[HN Gopher] OpenJDK Proposes Project Galahad to Merge GraalVM Na...
       OpenJDK Proposes Project Galahad to Merge GraalVM Native
       Author : mfiguiere
       Score  : 95 points
       Date   : 2022-12-21 19:56 UTC (3 hours ago)
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       | adra wrote:
       | I don't see too many immediate term improvements from what we
       | have today, but I do see GraalVM to be just different enough from
       | mainline OpenJDK releases to question exploring the features of
       | that build (in JVM or native modes). I poked at the release from
       | time to time between 19 and 22 but always ended up going back. If
       | this can improve that story, I'd say it's a win for all. Of
       | course I'm not sure what this changes in regards to Oracle's
       | extended paid version of the GraalVM runtime.
         | Alupis wrote:
         | GraalVM will mostly benefit those who are building and
         | deploying Function/Serverless and Microservices most - the
         | native compilation really shines in that space (for near-
         | instant start times and footprint reduction).
         | For anyone else, the normal JVM is likely a better choice for
         | now - the tech built in there is very mature and battle tested.
         | With that said - baking a bunch of GraalVM features into the
         | normal JVM is nothing but good for everyone. Native AOT
         | compilation does have it's uses outside
         | microservices/serverless, and some cross-pollination of VM
         | ideas is a great idea.
           | cogman10 wrote:
           | There are a lot of other neat parts for graal that will
           | likely be beneficial. One of the big benefits of graal is
           | that it makes implementing guest languages a snap (via the
           | truffle framework).
           | So you can get all the operational benefits of the JVM + a
           | nice set of languages to play with along with interopt cross
           | language (python calling java calling ruby calling perl,
           | etc).
           | Here's the languages they already have.
           | https://github.com/oracle/graal/blob/master/truffle/docs/Lan.
           | ..
             | kasperni wrote:
             | There are no plans to move Truffle to OpenJDK.
             | Alupis wrote:
             | That particular claim/goal used to get me excited (run any
             | language on GraalVM), but the reality seems to have worked
             | out to be a very large asterisk next to that claim.
             | From what I can tell, the effort to get any particular
             | language running on Graal is non-trivial, leading to that
             | relatively small list of supported languages - most of
             | which seem to be custom dialects in one fashion or another.
             | Perhaps I'm wrong though...
               | mike_hearn wrote:
               | Is it a small list? Especially if you count ILs like LLVM
               | bitcode or WASM, it probably includes most of them.
               | Many of the languages people use in the real world are
               | really large, really old, really hairy and rely heavily
               | on native extensions that poke arbitrary interpreter
               | internals. Truffle at least makes these implementable
               | with higher performance, and the team size needed to get
               | that done isn't infeasible. But implementing a Ruby or
               | Python will never be a five minute job regardless of what
               | tech you use.
               | Alupis wrote:
               | It's small in that nearly half of the published list is
               | academic languages and dialects, and the other half seems
               | to be custom dialects of languages.
               | While LLVM or WASM support is nice, most modern languages
               | are not compiling to either one by default, and likely
               | means it's not "turn key" to get your system running on
               | Graal anyway.
               | kaba0 wrote:
               | It can run Javascript with similar peak performance than
               | V8 with a tiny tiny fraction of development than what
               | went into the latter. (Of course it is possible only due
               | to it leveraging the many many dev-hours spent on the
               | JVM), it is the fastest Ruby implementation by an integer
               | factor and it can run C dependencies (often used by
               | Python/Ruby) as well, and even optimize across language
               | boundaries.
               | The smallish list of languages is just due to lack of
               | effort, plus lack of immediate benefits -- it is not hard
               | to create an alternative language implementation. It is
               | very hard to create one that is 100% drop-in replaceable
               | with the real thing as every sufficiently complex program
               | will depend on implementation quirks as well.
               | mukel wrote:
               | GraalVM team member here. Implementing any mainstream
               | language is indeed a challenge, more so if you have to
               | maintain bug-compatibility and cope with all the bits of
               | bad design that went through the cracks in the de-facto
               | implementation. Truffle is not for beginners, but knowing
               | the basic set of features e.g. partial evaluation,
               | deoptimization... can get you very far already e.g. you
               | can easily speedup any interpreter by 10X or more with
               | minimal changes.
               | How long does take to implement a programming language?
               | Well, from hours to years... depending on the language.
               | To make my point; how long would it take to implement a
               | JVM? A JVM is a complex beast, so I would myself guess
               | from years to a decade probably, what if I told you, that
               | Espresso was written in just 6 months by an intern and a
               | seasoned engineer... in just 6 months it was able to
               | Minecraft and even run itself. I assure you there's no
               | magic here, and certainly no blinding talent either; the
               | only reason for this unheard productivity was
               | Graal/Truffle. So, whenever I talk about Espresso I
               | always give all credit to Graal/Truffle, it is a sublime
               | platform for implementing fast languages and runtimes, of
               | which Espresso is just a byproduct.
           | threeseed wrote:
           | > building and deploying Function/Serverless and
           | Microservices most
           | For those you may be better with IBM OpenJ9:
           | https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/
           | It also integrates with CRIU so you can almost instantly
           | start/stop the JVM:
           | https://blog.openj9.org/2022/09/26/getting-started-with-
           | open...
             | mdaniel wrote:
             | I keep forgetting about J9 but they're not doing themselves
             | any branding favors since there actually is J17 on J9 :-/
             | https://github.com/eclipse-
             | openj9/openj9/blob/openj9-0.35.0/... (Also that 0.35
             | versioning ...)
             | As best I can tell, these are the docker images:
             | https://hub.docker.com/_/ibm-semeru-runtimes
             | $ docker run --rm ibm-semeru-runtimes:open-11-jdk java
             | -version         openjdk version "11.0.17" 2022-10-18
             | IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (build 11.0.17+8)
             | Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build openj9-0.35.0, JRE 11
             | Linux amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20221031_559 (JIT
             | enabled, AOT enabled)         OpenJ9   - e04a7f6c1
             | OMR      - 85a21674f         JCL      - a94c231303 based on
             | jdk-11.0.17+8)
         | thangalin wrote:
         | It'll help build cross-platform desktop applications. In
         | theory, it'll streamline using GitHub Actions to produce
         | platform-specific binaries, such as my FOSS Markdown editor
         | KeenWrite[0], without having to have a copy of every target
         | operating system.
         | To my knowledge, cross-compiling "native" Linux and Windows
         | binaries using Java requires duct tape, chewing gum, and warp-
         | packer.[1][2] If there's another way to cross-compile a Java
         | application into a standalone binary for multiple target
         | platforms, do tell!
         | GraalVM isn't a panacea. For example, GraalVM cannot compile
         | Renjin[3], a pure Java R interpreter, which means switching
         | from Renjin to FastR. Not trivial. Other sinkholes likely lurk
         | that'll only reveal themselves when walking through the weeds.
         | [0]: https://github.com/DaveJarvis/keenwrite
         | [1]: https://dave.autonoma.ca/blog/2020/06/29/write-once-build-
         | an...
         | [2]: https://github.com/dgiagio/warp
         | [3]: https://github.com/bedatadriven/renjin/issues/564
         | hrpnk wrote:
         | The challenge with GraalVM runtime is that there are
         | differences in licensing. What was great about Java is that
         | only for specialized use cases, one had to invest in a paid
         | runtime. GraalVM moves essential features known from Java
         | Runtime into an Enterprise Edition.
         | From GraalVM docs [1] on memory management: "The G1 GC (only
         | available with GraalVM Enterprise Edition) is a multi-threaded
         | GC that is optimized to reduce stop-the-world pauses and
         | therefore improve latency, while achieving high throughput.
         | Currently, G1 can only be used in native images that are built
         | on Linux for AMD64."
         | [1] https://www.graalvm.org/22.2/reference-manual/native-
         | image/o...
         | aseipp wrote:
         | GraalVM is a bunch of components, but the most important one
         | are 1) Graal, a library in Java that is a code generator and
         | optimizer for compiler authors, 2) Native Image, a tool which
         | turns Java programs into native executables via Graal, and 3)
         | Truffle, a tool for implementing languages in Java that then
         | get code generated, again by Graal
         | "GraalVM" is the umbrella name of all these things packaged
         | together, together with a couple languages implemented in
         | Truffle. That's what you download when you go to the website.
         | Galahad is a proposal to merge the Graal code generator library
         | in Java, into OpenJDK's codebase, so that it is developed in
         | tandem and comes with first-class support. And none of the
         | other things, for now (Native Image will come later.) But you
         | can also do this today: you can instead configure a stable LTS
         | release of Java to use Graal as the code generator for the
         | HotSpot VM, as an alternative to C2. It's a little bit of work
         | to do so, but you can use any compliant OpenJDK build and test
         | it out. Galahad will just make this an "out of the box" option
         | rather than having to get Graal from Maven or whatever.
         | So, you can just test things incrementally and see if Graal
         | gives performance improvements over C2. You don't need to throw
         | out your whole existing JVM, it's mostly just a new maven
         | dependency. That's a much simpler and more targeted change, if
         | you haven't given it a try (mostly by fiddling with some JVM
         | -XX flags, as usual.)
       | kasperni wrote:
       | The title of the article is a bit misleading. The goal is first
       | to merge GraalVMs JIT compiler (as an alternative to C2). Then
       | later to bring in the AOT compiler.
       | pulse7 wrote:
       | After this merge we will have JVM implemented mostly in Java (aka
       | "self hosted"). Currently about 1% of the JVM runtime is
       | implemented in C and this will be replaced with instrumented Java
       | code (including garbage collectors). This means that only one
       | runtime will be maintained in the future and Java developers will
       | do it (and not C/C++ developers which are harder to get). It will
       | be much easier to implement and test new memory management
       | mechanisms than it is today.
       | If they also decide to merge support for other languages
       | (including WASM and LLVM) we will be able to run everything that
       | compiles to WASM and to LLVM on the same runtime - in the same
       | JVM. So we will get another "Docker Without Containers"...
       | EDIT: It seems that I am wrong with the above 1% statement. I
       | meant that about 1% of the Java standard library is written in
       | C/C++. Regarding JVM: I guess that the whole HotSpot VM will be
       | replaced with GraalVM in the future and when this happens,
       | majority of the JVM code will be in Java.
         | morelisp wrote:
         | It's surprising to me that effective knowledge of C and/or C++
         | is the stumbling block for contributing to the core of the JVM.
         | I work at a company with one large C++ codebase, and also many
         | Go projects where C and C++ knowledge are helpful. _We_ have
         | trouble hiring good C++ developers, because our candidate pool
         | starts as  "people who want to write web applications".
         | But if you're already restricted to people who want to work on
         | an extremely mature compiler, VM, and JIT - is lack of C
         | knowledge really what's making it hard to hire people? These
         | are people who are likely to end up reading kernel code and
         | C-defined ABI documentation and etc. etc. even if the codebase
         | is 100% Java...
           | kaba0 wrote:
           | > It's surprising to me that effective knowledge of C and/or
           | C++ is the stumbling block for contributing to the core of
           | the JVM.
           | Parent is just talking out of his/her ass.
           | lmm wrote:
           | The people who believe in and care about Java tend to be Java
           | people; C-oriented people tend to be rather anti-Java.
             | kaba0 wrote:
             | Writing state-of-the art runtimes is probably one of the
             | hardest CS fields. They are way above this "your language
             | sucks" category.
               | lmm wrote:
               | People are human; we get petty and tribal at every level.
               | And ever putting all that aside, if you genuinely believe
               | that one kind of programming or another is the way
               | forward then of course you're going to be more interested
               | in working on technologies that support that.
           | wiseowise wrote:
           | > We have trouble hiring good C++ developers, because our
           | candidate pool starts as "people who want to write web
           | applications".
           | You have trouble hiring good C++ developers, because you
           | don't pay enough.
             | morelisp wrote:
             | Also true, but not the only reason nor a particularly
             | relevant response.
             | moralestapia wrote:
             | Now that you touch on that and since I'm considering a role
             | in C/C++ that came up to me.
             | How much is a good salary for that if you're remote (but US
             | based) and have about 10 years of decent experience (plus a
             | PhD in CS).
         | kasperni wrote:
         | > Currently about 1% of the JVM runtime is implemented in C
         | The JIT is probably half of the VM and is written in C++.
         | Github [1] says (for the whole JDK, not just the VM): Java
         | 75.1% C++ 13.4% C 7.4% Assembly 2.3% Objective-C 0.4%
         | [1] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk
         | Alifatisk wrote:
         | Is C devs really hard to get?
           | Alupis wrote:
           | C devs? No. Competent systems-level C devs - yes.
           | The embedded and systems space are hard and require special
           | talent and knowledge. You can't just take some front-end
           | React developer and get them writing quality systems C code
           | in a weekend... people spend entire careers in that space,
           | and the number of people interested in that work shrinks by
           | the year (look at all developer surveys).
             | Yoric wrote:
             | Incidentally, that's one of the reasons for which Rust is
             | so successful in this space. Rust won't magically make you
             | productive in a week-end, but the Rust compiler (with its
             | error messages) is pedagogic enough that it is going to
             | help you learn from your mistakes.
             | That's the extreme opposite of raw C (or raw JavaScript,
             | etc.) in which it's very easy to believe that you have
             | solved an issue, only to realize much later that you've
             | been entirely misunderstanding some constructions of the
             | language and (if your code somehow managed to land) you
             | have made the entire product unstable or insecure without
             | realizing it.
             | Of course, there are tradeoffs to each approach. But I
             | believe that investing in Rust was a great initiative from
             | Mozilla.
             | delusional wrote:
             | But can you take some JavaEE backend developer, shove them
             | into the compiler, and expect them to do well?
             | I think the language difference is a red herring.
               | yakak wrote:
               | It's certainly very interesting since Java was among the
               | few high level languages that had unlimited access to C
               | OS devs in theory, but it doesn't show this in practice.
               | I always felt they were hostile to understanding OSes and
               | problems/solutions they provide and thereby limiting
               | themselves to mostly junior C devs who didn't rock the
               | boat by making real OS features for the JVM.
             | pyuser583 wrote:
             | How does embedded programming pay?
           | jalcazar wrote:
           | not _really hard_ just _harder_ than Java
         | mike_hearn wrote:
         | Where did you get the 1% figure from? HotSpot has millions of
         | lines of C++, that seems far too low.
         | Graal doesn't affect memory management. It's a JIT compiler,
         | not a GC. Although there's a relatively simple GC written in
         | SystemJava for native images, G1, ZGC and Parallel will
         | continue to be the standard GCs in the regular JVM for the
         | foreseeable future and they are all written in C++.
           | taeric wrote:
           | To add to your question, assuming the tooling at github is
           | ok, it has ~20% as c/c++ for https://github.com/openjdk/jdk.
           | I would think most of that would be concentrated in the
           | hotspot code, but I don't know. Would be delighted to know
           | what the original post was referring to.
             | fathyb wrote:
             | I think the entirety of Hotspot is written in C++ [0]? The
             | standard library in the JDK is mostly written in Java, but
             | the VM itself with the GC and JIT code is in C++, which
             | makes sense.
             | If you do not count the standard library as part of the JVM
             | (but part of the JDK), then the JVM is written mostly in
             | C++.
             | [0]: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/tree/master/src/hotspot
       | Alifatisk wrote:
       | I've had thoughts about trying GraalVM with a old Ruby project
       | using (truffleruby) but I found the docs to be a bit rough.
       (page generated 2022-12-21 23:00 UTC)