[HN Gopher] Learn Lisp the Hard Way
       Learn Lisp the Hard Way
       Author : Tomte
       Score  : 197 points
       Date   : 2023-01-10 15:31 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (llthw.common-lisp.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (llthw.common-lisp.dev)
       | JLCarveth wrote:
       | A question I have that's not answered by the link is _why_ would
       | I want to learn lisp? If you were starting a project today, what
       | are some of the features Lisp offers that make it a better choice
       | than any other (more popular) language? And do those features
       | outweigh the lack of community the larger languages have?
         | lordgroff wrote:
         | There are macros in other languages but nowhere will they merge
         | with the language as effortlessly as in the case of Lisp's
         | syntax.
         | The way Lisp is structured means that almost certainly if
         | you're missing language feature X you can bolt it on, stacking
         | the new features on top of each other to make whatever
         | abstraction you see fit.
         | It's the kind of thing that makes a Lisp head amused when
         | someone talks about the genius of C# and LINQ (as an example).
         | If you need an abstraction in Lisp, you can almost certainly
         | build it in an ergonomic fashion that just doesn't have a
         | parallel in other languages.
         | It's one of those powers you don't fully appreciate until you
         | have it and then every other language seems hilariously
         | inadequate in comparison. With great power cones great
         | responsibility and it can all crumble with a lack of discipline
         | (hence why I'm also a fan of ridiculously restrictive languages
         | like Go), but honestly the sort of meta programming possible in
         | Lisp has no equal I know of.
           | michaelsbradley wrote:
           | Maybe try Nim. It's a statically typed compiled language
           | _and_ sports a macro system that allows for direct
           | manipulation of the AST. If you don 't need to write full
           | blown macros, Nim also offers templates, which are a simpler
           | form of Nim's macros: simpler to write, but not quite as
           | expressive.
           | https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#macros
           | https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#templates
         | dmux wrote:
         | For me, I've always been fascinated with "live programming
         | environments" and that's been the driving force behind me
         | diving into Common Lisp. I've really come to appreciate this
         | way of working: I was recently working on a web-app that talks
         | to a PostgreSQL database. Normally when developing an app that
         | talks to a database, I'll likely poke around and test out some
         | queries using pgAdmin, the command line, etc. In my Common Lisp
         | app however, once I've got a connection-object to the database,
         | I can just write my queries _within_ the running Lisp system
         | and completely remove the need for those other tools. The plus
         | side is that the data I get back is already in a format that
         | Lisp can deal with. The liveness of the Lisp system really
         | allows for "exploratory" programming.
         | rjsw wrote:
         | I use Common Lisp because applications run faster than those
         | written in Python or Ruby and are easier for me to write than
         | if I was using C++.
         | julianeon wrote:
         | A good use case is Emacs.
         | Haven't you ever thought "hmm, I could do this job faster if I
         | had my own plugin/extension here?"
         | Lisp is really good for that, when used within Emacs.
         | Extensions are very very simple, basically just the simplest
         | functions inserted into your .emacs file.
         | mikelevins wrote:
         | If the Lisp way of thinking about and solving problems is a
         | good fit for you, then you should learn it because it will make
         | you happier and more productive. If not, then don't bother.
         | That's a Catch-22, of course. How will you know if it's a good
         | fit for you unless you learn it?
         | So that reduces the decision to: if you are curious whether
         | Lisp is a good fit for you, learn enough of it to find out. If
         | you're not curious about that, don't bother.
         | But you might want a preview of what things make it a good fit
         | for some people. Lisp in general, and Common Lisp in
         | particular, is a good fit for me because its default mode of
         | operation is to start the Lisp running and teach it by
         | interacting with it expression-by-expression how to be the
         | program I want to build. Common Lisp is consciously designed to
         | work this way, and provides a host of well-designed
         | conveniences for it. It turns out that working that way makes
         | me happier and more productive than working any other way, so
         | it's my favorite programming language.
         | Not very many other programming languages work that way, but to
         | be fair, some do. Examples of some that do are Smalltalk,
         | FORTH, and Factor.
         | Some languages and implementations provide more support than
         | others for that style of work. The most comprehensive support
         | for it is to be found in Common Lisp and Smalltalk
         | implementations.
         | If that sounds interesting, then it's probably worth your time
         | to learn Lisp (or one of the other languages I mentioned). If
         | not, then I wouldn't worry about it.
         | [deleted]
         | FatActor wrote:
         | Do you speak multiple human languages? I speak English and
         | French. There are subjective future tenses in French that can
         | be transliterated, but don't really capture the spirit of the
         | writer: one needs to elaborate in English with such verbosity
         | that it takes a page in English to explain a sentence in
         | French. I'm sure the reverse is true were I a native French
         | speaker. My theory as to why so many existentialists were
         | french was because the language was made for it. :)
         | Same goes for computer languages. I use LISP when I have
         | computer science-y things I want to explore. For example, I was
         | working on a path finding algorithm for fun years ago and I
         | went to LISP because it is much more natural at conceptual
         | programming. But I wouldn't use LISP to create a GUI, even
         | though it can, nor would I try to write performant 3D graphics.
         | But I would use it to craft a game engine (I wrote a frame
         | language in the early 2000's as part of a game engine that I
         | never finished because once i got the agents decision making
         | working I felt satisfied enough).
         | The right tool for the right job...
         | Need to munge a file? PERL
         | Need to write an embedded application? C
         | Need to write a GUI? A JS framework (or Qt, or Motif/X if I'm
         | feeling nostalgic)
         | Need to write a fast loop? ASM
         | Need to write a something stats-related? Python, R, JMP
         | Need to explore a computer science problem? LISP, SmallTalk (I
         | don't know Haskell)
         | Need to work on a project that you're forced to? C++ :)
         | satvikpendem wrote:
         | Read this: An Intuition for Lisp Syntax
         | (https://stopa.io/post/265)
         | Lisp is simply a different way of thinking, in S-expressions.
         | It's hard to explain but easier to show you, via the above
         | link.
         | ekidd wrote:
         | I haven't actively used Common Lisp in years. But for a long
         | time, I used it professionally.
         | Common Lisp's greatest strength is that it's "the programmable
         | programming language." You can customize everything from the
         | lexer to the syntax, and you can extensively customize or even
         | replace the object model. It's trivial to write code that
         | writes code.
         | There are some limitations. Haskell, for example, is less
         | customizable but it works very well at high levels of
         | _mathematical_ abstraction.
         | Now, in practice, I don't often need the specific kinds of
         | power that Lisp offers. Or rather, when I do need it, I don't
         | need that power instantly at my fingertips. Completely
         | customizing your programming language is something you should
         | think long and hard before doing, and the median team will do
         | it very badly. So I'm happy with the tradeoff offered by Rust
         | macros, for example: They're harder to use than Common Lisp
         | macros, so you only use them when you need them badly enough.
         | Even for most above-average teams, I think it's a net win for
         | macros to be a bit obnoxious to use.
         | But if you ever find yourself on a small team of incredibly
         | talented programming language designers, and you're working in
         | a problem space where no off-the-shelf language can do what you
         | need, then Common Lisp is well worth a hard look.
         | Paul Graham's "On Lisp" is actually an excellent overview of
         | the kinds of things you can do with Lisp. Norvig's first AI
         | book is also a good demonstration of Lisp, even if the "AI"
         | part is hopelessly obsolete at this point.
           | JLCarveth wrote:
           | Just downloaded "On Lisp", thank you for the suggestion!
         | srcreigh wrote:
         | Lisp shines with macros. I like to use macros to add new static
         | checks to the code
         | For ex I wrote about one such check here
         | https://tech.perpetua.io/2022/01/generating-sqlite-bindings-...
         | This macro checks SQLite table/column references. Aka, if you
         | try to access user_id when the table doesn't have that column,
         | the "user_id" text in your code will appear as a syntax error
         | in your IDE and when you run the code.
         | The typed racket project is a bigger example. They added a
         | typechecking system to the language, including a new typescript
         | like variant.
         | I'm not aware of any other language where 10 lines of idiomatic
         | code right in your codebase can add a new IDE warning.
         | ravi-delia wrote:
         | Honestly I just really like the ergonomics of CL. A lot of the
         | features totally exist elsewhere, but weirdly you don't see
         | things like implicit return or a total focus on expressions in
         | dynamic languages too often. Also, I'm a weirdo that genuinely
         | finds parentheses pretty. It's the language I use for all my
         | personal projects because it's the language I enjoy using the
         | most. I don't think I'd use it for work though- the benefits
         | are pretty individual, and people in general seem to like C
         | over CL.
           | weaksauce wrote:
           | > but weirdly you don't see things like implicit return
           | that's been a thing in ruby since probably forever and it's
           | one of the defining things about it
             | tmtvl wrote:
             | Ruby might have taken that from Perl, which also implicitly
             | returns the last evaluated statement in a subroutine.
               | weaksauce wrote:
               | probably did... ruby took a lot from perl... also took a
               | lot from many other languages but perl probably the most
               | lilith_of_debts wrote:
               | Fun fact: Matz was a lisper prior to creating ruby. He
               | even wrote an email client entirely in Emacs lisp.
               | Not wrong that ruby took a lot from perl, but it was
               | heavily influenced by lisp and smalltalk and I'd
               | personally argue those are the two largest influences.
               | It does seem that ruby was specifically designed to grab
               | Perl programmers though. Several features match exactly.
               | EFreethought wrote:
               | And maybe Perl got it from Lisp.
               | It seems like the longer I am in software development, I
               | find out that more and more things came from Lisp.
         | mtlmtlmtlmtl wrote:
         | Lisp is perfect for one man projects, personal tooling,
         | templating for languages you prefer not to write, etc.
         | To me it's more of a programmer's swiss army knife than a
         | language I'd use in a big project that needs to be accessible
         | to a larger team.
         | [deleted]
       | submeta wrote:
       | Individuals who are particularly passionate about LISP may
       | attempt to persuade others that it is superior to other
       | languages, despite the fact that many have moved on to more
       | practical programming languages.
       | I can get it, Lisp has some value. Acquiring proficiency in it
       | can be likened to studying Latin. Though it may be considered an
       | obsolete language, it has a significant historical impact as it
       | has served as a foundational influence for many modern languages.
       | However, ultimately, it may not be considered as practical of a
       | choice compared to more widely-used contemporary languages.
       | Edit: I am tempted to compare Lispers to religious zealots.
       | Especially Emacs lovers. I was in that camp as well. In the end I
       | realized there was a tradeoff between tinkering and doing.
       | Emacsers love to tinker.
         | dang wrote:
         | Please don't start programming language flamewars. We (and
         | Lisp!) had enough of those a long time ago, and part of the
         | idea of HN is to avoid this kind of thing.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
         | [deleted]
         | stassats wrote:
         | What drives people to attempt to persuade others that Lisp is
         | not practical?
       | kaveh808 wrote:
       | Regarding the question of "Why [Common] Lisp?"...
       | I did early Lisp development on Symbolics Lisp Machines back in
       | the day. Wrote 3D graphics on them. I didn't realize how special
       | the development environment was until I got my first job, writing
       | 3D graphics in Fortran on VAX/VMS. Spent the rest of my career
       | (Fortran, C, C++, IRIX, Linux) bemoaning all the stuff I missed
       | from my Lisp days.
       | I did venture back into Common Lisp development (MCL/CCL on
       | MacOS) for my personal projects. Even did my masters thesis in CL
       | by writing a socket connection to Maya and using it as a graphics
       | engine from CCL.
       | It took me a long time (decades) to get over the "everyone should
       | be using CL" mentality.
       | Thinking back on things, I have come to realize that Lisp is not
       | a magic bullet: it won't necessarily make you a better
       | programmer, and it won't necessarily make your project more
       | successful.
       | What Lisp will do is give your developers more power at their
       | fingertips. For better or worse.
       | The philosophy behind Lisp (and Smalltalk) back in the 70's and
       | 80's was that programmers should be given as much expressive
       | power as possible so they can develop better, faster, etc. The
       | reason why CL allows you to define macros, redefine classes and
       | methods on the fly, use generic functions and multiple
       | inheritance, and recover from errors, is simply that the language
       | designers considered these import enough to do the hard work to
       | make them happen.
       | I feel that philosophy, backed by the economics of software
       | development, fell out of favor over time. Performance, safety
       | (preventing developers from shooting themselves in the foot),
       | code maintenance by large teams, cost, etc became more important.
       | Today, the main factors in language choice are (1) the
       | availability of developers, and (2) the availability of
       | libraries/tooling. Going against these currents requires
       | awareness and a strong commitment. To paraphrase an old computer
       | industry saying: no one got fired for choosing Java.
       | On a personal note, I continue to use CL for my own projects,
       | where the pleasure of development is more important to me than
       | commercial considerations. I have done so for kons-9, my 3D
       | graphics system, and am happy that I did so. I simply would not
       | have been interested in doing the project in C++. I find that CL
       | is a language which supports me in my development, rather than
       | fighting back.
       | As an added bonus, the features of CL have encouraged me to think
       | differently about the architecture and design of the system. A
       | system built in C++ would simply have converged towards being
       | another Maya/Houdini/Blender (at best, after many years of
       | development). This way, I have a chance to do something
       | different, which is a big part of the fun.
       | robomartin wrote:
       | I used LISP and APL professionally for, in the aggregate, over
       | ten years. My current opinion on these languages is that software
       | engineers would benefit greatly from learning and understanding
       | them, yet it would be a mistake to use them for any modern work.
       | When I say "learning" I mean in-depth application over, perhaps,
       | a year, not something superficial. The question is how. I don't
       | really have an answer for that. You have to find reasonably
       | complex projects to be able to spend that much time with a
       | language. That's the problem. I was getting paid to use these
       | languages back then. Who wants to do non-trivial work in these
       | languages today. Not many.
       | mark_l_watson wrote:
       | From just reading the TOC, and the first bit, this looks great.
       | Like the author, I have been into Common Lisp "forever." I do
       | sometimes feel conflicted when I can get something done in Python
       | much faster because I can find a library that solves the problem
       | I am working on. Probably my most honest advice to people is that
       | Common Lisp is very good for research programming, but for many
       | use cases other programming languages are better.
         | yourapostasy wrote:
         | _> ...because I can find a library that solves the problem I am
         | working on._
         | I couldn't find it, but is there a "Rosetta Stone" of language
         | ecosystems, where in a "libraries" section it lists
         | Python/Go/Rust/Ruby/Perl/Lisp/ _etc._ library near-equivalents?
           | tmtvl wrote:
           | I don't recall ever coming across one of those, it may be a
           | neat idea to set that up.
         | tombert wrote:
         | This is why I've found myself doing Clojure for everything.
         | Clojure has its own pretty-ok ecosystem, but also benefits from
         | the Java ecosystem, while still giving me some lispey goodness.
         | Granted, sometimes the mixing of paradigms can kind of clash,
         | and that's its own can of worms, but at least I never get that
         | "ugh I could have done this with a library in <language X>"
           | mmcdermott wrote:
           | When I reference Java from Clojure, I usually wind up with a
           | thin layer of wrappers around the part of the library I need
           | to make the main codebase feel more properly Lispy. It isn't
           | perfect with the different mental models between the
           | languages, but it helps.
             | tombert wrote:
             | Yeah, and I think wrapper functions are fine and normal.
             | The part that I do find annoying is when I have to break
             | out macros to make my wrapper usable. When I was using the
             | Java bindings for Apache Spark a few years ago, I felt like
             | I was constantly reaching for macros to do some clever
             | stuff, which is no fun.
         | martinflack wrote:
         | > I can get something done in Python much faster
         | Take a look at the CL libraries PY4CL, PY4CL2, and CL4PY. I use
         | the first one for some things. It can be useful to bridge over
         | to Python for something and come back with the answer.
           | mark_l_watson wrote:
           | Thanks, I have been using py4cl for a year or two. I have an
           | example in my Common Lisp book that you can read online:
           | https://markwatson-com-website.pages.dev/books/lovinglisp-
           | si...
         | seanw444 wrote:
         | Yeah I haven't found any project I've wanted to implement in
         | CL. I usually end up using Python or Go at that level of
         | abstraction. If I want lower-level, C or Rust. However, I
         | interact with Lisp almost daily through Emacs. And I enjoy it
         | quite a bit. Configuring my editor through Lisp is unusually
         | satisfying, and feels sleek.
       | tromp wrote:
       | > The biggest secret to Lisp is that it is actually the simplest
       | programming language ever created---and that, coupled with its
       | expressiveness and elegance, is why it is favored exclusively by
       | the best programmers in the world.
       | This is clearly a very opinionated book. Personally I find
       | Haskell, while perhaps not as simple, both more expressive and
       | more elegant. But I don't imagine it is favored by the worlds
       | best programmers.
         | [deleted]
       | dang wrote:
       | Related:
       |  _Learn Lisp the Hard Way_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8573389 - Nov 2014 (32
       | comments)
       |  _Learn Lisp the Hard Way_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8016950 - July 2014 (141
       | comments)
       | revskill wrote:
       | The problem with almost all LISP tutorials, books,... is there's
       | no guide on how to install toolings at the beginning. Instead,
       | there's just praise and praise.
       | Such a missed opportunity.
         | rjsw wrote:
         | There is a section of the Preface on "Configuring Your
         | Development Environment", seems pretty complete to me.
           | revskill wrote:
           | Preface section as i see is applied for whom who already get
           | used to LISP.
           | If audience is whom who doesn't know anything about LISP,
           | you've lost time to go around to find things you want.
           | Other languages have playground, or at least INSTALLING at
           | the chapter 1. It should answer some IMPORTANT questions:
           | - How to install the compiler
           | - Which IDE best to use, or which extension.
           | - How to install packages, how to build it.
             | lilith_of_debts wrote:
             | https://llthw.common-lisp.dev/configuration.html
             | Literally everything you're asking for is in that link. The
             | author has the opinion that you don't need fancy IDE
             | features which is an arguable point but they do list what
             | editors for each OS work in their experience.
         | Mikeb85 wrote:
         | Nowadays it's pretty much as simple as installing SBCL and then
         | Emacs-Slime.
           | nerdponx wrote:
           | Unless you don't want to use Emacs, which is completely
           | understandable. I know SLIME is great but we really shouldn't
           | force Emacs on people.
             | nequo wrote:
             | Emacs is also great though. For all intents and purposes,
             | with evil mode it can act as just another implementation of
             | Vim.[1]
             | But for those who like neither Emacs nor Vim ... I don't
             | know.
             | [1] https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil
             | ratzkewatzke wrote:
             | I'm an Emacs partisan, but the VSCode support for Common
             | Lisp has come along way. Interested parties might look at h
             | ttps://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rheller.
             | ... .
             | [deleted]
             | beepbooptheory wrote:
             | Curious to know how big the cross section of people is that
             | are ready/eager for CL, but don't want to touch Emacs. I
             | think its rather nice this might act as a screen, they are
             | both tied together, even if mostly spiritually now.
             | In general though, I'd say switch your focus to Scheme, and
             | use Dr.Racket, if you really really don't want to use
             | Emacs.
               | tmtvl wrote:
               | Or use SLIMA (https://github.com/neil-lindquist/SLIMA)
               | with Atom... oh, right, moment of silence...
               | ...SLIMA may work with Pulsar, or if you prefer Eclipse
               | there's Dandelion
               | (https://github.com/Ragnaroek/dandelion).
               | VSCodium may be able to use Alive, but as it can't fully
               | turn off MS's spyware I can't in good faith recommend it.
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | There's Slyblime for the Sublime Text users:
               | https://github.com/s-clerc/slyblime. Worked pretty well
               | when I tried it.
         | franknstein wrote:
         | "Clojure for brave and true" has in my opinion an excellent
         | section on Clojure tooling in emacs (which I wish i read when I
         | was starting out with emacs).
           | WillPostForFood wrote:
           | It is a strength (they do cover tooling), but also a
           | weakness. Throwing beginners into learning emacs, as well as
           | a new language, and likely a new programming paradigm, is a
           | massive ask. I think it is mistake for Clojure that Brave and
           | True is the most recommended book to start out.
       | dockleaves wrote:
       | That is interesting. I am wondering though, in what areas does
       | Lisp get used these days?
       | What would be a good project to showcase the strengths of Lisp,
       | versus other well-known languages?
       | How/why do people end up learning Lisp, what is the usual route
       | to entry?
       | Genuine questions, not trying to start a language battle here.
       | I've never used Lisp before so am curious about all of this. To
       | me it feels like one of those exotic old-school languages like
       | Erlang or Perl.
         | tmtvl wrote:
         | So I've been using Scheme for a couple of years now and really
         | enjoying proper interactive development (why would I recompile
         | my entire program to run the tests when I can just run the
         | tests whenever I feel like?) and I was fairly happy with it,
         | though I'm always very aware that using less power/time
         | efficient languages is harmful to the environment. So I decided
         | to give Common Lisp a try after repeatedly hearing that it's
         | faster than Scheme and I wound up falling in love with its
         | support for type checking (well, with SBCL's support for type
         | checking).
         | Now I have my interactive programming with the nicety of having
         | SBCL warn me when I'm passing an integer to a function that
         | expects a string or something like that. Not only does it help
         | me make fewer mistakes while programming, the type declarations
         | also help SBCL generate more efficient code. It's a win-win all
         | around.
         | fm2606 wrote:
         | >> How/why do people end up learning Lisp, what is the usual
         | route to entry?
         | I started learning CL starting around July/Aug 2022. How I got
         | here is close to 2 years ago I read a blog post (I think) that
         | said learning a niche language can help land a high paying
         | part-time job, or, if applying to a position where said niche
         | language is used you don't have to jump through all the Leet
         | code, typical interview circus. Just knowing the language and
         | having an interest was a huge factor in getting hired. It
         | seemed fairly plausible to me.
         | Initially I started learning Clojure but kept reading stuff
         | about how awesome CL was/is. The JVM kind of turned me off and
         | I like compiled, stand alone applications which can be had in
         | CL.
         | So here I am really enjoying learning CL. I am in a
         | job/organization that does not use CL and probably never will.
         | The benefits are awesome so I have no plans on leaving anytime
         | soon. Maybe one day I may try to land a part time job using CL
         | but I'm no where ready for that (both in my lack of CL
         | knowledge and lack of time to commit to a part time job).
         | gleenn wrote:
         | We use Clojure for large data processing where it shines. It's
         | also good at doing concurrency with it's solid concurrency
         | tools and immutability by default. So a lot of people use it
         | for financial data, fraud, and big data stuff. I think it's
         | less common, but using Re-frame both in a front-end web app and
         | also in a React Native mobile app was a charm. Some of the
         | environments were a little hard to get going but were a dream
         | to poke around and add lots of features quick. For example, the
         | whole Urban Dictionary native app for iOS and Android are in
         | Clojure as well as most of the site.
         | wwfn wrote:
         | I'm also very curious for hear from expert lispers. I've tried
         | to find the sweat spot where lisp would fit better than what I
         | already know: shell for glue and file ops, R for data munging
         | and vis, python to not reinvent things, perl/core-utils for one
         | liners. But before I can find the niche, I get turned off by
         | the amount of ceremony -- or maybe just how different the state
         | and edit/evaluate loop is.
         | I'm holding onto some things that make common lisp look
         | exciting and useful (static typing[0], APL DSL[1], speed
         | [2,3,4]) and really want to get familiar with structural
         | editing [5]
         | [0] https://github.com/phantomics/april [1]
         | https://github.com/coalton-lang/coalton/ [2]
         | https://renato.athaydes.com/posts/revisiting-prechelt-paper-...
         | [3] https://github.com/fukamachi/woo/blob/master/benchmark.md
         | [4] https://tapoueh.org/blog/2014/05/why-is-pgloader-so-much-
         | fas... [5] https://github.com/drym-org/symex.el
         | TacticalCoder wrote:
         | > I am wondering though, in what areas does Lisp get used these
         | days?
         | If you consider Clojure a Lisp then I think before the tech
         | stocks crashed there were seven unicorns built with Clojure.
         | Banking, healthcare, analytics, ...
         | I'd say Clojure can be used anywhere Java can for sure. And
         | Clojure runs on top of ClojureScript too.
         | Then Clojure is only one of the Lisp dialects and there are
         | "lispier lisps" out there which also their success stories.
           | jimbokun wrote:
           | Interesting 5 of those unicorns are listed here:
           | https://clojure.org/news/2021/08/13/deref
       | srejk wrote:
       | I read the little LISPer (now the little SCHEMEr) years ago, I
       | found that was a great way to teach recursion.
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