[HN Gopher] The Safari bug that never was (2022)
       The Safari bug that never was (2022)
       Author : robin_reala
       Score  : 196 points
       Date   : 2023-01-07 16:06 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (obyford.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (obyford.com)
       | w0mbat wrote:
       | Having worked on two major web browsers, I can tell you that they
       | spend a surprisingly large proportion of their time measuring
       | text. Drawing text is only half as much of the cycles spent. We
       | got a significant speed boost at one point by reverse engineering
       | an undocumented fast text measuring OS API that a rival browser
       | was using.
       | llimos wrote:
       | I like how they were too modest to post the developer's comment
       | in the bug:
       | > "Also, this is a fantastic bug report. I don't know if I've
       | ever seen a bug report this detailed before."
       | Little things like that restore faith in humanity.
         | mach1ne wrote:
         | People often forget that there are brilliant developers who
         | don't need to be 10x to produce extreme value to those around
         | them.
         | ojintoad wrote:
         | Agreed! The title of the post emphasizes the satisfying
         | outcome, but the details about the journey are equally
         | satisfying. That compliment is a reflection of that and it's
         | good they acknowledged it.
         | dmitriid wrote:
         | People working on gov.uk design system are absolutely amazing.
       | [deleted]
       | playingalong wrote:
       | After reading "could see the strange things [...] happening in
       | the header" I was surprised to read about font widths.
       | michelb wrote:
       | So nice to see this and makes me wish we had an open bug tracker
       | with responsive developers for MacOS.
       | bartvk wrote:
       | I love these kind of bug-hunting stories. The Apple engineer that
       | fixed the bug (and remains nameless), provided an explanation,
       | which happily surprised me. I usually read wry remarks on Twitter
       | about the black hole that's called Radar.
         | kccqzy wrote:
         | Why did you call them nameless? Their name is readily
         | available, Myles C. Maxfield.
         | 130e13a wrote:
         | > and remains nameless
         | WebKit is open-source, so it is actually one of the few Apple
         | projects where the developers do not not remain nameless (the
         | other big one being Swift).
         | > the black hole that's called Radar
         | IIRC WebKit has its own bug tracker, hence why you get better
         | response times. Radar itself is still a terrible and
         | demoralizing experience (from a developer point-of-view)
           | lapcat wrote:
           | > IIRC WebKit has its own bug tracker, hence why you get
           | better response times. Radar itself is still a terrible and
           | demoralizing experience (from a developer point-of-view)
           | The funny thing though is that Apple still sends WebKit bugs
           | into Radar to work on them:
           | https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=232939#c6
             | marcellus23 wrote:
             | That isn't surprising. Even if the work is being done
             | publicly, it still needs to be tracked and project-managed
             | internally by the team.
               | lapcat wrote:
               | > Even if the work is being done publicly, it still needs
               | to be tracked and project-managed internally by the team.
               | bugs.webkit.org is literally a bug tracker.
               | The only relevant difference between Radar and WebKit
               | Bugzilla is private vs. public.
               | olliej wrote:
               | No. B.w.o has no release tracking, it has no ability to
               | track dependencies on other Apple projects, etc
               | B.w.o is where bug fixes happen, no more. Code dev and
               | review has to happen in b.w.o by the webkit community
               | rules, not radar.
               | marcellus23 wrote:
               | > The only relevant difference between Radar and WebKit
               | Bugzilla is private vs. public.
               | No, this is not true. Radar is not just "a bug tracker"
               | -- it is a very powerful project management tool, custom-
               | built over several decades for the way Apple works, with
               | integrations into other internal tools and processes.
               | It should be obvious why Apple wants to track work being
               | done on Webkit using the same tool it uses to track work
               | being done on every other project at the company.
               | lapcat wrote:
               | Last time I saw Radar, and its source code, which was
               | admittedly over a decade ago, it was not a "project
               | management tool" as such, although radars could of course
               | be used in project management. It was indeed just a bug
               | tracker, but yes, a very powerful one. At bottom it was a
               | giant Oracle database, with several frontends.
               | dagmx wrote:
               | There's also a difference between WebKit (the open source
               | code) and Safari (the closed source software)
               | I assume internally they're treated as one component
               | which makes it easier to mirror bugs into radar?
             | olliej wrote:
             | Webkit bugs do not get transferred to radar to be worked
             | on. Assuming the bug is actually in webkit (eg not a bug in
             | the safari app or an underlying system framework), all the
             | work happens in the public bug database. Code review, patch
             | dev, etc for webkit occurs in bugzilla.
             | There are many reasons for linking bugzilla bugs to radar,
             | but the big ones are scheduling, other project dependencies
             | inside Apple, security reports (so that reporters can be
             | mentioned in release notes, etc).
             | The important thing is that the b.w.o->radar cross
             | referencing is not for development specifically.
               | lapcat wrote:
               | > all the work happens in the public bug database. Code
               | review, patch dev, etc for webkit occurs in bugzilla.
               | What about discussion?
               | Do you claim there is _no_ private discussion among Apple
               | engineers about WebKit bugs that have been put
               | "InRadar"?
               | I see a lot of WebKit bugs that have no discussion
               | whatsoever and just seem to arrive ex nihilo from Radar.
               | You wonder what the reasoning or explanation is for a
               | certain code change, and you'll find absolutely nothing
               | about it in the Bugzilla.
         | dagmx wrote:
         | As someone who's worked in a role supporting a high ratio of
         | people to developers in animation production, I often wonder
         | how much of the radar black holeness is just a ratio issue.
         | Afaik Apple runs really small teams versus other companies. I
         | know when I once interviewed around FAANG, the Apple teams were
         | significantly smaller (like 5x smaller in some cases...probably
         | also why they aren't part of this mass tech layoffs). I used to
         | find in my old film job that no matter how much I churned
         | through tickets , there was just no getting out from the stigma
         | of being unresponsive because the person on the other end of
         | the ticket can't see what your workload and priorities are
         | like. That's not to say Apple isn't at fault for having small
         | teams, but I think a lot of people assume the engineers
         | themselves don't care to fix stuff.
         | Though at least in my case, I could tell my users that I was
         | working on stuff and to expect it at some time in the future. I
         | assume Apple's engineers are even more hamstrung by their
         | extreme secrecy. I know the few feedback radars I've gotten
         | responses from were basically "can reproduce" to "fixed in the
         | latest OS release" without any feedback in between.
         | anyway all that is to say, I often see people blame the
         | engineers (you didn't but I see others do) whereas I think it's
         | a corporate culture issue that engineers are beholden to.
           | lapcat wrote:
           | > I know the few feedback radars I've gotten responses from
           | were basically "can reproduce"
           | Wait, you get "can reproduce" responses???
           | I never get that, I think literally never in over 15 years,
           | but it would be a vast improvement to my bug reporting
           | experience.
             | dagmx wrote:
             | I should say it's usually
             | 1. Submit bug 2. Get a cannot reproduce , please provide
             | more information 3. Submit more info as requested 4. "Okay
             | we can reproduce. Thanks" 5. Nothing for ages 6. Okay it's
             | fixed
             | Step number 5 almost always aligns with their OS release
             | (point and major) schedules in my experience. macOS 13.1
             | just came out so if I filed a minor bug now, I'd probably
             | not hear anything till June (WWDC) or if I'm lucky, in one
             | of the point releases that happens every couple months.
               | lapcat wrote:
               | I never get step 4. -\\_(tsu)_/-
               | dagmx wrote:
               | Probably highly dependent on the teams too
       | kaveen wrote:
       | [flagged]
       | Someone wrote:
       | FTA: _"And in the font we use on GOV.UK, the new line character
       | has a bigger width than a space character - which is apparently
       | unusual.
       | [...]
       | One of them incorrectly used the width of the new line character
       | in its calculations, and so the box that it made was too small."_
       | I don't understand that explanation. If the newline character in
       | the font is wider than a space, why would the box end up too
       | small if width calculations assume a newline will be rendered
       | where the actual page will use a space?
       | (full bug report is here: https://github.com/alphagov/reported-
       | bugs/issues/66, but I don't think see it linked with a WebKit
       | issue)
         | jholdn wrote:
         | I think it's just a phrasing issue. Should be: _One of them
         | incorrectly used the width of the new line character in its
         | calculations, and so the box that it made was too small [for
         | the text size computed by the other]._
         | I agree it makes it sounds like the box sizing was wrong when
         | it must be the other way around.
         | ojintoad wrote:
         | That GitHub issue has a link labeled upstream bug pointing to:
         | https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=232939
         | Not sure if that helps answer your question though
           | JonathonW wrote:
           | The answer to the question appears to be in comment 13; the
           | width of the newline character is used at one point but then
           | assumed to be the same as the width of a space later on:
           | > I think I see. There's a block at the bottom of
           | RenderText::computePreferredLogicalWidths() which is only hit
           | if wordLen == 0 and !isNewline (which is the case here) which
           | measures the width of the one character at index i and adds
           | it to currMaxWidth. In our situation, that's the leading
           | newline character.
           | > Then, later, we subtract it out like this: "widths.max -=
           | font.width(RenderBlock::constructTextRun(&space, 1,
           | style));". This expects that the width of this initial
           | character is equal to the width of a space.
         | thehappypm wrote:
         | The bounding box, correctly, was set to the width without a
         | newline. The text itself reported a width including the
         | newline. So the text was wider than the bounding box. I think.
         | MBCook wrote:
         | The way I understood it in my head (though I don't know if the
         | article actually says this) is that process that figured out
         | the box size was probably ignoring the new line and just
         | assuming it was the same width as a space.
         | The process that actually laid out the text was using the
         | specified width of the new line, so it came up with a longer
         | width and had to break the line.
           | Someone wrote:
           | But the thing is: as the article (correctly) says:
           |  _"In HTML, any extra whitespace between words is ignored.
           | This means you can add extra spaces, and even new lines,
           | between words without affecting how they are displayed in the
           | browser"_
           | So, _"ignoring the new line and just assuming it was the same
           | width as a space"_ is correct behaviour.
           | I now think what happened is this:
           | - the width of the box to render the text in was computed
           | correctly
           | - the code that then laid out the text inside that box
           | incorrectly used the width of the newline in the HTML to
           | compute the length of the text, concluded the text was too
           | long to fit on a line, and line-wrapped it inside the box.
           | That's not consistent with the claim from the article _"and
           | so the box that it made was too small"_ , though.
           | Alternatively, the font's line feed glyph was _less_wide_
           | than a space, and the width of the box was computed as too
           | small, but then the article is incorrect in that it claims
           | the font's line feed glyph was _wider_ than a space.
           | (and for those wondering why a browser needs to compute the
           | width of that text twice: I wouldn't know, but browser layout
           | engines are complex beasts)
             | MBCook wrote:
             | The article explicitly says the new line width was larger
             | than the space, so I don't think it's your second guess.
             | Your first guess makes perfect sense though, so perhaps
             | that's what happened. As I said, that was how I had put it
             | together in my mind (regardless of actual fact).
             | yarg wrote:
             | > So, "ignoring the new line and just assuming it was the
             | same width as a space" is correct behaviour.
             | That's not true?
             | If it's a newline following whitespace then it should be
             | ignored; the width should be calculated as zero, not the
             | width of a space.
             | On the other hand, if it's not following whitespace the
             | width should be that of the newline character, again not
             | the width of a space.
             | Or am I misunderstanding you?
       | deanCommie wrote:
       | From the fix:
       | https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=448463&action=pret...
       | > Reviewed by NOBODY (OOPS!).
       | If I was reviewing the code, I would have asked why Myles changed
       | WidthIterator.cpp's call to
       | charactersTreatedAsSpace.constructAndAppend from a separate
       | parameter on each line to everything inline.
       | This change made the diff of this change harder to read, and will
       | make the diff of any future parameter change harder to read also.
       | I also would have created an intermediary variable or a helper
       | method for `character == tabCharacter ? width :
       | font.spaceWidth()` - it's not clear at all here why this check
       | needs to be there (without looking at the ChangeLog, which I
       | shouldn't have to do to understand code), or why the old
       | behaviour that used `width` instead of `font.spaceWidth()` ONLY
       | applies to tabCharacter (So it should be encapsulate inside a
       | method with a clear comment with the info from the ChangeLog)
       | Lastly, this diff doesn't seem to match the blog description:
       | > The font also has data about the newline character, including
       | its width. This doesn't really make sense - new lines don't (or
       | at least shouldn't) take up any space, but the font doesn't treat
       | it differently to any other character. The creator of the font
       | still has to include a width for the new line character in the
       | font's data. And in the font we use on GOV.UK, the new line
       | character has a bigger width than a space character - which is
       | apparently unusual.
       | This makes it sound like the FONT is wrong and the font width
       | shouldn't be used for width calculation. Yet the change in the
       | code _introduces_ using the font 's space width explicitly.
       | Ultimately the ChangeLog doesn't match the code. I trust the blog
       | writer, the code author, and the description of the bug in the
       | ChangeLog. What needed improvement here then is the code to
       | imperatively match what is described in English.
       | zagrebian wrote:
       | Key part:
       | > And in the font we use on GOV.UK, the new line character has a
       | bigger width than a space character - which is apparently
       | unusual.
       | jiveturkey wrote:
       | i think these are the same team that has the post about why html
       | number input is bad?
       | to think, such amazing work from government. at least in US we
       | tend to think these are not the most highly skilled people
         | TazeTSchnitzel wrote:
         | The US attitude to government is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
         | You don't give a chance to succeed to those you expect to fail.
       | diskzero wrote:
       | These types of text metrics bugs show up in my code over and over
       | and over and over again. I keep making them! When I was working
       | on the icon view in Finder, icon layout, multi-line icon labels,
       | additional info text and anything else using metrics would
       | constantly be in danger of collapsing. Was this because I was a
       | sloppy coder? Maybe... but the whole stack is so finicky and
       | brittle and filled with some many special cases and different
       | ways of getting layout measured it takes a lot of work to get all
       | of the edge cases covered.
       | It isn't just Apple of course. I encountered almost the exact
       | same bugs working on Nautilus at Eazel and various projects at
       | Be. And in PowerPlant, and the Think Class Library and MacApp
       | and... the list goes on.
       | My current music notation project pushed me to try and make
       | multiple font support and layout as robust as possible, but I
       | keep getting burnt! Text layout and metrics is just a difficult
       | area.
       | KMuncie wrote:
       | Safari seems to have been getting more developer attention this
       | last year. This is good but also has resulted in a number of bugs
       | and regressions as they move fast. Same is happening on Chromium.
       | I likewise have been involved in a similar bizarre bug. We wrote
       | up a very detailed report with a reduced test case but sadly it
       | has not received much attention.
       | https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=247020
       | rado wrote:
       | Good to know they are serious about fixing things. Hopefully my
       | bug, which crashes Safari (!) with CSS only, will be fixed soon:
       | https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=249575
         | freediver wrote:
         | In my experience, WebKit team has been extremely responsive.
         | sccxy wrote:
         | My previous experience says that it will take several years to
         | fix it.
         | Just like in IE, you need to make silly workarounds.
       | intellix wrote:
       | [flagged]
         | lapcat wrote:
         | > It's clear they hate the web
         | I feel that they're just organizationally incompetent. They're
         | moving too fast and lack adequate quality assurance. macOS
         | itself is getting much buggier overall. Craig Federighi should
         | be fired.
           | carlhjerpe wrote:
           | I'm not usually a backwards person, but I got the Macbook
           | 2016, and with every release it got worse. Now I'm on NixOS
           | on a Lenovo and while there are regressions, they're usually
           | temporary. Regressions on MacOS seemed permanent.
           | dlivingston wrote:
           | I like Federighi's public persona quite a lot, but yes, I
           | have too been concerned about macOS's quality since he took
           | over.
           | Any books / inside reports I can read about his tenure that
           | would provide more context on him & his management of macOS?
             | dieulot wrote:
             | Some engineers post about their past experiences sometimes.
             | https://tidbits.com/2019/10/21/six-reasons-why-ios-13-and-
             | ca...
             | https://twitter.com/taquitos/status/1599824249107406848
         | [deleted]
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | My impression is that the Safari team is just very small. They
         | are often more quirky than other browsers, and they lag in
         | features (but not nearly so badly as IE used to). On the other
         | hand they've brought some very welcome improvements: the :has
         | selector and container queries being the standout ones in
         | recent times. And their engine is more power efficient and
         | often faster than anyone elses.
         | EDIT: I would add: 90% seems waaay too high. If this isn't an
         | exaggeration then you may want to consider that you might be
         | doing something wrong (Not checking caniuse for support before
         | using a feature? Trying to use features that are unsupported /
         | poorly supported by your target browsers anyway?)
           | als0 wrote:
           | Really enjoying the power efficiency of Safari on a Mac, it
           | keeps me away from the other browsers.
             | kitsunesoba wrote:
             | It's disheartening that Google and Mozilla seem so
             | disinterested in trying to match or exceed that power
             | efficiency. I like having multiple options for web browsers
             | but because of the difference is so stark it's only
             | actually a choice on desktops.
               | [deleted]
               | [deleted]
               | kevingadd wrote:
               | Mozilla has invested a lot of effort into power
               | efficiency. It's a pretty painful treadmill considering
               | how often platform-level things change (OS X compositor
               | changes, OpenGL being killed, etc) which means you end up
               | losing ground and having to rearchitect or rebuild stuff
               | to get back to where you were previously.
               | Part of Firefox's power efficiency challenges on OS X are
               | specifically due to how Apple designed the platform, and
               | not something wrong with the browser. They've had to
               | incrementally add in lots of machinery to feed the OS the
               | information it suddenly wants.
               | If Safari has better power efficiency on OS X (I don't
               | doubt it), that's partly just because they work next door
               | to the video driver and OS compositor people. It's not
               | because Mozilla doesn't care. (Does Google care? I can't
               | say for sure, but I suspect they do.)
               | kitsunesoba wrote:
               | Part of the difference is compositor integration for
               | sure, but there's also design decisions that factor in,
               | like how Safari has throttled JS in non-active tabs for
               | years, where Chrome only started doing this last year.
               | One gets the impression that Google at least is more
               | concerned with Chrome being an attractive app platform
               | than they are with it being responsible with user
               | resources.
             | bombcar wrote:
             | You can turn on lockdown mode on MacOS Ventura and it
             | basically disables active compiler JavaScript for all sites
             | - you can turn it back on site-by-site but it's interesting
             | to see what keeps working.
             | Benchmark scores go to ass but much of JavaScript I'm
             | actually used is just fine.
         | kitsunesoba wrote:
         | What sites trigger this? Have been using Safari for years and
         | haven't encountered such a bug.
         | Turing_Machine wrote:
         | Safari has its problems, to be sure, but it is a long, long,
         | _long_ way from being equivalent to old IE.
         | On one project I remember, around 30% of the code was there
         | simply to make it work with IE. I've never seen anything close
         | to that with Safari (much less 90%).
           | kitsunesoba wrote:
           | I remember having to support IE versions 6-11 with a couple
           | of sites I worked on and wondering why Microsoft wouldn't
           | just port the technically superior Tasman engine used for IE
           | for Mac to Windows... it was so much better than Trident at
           | handling CSS and could do things that Trident couldn't until
           | a decade later like properly render transparent PNGs without
           | hacks.
           | And yeah, Safari has posed far less of an issue for me than
           | IE did.
         | [deleted]
       | Amineami114 wrote:
       | [dead]
       (page generated 2023-01-07 23:00 UTC)