[HN Gopher] Tamagui 1.0 - Cross-platform React apps in less time...
       Tamagui 1.0 - Cross-platform React apps in less time, with better
       Author : redbar0n
       Score  : 211 points
       Date   : 2022-12-30 16:45 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (tamagui.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (tamagui.dev)
       | XiZhao wrote:
       | This is the best made component library I've seen in a long time,
       | very thoughtfully designed
       | TobyTheDog123 wrote:
       | As a former JS-head and newly-Flutter/Dart-head, this is
       | certainly a step forward for JS frameworks.
       | However, one thing notably absent from the page and a quick
       | Google search are layout animations. React-Native has this in the
       | (poorly-supported and almost-niche) form of LayoutAnimation,
       | however support is notably missing in React-Native-Web and other
       | frameworks attempting to bring true cross-platform support.
       | As for me (not that anyone cares), this is a very cool
       | advancement, but doesn't change many of the complaints against
       | the current (and numerous) set of issues with JS, and will be
       | sticking with Flutter.
       | ecuaflo wrote:
       | I get " Application error: a client-side exception has occurred
       | (see the browser console for more information)." when viewing the
       | site on iOS Chrome..
       | shaneos wrote:
       | Reading the docs, there seems to be a large amount of magical
       | component creation going on that I find difficult to read. A key
       | benefit of React is the simplicity of a component accepting props
       | and using them in its render function. This library seems to
       | dynamically create a component with a custom configuration
       | language such that it requires a lot of thought to understand
       | what is actually going on. It defines newly available props and
       | their usage differently to other React components, reducing
       | readability considerably.
       | Of course a person can get used to these things, but I question
       | whether it scales to non-tiny teams. There's a real smell of ye
       | olde dynamic class creation here which React moved away from for
       | very good reasons
         | nwienert wrote:
         | There's nothing at all magical, I'm not sure what you're
         | thinking is exactly. That's actually a huge benefit of Tamagui
         | over something like Tailwind for example. You just pass in
         | props and use props just like normal.
         | If you're talking about the styled() helper, that is something
         | many React style libraries have standardized on from Emotion to
         | Styled Components to Stitches. And actually it's very important
         | for an optimizing compiler because it limits you down to a
         | statically analyzable subset that focuses just on styles.
         | There's no magic there either - React Native itself has a
         | similar API with StyleSheet.create, except it won't optimize
         | even with a future compiler when you start nesting multiple
         | things. That's where styled() shines.
           | ricardobeat wrote:
           | It's always a surprise to see comment like yours - it's
           | obvious that there is a huge gap in how each developer circle
           | sees complexity. In the examples, you need to use the
           | provided Stack component, special props like $gtSm, theme
           | values like $2, the styled() function, variants, and then
           | stuff like useMediaPropsActive() if you want to build your
           | own components. That's plenty of magic.
           | The exact same conversations were had when JSX came along,
           | react-native-web, etc. We just keep on piling up more and
           | more abstractions.
             | djur wrote:
             | What is "magic" about any of those? React components are
             | functions, so `styled` would be a function that returns a
             | function. The "special props" are just arguments to those
             | functions. If these are all documented, where's the magic?
       | yesimahuman wrote:
       | This looks very interesting. I still question whether teams need
       | this or React Native when they could just bring their existing
       | React web app to mobile with Capacitor. The benefit to that
       | approach is being able to use React web frameworks like Next or
       | Tailwind, without having to use a system specifically designed
       | for native mobile or React Native. Regardless, different
       | solutions work for different teams and this looks like a very
       | interesting project that I need to spend some time with.
         | nikodunk wrote:
         | Didn't know Capacitor! Very cool.
         | This is still such a problem - as a small startup we still have
         | two completely separate code bases that we need to maintain
         | with a tiny team (though we share Redux and Tailwind thanks to
         | https://www.npmjs.com/package/twrnc). If we could "flutterize"
         | our apps and make them run everywhere like this lib allows us
         | to that'd save a huge amount of time.
         | Wrote an essay about our current solution here:
         | https://nikodunk.com/2022-05-10-the-tech-stack-for-maximum-e...
           | 411111111111111 wrote:
           | Ionic uses capacitor by default, you might know that one.
         | fernandorojo wrote:
         | I wouldn't let its native support pigeonhole it as a React
         | Native-only library.
         | In my experience, it rivals other web-only libraries,
         | especially with the compiler.
       | rjzzleep wrote:
       | A little off-topic, but having used Raycast a little on a mac, I
       | have to say that I wish there was react-native on Linux. It seems
       | likes the react-native desktop project is maintained by
       | microsoft, so there is no incentive for them to port this to
       | linux, but what would it take to do that? Does anyone know? It
       | seems to hinge on GTK and QT being hard to integrate with.
         | [deleted]
         | lucideer wrote:
         | > _port this to linux_
         | The problem with porting gui libs to Linux is - what is "Linux
         | GUI"? Likely you would want to port it to either Qt or GTK;
         | other routes might be a bigger lift.
         | Fwiw, React Native for Windows targets WinUI & for macOS
         | targets UIKit (though Microsoft's work here builds a lot on
         | Facebook's work targeting iOS).
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | >what is "Linux GUI"?
           | ahem, CLI. anything else is just bumpers in the bowling alley
           | gutters and training wheels on your bike. (I only partially
           | jest)
             | lucideer wrote:
             | A TUI target for React-Native would be nice, but Ink gets
             | pretty close (it builds on Facebook's Yoga lib to provide
             | React terminal components - it's not a full
             | "menu/window/view managing" type TUI lib but Yoga is the
             | CSS Flexbox re-implementation behind React-Native, so
             | building a layout is pretty straightforward).
         | waboremo wrote:
         | They have the same incentive as with supporting mac with react-
         | native-macos, more platforms to push their services onto. The
         | limitation seems to be technical, as other react-native on QT
         | projects seem to have been all abandoned (Valence Native being
         | the big one mentioned on react-native docs).
       | fernandorojo wrote:
       | I used Tamagui to build a number of screens for a new product
       | we're working on, and I saw 90+ lighthouse scores on every page.
       | The fact that I can get that, with SSR support, inline styles,
       | psuedo selectors, typed themes, _and_ that it works on iOS and
       | Android is novel.
       | I built the first library for React Native that supported
       | Web/responsive design (Dripsy), so it's cool for me to see
       | Tamagui taking this idea to the extreme.
         | nickreese wrote:
         | I feel like I missing where data fetching logic/state
         | management fits.
         | Those seem mostly non-reusable?
           | fernandorojo wrote:
           | What do you mean? Tamagui is only concerned with UI. Data and
           | state management live in the react world using hooks.
             | nickreese wrote:
             | Haha. Pardon the naivety. Have lived in the Svelte world
             | too long. Hooks had just come out last time I used react.
             | I'll get to reading.
               | fernandorojo wrote:
               | Ah, makes sense.
               | Tamagui basically solves the part of styling + rendering
               | UI. It works on both web and native.
               | As for logic/data fetching...this has gotten far, far
               | better in React over the past few years.
               | For data fetching, assuming you're using REST,
               | @tanstack/react-query is incredible. It gives you a
               | "hook" to wrap any async function, and returns loading
               | states, errors, etc.
               | In the past, people used Redux, but it's out of fashion
               | now. I prefer a library called zustand whenever I need
               | non-data related global state management.
       | eyelidlessness wrote:
       | I'm not particularly interested in the cross-platform/React
       | aspects of this (although they're impressive too!). But I'm quite
       | interested in the way it optimizes styles! I hacked something
       | similar together with Fela and an early partial hydration
       | solution, emphasis on _hacked_. And the DX of my solution is
       | great... until there are a lot of styles, and then builds slow to
       | a crawl. I'm looking forward to giving this a try, and digging
       | into the source to see how it's done.
       | rmorey wrote:
       | very interesting! if OP is here, there's a typo:
       | https://tamagui.dev/blog/version-one#:~:text=.%20Core%20will...
       | cutler wrote:
       | And there I was all set to get started with Solito.
       | sokoloff wrote:
       | Looks interesting. It looks to be under MIT license (great) but
       | the landing page doesn't mention that. You might as well maximize
       | the benefit of open-sourcing the code by claiming that on the
       | landing page. (It's true that most anyone actually interested
       | will go look [as I did], so not that big a deal perhaps.)
       | scary-size wrote:
       | What's ,,native" here? iOS and Android? Desktop?
         | [deleted]
         | system2 wrote:
         | I think they mean React Native API.
         | "<17kb, 0-dependency. Every React Native API, typed, without
         | bloat on the web."
         | redbar0n wrote:
         | React Native, so yes to all: iOS, Android, Windows, macOS,
         | tvOS, Web etc.
       | satvikpendem wrote:
       | Nice site, love the interactivity and color schemes. I'm going to
       | add it to my list of nice dark mode sites: https://darkmodes.com
         | fernandorojo wrote:
         | That's a cool site. I like the use of iframes.
           | satvikpendem wrote:
           | Hah, I might change it soon to images or videos of the site.
           | iframes are taking up way too much of my bandwidth limit.
       | mdaniel wrote:
       | I don't know how in the world anyone can claim "2x performance"
       | when clicking on a navigation element, saying out loud "one
       | Mississippi, two Mississippi" and then having the content show up
       | counts as "performance"
       | Want to see something else neat? Open the dev-tools and just
       | _wave your cursor_ over the navigation elements and watch the
       | browser spray GET requests to some json files. I guess they made
       | it Cloudflare 's problem, but ... I'm glad I didn't try to view
       | this on mobile
         | nwienert wrote:
         | This is a demo blog post that loads every demo across the site,
         | so it won't be light.
         | Making claims like this is like claiming SpaceX can't go to
         | space because their lobby isn't aerodynamic.
         | Also the prefetching is Next.js standard practice, not only
         | does it have nothing to do with Tamagui but it's is good for
         | performance.
         | The homepage gets excellent lighthouse scores despite being an
         | order of magnitude more complex than your average app due to
         | showing off every feature in the library.
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | It was my understanding that the site itself was written in
           | the framework, so if I have that experience while reading the
           | docs, it's not a great selling point, right?
           | I can see we just have different expectations for a website,
           | so I wish you all the best with your project
             | nwienert wrote:
             | There's a difference between a blog post showing off every
             | feature of something vs the thing itself in practice - but
             | even then, I think you're wrong. Even this super long blog
             | post showing much more than your average app/site would is
             | fast and has a >80 Lighthouse score.
             | If you want to dispute the performance claims please do!
             | But don't spread FUD. You mis-construed prefetching for
             | some sort of accidental performance mis-step when it's the
             | opposite and improves performance, without seeming to even
             | realize what it is.
       | nsonha wrote:
       | Is this the same as using react-native-web, which in turn was
       | implemented with styled-components cross platform?
         | redbar0n wrote:
         | You could think of it as using React Native Web (RNW), but
         | better. Tamagui is using a trimmed down version of it called
         | react-native-web-lite which is trimmed for bundle size and
         | perfomance: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-web-lite
         | RNW was independent of styled components, but you could use
         | them together.
           | udfalkso wrote:
           | Can I use styled components with Tamagui?
             | nwienert wrote:
             | It's more of a replacement for them, you could use them
             | together during a transition to Tamagui though.
         | fernandorojo wrote:
         | Somewhat, but it's better. It's like forking React Native Web
         | and solving all of its styling shortcomings.
           | p2hari wrote:
           | Hey Fernando, thanks for all your work on dripsy, moti and
           | solito. So nice to hear things from you about this library.
             | fernandorojo wrote:
             | Of course, happy it's helpful.
       | brap wrote:
       | I feel like, in the last few years, we're making huge progress
       | towards being able to easily build performant, cross-platform UIs
       | with great dev ergonomics and minimal code, yet we're not quite
       | there yet, despite web development existing for decades.
       | Every time I try one of those new shiny things it always looks
       | great at first, but then when "hello world" meets the real world
       | you always hit some wall (be it routing, SSR, styling, state
       | management, data fetching, performance, etc), beyond which things
       | can get pretty messy. I've never seen a real UI codebase that
       | actually looks good.
       | I wish we could finally get there. Maybe WASM will help shake
       | things up a bit.
         | moojd wrote:
         | This sums up my feelings about the js ecosystem entirely. Lots
         | of growing pains. I've felt for a long time that every industry
         | shift on the long road from simple server-side rendered
         | monoliths to client-side heavy js SPAs we have taken a step
         | forward in what is possible while taking multiple steps back in
         | so many other dimensions (simplicity, security, dx, etc.) I
         | think by the end we will be in a better place across all of
         | these but it feels like we have been crawling out of a hole we
         | dug ourselves to get there.
         | [deleted]
       | 2Gkashmiri wrote:
       | Anyone here develop apps with something like capacitor? Their
       | ionic appflow seems like a closed in ci/CD when we could do so in
       | github. Any alternatives? Foss?
         | cfu28 wrote:
         | Obsidian is an example of an app built with capacitor
       | mwood23 wrote:
       | I had given up on universal apps before finding tamagui. We're
       | rebuilding our app experience with this now and seeing the
       | optimizing compiler work is beautiful. Native feels speedy, and
       | the flattened classes it produces for web makes the experience
       | feel first class. SSR friendly to boot.
         | jsherrard wrote:
         | Same here! Ridiculous amount of code-sharing possible now.
         | As far as I know there's no alternative for cross-platform
         | styling and SSR.
         | Love the variants API and responsive styles for native too.
       | cyber_kinetist wrote:
       | The site's crashing on iOS Safari before loading finishes (client
       | site exception), so I can't see the contents. The library doesn't
       | look too good so far...
         | redbar0n wrote:
         | it works in iOS Safari here.
           | Firmwarrior wrote:
           | It worked for me too, I wonder if that guy has a content
           | blocker at the router level or something
           | Edit: Glad I'm not a web developer.. good luck dudes, haha.
           | I'm running iOS 16.2 (20C65) FWIW
             | johnfn wrote:
             | I'm seeing this issue too. No content blocker.
               | nwienert wrote:
               | I can't replicate, trying various devices in simulator
               | and private tabs... I'll keep checking
               | fernandorojo wrote:
               | LambdaTest is helpful for these cases FWIW
         | [deleted]
       | fabiospampinato wrote:
       | 2x performance in what benchmark?
       | React seems less than 2x slower than painfully optimized vanilla
       | code in js-framework-benchmark, even considering the "swap rows"
       | test, which is not that important but where React does terribly
       | in. https://krausest.github.io/js-framework-
       | benchmark/current.ht...
         | nwienert wrote:
         | It's anywhere from 2-10x faster than a "universal" aka shared-
         | code app that today would use React Native + React Native Web.
         | It's about 2x better render time over something like emotion or
         | styled components as well when it does flattening, which is a
         | good amount of the time, plus faster at startup etc.
         | Basically it's hard to be fully precise, but if anything 2x
         | rounds down in the big picture.
           | fabiospampinato wrote:
           | I'd like to see how it performs in js-framework-benchmark.
           | That it's faster than emotion or styled-components don't
           | really mean anything when comparing the frameworks
           | themselves, and much faster css-in-js solutions can be
           | written for any framework basically.
             | nwienert wrote:
             | There's benchmarks and code example both on this post and
             | on the rest of the site showing this, the tree flattening
             | is novel and what really makes a huge difference. On the
             | site homepage it fully removes over 600 components from
             | having to render at all.
             | https://tamagui.dev/docs/intro/benchmarks
               | fabiospampinato wrote:
               | Thanks for the link, interesting. I'd still recommend
               | making a submission for js-framework-benchmark, otherwise
               | it's kinda like preact signals, where the performance
               | aspect of them is kind of a marketing aspect really, and
               | they don't actually improve the score much at all in js-
               | framework-benchmark, hence, presumably, why they haven't
               | submitted an implementation yet. The more data the fewer
               | doubts.
               | simplotek wrote:
               | > There's benchmarks and code example both on this post
               | and on the rest of the site showing this (...)
               | I feel this sort of approach lacks honesty and fails to
               | be objective. Anyone can cherry-pick a customized test
               | where their stuff comes out as the best of class, no
               | matter how underperforming it is.
               | To have a proper apples-to-apples comparison, standard
               | benchmarks are the way to go. Everything else sounds like
               | snake oil and hand-waving.
               | nwienert wrote:
               | There's no such thing as a standard benchmark, but I
               | benchmarked 8 different setups using benchmark source
               | from two competitor libraries. If you have a better idea
               | let me know.
               | In the ideal you'd have to benchmark a heavy screen that
               | you'd have to write for every competitor, and then
               | provide timings across many different facets - initial
               | load, runtime, total time, window resize, etc. As far as
               | I know no one does that for _anything_ , even backend
               | stuff as it's just too much effort (even the TechEmpower
               | benchmarks are micro and not like this).
               | If anything though Tamagui will look even better there.
               | I've open sourced the results, re-used benchmarks from
               | rival libraries, shown my work, and even published the 3
               | benchmarks that _don 't_ do as well for Tamagui. It's as
               | Apples-to-Apples as it gets and it's not measuring
               | anything weird this is straightforward stuff.
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | > There's no such thing as a standard benchmark
               | There actually is for web frameworks
               | https://github.com/krausest/js-framework-benchmark
               | tekknolagi wrote:
               | You, above:
               | >> Basically it's hard to be fully precise, (...)
               | > Not really. Just put together a benchmark and let it
               | speak for itself.
               | You seem a little bit split on this one :) Yes, creating
               | a fair benchmark is hard. Yes, it's hard to get other
               | people to evaluate their things using your benchmark.
               | Yes, it's hard to do an apples-to-apples comparison.
               | simplotek wrote:
               | > You seem a little bit split on this one :)
               | Not really. By "putting up a benchmark" I mean an
               | objective and verifiable standard set of performance
               | tests that everyone interested can contribute their best
               | effort.
               | I means nothing if you roll out a cherry-picked ad-hoc
               | test that compares a corner case of your best effort to a
               | half-assed underperforming implementation of a competitor
               | you chose because it suits you best.
               | There are standard benchmarks out there, which were
               | already mentioned in this discussion. It takes virtually
               | no effort to roll out Tamagui's best effort. Not using
               | those actually requires more effort than using them,
               | which casts doubt over the validity of self-serving
               | cherry-picked ad-hoc tests.
               | nwienert wrote:
               | The benchmarks are open source and adopted from
               | competitor libraries, standard tests that style libraries
               | have used for a long time. Nothing deceptive.
               | The other benchmark posted tests more framework level
               | stuff, but could be repurposed to show a more "typical
               | app screen" with some effort.
           | simplotek wrote:
           | > Basically it's hard to be fully precise, (...)
           | Not really. Just put together a benchmark and let it speak
           | for itself.
       | dylan604 wrote:
       | "Catch the fun 1.0 launch video by"
       | by what definition of fun is this video fun? is there a snark
       | definition I'm not familiar? i'm hesitant to even try any code
       | out from this bit of piss poor marketing, yet i'm in the market
       | to find a universal app like something.
       | 15155 wrote:
       | When I look at this site, it's unobvious what my GUI is going to
       | look like.
       | I don't see any screenshots, so I presume it's the entire site?
         | redbar0n wrote:
         | scroll down to see the components :)
         | the entire site is also made with Tamagui, so the landing page
         | uses a lot of it, and you can see visuals and code of all the
         | components in the docs.
       (page generated 2022-12-30 23:00 UTC)