[HN Gopher] Merry Christmas, HN
       Merry Christmas, HN
       Just wanted to wish everybody here a Merry Christmas. HN is one of
       those Internet communities which I would be the saddest to see go,
       even looking back on other communities in which I've participated
       over the years.  I see many posts here about loneliness, nihilism,
       friendships (or lack thereof) and just wanted to let everybody here
       know that life is never hopeless, and there are always people who
       care, even if they're thousands of miles away.  Please reach out to
       loved ones this season and let them know you love them. Life is
       short, and you never know when the last time you'll be wishing
       somebody a Merry Christmas will be.  I wish you all the very best
       for 2023.
       Author : Thorentis
       Score  : 655 points
       Date   : 2022-12-24 21:06 UTC (1 hours ago)
       | bwb wrote:
       | Love this community and huge thanks to Dang for keeping it
       | humming!
       | Merry Christmas!
       | foreverobama wrote:
       | [dead]
       | StanislavPetrov wrote:
       | Cheers! Merry Christmas!
       | x86developer wrote:
       | Merry Christmas Everyone; Hope that everyone in the community has
       | a great 2023. Take some time off, I know its hard sometimes but
       | it becomes more important around the holidays.
       | droobles wrote:
       | Happy Holidays! Sad today that my mother has COVID so my wife and
       | I can't go and see her, but we are already planning a badass
       | holiday party for after the new year! Spending the day sending
       | messages and relaxing with my dog. :) OP and the entire HN
       | community, hope you have a great time to spend with friends,
       | family, loved ones, online communities, or just relaxing with
       | some well deserved time off, with hopefully some great food or
       | snacks in the mix.
         | beaned wrote:
         | You can see your mom if you want.
           | droobles wrote:
           | I can! That is possible. She's not comfortable with that and
           | wishes to quarantine.
       | benreesman wrote:
       | Happy Holidays HN.
       | I've spent Christmas alone more than I care to admit over the
       | last decade but this community never fails to offer insight,
       | inspiration, and compassion.
       | This is a great community and I look forward to another decade of
       | being privileged to be a member of it.
         | 2kwatts wrote:
         | I like to think of HN as a family of its own. Sure, we're all
         | different and we come from all sorts of different backgrounds,
         | but we all come together and get along. It's really amazing,
         | and it's hard to find in other places online.
           | inezk wrote:
           | I so agree. I also love how it's content vs form focused.
         | phkahler wrote:
         | >> I've spent Christmas alone more than I care to admit over
         | the last decade but this community never fails to offer
         | insight, inspiration, and compassion.
         | This is my first ever Christmas eve alone. I'll see my family
         | tomorrow, but no more inlaws, and my kid is with her mom
         | tonight. Divorce is.... different. I've got wine and a blanket.
         | I'm getting back to FLOSS. Dropped a PR on OBS Studio
         | yesterday. I hope it gets accepted as my Christmas present to
         | the Free Software community. Take care peeps!
           | highwaylights wrote:
           | Just checking in to say you take care too and it'll be
           | tomorrow before you know it. Your kid will get to be super
           | excited a second time tomorrow when he sees you at the front
           | door!
           | Congrats on getting back to floss. I keep trying to but it's
           | been hard to make the time this year. Hopefully 2023 will
           | give me a little extra time for it!
           | Happy Christmas mate :-)
           | rubicon33 wrote:
           | What's FLOSS?
             | orobinson wrote:
             | Free/Libre Open Source Software.
             | "Libre" is French for free as in freedom so it's sometimes
             | added to emphasise the "free" means freedom of use not
             | necessarily free in price.
             | [deleted]
           | [deleted]
       | ggggiok wrote:
       | Not a Christian, but appreciate the sentiment. Family is all dead
       | so it's just another weekend for me, no big deal. Hope the rest
       | of you enjoy your festivities, whatever it is you're doing.
         | ketzo wrote:
         | I enjoy that the commercialization of American Christmas has, a
         | little bit, freed it from religion. Now it's just the default
         | Western end-of-year holiday! And we can all enjoy that :)
         | rablackburn wrote:
         | Sorry to hear about your family - I hope you have some
         | community around you.
         | Being the "uncle" of the community (who isn't related to anyone
         | by blood) is actually a pretty fulfilling role sometimes.
         | sneak wrote:
         | I'm also not a Christian and also without family, but it's nice
         | to have a day off and to take some time to make some homecooked
         | food, something I enjoy but don't usually find the time to do.
         | Holidays are a cultural excuse to make something deliberately
         | not "just another weekend", it doesn't have to be a religious
         | thing.
         | The Christians repurposed the existing holiday date themselves,
         | feel free to return the favor and make your own arbitrary
         | Saturnalia feast. :)
       | TheFreim wrote:
       | I wish a happy and merry Christmas to each and every one of you,
       | may your celebration of the birth of Jesus be a pleasant one.
       | jimmytidey wrote:
       | I feel bad we didn't get dang anything.
       | verdenti wrote:
       | [dead]
       | kodah wrote:
       | Happy holidays y'all
       | mattanimation wrote:
       | Merry Christmas Ya'll
       | lern_too_spel wrote:
       | > life is never hopeless
       | Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
       | synergy20 wrote:
       | To keep a community like HN to be truly informative, helpful and
       | civic is actually not too hard: put aside polarized politics and
       | chill, then discuss.
       | other social networks divide more than unite communities, sadly,
       | mostly due to politics and ideology differences.
       | Thanks HN, please stay the same for the next decade. Happy
       | holiday to all.
       | speedylight wrote:
       | Merry Christmas everyone, I love HN and all the people here. Just
       | absolutely excellent community with literally 0 complaints coming
       | from me. I've learned so much here just by reading comments and
       | submissions and occasionally posting Ask HN posts. You all helped
       | shape the way I think in a really positive way and I'm grateful
       | for that. Thank you.
       | Have fun and stay safe!
       | whalesalad wrote:
       | How many of you on HN - like me - do not celebrate Christmas?
       | [deleted]
       | indymike wrote:
       | Thanks to all of you for making life just a little more
       | interesting and fun. Merry Christmas. Let's make 2023 the best
       | yet.
       | djitz wrote:
       | I hope everyone is able to enjoy a few actual days off and has a
       | great new year!
       | Simon_O_Rourke wrote:
       | Happy Christmas y'all, for those of you worried about what 2023
       | is going to bring, just kick back for a week and enjoy the
       | holidays, the new year will take care of itself when the time
       | comes.
       | And for those of you recently laid off work, sending you positive
       | vibes and hope you guys land on your feet soon.
       | zerojames wrote:
       | Happy holidays to everyone on HN!
       | swayvil wrote:
       | Merry Christmas
       | Zancarius wrote:
       | Merry Christmas! This post hits pretty close to home,
       | particularly the bit about how ephemeral life is. My father
       | passed earlier this year after a long battle with COPD (encourage
       | your friends/family to stop smoking if they do!), but because it
       | was expected I was blessed to have the opportunity to prepare and
       | have many conversations I will remember until my last day.
       | The material can come and go. Family and friendships,
       | relationships, and what blessings you can bestow upon others are
       | ultimately what matters most.
       | If you know someone who will be alone this Christmas, and you
       | have the means, please consider ensuring they won't spend it by
       | themselves.
       | Topolomancer wrote:
       | May 2023 be a good year for all of us. Thanks for engaging
       | discussions, inspiring comments, and for being a beacon of
       | interesting things in a web that is becoming increasingly bland.
       | I appreciate the views of this community, even as they are
       | challenging my own! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
       | Mobius01 wrote:
       | Happy holidays to all. I can sincerely say that even though I'm
       | not precisely on the target demographic for HN, it is by far the
       | most valuable and pleasant community in the internet. Cheers to
       | all.
       | theboywho wrote:
       | Can someone please explain to me what's special about Christmas
       | for those who celebrate ? Is it special symbolically ? To me it
       | feels like you get to see your family and maybe have 2-3 days
       | off, which is something most people do many times a year, usually
       | during the weekends.
         | s-xyz wrote:
         | Its mostly that, and the fact that you live up to a day where
         | family comes together. Also knowing that everyone around you is
         | kinda doing the same, like a common moment.
         | sen wrote:
         | It's just fun. I have zero religious background nor do any of
         | my family yet we bloody love Christmas. Decorating the house,
         | lights in the yard, seasonal food that you don't eat at other
         | times (you "could" but having it only at Christmas is the
         | entire point).
         | StanislavPetrov wrote:
         | My family isn't religious, but Christmas is a day when we all
         | exchange gifts. Many people get 2-3 days off, but rarely at the
         | same time, especially if you have college-aged relatives that
         | are away at school most of the year. Many people also have to
         | work, even on the Weekend, but most places are closed on
         | Christmas, which also makes getting together easier.
         | rablackburn wrote:
         | The effect is probably more that everyone in your life makes
         | time for it.
         | There's no scheduling conflicts for work, there's nothing to
         | get done...except getting together and appreciating each other.
         | ...which can be its own mission. The holidays can be stressful,
         | but the important thing is the time we spend together.
         | And yes, depending what you believe there can be a lot of
         | symbology overlaid onto it. Ymmv on the symbology.
         | system2 wrote:
         | It is near the new year. Usually people take day offs or save
         | their off days for these days and combine them. From 20th of
         | december to first week of january people relax, don't work and
         | see family they didn't see over a year. It is more of an excuse
         | to celebrate stuff than anything religious to be honest.
         | rawgabbit wrote:
         | Christmas celebrates the birth or nativity of Jesus. The coming
         | of the promised savior. Jesus' death and resurrection,
         | religiously speaking, reconciled mankind with God. Jesus
         | represents reconciliation and peace. Like the lost prodigal son
         | who returns to his father and is welcomed with open arms.
           | kortilla wrote:
           | That's what the Christian holiday is yes, but that's not
           | really what a lot of Americans (including my family) are
           | actually celebrating. It's about getting together with
           | family, exchanging gifts and good food, and reflecting on the
           | year.
           | We do the lights and the tree, not a single mention of Jesus
           | or God though. The overlap of Americanized Christmas and
           | religion in the Venn diagram is much smaller than you would
           | think.
         | maxrf wrote:
         | for me, it was having kids that made it special, I enjoyed the
         | atmosphere, extra attention at friends houses as a kid - but
         | the anticipation and excitement of my kids transformed a
         | festival I didn't grow up liking. Sure, you do stuff for and
         | with your kids during the year - but this became a two-way time
         | - that has endured to their adulthood (not just the
         | 'presents').
       | shireboy wrote:
       | Merry Christmas - I agree HN is the best. I don't have a ton of
       | techy friends, and since I and the friends I do have have young
       | kids, I don't get much time to nerd out with them. HN is a great
       | alternative and has managed to keep civil discussion alive.
       | Looking forward to geeking out to lots of nerd news with you all
       | in 2023.
       | gvv wrote:
       | Merry Christmas HN!
       | libpcap wrote:
       | Merry Christmas!
       | blhack wrote:
       | It should not be lost on anyone that this holiday comes
       | immediately after the winter solstice, the darkest day of the
       | year.
       | The future is hopeful, and the days have already started getting
       | brighter.
       | Merry Christmas, HN!
         | 40amxn40 wrote:
         | Summer* solstice
         | Southern hemisfere masterrace reporting in
         | osullip wrote:
         | Except in the southern hemisphere.
           | dgwight wrote:
           | This is my first summer Christmas (down in Chile), it feels
           | quite different! They also celebrate more today on the 24th
           | and do presents at midnight
             | osullip wrote:
             | We also do a lot of beach going.
             | It still feels crazy for me to be in shorts and putting the
             | barbie on to cook some steaks.
             | While the northern hemisphere have a celebration in the
             | middle of winter, the young here are preparing for festival
             | season and are on summer school holidays until end of
             | January.
             | It's a topsy turvy world.
             | //Plus we can see the Milky Way and far too many satellites
             | to feel truely comfortable looking up at night.
               | kortilla wrote:
               | +1 to the better view of the Milky Way. Sat visibility is
               | roughly the same though.
           | ARandomerDude wrote:
           | The northern hemisphere has 90% of the world's population. It
           | was a pretty safe general statement.
             | osullip wrote:
             | Just feeling a little left out.
               | [deleted]
               | maxrf wrote:
               | I'm southern hemisphere too - thinking 'seasonal
               | solstice' works for me...
       | jll29 wrote:
       | Merry Christmas, all!
       | leo150 wrote:
       | HN is the best indeed
       | labrador wrote:
       | In case you're homeless and living in your car rejected by
       | everyone you love because you can't stop drinking, but
       | temporarily holed up in a roadside motel over Christmas with a
       | case of vodka... that was me. It gets better. I now have 5 years
       | sobriety, but I'll never forget that despair I felt and how my
       | mind was in a loop thinking about killing myself.
       | I've put a temp email in my profile in case you want to reach
       | out. I can't tell you how to stop drinking because it's different
       | for everyone, but I know one small step is knowing you are not
       | alone and recovery is possible.
         | samsquire wrote:
         | I experienced a similar episode but not with alcohol.
         | I surround myself with things that are of these words: good,
         | love, kindness, peace, serenity, tranquility, purity,
         | loveliness, wholesomeness, cleanliness, positivity, light,
         | fruit, right, proper, meant, should, high.
         | Reject dark, evil, bad, negative, low, death, darkness,
         | sinister.
         | It's a duality you need to escape. Pick the good side.
         | If you surround yourself with light, your life gets brighter. I
         | cannot imagine surrounding myself with anything negative.
         | If you keep walking where you're going, you might get there. If
         | you pick the side of good, then you should end up somewhere
         | more positive than walking toward darkness.
         | didgetmaster wrote:
         | You don't have to 'hit rock bottom' to have temporary times of
         | despair in your life. Even if you have a lot of things going
         | for you, we all have times when we feel sad, depressed, lonely,
         | in a rut, overwhelmed, or other negative emotions.
         | If you find yourself in one of those times, convince yourself
         | that it is only temporary and look for the good. Help someone
         | else out because serving others will give you a boost. Surround
         | yourself with uplifting people. Make small steps if that helps.
         | Some people give religion a bad rep, but faith, hope, and
         | charity are real and uplift the soul.
         | earth-adventure wrote:
         | You deserve a medal of honor. Thank you.
           | labrador wrote:
           | Thanks, this is the easy part. The hard part is asking for
           | help. I still haven't figured out why asking for help is so
           | hard.
             | toomuchtodo wrote:
             | If you need help, ask. There is nothing wrong with needing
             | help. People want to help.
         | roflyear wrote:
         | Why are the holidays so bad for this? I guess a combination of
         | no sun and stress. I am always the most depressed during the
         | holidays.
       | raffraffraff wrote:
       | Merry Christmas! I give to you my favorite Christmas song of all
       | time
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drK9RyKmc1A
       | Mr. McClintock, you absolute genius.
       | fwsgonzo wrote:
       | Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! I hope for an interesting 2023
       | with lots of cool stuff.
       | I wish for more Show HN and technical articles. :)
       | worldsavior wrote:
       | Happy Hanukkah!
       | maxrf wrote:
       | Merry Solstice Substitute! HN. I wasn't brought up Christian
       | either, but loved the tradition with friends - and giving gifts
       | under the mid-winter evergreen tree. Wishing everyone good things
       | in 2023.
         | pffft8888 wrote:
         | Happy Soltice to you, too. I cringe that we have to end a
         | tree's life so that we may maintain some tradition. Having said
         | that, our kitten loves hanging out under the tree and smelling
         | its pine needles. Still, I can't get over the fact that we end
         | a tree's life for no reason at all (not that we need it to
         | build shelter or something for our survival)
           | sen wrote:
           | I don't know a single person who still used a real tree. The
           | artificial ones look incredible these days and are infinitely
           | more sustainable, less messy, look better longer, and can be
           | chosen to suit the room perfectly. If you're a nerd like me
           | you can even embed them with WS2812 RGBs and an ESP32 WLED
           | controller, which would be way too much effort for a
           | temporary "real" tree.
           | kortilla wrote:
           | The real trees everyone I know uses come from Christmas tree
           | farms grown specifically for this purpose. They wouldn't
           | exist otherwise.
       | goodmachine wrote:
       | Happy Christmas, all!
       | kika wrote:
       | I WAS raised as a Christian but "my" Christmas is not today, lol.
       | But Merry Christmas anyway! I raised a little kid and just very
       | recently she was running around my computer with a screwdriver
       | trying to remove a shiny heatsink from the motherboard. A couple
       | of days ago she flew in and was busy applying for PhD in math and
       | passing interviews in Haskell. WTF did I do.
       | danbmil99 wrote:
       | So this hotbed of liberalism -- high tech SV -- says "Merry
       | Christmas"? What happened to the war on Xmas?
       | Happy Kwanzaa, Joyful Festivus, and may the winter solstice bring
       | a great harvest!
         | danbmil99 wrote:
         | What's with the downvotes? Just a bit of cheeky sarcasm
         | gjm11 wrote:
         | The "war on Christmas" was always bullshit, a meme deliberately
         | propagated by cultural conservatives to make other cultural
         | conservatives feel threatened.
         | A very merry Feast of Isaac of Woolsthorpe to you.
         | rablackburn wrote:
         | It's almost as if the war on Christmas isn't really a policy of
         | liberalism ;)
         | Most people eventually recognise that intent matters. Consider
         | that the people you see who mock Christmas are probably a
         | younger demographic realising for the first time that the date
         | might be a little arbitrary - but that doesn't mean the spirit
         | of the holiday isn't real.
       | pomian wrote:
       | Merry Christmas! Let's hope and pray to whichever deity, for
       | peace; And an extra prayer or thought for the Ukrainians.
         | ellis0n wrote:
         | Merry Christmas! I'm from Ukraine. Thanks. I hope God hears.
         | Please check my comment, maybe you can suggest something
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34121905
       | a-user-you-like wrote:
       | Merry Christmas!
       | Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward
       | men.
       | thisbrt wrote:
       | Merry Christmas you beautiful soul
       | maxbond wrote:
       | Cheers, happy holidays. I've learned a lot from this community
       | this year & every year, and look forward to what 2023 well bring.
       | ellis0n wrote:
       | I'm from Ukraine.
       | This is the hardest Christmas I've ever had in my life. Because
       | of the war, they had to move to a safe place and constantly incur
       | large expenses. Unfortunately, the war ruined all plans to launch
       | my startup and a programming language that would help people be
       | more smart and free, which I have been doing for 10 years. I
       | tried to work on a startup while working at work, but the
       | problems associated with the war, electricity and the Internet
       | made it very expensive to exist. Unfortunately, the people I
       | counted on and whom I helped to make a career also let me down.
       | Also, the support of the Ukrainians was not as great as in the
       | media in my case, I applied to many places. Now I am left without
       | finances and without a job, this is the first time in my career
       | in 12 years of remote work.
       | Maybe you suggest a place where I can apply in such a situation,
       | maybe there are funds that help Ukrainians? Or maybe a place
       | where I can get quickly find a job and get payout?
       | All hope is in God. Merry Christmas
       | Here is my project, any suggestion? https://animationcpu.com/
       | My email in profile
       | jk-pasha wrote:
       | Merry Christmas to you all and HN too! Have a lovely time!
       | CharlesW wrote:
       | "All I Want For Christmas Is You" in the style of the Wii Shop
       | theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDGl2albRHk
       | BMc2020 wrote:
       | Merry Christmas, and yes humans are stupid and petty and cruel
       | but each one of us has the spark to be greater. My wish is for
       | each of us have the courage to try to be just a little bit better
       | than they were the day before.
       | isatty wrote:
       | Merry Christmas, everyone on HN!
       | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
       | Merry Christmas! Be well
       | david927 wrote:
       | Peace and love for you all in 2023. Merry Christmas.
       | Liquidor wrote:
       | Merry Christmas, HN! :-)
       | Time to reach out and appreciate/tell the people and connections
       | that make you a better person.
       | jetsnoc wrote:
       | Merry Christmas, my incredibly brilliant HN family! HN has been a
       | home now for 13 years and I can't wait to see what engaging
       | discussions we have in 2023. Life is never hopeless. If any of
       | you need a friend -- my personal email is in my profile.
       | dmd wrote:
       | Merry Christmas from Logan Airport, where my flight to SF is now
       | 5 hours delayed.
       | teruakohatu wrote:
       | Merry Christmas HN, and especially to Dang. This is a wonderful
       | community, a rare gem on the Internet and I feel fortunate to be
       | part of it.
       | kristiandupont wrote:
       | You probably missed the "European thread" from a bit earlier:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34114940 :-)
       | Merry Christmas to you too!
         | Thorentis wrote:
         | I did indeed, but you can't have too many Christmas greetings!
       | strzibny wrote:
       | Merry Christmas to you all :)
       | dubcanada wrote:
       | Agree, I can lose Twitter, Reddit, what ever. If I lose HN I feel
       | that would affect me the most. I appreciate a community that is
       | not focused on politics, news, and what ever nonsense is
       | happening in the world. Just focused on a core topic revolving
       | around computers/technology/startups.
       | Merry Christmas and any other holiday you may celebrate at this
       | time.
         | highwaylights wrote:
         | This.
         | I love Reddit for different reasons, but there's something
         | really unique about this community that I really hope it never
         | loses (and it hasn't yet so I'm optimistic!)
         | Happy Christmas!
       | rablackburn wrote:
       | Merry Christmas from the airport bar!
       | May your 2023s be full of family, grace, and good fortune.
       | throwaway0x7E6 wrote:
       | Merry Christmas!
       | chrishare wrote:
       | Happy holidays
       | itpragmatik wrote:
       | Merry Christmas to all!
         | [deleted]
       | s-xyz wrote:
       | Related: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34114940
       (page generated 2022-12-24 23:00 UTC)