[HN Gopher] Phoenix 1.7 is View-less
       Phoenix 1.7 is View-less
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 175 points
       Date   : 2022-12-30 18:52 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.germanvelasco.com)
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       | rjh29 wrote:
       | I love how web development has gone full circle. In 2006 I wrote
       | a chatroom site that was server-side with Ruby on Rails-based
       | javascript sprinkled in for realtime page updates. It was long
       | polling of a single HTTP request (websockets didn't exist then)
       | but it worked extremely well. Never liked SPAs and the npm bloat.
       | Happy that stuff like Svelte and Phoenix is taking it back to the
       | server-side with JS sprinkles place which seems optimal to me.
       | tiffanyh wrote:
       | Elixir/Phoenix has hit full-stride.
       | I feel like the next big unlock in user adoption is continued
       | improvements to BeamAsm. Hopefully something on the order of
       | 100-200% _raw_ performance speed up. Note: I'm talking about raw
       | perf, not concurrency.
       | A few other additions to Phoenix 1.7 include:
       | - verified routes
       | - tailwind built in
       | - additional web server support (bandit)
       | https://www.phoenixframework.org/blog/phoenix-1.7-released
         | enraged_camel wrote:
         | Actually, I think the next big unlock in user adoption is
         | static typing. Lack of it is _frequently_ cited as the number
         | one reason that makes people hesitate in switching to Elixir. I
         | know it is an active research project right now, and I hope it
         | bears fruit.
           | travisgriggs wrote:
           | For me personally, this is not the case. I work in multiple
           | languages, some static, some not. And I have as many bugs in
           | the one as the other. I add strings to numbers less in static
           | ones, but I tend to make more design mistakes, because I have
           | to steer through the constraints of the type system.
           | I view "must have static types/compile time checking" types
           | as a bit reductionist. It's like saying "all food must be
           | seasoned with salt." Salt's a good seasoner. For some meals,
           | it's a must have. For others, it's a nice to have. And for
           | others, it actually detracts. Compile time checking fits in
           | the larger context of what programming in a given language is
           | all about. Syntax, libraries, ecosystem, tools, execution
           | semantics, runtime components. All of these compose for an
           | end result. And typing plays a different role for each
           | composition.
           | I've been doing Elixir off-and-on for about 1.5 years now.
           | The community is great. If I personally, had to lobby for
           | "next big thing", it would be having a real IDE. I did
           | Smalltalk for 20 years. I want an IDE where I work in
           | modules/functions, not files and do/end syntax. I want a
           | formatter that is not a PHD paper on generalized layout. I
           | want refactoring tools. Inline macro expansion visibility. If
           | I were independently wealthy, I would work on just such a
           | thing in my spare time.
           | ElixirLS and VSCode are OK, but so so limited really.
           | What makes Elixir a standout candidate for a killer IDE
           | experience is it's simplicity. Simple execution models make
           | the language easier to model, navigate, and so IDEs don't
           | need parse engines that are constantly needing updating (I'm
           | looking at you Kotlin/Compose). Elixir as a language eats its
           | own dogfood. It's sad to me that the Xerox Parc folks
           | exploited this so beautifully with Smalltalk, but Elixir is
           | stuck in the file editor mode still. :(
           | tiffanyh wrote:
           | Has anyone figured out how to do static typing in Erlang yet?
           | FB a few years ago announced they were going to work on it
           | for WhatsApp but then it was indefinitely delayed. There's
           | also been a few other attempt, but I don't believe anyone has
           | succeeded.
           | I know Gleam exists but haven't dug into it.
           | Anyone more in the know care to share?
             | h0l0cube wrote:
             | Jose has been working with some PhDs to _attempt_ to
             | implement static typing
             | https://elixir-lang.org/blog/2022/10/05/my-future-with-
             | elixi...
             | In the meantime I don't know what people have against using
             | @spec. It's a far more powerful type specification than the
             | majority of static-typed languages out there
               | tiffanyh wrote:
               | > Actually, I think the next big unlock in user adoption
               | is static typing.
               | From reading that post, it sounds like Jose does _not_
               | believe static typing is needed. But a nice to have to
               | address a _very narrow_ set of use cases that primarily
               | would help for documentation, not bug mitigation.
               | h0l0cube wrote:
               | I think that Jose makes a solid case that static typing
               | doesn't bring as much to the table to Elixir as most
               | people believe, but enough people point to the lack of it
               | as a reason not to adopt the language that it's worth
               | addressing. Again, I think @spec is great and people
               | should use it more - just treat the dialyzer warnings as
               | errors.
           | ch4s3 wrote:
           | I really don't get this, personally. I've worked in Java,
           | Ruby, Typescript, Elixir, JS, and a bit of Elm and I
           | literally never feel like I'm missing anything by not having
           | static types in Elixir. This is doubly true with web based
           | projects.
           | What are people looking for that they might get from static
           | types?
           | sodapopcan wrote:
           | Based on the number of attempts to add static typing to
           | Erlang, I don't see this ever happening.
           | I know the author of Gleam is going full-time working on it,
           | but I really know much about it or how it gets around the
           | problems with statically typing message-passing. I'm
           | perfectly happy working in dynamic languages and find
           | Elixir's type hinting to be more than adequate.
       | gnutrino wrote:
       | This makes sense to me. Views always seemed a like unnecessary
       | boilerplate to me. Better to keep all the code together in one
       | module, and just import common functions. On the other hand, I
       | don't typically like defining the template in a sigil, unless
       | it's a really small one, so I probably won't do that much.
         | freedomben wrote:
         | I agree in the case of HTML rendering, but I write a lot of
         | JSON APIs and putting the JSON definition in the View has been
         | very pleasant. It didn't say in OP, but how does this change an
         | API? Maybe a `GreetJSON` instead of `GreetHTML`?
           | a_bored_husky wrote:
           | Yes, exactly like that.
           | eclark wrote:
           | Correct. You write a moduleJSON. So this is about what we
           | have for one of our controller/views:
           | defmodule MyWeb.SystemStateJSON do         def
           | index(%{summary: summary}) do           %{data: summary}
           | end       end
       | thriftwy wrote:
       | So did the MVC model just got stripped down to just C, a.k.a.
       | Servlet but with more amenities?
       | lnxg33k1 wrote:
       | Makes little difference to me, it has been few years now that I
       | create API backends consumed by separated frontends, them being
       | either CLI or JS etc. If anything for me this approach has done
       | wonders for e2e tests using api mockservers
       | But probably for simpler projects and new starters makes sense
       | But I would really suggest anyone out there just to avoid
       | backend-frameworks-based view/templating (guess json responses
       | are view layers) layers
         | thex10 wrote:
         | > But I would really suggest anyone out there just to avoid
         | backend-frameworks-based view/templating
         | I personally struggle to let go of backend templating. It's so
         | easy to translate your data into the right pieces of markup in
         | the template, and just serve the fully-baked HTML to the user
         | instantly. How should I be looking at this differently?
           | lnxg33k1 wrote:
           | I think few reasons that made me go with this new (for me, at
           | the time) approach were:
           | - Backend/API that can be consumed by anything, are frontend-
           | agnostic
           | - Frontend that depends on JSON/source-agnostic data so that
           | can have functionality tested faster (no "proper"/"dynamic"
           | backend involved, just give it some ApiBlueprint/swagger mock
           | server
           | - The frontend rendering isn't a concern of the backend
           | removing some load
       | freedomben wrote:
       | Hex Docs for Phoenix.View mention the change:
       | https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_view/Phoenix.View.html#module-mig...
       | Phoenix.View is replaced by Phoenix.Component:
       | > _With Phoenix.LiveView, Phoenix.View has been replaced by
       | Phoenix.Component. Phoenix.Component is capable of embedding
       | templates on disk as functions components, using the
       | embed_templates function._
       | More on hexdocs.
       | ealdent wrote:
       | So can we refer to LiveView's counterpart as DeadView, now?
         | sodapopcan wrote:
         | We actually already do!
         | I have no links but click around https://elixirforum.com and
         | you'll see referencing "dead views" often enough.
       | sergiotapia wrote:
       | I'm building a startup in my free hours using Phoenix Liveview. I
       | can ship features in hours vs days thanks to the simplicity
       | liveview gives me. ZERO react/JS nonsense.
       | I back to writing server side rendered templates with for-free
       | reactivity. Give it a try it's very productive
         | password4321 wrote:
         | The downside as I understand it is the extra work to manage UX
         | for connections with high latency and/or going offline,
         | correct?
           | freedomben wrote:
           | Yes, _the_ downside is basically offline. When offline the
           | LiveView app doesn 't work because it can't update it's DOM.
           | A decent solution I've enjoyed is using Alpine.js. It fits
           | very neatly into the LiveView philosophy and can do nearly
           | all UI updating easily. It still minimizes the amount of JS
           | you have to write but you get good client-side update
           | behavior.
           | High latency isn't an issue if you do it correctly by using
           | the loading classes and what not so that the user knows they
           | are waiting for some data to load. It's pretty much identical
           | to a typical React SPA that has to show loading indicators
           | while waiting for a JSON call to complete.
           | a_bored_husky wrote:
           | You aren't suppossed to use LiveView for every interaction,
           | only the ones that require the server to be involved somehow
           | just like a regular SPA. For pure client-side interactions
           | LiveView has some utilities like LiveView.JS or you can use a
           | lib like AlpineJS.
           | sergiotapia wrote:
           | To me that's a non-issue. How are you going to access a
           | website without internet anyways?
           | If you're talking about "slow" internet, then use Alpine JS
           | to run truly client-side things in those very rare cases.
         | cultofmetatron wrote:
         | > ZERO react/JS nonsense.
         | As someone who knows js really well, I love liveview's hooks
         | system. the js interop is the bees knees and lets me save my js
         | chops for where I really need it. Also, I can emit js events
         | that get picked up server side and vice versa. ie: no having to
         | write any ajax calls. My frontend can react to server events
         | with very little boilerplate. Thats a WAY better proposition
         | than merely zero js.
         | PS: the frontend buildchain is esbuild so you get out of the
         | box support for typescript.
         | benatkin wrote:
         | You six months ago: "I hate Java. Can I use Kotlin without
         | touching it whatsoever?"
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32037125
         | You realize that js and java are the native languages for the
         | web and Android, right?
           | anamexis wrote:
           | What is your point?
             | benatkin wrote:
             | Just to point out that "ZERO react/JS nonsense" is based on
             | looking down on mainstream languages even after they've
             | improved and even though the platforms use them.
               | canadianfella wrote:
               | [dead]
               | buzzerbetrayed wrote:
               | It sounds like you've never used Liveview to me. There
               | are many advantages to it besides just zero JS.
               | sergiotapia wrote:
               | I've used them enough to have my own informed opinion on
               | the languages, frameworks and mentality in the ecosystems
               | I talk about. We're both right -- because we both are
               | sharing our opinions.
       | davidatbu wrote:
       | Can someone _please_ get around to building a framework for
       | Gleam[0] so that I can finally get over my hesitance to dive into
       | a BEAM language over erlang's/elixir's dynamic typing?
       | [0] https://gleam.run/cheatsheets/gleam-for-rust-users/
         | ch4s3 wrote:
         | You can use gleam in an application that uses Phoenix for web
         | plumbing pretty easily.
         | [deleted]
       | eclark wrote:
       | We're building a startup ( https://www.batteriesincl.com/ ) with
       | Elixir and Phoenix 1.7rc (git master really). It's been amazing;
       | I could not be happier.
       | - We went hard on components and it's made building UI's easy. In
       | fact I wrote a test library to make component testing easier.
       | - Live view is so easy with a good component library. I'm not a
       | designer, but with snappy interactions and easy to use
       | components, it's not hard to get something that's exciting.
       | - Elixir is a very nice language to write distributed systems in.
       | Functional in all the right places plus it has OTP.
       | - The community is full of very senior people who freely answer
       | your noob questions.
       | - On-boarding people has gone well. The syntax is friendly enough
       | that experienced engineers grasp the basics, leaving functional
       | programming and OTP left to discover.
         | Mizza wrote:
         | I'm also doing a solo-startup right now that relies heavily on
         | LiveView and Channels/Websockets. I wouldn't have been able to
         | build it by myself without Elixir/Pheonix. It's absolutely
         | fantastic, can't recommend it highly enough.
         | tiffanyh wrote:
         | What's been your experience with Live View?
         | I ask because I'm under the impression that using it comes with
         | some sizable scaling problems, which somewhat defeats the point
         | of using Erlang in the first place.
         | I could be wrong though. Would like to learn more.
           | eclark wrote:
           | LiveView has been pretty great. Mostly it's just a couple of
           | `handle_event` methods away and we have a fully reactive UI.
           | I haven't seen any scaling issues for LiveView. Under the
           | hood there's a websocket that push and pull events from a
           | running GenServer for each session. Since each process is
           | independent it's horizontally scalable as long as your able
           | to route websockets to the same process in a cluster.
           | While not the same, I do know that single machine has been
           | able to scale to a couple of million connections (
           | https://www.phoenixframework.org/blog/the-road-
           | to-2-million-... ) with phoenix channels. Which are harder to
           | scale than independent live views. Also our use case is for
           | smaller scale than that (Not too many companies have a
           | million people looking at their ml deploy pipelines) so I
           | haven't been too worried.
             | tiffanyh wrote:
             | @chrismccord
             | If you're reading this, would be super interesting to
             | update this 7-year-old benchmark to use Live View (and the
             | latest stack). Thanks for all you do btw.
               | h0l0cube wrote:
               | Could even switch over to Bandit which was on a recent
               | Thinking Elixir podcast
               | > In recent performance tests, Bandit's HTTP/1.x engine
               | is up to 5x faster than Cowboy depending on the number of
               | concurrent requests. When comparing HTTP/2 performance,
               | Bandit is up to 2.3x faster than Cowboy
               | https://github.com/mtrudel/bandit
               | tiffanyh wrote:
               | That's a great point and Phoenix 1.7 is the first release
               | to support the usage of other web servers
         | eddsh1994 wrote:
         | What does your startup do? I'm not 100% sure based on the
         | blurb, but keen to see product ideas where that tech stack
         | shines :)
           | eclark wrote:
           | We haven't launched yet (Q1 Next year is the target), so the
           | landing page isn't great yet.
           | We're a platform as a service that you can install on any
           | cloud via Kubernetes, or on your own self hosted Kubernetes.
           | So distributed systems, automated remediations, machine
           | learning ops, etc are the areas we're using elixir.
       | drannex wrote:
       | This definitely reduces some of the cognitive overhead of
       | designing out a Pheonix service, thats for sure. A really welcome
       | change in my eyes.
       | dooven wrote:
       | This has been awesome. I'm currently using the new Phoenix 1.7
       | generator to build https://locationsquared.com/ and I used the
       | view-less layout to have a small helper function to build the
       | meta tags for each pages.
       | tobyhinloopen wrote:
       | So many great changes! I can't wait!
       | I've been using Phoenix / Elixir since 2016 and i've been really
       | happy with it
       | Crazyontap wrote:
       | Speaking as an amateur programmer, is this like Laravel's
       | livewire or intertiajs with inline blade component? (but in
       | Elixir). Or is this something else?
         | thedangler wrote:
         | livewire was inspired by liveview. I think livewire 3 will be
         | more like the newer version of liveview
           | bnt wrote:
           | Well, unless it moves completely to Websockets, it will still
           | remain a slow mess.
         | jnsaff2 wrote:
         | I think livewire was inspired by phoenix liveview. I remember
         | there was even a podcast interview about it.
         | cultofmetatron wrote:
         | live view is the original and best.
         | imitators use long polling to periodically check for updates.
         | liveview spins up a dedicated vm process for each active user
         | and can push updates over websocket to update things. This
         | process can do things like listen for serverside events as
         | well.
         | freedomben wrote:
         | Yes, there are a lot of similarities. As mentioned in siblings,
         | Livewire was inspired by LiveView so they are directly related.
         | metaltyphoon wrote:
         | Pig backing here... is this like Blazor server-side?
           | ch4s3 wrote:
           | Yes, Blazor is inspired by LiveView.
       | oDot wrote:
       | People using Phoenix Liveview -- how do you serve native apps
       | relying on the same backend?
         | sergiotapia wrote:
         | I use Absinthe to expose a graphql API endpoint.
         | The Absinthe resolvers just call the contexts/functions my
         | liveviews call anyways.
         | sodapopcan wrote:
         | As it stands you have to write a separate API, though there is
         | work being done on native [0].
         | Otherwise, part of the initial value-prop of LiveView is that
         | if you don't need multiple frontends and you don't need offline
         | support--which a whole lot of apps don't--then LiveView
         | drastically simplifies your stack while still delivering "SPA-
         | like" speed.
         | [0] https://native.live/
         | a_bored_husky wrote:
         | You would need to write the REST/GraphQL API. Maybe with help
         | from Ash Framework (https://ash-hq.org) to make it easier to
         | reuse logic.
         | Alacart wrote:
         | like others have said, you'd probably write a JSON API
         | separately. One thing I'll mention though, is that the
         | conventional design of Phoenix to use context modules often
         | makes that very easy, in that your liveviews and API can just
         | call the same business logic functions to crud resources.
       (page generated 2022-12-30 23:00 UTC)