[HN Gopher] Microsoft subdomain takeover
       Microsoft subdomain takeover
       Author : kailanb
       Score  : 146 points
       Date   : 2023-01-08 00:16 UTC (22 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (cseo-coherence.microsoft.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (cseo-coherence.microsoft.com)
       | jiggawatts wrote:
       | The shameful thing about this is that I get "subdomain takeover"
       | warning emails from Azure on a regular basis. Microsoft has a ton
       | of automation around this for their customers already.
       | jmull wrote:
       | Don't click that red button... ;)
         | [deleted]
         | simlevesque wrote:
         | For what ?
       | lukew3 wrote:
       | Looks like it's been fixed. Here's the archived page:
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20230107222311/http://cseo-coher...
         | breakingcups wrote:
         | It's still working for me. Must be a DNS cache thing.
           | lukew3 wrote:
           | Maybe, it redirects me to https://redirect.microsoft when I
           | visit the link
         | shaicoleman wrote:
         | Old CNAME was pointing to microsoft.github.io.
         | Now the CNAME is pointing to redirect-dns.msftdomains.com.
       | breakingcups wrote:
       | Wonder if there are any cookies that would be able to access..
         | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
         | By default cookies are scoped to the subdomain only, so while
         | not impossible some other domain would have to go out if it's
         | way to screw that up
       | 0xfffafaCrash wrote:
       | Isn't Truffle Security opening themselves up to litigation from
       | this? It's harmless, but is the risk of having Microsoft's army
       | of lawyers throw CFAA at you really worth this?
         | arkadiyt wrote:
         | > is the risk of having Microsoft's army of lawyers throw CFAA
         | at you really worth this?
         | Microsoft has Safe Harbor.
         | jeffparsons wrote:
         | > [...] the risk of having Microsoft's army of lawyers throw
         | CFAA at you [...]
         | Especially now that this has been on Hacker News, I don't think
         | even Microsoft is stupid enough to go on the offensive over
         | something like this. The bad press would be so much greater
         | than anything they have to gain.
           | [deleted]
           | PradeetPatel wrote:
           | Exactly, most PR professionals know about the damaging effect
           | of the Streisand effect. There are better ways to ensure this
           | isolated incident doesn't make it to the press, and deal with
           | the independent researchers accordingly for not going through
           | the proper channels.
         | rootusrootus wrote:
         | > is the risk of having Microsoft's army of lawyers throw CFAA
         | at you really worth this?
         | Well, previously I'd never heard of Truffle Security, but now I
         | have. So ... maybe?
       | ericpauley wrote:
       | Security vulnerabilities due to resource reuse (subdomain
       | takeover is just one example of this) are rampant and readily
       | exploitable for tons of major companies, especially as cloud
       | providers and SaaS often overlook these as being client
       | responsibilities.
       | Shameless plug, I've worked on identifying/characterizing these
       | issues on cloud providers: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05122.pdf
       | It's only a matter of time before adversaries become more
       | sophisticated at identifying and exploiting these in bulk.
       | zakki wrote:
       | I read 2 examples of the links provided in the archive.today. Is
       | this attack possible because the sub domain is provided by a
       | CDN/S3 (or public cloud in general)? What if it doesn't use any
       | CDN? just plain web server serving the site but no longer
       | available or the web server is down.
       | metadat wrote:
       | Is this an example of the attack in the wild? Or what did I just
       | view?
         | _s wrote:
         | Someone has added http://cseo-coherence.microsoft.com to their
         | CNAME file on Github Pages, as this domain's DNS entries were
         | already pointing to GitHub Pages.
         | It's a subdomain takeover, but not as we would normally think
         | of it (getting access to the DNS settings and pointing them to
         | what we want) but from getting "access" to the server the
         | subdomain already points to.
         | metadat wrote:
         | p.s. archive snapshot in case the site gets taken down later:
         | https://archive.today/DEzVW
       | simlevesque wrote:
       | Congrats to https://trufflesecurity.com/
       | The email rejection's tone is weird.
       | demarq wrote:
       | I want to click the red button.
       | so bad.
         | demarq wrote:
         | EDIT: I caved in
         | _s wrote:
         | Seems like it injects this script:
         | https://nthitz.github.io/turndownforwhatjs/tdfw.js
         | Which plays a youtube video?
           | zamadatix wrote:
           | The video is just for sound, the main amusement is it
           | scrambles the page in tune with the song.
         | m3h wrote:
         | It is harmless fun.
           | indigodaddy wrote:
           | I'd doubt MS agrees.
           | jugg1es wrote:
           | what a missed rick-roll opportunity
         | speedylight wrote:
         | It plays the song Turn Down for What and the whole page starts
         | shaking lol
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2023-01-08 23:00 UTC)