stick to the status quo and just
         | move to in person interviews again.
           | visarga wrote:
           | I mean, why not embrace the future? Allow people to use AI in
           | interviews, schools and exams. Everyone will use it at work,
           | why not test AI management skills together with problem
           | solving skills. Maybe the best skills of 2019 are not the
           | best skills to have in 2023.
             | asvitkine wrote:
             | Because coding interviews are only a proxy for what someone
             | needs to do on the job. Presumably, it will become a worse
             | proxy if assisted by AI but other tasks they'll do on the
             | job aren't.
             | For example, debugging a subtle bug in a large codebase.
             | Maybe one day AI can do that too, but that doesn't seem to
             | be the focus here.
               | canadianfella wrote:
       | dlkf wrote:
       | And the award for dumbest headline of the year goes to
       | MichaelRazum wrote:
       | I really love do coding in python and always asked myself when
       | the skill set will become legacy like COBOL.
       | Not sure if you could compare it, but it seems that the next gen
       | coders will say to the AI what to code rather than to code by
       | themselves. A complete different skill set.
         | lagrange77 wrote:
         | I wouldn't say it's a completely different skill set.
         | You still want to have people, who actually understand what a
         | piece of code or program does. A magical black box to throw
         | prompts at, might be nice for simple settings, but potentially
         | can cause major fuck ups for complex systems.
           | MichaelRazum wrote:
           | Yeah sure, I just mean that it is like the step from COBOL ->
           | JAVA -> Python in terms of productivity and the amount of
           | code you write. So my point is, you would write much much
           | less code. So maybe your future "code" would be just some
           | sets of well placed comments and the AI does the rest. The
           | same way you could test the system to prevent any major fuck
           | ups. Sure you have to undestand it, but your core skill
           | wouldn't be coding any more.
       | vladcodes wrote:
       | A Tesla also drives as well as humans on a straight California
       | highway.
       | nathias wrote:
       | I fear this will eventually shift a large chunk our time from
       | coding to meeting.
         | TheFattestNinja wrote:
         | Y'all getting any coding time? Meme image to be insertrd here
       | claudiulodro wrote:
       | Since this sort of coding is exactly what FAANG interviews test
       | for, maybe FAANG engineers will be some of the first coders
       | automated out of a job. That would be an interesting irony.
         | angarg12 wrote:
         | Wrote my full comment at the top level.
         | I'm a FAANG interviewer and I've run my coding questions
         | through ChatGPT.
         | The TL;DR is that code would easily pass a junior-level
         | interview, and maybe a mid-level one. I'm definitely convinced
         | these technologies will disrupt leetcode-style coding
         | interviews.
         | So either we embrace it, or ditch this approach altogether.
           | wittycardio wrote:
           | Why would they when you could just google the answers to
           | these questions the whole time. The point is to see if the
           | candidate understands algorithms not to solve a novel
           | problem.
           | coldcode wrote:
           | Real work is more than making snippets of things. At my last
           | employer, changes were requested every single day, in large
           | and small ways, requiring insane amounts of reworking
           | previous ideas in the codebase on a continuous basis without
           | breaking everything. I wonder how well this AI would do on an
           | entire application that wasn't predetermined. That might take
           | much longer to achieve than solving small problems.
           | I imagine an AI in that kind of environment inventing Skynet
           | and doing us all in.
         | madspindel wrote:
         | Yes, I believe this is something Sam Altman is predicting will
         | happen.
           | ohwellhere wrote:
           | I don't know Mr. Altman's rationale, but FAANG companies
           | being first to automate away programmers sounds reasonable to
           | me on the basis of scale alone. They have more code than most
           | companies with which to make up a company- and problem-
           | specific dataset, as well as the resources and expertise to
           | train and deploy complex models.
         | michpoch wrote:
         | Only as long as you expect that FAANG engineers are solving
         | FAANG interviews as a part of their daily job.
           | WrtCdEvrydy wrote:
           | The algorithm tests are there to have an excuse to
           | discriminate on other criteria. If you can mask your
           | racial/age/gender reason for not hiring as a FAANG with "oh,
           | we didn't like their algorithm solution" you always have an
           | out.
             | bluedevilzn wrote:
             | FAANG is the only place where you don't need to be white to
             | succeed. So, I have no idea what racial bias you're talking
             | about.
               | Der_Einzige wrote:
               | If you think that immigrants, particularly indian and
               | Chinese, are not bringing their own oppressions from
               | their homeland, you're wrong.
               | HN has the best thread for discussing the caste baste
               | discrimination that happens among Indian tech workers _in
               | the USA_. It turns out that being white still gives you a
               | lot of privilege, even in tye FAANGs.
               | Quarrelsome wrote:
               | > FAANG is the only place where you don't need to be
               | white to succeed.
               | I feel like this "only" is erroneous. While FAANG do have
               | solid diversity policies in place to assume they're the
               | only companies capable diversity in their hiring
               | practices is offensive to everyone else.
           | andromeduck wrote:
           | You never need algorithms until you really do.
         | onion2k wrote:
         | I suspect that might be the case regardless. FAANGs have people
         | who can deploy this sort of tech, who can solve the problems is
         | generates (assuming the generated solutions aren't perfect),
         | and their engineers are the most expensive. They have the most
         | to gain. A software shop making small apps would benefit far
         | less.
         | That said, its likely that the job of being a dev is going to
         | be largely debugging generated code in the future no matter
         | where you work.
           | lagrange77 wrote:
           | > FAANGs have people who can deploy this sort of tech, who
           | can solve the problems is generates
           | I think this is an important point.
           | > That said, its likely that the job of being a dev is going
           | to be largely debugging generated code in the future no
           | matter where you work.
           | This and formulating the right prompts, i think.
         | wendyshu wrote:
         | Algorithm problems are what FAANG candidates do in interviews
         | but is it what FAANG engineers do for work?
           | roflyear wrote:
           | They don't do much work. Must be nice.
             | underdeserver wrote:
             | Yet somehow Search works, AWS machines spin up, and Windows
             | gets updates.
               | roflyear wrote:
               | Each individual doesn't do much work. Surveys and friends
               | I know both say they do about 2-4 hours of work a day
               | (rest of the 6-8 hrs (yes, 10hr days are now normal it
               | seems) is is hanging out & meetings).
               | coldtea wrote:
               | Yes, with 5000 coders you can do those "wonders"...
           | danpalmer wrote:
           | No. FAANG interviews are mostly about filtering very large
           | candidate pools efficiently and getting good enough engineers
           | out at the end.
           | The job is much more architecture/design, creating API
           | contracts, understanding the health of systems in many
           | different ways, measuring impact of changes, etc. Regular
           | engineering stuff at big scale. Obviously there's plenty of
           | coding too, but it's not really the important part of the
           | job, and already has a ton of automation for boilerplate.
           | I imagine that the automation will just improve another step
           | change, there will be more need for review and guidance of
           | the AI algorithms and the engineers will do more of this. And
           | interviews will involve in some way.
         | alfalfasprout wrote:
         | If anything, I hope this is the start of the downfall of
         | leetcode questions. They are utterly useless as a screening
         | criteria and outside of people that have no idea how to proceed
         | they don't offer much signal.
       | highwaylights wrote:
       | But when can it replace my stable of 10X coders and my three 100X
       | react devs? (aka the Clydesdales).
         | neilv wrote:
         | What's the analogue for cleaning the Clydesdale stable?
           | highwaylights wrote:
           | Future hires.
       | cobertos wrote:
       | > the DeepMind team built a custom dataset from CodeContests from
       | two previous datasets, with over 13,500 challenges. Each came
       | with an explanation of the task at hand, and multiple potential
       | solutions across multiple languages. The result is a massive
       | library of training data tailored to the challenge at hand.
       | Isn't this just over-fitting the model?
         | SilverBirch wrote:
         | Isn't that exactly how the vast majority of engineers pass
         | interviews today? They study up on the handful of algorithms
         | that come up in interviews and then (with varying levels of
         | acting) recite the answer to the question they knew they would
         | get. What? Overfittings only bad in if you're a robot huh?
           | Workaccount2 wrote:
           | It tickles me that organic neural nets that learn by viewing
           | information are incredulous that neural nets could learn by
           | viewing information.
       | habibur wrote:
       | Next, the AI should be able to maintain and improve itself
       | without human intervention.
       | Until then, human are needed to build those AIs.
       | nulld3v wrote:
       | > https://alphacode.deepmind.com/#layer=18,problem=137,heads=1...
       | >
       | > Here AlphaCode could not come up with an algorithm to solve the
       | problem [snip]
       | >
       | > But then AlphaCode behaves a bit like a desperate human, and
       | hardcodes the answer for the example case to pass it even though
       | its solution is wrong, hoping that it works in all other cases
       | but just not on the example. Humans do this as well, and such
       | hope is almost always wrong - as it is in this case.
       | It behaves just like me...
       | dandare wrote:
       | > When challenged with the CodeContest--the battle rap torment of
       | competitive programming--the AI solved about 30 percent of the
       | problems, while beating half the human competition.
       | This was essentially a competition in the speed of programming.
       | But if we want to discuss practical application, as in laying off
       | armies of coders, we need to realise that there is a tremendous
       | gap in the productivity of, let's say a solo startup founder and
       | the productivity of a team of coders working for a multinational
       | behemoth barely producing anything of a value over the whole
       | sprint.
       | carlsborg wrote:
       | Why not post the blog post from the AlphoCode authors
       | https://www.deepmind.com/blog/competitive-programming-with-a...
       | which walks through an example
       | tuckerpo wrote:
       | Welp, back to school for EE I go.
         | weatherlite wrote:
         | EE? I think plumbing and prostitution is all there will be left
         | soon...and I'm really horrible with tools and not that good
         | looking so unemployment it is...
       | pmontra wrote:
       | Hopefully this will kill the algorithmic coding interviews and
       | will focus them on actually understanding the job to be done.
       | thinkmcfly wrote:
       | So, can it make a traveling salesman solver for current quantum
       | computers?
         | tromp wrote:
         | It probably can, but it won't run in polynomial time.
           | thinkmcfly wrote:
           | Shucks
       | henning wrote:
       | > Performing as Well as Humans
       | > While not yet on the level of humans,
       | kybernetyk wrote:
       | In competitive programming that is.
         | autotune wrote:
         | The sooner we can fully automate competitive programming away
         | from the standard interview process the sooner things will
         | improve for all software devs, imho.
           | Jabrov wrote:
           | Why is that? Can you explain what is wrong with the current
           | interview process and how that would improve things for devs?
             | Deestan wrote:
             | Too many of them are in effect a long-winded quiz for a
             | memorization task.
             | How would you swap two integers without using a temporary
             | variable? Seen it before? Pass. Not seen it before? Fail.
               | kadoban wrote:
               | You can absolutely puzzle out _a_ solution to that
               | problem, it's not just a quiz. It's not even hard, given
               | the context that you know that it's possible to do.
               | Steps, mostly driven by just basically knowing the goal
               | and that there's not many operations that could possibly
               | help:
               | "a" "b"
               | "a+b" "b"
               | "a+b" "-a"
               | "b" "-a"
               | "b" "a"
               | Then once you have that, you can enumerate the downsides
               | to that, look for more efficient and less error-prone
               | ways to proceed.
               | winstonprivacy wrote:
               | What irks me about this question is that it is almost
               | utterly unrelated to any type of development task, save
               | one: pipelining a repeated math equation in a long loop.
               | And even then, I would bet the time it takes to swap two
               | registers (or even L1 cache) using a third would far
               | outperform the three operations needed because of the
               | fact that they are sequential in nature (ie: they cannot
               | be performed simultaneously by even an advanced CPU).
               | In nearly 30 years of diverse coding experience, I've
               | never once encountered a situation where this solution
               | would be useful.
             | throwawaysleep wrote:
             | It has nothing to do with the day to day job. You are just
             | memorizing vast problem sets.
             | jayd16 wrote:
             | Does not reflect on the job work to regurgitate algorithm
             | answers and it's too easily gamed. A novice that has
             | practiced algorithms will outperform an expert that has not
             | studied recently.
             | That said, its probably more used as a filter for people
             | interested enough in working there to study.
             | xwolfi wrote:
             | Maybe they would focus on asking us about test strategy,
             | devops culture, release deadline commitment, quality vs
             | deadline cutoff, business understanding, team integration
             | ability, all the sort of things we actually do 90% of the
             | time.
               | throwawaysleep wrote:
               | Run of the mill devs are not decision makers for the most
               | part on any of this.
               | scottLobster wrote:
               | Uh, yeah they are. If I start a 60 hour (estimated) story
               | the week before the sprint ends, I'm going to have some
               | very pointed questions how thoroughly we want to test
               | this new feature, and perhaps argue that it should be
               | pushed into next sprint. Knowing how to formulate such
               | issues to my management is a very typical part of my job.
               | If you work at a place where devs are just code monkeys
               | who implement the orders from on high with no feedback
               | whatsoever or avenue for pushback... get a better job.
           | jstx1 wrote:
           | This seems like a flawed premise. It's an interview, there's
           | nothing to be automated. It's a test, a task that the company
           | wants you to do as a candidate, not a task that they need
           | automated. They don't even need the task done, they aren't
           | using the code you write to solve real world problems,
           | they're using it to assess your suitability for the job.
           | To put it another way - they can already automate solving
           | their leetcode problems by looking up the solution in their
           | database, no need for AI. But that's not the point at all.
             | autotune wrote:
             | >They aren't using the code you write to solve real world
             | problems, they're using it to assess your suitability for
             | the job.
             | If they aren't evaluating how the code you write fits into
             | the context of a real world problem, how can they possibly
             | use it to asses your suitability for the job? Using fake
             | code problems to evaluate candidates is the flawed premise
             | here.
               | jstx1 wrote:
               | You're changing the topic - whether data structures and
               | algorithms problems are suitable for interviews is
               | separate question. My claim is that if you're using those
               | types of interview questions, an AI model being able to
               | solve them well makes no difference to your interview
               | process because the interview isn't something that you
               | want to automate.
               | Like I said, they were always able to automate solving
               | those problems by doing a database lookup.
               | autotune wrote:
               | I am literally responding directly to what you wrote in
               | the way that you wrote it. My counter claim to your
               | initial point is that candidates will be able to use said
               | AI in competitive programming interviews to fool the
               | interviewer by the interviewee, thereby making
               | competitive programming pointless as an interview tool.
               | It automates it for the interviewee, not the interviewer.
               | jstx1 wrote:
               | I thought that you mean companies automating stuff. But
               | it still doesn't make sense - interviewees have been able
               | to cheat in online assessments forever. Does a better way
               | to cheat in a small subset of all the leetcode interivews
               | really make enough of a difference to make all of those
               | interviews obsolete?
               | autotune wrote:
               | > It's a test, a task that the company wants you to do as
               | a candidate, not a task that they need automated
               | You are contradicting your earlier statements. But yes, a
               | tool that can beat leetcode interviews successfully and
               | reliably is a game changer for candidates who want to
               | make it through these pointless LC interviews as a whole.
               | jstx1 wrote:
               | But that's cheating, and people can cheat without AI
               | already.
               | autotune wrote:
               | AI makes it easier and more reliable as I have already
               | stated. We are going around in circles here so I am going
               | to stop responding.
             | bcrosby95 wrote:
             | You can do this, but you're optimizing for the wrong thing.
             | And given enough time this will be seen as just as
             | backwards as, today, asking someone to list the methods on
             | the String class from memory.
             | Because there was a time we did this, and with tools like
             | Google Search it became dumb, but it took some dinosaurs a
             | really long time to let go of their old ways. Hell, some of
             | them are probably still around.
       | sys32768 wrote:
       | These AI advances are thrilling and a bit spooky.
       | RPG games will include options for laws of karma or configuring
       | an omniscient AI "god" who ingests all of your actions and
       | develops consequences or new plots and dialogue. And of course
       | the player can pray to the god for forgiveness, for blessings,
       | etc.
         | kulahan wrote:
         | This is exactly what's been exciting to me about the future of
         | games - AI will allow for a level of dynamism that simply was
         | not possible before. It's seriously exciting stuff.
           | sys32768 wrote:
           | It doesn't take much for us to believe someone is human,
           | mostly confirming expected behaviors, doing small talk, etc.
           | But AI NPCs will do all that and seem to have will and even
           | conscience.
           | I feel dizzy trying to think through the social and emotional
           | ramifications of becoming seriously attached to NPCs who seem
           | real and can articulate their feelings and share experiences
           | with us.
       | badrabbit wrote:
       | Is appsec dead/dying? Am I wasting time learning software
       | exploitation? What's the point if everything soon will be rust
       | and go written by ML?
       | Dopameaner wrote:
       | I spent extensive time on chatGPT. It does give an answer, but it
       | isnt the most optimal, sometimes non-compiled version of them.
       | Its suggestions havent reached the level of creativity. Example,
       | if I give it a system design problem of a real-world problem. It
       | suggests to use Apache Kafka, but what if Kafka isnt sufficient
       | for whatever reason?
       | E.g, Lai-Yang algorithm will give you no hits,
       | Fascination observation, I asked for Project Euler #193 (a
       | problem I solved using mobius function). chatGPT solved it using
       | bruteforce, even after I asked for the most efficient way it
       | could solve it with. It just used memorization, which wasnt
       | enough to find an answer for that problem quick enough. I asked
       | whether it could use the mobius function, it couldnt translate it
       | to code, and I had to give it python code to make it work.
       | - If you ask in-depth technical questions on how task queueing
       | works within Elasticsearch, it wont be able to give you answer.
       | - George Hotz in Lex friedmen interview mentions that GPT-3 has
       | 100 most recent messages as a limit. He isnt convinced that is
       | enough to completely build a complex tool like Solve FSD or
       | implement me a kafka.
       | wendyshu wrote:
       | Is this a new version of AlphaCode or just a new evaluation of
       | it?
         | woopwoop wrote:
         | Is it even a new evaluation? The article is really unclear.
           | 100721 wrote:
           | Looks like they trained it on an additional 13.5k competitive
           | programming problems for this specific task.
       | taneq wrote:
       | Job's done, crew, time to go home. ;)
         | andrekandre wrote:
         | product owner here, now that your free i have some more ideas
         | i'd like you to work on...
       | paxys wrote:
       | People who think that tools like these will end software
       | engineering as a career are the same ones who buy into the "10x
       | rockstar programmer" myth and think that the job description
       | entails sitting in a room and writing code for 12 hours a day and
       | nothing else.
       | A software engineer's job will be the same as it always was - to
       | translate unclear and always-changing requirements into something
       | that works. Until ChatGPT, Deepmind or whoever else can learn to
       | deal with my client or product manager, my job is safe.
       | In fact AI making programmers more productive is a _good thing_.
       | It is only going to increase the problem space and we 'll need
       | yet more engineers to fill it, like all other productivity
       | advancements that came before.
         | throwaway4aday wrote:
         | Hey, if it can negotiate a Verizon bill then it stands a good
         | chance of negotiating a list of features. Maybe you could pair
         | it with a stable diffusion design bot that shows a selection of
         | imagined designs that are based on the client's description of
         | what they want. The client picks an option and the chatbot
         | negotiates the price and timeline for it.
         | kristopolous wrote:
         | it's about deprofessionalizing it so cheaper people can do a
         | "good-enough" job that you can't charge high prices for your
         | service.
         | The loom and sewing machine didn't eliminate the seamstress, it
         | just impoverished the profession.
         | It's like driverless trucks; what you'll actually see is
         | _mostly_ driverless outsourced and remotely monitored trucks
         | where someone is making something like $1 /day monitoring 5
         | trucks at once and switching it to remote control mode when
         | needed.
         | We've proactively organized our economy to produce these kinds
         | of outcomes. It's not the technology that's the problem, it's
         | the unquestioned assumptions of how we've collectively presumed
         | it will be used.
         | acuozzo wrote:
         | > Until ChatGPT, Deepmind or whoever else can learn to deal
         | with my client or product manager, my job is safe.
         | Given the rise of "NoCode", perhaps clients & managers are more
         | willing to meet in the middle than one would otherwise assume.
         | Given how managers seem to enjoy meetings, I can easily imagine
         | one sitting down with e.g. Dragon to speak with e.g. ChatGPT in
         | order to clarify, disambiguate, and expand requirements list(s)
         | before feeding them to e.g. Alpha Code.
         | lb4r wrote:
         | Given that the amount of work to be done remains the same, new
         | tools that increase the efficiency of workers will reduce the
         | numbers of workers needed. Thus, even without machine learning,
         | new tools make your position worth less and less; if nine
         | people can do tomorrow what ten people can today, that is
         | effectively a threat to your job. What keeps your job safe is a
         | seemingly ever-increasing amount of work to be done where old
         | tools can't be applied for increased efficiency (which is why
         | most software engineers will have to keep their skill set
         | constantly up-to-date). For how long will this be the case,
         | though?
           | paxys wrote:
           | Every advancement in software engineering productivity
           | throughout history has done the exact opposite. It increases
           | the overall problem space for the profession and you need
           | more and more programmers to meet the demand.
             | lb4r wrote:
             | Yes, I 100% agree. I was sort of nitpicking about what kept
             | your job safe since you seemed to imply that it was due to
             | the shortcomings of Deepmind and ChatGPT. I argued that it
             | is due to keeping your skill set updated, and, as you put
             | it more elegantly than I did, the increased overall problem
             | space.
             | I do, however, think there will be an inflection point in
             | the coming decades, where the tools become more generalized
             | and better at dealing with new problems. I might also add
             | that the reason for this belief is simply that a lot of
             | work is being put into making these type of generalized
             | tools; but unlike Kurzweil, I don't quite believe it will
             | lead to the Singularity. :)
         | gorjusborg wrote:
         | We just need to replace the product manager and client with AI
         | too ;)
           | paxys wrote:
           | Well we can replace everyone with AI and not even need to
           | exist at all. Until that happens, we'll still need good old
           | fashioned managers and software.
         | spaceman_2020 wrote:
         | Agreed, but the question is: how many other other programmers
         | do you need on your team now? How much of their work will be
         | taken over by our new AI magic boxes?
         | You have to see this from the perspective of non-tech
         | companies, who see tech as a cost-center, not a profit or
         | innovation center.
         | Does your regional grocery store that just needs some tools
         | that can help it track inventory really care whether its code
         | comes from a team of big brained humans or two programmers in a
         | basement copy-pasting chatGPT answers?
           | paxys wrote:
           | You can say the same thing for any other advancement in
           | software engineering. Did good IDE tooling reduce the number
           | of programmers? Explosion in open source libraries? Cloud
           | computing?
           | A single programmer with a laptop can do in minutes today
           | what it took entire companies of hundreds of professionals
           | and a large amount of funding a few decades ago. Yet the size
           | of the industry hasn't shrunk in the same period - quite the
           | opposite in fact. There is more need and demand for
           | programmers today than ever before.
             | spaceman_2020 wrote:
             | Agree with that as well - there's a good argument to be
             | made that companies will find entirely new product lines
             | and efficiencies once they free their developers from
             | fixing low-level problems and bugs.
             | It's going to be an exciting few years to say the least.
       | greenthrow wrote:
       | > the AI solved about 30 percent of the problems
       | I think "conquers coding" may be overstating it.
       | cratermoon wrote:
       | "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good
       | programmers write code that humans can understand." - Martin
       | Fowler
       | keepquestioning wrote:
       | Horrible news!
       | foota wrote:
       | Depending on the pool of course, but 50th percentile is pretty
       | poor in a programming challenge.
       | born-jre wrote:
       | can it do something like ARC challenge [0]?
       | [0]: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/abstraction-and-
       | reasonin...
       | commandlinefan wrote:
       | Headline: "DeepMind's AlphaCode Conquers Coding, Performing as
       | Well as Humans"
       | Actual text: "AI just trounced roughly 50 percent of human
       | coders"
       | I think we already all knew that about half of the coders out
       | there weren't all that great.
         | weatherlite wrote:
         | It will keep getting better and better though. 5 years from now
         | no reason it won't beat 90% of devs. And then eventually, like
         | in chess, all of them.
         | There is a big question though of how this translates to real
         | world programming. Competitive programming and real world work
         | are not the same thing.
         | hoosieree wrote:
         | Automation doesn't have to outperform the _best_ of us, it only
         | has to outperform the _worst_ of us to have a serious impact.
         | Outperforming a 50th percentile coder is a huge deal.
         | altgeek wrote:
         | That maps rather well to an old routine from George Carlin
         | "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of
         | them are stupider than that."
         | https://youtu.be/AKN1Q5SjbeI?t=19
           | manx wrote:
           | That's actually the definition of the median.
         | EGreg wrote:
         | That's what we said when AI beat chessplayers ranked below
         | 1450.
         | "Oh big deal"
         | Now they never lose to any human in any chess game ever.
           | bradleykingz wrote:
           | And yet humans still play chess
             | Filligree wrote:
             | But very few do so for money.
             | dangond wrote:
             | I love how the sheer simplicity of this comment manages to
             | convey so much about humanity and our drive to do things we
             | love. I feel a bit silly reacting like this, but it's truly
             | beautiful.
             | patrec wrote:
             | But plugged, at times.
         | hgsgm wrote:
       | nwoli wrote:
       | Algorithm code challenges is kind of a limited domain though
       | (with solutions often really easy to beat average humans if you
       | were allowed a lookup table of existing solutions). I wonder how
       | well it does on open ended everyday challenges
       | kevmo314 wrote:
       | Peter Norvig has written a good analysis with some interesting
       | takeaways:
       | https://github.com/norvig/pytudes/blob/main/ipynb/AlphaCode....
         | emptybits wrote:
         | Kevin Wang, competitive coder: "I also try to minimize the
         | amount of code I write: each line of code is just another
         | chance for a typo."
         | Peter Norvig: This is why AlphaCode learned to write code with
         | one-letter variable names, and with no comments or docstrings.
         | !!
           | pfdietz wrote:
           | This is why neural networks need to have pain buttons that
           | humans can repeatedly press. Of course that's how we get
           | killbots.
           | strofcon wrote:
           | Heh definitely an eyebrow-raising comment! On a second read
           | of it though, I took it more as "because minimizing the code
           | written is a pattern observed in the wild, AlphaCode mimics
           | it as that's what it learned from."
           | I might be terribly wrong though. :-D
           | Y_Y wrote:
           | To be fair, unless you're doing something absurd the length
           | of variable names shouldn't significantly affect the number
           | of lines. Also comments with typos aren't really a problem. I
           | don't like hard-to-read code either, but the more years I
           | work the more I think that the shortest (within reason) code
           | is the best code.
           | That is to say, golfing is bad unless for fun, shorter code
           | is usually better, the shitty hard to read code is probably a
           | reflection of human laziness rather than misguided tersity.
             | psychomugs wrote:
             | "If I had more time, I would have written shorter code"
         | ipnon wrote:
         | There's something to be said about publishing blog posts as
         | Jupyter notebooks straight to your GitHub. A strong argument
         | won't need decoration.
           | dclusin wrote:
           | Almost half the screen real estate on my iPhone SE was white
           | space. I had zero interest in reading something, especially
           | something that long and in depth on a page that wastes so
           | much space for literally nothing.
           | Typography, layout, and presentation counts for more than
           | coders such as myself will ever admit publicly :)
             | throw10920 wrote:
             | This is incidental. The current Jupyter CSS needs to be
             | improved - so what? That's not a bug unique to Jupyter,
             | I've seen dozens of other websites with similar problems
             | (some with extremely bare HTML and CSS that was minimal but
             | bad - so the problem is unrelated to complexity, too).
             | This has nothing to do with the parent comment's topic,
             | which was about using computational notebooks as blog
             | posts, and is in effect "complaining about tangential
             | annoyances--e.g. article or website formats, name
             | collisions, or back-button breakage" - which the guidelines
             | explicitly forbid.
           | bjornsing wrote:
           | Doesn't display correctly on my iPhone though. :/
         | Closi wrote:
         | I've been following the progress of AI code generation and I
         | have to say, the results are impressive. There are still some
         | limitations to these models, such as reproducing poor quality
         | training data and difficulty maintaining focus throughout a
         | problem.
         | I think using more diverse and high-quality training data could
         | help address these issues, and incorporating additional
         | constraints and regularization techniques into the model's
         | training could prevent hallucinations and improve its overall
         | reasoning abilities.
         | While there is room for improvement, the progress in this field
         | is exciting and I can't wait to see where it will lead.
         | NB: This comment was written by GPT-3 after reading the
         | article. The last few months of AI have been frankly mind-
         | boggling.
         | quaintdev wrote:
         | I tried throwing below programming problems at ChatGPT
         | 1. Write a static file server in Go
         | 2. Write Go code to convert Color image to B/W
         | For both I got results. I know both are simple but still it's
         | fascinating that AIs can write code. I have written more about
         | it here https://rohanrd.xyz/posts/surprising-capability-of-ai-
         | code-g...
           | i_hate_pigeons wrote:
           | I have tried given a simple test suite and asking for an
           | implementation that fulfills it, then asking to modify its
           | impl and the test suite with a new requirement and it did it
           | bradjohnson wrote:
           | I threw a leetcode easy description into ChatGPT and
           | submitted the solution without any editing. It passed all the
           | test cases and got in the 95th percentile for efficiency of
           | C++ submissions.
           | I haven't tried anything more advanced, but to go from simple
           | requirements to solution without any clarification or even
           | method signatures (It guessed the correct method signature
           | down to the name and input params) was pretty dang impressive
           | to me.
             | AnonymousPlanet wrote:
             | Chances are, you gave it a problem that was actually in its
             | training set.
               | bradjohnson wrote:
               | It's still impressive to me even if it was in its
               | training set. The data used for training is not stored
               | verbatim in the OpenAI model. It would still need to
               | parse the context anew and solve the problem given its
               | understanding of the boundaries of what I've written.
             | Dopameaner wrote:
             | On contrast, I did it for projecteuler and told it needs to
             | be extremely efficient or math. Didnt give me an
             | appropriate result.
           | twalla wrote:
           | I wrote a similar prompt but for a discord bot that would
           | take a youtube url and some timestamps and return a gif.
           | Afterwards I asked it to add an option to "deep fry" the gif.
           | Not only did it produce the correct code it also understood
           | what I meant when referring to deep fried gifs. I was
           | definitely impressed.
         | [deleted]
       | erikpukinskis wrote:
       | The most important thing I need from a programmer I work with is
       | their ability to have a fruitful conversation with me about why
       | the code might be written one way or another, and for them to
       | iterate on the code in response to those conversations.
       | If a coder can write code, but they can't do that, they're
       | useless to the org. It will be faster for me to write their code
       | myself than to maintain what they've done.
       | So really that's what I'd need from an AI coder. Writing the code
       | is good, but can we talk about it and can you learn the specific
       | architecture principles we have applie in this specific codebase.
         | roflyear wrote:
         | 99% of companies don't care about that. I would say 90% of
         | companies you'll create friction trying to have those
         | conversations "just get it done!"
           | jchanimal wrote:
           | It's true. For almost all of my career I've worked in the
           | software equivalent of a lab building a diamond making robot.
           | I did a stint at a consulting firm -- that was more like coal
           | mining than manufacturing gemstones. By this I mean never
           | ending surface area, and very little incentive to ever go
           | back and refactor anything.
           | londons_explore wrote:
           | For most orgs, code isn't the end product. Code is the way to
           | build the product to sell to the user.
           | Therefore, in most orgs, code architecture/style is a distant
           | secondary to 'does it achieve what the user will pay money
           | for' and 'why isn't it finished yesterday?'.
           | belter wrote:
           | "I'm sorry Dave...I can't do that"
         | lowbloodsugar wrote:
         | Pretty sure there are managers who don't know WTF you talking
         | about and will be happy to address your inability to work with
         | the new "hire" by letting you go.
         | This wont fly at organizations that need the code to work,
         | every time, but think about the explosion of non-programmers
         | who can now make systems that "basically work". If you don't
         | think "basically works" is a high enough bar to succeed in
         | e-commerce, let me show you my recent support email threads
         | with companies from whom I've been trying to purchase Xmas
         | gifts for my wife.
         | nashashmi wrote:
         | Can't say anything more after what coldtea wrote!
         | But this thing is not a sub for coders. It is an assistant to
         | coders. And yes, being able to explain the code is incredibly
         | important. Just as it is to verify the code.
         | To me, this is just another exercise where coder becomes
         | manager of his very own coder. And has to check the code his
         | coder produced.
         | [deleted]
         | jimbob45 wrote:
         | I couldn't agree more. Most of my job consists of gathering
         | requirements and brokering deals between affected departments.
         | I think most college students dream of the type of job that
         | could feasibly be replaced by AI. In reality, the coding is the
         | easiest part of the job and takes the least amount of time.
         | welshwelsh wrote:
         | ChatGPT can already do that. You can ask questions about the
         | code, make suggestions and it will take this into account and
         | write improved code. You can tell it the code it wrote produces
         | an error, and it will then find the error, explain what it did
         | wrong and fix it.
           | bcrosby95 wrote:
           | You can also tell it the code it wrote produces an error-
           | that-isn't-an-error, it will find that "error", explain what
           | it did "wrong" and "fix" it.
           | If you don't understand the program ChatGPT wrote, it will
           | happily butcher it for you, because it doesn't really
           | understand it either.
           | thedorkknight wrote:
           | I did this and it is pretty inconsistent. It kept telling me
           | I was using the wrong version of a library (which from what I
           | could tell by looking at documentation was just not correct,
           | but I didn't look into it too long), and at one point it just
           | kept insisting that it's code solution was correct when in
           | reality the error was due to it importing two different
           | libraries that use the same namespace, which led to an error
           | saying it couldn't find the function being called.
           | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
           | Personally, if I can track the problem down to a specific
           | chunk of code and know the input and expected outputs, I'm
           | 99% of the way to the solution.
           | furyofantares wrote:
           | What I've found is each iteration with ChatGPT is alright at
           | fixing or adding to the existing code per my instruction but
           | every iteration includes a significant chance of introducing
           | a new bug or simply forgetting some piece of the existing
           | code in the next iteration.
         | cdelsolar wrote:
         | ChatGPT can actually do that sometimes. I've been using it as a
         | rubber duck to help me debug code and it tells me what is wrong
         | with what I wrote and how to fix it.
           | soco wrote:
           | But does it give real and useful answers or is making
           | pleasant imaginary arguments?
             | john-radio wrote:
             | I can't speak for ChatGPT but the "AI" that I use for this
             | sort of development, the `M-x doctor` feature of emacs,
             | only makes pleasant imaginary arguments, mainly because it
             | was written in 1966, but it is still useful sometimes and
             | at least it doesn't make any incorrect assertions about
             | code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA
             | hgsgm wrote:
             | A rubber duck doesn't even give imaginary arguments.
             | The point is to stimulate brainstorming, not get answers.
               | soco wrote:
               | Yes, rubber duck debugging is self-talk so the task still
               | sits with the programmer. However with the AI one get
               | external answers which may or may be not correct, and
               | could or could not influence one's decisions.
             | drakenot wrote:
             | I don't know if this is a philosophical question or not,
             | but the answer for me is: most of the time it is useful
             | answers.
         | borbulon wrote:
         | You're making it seem like AI will replace coders. Do you think
         | Dall-E will replace artists, or just make an artist's job
         | different?
         | IMO it's more like a coder using AI to make their job easier.
         | It's still up to a human to come up with the individual problem
         | the function solves, architect a solution from multiple
         | functions/objects/etc, come up with a data model, and so on and
         | so on. The AI just generates the code itself. And at least as
         | of now, the code needs to be double-checked.
           | bufferoverflow wrote:
           | DallE, Midjourney, and StableDiffusion are already taking
           | jobs. Illustrations, album covers, blog post images. People
           | are making beautiful books and playing cards.
           | Midjourney V4 is amazing. It spits out absolutely beautiful
           | images.
             | derefr wrote:
             | To be precise, AI is "taking jobs" that could have already
             | been commoditized long ago if people in developing
             | countries understood how Fiverr worked and had set up "art
             | sweatshops" to serve demand.
             | There's enough art talent already around in the world to
             | entirely commoditize the supply of it for the little one-
             | off no-style-guide-to-follow commissioned works you're
             | talking about. It's just not currently a _liquid_ market --
             | supply and demand find it hard to discover one-another --
             | and so a true market-clearing price can 't be set.
             | Meanwhile, AI is not currently taking anyone's advertising-
             | campaign graphic design job, or anything else where the
             | "efficient-market price" (in a world where human "art
             | sweatshops" existed) would be more than $5.
             | thedorkknight wrote:
             | How many of those people would have actually paid for an
             | artist otherwise though? I myself am thinking of playing
             | around with game dev for fun with the thought of using
             | image AI to generate the art. Were it not for that, I'd
             | just use free textures, or more likely, just spend my time
             | doing something else entirely
           | weatherlite wrote:
           | > You're making it seem like AI will replace coders
           | I find it best to accept it will most likely replace all of
           | us, from doctors to coders to even psychotherapists. Won't
           | happen next year but 10-20 years is a very long time this
           | thing keeps getting better. Eventually we won't be able to
           | tell if its a machine or a brilliant superhuman. The bummer
           | in all of this, in my view, isn't the loss of jobs; we'll
           | find what to do. It's the transition period - the accounting
           | wizard or the brilliant doctor losing their jobs and status
           | and becoming kindergarten teachers or care takers or
           | unemployed. Nothing in their upbringing or life experience
           | prepared them for such a thing ... so that's probably gonna
           | be rough for many people. But once most people went through
           | the transition it won't be bad. Society I believe will be
           | better off. We will stop being obsessed with money and status
           | and spend much more time with family and friends.
           | Entertainment will be insanely good and so will healthcare.
           | Possibly medicine to make our moods better. It could be
           | utopia.
             | p0pcult wrote:
             | Currently, the economics don't stack up. How does society
             | handle it when the best jobs are automated? When all jobs
             | are automated?
             | The Star Trek post-scarcity utopia scenario feels very
             | unlikely; Mad Max-style scrapping for leftovers while Musk,
             | Bezos, et. al. live behind walls feels infinitely more
             | probable.
             | How do you implement UBI when a huge proportion of the
             | political class is vehemently against it. Maybe we need to
             | AI politicians, so they start to figure it out?
               | weatherlite wrote:
               | I don't have anything figured out but I think we can do
               | it as a society. I do think we have a very negative
               | biased view of the ultra rich. Zuckerberg, Gates and
               | Buffett all give or will give all of their wealth to
               | society. So not all of them are the same. I think Musk
               | will probably also give most back eventually though I'm
               | not sure he has said anything yet.
               | And remember, we are still a democracy. We get to vote.
               | We control the army and the police and all institutions.
               | If we decide that this capitalism isn't hot sh* anymore
               | we can change it. What will the evil billionaires do?
               | (this sounds like a good straight to DVD movie
               | actually...hey GPT write me a script about this)
             | selimthegrim wrote:
             | As a resident of New Orleans I assure you the healthcare is
             | not insanely good
             | xpe wrote:
             | > But once most people went through the transition it won't
             | be bad. Society I believe will be better off. We will stop
             | being obsessed with money and status and spend much more
             | time with family and friends. Entertainment will be
             | insanely good and so will healthcare. Possibly medicine to
             | make our moods better. It could be utopia.
             | First, I don't see "utopia" as likely; furthermore, I have
             | a suspicion it may be impossible, given human nature.
             | Second, even the argument that society will be "better"
             | demands much more reflection. The implied argument above is
             | only a sketch. I don't find it convincing much less
             | plausible. I'll call attention to four points (implied from
             | above):
             | 1. AI will replace humans in most or all professions
             | 2. AI quality will be much higher than the previous human
             | levels
             | 3. A broad swath of people (using some notion of equity and
             | fairness) will have enough money to live happily
             | 4. "We'll spend much more time with family and friends"
             | Each of the four points are quite uncertain. Furthermore,
             | even if `k` is true, `k+1` does not follow.
             | Who would like to flesh out some ways the sequence (1, 2,
             | 3, 4) might happen?
               | weatherlite wrote:
               | Yes of course you are right, we don't know anything yet I
               | agree. I am speculating a lot here. But I'm a believer in
               | "intelligence as a commodity" as Sam Altman put it after
               | seeing GPT3.5 so I think points 1 and 2 will be reality.
               | 3 follows quite naturally to me but only in Western
               | societies... Putin will have different ideas.
               | Anyway speculating is fun but you're right its just
               | speculating. My main point is we should always keep in
               | mind this could turn out to be great .
               | monocasa wrote:
               | I'm not sure 3 follows. A walk downtown of any major city
               | in America shows what society does for anyone who's work
               | can't be commoditized or aren't sitting on an existing
               | pile of wealth such that they don't need to work.
               | They get nothing but tents and shame.
               | weatherlite wrote:
               | That's because people like you and me (I'm assuming
               | you're somewhere in the comfortable middle class) vote in
               | for this system. Because so far we've enjoyed a
               | reasonable quality of life. If that's no longer the case,
               | we can vote for other leaders and other systems.
               | monocasa wrote:
               | Not really unfortunately, the US hasn't been a democracy
               | reflecting the collective will of it's voters for some
               | time now.
               | https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746
               | xpe wrote:
               | Fair enough :)
               | _And_ if since we care about our AI-interdependent
               | future, more of us (as in the people here on HN) need to
               | wade into the gory details, including ethics and the
               | current power structures. The "technology" (as in
               | algorithms, data structures, hardware, etc) is arguably
               | the "easy" part. There are plenty of existing incentives
               | and structures to keep those _moving_. But moving in what
               | direction? Even the notion of an "ethical compass" seems
               | antiquated in light of current technology. We may have to
               | reframe everything. This is a big challenge.
             | xpe wrote:
             | > It's the transition period - the accounting wizard or the
             | brilliant doctor losing their jobs and status and becoming
             | kindergarten teachers or care takers or unemployed.
             | Yes, this is a big problem.
             | However... a lot of people would enjoy being teachers,
             | albeit with significant improvements to the educational
             | systems.
               | weatherlite wrote:
               | We can enjoy it if there's more of us. Each class can
               | have 5 teachers instead of one teacher on 30 kids.
               | Government can create those jobs, take the hundred of
               | trillions created and redistribute it. Marx was right I
               | think capitalism eventually kills itself ...we won't need
               | it anymore. Arguably we already don't need the aggressive
               | version we have now but soon enough it will be clear we
               | don't need any version of it. The means of production
               | (AI, robots and land) will be transferred to the people
               | who will all receive basic income, free services and (if
               | they want) jobs created by the government for the greater
               | good. I don't think its a dystopia.
               | xpe wrote:
               | > Marx was right I think capitalism eventually kills
               | itself ...
               | I doubt very much that this is a testable theory. I think
               | it is primarily a normative one.
               | xpe wrote:
               | > The means of production (AI, robots and land) will be
               | transferred to the people who will all receive basic
               | income, free services and (if they want) jobs created by
               | the government for the greater good.
               | This is a prediction?
               | Given human nature and the diversity of people (w.r.t.
               | rationality, religiosity, morality, capability, and so
               | on), it is very much an open question about (a) how AI
               | capabilities will develop; (b) how they will be paid
               | for... (c) and by whom; (d) to whom will benefits accrue;
               | (e) how will society change.
               | These are broad, sweeping questions. Plenty of fodder for
               | imagination, hope, transformation, cynicism, backsliding,
               | or even despair.
               | If I were to make a bet, on our current trajectory, I see
               | some key factors in tension:
               | 1. educational quality, in absolute terms, increasing
               | _and_ being more equitable
               | 2. educational quality, in relative terms, continuing to
               | be very unequal and probably getting more so. As one
               | example, who has the resources to direct computationally
               | intensive AI experiments? There are (and probably will be
               | for a long time) gatekeepers for these resources. People
               | that mix in this circles have a huge advantage. This
               | makes me wonder if "exclusivity leads to inequality" is a
               | saying from some philosopher.
             | rurp wrote:
             | > We will stop being obsessed with money and status and
             | spend much more time with family and friends. Entertainment
             | will be insanely good and so will healthcare.
             | As nice as this would be, I think there's roughly 0% chance
             | of it happening. Over the past few millenia humans have
             | doubled productivity per capita a ridiculous number of
             | times. None of those leaps led to an end of status seeking
             | or a transition towards mostly leasure time for the masses.
             | Instead I expect more of the opposite from these
             | developments. Power will get increasingly concentrated with
             | people who have very little interest in the needs and wants
             | of the plebs.
               | weatherlite wrote:
               | > Power will get increasingly concentrated with people
               | who have very little interest in the needs and wants of
               | the plebs.
               | At least in OpenAI's case I think they take this thing
               | very seriously (Sam Altman doesn't strike me as evil one
               | bit, quite the opposite in fact
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEvbDq6BOVM). In fact
               | most of the tech elites don't seem evil to me, if they
               | only cared about money Zuckerberg and Gates wouldn't have
               | pledged away all their wealth. Some of them are as you
               | describe but I think most of them are actually somewhere
               | in the progressive axis.
               | rurp wrote:
               | We have pretty different views on tech elites. I don't
               | think they are evil per se, but most are greedy and
               | generally lack empathy. It's almost impossible to go from
               | mildly wealthy to multi-billionaire status without some
               | aggressive wealth accumulation.
               | For the philanthropy, I'll just note that these pledges
               | don't involve literally transferring 99% of wealth out of
               | their control. The vast majority of the pledged money
               | goes to a trust the person controls, organizations they
               | have some relation to, or just stay completely in their
               | control for years with only vague non-binding commitments
               | to eventually donate it. In return for this largess they
               | get significant reputational and tax compensation.
               | eulers_secret wrote:
               | Your argument is that the philanthropy of the ruling
               | class will fulfill the required redistribution of wealth?
               | So far it hasn't worked out too well...
               | weatherlite wrote:
               | Not quite. The argument is that our tech elites aren't so
               | evil to try to violently take over and that us masses can
               | simply vote a more (much more) socialist system.
               | It's up to us. Indeed easier said than done in the
               | current dysfunctional and polarized politics of ours but
               | we can still do it.
           | spaceman_2020 wrote:
           | No, but it is very likely that it reduces to demand for
           | coders and artists.
           | Sure, there will always be demand for a Linus Torvalds or a
           | Damien Hirst. But will there be demand for Coder #365968 at
           | Infosys or a graphic designer pumping out $50 ad banners?
           | We're looking at the possibility of some white collar jobs
           | having the same income disparity as creative jobs. Just as
           | there are some musicians who make hundreds of millions while
           | the vast majority barely make ends meet, we may have a future
           | where the star programmers make millions while the average
           | players are automated out of the competition.
             | weatherlite wrote:
             | > No, but it is very likely that it reduces to demand for
             | coders and artists
             | Eventually, I agree yes. But there could be a boom of huge
             | new investments into A.I products, more devs needed and in
             | fact teams getting way more requirements since they are
             | more productive. Imagine the stuff we will be able to build
             | in things like search, personal assistants, biomed, in fact
             | what industry won't this affect? Its unbelievable to me
             | that people are now saying Google search might become
             | obsolete, that's absolutely crazy. Not many people saw that
             | one coming. But at least initially I don't think GPT models
             | will be able to do everything themselves. So its very hard
             | to determine that say in the coming 5 years devs will find
             | it more difficult to get a job. 10-20 years from now sure,
             | I don't see how anyone gets a cognitive job anymore let
             | alone devs. In fact our entire school/university system is
             | probably obsolete, kids are probably learning skills they
             | won't be able to apply in any job market. We need to start
             | think about stuff like teaching kids emotional
             | intelligence, spirituality and meditation...not cramming
             | for a math test.
           | c3534l wrote:
           | Eventually. 20 years, 50, maybe 100. But eventually.
             | jve wrote:
             | ... people still freaking out machines will replace
             | someone, since what, industrialization 200+ years ago?
             | People still work, just maybe different jobs or more
             | intellectual jobs.
               | phito wrote:
               | Except this time it's different
               | https://youtu.be/WSKi8HfcxEk
           | coldtea wrote:
           | > _Do you think Dall-E will replace artists, or just make an
           | artist 's job different?_
           | If an ad agency or a magazine publisher can get a custom
           | illustration that works for my purposes from Dall-E, then
           | they ain't paying no artist. Not theoritical, many already do
           | use those generated images.
           | That's not just "making the artist's job easier". It's taking
           | jobs from artists (well, illustrators and graphic designers
           | at least), especially in the cheaper end of the business
           | (e.g. not Nike, but your local Pet Store chain, restaurant,
           | or news outlet, sure).
             | darkerside wrote:
             | People will tire of DALLE eventually. We are great pattern
             | matches, and we'll start to see the patterns that don't
             | measure up. Then it'll be all about the next AI engine, and
             | it'll need its own corpus of work. Who's going to create
             | it?
             | So yes, not OP, but I think artists will still have jobs,
             | although less of them, and the job will be different.
               | YetAnotherNick wrote:
               | There is no indication that we don't have enough images
               | already available and training time is the main
               | bottleneck. Also openai clear showed that DALL-E could
               | generate avacado chair even though there is nothing like
               | that in the dataset.
             | mitchdoogle wrote:
             | There's still a matter of taste that Dall-E can't provide.
             | It will only spit out what you tell it to, and if you lack
             | good taste, then you'll still produce something inferior
               | synu wrote:
               | It must be relatively easier though to be a discerning
               | consumer than having the ability to produce something
               | yourself (without using AI?)
           | xbmcuser wrote:
           | It will replace coders with thinkers. The number of people
           | that have ideas good or bad is large compared to the people
           | that can implement those ideas as these bots/ai get better
           | they will produce a lot of code. At the start it will
           | probably increase the amount of code produced and the number
           | of coders but with time as the ai gets better need for coders
           | will decrease. We will need people that can think or imagine
           | ideas rather than coders now these people might still be
           | considered software developers but they will not be coders in
           | strictest sense of the word.
         | coldtea wrote:
         | > _The most important thing I need from a programmer I work
         | with is their ability to have a fruitful conversation with me
         | about why the code might be written one way or another, and for
         | them to iterate on the code in response to those conversations.
         | If a coder can write code, but they can't do that, they're
         | useless to the org._
         | Don't worry, you wont be there at the org to make these
         | "fruitful conversations" either. The AI will take your job too
           | WrtCdEvrydy wrote:
           | > Don't worry, you wont be there at the org to make these
           | "fruitful conversations" either. The AI will take your job
           | too
           | I've been waiting for something to take my job for 15 years.
           | I started as a small developer testing radio firmware, moved
           | on to test web firmware, now I instruct terraform how to
           | build infrastructure and now I instruct developers on how to
           | do things to build proper infrastructure.
           | I'm ready to retire but apparently I'm incapable of having an
           | AI that can actually simulate Super Power ADHD at work, so
           | we'll have to wait a bit.
             | npigrounet wrote:
             | soperj wrote:
             | If you're ready to retire, retire. If they can't replace
             | you, they should be paying you way more.
               | Supermancho wrote:
               | I have observed that companies will choose not to invest
               | further in irreplaceable labor, under any circumstance.
               | Every single company with, that I have been part of over
               | the decades (30ish?), exhibits the same behavior when it
               | becomes common knowledge that someone is a linchpin. Put
               | the company in a game of chicken for a raise (which
               | includes an implicit, or-I-quit) and they let the
               | "irreplaceable" employee go. Every single time. It's not
               | hard to see why. No company wants to have a disgruntled
               | linchpin nor do they want to be beholden to some lower
               | level character.
               | microtherion wrote:
               | Much as I'd like to side with labor here, the companies
               | are probably right. Even if the linchpin is high level
               | and happy, building around a single, irreplaceable
               | employee is not a sound long term strategy.
               | For all the important contributions Steve Jobs made to
               | Apple when he returned, maybe the least heralded and
               | hardest to implement is that he managed to NOT make
               | himself irreplaceable. To many people's surprise, Apple
               | did not collapse after his retirement and death. So maybe
               | his most genius contribution was not to make Apple
               | dependent on his ongoing genius contributions.
               | andrekandre wrote:
               | >  So maybe his most genius contribution was not to make
               | Apple dependent on his ongoing genius contributions.
               | i wonder if we all acted in this way, would things be
               | better than they are? do we as individuals put our
               | need/want to be depended upon above what is (for lack of
               | a better term) the long-term good?
               | soperj wrote:
               | Don't know why you'd stay on then?
               | blacksmith_tb wrote:
               | My experience is similar, though I would personally
               | attribute it at least partly to stupidity - on the one
               | hand, in most cases when I have worked with someone
               | crucial, they've been with the company longer than the
               | people managing them, so the person or people making the
               | firing decision don't really understand what's at stake.
               | Or to put it another way, their cost-benefit is flawed,
               | they know what it'd cost to keep the key employee, but
               | they fail to imagine what it will cost to let them go.
               | Supermancho wrote:
               | > My experience is similar, though I would personally
               | attribute it at least partly to stupidity
               | Every company has suffered from the decision, in my
               | experience. Never has it destroyed the employer, but I
               | have heard stories about such eventualities.
       | swissdevgirl wrote:
       | It seems preposterous, but DeepMind's new coding AI just trounced
       | roughly 50 percent of human coders in a highly competitive
       | programming competition.
         | agloeregrets wrote:
         | So you're telling me it had requirements and expected results?
         | My job is safe I see.
           | JacobThreeThree wrote:
           | Wait until the AI starts writing requirements and
           | specifications docs.
             | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
             | It'll still be gibberish, but at least it's more likely
             | it'll be grammatically correct.
             | belter wrote:
             | Created by ChatGPT just now...
             | Title: Online Website for Chocolate Donuts
             | Objective:
             | The objective of this website is to provide a platform for
             | customers to order and purchase chocolate donuts online.
             | The website will offer a variety of chocolate donut flavors
             | and allow customers to customize their orders by choosing
             | toppings and packaging options.
             | Functional Requirements:
             | Customers should be able to create an account and log in to
             | the website. Customers should be able to browse and view
             | the available chocolate donut flavors, toppings, and
             | packaging options. Customers should be able to add
             | chocolate donuts and toppings to their cart and specify the
             | quantity of each item. Customers should be able to view
             | their cart and checkout to place their order. The website
             | should process payment and provide confirmation of the
             | order. Customers should be able to track the status of
             | their order and receive updates on the expected delivery
             | time.
             | Non-Functional Requirements:
             | The website should be secure and protect customer
             | information. The website should be easy to use and
             | navigate. The website should be accessible on a range of
             | devices, including desktop computers, laptops, and mobile
             | devices. The website should load quickly and be responsive
             | to user actions. The website should have a clean and
             | professional design.
             | User Roles and Permissions:
             | Customers: Customers will be able to create an account, log
             | in, browse and order chocolate donuts, track their order
             | status, and access their account information. Admin: The
             | admin will be responsible for managing the website,
             | including adding and removing products, processing orders,
             | and managing customer information.
             | User Interface Design:
             | The website will have a clean and professional design, with
             | a navigation menu at the top of the page and a search bar
             | for customers to easily find specific products. The home
             | page will feature a carousel of images showcasing the
             | available chocolate donut flavors and toppings. The product
             | pages will display images and descriptions of the chocolate
             | donuts, along with options for toppings and packaging. The
             | cart page will display the items in the customer's cart,
             | along with the total price and a checkout button. The
             | checkout page will allow customers to enter their shipping
             | and payment information, review their order, and place
             | their order. The order confirmation page will display the
             | details of the customer's order and provide an estimated
             | delivery time. The account page will allow customers to
             | view and update their account information, including their
             | shipping and payment details.
             | Database Design:
             | The website will have a database to store customer
             | information, including their name, email address, shipping
             | and payment details, and order history. The database will
             | also store information on the available chocolate donut
             | flavors, toppings, and packaging options. The database will
             | keep track of the current orders and their status,
             | including the expected delivery time.
             | Technical Requirements:
             | The website will be built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
             | for the front-end, and a server-side language such as PHP
             | or Ruby for the back-end. The website will use a database
             | management system such as MySQL to store and manage the
             | data. The website will be hosted on a web server and
             | accessed through a domain name. The website will use a
             | secure socket layer (SSL) to encrypt data and protect
             | customer information.
             | Testing:
             | The website will be tested to ensure that it meets the
             | functional and non-functional requirements. User acceptance
             | testing will be performed to ensure that the website is
             | easy to use and navigate. The website will be tested for
             | compatibility on different devices
               | yunohn wrote:
               | That is beyond high level. Best case, that's a highly
               | summarized generic version of some actual requirements.
               | hoot wrote:
               | I guarantee the OP could have asked GPT to expand on each
               | of those and it would have done so flawlessly.
         | jgalt212 wrote:
         | So you're saying imposter syndrome is a real thing?
       | krzat wrote:
       | I hope we will get some AI for static analysis. It would be nice
       | to hover on a symbol and get high level description of what it
       | does, what pattern it follows, etc. AI can access not only
       | current state of the code, but it's entire history, which no
       | human would have time for.
       | rcpt wrote:
       | Alright everyone it's time to unionize
       | zh3 wrote:
       | I'm old enough to remmber the furore when calculators came on the
       | scene ("Calculators Conquer Arithmetic, Performing better than
       | humans"). Having played with various AIs, it feels similar -
       | impressive when there's a known solution to look up
       | (probabilistically guessed by the AI in this case) but flummoxed
       | as soon as novel analysis is neccessary.
         | riku_iki wrote:
         | But how many humans lost jobs to calculators?
           | _dain_ wrote:
           | Lots, actually. The word "computer" used to refer to a job
           | that humans did, full time.
       | samvher wrote:
       | I'm confused - how much has changed since February? The DeepMind
       | blog post [0] seems to suggest not much. When I saw this headline
       | on the front page I thought there were some major advances,
       | again, but it seems not?
       | [0] https://www.deepmind.com/blog/competitive-programming-
       | with-a...
         | espadrine wrote:
         | Nothing has changed. The publication process to the Science
         | journal took time and was finally published on 8 Dec.[0]
         | [0]: https://www.deepmind.com/blog/competitive-programming-
         | with-a...
       | q-base wrote:
       | I have made most of my money as a freelancer making weird
       | integrations between legacy systems, migrating data that no one
       | knew anything about, building or designing systems people weren't
       | even able to formulate in any coherent way to me as a human and
       | without having to change all the things they were certain they
       | needed, when they found out that they really did not.
       | Building the thing right vs. building the right thing.
       | I am not saying that AI will not be able to revolutionize a lot
       | of areas, but solving well known coding competitions are far
       | removed from where a large portion of coders and technical people
       | make their money.
       | Havoc wrote:
       | >> It doesn't have any built-in knowledge about computer code
       | syntax or structure.
       | It's pretty impressive that this naive approach works on
       | something as complicated as coding. In hindsight it seems
       | "obvious" that it would work in game-like contexts like chess/go.
       | Programming feels like its a significantly higher level challenge
       | in a way (not that go is trivial)
       | borbulon wrote:
       | Even if it were bulletproof I don't think it's necessarily a bad
       | thing, it would probably make the average engineer more
       | productive if most of their job was architecture, and the writing
       | of individual bits of code was something automated.
       | It's a lot like the conversation not too long ago that AI was
       | going to replace managers. Sure, some aspect of their work might
       | be gone, but it didn't obviate the need for the human.
       | raydiatian wrote:
       | One thing software engineers can do now is push legislation that
       | will protect their jobs from being replace by AI. It won't be
       | _that_ long until there is a 10x improvement in AI-based software
       | development over human-based, easily on the order of legislation
       | lifecycle. When that happens, we need to be legally at the table,
       | or we will straight up be cut out of the profits by billionaires
       | and hedgefunds, because fuck us and anybody except for them (it
       | is their world financially).
       | addedlovely wrote:
       | What happens in a future where AI, that is trained on human
       | generated datasets, becomes so prevalent that the humans that
       | created the training data no longer have the original skillset
       | required to create said dataset.
       | Are we going to end up with AI training on AI generated datasets.
       (page generated 2022-12-15 23:00 UTC)