[HN Gopher] Human gene linked to bigger brains was born from see...
       Human gene linked to bigger brains was born from seemingly useless
       Author : rolph
       Score  : 150 points
       Date   : 2023-01-06 14:51 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.science.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.science.org)
       | acqbu wrote:
       | seemingly - is the key word here
       | is this research done by the same people that expect us to
       | believe that the universe simply exploded into existence?
         | clint wrote:
         | What an amazingly stupid post lol
       | xyzelement wrote:
       | [flagged]
       | giantg2 wrote:
       | "Human gene linked to bigger brains was born from seemingly
       | useless DNA"
       | Considering how we've managed to use those bigger brains, that
       | DNA still seems useless.
       | It would be interesting to use seemingly unused DNA to express
       | genes. But I also wonder if these truly lack a function, or if we
       | just don't know the function.
       | xeromal wrote:
       | This brings up a question for me. Does brain size always
       | correlate to intelligence? I see a dolphin brain that looks very
       | human and I think that it does, but then I see how smart crows
       | are and I'd honestly say that they're smarter than my dog in most
       | ways.
         | cscurmudgeon wrote:
         | One analogy is computers: bigger is not more powerful,
         | structure matters more.
         | Breadmaker wrote:
         | http://www.xenology.info/Xeno/3.3.htm some correlation atleast.
         | buywarbonds wrote:
         | No. A tiger is not 10x smarter than a house cat.
           | feet wrote:
           | That assumes the correlation would be linear
         | joe__f wrote:
         | Don't you want to look for something like brain/body mass ratio
         | and see how that correlates with intelligence?
           | coyotespike wrote:
           | Yes to a first approximation this is a good heuristic!
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain%E2%80%93body_mass_ratio
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encephalization_quotient
         | sieste wrote:
         | Not exactly an answer to your question, but a few studies
         | report a weak positive correlation (around .3) between head
         | size and IQ in humans.
         | https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=corr...
           | svnt wrote:
           | But several in your search, including the twin study, report
           | no correlation, and others report correlation only within
           | race and sex groups.
             | clnq wrote:
             | If there's a weak correlation in a population, finding no
             | correlation in some subpopulations and a stronger
             | correlation in others is expected.
             | For example, a very weak correlation between GPA and job
             | performance exists. In some disciplines, like law, the
             | correlation is strong. In other fields, like extreme
             | medicine, there is no correlation.
               | astrange wrote:
               | Are there studies on GPAs of extreme medics? ...Why?
               | (And how much education did they have? The field includes
               | people who have and haven't gone to medical school, I
               | assume.)
               | clnq wrote:
               | No, this was meant to be an intuitive example of weak
               | correlation. It could have been about a correlation
               | between the redness of a fruit and its sweetness. For the
               | entire population of fruit, it is weakly correlated. For
               | some apples, it is strongly correlated. And for tomatoes,
               | there is no correlation.
               | Extreme medicine, which includes field, mountain, and
               | battlefield medicine, is a specialization of general
               | medicine. You can study it as a part of various programs.
               | I studied it as a specialization in a general
               | practitioner's MSc program in Central Europe. Depending
               | on the region, it is probably possible to specialize in
               | extreme medicine as a nurse or an EMT.
               | There was a wide range of GPAs in that program because
               | success was measured by a narrow range of criteria that
               | did not include things usually considered "academic
               | aptitude" - mainly the ability to follow resuscitation
               | algorithms in simulations precisely. Some of the things
               | we were scored by automatically were time to ECG, time to
               | defibrillation, correct callouts to the team, intubation
               | depth and time, and chest compression depth and rate. And
               | failing to execute a particular algorithm meant immediate
               | failure. Every other imperfection immediately meant a
               | reduced score, and scoring was entirely metric-based in
               | simulators, not open to human interpretation.
               | Scoring just 45% of the possible grade on tests was
               | considered excellent. You had to demonstrate very high
               | competency to pass. Mediocre knowledge of algorithms or
               | skills in resuscitation was unacceptable because that
               | would severely worsen the outcomes of actual patients.
               | If you either cared about your GPA or were primarily
               | motivated by your GPA at school or university, it was
               | clear that this would be a very difficult specialization
               | for you. It was more for people who excelled in algorithm
               | following, composure under stress, and perseverance; and
               | those who wanted a high skill ceiling.
         | bpodgursky wrote:
         | Within generally similar animals, brain size is correlated with
         | intelligence. Across different branches of the tree, it's
         | harder to compare.
         | Bigger bird brains ~= smarter birds. Bigger dog brains ~=
         | smarter dogs. But you can't directly compare dogs and birds in
         | that way.
           | kanzure wrote:
           | It's the absolute number of cortical neurons, not the size of
           | the brain.
           | "Brains matter, bodies maybe not: the case for examining
           | neuron numbers irrespective of body size" https://nyaspubs.on
           | linelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1749-...
           | "No relative expansion of the number of prefrontal neurons in
           | primate and human evolution"
           | https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1610178113
           | "The human brain in numbers: A linearly scaled-up primate
           | brain" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2776484/
           | "The elephant brain in numbers" https://www.frontiersin.org/a
           | rticles/10.3389/fnana.2014.0004...
             | bpodgursky wrote:
             | Yeah, I don't think that's in contrast to what I said.
             | Neural architectures are very similar between closely
             | related species, and differ wildly between birds and
             | whales.
         | fossuser wrote:
         | It's an interesting question and the answer is also pretty
         | interesting:
         | https://obscuredinosaurfacts.com/post/2022/11/30/bird-brains...
         | There are a few factors and that post gives a nice overview.
           | kick_in_the_dor wrote:
           | I haven't yet read the main article at that link, but its
           | opening links to another long blogpost on whatbuywhy.com
           | about the human brain and it's fascinating! Highly
           | recommended: https://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html
           | xeromal wrote:
           | Thanks! I've always been curious. Just opened this up.
         | polski-g wrote:
         | Within a species, yes. There is a 0.41 correlation between
         | brain size and intelligence in humans, for example.
         | bmitc wrote:
         | Dolphins and orcas specifically actually have higher density of
         | folds in their brains than human brains in addition to being
         | big.
         | The book _Deep Thinkers: Inside the Minds of Whales, Dolphins,
         | and Porpoises_ is quite good.
           | astrange wrote:
           | Plus, they have water cooling.
         | svnt wrote:
         | No because the structure and function of the organ is at least
         | as important as the size. Size (or rather some bound of
         | neuron/glial count + complexity) is more in the necessary-but-
         | not-sufficient category.
         | Secondly the question is not well-posed enough to answer
         | accurately. What is intelligence, in this case?
         | The cytoarchitecture of brain parcels/regions varies
         | significantly. If you have a giant cerebellum you are not going
         | to seem very smart to us, but you may have a very large brain.
         | At the other end, people have lived normal (if perhaps
         | internally simpler) lives with tiny fractions of a typical
         | neocortex. [0]
         | 0 : https://www.sciencealert.com/a-man-who-lives-
         | without-90-of-h...
         | f6v wrote:
         | I'd rather ask about body/brain ratio and % energy consumed by
         | a brain.
         | hutzlibu wrote:
         | "Does brain size always correlate to intelligence?"
         | Not really, otherwise whales and elephants would be way
         | smarter, than us.
         | Well, some people say, they are, but it does not show in our
         | intelligence tests.
         | And birds brains evolved differently than those of mammals, so
         | maybe they are more efficient with their relative small brain?
         | Because yeah, they are definitely smarter than dogs, who have a
         | bigger brain.
           | prox wrote:
           | "For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed
           | that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had
           | achieved so much--the wheel, New York, wars and so on--whilst
           | all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water
           | having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always
           | believed that they were far more intelligent than man--for
           | precisely the same reasons." - Douglas Adams
             | xen2xen1 wrote:
             | This quote is always in the back of my head anytime brain
             | size or intelligence is discussed, and is especially when
             | dolphins are mentioned. And, he has a point.
               | prox wrote:
               | As I reflect on the quote more and more, I believe the
               | dolphins have the right idea.
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | But apparently the dolphins in hitchhikers guide to the
             | galaxy did a bit more, than just having a good time in the
             | water - because unlike the humans, they managed to find a
             | way to leave the earth, when it was destroyed. (Book 4)
             | And this is not further explained in the book, but it
             | likely sounds like technology. And when you want to have
             | and use technology, you have to do more than just splashing
             | around..
               | prox wrote:
               | Since dolphins evolved a couple of times, they might had
               | that tech lying around just in case. The point stands,
               | dolphins use their tech so they can muck about in the
               | water. Humans to compete in a rat race and for survival
               | in its essence. Which come to think of it, is absolutely
               | absurd if for any intelligent species. So we aren't that
               | smart.
               | hutzlibu wrote:
               | "So we aren't that smart."
               | Well, when you consider that we react to global crisis
               | like a pandemic with more confrontation, than cooperation
               | (there was no real exchange of technology between west
               | and east and patents and licencing were still more
               | important, than producing enough vaccines) and to the
               | climate crisis rather with more wars over whats left of
               | the ressources, than to unite and solve the problems -
               | no, we are not.
               | We are smart enough to see, what could be possible, but
               | unable to overcome primitive power struggles.
               | vlunkr wrote:
               | That's some pretty serious cherry picking
           | bmitc wrote:
           | > Not really, otherwise whales and elephants would be way
           | smarter, than us.
           | How do you know that? I mentioned this in another comment,
           | but dolphins and orcas have more folds in their brain than we
           | do, and folding is associated with greater processing power
           | and higher function. Additionally, the areas of their and
           | whales' brains associated with emotional intelligence are
           | much larger relative to the rest of their brain than the same
           | areas in our brain are. Their brains are very, very
           | interesting. For example, they keep one brain hemisphere
           | active during sleep since they are conscious breathers, and
           | they actually alternate which hemisphere is kept awake.
           | Whales, dolphins, and orcas are damn smart, and I think
           | there's evidence enough that we cannot conclude that they
           | aren't more intelligent than us. Although they lack
           | technological development, this is due to their living
           | environment and physiobiology and not due to their
           | intelligence. Orcas in particular have achieved complete
           | dominance of their environment, aside from human activity,
           | and are geographically widespread with diverse cultures.
           | There are many cases where orcas actually use humans as
           | tools, even training humans to help them in hunts (and not
           | the other way around).
             | taneq wrote:
             | Sorry to be crass but I'd assume intelligence is somewhat
             | correlated with mastery of the physical world (I mean if it
             | weren't we wouldn't care about things like AI alignment)
             | and while cetaceans are clever mammals they're not very
             | good at avoiding being soup. I sympathize with them, but if
             | they were "way smarter than us" we would be running and
             | hiding instead of debating how nicely we should treat them.
               | bmitc wrote:
               | I already addressed that though. Operating under the
               | hypothetical and assumption that humans could survive in
               | the ocean, humans couldn't develop technology and written
               | history and knowledge in the ocean without having done so
               | on land first, even with our hand dexterity, much less
               | with fins.
               | Humans existed a long time before proper technology
               | development, and those humans were just as intelligent as
               | modern ones. The ability to create technology is not a
               | requirement for higher intelligence.
               | Even then, orcas do use tools, what they have access to.
               | Without technology, humans stand no chance against an
               | orca, and that goes for any animal in the ocean, from
               | blue whales to great white sharks.
               | SkyBelow wrote:
               | >Humans existed a long time before proper technology
               | development, and those humans were just as intelligent as
               | modern ones. The ability to create technology is not a
               | requirement for higher intelligence.
               | Is that actually true? In cases of feral or severely
               | neglected children who lack any exposure to human
               | language, isn't there an impediment that prevents them
               | learning more complex language later in life that exceeds
               | anything that could be attributed to reduced brain
               | development due to nutrition?
               | World wide hasn't intelligence been increasing, and while
               | part of that is due to better nutrition, another part is
               | due to better childhood conditions to enable
               | intelligence? Exposures to the technology of language,
               | written language, and similar at a young age seem to lead
               | to an increased capacity for intelligence later in life.
               | bmitc wrote:
               | Isn't it true? Hominids and Homo sapiens were around
               | millions and hundreds of thousands of years,
               | respectively, before technology more advanced than basic
               | tools showed up. And written history seems even shorter
               | than that.
               | I'm not for sure what feral or neglected children has to
               | do with this.
               | To address your later point, intelligence does not equal
               | knowledge. Any increase in intelligence in a person's
               | life seems to be intralifetime and doesn't spill over to
               | further generations. Increasing intelligence through diet
               | and behaviors and such are just mechanisms for exposing
               | the underlying intelligence that's already there.
               | SkyBelow wrote:
               | >To address your later point, intelligence does not equal
               | knowledge.
               | This is just one of the many paths to the fundamental
               | question that plagues this sort of topic, what is
               | intelligence. Is intelligence the capacity for gaining
               | knowledge or having actually gained knowledge? Or maybe
               | not directly related to knowledge at all, though the
               | previous question was more about the capacity to gain vs
               | the gaining than it was about knowledge.
               | It is known that the capacity a single individual changes
               | based on what they were exposed to (feral/neglected
               | children being the extreme negative cases, I'm not as
               | well read on extreme positive cases). But perhaps we
               | aren't talking about an individua's capacity and instead
               | we are talking some baseline genetic average capacity for
               | a larger group that doesn't take into account
               | environmental cases pushing it to either extreme? But in
               | such a case have we not defined intelligence so that
               | technology's impact is excluded a priori?
               | svnt wrote:
               | Then we should expect cetaceans to have developed long
               | verbal/oral lineages, especially as their medium is much
               | better for transmitting sound.
               | We see dialects, to an extent, in orcas, but we do not
               | see the human behaviors we might expect.
               | The problem, I think, is in the pure consideration of it
               | as intelligence. This is a limited view.
               | kridsdale1 wrote:
               | You're implying something is only showing intelligence if
               | it shows complexity (long linguistic demonstrations here)
               | Isn't it more intelligence to convey all the information
               | that you need to with the highest efficiency?
               | We rate a poet who can convey tremendous meaning in few
               | lines as superior to someone who is long winded and their
               | writing is full of bullshit and tropes conveying nothing
               | but using many words.
               | yieldcrv wrote:
               | that's an assumption that more intelligence means that
               | they would have to be motivated by revenge and vengeance
               | as opposed to that being a distinctly human flaw
               | bmitc wrote:
               | This is a good point, and it reminds me of something. I
               | do wonder if the ability to be content is a sign of
               | higher intelligence. Humans are decidedly discontented,
               | and I can't help but be curious about that being a
               | possible showcase of our ignorance.
               | [deleted]
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | "How do you know that? "
             | I do not know it. I am not an expert and had only limited,
             | (but fascinating) contact with them.
             | But I would assume, if they would be "way smarter", than
             | they could and would find ways of communicating with us. As
             | far as I know, the research shows that they can
             | communcicate towards each other quite well, but not towards
             | us beyond very basic things.
             | But of course that reminds me of an old joke:
             | A donkey and a dog on a farm are talking to each other in
             | the evening and the donkey complains that he has so much
             | work to do, but would like to become a writer. The dog
             | asks: why don't you tell the farmer? The donkey answers,
             | are you crazy? If he finds out, I can read and write, I
             | will also have to do his bookkeeping.
             | Meaning, maybe whales and co. could communicate with us,
             | but choose not to. But if this would be the case, their
             | reasoning would have to include some very astonishing
             | things, as whales are still hunted - which they likely
             | could almost completely stop by telling us exactly that.
             | 0xBABAD00C wrote:
             | > Whales, dolphins, and orcas are damn smart, and I think
             | there's evidence enough that we cannot conclude that they
             | aren't more intelligent than us.
             | Where's this evidence? What exactly does "more intelligent"
             | mean to you? Do you think a dolphin can learn to play e.g.
             | Chess? I doubt you can teach them to play even tic-tac-toe.
           | Zamicol wrote:
           | Maybe whales are "smarter" than us. How can we empirically
           | test whale intelligence? Their technological abilities are
           | obviously inferior, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were
           | surprisingly intelligent in other ways. I'm trumpet dumb,
           | that doesn't mean I'm not "overall smarter" or "niche
           | smarter" than some people who play trumpet.
         | JamesBarney wrote:
         | Birds have evolved to have very space efficient neurons, due to
         | their weight constraints.
           | suzzer99 wrote:
           | Interestingly, the biggest bird of all, the ostrich, might
           | also be the dumbest. Or at least ostriches are in the
           | conversation with pigeons and turkeys.
         | taneq wrote:
         | Birds are smarter per unit of brain matter than mammals and it
         | baffles me why more people aren't intrigued by this.
           | catskul2 wrote:
           | Which people are not intrigued by this?
         | terminal_d wrote:
         | https://pumpkinperson.com/2019/01/04/what-is-the-correlation...
         | https://pumpkinperson.com/2019/08/15/increasing-u-s-head-siz...
         | Last link has a formula to calculate cranial volume.
         | Animal intelligence is vastly underplayed. Ants seem to be a
         | very intelligent creature but they're little more than part of
         | nature to us. We're similarly adapted to our environment, and
         | those animals are adapted to our patterns and mentation by
         | virtue of millennia of close contact / purposeful genetic
         | pushes (eg, dogs)
         | perth wrote:
         | I've read there's decent correlation on a few scientific
         | journals on Google scholar. Namely, that while head size
         | doesn't guarantee intelligence, if you are predisposed to
         | intelligence you can't be as smart as someone else who is
         | predisposed to intelligence but has a larger head.
         | See: the spatial packing problem in human brains
         | cjbgkagh wrote:
         | Birds have a higher neuron density. Each neuron is a mini
         | Turing machine running on DNA instructions so they could also
         | have better instinctual software.
           | dcow wrote:
           | Not sure if that analogy holds exactly. Neurons don't
           | "compute", they simply emit a signal that depends on how
           | "saturated" they currently are, right?
             | Choco31415 wrote:
             | That simplifies neurons a bit too much. There are a variety
             | of neuron types including mirror neurons and pyramid
             | neurons. These can feature more or less branching even.
               | dcow wrote:
               | My point is they operate more like gates. They aren't
               | mini Turing machines.
               | [deleted]
               | Choco31415 wrote:
               | You are correct. Neurons are not Turing machines.
               | However, they are complex enough that they can be Turing
               | machines so it can be fun to call them that.
               | I didn't expect this topic to be so controversial to be
               | honest. I'm not surprised though.
               | dcow wrote:
               | I fully admit I may be underinformed. I had thought,
               | though, that neurons were not sophisticated in the way a
               | Turing machine is and much more akin to memristors.
               | However, that may be a memristor tinted view of the
               | world.
               | [deleted]
               | rolph wrote:
               | neurons have gates, these gates interconnect and form
               | logic networks.
               | these are histeretic, programable, and dynamic.
               | the neuronal body state, the electro-osmotic environment,
               | the past history of state are primary effectors of
               | structure,and function resultant in the logic.
             | [deleted]
             | cjbgkagh wrote:
             | Feel free to research it. The 'saturated' analogy is overly
             | simplistic and elides the incredible complexity of what's
             | actually going on.
               | dcow wrote:
               | But neurons certainly aren't mini Turing machines,
               | either? Happy to inform myself more if you can point me
               | in the right direction.
               | svnt wrote:
               | Cells perform a staggering number of parallel
               | computations. Neurons are cells, and perform these same
               | calculations and more in addition to emitting spikes.
               | Spikes, rather than being the major form of computation,
               | appear instead to be a means of maintaining
               | synchronization.
               | dcow wrote:
               | I quite honestly did not think of it this way. But it
               | makes some sense. I always thought cells perform, for
               | lack of a better term, _self-maintenance_ operations
               | independently from their macro function (the receiving
               | and emitting of spikes, in this case). I did not think of
               | the internal operations of a cell being connected to the
               | macro function in any sophisticated or meaningful way. I
               | would love to inform myself better on this topic since it
               | is not by area of expertise, and I have an admittedly
               | cursory understanding.
               | cjbgkagh wrote:
               | I do think the field of psychopharmacology is probably
               | sufficient to give an appreciation of the complexity
               | involved at the same time as being useful to the
               | practical understanding of how medications (and food)
               | change behavior. It's also well studied and there are
               | good books. I think Dr Stahl's books are the university
               | standard. Like a lot of science though I think much of it
               | is 'current best guess'.
               | For information on the modifying DNA expression in
               | neurons that's under epigenetics and not as well studied.
             | hackinthebochs wrote:
             | Neurons definitely compute. The dendrites that aggregate
             | signals to initiate an action potential are not just simple
             | summations but complex arrangements of signal promoters and
             | inhibitors. The complexity of a pyramidal neuron is
             | equivalent to a 5-8 layer artificial NN.
             | https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-computationally-
             | complex-i...
             | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S08966273
             | 2...
               | cjbgkagh wrote:
               | And that result is just from a computer simulation of a
               | neuron that focuses on the dendrites and doesn't appear
               | to extensively model the nucleus.
               | "Unfortunately, it's currently impossible for
               | neuroscientists to record the full input-output function
               | of a real neuron, so there's likely more going on that
               | the model of a biological neuron isn't capturing. In
               | other words, real neurons might be even more complex."
           | dekhn wrote:
           | I only downvoted you because "each neuron is a mini Turing
           | machine running on DNA instructions" isn't a very helpful
           | observation except at the most abstract level.
             | cjbgkagh wrote:
             | In my extensive research of neurons (as an
             | independent/citizen scientist) it looks like the closest
             | analogy to me. Neuron behavior is not only mediated by DNA
             | but neurons can also write changes back into DNA, not to
             | mention the nucleus soup that acts a bit like registers. I
             | work on small molecule peptide medicine that changes gene
             | expression in the neurons and other to glia cells to treat
             | medical conditions.
               | taneq wrote:
               | Do you have any evidence for this? Sounds interesting if
               | so.
               | cjbgkagh wrote:
               | The general field is Epigenetics (gene expression based
               | on environment), and within that there is research on how
               | peptides act as modulators by silencing and un-silencing
               | different genes. You can get a list of known bioactive
               | peptides by reading it from the DNA or by using mass
               | spectrometry (there's a proper name for this but it
               | escapes me atm). So putting the two together you can have
               | quite a bit of external control over gene expression.
               | rolph wrote:
               | HPLC [1] or Electrophoresy [2] would be instrumental in
               | isolating peptides based on mobility, and molecular mass.
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-
               | performance_liquid_chroma...
               | [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrophoresis
               | cjbgkagh wrote:
               | I was thinking of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry devices
               | used in Protiomics research. It's a bit out of my field
               | but I think it's an improvement to HPLC.
               | dekhn wrote:
               | Probably GC-MS? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_chromat
               | ography%E2%80%93mas... Dunno how that would isolate the
               | sample, rather than just analyzing it though
               | cjbgkagh wrote:
               | I'm not involved in the process of acquiring the 'omics
               | data. I just analyze it and read papers from other people
               | analyzing it. I think MALDI-TOF is the gold standard for
               | proteomics.
               | rolph wrote:
               | mass based deflection and deposition.
               | isolation,and analysis are two different activities, many
               | instruments are capable of both modalities, depending on
               | technique.
               | the problem is selecting a procedure that will not induce
               | confounding artefacts of chemical, or physical
               | interaction w the subject molecular entity.
               | jacquesm wrote:
               | This isn't even wrong. Seriously, if you want to do
               | science get educated, your statements on this subject ("I
               | should add that I've taken to do my own research because
               | I little faith in the actual scientists to do a good job,
               | and the faith that I have left is diminishing.") make me
               | discard your output as 'likely noise' rather than signal.
               | If you want to be taken seriously then you should make a
               | minimal effort to try to understand what it is that you
               | are talking about, as it is you come across as a kook and
               | that likely isn't your intention.
               | cjbgkagh wrote:
               | I don't work alone, I do work with scientists who I think
               | are good. When I speak in generalizations it is just that
               | a generalization. Science has been subtly redefined from
               | a methodology to 'what a scientist does' and scientists
               | these days produce papers.
               | edgyquant wrote:
               | Please attack something that user said that is unfactual
               | instead of engaging with his stance on other matters
               | jacquesm wrote:
               | I don't like your phrasing this as the need to attack
               | something unfactual or not, and it's not 'other matters'
               | it is precisely this matter: to come up with stuff that
               | goes against established science in a way that makes it
               | difficult, if not impossible to argue with.
               | dekhn wrote:
               | Even if it's self-modifying, can continue state, etc, the
               | Turing machine analogy is a bit of a stretch. And the
               | current mainstream considers the primary function of
               | neurons to be their information-transmitting capability,
               | rather than their self-modifying ability.
               | Don't let my negative attitude keep you from doing
               | research- I just think that epigenetics has been a bit
               | overblown as a functional mechanism, or its just too hard
               | to prove anything useful with experiments. Personally, if
               | I was working on this I'd focus much more on neural
               | differentiation during neurogenesis, rather than self-
               | modification during "runtime".
               | cjbgkagh wrote:
               | I'm aware of how attractive the information-transmitting
               | analogy is given the elegance of the theory. A few simple
               | rules when combined form an infinitely complex emergent
               | behavior able to sufficiently explain all observations;
               | what's not to love about it.
               | I'm focusing on the epigenetic aspect of neurons due the
               | possibility of the ME/CFS/LongCovid family of conditions
               | being due to silencing of certain genes. The brain is
               | closely linked with the immune system and I think the so
               | while these present as immune conditions I believe it
               | starts out more as a neural condition, maybe microglia.
               | In addition it makes sense to focus on this area more as
               | I can't consciously restructure the neurons in my brain
               | but I can introduce peptides that change gene
               | expressions.
           | jacquesm wrote:
           | This makes no sense in the way neurons work as far as I
           | understand it. RNA 'instructions' are processed by the
           | Ribosome to make proteins, it isn't software in a machine
           | code sense but more of molecular specification for a piece of
           | material to be produced.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribosome
             | rolph wrote:
             | in the strictest sense DNA doesnt make anything.
             | the interaction between DNA and polymerase class nucleo-
             | polymers result in assembly of sequence conservative
             | polymers.
             | for the most part this is RNAclass material, but includes
             | DNA during replication and error correction events
             | cjbgkagh wrote:
             | DNA does more than make proteins...
               | jacquesm wrote:
               | DNA doesn't make proteins at all...
               | cjbgkagh wrote:
               | Fine, DNA contains the instructions for much more than
               | the production of proteins
               | dekhn wrote:
               | "Template" is a better term than instructions.
         | User23 wrote:
         | Dogs have been bred for docility not intelligence. Their wild
         | cousins, wolves, are considerably more intelligent, they're
         | just prone to get bored and engage in undesirable behaviors.
         | I'm told that it's very easy to teach a tame wolf tricks, but
         | they quickly lose interest in obviously pointless activities,
         | especially as they mature.
           | taneq wrote:
           | So wolves have ADHD, right. :P
             | svnt wrote:
             | If you think about it, ADHD behaviors would likely be much
             | more adaptive in the wild than non-ADHD. It is possible
             | ADHD stems from genetic regression.
               | tigerlily wrote:
               | What are you trying to say?
               | svnt wrote:
               | It is possible that the selective processes that led to
               | "modern" brains are essentially a process of self-
               | domestication, and certain "diagnoses" are just
               | reflections of diversity in that process.
               | If society collapsed I think it would be more beneficial
               | to be ADHD than not.
               | emmelaich wrote:
               | I've seen studies relating hyperactivity to Neanderthal
               | and older genes.
               | They persist because not enough time has passed to mutate
               | them out.
               | taneq wrote:
               | Not them but just guessing... that most ADHD traits are
               | only 'disordered' if you expect humans to be able to sit
               | still, shut up, and focus exclusively on what you tell
               | them to focus on for 8 hours a day?
       | mensetmanusman wrote:
       | 'Junk' or 'useless' DNA is such silly nomenclature, because
       | obviously we will learn more in the unlimited future, and we know
       | so little about biology now that proclaiming anything useless is
       | short-sighted to the max.
       | thriftwy wrote:
       | This one is quite suspicious.
       | Imagine you're the proverbial alien tasked with introducing
       | sentient life on Earth without arising much suspicion. Replacing
       | useless DNA with de novo genes (of high correlation) would likely
       | be your favorite approach.
       | Whereas I'm not even sure that a million of generations is
       | sufficient to evolve new genes from scratch (i.e. not via
       | duplication or fixing)
       | Wheteas
       | graderjs wrote:
       | I've always suspected the junk DNA is where the morphogenetic
       | algorithms are kept. Published science just doesn't know how to
       | decode most of morphogenesis for now.
         | thriftwy wrote:
         | We actually do know that, proteins which control expression of
         | other genes handle the morphology. There's a gene for a left
         | side, for example.
         | But the relevant thing is, they control expression by binding
         | to pieces of non-coding DNA, which can be considered "junk" by
         | strict definitions. So most genes are prepended by a block of
         | if-statements.
         | ly3xqhl8g9 wrote:
         | DNA specifies proteins, anatomy is not there. Something much
         | more interesting must be going on [1].
         | [1] Morphogenesis as a Model for Computation and Basal
         | Cognition by Michael Levin
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW73LgOM5Bw (Where is
         | Anatomical Information Specified - from 7:30 onwards)
       | 2-718-281-828 wrote:
       | brain size correspond to muscle mass in mammals.
         | kurthr wrote:
         | I think your point is that size correlates with size, but that
         | whales don't seem to be 10x the IQ of humans?
       | nobleach wrote:
       | I remember several years ago reading about "junk DNA" or "useless
       | DNA" in sequences. Even then, I was certain that it probably
       | wasn't "junk", we were just yet to understand it. I wish we'd
       | take that attitude a bit more with science journalism. "It
       | doesn't make sense..... YET".
         | kzuberi wrote:
         | For folks interested in understanding the subject of junk DNA a
         | bit better, there's an upcoming book [1] that might be worth
         | checking out. The authors blog seems also to be interesting on
         | this and related subjects.
         | [1] https://utorontopress.com/9781487508593/whats-in-your-
         | genome...
         | nathias wrote:
         | people just need to understand that useless can become useful
         | and vice versa
         | jeremiep wrote:
         | Read "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" recently,
         | science ignoring what it does not understand is far from a new
         | phenomenon.
         | Science is fantastic to dig into areas it can already see, and
         | terrible at seeing new areas from the greater unknown.
           | aeonik wrote:
           | We studied "The History of Science in Society" by Andrew Ede
           | and Lesley Cormack, which left a big impression on me.
           | ISBN-13: 978-1442634992, ISBN-10: 1442634995
         | taneq wrote:
         | "Junk DNA" brought to you by the same geniuses that brought you
         | "we only use 10% of our brain cells" and "the heart is where
         | the spirit resides, the brain is just useless grey goo."
           | seydor wrote:
           | Those two are not of the same league
         | vbezhenar wrote:
         | Junk DNA is a junk DNA. It's not used in any way. We understand
         | it.
           | svnt wrote:
           | This is entirely untrue.
         | dekhn wrote:
         | There are parts that are almost certainly not under functional
         | selection and provide no benefit whatsoever- with Alu sequences
         | being the best candidate. Even in tthe case of Alu, they do
         | seem to have some vague effect on regulation of
         | transcription... although they're not what we would call
         | "genes" or "regulatory regions".
         | In other cases, there are just lots and lots of duplicates of
         | the same genes over and over. Other parts appear to be forges
         | of gene creation- either through gene duplication and divergent
         | evolution, or through some other mysterious mechanism we don't
         | know yet.
         | Certainly, we've had parts that looked like they were nothing
         | at all and ended up being very important, and other parts that
         | looked like they were incredibly important, but were really
         | just the side effect of some effective parasite.
         | It's sort of not even an interesting debate any more, as most
         | of the initial positions everybody held were changed when we
         | interrogated more, and better data.
           | gaboot wrote:
           | There are also fairly strict limits, given human mutation and
           | reproductive rates, on the amount of information that can be
           | preserved in the genome. Most of the genome is therefore
           | meaningless (although not necessarily useless). As this
           | article points out, these regions allow for random creation
           | of novel proteins
           | jl6 wrote:
           | Even for the "no benefit whatsoever" parts, is it not
           | possible that they influence (and are possibly crucial to)
           | the rest of the system just by providing spacing between
           | other more-apparently-functional parts?
           | I'm thinking by analogy of executable programs that have runs
           | of zeros. The zeros don't necessarily do anything, but remove
           | them and everything else is out of alignment.
             | dekhn wrote:
             | I am open to the idea that "boring duplicated regions"
             | performance some vague function through spacing. Some folks
             | have proposed doing experiments where the spacers are
             | removed, or replaced with other sequences, but they are
             | extremely hard experiments to properly do (in a way that
             | convinces the field).
             | We already know that enhancers "work at a distance" and
             | it's not clear what "distance" exactly means, and it gets
             | into complicated 3D structure of the genome inside a cell;
             | see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhancer_(genetics)
             | Personally I think that the best way to think about the
             | genome is to unlearn most of the preconceptions you learned
             | in genetics and instead think about it in terms of
             | biophysics and development and machine learning: you'll
             | never realyl be able to understand the true function of
             | every little bit, but you cvan probably create an
             | approximate model that explains the vast majority of
             | biology with relatively few variables, and some deep models
             | that contain all the necessary statistics to model these
             | systems accurately.
               | MichaelZuo wrote:
               | It sounds like because there is a very complex 3D
               | structure that the 'spacing' function could actually be
               | extremely important. Far more so than zeros in machine
               | code.
           | gumby wrote:
           | You could make the same claim for structure padding in
           | memory. I wouldn't call that useless either.
             | dekhn wrote:
             | I love the analogy. Many times I think about the genome as
             | a bunch of machine code it's my job to reverse engineer.
             | That was a good part of my career- probably 20 years-
             | before I realized the problem was that it's much too hard
             | to actually "prove" anything about systems like genomes.
         | andai wrote:
         | We need a few more copies of this gene before we can recognize
         | all the patterns ;)
           | VeninVidiaVicii wrote:
           | Hello, ChatGPT
         | rockinghigh wrote:
         | Non-coding sequences have been understood as having some
         | functions at least since the early 1990s. Because genome
         | expression is dynamic, tracking the exact mechanisms of action
         | of these sequences is challenging.
         | User23 wrote:
         | That was born of the widely held metaphysical position that
         | evolution is purposeless. Given that assumption one would
         | expect to find plenty of "junk" DNA.
           | [deleted]
           | Geezus-42 wrote:
           | I don't think that follows as well as you think.
           | If the primary goal is survival based primarily on efficient
           | use of energy. A lot of evolution is about organisms becoming
           | more efficient by adapting to their environment. So then
           | keeping unnecessary junk around is inefficient and we would
           | expect orgasms that lose to would benefit and out breed the
           | others.
             | alpaca128 wrote:
             | Better adapted organisms are just that - better. Not
             | perfect, or free of inefficiencies. And even a perfectly
             | adapted organism might not be as good at adapting to
             | changes in the very long term compared to one with "junk"
             | DNA. Also, does unused junk in the DNA really hurt energy
             | efficiency?
             | User23 wrote:
             | Having our optic nerve run right through our retina
             | producing a blind spot in order to capture an upside down
             | and backwards image is pretty inefficient too. Evolution
             | doesn't maximize efficiency, it maximizes good-enough-to-
             | reproduce-ity.
         | retrac wrote:
         | I'm not sure where I encountered this hypothesis but I find it
         | compelling. As noted by many, junk DNA, acquired from viruses
         | and mutations and genome shuffling, is quite a puzzle. Why does
         | it persist? It takes energy to copy, and misreading it can
         | cause fatal or maladaptive mutations. From that perspective, it
         | shouldn't persist (with slowly accumulating drift) for billions
         | of years, as some shared junk sequences have across species.
         | But it does.
         | Obviously, because it isn't junk; it is of value to the
         | organism. Even if it's not of any use right now, even if it's
         | completely biologically inactive at present. Because it is
         | still extremely high entropy information. They're remnants of
         | solutions other living systems once used, at some point, to
         | solve the problem of staying alive.
         | If I were going to try and exploit genetic mutation to produce
         | novel solutions to biological problems, I would start from an
         | existing genome. In fact, I'd start with as much data, from as
         | many organisms, as I could get my hands on and store. Perhaps
         | we carry junk DNA because mutations in existing coded
         | sequences, even mutated, currently useless ones, are far more
         | likely to be functional, and so potentially a useful
         | adaptation, than literal randomness. It's life's portfolio of
         | solutions, badly photocopied little snippets accumulated over
         | the years, and we all carry it around for future generations
         | that might live in an environment where it's useful.
           | tedunangst wrote:
           | We should also consider that simply copying everything, even
           | the junk, leads to fewer errors than selectively trying to
           | identify only the good parts.
             | systems_glitch wrote:
             | Just like backups.
           | yAak wrote:
           | I feel like me keeping copies of all the code I've ever
           | written is a awkwardly good analogy here.
             | lowdose wrote:
             | Git commitments to your autocomplete library?
           | jean_tta wrote:
           | From the perspective of the gene it makes sense - genes that
           | are more sucesful at making offspring (aka getting copied)
           | should be expected to prosper through natural selection.
           | winter_blue wrote:
           | > It takes energy to copy, and misreading it can cause fatal
           | or maladaptive mutations
           | Can maladaptive mutations really be caused by copying DNA
           | that's not used much (as far as we can tell, like the DNA for
           | endogenous retroviruses in our genome)?
         | bell-cot wrote:
         | Junk DNA, or near-junk DNA (active in theory, but with minimal
         | effects) both:
         | - Is extremely difficult to remove, at a worthwhile scale, from
         | the genome of any large & long-lived organism
         | - Can be thought of as a huge pile of tickets for the Extremely
         | Favorable Random Mutation lottery
           | folex wrote:
           | pile of tickets is a very nice metaphor
         | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | xyzzy4747 wrote:
       | The human genome is causing the planet to transition from a
       | beautiful paradise to a seemingly useless ever-growing pile of
       | trash and concrete.
       | [deleted]
       | fnordpiglet wrote:
       | Unsurprising our brains are cancerous mutations. Observing the
       | world it's clear we've done little net positive with them.
         | sassyonsunday wrote:
         | > The tragedy of a species becoming unfit for life by
         | overevolving one ability is not confined to humankind. Thus it
         | is thought, for instance, that certain deer in paleontological
         | times succumbed as they acquired overly-heavy horns. The
         | mutations must be considered blind, they work, are thrown
         | forth, without any contact of interest with their environment.
         | > In depressive states, the mind may be seen in the image of
         | such an antler, in all its fantastic splendour pinning its
         | bearer to the ground.
         | https://philosophynow.org/issues/45/The_Last_Messiah
       | seydor wrote:
       | I for one welcome our big brain mouse overlords. We frankly know
       | more about them than we know about ourselves.
         | [deleted]
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