[HN Gopher] OCaml 5.0 Multicore is out
       OCaml 5.0 Multicore is out
       Author : sadiq
       Score  : 217 points
       Date   : 2022-12-16 12:21 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (discuss.ocaml.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (discuss.ocaml.org)
       | systems wrote:
       | Still no native windows build To install on windows, I guess your
       | best bet is via WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
       | I now run mainly on windows and this is an issue for me to try
       | OCaml
         | Tomte wrote:
         | Do I misremember? I thought that was a goal for 5.0.
           | octachron wrote:
           | Not for 5.0, the aim of 5.0 was to focus on getting multicore
           | support out of the door. Thus only mingw64 is supported for
           | Windows. Support for MSVC will come with later versions. At
           | the same time, improving opam ecosystem support for Windows
           | is one of the major goal of opam 2.2 . Thus hopefully the
           | support for native Windows will improve in the future (next
           | year?).
             | Tomte wrote:
             | Thank you, that's good.
         | runevault wrote:
         | I saw some kind of other installer that might come with either
         | MSYS2 or Cygwin I forget which, but it also said that installer
         | takes 2 hours to run. They seem to strongly recommend WSL over
         | it based on how I read things.
         | dra27 wrote:
         | opam 2.2's release cycle has fallen a bit behind the compiler's
         | (actually because of the Windows support). It's an experimental
         | branch, but this works with opam-repository-mingw to get a
         | vanilla mingw-w64 build of OCaml 5.0.0:
         | opam switch create 5.0
         | --repos=dra27=git+https://github.com/dra27/opam-
         | repository#windows-compilers --packages=ocaml.5.0.0,ocaml-
         | option-mingw
       | no_wizard wrote:
       | Jane Street must be so happy today! I think this opens up a whole
       | new host of fast applications on ocaml.
       | I wonder how this will affect ReScript
       | Alifatisk wrote:
       | What an amazing ending of 2022!
       | Just Hotwire Strada left.
       | [deleted]
       | runevault wrote:
       | Been dabbling in f# lately, but this has me wanting to give OCaml
       | a try for comparison, very interested in the new effects stuff.
         | rigoleto wrote:
         | I wish OCaml had something like F#'s lightweight syntax:
         | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-ref...
           | bitbckt wrote:
           | It's been tried
           | https://people.csail.mit.edu/mikelin/ocaml+twt/
           | runevault wrote:
           | I'd never seen the verbose syntax for f#, I thought you had
           | to write it the whitespace dependent way. Huh.
           | cies wrote:
           | ReasonML or ReScript not your cup of tea? They are different
           | syntactical front-ends for OCaml.
         | devmunchies wrote:
         | Yes, I started in OCaml but switched to F# for the last 3 years
         | and will likely move back to OCaml when effects are mature
         | (when lwt and async are snuffed out).
         | Being able to use C# libs is very nice but also it sucks that I
         | don't have true null safety.
         | Who knows, maybe F# is always more performant than OCaml and it
         | doesn't make sense to switch back.
       | keepquestioning wrote:
       | Does it support Apple Silicon Macs?
         | phplovesong wrote:
         | Yes.
       | logicchains wrote:
       | I remember around a decade ago when I first got into programming,
       | I was super excited that OCaml would soon get multicore,
       | regularly checking the progress. Although it took a lot longer
       | than I imagined it would, nevertheless it feels amazing to see it
       | finally here, almost like a dream when you've waited so long for
       | something and you can't believe it's finally happening.
       | InitEnabler wrote:
       | What OSS is out there that uses OCaml?
         | ziotom78 wrote:
         | FFTW is written in C, but it used a FFT compiler written in
         | OCaml to generate snippets of C code. [1]
         | [1] https://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/Generating-your-own-
         | code.html
         | giraffe_lady wrote:
         | A lot of projects also _started_ on ocaml and then later moved
         | off of it once they had succeeded by showing the concept works
         | and got some momentum going. People like it for exploratory
         | compiler dev, then switch off it when their language can self
         | host. IIRC both rust and elm started like this, certainly
         | others as well.
           | Skinney wrote:
           | nitpick: Elm was and is written in Haskell.
             | giraffe_lady wrote:
             | Oh you're right. Now that I think about it elm is more
             | stylistically similar to haskell too. Last time I used elm
             | I had never played with haskell so I probably just assumed
             | it was related to ocaml which I did know.
           | phplovesong wrote:
           | Yup. Rust was originally written in OCaml
           | https://github.com/rust-
           | lang/rust/tree/ef75860a0a72f79f97216...
         | abathologist wrote:
         | here are a few
         | - https://github.com/coq/coq
         | - https://github.com/mirage/mirage
         | - https://github.com/returntocorp/semgrep
         | - https://github.com/bcpierce00/unison
         | See https://v2.ocaml.org/learn/companies.html for some more
         | leads, as lots of those companies maintain useful OSS software.
         | actionfromafar wrote:
         | The Haxe language: https://haxe.org/
         | https://frama-c.com/
         | https://fbinfer.com/
         | https://mirage.io/
         | https://coq.inria.fr/
         | https://github.com/ygrek/mldonkey (Stale project but large
         | codebase.)
         | https://akabe.github.io/ocaml-jupyter/
         | https://reasonml.github.io/
         | https://github.com/moby/vpnkit (Used by Docker)
           | dunham wrote:
           | Also https://flow.org/
       | badrabbit wrote:
       | I started learning ocaml and i stopped when I heard about the
       | lack of multicore support (felt like it wasn't ready for general
       | purpose use) this is an awesome developemt. From all the
       | functional lanuages I've sampled so far Ocaml is the most
       | intuitive. Hoping to finally get into it in 2023.
       | Great work Ocaml devs!
         | hnra wrote:
         | Did you compare it to F#? I'll probably try to learn an ML
         | language next year and without doing much research F# looks
         | really nice since it gets all the .Net benefits.
           | ecshafer wrote:
           | I like F# and I think its a great language. But I also think
           | it will always be second class for Microsoft.
           | badrabbit wrote:
           | I haven't tried F# because I am already having to work with
           | powershell and C# and that whole .net/visualstudio ecosystem.
           | The last thing I will look at on my personal time is a
           | language in that ecosystem but since you recommended it I
           | will have a look.
           | mbac32768 wrote:
           | F# is nicer than the alternatives if you need to be (or want
           | to be) on the Microsoft ecosystem but there are some things I
           | miss when I use it from OCaml, like modules and functors. It
           | also doesn't support named arguments, which are a fairly
           | trivial thing that drastically cuts down the bugspace and
           | increase usability for me.
           | I also don't _think_ F# is as fast as OCaml?
           | Fairly relevant piece of culture on why a company switched
           | from OCaml to F# https://blog.darklang.com/new-backend-
           | fsharp/
             | jjtheblunt wrote:
             | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-
             | ref...
             | might be now in there.
       | vkazanov wrote:
       | Amazing! An incredible amount of effort! This was holding back
       | ocaml almost for as long as I remember - and now it's just gone.
       | Congratulations to the team!
       | What are the next plans for the project? Spread newly available
       | features..?
         | sadiq wrote:
         | There's definitely some work to build atop the new
         | functionality available in 5.0 and make sure there's plenty of
         | good learning material.
         | In terms of the compiler and runtime development, the OCaml and
         | ML Workshops at ICFP in October have videos that cover some of
         | the experimental work happening: https://watch.ocaml.org/video-
         | channels/ocaml2022/videos and
         | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyrlk8Xaylp7f8T7L5SFF...
         | There's also a compiler development newsletter that's posted on
         | the discuss at regular intervals which details some of the
         | other work happening: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ocaml-
         | compiler-development-newsl...
       | sadiq wrote:
       | There are a few OCaml contributors lurking and happy to answer
       | questions if you have them.
         | jon_smark wrote:
         | Are the plans for typed algebraic effects solidifying, or are
         | they still nebulous? Concretely, are you willing to take a
         | guess as to when we are expected to see OCaml 6? ;-)
           | kcsrk wrote:
           | Rather than a full effect system, we're very likely to have
           | lexically scoped "checked" effects with the help of modal
           | types. I briefly talked about it at the end of my ICFP
           | keynote: https://icfp22.sigplan.org/details/icfp-2022-papers/
           | 48/Retro...
           | There are other cool stuff that is being worked on, which I
           | am very excited about: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/jane-
           | street-compiler-development.... Hopefully, we will see many
           | of these make it into OCaml 6.
             | jon_smark wrote:
             | Thanks for the reply. I hope that the array and list
             | comprehensions land soon in upstream; it's a useful and
             | hopefully not-too-controversial feature.
             | I'm more ambivalent regarding the local allocations and the
             | unboxed types. I totally understand why they'd be useful
             | when you are trying to squeeze every last drop of
             | performance, but they do require a not-so-trivial
             | complexification of the language.
               | kcsrk wrote:
               | The local types are less invasive than the full support
               | for typed effects. In particular, they are opt-in and
               | associated complexity is pay-as-you-go. In my initial
               | experiments, they seemed pretty nice to program with.
           | octachron wrote:
           | The type system for algebraic effects is still in the
           | research and design phase at this point.
           | Right now, I am not even taking a guess of what will be the
           | defining new major features of OCaml 6 (effect system +
           | modular implicits maybe? Maybe not?).
             | jon_smark wrote:
             | Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping that modular macros land
             | soon. I'm very ambivalent about the PPX mechanism, and I
             | hope that modular macros reduces the need of PPX.
         | pdimitar wrote:
         | As an Elixir (which steps on Erlang) and Rust dev I'm curious
         | if you think OCaml 5.0 / Eio will give the Erlang's BEAM VM and
         | Rust's tokio a run for their money in the parallel runtime
         | space.
         | I'm super curious about OCaml, picked it up and left it several
         | times in the last 3 years. Now that multicore is here I'll
         | absolutely be picking it up again and try to use it for
         | parallel scripting and for some of my work. Great job!
           | sadiq wrote:
           | We certainly hope so. You may find Thomas Leonard's talk from
           | last year's workshop interesting: https://watch.ocaml.org/vid
           | eos/watch/74ece0a8-380f-4e2a-bef5...
           | The paper we wrote on retrofitting effect handlers:
           | https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.00250 also has some http
           | benchmarks
       | mbac32768 wrote:
       | People who aren't PL theorists understand the multicore benefits
       | even if the retrofitting paper might be over their heads. On the
       | other hand, the bounding data races in time and space
       | paper/presentation is also a fairly significant change that I
       | don't think the average dev has an easy to understand
       | relationship with.
       | Anil covers it in a bit more plain English in this Signals and
       | Threads episode. Here's a bit of the transcript, starting at
       | about 50 minutes in: https://signalsandthreads.com/what-is-an-
       | operating-system/
       | > Ron: Do you have a pithy example of a pitfall in multicore Java
       | that doesn't exist in multicore OCaml?
       | > Anil: There's something called a data race. And when you have a
       | data race, this means that two threads of parallel execution are
       | accessing the same memory at the same time. At this point, the
       | program has to decide what the semantics are. In C++, for
       | example, when you have a data race, it results in undefined
       | behavior for the rest of the program, the program can do
       | anything. Conventionally, daemons could fly out of your nose is
       | an example of just what the compiler can do.
       | > In Java, you can have data races that are bounded in time so
       | the fact that you change a value can mean later on in execution,
       | because of the workings of the JVM, you can then have some kind
       | of undefined behavior. It's very hard to debug because it is
       | happening temporally across executions of multiple threads.
       | > In OCaml, we guarantee that the program is consistent and
       | sequentially consistent between data races. It's hard to explain
       | any more without showing you fragments of code. But conceptually,
       | if there's a data race in OCaml code, it will not spread in
       | either space or time. In C++, if there's a data race, it'll
       | spread to the rest of the codebase. In Java, if there's a data
       | race, it'll spread through potentially multiple executions of
       | that bit of code in the future.
       | > In OCaml, none of those things happen. The data race happens,
       | some consequence exists in that particular part of the code but
       | it doesn't spread through the program. So if you're debugging it,
       | you can spot your data race because it happens in a very
       | constrained part of the application and that modularity is
       | obviously essential for any kind of semantic reasoning about the
       | program because you can't be looking in your logging library for
       | undefined behavior when you're working on a trading strategy or
       | something else. It's got to be in your face, at the point.
       | (and so on)
       | poulpy123 wrote:
       | any easy way to try it on windows (not wsl) ?
         | dra27 wrote:
         | It's from an experimental branch, so not very easy, but this
         | works with opam-repository-mingw to get a vanilla mingw-w64
         | build of OCaml 5.0.0:
         | opam switch create 5.0
         | --repos=dra27=git+https://github.com/dra27/opam-
         | repository#windows-compilers --packages=ocaml.5.0.0,ocaml-
         | option-mingw
       | lilactown wrote:
       | Is there a guide on how to use the new constructs? The link to
       | the 5.0 docs was broken on the site, and after manually fixing
       | the URL all I found was some type annotations in the `Effects`
       | module.
         | resoluteteeth wrote:
         | IIRC, while they added the underlying language support for
         | effects to this version to get the multicore support working,
         | the standard library support for effects isn't really ready
         | yet, so you may want to hold off another year or so.
         | I think eventually it will hopefully turn into something like
         | what languages like purescript have which would be really cool.
         | (I've only used ocaml a tiny bit and use f# a lot more but I
         | keep periodically checking the status of this because it's
         | something that would make ocaml a lot more interesting to me.)
         | c-cube wrote:
         | The Effects module is kind of low level right now, as it
         | understand it. You should like at Eio for a library that gives
         | you nice fibers and non blocking IOs on top of effects! It's a
         | neat library.
           | cies wrote:
           | > like at Eio
           | Look at Eio here: https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio
         | anentropic wrote:
         | https://github.com/kayceesrk/ocaml5-tutorial
         | octachron wrote:
         | The link to the Effect section of the manual at
         | https://v2.ocaml.org/releases/5.0/manual/effects.html works for
         | me and should contain an higher level description of what are
         | effect handlers. Which link was broken for you?
           | lilactown wrote:
           | The "Manual" link on this page https://ocaml.org/releases is
           | broken
             | octachron wrote:
             | This is fixed now, thanks!
           | lilactown wrote:
           | I also didn't think to look in the "language extensions"
           | section of the manual, instead going to the API docs and
           | clicking on the "Effect" module.
           | This looks much more interesting, on a skim. Thanks!
       | maattdd wrote:
       | Amazing work from the team! I wonder if this is actually the
       | first mainstream language which has managed to remove its "global
       | lock" without breaking changes ?
         | gadmm wrote:
         | To clear up any misconception, out of the box OCaml will behave
         | like OCaml 4 with a single domain and a "domain lock". Programs
         | currently using multiple threads for concurrency will remain
         | single-core for the time being, as they will need to opt-in to
         | parallelism features. In this sense, adding parallelism to
         | OCaml does not break existing programs, but they still might
         | have to be audited for thread-safety depending on how they want
         | to use parallelism. There is no magic.
         | sadiq wrote:
         | Just to add to the sibling comment. To maintain backwards
         | compatibility, OCaml 5 has both threads and domains.
         | Threads belong to a domain and only one thread can hold the
         | runtime lock for the domain. This is the same behaviour as in
         | OCaml 4.
         | With OCaml 5 you can have as many domains as you want though
         | (we recommend no more than you have cores though).
       | UncleOxidant wrote:
       | $ opam update         $ opam switch create 5.0.0
       | --repositories=default         $ eval $(opam env)         $ ocaml
       | OCaml version 5.0.0         Enter #help;; for help.
       | rg111 wrote:
       | What is the most fun and best source to learn OCaml for a
       | programmer?
       | I know this one [0] so far. Also the famous Coursera PL course
       | covers ML.
       | [0]: https://cs3110.github.io/textbook/cover.html
       | laylomo2 wrote:
       | Congrats! Super excited to start playing around with the effects
       | system.
       | [deleted]
       | eatonphil wrote:
       | If you want to see an example of it:
       | https://v2.ocaml.org/releases/5.0/manual/parallelism.html.
       | nih0 wrote:
       | this was being talked about when i was still in high school and
       | last year i did my masters
         | octachron wrote:
         | The road to multicore OCaml was indeed longer and harder than
         | expected. At the end of the day, the constraint of trying to
         | preserve the behavior of almost all existing programs ended up
         | driving a majority of design choices. Typically, this required
         | at least one major rewrite of the multicore runtime along the
         | way.
       | rg111 wrote:
       | What is the most fun and best source to learn OCaml for a
       | programmer?
       | I know this one [0] so far. Also the famous Coursera PL course
       | [1] covers ML.
       | [0]: https://cs3110.github.io/textbook/cover.html
       | [1]: https://coursera.org/learn/programming-languages
         | nequo wrote:
         | Check out Real World OCaml too:
         | https://dev.realworldocaml.org/
       | melling wrote:
       | OCaml has a reputation for being fast.
       | https://sixthhappiness.github.io/articles/python-scheme-and-...
       | Does anyone have any multicore benchmarks that illustrate
       | performance increases in 5.0?
         | samuell wrote:
         | Great, so, can someone send me a PR with an OCaml
         | implementation of "my"/our GC-content benchmark (a simple
         | string proccessing benchmark counting the fraction of G:s and
         | C:s in DNA sequences, compared to all the A:s, C:s, G:s and
         | T:s)?
         | https://github.com/samuell/gccontent-benchmark
         | :D
         | kcsrk wrote:
         | Here are some parallel benchmarks from the Sandmark continuous
         | benchmarking service:
         | https://sandmark.tarides.com/?app=Parallel+Benchmarks&parall...
       | [deleted]
       | jon_smark wrote:
       | Congratulations and a big thank you to the OCaml team! I hope
       | that multicore support finally ticks all the requirement boxes
       | that had prevented many from taking a serious look at OCaml. The
       | language certainly deserves it: it hits that sweet spot between
       | expressiveness, performance, and pragmatism like no other.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Great news! Kudos to everyone that helped make this happen.
         | tempodox wrote:
         | Christmas came slightly early this year.
           | octachron wrote:
           | The Christmas presents will be all the issues and bugs that
           | will be discovered between now and Christmas eve in the shiny
           | new multicore runtime.
       | aylmao wrote:
       | No way, it's finally out! This is fantastic news.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Great news! Kudos to everyone that helped make this happen.
       | ghostwriter wrote:
       | Multicore is there, STM instead of mutable imperative logic in
       | all the libraries developed for the past two decades: not so much
       | though.
         | c-cube wrote:
         | I haven't heard anyone talk about STM for OCaml, funny. People
         | talk about, or work on, lightweight fibers, lockfree data
         | structures, io_uring, etc. but not STM. Is it falling out of
         | fashion? Even in clojure I hear that few people actually use
         | it.
       | 2wrist wrote:
       | Oh congratulations! Well done to all involved!
       | mnming wrote:
       | Is it still possible to use Reason as frontend for Ocaml 5?
       | I felt an ergonomic and modern syntax is the only missing piece
       | in Ocaml.
       | nequo wrote:
       | Signals and Threads had an interview with Anil Madhavapeddy last
       | year:
       | https://signalsandthreads.com/what-is-an-operating-system/
       | He talked about the work to put a multicore-ready memory model[1]
       | and GC[2] under OCaml.
       | [1] https://anil.recoil.org/papers/2018-pldi-memorymodel.pdf
       | [2] https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.11663
         | inbx0 wrote:
         | Offtopic, but Signals and Threads is my absolute favourite
         | programming podcast, maybe even favourite podcast overall. They
         | go into interesting topics deeply, instead of the way too
         | common "interviewer read the summary of the wikipedia page
         | about the subject and is now interviewing someone who actually
         | read the entire page."
         | Hoping they'll get more content out soon.
           | mirekrusin wrote:
           | Yaron Minsky is such a charismatic speaker, watched all his
           | recordings you can find on internet more times that I'd like
           | to admit, s&t is great.
           | dimitropoulos wrote:
           | thanks for mentioning this! I've been looking for a new one
           | that's good. Even if they're behind schedule, it looks like
           | I've got some catching up to do to keep me busy in the
           | meantime.
       | Decabytes wrote:
       | I'm curious about what design decisions lead to OCaml not having
       | Multi-threading when version 1.0 came out. Majorly impressive
       | work getting something as complex as that added on afterwards.
       | Kudos to everyone involved!
         | dljsjr wrote:
         | Caml 1.0 was released in '85 and OCaml (the O is for Object
         | Orientation) was 1996. Multithreading wasn't a high priority
         | for anybody back then. The JVM didn't even have threads until
         | 1997 and those threads were green threads, OS threads came to
         | Java later.
           | pasc1878 wrote:
           | However this is all Unix and academia based. If you wrote
           | code for Windows and OS/2 in the commercial world you were
           | using threads sine '89 and thus did not want to use the
           | languages that did not use threads e.g. python, OCaml
             | cmrdporcupine wrote:
             | In the late 80s and early 90s we wrote things with threads
             | but they were primarily a kind of convenience to get
             | multitasking behaviour and not any kind of performance
             | boost.
             | Multicore / multiprocessor systems were not a mainstream
             | thing in consumer hardware until the 21st century.
         | Mikeb85 wrote:
         | > I'm curious about what design decisions lead to OCaml not
         | having Multi-threading when version 1.0 came out
         | You do know that C (edit - didn't have multithreading in the
         | language spec until C11, right?)
         | It was common on languages of that era. Also Ocaml has had
         | libraries for multithreading for many years, just like C has
         | POSIX threads and things...
           | c-cube wrote:
           | I thought C11 had threads and atomic and concurrency
           | primitives?
             | Mikeb85 wrote:
             | Ah yeah my bad. Still like 30+ years after it's creation
             | though. And the vast majority of C software out there
             | doesn't use C11 anyway.
       | toolslive wrote:
       | Halleluja! I think they were at it for more than a decade.
       | ecshafer wrote:
       | OCaml is one of those languages that is a real joy to use and
       | makes me wonder why its not used more often. I feel like if I
       | jump into a Lisp or ML language, I am so productive and can write
       | some really complicated software with relative ease. But they are
       | relatively rare in industry, and I have never really crossed the
       | t on why, despite various reasonings about it.
       | This is a great achievement for OCaml, but does anyone have an
       | explanation on why it was so difficult to implement for them?
         | c-cube wrote:
         | It's just very hard to write a solid concurrent GC. There are
         | not many in existence today. Here the challenge was doubled by
         | the obligation to preserve the single core performance of
         | existing programs, with the very fast allocation path on the
         | minor heap. It's always harder to add these features to an
         | existing language that already has significant programs written
         | in it.
       (page generated 2022-12-16 23:00 UTC)