[HN Gopher] Auth.js Authentication for the Web
       Auth.js Authentication for the Web
       Author : thunderbong
       Score  : 174 points
       Date   : 2022-12-30 13:10 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (authjs.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (authjs.dev)
       | erikpukinskis wrote:
       | I'll hijack to ask a question that's been on my mind...
       | I've heard people say "don't write your own auth" but I've also
       | spent a LOT of time hacking auth libraries to fit custom designs,
       | custom flows, etc. And building tooling to integrate libraries
       | with other infra: middleware, test mocks, etc.
       | My question is this: If you have a full time dev team maintaining
       | an application, is it really that much slower in the long term to
       | maintain your own auth flow?
       | I've basically given up on UI frameworks like Material UI because
       | of this issue... if you're building something customized, and you
       | have full time devs to support it, the "time savings" of using a
       | library like that is, in my opinion, a scam.
       | You feel like you're getting a lot for free because the stuff
       | that works out of the box is very visible. But the months and
       | months of cumulative time spent dealing with the complexity that
       | comes from customization and extension is invisible, because it's
       | just bugs you fix, or tasks that take a week instead of a day.
       | My team lost probably a dev month this quarter to react-select
       | because of this. I've seen the same happen with Popper, react-
       | table, and dozens of other supposedly helpful libraries.
       | I'm curious what other folks think about auth specifically
       | though. Does auth fit into this pattern, or is it something that
       | you really can meaningfully outsource to a library?
         | arcturus17 wrote:
         | It all depends on the degree of customization you do on your
         | products, but if my team or I had to code all the auth or UI
         | components by hand, I would quit the profession.
         | I speak from experience when I say that if there's something I
         | like less than customizing MaterialUI component behavior it's
         | working with a mangled custom-made replacement with worse
         | semantics and functionality.
         | jokethrowaway wrote:
         | Auth has been the target of a lot of SaaS and marketing. It's a
         | menial simple task nobody wants to spend time on.
         | Even if you don't have a huge team I'd rather handroll over
         | using third parties.
         | The mental effort of thinking about some other 3rd party
         | developers or service is not worth it. I can write an auth
         | system in under 100 lines and be on my way to ship features.
         | Social logins are the only annoying thing as they all use
         | slightly different profile fields.
         | If you have issues with scale, scale vertically until it
         | doesn't work anymore. By that point you'll likely have plenty
         | of money to throw around for a registration team to worry
         | about.
         | mooreds wrote:
         | Disclosure: I work for FusionAuth, an auth provider.
         | I think of it like this: is the login and registration
         | experience going to be a differentiator for your application?
         | If so, how? Get real clear on the business value of a unique
         | login experience (do you need to support special protocols?
         | unique flows? pixel perfect UX control? multiple different user
         | stores?).
         | If it isn't going to be a differentiator, then use a commercial
         | or OSS solution that meets your needs, using the usual feature,
         | standards and stability checkboxes.
         | If it is going to be a differentiator, evaluate the same
         | options, but consider building as well. Much has been written
         | about how devs underestimate the effort to build something (
         | https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=devs%20undersetimate%2...
         | ), but I hear you, sometimes people underestimate how much
         | effort can go into customizing something. Include, as best as
         | you can, the features that are going to be 'differentiated',
         | and see if customization or build from scratch is going to be
         | more effort. (Spikes are helpful here, but to be honest, a lot
         | of this pain is going to depend on future requirements that,
         | being in the future, will be hard to foresee.)
         | If your auth flows are simple and easy to build, they'll
         | probably be simple to customize. And if they are complex to
         | customize, they'll probably be complex to build and support.
         | TANSTAAFL.
         | You also want to think about maintenance. This of course cuts
         | both ways. If you own the auth code, you control it and don't
         | have to worry about breakages out of your control ( just like
         | having your own C compiler:
         | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2001/10/14/in-defense-of-not-...
         | ), but now you are responsible when a new feature or bugfix is
         | needed, and it falls into your existing planning process. If
         | you outsource this functionality, you still need to do
         | integration testing, but you hopefully won't have to redo the
         | work. (And you have a vendor to blame/hit over the head, which
         | may or may not be helpful.)
         | Another way to put it is: should you build your own data
         | storage system? Or use an RDBMS? Neither answer is always true,
         | but for most applications, I'd lean towards the latter. I think
         | the same is true with auth. It's a well understood space, with
         | a lot of good solutions; finding one and using it will probably
         | be the best option.
         | brnewd wrote:
         | If you use high level abstractions like authjs, you better use
         | the happy path or it becomes a time sink. I think for
         | authentication and authorization, use single purpose, well
         | established libraries like bcrypt and passport.js and write the
         | glue logic yourself. Sign up flow and authentication are too
         | important to make concessions on.
         | TheAceOfHearts wrote:
         | It depends on what context you're operating in. The reality is
         | that most people don't fully understand authentication /
         | authorization properly so they often mess up. When you have a
         | small team of engineers that are spread very thin, it might be
         | better to delegate this responsibility. If you have the time
         | and resources to study the topic in depth and implement it
         | properly then it's fine. It's just not that interesting of an
         | area since the space for innovation and creativity is limited,
         | and since the major problems have already been reliably solved
         | by others at best you end up with an equivalent outcome and at
         | worst you end up with security issues.
         | If you're operating within an enterprise context, Keycloak [0]
         | is pretty massive but provides comprehensive coverage for all
         | authN and authZ needs, and it's open source.
         | Back when I first started studying this topic I found that
         | reading through a lot of NIST guidelines was helpful. I'd
         | recommend at least browsing through SP 800-63-3 [1], SP
         | 800-63A, SP 800-63B, SP 800-63C to get a good idea of the
         | domain. Admittedly, this might be a lot of overkill for your
         | application and needs.
         | [0] https://www.keycloak.org/
         | [1] https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/sp/800-63/3/final
           | jacobsimon wrote:
           | Speaking from experience, what's actually tricky about
           | building your own auth isn't the core functionality - there
           | are lots of examples online - but rather all the things
           | around authentication and user management that people don't
           | consider at first, but eventually become necessary when you
           | go to production:
           | - password reset flows
           | - validating & cleaning inputs
           | - supporting multiple SSO methods for same account
           | - disconnecting or switching SSO methods
           | - handling duplicate accounts
           | - handling users who lose access to their login method
           | - email verification
           | - session cache validation
           | - detecting risky logins
           | - 2FA
           | - the list goes on...
         | password4321 wrote:
         | _Ask HN: What 's a build vs. buy decision that you got wrong?_
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34163624#34163970 2 days
         | ago
         | Fairly similar to your "build vs. free" question, including
         | auth
         | porsager wrote:
         | Don't listen to anyone saying "Don't write your own X". These
         | things are not that hard once you filter out all the useless
         | abstractions added by various libraries trying to give you a
         | turn key solution. I suppose many just feel safe leaving
         | responsibility in someone else's hands. I have never looked
         | back after fighting passport.js some 10 years ago - being
         | completely free to make you auth flow exactly how you need it
         | is liberating! Now once you've done that a few times you are
         | also in a much better position to decide if it might actually
         | make sense to use a library or some auth provider for any
         | future solutions.
           | jacobsimon wrote:
           | I agree with your point in general, but I think passport.js
           | and its ecosystem of plugins are very helpful. It's
           | lightweight and customizable for however you want to fetch
           | and serialize sessions, and there are tons of examples
           | online. Do you need it? No, but it makes it easier to
           | standardize your login methods. A non-engineer on our team
           | was able to build "login with linkedin" in less than a day
           | just by following other examples in our codebase which is
           | pretty powerful.
           | chasd00 wrote:
           | One thing about doing your own auth is you end up doing a lot
           | of it. Integrations and expansion means more flows and
           | schemes to do by hand. IMO setting up or buying a stable
           | identity provider with all the bells and whistles is the way
           | to go long term. Then you do your own client if you want but
           | when you need to pull in another app they only need to work
           | with your identity provider and not your code.
         | diroussel wrote:
         | I've been in this situation before. I had a full dev team, we
         | had a security architect assigned to us. We needed to do a pen
         | test regardless of it we used a framework or wrote it from
         | scratch.
         | Our requirements were quite unique and so writing custom code
         | but aligning to an OIDC style flow was a good choice for us.
         | In the end it was a good choice and much easier than forcing an
         | auth framework to do something it wasn't designed to do.
           | mooreds wrote:
           | Can you tell us anything about the unique requirements? I'd
           | love to learn more.
             | diroussel wrote:
             | We wanted to deploy into AWS lamba (using nextjs) with the
             | main login flow being outside the app, then token
             | validation being in a edge lambda. This decoupled the app
             | from the authentication , we didn't need any any
             | authorisation.
         | [deleted]
         | emptysea wrote:
         | I've used things like django-allauth before and it's honestly
         | not that hard to implement OAuth flows yourself and then you
         | don't have to learn the ins and outs of someone else's API
         | (i.e., allauth's numerous config settings).
         | Not sure this applies to Auth.js, but with hosted offerings,
         | it's really hard to migrate off. Like how do you get the
         | passwords into your system without forcing everyone to reset
         | them?
           | eropple wrote:
           | Auth.js is just a library that uses a pluggable backend. They
           | have a Prisma one, I wrote an EdgeDB one, etc.
           | mooreds wrote:
           | > Like how do you get the passwords into your system without
           | forcing everyone to reset them?
           | Disclosure: I work for an auth provider, FusionAuth.
           | I've written a number of migration guides and some hosted
           | auth providers allow you to export password hashes (usually
           | through a support ticket/out of band process; it's sensitive
           | data). Others do not.
           | Definitely worth asking. It's your data, you should be able
           | to get it.
           | Here are the ones I know that allow you to get your hands on
           | password hashes:
           | * Auth0 (you have to be on a paid plan)
           | * Firebase
           | * FusionAuth (my employer, you get the whole encrypted
           | database export)
           | Here are the ones that don't:
           | * Amazon Cognito
           | * Azure AD B2C
           | Once you have the hashes, it's a matter of ensuring that you
           | can implement the same hashing algorithm so that the same
           | user password entered into both systems ends up creating the
           | same hash. Not rocket science, but sometimes, depending on
           | the intricacies of the algorithm, can require a bit of
           | spelunking. For instance, I was working on a keycloak
           | migration guide and while both systems use Salted PBKDF2 with
           | SHA-256, one used a 512-bit derived key and the other used a
           | 256-bit derived key. I had to dig in a bit to figure that
           | out.
       | moneywoes wrote:
       | Is there a faster MVP stack than this plus next js and maybe
       | something like supabase for the db?
         | loh wrote:
         | Give Molecule.dev a look. (I'm the creator. Lots of open source
         | improvements in the future, but for now, it is what it is.)
         | nodoodles wrote:
         | Letting Supabase handle auth, and not adding this as a
         | dependency? (no dig at authjs, haven't used it, looks great)
         | https://supabase.com/docs/guides/auth/overview
         | (and +1 to iteration speed and brevity using SvelteKit)
         | moneywoes wrote:
         | Would use the next js for the api as well
         | FractalHQ wrote:
         | SvelteKit gives tangible speed and DX advantages over React
         | that can be measured in less LOC.
           | satvikpendem wrote:
           | Then you'd have to use Svelte which I dislike over React, not
           | the least of which is templating. After having used Vue and
           | Angular before switching to React, you couldn't pay me to go
           | back to logic in an HTML DSL. I can't look at v-for or ngIf
           | again.
         | simantel wrote:
         | This might be fast for JS, but Rails is the GOAT for MVPs.
         | jokethrowaway wrote:
         | I've been using https://github.com/OrJDev/create-jd-app which
         | is based on solid and it's pretty great.
         | Super fast out of the box, but I also upgraded vite to 4 with a
         | few overrides to get swc.
         | Solid Auth is still a bit immature (I ended up writing my own
         | Auth stack around prisma, trpc and jwt), haven't tried Next
         | Auth
       | cglan wrote:
       | I've been using this library extensively, and I highly recommend
       | it. The switch from next-auth to authjs-core is a great move to
       | make it framework agnostic.
       | That said a lot of the documentation is outdated and clearly
       | react focused. I've encountered a lot of behavior that's
       | unexplained unless you dive deep into the code or GitHub issues.
       | For anyone using this with SvelteKit, or just in general
       | definitely contribute to the documentation if you can! It would
       | help a lot!
         | doodlesdev wrote:
         | I'm waiting for a documentation PR to be merged at this moment.
         | My personal experience with the library has been the same.
         | However the lacking documentation SERIOUSLY hurts it, it's very
         | easy to use if you already know what to do because you read the
         | code, but if you went through that effort you could use just
         | about anything else. Hopefully the team behind steps up their
         | documentation game, authjs is something I have been waiting for
         | a long long time and I overall like the decisions made by the
         | team till now.
         | l5870uoo9y wrote:
         | It is definitely fairly easy to get started with and supports a
         | wide range of authenticators (at least next-auth does, authjs
         | not so many at the moment). The work on next-auth has been
         | stopped in favour of this (also after some issues and rollback
         | [1]).
         | One thing I was pleasantly surprised by was how easy it is too
         | rollout email authentication via magic links and how relatively
         | good it looks/behaves out of the box [2]. All you need is to
         | add SMTP url and add the config.
         | It is also worth noting that it doesn't work for nextjs yet.
         | [1]: https://github.com/nextauthjs/next-auth/pull/6132
         | [2]: https://aihelperbot.com/signin
         | Edit: Formatting.
       | muratsu wrote:
       | I've used this lib in a few MVPs and it was easy to use if you do
       | things their way (which wasn't that big of a deal for an MVP).
       | > The functionality provided for credentials based authentication
       | is intentionally limited to discourage use of passwords due to
       | the inherent security risks associated with them and the
       | additional complexity associated with supporting usernames and
       | passwords.
       | I have to admit while as a dev I sympathize with this stance, as
       | an end-user I really hate it. I pay for a pwd manager and feel
       | much better about using a user+pwd combo. I get that oauth is
       | more secure in general but somehow I feel uneasy to give access
       | (even limited) to my personal gmail or github.
         | DrewADesign wrote:
         | Agreed. I'm a bit more privacy-focused than most but oauth +
         | 3rd party seems like solution that should solve a specific
         | problem or enfranchise a specific group of users and always
         | have a password-based alternative. It's probably futile, but
         | I'm just not particularly enamored with the idea of openly
         | inviting all of those big companies and their greedy telemetry
         | vacuums into every little last corner of my life.
         | satvikpendem wrote:
         | What about a passwordless / magic link to your email? I've
         | found that to be the best option as a dev/user, since no
         | passwords necessary, no lock-in ("which OAuth2 provider did I
         | use for this account, Google, Apple, GitHub, or Facebook?"),
         | and it works decently well on all devices.
           | muratsu wrote:
           | I forgot the exact issue but if I recall it correctly,
           | pwdless sessions are meant to be short lived sessions. I
           | equally dislike reauthenticating my sessions every day
             | satvikpendem wrote:
             | Why would they be short-lived? Just send a refresh and
             | access token like normal authentication, the only thing
             | you're changing is whether the user authenticates from a
             | password versus a link which has a unique identifier,
             | they're both looked up from the database / in-memory cache
             | all the same.
           | NegativeLatency wrote:
           | As someone with ADD I really prefer not to have to bounce
           | through my email client to login. (I prefer passwords to
           | other current options)
           | Webauthn looks great though, really looking forward to that
           | taking off
             | satvikpendem wrote:
             | I agree, however check out the Checker Plus extension for
             | Gmail (if you have Gmail). I never open up Gmail anymore, I
             | can access all my emails through the extension which pops
             | up a customized email window.
             | On the phone, for example with Slack, it has a button like
             | "Open email" which I click, and then it opens the email,
             | then I click the link which takes me back to the app, works
             | pretty well.
       | sirius87 wrote:
       | I went down the rabbithole of using next-auth (now authjs) for a
       | recent project. Having used Passport.js [1] for Oauth2 the last
       | time I was doing node.js ~3 years ago, I found this library to
       | have many footguns as comments/answers on SO and Github.
       | Seems like many people are trying to shoehorn their codebase [2]
       | (!!) to make it work with the way the library manages sign-in
       | flow, redirects, cookies, logout, etc. [3]
       | These were solved problems in the MEAN stack era with
       | middlewares, but now that Next.js/react is the trend, people are
       | doing everything they can to make it work - from relaxing
       | security configs, to stashing things in the JWT just so some
       | callback can get an additional piece of data [4].
       | [1] https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport
       | [2] https://github.com/nextauthjs/next-
       | auth/issues/600#issuecomm...
       | [3] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/next-
       | auth?sort=Mo...
       | [4] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64576733/where-and-
       | how-t...
       | EDIT: more links in case it helps the authors improve DX
         | cco wrote:
         | _I work at Stytch, a company that provides an authentication
         | API_
         | > Seems like many people are trying to shoehorn their
         | codebase...
         | This is something we're always thinking about in our product;
         | write API first and flexibly enough so developers don't have to
         | do cartwheels to use our product.
         | If you ever need to jump into authentication in Node again,
         | give us a look!
         | SlickStef11 wrote:
         | > Seems like many people are trying to shoehorn their
         | codebase...
         | Full Disclosure: I work at WunderGraph
         | But I think you should take a look at WunderGraph. It's vendor
         | agnostic and allows you to choose a authentication provider
         | that will work with your codebase.
         | You can use Keycloak, Auth0, Ory, etc...
         | https://docs.wundergraph.com/docs/features/openid-connect-ba...
         | thinkingkong wrote:
         | Agreed. This library is so opinionated that it more or less
         | becomes useless. Youre way better off using iron-session or
         | just go all the way and use a provider like Auth0, etc.
         | moojd wrote:
         | The nextjs team for the longest time seemed openly hostile to
         | server-side features in the GitHub issues. We ended up using
         | the custom server feature to essentially bypass nextjs entirely
         | so we could adequately do things like server-side auth in an
         | explicit way using existing proven middleware. Next auth was
         | inadequate for us mostly because of the limitations of nextjs
         | itself. Nextjs 13.1 just added actual server-side middleware
         | with full control of requests/responses so hopefully things
         | will improve. I haven't fully investigated it yet but I'm
         | hoping we can rip out all of our custom server stuff and
         | replace it with middleware now.
           | Kiro wrote:
           | If you need to bypass Next.js, why use it at all?
             | moojd wrote:
             | We are using nextjs for everything it can do, while
             | bypassing it for the things it can't. With 13.1 that
             | shouldn't be necessary because it is now more capable.
           | deckard1 wrote:
           | > Nextjs 13.1 just added actual server-side middleware
           | the middleware has been available for awhile, they just added
           | a few "advanced" features it looks like.
           | The problem with their middleware is that it's based on their
           | edge runtime. Which is pretty much very basic web APIs and
           | nothing more. Unlike Express/Koa, you do not have the full
           | node API and cannot do things like read files from the
           | filesystem. It's a total unnecessary clusterfuck _just_ so
           | Vercel can get you on their cloud services. Every single day
           | I work with Next.js I wish I had Express and a decent router.
           | sirius87 wrote:
           | Same. I found this example [1] particularly helpful, although
           | I don't know how good this [2] library it uses is. Overall,
           | I've seen multiple OSS projects [3] that try to support a
           | missing functionality in Next.js seem to just give up trying
           | to keep up with their breaking changes.
           | [1] https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-mwzv1t?file=README.md
           | [2] https://github.com/hoangvvo/next-connect
           | [3] https://github.com/cyrilwanner/next-optimized-images
       | cmdli wrote:
       | Are there any plans to support passkeys/WebAuthN? I feel like
       | that should be a fairly straightforward thing to support since
       | all browsers support it.
         | random_kris wrote:
         | You could do it with a custom provider. You basically can
         | define your own flow and inside that use the passkeys.
         | I plan on doing it this way in the product that i am working
         | on, but to save time I use a parallel auth system that just
         | plug and plays with react and then I do some user mapping in my
         | backend (ugly haha but for now is good)
         | 411111111111111 wrote:
         | This looks like a library for social auth /various
         | authentication providers.
         | WebAuthN/passkeys would have to be implemented on the provider
         | side, not the client, so highly unlikely that this is planned
         | unless their authentication server documentation was too well
         | hidden for me.
       | mrcwinn wrote:
       | This is indeed a good library. Well done. An enormous amount of
       | work. For those looking for an out of the box freemium option,
       | Clerk.dev is fantastic. (I'm just a customer. No association or
       | interest otherwise.)
       | dvh wrote:
       | You lost me at mixing underscore and camel case.
         | Kiro wrote:
         | Where do you see that? Constants are normally written with all
         | caps and underscore while normal variables use camelcase.
         | That's the convention most JS codebases use.
         | l5870uoo9y wrote:
         | I also wondered why the database schema is so bastardized with
         | camel case and snake case column names mixed. Likely legacy,
         | but still messes with the OCD.
       | sanjayio wrote:
       | Happy to see the team moving in this direction. I've used
       | NextAuth extensively and although it has some sharp edges, I feel
       | like those sharp edges aren't unfixable. The documentation has
       | been improving over the past year. I hope that having to adapt to
       | more web frameworks will actually enhance the flexibility of
       | AuthJS and leave few cases to have to shoehorn a solution.
       | worldmerge wrote:
       | Does this support Yubikeys and webauth?
       | thekingshorses wrote:
       | Is there an auth service/library that works without a server?
         | mooreds wrote:
         | What do you mean? I'm not quite sure what you are looking for,
         | but would love to learn more.
       | [deleted]
       | aaws11 wrote:
       | is this the parallel to passport js?
         | sanjayio wrote:
         | A little, you could imagine this being a framework and passport
         | being a collection of libraries and less of a rigid framework.
         | I've worked with both and found passport/express to allow a lot
         | more freedom than NextJS/NextAuth. But, NextJS/NextAuth was
         | definitely more seamless to put together a simple POC.
       | demarq wrote:
       | how comes the examples are next-auth and not @next-auth?
         | lioeters wrote:
         | Or, since they have a package called @auth/sveltekit, it might
         | have been better named @auth/next, @auth/next/providers/github,
         | etc.
         | leerob wrote:
         | I believe it's mostly because next-auth was the previous
         | package name, which is still in use, so it needs to get
         | migrated over to @auth/next or similar.
       | dt3ft wrote:
       | Is it just me or could the sales pitch use some work? What is
       | this? Why use it? Elevator pitch, that is. Calling it
       | "authentication for the web" is way too generic.
         | sanjayio wrote:
         | It's actually generic "authentication for the web" which is why
         | it comes off as generic. They started off with being
         | authentication for NextJS and it was definitely helpful for a
         | quick auth implementation. Now it's being opened up to any web
         | framework which is kind of a cool evolution.
         | alfanick wrote:
         | It's some JS lib abstracting over some authentication
         | providers. But this doesn't sound sexy anymore.
         | spiffytech wrote:
         | It sounds like it's similar to Passport.js, which let's you add
         | support for 3rd-party auth systems by just supplying API
         | credentials instead of implementing an OAuth etc flow yourself.
         | It still leaves a lot of authn/authz work up to you, but it
         | simplifies putting a "log in with Google" button on your site.
       | revskill wrote:
       | I don't have trust in the competence of original author. One
       | example, the Credentials provider is mostly broken, and there's
       | no working example at all ! All i want is simply authenticate
       | with my database, no rocket science.
         | leerob wrote:
         | Here's an example with the credentials provider:
         | https://github.com/vercel/nextjs-mysql-auth-starter/blob/mai...
           | revskill wrote:
           | If you're newscomer, come to the docs and the codebase,
           | there's no example at all. The docs is not helpful.
             | sanjayio wrote:
             | I've been using this library as well and I find that this
             | isn't completely true. There are a few examples, but you
             | have to pull and stitch from a few places. The
             | documentation has been improving over the course of the
             | last few months.
       (page generated 2022-12-30 23:00 UTC)