[HN Gopher] Ten most(ly dead) influential programming languages ...
       Ten most(ly dead) influential programming languages (2020)
       Author : ksec
       Score  : 148 points
       Date   : 2022-12-18 18:04 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.hillelwayne.com)
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       | boulos wrote:
       | Not mentioned in the article or in prior discussions, but Scala
       | seems "dead" to me. Or at least extremely niche and unlikely to
       | take off.
       | AFAICT, Scala has basically been replaced by Go for backends and
       | Kotlin (or just plain Java) elsewhere.
         | cardanome wrote:
         | Scala 3 released like a year ago.
         | Yes, it is niche but not extremely niche. People either into
         | functional programming or that are part of the JVM ecosystem
         | have at least heard of it. It is one of the big alternative JVM
         | languages with Clojure and Kotlin.
         | Sure it won't ever overtake Java and Kotlin is eating a bit of
         | its lunch but Tech is not a popularity contest.
       | Jtsummers wrote:
       | Prior discussions:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22690229 (289 comments;
       | March 26, 2020)
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24602741 (13 comments; Sept
       | 26, 2020)
       | Some other submissions but with 0 or 1 comment.
       | lp4vn wrote:
       | I would expand this list with: perl(mostly-dead influential), and
       | ceylon and coffescript(these last ones mostly-dead and not so
       | influential, let's be honest).
       | I also would say that ruby is a future mostly-dead language, but
       | I don't want to sound too controversial.
         | Yahivin wrote:
         | CoffeeScript might just be one of the most influential
         | languages. Tons of ES6 features were directly inspired by
         | CoffeeScript and ES6+ JavaScript is the most popular language
         | in the world right now.
           | ameliaquining wrote:
           | Each of the languages on the list influenced _many_
           | subsequent languages, not just one.
           | lp4vn wrote:
           | I'm not sure I agree with you. I'm not denying that
           | coffescript might have inspired ES6+ features, but from this
           | to say that it's a very influential, let alone one of the
           | most influential languages, is a big leap. In my opinion, of
           | course.
         | amval wrote:
         | > I also would say that ruby is a future mostly-dead language,
         | but I don't want to sound too controversial.
         | Aren't you just saying it anyway? Why do you think this?
           | lp4vn wrote:
           | I developed a lot of projects with ruby and yet I can't think
           | of a single reason to opt for ruby over python or typescript.
           | Ruby doesn't do anything better both in terms of language or
           | platform than its already very well established competitors.
           | It's my understanding that ruby rose to prominence mostly
           | because of ruby on rails, now that RoR is in a downward trend
           | I think ruby will follow the same trend until it's reduced to
           | a small community of enthusiasts in the same way that
           | happened to perl.
       | neilv wrote:
       | Additional info about the influence of Simula on Smalltalk:
       | http://worrydream.com/EarlyHistoryOfSmalltalk/
       | ThinkBeat wrote:
       | Cobol is far from dead. It is not sexy and I dont know of any
       | systems starting out today using it. But there are massive legacy
       | systems till out there.
       | At least a couple years ago Cobol programmers were in high
       | demand.
       | According to Microfocus [1 (2018)] over 2 million people
       | worldwide are active full-time Cobol programmers, and it is
       | running quite a few mission critical systems.
       | >Companies involved in keeping COBOL-based systems working say
       | that 95 percent of >ATM transactions pass through COBOL programs,
       | 80 percent of in-person >transactions rely on them, and over 40
       | percent of banks still use COBOL as the >foundation of their
       | systems.
         | donkeyd wrote:
         | > and I dont know of any systems starting out today using it
         | I do... In a project I was working on for a major Dutch
         | government organization, they were building stuff in COBOL.
         | This was a project where we were using NLP for automated data
         | extraction. I still find it hilarious that part of it was being
         | built in COBOL.
         | ithkuil wrote:
         | It's not dead, ok.
         | Can we say it's mostly dead?
         | For example, is it more or less dead than perl?
           | thesuperbigfrog wrote:
           | >> Can we say it's mostly dead?
           | >> For example, is it more or less dead than perl?
           | == The current state of Perl 5 for Python fans ==
           | Perl 5: I'm not dead!
           | TIOBE: 'Ere! 'E says 'e's not dead!
           | Internet: Yes he is.
           | Perl 5: I'm not!
           | TIOBE: 'E isn't?
           | Internet: Well... he will be soon--he's very ill...
           | Perl 5: I'm getting better!
           | Internet: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
           | TIOBE: I can't take 'im off like that! It's against
           | regulations!
           | Perl 5: I don't want to go off the chart....
           | Internet: Oh, don't be such a baby.
           | TIOBE: I can't take 'im off....
           | Perl 5: I feel fine!
           | Internet: Well, do us a favor...
           | TIOBE: I can't!
           | Internet: Can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't
           | be long...
           | TIOBE: No, gotta get to Reddit, they lost nine today.
           | Internet: Well, when's your next round?
           | TIOBE: Next year.
           | Perl 5: I think I'll go for a walk....
           | Internet: You're not fooling anyone, you know-- (to TIOBE)
           | Look, isn't there something you can do...?
           | Perl 5: I feel happy! I feel happy!
           | enduser wrote:
           | Is someone who is no longer having children but is still a
           | major team player at their employer "mostly dead"?
             | lolinder wrote:
             | Since we're talking about languages, a better question
             | would be "is a language in which no new works are written
             | but which has a large catalog of past works that are still
             | studied by thousands of people 'mostly dead'?"
             | Most would say yes.
               | The_Colonel wrote:
               | > in which no new works are written
               | There's a lot of new code written in most of these
               | languages. It might be existing systems, but the code
               | being written is new.
         | wakeupcall wrote:
         | Pascal similarly lives on with Deplhi/Lazarus. I know plenty of
         | currently supported commercial programs running on Delphi and
         | considering a transition to Lazarus.
         | I've seen an uptick in APL and APL-derived array languages.
         | "Niche" would have been a better term. I would put Smalltalk in
         | the same category.
         | What about some commercial languages instead which are de-facto
         | dead, such as ColdFusion, ActionScript, Lingo, and so on...
       | sys42590 wrote:
       | Learning Standard ML made me a better programmer (back in the
       | day)... It was all about specifying how input and results are
       | related instead of giving instructions to the CPU on what to do.
       | softwaredoug wrote:
       | Didn't Pascal die due to some combination of C and Javas
       | popularity and Borland team getting poached by Microsoft in the
       | late 90s?
         | nrdvana wrote:
         | Pascal graduated to Delphi (Object-pascal with built-in GUI
         | designer), and had a very healthy run for a decade and was my
         | favorite language until Borland corporate stuff happened and a
         | cross-licensing deal with Microsoft that turned Delphi into a
         | sort of bastard sibling of .NET, and new owner Embercadero
         | raised prices out of the reach of most of the small-time users
         | that made up a bulk of the userbase. I was in a tiny factory-
         | automation engineering group that used it to build user
         | interfaces and data reporting for all the factory stations.
         | Well, on that note, 3M corporate shut down the factory and
         | moved it to China, so maybe other forces were in play to kill
         | the userbase.
           | miohtama wrote:
           | Was is Delphi creator who left Borland, created C#, then
           | TypeScript?
             | 331c8c71 wrote:
             | Anders Hejlsberg.
         | TigeriusKirk wrote:
         | My sense was Delphi was replaced more by Visual Basic, though
         | it's entirely possible that's based on my personal experience
         | and didn't represent a larger trend.
         | ghaff wrote:
         | Turbo Pascal was popular because it was cheap at a time when
         | buying a compiler could cost hundreds of dollars. But it really
         | never got picked up widely beyond Borland products. BASIC
         | options got a bit better. And, yes, C and Java were popular for
         | "serious" programming.
         | analog31 wrote:
         | When I was first exposed to C (perhaps in Byte Magazine), I was
         | dead certain that Pascal would win out. I wonder if the minor
         | optimizations achieved by programming closer to bare iron on
         | early computers led to a minor performance advantage that
         | outweighed the need for readable / maintainable code.
           | indymike wrote:
           | C and Pascal were both fast, but C allowed programmers to
           | dynamically allocate and free memory without having to deal
           | with 255 character limits and other limitations imposed by
           | Pascal. It also allowed us to create some magnificent bugs,
           | too.
           | nrdvana wrote:
           | C did compile to more efficient code than Pascal, but The
           | Delphi compiler processed code 10x faster than the C
           | compiler, and hit an amazing sweet spot for the 300Mhz
           | workstations of the day, where you could iterate through
           | edit/compile/run in Delphi just as fast as Visual Basic, and
           | when you were done the program ran an order of magnitude
           | faster than VB (and maybe 90% as fast as C). Also, because
           | the language was easier to parse, the tooling was able to
           | interact with your code way better than Borland's same
           | product for C++ or any of Microsoft's products, so you were
           | getting more accurate code completion and context-sensitive
           | help and all that.
           | I believe that Delphi was a vastly superior product to any of
           | its contemporaries, and was killed purely by corporate
           | forces.
         | justsomehnguy wrote:
         | Depends on what is your opinion about Delphi and Embarcadero
         | adra wrote:
         | In my youth, I learned basic then Pascal before taking compsci
         | in high school. Despite the fact that I was confident in both,
         | your course supported both languages, but by far the "not a
         | programmer" types chose VB and that was their speed and it's
         | was fine. For those of us that really enjoyed programming, we
         | learned and loved Pascal/Delphi more, but I'd argue most of us
         | transitioned to C/java afterwards. Delphi took a middle ground
         | approach that wasn't entirely successful to either of these
         | groups.
         | I still think the biggest mistake MS made with their tooling
         | was burying VB6+ and replaced it with VB.net. They may have
         | made VB a "real" function extensive language, but I think a
         | bunch of soft-programming people just left and never went back.
         | C# ate any of those that would've used VB.net in this way
         | anyways IMHO.
       | Daunk wrote:
       | I just want to say that I still enjoy BASIC, but via BlitzMax NG.
       | It's a good language to quickly prototype things in -
       | https://blitzmax.org/
       | silisili wrote:
       | The BASIC cause of death is written that it was seen as a lesser,
       | kids language.
       | That sentiment may be true to some extent, but fails to mention
       | all of the problems of the BASIC language that made people look
       | into alternatives, none of which were snobbiness.
       | If that were a real reason, Python would have suffered a similar
       | fate.
         | forinti wrote:
         | BASIC was very practical for 8 bit machines. You didn't even
         | need an editor, because you could just retype a line. It was
         | also very straightforward for a complete novice (as most people
         | were with those machines).
         | In any another environment, it really doesn't make sense.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | Visual Basic was very successful, until Microsoft turned it
         | into a mere alternative syntax for C# [0]. There is a parallel
         | universe in which classic Visual Basic would have continued to
         | thrive as a win32 glue language. (It still does to a minor
         | extent in the form of VBA.)
         | [0] http://catb.org/jargon/html/V/Visual-Fred.html
         | analog31 wrote:
         | BASIC illustrates the "one-screen problem," where a program
         | becomes unreadable when it exceeds one screen, or perhaps one
         | printed page. The one-screen problem is how I explain to
         | beginners the value of things like subroutines with named
         | arguments, local variables, and the like. Languages that
         | survive, have to work for the size of programs that people want
         | or need to write.
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | > BASIC illustrates the "one-screen problem," where a program
           | becomes unreadable when it exceeds one screen, or perhaps one
           | printed page.
           | Python has the same problem though, as do "scripting"
           | languages in general. The limit may be some low amount of
           | "screens" as opposed to a literal screenful of text, but
           | either way it's quite impossible to program "in the large"
           | with it. Even Go is hampered in this domain by its limited
           | abstractions.
             | swayvil wrote:
             | That a language might overcome the "any hunk of code bigger
             | than a screenfull is too complex to manage", other than by
             | chopping the code into functions and classes or whatever,
             | is news to me.
             | What are other methods for slaying this complexity? And
             | what are the languages that use it?
               | pornel wrote:
               | I think it's all of the languages people complain are
               | "too complex": to be able to deal with more of program's
               | complexity, you take on more language complexity.
               | e.g.:
               | * Encapsulation. Keeping implementation details private
               | is pointless when you deal with a small program (the
               | implementation is right there on your screen), but it
               | becomes valuable when otherwise it'd be too hard to check
               | which details you can change and which you can't.
               | * Strong type systems. All the types are obvious when the
               | program fits in your head, and seem like unnecessary
               | boilerplate. However, when the program is large, it off-
               | loads a bunch of sanity checks from your head to the
               | compiler.
               | Same goes for design patterns. Writing an
               | `AbstractWidget` and `WidgetFactory` when you have two
               | widgets to deal with is overcomplicating. But when you
               | have 50 widgets, you need something to avoid drowning in
               | copypaste and spaghetti if/elses.
             | WesolyKubeczek wrote:
             | Oh, you shouldn't really be comparing unreadability of
             | BASIC to even Unix shell scripts. Python is the pinnacle of
             | readability and structure in comparison.
             | Let's see...
             | Numbered lines as labels, GOTO everywhere. You got GOSUB if
             | you were lucky.
             | All state propagated mostly via global variables.
             | Subroutine parameters were present in dialects few and far
             | between.
             | Now, variables. Maximum length of an identifier was what,
             | 1? Or 2?
             | Inconsistent delimiters and syntax in general. Take GW-
             | BASIC and its hot mess of graphical commands. Here you
             | can't have parentheses, but there you must. Semicolons
             | here, commas there.
             | All the stuff that makes programs readable -- consistent
             | syntax, named procedures, reasonably long variable names,
             | named labels if you must -- all appeared very late, in
             | QBASIC I think. But the rest of the BASIC world still had
             | to cater to the lowest common denominator if your program
             | was to be even mildly portable.
           | [deleted]
         | ghaff wrote:
         | QBasic (actually QuickBASIC; QBasic being the IDE) fixed some
         | of the more glaring deficiencies of the original BASIC and I
         | think was pretty popular for quite some time. I tried it and
         | didn't like it--as I recall, I found things like error handling
         | awkward. But it was from Microsoft and stayed around for quite
         | some time.
         | Although Turbo Pascal was also popular for a time, I'm not sure
         | anything truly replaced these beginner-friendly languages until
         | Python came along.
       | eternalban wrote:
       | That chart with Java is amazing. And in my personal case, also
       | true. Actually paid for something called SmalltalkAgents (which
       | was pretty cool btw) just a bit before Java happened. Then Java
       | happened.
       | On QKS' SmalltalkAgents: http://computer-programming-
       | forum.com/3-smalltalk/fe67cb349c...
       | (amazed that there is not a single image of this software on the
       | net.)
       | denton-scratch wrote:
       | PL/1 was an IBM mainframe language; but Intel made a compiler for
       | a stripped-down version targeting 8086, called PL/M (Programming
       | Language for Microprocessors). PL/M was (I believe) the main
       | language used in writing the CTOS/BTOS operating system
       | (Convergent Technologies/Burroughs).
       | PL/M was a nice language. It was suited for system programming
       | (structs, pointers). I first came across it in some introductory
       | programming book I bought from a second-hand crate. A lot of my
       | early programming lessons came from that book, even though I had
       | no access to a PL/M compiler. I have no idea who wrote it, or
       | what its title was.
         | karmakaze wrote:
         | My encounter with PL/I was with some 3270-style Wang terminals
         | for their minicomputers. They were programmable by writing PL/I
         | which got compiled and stored in the terminal's NVRAM. There
         | wasn't much you couldn't do with it, I made macros that could
         | copy blocks of text between two different terminal sessions as
         | well as a bunch of cursor positioning and general clipboard
         | operations. PL/I is quite a nice language.
         | Rochus wrote:
         | PL/M was a nice language indeed; I used it on embedded 8085
         | based systems; but I don't think it had many overlaps with
         | PL/I; but there were similarities.
       | uncletaco wrote:
       | I worked at a bank and the truth of the matter is COBOL is never
       | going away. Most large banks run on it.
         | BlueTemplar wrote:
         | It will go away one large bank bankruptcy at a time (perhaps
         | several at a time in case of country bankrupcy). Who is going
         | to use COBOL for a new project at a new bank ?
       | KerrAvon wrote:
       | Surprised this doesn't mention Smalltalk's huge influence on two
       | major living languages: Objective-C and Ruby, both of which use
       | the Smalltalk object model, dynamic message passing paradigm and
       | all, which is very different from how most other OOP
       | implementations work.
       | In the long run: Objective-C will be gone in 20 years, but Ruby
       | won't. Outside of ObjC interop facilities, Swift will retain some
       | of Objective-C's Smalltalk heritage, as one of many influences.
       | ad404b8a372f2b9 wrote:
       | On that topic, there is a very good (and funny) talk by Bret
       | Victor called "The Future of Programming" presented as if it were
       | 1973.
       | It gives an interesting tour of dead languages and the things we
       | lost.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pTEmbeENF4
         | bepvte wrote:
         | This is one of the best talks I've seen, do you have any other
         | recommendations?
       | nuc1e0n wrote:
       | > That's one reason I love studying history. To learn what we've
       | lost and find it again.
       | Same here. There's a lot of amazing things which we have yet to
       | learn from the 'also ran' systems of history.
       | cardanome wrote:
       | Most of these languages are neither dead nor dying. They are just
       | niche.
       | I just started learning APL this year. It is still actively
       | developed and no you don't need a special keyboard. Plus we have
       | unicode now which makes the special symbols a non-issue these
       | days.
       | Same with most of the other languages. There is Pharo and Squeak
       | for Smalltalk, the pascal community has free pascal. Sure those
       | communities might not be huge but they are not in acute danger of
       | vanishing any time soon.
       | And COBOL is still carrying the economy.
       | Now some languages like ALGOL might actually be dying, sure.
       | Natural languages are considered dead when they lose their last
       | native speaker. Similarly when the last person being able to use
       | a programming languages dies, we can consider that language dead.
       | Which means that we have lots of languages that died at
       | childbirth but once a programing language has managed to go over
       | a certain popularity threshold, it is very hard to kill.
       | Languages don't need to win any popularity contests to be alive.
       | Language maximalism in the sense that you need to be one of the
       | most popular languages or you are considered a failure and dead
       | is just silly.
         | __jem wrote:
         | > Natural languages are considered dead when they lose their
         | last native speaker. Similarly when the last person being able
         | to use a programming languages dies, we can consider that
         | language dead.
         | I don't think this is the right comparison. A native speaker
         | would be more like someone who learned the language as their
         | first or maybe second language, rather than someone who can use
         | it at all. And by that metric, these languages are pretty much
         | dead/dying, since they mostly have no new learners who aren't
         | into PL history.
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | As a parallel, there are plenty of people that speak Latin.
           | cardanome wrote:
           | > since they mostly have no new learners who aren't into PL
           | history.
           | They do have have new learners, that was my whole point.
           | Whether they learn out of historical interest, to become
           | better programmer in general, for a job, for research, or
           | because they need it for a specific project does not matter.
           | (And yes all those reasons apply.)
           | Take a look at companies using APL:
           | https://github.com/interregna/arraylanguage-companies
           | Or look how many people use it to solve Advent of Code.
           | As for learning them as a first language, if we applied that
           | criteria then most programming languages would be born
           | absolutely dead and stay there. I don't think anyone ever
           | learned Elm or Purescript as their first language, are they
           | dead?
           | I really don't get why people make such weird claims,
           | declaring healthy and obviously alive communities to be dead.
           | Again, things don't need to popular to be alive.
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | > Most of these languages are neither dead nor dying.
         | They were sent by Jack Sparrow to settle his debt. Technical
         | debt of course.
         | LeFantome wrote:
         | Lazarus ( Free Pascal ) seems to be thriving actually. APL is
         | probably as big as it ever was. COBOL will shrink over time but
         | it may still outlast me. I have no insight into SmallTalk but
         | my University curriculum included it and it would not surprise
         | me at all to see it used academically today. I was also taught
         | Scheme and Fortran and those are still going strong. If I
         | wanted to use any of these, I know I can find both free and
         | commercial dev environments easily that run on platforms I
         | still use.
         | Is ALGOL still in use anywhere though? Is there a compiler
         | available that runs on anything modern? I genuinely curious.
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | What were your use cases for APL ? I love it to bits on
         | principles but never used it seriously, despite all the efforts
         | of dyalog and Aaron Hsu.
         | niche languages have a flavour that mainstream spoils with
         | feverish fads.. I always like to read perl or TCL forums and am
         | surprised by the ideas and productions.
           | actionfromafar wrote:
           | Finance/quant people sometimes use J which is some kind of
           | APL:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J_(programming_language)
           | Edit: also _K something something_ :
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kx_Systems
           | seanmcdirmid wrote:
           | APL is a great language for on the fly number crunching,
           | which is pretty niche like writing with shorthand as a
           | stenographer.
         | andolanra wrote:
         | Sure is lucky that the title of the post explicitly says
         | "mostly dead" and includes a big disclaimer about how not all
         | of them are dead, then!
           | JadeNB wrote:
           | Also, as was obscured by the title mangler, the "dead" in the
           | title is just a side remark; the title without the
           | parenthesis is "10 most influential programming languages",
           | and "(ly dead)" after "most" is just a parenthesis.
             | dang wrote:
             | Maybe we'll just revert to the linkbaity title in this
             | case. I had it briefly as "Mostly-dead, influential
             | programming languages (2020)" but that probably did more
             | harm than good.
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
         | lolinder wrote:
         | > Natural languages are considered dead when they lose their
         | last native speaker. Similarly when the last person being able
         | to use a programming languages dies, we can consider that
         | language dead.
         | Someone "able to use a programming language" more directly
         | parallels someone able to speak a language at all, by which
         | measure Latin would not yet be dead. If you're going to draw
         | the line there, that would be what linguists term an "extinct
         | language".
         | It's hard to draw parallels to natural language because there
         | are no native speakers of programming languages. The closest
         | parallel I can think of is that a language can be considered
         | dead when no new projects are started in it. Once you've
         | reached that point, the remaining work in the language is
         | maintenance, which is comparable to people studying and
         | translating old Sanskrit texts.
         | Alternatively, a language can be considered dead when it has
         | stopped changing and frozen in its final form.
         | By either of these measures a lot of these still aren't dead,
         | but my bet would be that COBOL counts.
           | kwhitefoot wrote:
           | > my bet would be that COBOL counts.
           | Didn't COBOL recently (in COBOL terms) get object oriented
           | features?
           | See https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cobol-zos/6.2?topic=programs-
           | wri...
       | walnutclosefarm wrote:
       | This was a great trip down memory lane for an old retired
       | sometime programmer and software engineer. I learned programming
       | in K & K BASIC on a GE time share machine and FORTRAN II on an
       | IBM 7090. I wrote production code in many of these languages
       | (BASIC, COBOL, PL/I (not much), Pascal, SmallTalk (my favorite)).
       | Among the odder "language" projects I ever worked on was a cross-
       | compiler written in Pascal for a report generator. The compiler
       | generated COBOL as it's object code, which we chose because of
       | it's facility with reading database records, and formatting
       | output for fixed spacing line printers.
       | I'm familiar with all but a couple of the languages in his list,
       | and wrote code in most of them, although in some cases not code
       | that ever went into a product or production environment. ML and
       | CLU, though, I've never touched.
       | graymatters wrote:
       | Can someone with real knowledge on deployment and usage of these
       | language tell where are they being used (beyond a dedicated
       | hobbyist community)? Which industries? What systems? Volume of
       | transactions? Genuinely interested and will appreciate it. Thank
       | you in advance.
       | melenaos wrote:
       | I once learned Ada for a NATO project. I was amazed by the
       | simplicity you could start a thread and monitor it.
       | Its not dead but you will never see it trending. Its just a niche
       | language as most of the languages at the post are.
         | elcritch wrote:
         | My only real exposire to Ada was a report for a class project
         | in college. One tidbit that stuck with me is that there were a
         | few DOD projects using Ada after it was first created which
         | actually got done ahead of schedule and under budget. That
         | always impressed me given the normal DOD software track record.
         | Also, I believe people place way too much emphasis on
         | "popularity" of a language. If a language has enough traction
         | to stay alive it can be valuable unless you're doing the most
         | generic web dev stuff around. Heck there's cases where Perl
         | still outshines modern competitors.
         | stoneman24 wrote:
         | I'll shout out for ADA as well. Really enjoyed working with it.
         | Compiler was a nit picking monster but the rigour ensured that
         | you really considered your program. Thanks for making me
         | remember.
       | miohtama wrote:
       | A bit unrelated, but comes to the features of different languages
       | and who introduced.
       | Does anyone else still remember how JavaScript prototypical
       | inheritance was touted as a "good" idea?
       | theCrowing wrote:
       | Pascal gives me flashbacks to the 90s in Germany every Prof was
       | into it.
         | WaitWaitWha wrote:
         | I think Pascal's sun set because Borland killed it with Delphi.
         | In my opinion, Borland was the 300lbs gorilla in the Pascal
         | compiler arena, so when Borland decided to move push Delphi
         | over Pascal, there was no interest in filling the Pascal hole.
         | btw I wrote commercial products on Pascal that I thought was
         | neat. A chat program that used IPX/SPX, a a fax server using
         | DesqView, and MS Mail queues both inbound and outbound, reverse
         | delta databases that stored all changes at field level,
         | overcame the 640K memory barrier by using a TSR that swapped
         | the data in/out on demand, and a proto-PXE server using my
         | insanely fast copy program over IPX. That was the good old
         | times.
           | FpUser wrote:
           | I still use Delphi for my Windows desktop product and Lazarus
           | for Linux desktop software
             | justsomehnguy wrote:
             | I have a very fond memories of Delphi, but if I need
             | something custom nowadays (think utils, not something SAP-
             | like) I just write it in PowerShell.
         | fm2606 wrote:
         | Pascal was the introductory computer language at my college in
         | 1988. I don't remember much of it.
       | Rochus wrote:
       | > _While SIMULA wasn't the first "true" OOP language, it was the
       | first language with proper objects and laid much of the
       | groundwork that others would build on._
       | This is wrong. Simula 67 was the first object-oriented
       | programming language; though the term is said to be coined by
       | Alan Kay who specified Smalltalk-72; but he understood and still
       | understands object-orientation differently than we understand it
       | today; our understanding of it today is more like what Simula 67
       | introduced; remarkably, Smalltalk-76 represented a significant
       | departure from Smalltalk-72 toward the concepts already known in
       | Simula 67; the primary difference of Smalltalk 76 from Simula was
       | dynamic typing and the conception of even simple types as
       | classes. Simula 67 was still actively used in the nineties (e.g.
       | as a teaching language at Stockholm University until 1997). The
       | performance was comparable to that of C++ or Pascal, definitely
       | faster than Smalltalk on comparable machines.
       | danbmil99 wrote:
       | FORTH
       | Lives on in every stack machine
         | JadeNB wrote:
         | The whole point of this list is to chronicle influential (but
         | "mostly dead") programming languages; if they were counted as
         | alive because of their influences, then they'd still be alive.
         | But, also, Forth isn't on the list.
       | worik wrote:
       | Where is C++ on that list?
         | miohtama wrote:
         | None of the other programming language compilers in the world
         | would not build anymore if C++ would be dead or dying.
         | tmtvl wrote:
         | By what possible metric could you consider C++ "mostly dead"?
         | I'm fairly sure that most, if not all AAA games nowadays are
         | coded in C++, for example. Never mind such little known
         | projects like GCC, Qt, and LLVM. It's not a language I care to
         | use, but it's clearly still very healthy: widely used and
         | regularly updated.
         | sicp-enjoyer wrote:
         | Most programs you use and internet infrastructure are written
         | in C and C++. Furthermore, it's actively used to develop new
         | software everyday by most large companies.
           | adra wrote:
           | I'd say your first comment is very true and your second is
           | very untrue. There will be sectors that will generally
           | gravitate to c/c++, and a huge boatload that won't touch them
           | with a ten foot pole. Corp languages are jvm based, .net
           | based, js/ts, and maybe Go in some contexts now. None of the
           | companies I've worked at in like 15 years has decided to
           | create new c++ projects (clearly subjective view).
         | FpUser wrote:
         | And then they woke up.
       | gumby wrote:
       | > BASIC was the first language with a real-time interpreter (the
       | Dartmouth Time Sharing System), beating APL by a year.
       | Of course Steve Russell wrote the first Lisp interpreter years
       | before that.
       | Not to take away the significance of BASIC, but that wasn't it. I
       | think in fact many of the "Significance" sections are rather
       | condescending; COBOL was significant in being the first "mass"
       | high level language, transformational in the same was BASIC was
       | (and more than BASIC).
       | FORTRAN was hugely influential on computing, is mentioned all
       | through the article, yet isn't considered "influential"?
         | BlueTemplar wrote:
         | More like it's not considered mostly dead (still used and
         | taught in high performance computing).
         | ameliaquining wrote:
         | Fortran presumably didn't make the list because it's not dead.
         | Scientific-computing labs still use it directly, and perhaps
         | more importantly, if you write code today that does any kind of
         | linear algebra, it's probably using foundational libraries that
         | are written in Fortran and still actively maintained as such,
         | even though most users call them through FFI from newer
         | languages that offer a better developer experience.
       | GMoromisato wrote:
       | My friend is working on KlongPy
       | (https://github.com/briangu/klongpy) which is has a terse array-
       | notation language similar to APL.
       | I'm curious: Is there anything interesting in APL that hasn't yet
       | been implemented in NumPy, etc.?
       | habibur wrote:
       | Windows Win32 API still uses Pascal calling convention instead of
       | standard C. Shadow from the dead.
       | And also there was the 4th generation language movement at that
       | time, 4GL. Defined by coding like writing English sentences, and
       | not much algo. More akin to our no-code, low-code trend. SQL was
       | also a child from 4GL. C/C++ was then seen as 3GL. And then we
       | can now watch 3GL ultimately took over 4GL, at least until now,
       | for half a century.
       | Tidbits.
       | Corrected: COBOL was 3GL.
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | COBOL came well before the 4th generation of programming
         | languages - it was one of the earliest 3rd-gen languages. One
         | could argue that like 4th-gen languages it was domain specific,
         | but most programming languages back then were tailored to
         | rather narrow domains.
       | ThinkBeat wrote:
       | I have a mild interest in obscure languages.
       | Pascal is almost dead but still there is Delphi,
       | FreePascal/Lazarus and Oxygen. They are all being actively
       | developed. I just wish Embarcadero would stop charging an insane
       | amount for Delphi.
       | Basic is even more nearly dead. There are still a few interesting
       | things left like:
       | https://www.purebasic.com/
       | Up until a few years ago at least, and I still think it is the
       | case Epic (https://www.epic.com/) had a huge amount of their
       | codebase in Visual Basic classic.
         | shakow wrote:
         | > Basic is even more nearly dead
         | I would not say so. The BASIC used in the Office pack is the
         | last child of the MS-
         | BASIC/GWBASIC/QBASIC/QuickBasic/VisualBasic lineage, is still
         | (unfortunately?) very much alive, and probably powering a much
         | bigger part of the modern world than we should be comfortable
         | with.
           | BlueTemplar wrote:
           | I was also exposed to a variant of BASIC in high school
           | through my scientific calculator. I wonder if it is still the
           | case ?
           | galangalalgol wrote:
           | VBA isn't that bad a language. Compiles to native and runs
           | with impressive speed. Lots of built in libraries for numeric
           | programming among other things and fairly easy to call into
           | any dll. The issue is it's accessibility. Like JS and Python
           | people blame the language for what happens when you hand
           | people with no software training and an interest only in
           | solving their immediate problem, a computer language they are
           | productive in.
           | And how can we call basic dead when VB.net is still in the
           | tiobe top 10?
         | Tozen wrote:
         | The problem with claims of Pascal being dead or almost dead, is
         | there are competing interests and evangelists of rival
         | languages who wish it to be dead, and Pascal/Object Pascal
         | simply won't do them the favor. As partially shown by Object
         | Pascal being consistently ranked around #15 (for many years) on
         | the TIOBE index (sometimes a bit higher and sometimes a bit
         | lower).
         | To say Pascal/Object Pascal is almost dead, is to ignore how
         | much more used and taught the language is over known and hyped
         | languages in the media such as Go, Rust, Swift, Julia, etc...
         | Nobody says that those languages are "almost dead", yet
         | Pascal/Object Pascal is as or more used than any of them.
         | One aspect of the confusion over if Pascal is dead or not, has
         | to do with naming and marketing. Delphi is an IDE/compiler of
         | the Object Pascal language. People can of heard the name
         | Delphi, and know its still very alive, but have no idea or
         | don't realize the language is Object Pascal. In the same
         | context, this goes for Oxygene, and to a lesser degree, for
         | Free Pascal/Lazarus, PascalABC, etc... People aren't aware of
         | how they connect as dialects of Pascal/Object Pascal, and get
         | confused by the names and marketing.
           | zeroc8 wrote:
           | Well, the real problem is that people are not writing native
           | Windows applications anymore, that's what Delphi was good at.
           | And Embarcadero also priced themselves out of the market,
           | they should have had a long hard look at Jetbrains and how
           | those guys thrived in an overcrowded market.
       | 082349872349872 wrote:
       | > _That's one reason I love studying history. To learn what we've
       | lost and find it again._
       | latenightcoding wrote:
       | As someone who still loves Perl I don't want to say Perl is
       | mostly-dead, but it's dying and it influenced all popular
       | scripting languages today.
         | melling wrote:
         | It's been dying for 15 years. First slowly then "all of a
         | sudden"
         | What's merlyn doing these days?
         | His response to the early warnings that "Perl is dying " was
         | "more people use Perl now more than ever"
         | The downfall of Perl should be a "case study". Other
         | communities should learn from the Perl community's mistakes.
         | Java also had many problems for quite some time but its
         | frequent update cycle seems to have helped.
           | thesuperbigfrog wrote:
           | >> What's merlyn doing these days?
           | It looks like he's still doing Perl:
           | http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/
           | https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/learning-
           | perl-8th/97814...
         | cardanome wrote:
         | Perl is nod dying but but in a process of metamorphosis with
         | hope to one day turn into the beautiful butterfly that is Raku
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