[HN Gopher] Unbundling Tools for Thought
       Unbundling Tools for Thought
       Author : exp1orer
       Score  : 231 points
       Date   : 2022-12-26 14:17 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (borretti.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (borretti.me)
       | __jambo wrote:
       | This article has a lot of unfounded metaphors and assertions.
       | While procrastination is bad, and excessively logging is also
       | bad, global systems are incredibly powerful - just look at
       | physics.
       | somehnacct3757 wrote:
       | Really enjoyed this read, but also couldn't help but feel sorry
       | for the author still trapped in the labyrinth. "Just one more CMS
       | and I'll be free..."
       | The jewel in the post is the rejection of Vannevar's acolytes and
       | their hand-wrought memexen. Biology already gave me a perfectly
       | good memex in my skull. If its shortcomings give you anxiety,
       | take 2 YAGNI until productivity resumes.
       | neilyio wrote:
       | I spent quite a bit of time in this particular rabbit hole.
       | Zettelkasten, Roam, Org-Roam, LogSeq, GTD, Anki.... yet I don't
       | think I've stuck with any habit for more than a week or two. I
       | have the same sinking feeling with these tools as I do with
       | programming language development.
       | I'm sure many others here have followed note-taking/PL ideas for
       | years, waiting for the one that will come along and give us
       | superpowers. It feels like we're "so close"... all these
       | tools/languages are almost the perfect blend of concise,
       | expressive, interactive, etc.
       | It's occurred to me recently that we may already be among the
       | last programming languages and note-taking systems to be built.
       | We've tried for decades to design notes and code in ways that
       | suit storage access patterns of our brains. I used to think that
       | meant a breakthrough was inevitable, but now I'm starting to see
       | the efforts having diminishing returns.
       | ChatGPT and its brethren are almost certainly the way forward for
       | most knowledge storage (and the knowledge work that goes with
       | it). The entire class of organization problems melt away when you
       | can communicate in plain language what you'd like to store and
       | retrieve. As chat assistants start to become more integrated in
       | our work, the storage phase will become completely passive. The
       | assistant will automatically accumulate the context it'll need
       | when we come back to it for retrieval.
       | Why would we design new languages and note systems when, quite
       | literally, a general-purpose second brain already exists?
       | I don't mean to discount the creativity and effort of all
       | language and note system designers today. All exploration is
       | valuable, and there are certainly better designs out there to be
       | found. But the best designs don't always win, and we might just
       | be at the point where the imperfect designs that have critical
       | mass might be the ones that stick around forever.
       | bleeding wrote:
       | I've tried to use a "personal wiki" in professional life and
       | found that I did not really use the functionality. What re-
       | occurring concepts need to be linked back to? AWS? APIs? Perhaps
       | I'm just not a very good professional note-taker, but my brief
       | experimentation didn't really feel useful.
       | What I _have_found it very useful for is D&D notes. People,
       | places, objects come up on a re-occurring basis and it is often
       | useful to have a description, encounters, relationships to other
       | people/places/things in a page, or even just a place to list all
       | of those things! You can easily go from session journal -> a
       | bunch of new pages about things, or updates to existing ones in a
       | brief review after the session. It took me a while to actually do
       | the organization but the upkeep is now easy, and I will have a
       | place to recall the name of the inn we we stayed at in our first
       | session in Fantasyville.
         | 1123581321 wrote:
         | If you're deep into something like AWS at work, it seems useful
         | to tag all the individual services you encounter in your work
         | so you have a record of where you've used it or investigated
         | using it. One tag for AWS doesn't sound useful. A tag structure
         | like AWS-EC2 should let you search for every service without
         | one overarching tag.
         | This kind of thing is best done in a collaborative tool, of
         | course.
         | titanomachy wrote:
         | I started using one professionally and found it fairly helpful.
         | Mostly I just type all my meeting notes and useful things I
         | discover into my daily notes, and try to tag the top-level node
         | with at least the name of the project and maybe the people I'm
         | meeting with. Then I can go to the project page and see a
         | history of the discussion, which has been helpful on numerous
         | occasions: instead of "I think I remember someone saying that
         | foo service is going to be deprecated soon", I can tell my
         | teammates "Alice from the baz team told me two months ago that
         | foo service will be deprecated in favor of bar, here's a link
         | to the doc outlining the reasons". Probably 80% of the benefit
         | just comes from having searchable daily notes, but the linking
         | is pretty nice too.
         | Also helpful in 1:1s with people, I can easily see a record of
         | all interactions I've had with a person so it reminds me to
         | follow up on things when we chat.
       | SebastianKra wrote:
       | Much of the backlash to these tools seems to assume that they
       | require significant devotion and time.
       | I just use it to store my stuff. I don't spend much time
       | organising it.
       | I had trouble organising my data in folders, so I tried Bear
       | Notes, and it helped.
       | From there, I just came up with a few conventions to deal with
       | the problems that emerged over time - similarly to how someone
       | would define their personal folder-hierarchy. For example, having
       | a page for every contact helped, because I often find myself
       | looking for "that thing that Tom showed me".
       | But the biggest advantage is that whatever I'm looking for is in
       | one location, only a short full-text search away.
       | ---
       | > Every node in your knowledge graph is a _debt_. Every link
       | doubly so.
       | I have 5000 notes - most of them are useless. But it costs me
       | nothing to keep them.
       | fieryskiff11 wrote:
       | [dead]
       | dchuk wrote:
       | Capture now, fast. Organize on the fly with searches and filters.
       | I have this whole app sketched up where the idea is you just
       | focus on writing notes and thoughts in one continuous stream,
       | jumping around topics as you go like most professionals do, and
       | then use searches and filters you can save to render different
       | contexts easily from the single stream.
       | So you can switch between reviewing your work 1 on 1 history and
       | your Christmas gift ideas with a change of a filter. You don't
       | have to worry about organizing anything, it's all just a single
       | stream of content and then searches.
       | I'll likely never build it, but I'm convinced that would be the
       | way I want to write notes. I don't want a knowledge graph, I want
       | a stream of consciousness capture tool with a way to use tags
       | searches and filters to make sense of it.
       | Oh also: I want to write some notes in handwriting on my iPad,
       | and then ocr and clean up those notes to be liked I typed them,
       | but still preserve the original handwriting. I desperately want
       | to be able to hand write notes sometimes, type them sometimes,
       | have them all in one place, and have that place be a stream of
       | consciousness and searchable.
       | One day.
         | cborenstein wrote:
         | Stashpad isn't quite this but it's pretty close. Focused on
         | stream-of-consciousness style notes. Would be curious what you
         | think.
         | mythhouse wrote:
         | > I don't want a knowledge graph,
         | I think most obsidian users will agree. I never quite
         | understood the hype behind it. 'second brain' stuff never
         | really made sense to me.
         | RedTwoon wrote:
         | > Capture now, Fast
         | This is exactly right.
         | My method for rapid journaling/ thought logging:
         | - use note app of choice, (for me it is Obsidian)
         | - voice to text, rapid fire, get all my thoughts out in big
         | paragraphs
         | - once every few day re-read + add heading to sections + add a
         | couple hashtags + but otherwise leave it in a terrible spelling
         | mistake ridden, grammarless mess
         | --------
         | > Every note is an extra cost
         | For notes where remembering / reviewing are important (i.e.
         | todo lists), I've found:
         | "Bullet Method", which is essentially keeping an analog journal
         | of bullet notes.
         | It really makes you slow down and track what is important , so
         | you have a nice clean journal
         | soulofmischief wrote:
         | It wouldn't take much work to make filter lists first-class
         | citizens in Logseq, if you want to try hacking it in:
         | https://github.com/logseq/logseq
         | It would be a good feature to have, and it's better than
         | starting from scratch.
         | > I desperately want to be able to hand write notes sometimes,
         | type them sometimes, have them all in one place, and have that
         | place be a stream of consciousness and searchable.
         | Logseq doesn't currently have saveable filter lists, but you
         | _can_ create pages with any title which will still collect and
         | display direct and indirect references to that title /tag. This
         | gets you 80% of the way there already, if you get used to the
         | workflow.
         | Logseq multi-device sync is now in beta, as well.
         | c54 wrote:
         | You might like Notational Velocity or nvAlt, basically only has
         | fast new note creation and fast search.
       | dangom wrote:
       | Part of the appeal for "Tools for Thought" is that by using them
       | we feel we are taking action towards being productive, regardless
       | of whether that turns out to be true of not.
       | The falacy comes, I believe, from the combination of two facts:
       | 1. much of the intellectual work we do these days simply takes
       | time. No amount of writing can accelerate that beyond our
       | biological limit of learning, so we might as well just sit and
       | think. 2. Just sitting and thinking is considered unproductive
       | and regarded as lazyness, so we believe we should be writing even
       | more instead.
       | In that regard, using tools for thought may be pointless, since
       | all we need is time to think. But perhaps that pointlessness
       | serves a purpose. Like a guardrail in a highway, tools for
       | thought are not something we "really need", but they're there to
       | at least keep us on track in case we were to drift away while our
       | minds move forward.
         | thewarrior wrote:
         | Sorry to be cliched but do you think AI could make a difference
         | here by thinking for us ?
           | dangom wrote:
           | The point of the article is that we don't like being idle.
           | We'd rather spend our idle time "pretending" we are being
           | productive, and tools for thought are what we use for that.
           | Being actually productive (quality > quantity), I argue, is a
           | process that takes physical time. Absorbing information,
           | internalizing it, and summarizing it with our own
           | understanding requires a lot of energy. This process cannot
           | be massively accelerated. Same as with physical fitness, one
           | can operate close to optimum and see and maintain great
           | results, but one cannot operate better than optimum given
           | one's own physical constraints.
           | For intelectual work, defining what "operating close to
           | optimum" means is much harder because the quantity of output
           | is usually the metric, and that varies so much from
           | discipline to discipline and person to person. I believe many
           | of us are already operating close to optimum (reading and
           | writing, attending meetings, presenting our work), so there
           | is no point in investing even more towards productivity. But
           | the falacy is that because we don't have a proper metric for
           | productivity, we believe investing even more is worthwhile
           | since it increases output, and so we perceive ourselves as
           | better.
           | I don't see AI changing the picture for us because the
           | problem is not what we are doing, but how we perceive to be
           | doing it. That's what's up with tools for thought and
           | personal wikis.
           | theCrowing wrote:
           | I believe that a fine-tuned autoregressive language model
           | such as GPT, enhanced with your personal notes, has the
           | potential to serve as a highly effective cognitive aid,
           | potentially even fulfilling the role of a "second brain" that
           | many of us are looking for.
             | ianmcgowan wrote:
             | It's not scalable, but as an existence proof of what you're
             | saying, my partner and I fulfill this role for each other -
             | we each are tasked with remembering different facets of our
             | lives (e.g. I know the plot and cast of every movie we've
             | ever watched, she remembers to pay taxes :).
             | It seems pretty obvious we're heading for that
             | utopia/dystopia where everyone is assigned a personal
             | assistant loaded onto a pervasive mesh (your glasses,
             | watch, phone, computer, desk, house). On the one hand it
             | sounds great to have an AI assistant that knows what I
             | know, a model of how I think, and the ability to fill in
             | the gaps instantly. On the other, it's so ripe for
             | abuse/deepening inequality, the idea almost qualifies as
             | "don't create the torment nexus".
         | marniewebb wrote:
         | For me, what makes these tools useful is the time I spend in
         | review. Which often feels like the opposite of productivity.
         | Kinrany wrote:
         | Thinking with paper is very obviously better than keeping all
         | the thoughts in your head.
           | dangom wrote:
           | Sure, just like working out continously is better than rest.
           | There is no better or worse, you need both. Ideas take time
           | to materialize.
       | adg33 wrote:
       | My personal note taking system is based on Markdown, Vim, grep
       | and Git.
       | I have a private repo for personal notes, including a `todo.md`
       | file that I use as an GTD style inbox - I have an alias
       | `todo='$EDITOR $HOME/personal/todo.md'` which takes me there
       | quickly.
       | For some topics I use other repos - for example for programming
       | notes, I use https://github.com/ADGEfficiency/programming-
       | resources.
       | Works great, fast, cheap and I don't have to put up with any of
       | the nonsense I used to put up with when I use Evernote.
       | larve wrote:
       | I'm someone who feels very happy about my sprawling obsidian
       | vault, combining journal, project notes, wiki, flashcards,
       | zettelkasten, drafts, finished writing. I use pretty much no
       | plugin, but I do have different methodologies that have emerged
       | in multiple waves.
       | I started with just notes in bear, crosslinking when i saw fit,
       | until that turned into 300 notes where I couldn't find anything.
       | Tags and folders never stuck, and I abandoned those pretty
       | quickly.
       | That's when I switched to obsidian, with a few very broad top
       | level folders (projects, logs, zettelkasten, writing). Over time,
       | this filled up too, and the zettelkasten got split into wiki and
       | zettelkasten. The zettelkasten filled up, so I added index notes
       | and structure notes and a numbering scheme.
       | The only plugins I use are some templates and the graph analysis
       | plugin to help me find things I haven't linked yet. As said, most
       | of the logic is in my workflow / way of tagging things. I don't
       | care about being organized as much as I care about regularly
       | using the vault.
       | Now that I'm relying more on research and external reading, I am
       | integrating readwise and developing a workflow around that.
       | I'm sure though that if I were to document my setup, it would
       | seem overengineered and impossible to use and over ambitious, but
       | the fact is that it's very organic for me.
       | While there is some truth to the feeling that many people over-
       | engineer and get overwhelmed with plugins and methodologies, I
       | know many of us who just silently enjoy their vaults and plow
       | away and are perfectly productive. If anything, I would indulge
       | in the recurring urge to get to know better systems, but the
       | foremost thing is having fun. I really enjoy my sunday mornings
       | where I just write and throw things in there. I've had a 2 months
       | pause, where I mostly kept to daily logs and drafts, but I'm
       | about to go back to "proper" content management.
       | Furthermore, I can easily publish the vault and have a site that
       | is not a chronological blog with edited posts. My writing is
       | messy, iterative, raw, sprawling, multimedia, and pressing
       | publish still gives me a clear signal "you finished something."
       | My vault is here: https://publish.obsidian.md/manuel
       | atomashevic wrote:
       | I've spent a good (unproductive) part of 2022 tinkering with
       | notes/TfTs and I'm stuck with "optimizing" note-taking for more
       | than few years (started with zettelkasten and Roam Research I
       | guess).
       | I'm stopping with all of that - zero results and tons of wasted
       | time (and fair ammount of subscription money). If I spent all
       | that time tinkering with LaTeX at least I would leveled up my
       | skills.
       | Judging from comments on HN, I'm not alone and quite a few of us
       | went down weird notetaking rabbit holes. I'll just stick with few
       | scratch plaintext files and handwritten legal pad notes to
       | capture stuff as I work and then transfer/delete stuff at the end
       | of the day without any special system behind the whole process.
         | nicbou wrote:
         | In the end, any notes app plus Notability end up working great.
         | Pen and paper are another excellent option.
         | I'd like to have everything neat and tidy, but the effort just
         | isn't worth it.
         | soulofmischief wrote:
         | I gotta be honest, with Logseq note-taking comes very
         | naturally, at the speed of thought; it's helped me become a
         | more effective writer and thus thinker.
         | rektide wrote:
         | I appreciate the warning & hazard, but I wish it were coached
         | in a little humility too. For every comment you cite:
         | > _Judging from comments on HN, I 'm not alone and quite a few
         | of us went down weird notetaking rabbit holes._
         | I see one person who did find their way. Often they recommend
         | something fairly mild & not ultra-aggressive, but thinks like
         | getting links or having weekly templates seems like it can be a
         | huge help.
         | I'd like to see some mildness mixed in with this naysaying
         | curmudgeonliness.
           | atomashevic wrote:
           | I agree and I guess I wasn't clear in my comment. It didn't
           | work for me, but for other people and/or use cases it might,
           | no doubt.
           | Seeing others quit TfTs and intricate zk systems on HN helped
           | me realize that I should probably do that too, again given my
           | situation. So, just sharing my experience, not trying to
           | preach :)
         | gofreddygo wrote:
         | You're not alone.
         | Plaintext just works. Figure out a grouping structure and stick
         | to it. mine is just yyyy-subject (2022-travel, 2022-rust). Long
         | documents with subheaders and dates.
         | Currently on google docs. I like the mobile apps and syncing
         | across devices. its just text in under a dozen files.
         | Backup strategy is ctrl--a / ctrl-c / ctrl-v.
         | I have taken a preference for drawing small diagrams in staples
         | composition books last 2 years. A 2 column table of contents
         | with numbered pages as the first page of the book. Made lookups
         | super quick. My usage took off.
         | I dont write much on paper. Just draw small cohorts of words
         | with some sentences on most pages. This layout helps the
         | knowledge to self organize in graph like structure for my mind.
         | Very useful when watching videos and in meetings.
         | Going to get me a nice fountain ink pen soon.
       | workbytaylor wrote:
       | I wish I had read this 10 years ago.
       | habitue wrote:
       | The author has some really good points, and I think anyone
       | building or using a tool like this should be able to take a hard
       | look at what the tool is actually doing for them personally, vs
       | what it seems like it could potentially be useful for.
       | One big limitation is time: it takes a lot of time to write
       | things in, say, Roam. You need to be getting commensurate benefit
       | for the time invested. If you aren't sure what the benefit is,
       | except "one day maybe I'll read through all this again and
       | then..." it's probably not worth it. You can make write-only
       | documents anywhere, no need to organize and hyperlink them.
       | On the other hand, sometimes the amount of friction in using a
       | tool is the issue. Something can be completely impractical when
       | it's doable in principle but has high cost, vs when it is
       | pervasive and effortless. Software that actively searches for
       | associations with what you're currently writing and presents them
       | to you could be much more valuable than software that lets you
       | follow hyperlinks if you want, but you don't actually bother
       | doing it.
       | Finally, I'll say there's also the fact that humans need to
       | accrete habits slowly over time. If you find/build a notetaking
       | tool with 10,000 plugins, well ok, knowing that the plugins exist
       | is one thing, but you won't actually use them or get value out of
       | them until your brain has indexed them and you've formed a habit
       | that is triggered by a recurring context you will find yourself
       | in.
       | cristianpascu wrote:
       | Just realized something while reading the article, about "spaced
       | repetition".
       | For a while now I had the impression of not learning anything new
       | and also of loosing the interest of doing so. It sort of came
       | back to me as I am in a sabbatical period now, which gave me some
       | mental clarity and also more space-time to think about things
       | more thoroughly.
       | But, here's the thing: I have never stopped learning new things.
       | I have been checking HN for many years, and been reading daily SW
       | news for the past 20 years. Many things come to my attention in
       | different shapes and they build up in abstraction and in my
       | memory/understanding to a wider and wider scale. Flash cards that
       | I'd manage and check regularly would have not had the same effect
       | as constantly checking my existing knowledge against random new
       | areas of reality.
       | I am happy about realizing this, as it's somehow difficult for me
       | to understand my actual place in the SW industry.
         | MBO35711 wrote:
         | Thanks for this timely reminder - I was nearly back off down
         | the TfT rabbit hole again!
       | LunarAurora wrote:
       | So he is Ok with unbundling everything but collections. What is a
       | collection? What makes todos and contacts special, but not, say,
       | movies or books ? I don't think The line is so clear cut.
       | He has a point though: We need better "generic no-code" Database
       | software. Some features of calibre (like the hierarchical tags)
       | make me wish I could use it for many other types (and it does not
       | work well). The same for Zotero (and I was more successful in
       | turning it into a bookmarks manager and even a simple movie
       | catalogue)
       | eternityforest wrote:
       | I'm still not 100% happy with the existing tools for thought.
       | So far, Google Keep is by far my favorite in terms of experience,
       | because it's blazing fast, plus it has Android widget and Google
       | Assistant integration..
       | But I don't fully trust it to always be around, so I don't use it
       | for anything long term, just shopping and to do lists, and quick
       | notes to be copied somewhere safer later.
       | For calendar-like stuff, I use Google Calendar, for the same
       | reasons.
       | I tend to think of privacy as a specialist tool not generally
       | needed, so I use BitWarden's secure note feature to record
       | anything I'd rather have encrypted.
       | Finally, for long term notes and journalling, I use Obsidian and
       | SyncThing. But I dislike that Obsidian takes 8 seconds or so to
       | load up, and has no widget to keep always-open, that's just way
       | too much friction for something I'm relying on as a second brain.
       | If Keep had a markdown sync feature that would keep all notes
       | synced to a portable folder of markdown guaranteed to be there if
       | the service goes down or an app update breaks something, and if
       | they had hierarchal organization features, I would probably use
       | them for everything.
       | All in all, with all the talk about tools for thought, it's way
       | behind a lot of other areas of software despite having no real
       | technical challenges besides the difficulty of maintaining a
       | cross platform set of apps with all the integrations and widgets
       | and performance optimizations.
       | I guess that's the problem, there's a lot of tedium and no
       | interesting algorithms, so it doesn't get as much interest.
         | __jambo wrote:
         | Google keep sometimes randomly slows down/notes disappear for
         | me.
       | idearoots wrote:
       | My non-obvious observation after five years in this field:
       | In essence, journalling is similar to a psychotherapy session.
       | The clarity of mind you get after a journalling session comes
       | from structuring things in your head, not in your TfT tool.
       | Yet, as one would expect, people project that feeling onto a tool
       | -- which leads to more time invested.
       | Ultimately after the N-th session, when you try to use the tool
       | to get more of that feeling -- you get the opposite, burnout, and
       | then people switch to a new TfT app for the same cycle.
       | These benefits are why "Daily Pages" were vital to Roam
       | Research's success. Not the bi-directional links or graphs as
       | many think.
       | "Daily Pages" get you closer to a new therapeutic session, which
       | is what you want most of the time.
       | I use :                 - paper notebooks.        - remarkable 2
       | - markdown/notion + NeuraCache [I'm a founder] for flashcards and
       | spaced repetition
       | + I've been in group and individual therapy for three years now.
       | I have never been happier with my setup.
         | funksta wrote:
         | I've found the same, the catharsis of writing the "Daily Notes
         | Pages" [0] is probably the main benefit of these systems.
         | In my case, the immediacy of handwriting has been a better fit
         | than typing for this purpose. I also use the reMarkable 2 with
         | a linked pdf planner [1] that I built, and with some custom
         | collections I find it hits about 90% of what I'd use a "proper"
         | TfT for. Obsidian and Logseq still look pretty seductive, but I
         | know I'd spend most of my time in the weeds configuring plugins
         | etc.
         | I'm hoping the rM2's OCR and export capabilities improve over
         | time so that we could combine the benefits of quick, effortless
         | capture on that device (via handwriting) with automated
         | categorization, linking and search (on my laptop, maybe via
         | Obsidian/Logseq/etc). There's a lot of potential if someone can
         | effectively bridge that gap! It's something I hope to explore
         | some more this year.
         | [0] https://maggieappleton.com/daily-notes [1]
         | https://hyperpaper.me/ (as seen recently on HN :)
           | DavidPiper wrote:
           | Great to see a Maggie Appleton reference!
           | She also did a talk on Tools for Thought in April 2022:
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6uhvFGPUE0 (she's the first
           | half of the video)
           | And she has an unfinished blog post on the topic as well:
           | https://maggieappleton.com/tools-for-thought
         | e-_pusher wrote:
         | How do you use the remarkable 2 in your workflow?
         | I also agree that the one most useful habit is a daily log. It
         | hits the sweet spot for me in terms of low friction + benefits
         | in organizing information.
           | idearoots wrote:
           | If the thought is clear, I write it in a paper notebook as
           | nicely as possible -- in a "Daily Page" format.
           | If the thought is unclear, I write random contextual things
           | in RM2 and erase or leave them there to mature or die.
           | I also use RM2 to read articles, pdfs, and draw or think
           | about them.
           | So it mainly serves as a thinking space that feels Offline.
       | pflenker wrote:
       | My two golden rules of note taking: 1) taking notes is superior
       | to not taking notes. It structures your thoughts and helps you
       | think. The actual note is of less value than the process of
       | writing it. 2) beware the productivity tarpit. It's fun to jump
       | on the next blog post about how to get your obsidian setup right,
       | but moving your notes from setup a to setup b generates only few
       | insights (when you re read a note long forgotten perhaps).
       | Movement does not equal progress.
       | traceroute66 wrote:
       | Oof ... default font sizes on that blog are obnoxiously large.
       | Paragraph font size is barely smaller than the header size.
       | Makes the whole thing unreadable since you are constantly
       | scrolling to fit the next tiny chunk of text onto the screen. It
       | is impossible to read at any sort of reasonable pace.
         | gcr wrote:
         | i can't read without zooming text, and i generally appreciate
         | larger text on some sites.
         | Cmd+- to opt out, as usual :)
           | MonkeyClub wrote:
           | Same here, I don't want to squint to read cool 10pt font, I
           | prefer to see 16pt easily. I'm not fifteen anymore, my eyes
           | need all the help they can get :)
         | agileAlligator wrote:
         | Nah, it's the perfect size actually (I am using a laptop, I
         | don't know how it is on mobile screens)
       | muskmusk wrote:
       | I use a single folder of files along with a script that can fuzzy
       | search said folder. It works perfectly.
       | Knowledge is messy and doesn't really conform to a database
       | schema. Certainly not one you would want to write :) I think a
       | better approach would be to find a way to insert all these notes
       | into something like ChatGPT.
       | wvlia5 wrote:
       | Reminded me of famous article "APL as a tool for thought"
       | D13Fd wrote:
       | I found the perfect system for me and I stick to it. I use a
       | folder of Markdown text notes organized by creation date, with a
       | text editor (ideally something like nvAlt / Uulysses / Obsidian
       | that does indexed searches).
       | Titles are:
       | 2022-12-26 Note Name.txt
       | That way I can find what I'm looking for, usually instantly, even
       | though I have a pile of thousands of notes in that folder
       | spanning a decade.
         | smilekzs wrote:
         | I do the same in Obsidian with a slight twist!
         | I like Zettelkasten / bunch-of-markdown-files tools because
         | more often than not they _expand_ on this simple idea, offering
         | additional structure on top without aiming to destruct
         | anything.
         | Tomte wrote:
         | I haven't found an iOS app that allows good search in plain
         | text files.
         | About every app out there uses Apples standard search control,
         | which finds files where text occurs. Not the line(s) with the
         | occurrence itself, no forward/previous, only a list of files
         | that contains the text.
         | Is Ulysses better in that regard?
       | [deleted]
       | going_ham wrote:
       | I am pretty sure you hit the spot. I do not even write notes
       | these days. I just work and if it is important enough for me, I
       | trust my brain to recall. If it can't recall, I search the web.
       | However, this time I have different context so each new search is
       | unique. I discover different ways of doing things. Sometimes,
       | it's better than what I used to do. As a result, I only focus on
       | high level problem solving. This way, I don't care about small
       | details and remain faithful to general context. What do I gain
       | from this? Long term ability to solve problem. Each problem I
       | solve, makes me think more on my thinking process. As a result, I
       | optimized surroundings in a way it helps me think and reason
       | rather than note and forget.
       | boopmaster wrote:
       | As limited as OneNote is, I find it the place I keep returning
       | to. Obsidian was extremely off-putting to me when I last tried it
       | out, as the node parents themselves could not be documents. Or I
       | couldn't figure out how to use them that way! Maybe it's just me!
       | Beyond that, I have a fondness for wikis that permit breadcrumbs
       | from excerpts back to a main documents. Giving the right
       | information in the right place, with a centralized main resource
       | that is carved up. This strategy is super useful to prevent dead
       | instruction sprawl.
       | I once read (in someone else's wiki) that all documentation is a
       | memorial to some time in the past. That really stuck with me for
       | years now. When you hit "save" it's already in a state of decay.
       | I am talking about sharing of information and maintenance of
       | knowledge stores though, and that perhaps is a different beast
       | than cataloging ones own interests.
         | c54 wrote:
         | Naturally Obsidian has a plugin for this[1].
         | This is what I like about obsidian. Ultimately nobody has a
         | consistent set of capabilities they want because the whole
         | space is pretty underdefined (exactly as the article is
         | saying). But we still want something. So Obsidian is a kind of
         | bring-your-own collection of features, and the mobile app works
         | good enough too. It's kinda like vim or emacs where people
         | customize it however they want.
         | I reckon as the space evolves more clarity will appear and more
         | opinionated schemes will become popular.
         | [1] https://github.com/aidenlx/alx-folder-note
         | smilekzs wrote:
         | Long time OneNote user (since 2003 debut) chiming in. I have
         | been extensively test-driving Obsidian for 6 months now and
         | couldn't be happpier.
         | I think both [^1] are opinionated on which layers of
         | organization maps to where.
         | - OneNote: FS dir -> FS file (database) = OneNote Section
         | (manual ordering) -> OneNote (sub-)Page (manual ordering +
         | level) -> OneNote "note containers" (textboxes; [^2])
         | - Obsidian: FS dir -> FS file (plain text) = Obsidian Page
         | (automatic ordering) -> headers in the page (manual ordering +
         | level)
         | While I agree in principle that some non-leaf node should be
         | allowed to have content, really you can see that
         | headers/sections in Obsidian map well to the OneNote page-level
         | organization. I wish I got a choice though...
         | [^1]: Out of the box. OneNote also has a major plugin bundle
         | known as OneTastic.
         | [^2]: OneNote has _cosmetic_ headers in textboxes which isn't
         | very useful.
       | c54 wrote:
       | Actually one thing I liked from this is the folder structure in
       | his Cartesian app screenshots.
       | Personal - Autogeny (i'm imagining "talking points", key
       | recurring personal concepts), book of days (daily notes,
       | journal). Documents and people, self explanatory. "Thoughts" i'm
       | unsure of but probably misc grab bag things that arent profound
       | or important enough for autogeny.
       | "Trove" is a nice name for the random collection of interesting
       | tidbits and stuff I also tend to collect in my vault
       | rgrs wrote:
       | Joplin is my personal wiki
       | Ruq wrote:
       | This fellow's system seems overcomplicated?
       | For me, the benefit of linked knowledge is just that I tend to
       | forget a LOT of things, including many details of things I've
       | learned in the past. For me, the principles and concepts remain,
       | but all the steps and "how to do X" vanish rather quickly. So
       | having essentially a personal documentation database (using
       | Obsidian) that I can quickly jump into to recall lost knowledge
       | is very important.
       | My "Second Brain" is not so much about making my brain better, as
       | it is filling in the missing gaps of where my brain struggles at.
       | rektide wrote:
       | The author has good points & the idea that specialized
       | (info-)spaces with specialized tools help. The tool imposes a big
       | context boundary to rapidly filter through & mask out most of the
       | big pile of everything one has. That alone is a huge gain.
       | Trying to maintain some overall view, some sense of importance...
       | having shape to your spaces, having them well defined, some kind
       | of memory palace with notable form & place to it resonates a lot
       | with me The author nicely highlights the challenge:
       | > _Every node in your knowledge graph is a debt. Every link
       | doubly so. The more you have, the more in the red you are. Every
       | node that has utility--an interesting excerpt from a book, a
       | pithy quote, a poem, a fiction fragment, a few sentences that are
       | the seed of a future essay, a list of links that are the
       | launching-off point of a project--is drowned in an ocean of
       | banality. Most of our thoughts appear and pass away instantly,
       | for good reason._
       | Strong use of poetic license but stood out & I like it!
       | Yet... I disagree with the premise. There's definitely some
       | expedience to having separate specialized apps for separate
       | things. It's a great short term aid, right now, today. The suck
       | it up & use Unity option.
       | But I feel like we have much more exploring to do with general
       | purpose systems. Right now we are fairly first order, where
       | everything kind of coexists & most interfaces lack distinct
       | submodes, lack distinction of subspaces.
       | Having a common backend & common base-layer, which is extensible,
       | growable, can begin to be shaped into the more specific regions
       | eith distinct & differentiated capabilities will greatly help.
       | But that common platform seems key.
       | Links alone may be sufficient, but alas few apps really expose
       | that. Also fixable, apps really ought have PingBack protocol (or
       | some similar protocol) support, to hear when someone links them &
       | tell links they have been linked, such that we can have
       | bidirectional links, which can greatly add navigation.
       | Beyond that, I think no tools really do a great job of helping us
       | review & raise up data over time. Algorithmic tools like Google
       | Photos can do a fairly good job of finding & reminding us of some
       | stuff. But overall I havent seen many attempts at tackling the
       | underlying problem here, of keeping folks in the loop and
       | pruning, refining, revieing, whether we have specialized apps or
       | whether we embrace the all-is-one general systems digital garden.
       | Attention is a resource we have not honed personally, although it
       | has been well tuned at larger mechanistic scales. I hope to see &
       | am excited to hopefully become a part of progressing on these
       | points!
       | jrm4 wrote:
       | Yup. The unbundling is _so key._ I find that -- ironically --
       | lately, despite the proliferation of tools like this, they 're
       | just like the sirens in the myths, and if I tie myself to the
       | boat and just use what I use (zim-wiki in my case, YMMV) and just
       | force myself to spend time there, I'm actually doing the work/fun
       | that's most fulfilling.
       | adamgordonbell wrote:
       | Playing with and building note taking tools as a form or
       | procrastination is a real issue.
       | I went from Emacs Org Mode to Workflowy to Roam and the thing I
       | like best out of all of these is not necessarily zettelkasten
       | personal wikis but just being able to make a simple list for
       | today, or outline an article I'm writing.
       | For me these tools work best when you can use them much like a
       | physical notepad. More structure can be extracted and organized
       | but in a pinch they can be replaced with a todo.txt.
       | jamesgill wrote:
       | I tried everything--Emacs, word processing software, custom
       | conversion scripts, you name it. A few years ago, I more or less
       | adopted Derek Sivers' method: I keep topical plain text files
       | (markdown, really).
       | He described the topical files bit here ('Thoughts On' files):
       | https://sive.rs/dj
       | And the benefits of just writing plain text here:
       | https://sive.rs/plaintext
       | Now, I just organize my text files in folders and forget about
       | it. It's all on Dropbox, so I can read/revise from any machine,
       | and text files are lightweight and simple to keep synced copies
       | locally.
       | joe8756438 wrote:
       | For a lot of things I agree organization is over-rated, but for
       | some things it's essential. And, in any case -- collecting things
       | whether organized or not is super important.
       | I think the act of capturing notes, todos, bookmarks, and other
       | things, all involve the same _impulse_ and _function_. Whether a
       | great idea strikes, remembering a quote from a good article you
       | just read, or capturing an important piece of data.
       | It turns out, there are all kinds of things that need collecting
       | that don't fit neatly into a practice like: note-taking or todo
       | lists or bookmarks. Transactions, events, and formulas are three
       | other types I use extensively. But the act of collecting is the
       | same: at random times you need to record some information.
       | In an ideal world you need a button available everywhere and when
       | pressed an input instantly materializes ready to record the
       | desired information. It gets saved somewhere safe, accessible
       | from any place, where it is easy to find, where it can be put to
       | use without much effort, etc.
       | I think it's extremely beneficial to consolidate information in
       | the same system if that information is processed in the same way.
       | This is where I see a ton of redundancy between tools and it
       | drove me crazy enough to build a solution myself, Tap [1].
       | A couple notes specific to Tap and the solution I've come up
       | with:
       | To make this capture-anything from anywhere system work, I
       | believe the format needs to be text. But, I don't think a
       | structured data format with a schema definition is the answer,
       | nor do I think markdown is a good fit.
       | Tap uses a format designed specifically for Tap called sowhat
       | [2]. It's a tiny syntax for parsing tokens that carry special
       | meaning. Above all, it is intended to be easy for humans to
       | write. This allows collecting information via SMS and email
       | trivial.
       | 1. https://tatatap.com 2. https://github.com/tatatap-com/sowhat
       | rollinDyno wrote:
       | I am a strong believer in taking-notes so that I don't have to
       | face a blank canvas every time I want to start a new essay.
       | My issue is that when I am in "the zone", I can't write. When I
       | am very intensely focused on a topic, I am informing my internal
       | conversation very efficiently by skimming papers. If I interrupt
       | that with taking notes, then I am adding unnecessary friction
       | that slows me down.
       | When I write notes, I feel that my ideas race ahead of my typing
       | speed, and my working memory is not large enough to keep these
       | ideas in a buffer. This is an issue I have had my whole life but
       | only recently noticed it is an impediment and only now can I
       | describe it.
       | All that being said, even if this wasn't an issue, there's a
       | trade-off between how quickly you move across text and how much
       | of it you store on notes. There's an optimal point, of course,
       | and this can be raised with technology, focus, and practice.
         | gumby wrote:
         | Try taking them on paper. That may reduce the friction
         | dramatically and keep you in the zone.
         | I take all my notes on paper. Then at the end of the day I put
         | them into the computer. For some notes, that means writing a
         | little more than I had put on paper. For other notes, it means
         | they don't deserve the transition.
         | A big change for me was not to curate the notes beyond the
         | above. That is, I have a huge emacs file and just use search to
         | find things of interest or relevance.
       | robertlf wrote:
       | Why's the font so big? hahaha
       | cf wrote:
       | I've used a personal wiki for several years now, and I think it
       | works just fine. Surprisingly, I don't really link pages together
       | all that much, but I make heavy use of tagging and categorising.
       | I find that's been enough for me.
       | I don't really follow links, and mostly I just use the search bar
       | when I need anything. I think one thing that's tripping lots of
       | people up is they are trying to use these tools the way they
       | think is expected of them. Instead, it's better to just make it
       | as frictionless as possible to add notes, and as frictionless as
       | possible to read notes you've written before.
       | Everything else is just procrastination with "productivity tools"
       | pattt wrote:
       | I tried taking notes for learning and brainstorming over the
       | years but found it incredibly difficult, not because of a lack of
       | note taking frameworks, apps or technologies but because
       | _sustaining_ this process is hard. Reading posts like these makes
       | me quite envious of author's dedication. Recently I was
       | contemplating about a possible lightweight middle ground solution
       | where I think a more polished software would certainly help -
       | _highlighting_. Imagine if you could simply highlight/select any
       | text/image on the screen of any app (ok, let's start with the
       | few), optionally assign different colors, tags and have those
       | highlights automatically synchronized in a sort of a searchable
       | personal diary format. The main feature of such tool would be
       | cropping and indexing what's already read and seen as opposed to
       | having to summarize/rephrase or enrich it with your own notes.
       | Why I think software in this case reducing friction to a minimum
       | would help? As opposed to taking notes, identifying illuminating
       | corner-stone paragraphs and sentences mostly feels like an
       | implicit process that happens naturally at least in my
       | experience.
         | marniewebb wrote:
         | Readwise or similar?
       | TOP-HACKER-NEWS wrote:
       | [dead]
       | srinathkrishna wrote:
       | This was a nice read and resonated with me a lot especially
       | around how productivity gurus shill every single app out there.
       | I've always felt processes > tools and whatever tool(s) work for
       | you, you ought to stick with it rather than get into a FOMO wheel
       | and try every app out there. Peddlers of these apps are
       | innumerable and YouTube definitely doesn't shy away from
       | recommending this sort of content.
       | Even simple text files in a reasonably defined file organization
       | scheme is more than sufficient. This post also gave a name for
       | this - collection management, which I've been thinking for a
       | while. More often than not, there are these collections of
       | items/lists that I end up having to track and the ideal bit
       | missing is some process and a low friction tool to get there.
       | Another thing is the fetish for using a _single_ tool which is
       | self-hostable which plagues the world today. While a younger me
       | would've been onboard for this thinking, at this point in my
       | life, the only thing probably matters is local-first and I've
       | long given up the hope for a single tool, taking inspiration from
       | the world of Unix tools.
       | TOP-HACKER-NEWS wrote:
       | [dead]
       | s3000 wrote:
       | >How often, truly, do you find yourself wanting to link a task in
       | your todo list app to a file in Dropbox
       | Links are much more useful once notes and todo lists are shared
       | and published. I am surprised that not all tools for thought have
       | standardized on ActivityPub to enable their users to connect each
       | other's notes. People with an account could correct mistakes or
       | link to crucial knowledge that was overlooked.
       | Like Wikipedia, information would grow "on its own". Important
       | ideas could be identified, information could be collected until
       | it is enough for further steps.
       | Zettelkasten is great for one person but that's for prolific
       | people who process a massive amount of information. With the
       | internet, a group of average people can turn into a genius by
       | collectively collecting information and turning it into a useful
       | form.
       | parentheses wrote:
       | _I_ like the idea of a second brain or similar because writing
       | helps _me_ to think. If I start writing (instead of free
       | thought), I more systematically explore something. This is useful
       | for any type of rational thought that spans an even slightly
       | complex space.
       | Some are good enough at operationalizing information and thinking
       | more systematically without tools. They don't need these tools,
       | but may get stimulated by using/maintaining them.
       | The problem is that these tools are sold as a way to level up.
       | Instead, these tools are a crutch for most, self-fulfilling
       | meticulousness for some, and a game changer for still others.
       | austenallred wrote:
       | For me half of the point is that I can just dump everything into
       | one place and not categorize or think about it
       | agileAlligator wrote:
       | > Pointlessness of Organization: my Calibre and Zotero libraries
       | are a mess. But is that bad? Is there any point to organizing
       | them? I can always find what I need, either by searching or
       | browsing, because I have a spatial sense of where each book is in
       | Calibre's big grid view. If I went through everything in Calibre
       | and Zotero, and fixed the titles, added missing authors,
       | publishers, publication years, fixed the cover images--what then?
       | What have I gained? Nothing. It is a waste of time to organize
       | things too much.
       | On reading this, I felt like I already sort of knew this, and
       | this internet stranger validated my thoughts.
         | jerf wrote:
         | About once every year or two, I remember something I read maybe
         | 15 years ago and realize it would be absolutely perfect for
         | some reason, but I can't find it. And being an engineer and an
         | HN poster, my brain immediately leaps to "Oh, if only I ran a
         | system that archived everything I browsed so I could build my
         | own personal search engine that could search on just what I've
         | ever looked at."
         | Then I smack it down, because that is a _crap_ -load of effort
         | to recall a link every year or two. And let's be honest, the
         | marginal value of that link isn't all that great either... in
         | the moment the need may seem large, but sitting here typing
         | about this I couldn't tell you even a single such thing I've
         | forgotten about, because that's how important they are... just
         | more ephemera in the stream themselves.
         | My MP3 collection is a bit of a mess. I've cleaned up the worst
         | instances of "Band, The" "The Band" "Band" "Band - The" sorts
         | of duplication, but that's about it. My book collection is
         | similarly messy. Heck, even my family photos are basically
         | sorted only by year and not much else. So what? I can fix it. I
         | can fix it all. But it's hard to even so much as recover the
         | time I'd put into it once over, let alone in multiples.
         | (Much more important, especially for the family photos, is not
         | losing them. So I've got a backup solution. But it's just a
         | fire-at-directory solution, not all gloriously organized by
         | type either.)
         | So I've learned to just sort of let the desire to have greater
         | organization pass over me, Litany-against-Fear style. It's just
         | a siren call.
           | Tomte wrote:
           | Photos are the worst.
           | I'm through at least three complete reorganizations where I
           | even dusted off old backups and collected all photos (because
           | I felt I was deleting photos too liberally last time), de-
           | duplicated (and de-quadruplicated) them all, and built the
           | new "forever" structure.
           | It sucks that I just know I'll do it again at most five years
           | from now.
             | blondin wrote:
             | this calls for an AI that recognizes pictures and
             | categorizes them for us. what have we been solving all
             | these captchas for?
             | photos and pictures organization should be a solved
             | problem.
               | jodrellblank wrote:
               | Does your smartphone not already do that for you? iPhone
               | does, I think Android does and I think iPhoto on macOS
               | does as well. It wouldn't surprise me if Google online
               | photos or Facebook do also.
               | (That is, let you search using words for things in the
               | photo or themes like "winter").
             | Jeff_Brown wrote:
             | Photos are a good example of why a filesystem hierarchy is
             | insufficiently expressive. You might want to search for
             | pictures of me at parties, or pictures with me and my wife,
             | or pictures from 1999, or pictures of LA, and the same
             | photo might belong in all of those searches. No single
             | category will ever be a good place for a photo.
               | frutiger wrote:
               | I personally agree with your point (and find the loose
               | textual search offered by phones these days to be mostly
               | adequate).
               | But reading your comment gave me a thought: filesystem
               | hierarchies are indeed insufficient, but what about
               | filesystem hierarchies with liberal use of hardlinks?
               | karencarits wrote:
               | Or tag based, such as https://www.tagspaces.org/
               | Jeff_Brown wrote:
               | That seems equivalent to a graph to me, and yes, I'm
               | unaware of any kind of search that a graph does not
               | permit. Indeed it could be the basis for a system that,
               | in my opinion, would dominate any of the existing
               | knowledge graph / tool for thought products. It would
               | consist of three more pieces:                 * A
               | database for backlinks. (Links from file X to file Y
               | would only be possible when X has an appropriate file
               | format -- `.txt`, `.md`, `.org`, etc.)            * A
               | search grammar with the following primitives:
               | * find children of (links from) query results         *
               | find parents of (links into) query results         * take
               | the disjunction (OR) of queries         * take the
               | conjunction (AND) of queries         * group queries with
               | parentheses            * The ability to pipe files found
               | via ordinary shell commands into that grammar.
               | Given the size of most peoples' knowledge graphs, you
               | wouldn't even need to keep a text index (ala Lucene) --
               | `find` and `grep` would be more than sufficient.
             | kwhitefoot wrote:
             | I put all my photographs in directories named year/year-
             | month/year-month-day. For instance:
             | ~/pictures/2022/202212/20221225
             | And I tag them with as many tags as I can be bothered with
             | using XnView. XnView lets me find pictures by name or by
             | tag.
             | szastamasta wrote:
             | For me photos are solved problem now. I no longer do any
             | cleanup on them, just assume that Apple AI will show me
             | best photos when I search for them. I think that it is
             | simply good enough already.
         | wpietri wrote:
         | For sure. I get the appeal of Having Everything Organized. It's
         | conceptually compelling. But I think the right way to look at
         | it is in terms of minimizing total cost of retrieval _and_
         | filing.
         | As an example, take physical paper. Receipts, bills, anything
         | that ends up in one's mailbox and doesn't immediately get
         | recycled. I used to oscillate between two approaches: over-
         | elaborate filing systems and just ignoring the problem and
         | letting the mail pile up in snowdrifts.
         | Eventually I realized that my love of elaborate systems was a
         | giant fucking problem for my actual life. I thought about it
         | like I was designing a production system. I very rarely needed
         | to retrieve old documents; most of it was for "just in case"
         | conditions. I needed to frequently file things, and if the cost
         | of filing was too high, I wouldn't pay it. So I bought 8 filing
         | boxes, each 3 or 4 inches high and big enough to comfortably
         | hold legal-size paper. Each one is marked with a year, and
         | almost everything for that year just gets tossed on top. A few
         | exceptional kinds of paper then have their own separate file
         | folders (e.g., tax documents, my current landlord, key
         | retirement paperwork, key medical stuff). Once a year I throw
         | out the contents of the oldest box and relabel it.
         | This works great. It turns out I almost never need anything
         | from an old box. When I do, it's a quick rummage in one spot.
         | With infrequent, hard-to-predict retrieval, storage-optimized
         | organization is the best organization.
           | eternityforest wrote:
           | I have been handling physical organization by prioritizing
           | filing. My reasoning is that if the house is a mess, filing
           | isn't keeping up with retrieval, and I need to reduce
           | friction on filing, because dealing with the mess is
           | consuming more time than inefficient retrieval.
           | For paper, I don't have much trouble. Things go on the fridge
           | if I will need them soon, or in one small sterilite plastic
           | file box. It's nowhere near half full and I would not be
           | surprised if it lasts 10+ years before I need any more
           | storage for paper.
           | As an experiment I've been working on sorting things by
           | category in a more general way, like the dewey decimal system
           | rather than true categories, to remove the overhead of half
           | full containers used to sort things. They're based on
           | observation of what was already stored vaguely together
           | rather than starting with an idea.
           | One common category is BAM, bulk artificial material. This
           | includes paper towels, laundry soap, paint, water repellant
           | spray, etc.
           | Another is TAM, tapes attachments and materials, containing
           | tape, steel wire, foam, webbing, carabiners, key split rings,
           | screws, and all similar things often having to do with either
           | attaching things together or long things sold by the foot.
           | With wider categories I have fewer places to memorize, and
           | organization within a category isn't that critical because
           | they can be rummage-searched, without the overhead of a buch
           | of individual drawers or boxes in some ever evolving system.
           | It's just a formalization of random boxes of junk.
       | hardwaregeek wrote:
       | I have a blog post that I've been sketching out in my head about
       | this whole area of Tools for Thought, future of computing,
       | cybernetics, etc. Basically I find that the thoughtleaders of
       | this space seem to always claim that the _true_ manifestation of
       | their ideas is just out of reach (Project Xanadu, memex, object
       | oriented programming, etc.), but then never deliver this true
       | manifestation.
       | Indeed it's rather remarkable how many of these figures like
       | Vannevar Bush, Alan Kay, Douglas Engelbart, etc., never actually
       | shipped much. Now, you could argue that they were ahead of their
       | time and couldn't ship, and for some of these people you would be
       | right. But c'mon now, Alan Kay is still kicking, and still
       | talking about how programming should be reinvented. Douglas
       | Engelbart lived into the 2010's. It's more that these fantastical
       | futuristic ideas, if they were released, would probably not live
       | up to their sales pitches. They're all chasing the high of
       | Engelbart's famous demo. And their followers, who are perpetually
       | waiting, who attempt interpretations of these thoughtleaders
       | ideas and get dismissed as flawed manifestations, well they are
       | essentially the parish. They're waiting for the second coming.
       | This isn't to say that none of these people have accomplished
       | stuff. They have accomplished an extraordinary amount. But they
       | are fundamentally salesmen, salesmen for the future. And salesmen
       | only have a job as long as they have something to sell.
         | danking00 wrote:
         | I wonder if the trouble is not whether or not they are salesman
         | but whether or not they are effective "managers," for want of a
         | better word. Many of the products we use today are built by
         | companies of tens of thousands of people. Realizing Bush's,
         | Englebart's, or Kay's visions demands motivating and
         | orchestrating armies of people with diverse skill sets.
         | Are any of these three known for their skill at orchestrating
         | teams or organizations? Compare to some of the more famous
         | scientists, engineers, etc., they've led large organizations.
         | Like, Jeff Dean, Steve Jobs, J. Robert Oppenheimer, etc.
           | hardwaregeek wrote:
           | I think this is true to an extent. Some of these people did
           | start out as managers but I think they realized whether
           | consciously or not that the selling of ideas was far more
           | beneficial than actually creating software.
           | simonster wrote:
           | A brief look at the first few paragraphs of Vannevar Bush's
           | Wikipedia article
           | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vannevar_Bush) would clearly
           | establish that the answer to your question is yes.
             | hardwaregeek wrote:
             | Yeah Vannevar Bush is maybe an unfair example because he
             | was truly before his time and he did build some stuff. I
             | just felt he was worth pointing out as one of the
             | originators of the whole knowledge graph tool for thought
             | movement. I don't know if he would have actually executed
             | in modern times.
         | balsam wrote:
         | You might have just stumbled upon the Ozic secret of the
         | Silicon Valley. Most of the guys who have made it rich so far
         | did so on the ideas of others (while those who had grand ideas
         | didn't ship them).
         | When a core tenet is making things other people want, you tend
         | to uplift folks who have no great thoughts of their own to
         | sell.
         | I can imagine an Orwellian doublespeakessay on Steve Jobs
         | called, "Saying No As The Only Act of Creation".
         | Manager, meet thy Master.
         | PS: Was reading some Thiel approved Girard today, he mentioned
         | something about the nihilism in society in which the secret of
         | success being all about signaling success.
         | Turing_Machine wrote:
         | Kay and his collaborators shipped Smalltalk, which was pretty
         | widely used at one time, and which was also highly influential
         | on Objective-C, the language of choice for OS X/macOS and iOS
         | from 1996 to the introduction of Swift in 2014 (many devs are
         | _still_ using Objective-C).
           | singpolyma3 wrote:
           | Indeed. Claiming Kay never shipped anything to show what real
           | OOP is like is just ignorant of the history.
         | jimbokun wrote:
         | Real Artists Ship.
           | ethbr0 wrote:
           | +1! The danger of not shipping is not that it allows you to
           | demand purity of vision, but that it completely removes any
           | user feedback mechanism.
           | And no one, no matter how brilliant, is right about 100% of
           | things, 100% of the time. Reality is simply too complex.
           | Real Artists Ship.
           | Truly Great Artists Ship, Listen, and Adapt.
             | balsam wrote:
             | I am glad that Van Gogh didnt have a user feedback
             | mechanism? Or maybe God was his only User?
               | wizzwizz4 wrote:
               | Interactive art is different to non-interactive art.
               | Karrot_Kream wrote:
               | Van Gogh didn't develop in an artistic or cultural
               | vacuum. He received lots of criticism over the years and
               | worked with the Parisian avant garde. He had peers to
               | receive feedback from.
         | carapace wrote:
         | Sounds to me like a lazy and, frankly, disrespectful take.
         | Take Alan Kay. Smalltalk shipped. It's still shipping to this
         | day. Right up until 2018 he was working: http://www.vpri.org/
         | Is it his fault that Smalltalk didn't conquer the world?
         | Is it Engelbart's fault his demo hasn't been taken seriously
         | for fifty-four years?
       | [deleted]
       | SirensOfTitan wrote:
       | I use the following for knowledge:
       | * Logseq for notes. 95% of these eventually are spaced repetition
       | flash cards. The anki plugin for Logseq is incredibly good.
       | * Lunatask for habits and tasks.
       | * Readwise reader for reading everything.
       | I've also never made the PKMS work. I never look at stuff. Using
       | Logseq as a convenient place to store knowledge and quiz myself
       | on it (the latter requiring me to consolidate understanding) has
       | worked out really well.
       | bachmeier wrote:
       | I disagree with some of the ideas in this piece.
       | > And yet I don't use them. Why? Building them was fun, sure, but
       | there must be utility to a personal database.
       | There is utility in doing things that are fun. Even if that fun
       | thing does not increase your productivity. There are deeper
       | issues if enjoying how you spend your time is a problem.
       | > Pointlessness of Organization: my Calibre and Zotero libraries
       | are a mess. But is that bad? Is there any point to organizing
       | them? I can always find what I need, either by searching or
       | browsing
       | If you know where to look and how to find your stuff, you're
       | sufficiently organized.
       | > migrating everything from my filesystem, from Calibre, from
       | Zotero, from my browser bookmarks, etc. is a huge process
       | This is a common claim, but the truth is that there's no need to
       | move, say, files into a new system. The simplest thing to do is
       | keep a note listing where you can find stuff outside the new
       | system. Been doing that for years, and it's never failed.
       | Finally, I don't like the conflation of tools for thought with
       | spending large amounts of time on useless things. People use cars
       | to get away after robbing banks. The question is whether the
       | problem is car ownership or how criminals use their time.
       | TOP-HACKER-NEWS wrote:
       | [dead]
       | exp1orer wrote:
       | This was the bit that got me:
       | > People have this aspirational idea of building a vast,
       | oppressively colossal, deeply interlinked knowledge graph to the
       | point that it almost mirrors every discrete concept and memory in
       | their brain. And I get the appeal of maximalism. But they're
       | counting on the wrong side of the ledger. Every node in your
       | knowledge graph is a debt. Every link doubly so.
         | turtleyacht wrote:
         | One idea suggested by _Antinet Zettelkasten_ is to set up an
         | analog system that acts as a  "second brain." Interacting with
         | these boxes of notecards is supposed to be a form of discourse,
         | enabling surprising associations and strengthening existing
         | memories.
         | The argument against a digital form is that this kind of
         | interaction occurs at a neural level that just is impossible
         | without deliberate reflection of handwritten material.
         | It's important to mention this system is worthless to merely
         | contain information. The point is to _publish works_ that
         | synthesize these ideas. Otherwise, it 's just a form of
         | knowledge Pokemon.
           | balsam wrote:
           | Feel like the fresh take is really that you can't just
           | synthesize new ideas by rearranging the ideas that you suck
           | up from the inter-nets, no matter how much offline
           | fermentation you put them through. Similar to how "publish or
           | perish" merely results in incremental, nearly worthless ideas
           | being sold as breakthroughs. Maybe people need to internalize
           | twitter as a source of jokes amd entertainment, not insight.
           | Maybe alcohol and psychelics need to be seen as brain
           | damaging instead of vision inducing.
       | crazygringo wrote:
       | A side note, but is anyone else experiencing a font size so large
       | as to make it almost unreadable?
       | Viewing it on my laptop, the CSS font size is set to 2 rem, which
       | means each letter takes up _four times_ as much space as default
       | body text (which is 1 rem, usually 16 px -- so this is 32 px
       | size). Even worse, if you zoom out, it detects that and
       | compensates by setting it to 2.5 rem (40 px), or over 6 times as
       | large in area! It 's trying to _force_ bizarrely big-headline-
       | sized body text, even against the user 's wishes.
       | I've seen this bizarre creeping growth of font sizes across some
       | personal blogs over the last decade, but I've never seen a case
       | _this_ extreme.
       | (And remember that, for comparison, traditional OS UI elements
       | tend to be around the 12 px size and sometime even smaller, so a
       | 32-40 px size is truly gargantuan.)
         | zetalyrae wrote:
         | I need to allocate time to fixing the font sizes. I suppose
         | you're on a high-DPI/retina screen. It's not great.
         | damethos wrote:
         | I am experiencing the same thing but I read it anyway because
         | It was an interesting article :)
       | maire wrote:
       | By coincidence I am moving off of Evernote right now. I broke
       | down everything I used Evernote for right now to plan the roll
       | off.
       | I largely use EN for the GTD system. The first GTD step is just
       | capturing info. EN still does this better than any other tool.
       | EN used to be better at managing large data - but the last major
       | release broke all that. For some reason they favored the new user
       | over the power user.
       | Some of the things I used to use EN for are now baked into the
       | OS. For instance, the latest release of MacOS now has text search
       | on images. The rise of icloud also got rid of many of my use
       | cases.
       | What I am doing now is putting files in files and notes in notes.
       | I am converting some notes to files.
       | I took to heart the scalability issues in EN, and decided to run
       | several note taking apps in parallel. After a while I will just
       | pick a winner.
       | Sadly - I have not found a replacement for data capture. EN seems
       | to be the only tool that converts email to a note. I might keep
       | the free version of EN around for this task, but I am still
       | looking for a replacement.
       | justindirose wrote:
       | One criticism I have of the TfT/PKM space (as a member of it) is
       | it often puts too much onus on the tool or system you use. The
       | human element is often diminished in favor of replicating our
       | brains in our notes.
       | So instead of making connections in your mind while using the TfT
       | app as an external thought workspace, we put this extra process
       | on top to make the TfT system a replication of our brains in and
       | of itself. For most people, this is an unsustainable effort
       | (myself included).
       | As I see it, the tool is simply the place we work out ideas and
       | how we mentally relate them to one another. Whether a plaintext
       | file or an interlinked set of notes is sufficient to achieve that
       | end goal is up to the individual.
       | leonhandreke wrote:
       | Maybe the whole networked thought/Zettelkasten thing is just
       | something that's only useful for a small subset of endeavours,
       | and more of a hindrance for most.
       | Niklas Luhmann became one of the most productive sociologists of
       | the 20th century with the help of his enormous paper-based
       | Zettelkasten. If you look at the stuff he wrote, you can see why.
       | He ties together publications from the fields of sociology,
       | philosophy, legal studies, psychology, biology and surely many
       | more, literature, journalism, film... Luhmann was a prolific
       | reader (he did few other things as far as I know) and for him,
       | stumbling upon a connecting thought he had ten years ago while
       | reading a newspaper after having read a specific book, might have
       | been crucial to maintain the density of ideas in his
       | publications.
       | In short, these tools are probably only useful to you if you're
       | in the business of generating novel ideas by interlinking a lot
       | of other ideas that people have had in new, interesting ways.
       | (This is the best tentative description I came up with and it's
       | probably wrong around the edges).
       | If you're an engineer, or indeed also a scholar in the humanities
       | but playing a different game than Luhmann, these tools may just
       | be useless to you. A couple of years ago when I was thinking
       | about this a lot, I asked one of my lecturers who was a post-doc
       | in comparative political science about his toolset. He didn't
       | really seem to understand the question, he told me that he
       | sometimes writes notes on books in a Word document but mostly
       | knows what's going on in his field and where to look for what. I
       | later took a look at his dissertation and while I'm in no
       | position to judge the quality of his work (it was probably pretty
       | solid, he got it published with a reputable publisher), it seemed
       | to have fever moving parts and threads of thought tied together
       | than the bits of Luhmann that I've read.
       | My impression is that what's holding the ecosystem of tools for
       | networked thought back right now is that the tools are not built
       | for (or possibly even by) the people for whom networked thought
       | may be most useful. They're trying to be better task managers,
       | tagging systems, collection managers (as mentioned in the linked
       | article), flashcard systems, etc. "Zettelkasten" by Daniel
       | Ludecke (a sociologist), the software recommended in "How to Take
       | Smart Notes" by Sonke Ahrens (himself a professor in the
       | humanities), which is hailed as the bible of networked thought by
       | many (Roam, Logseq, HN I guess), looks very different from these
       | tools. It's an obscure piece of Java software, and while I've
       | only briefly tried it out for a few minutes, it works very
       | differently. Smaller notes, little structure within them, no
       | titles. It has a "desk mode" where you can pull out notes and
       | arrange them in a tree structure for when you're writing a paper
       | or book (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIztPpFqCBw).
       | I would love to see what things could happen in the networked
       | thought space if people who need these tools the most sat down
       | with people who can write software. I have a few ideas, but I'm
       | afraid I'm just not enough of a Luhmann to really know what these
       | people need. Also, I would just be procrastinating actually
       | writing my thesis (nod to the linked article :))
         | zetalyrae wrote:
         | Yes, one category I left out is research. Turning a big DAG of
         | citations into a finished monograph, basically. I feel that
         | this is one of the few areas where a TfT with bidirectional
         | links makes sense. But I can't really judge this because I'm
         | not a researcher, and little of what I do can be called
         | research.
       | groby_b wrote:
       | The value in bundled "Tools for Thoughts" isn't just that you can
       | interconnect everything - unless you actively research and want
       | to synthesize something new, that's in fact overvalued.
       | The true value (at least to me) lies in the fact that _all_ my
       | information is stored in a human-readable and interchangeable
       | format. It makes you independent of vendor whims. It enables the
       | creation of custom tools if and when you need them.
       | The fact that I can click on shiny links just satisfies my desire
       | for toys :)
       | coldblues wrote:
       | I use Logseq currently. I just simply write in my Journals or a
       | page, then I add the backlinks on a whim, and leave it be.
       | Whenever I need that information again, it will be found by using
       | the backlinks, if I don't remember what I'm even searching for.
       | That's all I do. It's simple, convenient, and doesn't break my
       | flow with unnecessary complexity. I just write and link.
       | That kind of Zettelkasten note-taking workflow is what caught my
       | attention and it's currently the only way I can take notes.
       | People who create complicated note-taking workflows using
       | databases and such, they're very bizarre people to me. I can't do
       | any of that without recoiling. But I can dump information into my
       | graph and link it all together all day if I got into the flow.
       | It's just "natural".
       | voidhorse wrote:
       | I tried something similar a while back after struggling to use
       | obsidian myself. I unbundled and subscribed to todoist as well,
       | switched to supernotes for notecard style notes etc.
       | I think ultimately it just comes down to people having different
       | needs. It turns out I don't really need a second brain style
       | knowledge base. All I need is a solid mobile text editor. It also
       | turns out I only need to plan out tasks on a weekly scale. A
       | daily scale is too granular for me at this given moment in time.
       | When you adopt these heavyweight systems before really
       | understanding _why_ you need them or if you even need them to
       | begin with it very quickly becomes a procrastination trap where,
       | as the article mentions, you 're spending far more time managing
       | the system for the sake of the system than you are actually using
       | it for anything meaningful.
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