[HN Gopher] 2022 Letter
       2022 Letter
       Author : oli5679
       Score  : 63 points
       Date   : 2022-12-30 18:18 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (zhengdongwang.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (zhengdongwang.com)
       | mdorazio wrote:
       | Do any mainstream AGI researchers believe that GPT-style ML
       | methods will plausibly get us to AGI? I have only a very shallow
       | understanding of the state of the art, but from the outside
       | playing with the tools it seems much more likely that we'll get
       | to a local maximum far below AGI and require a different approach
       | altogether. I'd love to read some discussion on the topic if
       | anyone has good non-hype/biased fanboy links to share.
         | 0x008 wrote:
         | Actually they don't. You can listen to the podcasts by Lex
         | Fridman with Yan Le Cun or Andrej Karpathy regarding that
         | topic. But basically what Le Cun is saying is that the
         | information density in text is not high enough in order to
         | learn a realistic representation of the world from it.
         | [deleted]
         | readonlybarbie wrote:
         | As a professional programmer and a relatively optimistic AGI
         | enthusiast, why would the current ML methods not work, given
         | sufficient CPU/RAM/GPU/latency/bandwidth/storage?
         | In theory, as long as you can translate your inputs and outputs
         | to an array of floats, a neural network can compute _anything_.
         | The required number of neurons might not fit into the world 's
         | best RAM, and the required number of weights and biases for
         | those neurons might not be quickly calculated by a CPU/GPU
         | however.
           | tmoertel wrote:
           | One big gap is causal learning. A true general intelligence
           | will have to learn how to intervene in the real world to
           | cause wanted outcomes in novel scenarios. Most current ML
           | models capture only stastical knowledge. They can tell you
           | what interventions have been associated with wanted outcomes
           | in the past. In some situations, replaying these associations
           | seems like genuine causal knowledge, but in novel scenarios
           | this falls short. Even in current day models designed to make
           | causal inferences, say for autonomous driving, the causal
           | structure is more likely to have been built into the models
           | by humans, rather than inferred from observations.
           | azinman2 wrote:
           | Yes but that doesn't mean you won't need new architectures or
           | training methods to get there, or data that doesn't currently
           | exist. We also don't know how many neurons / layers we'd
           | need, etc.
           | The brain itself is infinitely more complex than artificial
           | neural networks. Maybe we don't need all of what nature does
           | to get there, but we are so many orders of magnitude off its
           | redonk. People talk about number of neurons of the brain as
           | if there's a 1:1 mapping with an ANN. Real neurons have
           | chemical, physical properties, along with other things
           | probably not yet discovered going on.
             | readonlybarbie wrote:
             | This is an interesting comment. I agree that I hear the
             | "all we need is 86 billion neurons and we will habe parity
             | with the human brain", and I feel it is dubious to think
             | this way because there is no reason why this arbitrary
             | number _must_ work.
             | I also think it is a bit strange to use the human brain as
             | an analogy because biological neurons supposedly are
             | booleans and act in groups to achieve float level behavior.
             | For example I can have neurologic pain in my fingers that
             | isn't on off, but rather, has differences in magnitude.
             | I think we should move away from the biology comparisons
             | and just seek to understand if "more neurons = more better"
             | is true, and if it is, how do we shove more into RAM and
             | handle the exploding compute complexity.
           | jiggawatts wrote:
           | The current AI approach is like a pure function in
           | programming: no side effects, and given the same input you
           | always get the same output. The "usage" and "training" steps
           | are seperate. There is no episodic memory, especially there
           | is no short term memory.
           | Biological networks that result in conscious "minds" have a
           | ton of loops and are constantly learning. You can essentially
           | cut yourself off from the outside world in something like a
           | sensory deprivation bath and your mind will continue to
           | operate, _talking to itself_.
           | No current popular and successful AI/ML approach can do
           | anything like this.
             | readonlybarbie wrote:
             | Agreed, but I also wonder if this is a "necessary"
             | requirement. A robot, perhaps pretrained in a highly
             | accurate 3d physics virtual simulation, which has an
             | understanding of how it can move itself and others in the
             | world, and how to accomplish text defined tasks, is already
             | extremely useful and much more general than an image
             | classificiation system. It is so general, in fact, that it
             | would begin reliably replacing jobs.
               | jimbokun wrote:
               | But it's not AGI.
               | readonlybarbie wrote:
               | Ok, so now we just have to define "AGI" then. A robot,
               | which knows its physical capabilities, which can see the
               | world around it through a frustrum and identifies objects
               | by position, velocity, rotation, which understands the
               | passage of time and can predict future positions for
               | example, which can take text input and translate that
               | into a list of steps it needs to execute, which is
               | functionally equivalent to an Amazon warehouse employee,
               | we are saying is not AGI.
               | What is an AGI then?
               | phphphphp wrote:
               | An Amazon warehouse worker isn't a human, an Amazon
               | warehouse worker is a human engaged in an activity that
               | utilises a tiny portion of what that human is capable of.
               | A Roomba is not AGI because it can do what a cleaner
               | does.
               | "Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the ability of
               | an intelligent agent to understand or learn any
               | intellectual task that a human being can."
               | readonlybarbie wrote:
               | I think the key word in that quote is "any" intellectual
               | task. I don't think we are far from solving all of the
               | mobility and vision-related tasks.
               | I am more concerned though if the definition includes
               | things like philosophy and emotion. These things can be
               | quantified, like for example with AI that plays poker and
               | can calculate the aggressiveness (range of potential
               | hands) of the humans at the table rather than just the
               | pure isolated strength of their hand. But it seems like a
               | very hard thing to generally quantify, and as a result a
               | hard thing to measure and program for.
               | It sounds like different people will just have different
               | definitions of AGI, which is different from "can this
               | thing do the task _i_ need it to do (for profit, for fun,
               | etc) "
           | dinkumthinkum wrote:
           | Well, I would put it back like why would it? When you
           | understand how these things work, does it sound anything like
           | what humans do? When prompted with a question, we do not
           | respond by predicting words that come next based on a
           | gigantic corpus of pre-trained text. As a professional
           | programmer, do you think Human intelligence works like a
           | Turing machine?
         | isthisthingon99 wrote:
         | Did mainstream AGI researchers predict something like GPT would
         | exist 15 years ago? I would listen to those who did on their
         | opinion.
           | [deleted]
           | abecedarius wrote:
           | There's a 2018 book of interviews of many well-known
           | researchers where they're asked about future prospects:
           | http://book.mfordfuture.com/ (list of interviewees on that
           | page). The actual interview dates weren't specified but don't
           | seem to be earlier than 2017, in my reading. Almost all of
           | them greatly underestimated progress up to now, or refused to
           | say much. (I'm hedging a little bit because it's a year since
           | I read it, and memory is fuzzy.)
           | Shane Legg of DeepMind wrote a blog post at the opening of
           | the 2010s where he stuck his neck out to predict AGI with a
           | time distribution peaking around 2030. He thought the major
           | development would be in reinforcement learning, rather than
           | the self-supervised GPT stuff.
             | isthisthingon99 wrote:
             | Sounds about right.
         | hiddencost wrote:
         | I don't think anyone serious thinks or talks in terms of AGI.
         | The feverishly simplistic idea of the singularity is quite
         | silly.
         | Most notably, neural networks alone will not reach any kind of
         | AGI.
         | Start adding the capacity to read from massive knowledge
         | stores, and a place to keep long term information (i.e.,
         | memory, probably also in a database), plus a feedback loop for
         | the model to learn and improve? Plus the ability to call APIs?
         | Now you're talking. I think all of those pieces are close to
         | doable right now, maybe with a latency of 5s. If one of the big
         | players puts that in place in a way that is well measured and
         | they can iterate on, I think we'll start to see some really
         | incredible advances.
           | localhost wrote:
           | The gpt_index project looks very promising in this area.
           | "At its core, GPT Index is about:
           | 1. loading in external data (@NotionHQ, @Slack, .txt, etc.)
           | 2. Building indices over that data 3. Inputting a prompt ->
           | getting an output!"
           | https://twitter.com/jerryjliu0/status/1608632335695745024
             | amelius wrote:
             | Interesting. How are these indexes stored and how are they
             | fed into the transformer model so that GPT can use them?
             | Does this require an additional training step?
           | hiddencost wrote:
           | One really exciting place things might improve is in data
           | cleaning. Right now preprocessing your data and putting it in
           | a format that can be learned efficiently and without bias is
           | a huge pain // risk. This next generation is allowing us to
           | largely ignore a lot of that work.
           | Similarly, transfer learning is finally good.
           | And the models are generalist, few shot learners.
           | As a consequence, individuals with minimal expertise can set
           | up a world class system to solve niche problems. That's
           | really exciting and it's going to get easier.
             | hiddencost wrote:
             | Cross-language learning (what was referred to as an
             | "interlingua" in the 90s) means we're seeing some stunning
             | advances in low resource languages. It used to be that
             | everyone ignored languages other than English, and then
             | provides them with mediocre support.
             | I think we're at a point where there's very little excuse
             | not to launch in many languages at once.
         | ripe wrote:
         | Sort of the opposite of what you want, but Gary Marcus says we
         | need to cross a few hurdles first:
         | http://rebooting.ai/
           | alsodumb wrote:
           | I am a PhD student working in learning and autonomy space and
           | every researcher I know thinks Gary Marcus is a joke. I'm not
           | saying he doesn't know things, but all I am saying is machine
           | learning at scale is not his area of expertise although he
           | pretends it is. Period. He passes on very generic, obvious
           | statements about the future without any details and when
           | someone does something in that direction he claims 'I told
           | you so!, you should have listened to me in the past!'. Look
           | at the entire chain of discussion between Gary Marcus and
           | Yann LeCun in this thread you'll get a sense of I am talking
           | about: https://twitter.com/ylecun/status/1523305857420824576
           | Gary Marcus is an academic grifter and to me he is no
           | different than crypto bros who grift non-experts.
           | hiddencost wrote:
           | Seconding reports that Gary Marcus is almost as big a waste
           | of your time as Jurgen Schmidhuber.
           | Marcus has been writing some variant of exactly the same
           | article multiple times a year for the last 15 years.
         | Symmetry wrote:
         | We still seem to be missing an equivalent of explicit memory
         | formation, serializing digested perceptions into working then
         | short term and long term memory. The however many thousand
         | tokens in a GPT's buffer can span a much larger span of time
         | than the second's worth of sense impressions your brain can
         | hold without consciousness[1] and memory getting involved but
         | the principle seems to be the same.
         | This isn't to say that there wouldn't be some simple hack to
         | allow memory formation in chat agents, just that there's at
         | least one advance we need besides simple scale.
         | [1] As in not subliminal, not anything to do with philosophical
         | notions of qualia.
         | mikepurvis wrote:
         | I'm completely a bystander, but I feel like one flag for me
         | with current approaches is the ongoing separation between
         | training and runtime. Robotics has been through a similar thing
         | where you have one program that does SLAM while you teleop the
         | robot, and you use that to map your environment, then afterward
         | shut it down and pass the static map into a separate
         | localization + navigation stack.
         | Just as robots have had to graduate to the world of continuous
         | SLAM, navigating while building and constantly updating a map,
         | I feel like there's a big missing piece in current AI for a
         | system that can simultaneously act and learn, that can reflect
         | on gaps in its own knowledge, and express curiosity in order to
         | facilitate learning-- that can ask a question out of a desire
         | to know rather than as a party trick.
         | ben_w wrote:
         | I think that depends on which definition of AGI you prefer. It
         | knows more than I do about most topics (though I still beat it
         | at the stuff I'm best at), so I'd say it's got the A and the G
         | covered, and it's "only" at the level of a university student
         | at the stuff I've seen it tested on, so it's "pretty
         | intelligent" in the way toy drone submarines are "pretty good
         | swimmers".
         | It's not as fast a learner (efficient with samples) as humans
         | are; it doesn't continuously learn from interactions with
         | others like we do; and it's certainly not superhuman at
         | everything (or probably anything other than _breadth_ of
         | knowledge)...
         | ...but Yudkowsky recently criticised Musk for taking that too
         | far and limiting the definition of "AGI" to normality meant by
         | "ASI" (Yudkowsky was also saying that no, GPT isn't AGI):
         | https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1600362288149856256?c...
       | fmajid wrote:
       | Yes, Dan Wang's letters are outstanding.
       (page generated 2022-12-30 23:00 UTC)