[HN Gopher] GNU/Linux shell related internals
       GNU/Linux shell related internals
       Author : kiyanwang
       Score  : 84 points
       Date   : 2022-12-18 11:20 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (biriukov.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (biriukov.dev)
       | fyresala wrote:
       | I recommend reading TLPI[1] if anyone is willing to jump into the
       | rabbit hole of shell. bash covers a lot of aspects of unix.
       | [1] https://man7.org/tlpi/
       | dizhn wrote:
       | It was fun to do what the cookie banner says and leave without
       | reading.
         | lucideer wrote:
         | Worth mentioning leaving immediately without reading won't
         | prevent them tracking you (they've presumably already done that
         | before you started reading the banner).
         | Which is why such banners are generally* not considered
         | compliant with most privacy regulations & are largely put in
         | place out of ignorance/general misinformation around what
         | regulations require.
         | * Depending on what the cookies are doing it's entirely
         | possible this website might not need to get any consent or even
         | inform users at all - the banner does nothing for them either
         | way.
         | sjmulder wrote:
         | A cookie bar with all the annoyance with none of the
         | compliance. What's the point.
           | shrimp_emoji wrote:
           | It's an illegal implementation of GDPR meant to act as
           | compliance theater while at the same time making users resent
           | the law as much as the sites do.
           | For bigger sites like YouTube which can't get away with it as
           | much, there's a "Reject All" button that you can click
           | straight away.
       | [deleted]
       | usr1106 wrote:
       | The headline seems weird. The list of file descriptors etc etc
       | does not sound like shell internals, but like Unix operating
       | system concepts.
         | dottedmag wrote:
         | Shell internals and Unix internals are pretty intertwined.
         | Amount of ancient syscalls and ioctls that exist directly to
         | support shells is quite large.
         | supriyo-biswas wrote:
         | If you're after how the shell parses commands, the EBNF grammar
         | in the POSIX specification is a good start:
         | https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V...
         | Unfortunately, there's not much to a shell other than it's
         | parsing capabilities.
           | chasil wrote:
           | It is unfortunate that an LR-parsed language was chosen.
           | https://archive.fosdem.org/2018/schedule/event/code_parsing_.
           | ..
         | ytch wrote:
         | It more likes "How shell invokes a command", I attended a POSIX
         | programming course in university, one homework is implementing
         | a simple shell, you need to handle the FDs, Pipes, environment
         | variables by POSIX API as the article explains.
       | photochemsyn wrote:
       | I really like this website design. Everything's visible running
       | NoScript in Firefox with Privacy Badger (blocks one tracker)
       | enabled, because it's all HTML/CSS. Whatever jsdelvir.net is
       | doing, it's not needed and blocking it doesn't do what happens on
       | many other sites, i.e. no content at all.
       | Very educational content as well, the section on how
       | pseudoterminals can be used to build terminal emulators was good,
       | and on how ssh creates a remote terminal connection.
         | easrng wrote:
         | jsdelivr is a free CDN for NPM packages and also github repos.
         | the site is loading an icon font (bootstrap-icons@1.5.0) from
         | it. it's pretty nice as far as free npm cdns go, i guess. they
         | even add SRI hashes to the script tags and stuff they generate
         | by default so they can't swap out the files to malicious
         | versions later.
       (page generated 2022-12-18 23:01 UTC)