[HN Gopher] Show HN: Graphic-Walker - A different type of open-s...
       Show HN: Graphic-Walker - A different type of open-source
       alternative to Tableau
       Hello, guys~ I recently developed a data exploration and
       visualization app which can be used as a different type of open-
       source alternative to Tableau. It is extremely easy to embed in
       your apps just as a react component. The original purpose is to
       develop a lite plugin that can be easily embedded in most cases, it
       doesn't have to be a large BI, but a lite graphic plugin.  GitHub:
       Kanaries/graphic-walker, https://github.com/Kanaries/graphic-walker
       The main features implemented: * A user-friendly drag-and-drop-
       based interaction for exploratory data analysis with
       visualizations. * A grammar of graphics-based visual analytic user
       interface where users can build visualization from low-level visual
       channel encodings. * A Data Explainer explains why some patterns
       occur / what may cause them. * Using web workers to handle
       computation tasks which allows you to use it as a pure front-end
       app. And you can use it in your app as a react component:h me in
       github or discord.  Feedbacks and advice are welcome! Discuss with
       me in github or discord!
       Author : loa_observer
       Score  : 82 points
       Date   : 2023-01-10 14:01 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | freeman478 wrote:
       | Interesting area and well done on the work !
       | Have you looked at https://perspective.finos.org/ ? It has at
       | least some overlaps and can manage pretty big datasets by
       | levering Arrow in WASM in the browser.
         | loa_observer wrote:
         | It's a cool project, thanks for sharing. graphic-walker focuses
         | more on a Grammar of Graphics based graphic system, not a
         | chart-based system.
         | But for performance in the browser, I am also researching ways
         | to handle large datasets in the browser, such as duckdb-wasm.
         | Another project I am working on, called RATH is facing more
         | challenging performance issues because it is designed to
         | automate the exploration of data to find insights and causal
         | relations by machine. It currently is using web worker and
         | indexedDB to implement a lite cube service in the browser, but
         | it is not enough.
         | https://github.com/kanaries/rath
         | Thanks for your advice, I will continue to improve the both
         | computation and render performance in browser.
       | dafelst wrote:
       | This looks cool, but hopefully does not run afoul of Tableau's
       | (and now Salesforce's) many patents in that space.
       | IIRC part of the reason certain features couldn't make it into
       | Microsoft's PowerBI was because of those.
         | tomalaci wrote:
         | You can patent data visualization ideas!? And those can be
         | actually reinforced? You gotta be kidding me.
         | I thought there was a condition that for patent to be valid it
         | must not be an idea that someone else can easily come up with.
           | fourthark wrote:
           | Yes, it must not be an "obvious" idea.
           | However, they must use too narrow a definition of obvious,
           | because many obvious things have software patents.
         | Moissanite wrote:
         | If this is indeed the case, it's just one more nugget of data
         | to support the view that patent systems are utterly broken.
         | There is nothing novel or inventive about these kinds of BI
         | tools which warrants 20+ years of protected monopoly.
         | mritchie712 wrote:
         | source?
       | ensemblehq wrote:
       | Perfect timing as I'm looking for something like this (was going
       | to build this but happy to contribute!). I'll give it a go!
       | Thanks!
       | glutamate wrote:
       | This looks great! We have previously used
       | https://pivottable.js.org/, which is in a similar space.
       | Miko75 wrote:
       | mHmd mkhTwf y Hmdh
       (page generated 2023-01-10 23:01 UTC)