[HN Gopher] What color is it?
       What color is it?
       Author : thither
       Score  : 112 points
       Date   : 2022-12-23 21:57 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (whatcolorisit.sumbioun.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (whatcolorisit.sumbioun.com)
       | braingenious wrote:
       | Green.
       | nier wrote:
       | Excuse me for shamelessly self-promoting on Christmas Eve but
       | I've built just the tool for that!
       | https://adriannier.de/colordoggy
         | kirab wrote:
         | Is Mac this ubiquitous nowadays on Hacker News?
         | This tool is Mac Only and that's mentioned neither here nor in
         | the article. Only after reading the article, when you want to
         | use the tool, and you scroll down to download it, you finally
         | see that there's only one Mac only Download Button.
           | nier wrote:
           | Now you know how I felt growing up in the 90s. Like... we
           | were supposed to get Halo not you! :)
           | jensenbox wrote:
           | Nope - I am on Linux only and have been for years.
         | lkschubert8 wrote:
         | Welp buying this immediately. I'm colorblind but dabble in some
         | art and some design work and this will be super useful. I've
         | found tools that will display rgb values, but translating that
         | to a color mentally isn't particulary easily.
           | nier wrote:
           | Thanks for the support! :)
       | n1c00o wrote:
       | This is cool
       | csdvrx wrote:
       | Linked to that, I'm wondering how epoch seeding could be used
       | with RNG in general.
       | According to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/521295/seeding-
       | the-rando... it's not possible.
       | But if you have 2 events with a variable time between them (ex:
       | when the user get a document, when you the user click on submit)
       | I think it should: the set of {start, end} would have some
       | limited entropy.
         | n2d4 wrote:
         | The StackOverflow question you linked is specifically about
         | JavaScript's Math.random function. As you said, in general it's
         | possible, in fact most software PRNGs use the epoch to
         | construct their seeds.
       | dmarinus wrote:
       | I do something similar with my keyboard rgb leds.
         | gps0 wrote:
         | Do you use an existing solution, or did you make one myself?
       | beefman wrote:
       | My version from 2016 that lets you choose the color space and
       | whether to cycle colors over a minute, hour, or day:
       | http://lumma.org/code/js/colortime/
       | 85 lines of legible source right on the page.
       | mfbx9da4 wrote:
       | Cool idea
       | [deleted]
       | nvr219 wrote:
       | Staring at this for 30 seconds and then hitting back to hn was
       | trippy.
       | FoomFries wrote:
       | It seems disingenuous to fade from one color to the next while
       | displaying only two hexes for color. Either that or it's not
       | fading and my eyes are deceiving me, but as I'm on mobile I've
       | not the time to look at the source code.
         | kumarharsh wrote:
         | Not sure what is disingenouous about it... The website is
         | showing the current time encoded as colour, with some animation
         | to make it look good. Its not a colour guessing game :)
           | vultour wrote:
           | For me the animation momentarily turns it into pink, then
           | back to red. I don't really see the point because it just
           | makes an entirely different color to what it's supposed to be
           | showing.
             | shkkmo wrote:
             | This is explained here:
             | > Since pure hue variations in RGB comprise less values
             | than the total number of seconds in a day, colors are
             | further modulated each second to show a distintive gamut of
             | colors for every different moment in the day.
             | > Variations are based on phased sine functions that
             | respond to each individual color, the fine modulation and
             | luminosity.
       | [deleted]
       | obert wrote:
       | Screensaver https://www.screensaversplanet.com/screensavers/what-
       | colour-...
       | smallerfish wrote:
       | Minor pedantry, but this copy is mixing two different time
       | schemes:
       | > [peaking at 0AM] while during the day colors are lighter
       | [peaking at 12AM]
       | 0(0:00) is a 24 hour clock concept, and isn't used with a 12 hour
       | clock. Further, 12AM typically refers to midnight. So you either
       | want {peaking at 00:00; peaking at 12:00} or {peaking at 12AM;
       | peaking at 12PM}.
         | samwillis wrote:
         | See this brilliant thread by Foone:
         | https://mobile.twitter.com/foone/status/1572260363764400129
         | "Someday aliens are going to land their saucers in a field
         | somewhere in New Jersey and everything is going to go just fine
         | right up until we try to explain our calendar to them..."
           | tmtvl wrote:
           | Hm, I wonder if that guy realizes that there are other
           | languages than English in the world, and that there are
           | different calendars in use.
             | drcongo wrote:
             | That's addressed in the thread.
             | vehementi wrote:
             | That'll be $50, sir
           | thunderbong wrote:
           | Relevant HN thread (989 comments, posted by, ahem, myself!) -
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32975173`|
             | vehementi wrote:
             | New link, now more correct!
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32975173
           | DoctorOW wrote:
           | I've seen this one before, but I highly recommend anyone in
           | the lucky 10,000 to read this.
           | samstr wrote:
           | [dead]
           | vlovich123 wrote:
           | Someday aliens are going to land their saucers in a field
           | somewhere in New Jersey and everything is going to go just
           | fine, especially when they too admit they haven't figured out
           | how to keep track of time consistently.
           | chungy wrote:
           | He makes the assumption that aliens wouldn't have their own
           | seemingly-arbitrary date and time system. Honestly it's
           | biased for a "everyone but humans are entirely logical and
           | never deviated" viewpoint that cheap (bad) sci-fi goes for.
             | Razengan wrote:
             | _Lazy_ sci-fi. Every civilization except humans is unified
             | and monolithic, or has at most maybe 2 subgroups, because
             | it's hard to invent thousands of years of history.
             | And not just fiction, but science also: "Why haven't aliens
             | done X by now?"
             | samtho wrote:
             | This clearly humorous twitter thread has really nothing to
             | do with aliens, it's shorthand for a viewpoint we can all
             | understand enough to get the premise.
         | wodenokoto wrote:
         | There is no 12 am. There's 12 noon and 12 midnight. But no 12
         | am or pm.
           | colejohnson66 wrote:
           | Not true. They exist, but can be confusing to some people.
           | Because 12:01 AM is just past midnight (and 12:01 PM just
           | past noon), 12:00 AM is midnight and 12:00 PM is noon.
         | leipert wrote:
         | Even more pedantic:
         | > In Japanese usage, midnight is written as Wu Qian 0Shi  (0:00
         | a.m.) and noon is written as Wu Hou 0Shi  (0:00 p.m.), making
         | the hours numbered sequentially from 0 to 11 in both halves of
         | the day.
         | (As per Wikipedia) Can be found in the Intl.DateFormat API as
         | well.
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | The fact that it's 13 hours from 11AM to 12AM is probably the
         | strangest thing in our already bizarre system of timekeeping
         | Like December is the twelfth month because decus is Latin for
         | ten...
           | eCa wrote:
           | > Like December is the twelfth month because decus is Latin
           | for ten
           | There also was a couple of dudes who wanted a month in their
           | name that messed things up, IIRC..
             | mfranc wrote:
             | If you mean Caesar and Augustus, they are actually the
             | reason we don't have even more badly named months, like
             | Quintilis (July) and Sextilis (August). December was the
             | tenth month simply because each new year started in March.
             | This likely changed long before Caesar was even born. They
             | also, allegedly, had only ten months, but the second king
             | of Rome changed that, but it could also be just a legend.
       | user- wrote:
       | I dont get it. All I see is the color flickering between various
       | oranges/reds with every second with no pattern I can discern
       | [deleted]
       | alberth wrote:
       | > This version implements a different algorithm to translate time
       | into colors, covering the whole visible light spectrum in 24
       | hours. At night colors get darker [peaking at 0AM] while during
       | the day colors are lighter [peaking at 12AM].
       | http://whatcolorisit.sumbioun.com/about.html
       | In case anyone is curious what they are looking at.
         | bowmessage wrote:
         | Also, if you'd rather not wait 24 hours, you can watch the full
         | spectrum in a sped-up video here: https://vimeo.com/116576029
           | xattt wrote:
           | Here is an even quicker summary diagram:
           | https://i7x7p5b7.stackpathcdn.com/codrops/wp-
           | content/uploads...
       | pugets wrote:
       | What a coincidence. I just had an idea like this two days ago
       | because we recently adopted a puppy and we're trying to establish
       | routines. I think he is struggling with the day/night cycle since
       | our blinds are usually pulled. I wanted to use a screen or a
       | color-changing bulb, so he knows yellow o'clock means daytime and
       | blue o'clock means night. Maybe I can use this. Thanks for open
       | sourcing it.
       (page generated 2022-12-24 23:00 UTC)