[HN Gopher] Ask HN: What's your favorite illustration in compute...
       Ask HN: What's your favorite illustration in computer science?
       I'm curious to see some examples of what people consider good
       visual illustrations of CS concepts, from both usefulness and
       aesthetics perspectives.
       Author : gnull
       Score  : 128 points
       Date   : 2023-01-10 09:20 UTC (1 days ago)
       | cdnsteve wrote:
       | Xkcd, this one https://xkcd.com/303/
       | bjornsing wrote:
       | If you include deep learning in CS then https://distill.pub/ has
       | a lot to offer in this category.
       | sparkie wrote:
       | Differentiation of an algebraic data type, resulting in its
       | zipper:
       | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/Labyrint...
       | Explanation: https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Zippers
       | (cites: http://strictlypositive.org/diff.pdf)
         | giraffe_lady wrote:
         | oh shiiiiit lol. I get it. that never made intuitive sense to
         | me before. that's a good one.
       | enriquto wrote:
       | The two plots that explain Kernighan's lever:
       | https://www.linusakesson.net/programming/kernighans-lever/
       | omarshammas wrote:
       | I've been enjoying the illustrations at architecturenotes.co
       | especially the posts about redis [1] and things you should know
       | about databases [2]
       | [1] https://architecturenotes.co/redis/ [2]
       | https://architecturenotes.co/things-you-should-know-about-da...
       | frakt0x90 wrote:
       | Not strictly computer science, but I love this animation of a
       | Fourier Series and I show it every time I have to explain it to
       | somone
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourier_series#/media/File:Fou...
         | booboofixer wrote:
         | You might also like: https://www.jezzamon.com/fourier/
           | muziq wrote:
           | Ultimately leading to: https://xkcd.com/26/
       | jonas-w wrote:
       | Don't know if it is _the_ favorite of mine but AWS Architecture
       | Diagrams.
       | For example:
       | https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a7/bc/49/a7bc49be1828ca9a51e4...
       | https://flexadata.com/images/architecture/ntier-application-...
       | https://docs.mattermost.com/_images/MattermostDeployment5kaw...
         | Someone wrote:
         | De gustibus non est disputandum, but I find these ugly. The
         | icons draw too much attention, and (IMO) are incomprehensible.
         | They have zillions of products, so I understand that not all
         | their icons can be immediately recognizable, but is there
         | meaning to the colors of icons? I can't think of, for example,
         | a reason why "Batch", "CloudFront" and "Glacier" have the same
         | color.
         | Similarly, is there a language for recognizing icons? I don't
         | understand why EFS and CloudFront both are stacks of cubes, for
         | example.
         | I think I would choose the same colour and/or similar shapes
         | for all icons that denote data stores (examples: S3, Glacier,
         | RDS), for example, a different one for compute (examples:
         | Lambda, EC2, Batch), and a third one for connections (load
         | balancer, Route 53, CloudFront)
         | Also, why are there such subtle differences in some of the
         | colors? Do they mean something?
         | Finally, if one of your 100+ products is called "S3" and you
         | have to design a recognizable icon for it, how on earth can you
         | not put a big "S" and a big "3" in that icon? It can't be that
         | they want to avoid text at all cost, as they wrote "Aurora" in
         | an other icon.
           | bradwood wrote:
           | 100% agree with you. The AWS icon/drawing design kit is just
           | rubbish. It's super hard to read.
       | adrianmonk wrote:
       | For network communication (and other stuff), I like sequence
       | diagrams:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequence_diagram
       | There's a standardized UML version of this, but I think it's
       | easier to read when the arrows are sloped a little, like in this
       | random example: https://www.graffletopia.com/stencils/1560
       | thewizardofaus wrote:
       | Diffie-Hellman key exchange pictures that use mixing colours to
       | illustrate the concept.
       | lastofthemojito wrote:
       | Not as academic as some of the other replies, and certainly not
       | all of them are CS-related, but Bartosz Ciechanowski's
       | interactive web illustrations are fantastic examples of modern
       | visuals.
       | Things like:
       | GPS: https://ciechanow.ski/gps/
       | Alpha Compositing: https://ciechanow.ski/alpha-compositing/
       | Floating Point numbers: https://ciechanow.ski/exposing-floating-
       | point/
         | wlesieutre wrote:
         | I love these, the mechanical watch post is a favorite of mine.
         | https://ciechanow.ski/mechanical-watch/
         | It's the sort of interactive educational content that I always
         | imagined computers and the internet would be amazing for, it
         | just never panned out at a large scale.
         | Maybe not easy enough to create, maybe not profitable enough,
         | who knows.
       | LLcolD wrote:
       | Diagrams that show LDA, STA, cycles, etc. Like this one ->
       | https://iitestudent.blogspot.com/2011/06/timing-diagram-for-...
         | hcarvalhoalves wrote:
         | https://plantuml.com/timing-diagram
           | LLcolD wrote:
           | Wow. Didn't ever think that there is something like this.
           | I've heard about UML, but I've always thought that it is
           | something related only to programming.
       | itskeshavrai wrote:
       | breads
       | baby wrote:
       | The cipher mode of operations on wikipedia. I bet you anyone that
       | does even a little amount of cryptography will bring up the CBC
       | one from
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation...
       | cromulent wrote:
       | Not useful, nor aesthetic perhaps.
       | https://poignant.guide/images/the.foxes-2.png
       | birdymcbird wrote:
       | Time space diagrams in distributed systems. Very obvious once you
       | see but never before saw some critical problems in distributed
       | systems like fifo ordering, causal ordering and other things
       | explained with such diagrams.
       | did not have formal education on distributed systems in my
       | country but learned many things in this topic on job.
       | So then me took course by lindsey kuper on youtube. it is amazing
       | course, super clear instructor even for me with not good english.
       | i think professor in this class say these diagrams came from
       | leslie lamport who did lot essential thinking in distributed
       | system space
       | Phemist wrote:
       | I, unfortunately, cannot find an online copy currently.
       | Knuth's TAOCP's latest published part, Volume 4 Fascicle 6, on
       | Satisfiability contains a number of visualizations that really
       | are amazing and worth just buying a copy of the book for, just to
       | ponder over these images.
       | The satisfiability problem of whether there exists an assignment
       | of boolean values that makes a given boolean formula evaluate to
       | TRUE is, IMO, truly a fundamental problem in computer science.
       | Any piece of code with some inputs and outputs can be transformed
       | into a boolean formula (albeit a huge one). This process feels
       | akin to expressing molecules, from simple ones like H2O, to the
       | highly complex proteins that make up much of our Cells, in their
       | constituent atoms and more importantly the atom interactions.
       | Knuth (EDIT: Actually, Carsten Sinz) takes this concept one step
       | further and produces visualizations of non-trivial boolean
       | formulas that clearly show the regular, both symmetrical and
       | asymmetrical, sometimes fractal-like nature of these formulas.
       | In my mind, these visualizations are quite powerful and
       | strikingly show the fundamental building blocks of (digital)
       | computation.
         | LeonM wrote:
         | Image here: https://imgur.com/a/auDF9qh
           | sacnoradhq wrote:
           | Also 4B (1st ed) pp. 300-301.
           | ProTip: Order the 5 vol set directly from Addison-Wesley,
           | it's much cheaper than anywhere else.
           | radec wrote:
           | Cleaner image
           | https://imgur.com/a/lPPpT3L
             | eurasiantiger wrote:
             | These seem to have structural parallels to Wolfram's
             | classification of cellular automata.
           | Eduard wrote:
           | PDF: https://kolegite.com/EE_library/books_and_lectures/%D0%9
           | F%D1...
           | Physical pages 116-117; PDF pages 126-127.
         | Eduard wrote:
         | > Knuth takes this concept one step further and produces
         | visualizations of non-trivial boolean formulas that clearly
         | show the regular, both symmetrical and asymmetrical, sometimes
         | fractal-like nature of these formulas.
         | The visualizations were done by Carsten Sinz.
         | This is his paper describing the technique:
         | Carsten Sinz. Visualizing SAT Instances and Runs of the DPLL
         | Algorithm. J. Automated Reasoning, 39(2):219-243, 2007.
         | https://www.carstensinz.de/papers/JAR-2007-Visualization.pdf
         | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10817-007-9074-1
           | Phemist wrote:
           | Aha! I have edited my post. Thanks for the correction!
           | Beautiful work, looks like something I'd like to play around
           | with as well :)
         | varjag wrote:
         | The spread on page 300 (iirc) is really stunning.
           | LeonM wrote:
           | Page 116/117, to be precise ;-)
             | varjag wrote:
             | Not in my book!
             | https://twitter.com/varjag/status/1603857439136292865/photo
             | /...
       | kiernanmcgowan wrote:
       | Not from the CS world, but I've always enjoyed the Smith Chart.
       | It's a tool to figure out impedance (eg resistance but a complex
       | number) matching on a boundary to reduce reflected power.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_chart
       | rodolphoarruda wrote:
       | Not only related to CS, but to most management areas and life as
       | a whole. Going from state(A) to state(B) should never be that
       | complicated, right? Oversimplification at its prime.
       | https://www.thelogocreative.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/How-to-...
       | aliqot wrote:
       | The list of linux distributions on Wikipedia:
       | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b5/Linux_Di...
       | makeworld wrote:
       | Unix Magic is pretty good.
       | https://jpmens.net/2021/04/09/the-unix-magic-poster/
         | pram wrote:
         | I have one of these hanging in my living room, they're
         | beautiful!
           | lygaret wrote:
           | On my wall behind me! :D
           | https://photos.app.goo.gl/a4NSabFfPVU12Aw6A
             | sophacles wrote:
             | I like your retro battlestation.
             | How did you hook your c64 up to an LCD?
       | franze wrote:
       | I like the one from my book the best:
       | https://www.fullstackoptimization.com/wp-content/uploads/sys...
       | Barrin92 wrote:
       | Bret Victor's animated explanation of Abstraction:
       | http://worrydream.com/LadderOfAbstraction/
       | His approach to visualization is I think by far one of the best
       | things on the internet. His rework of a classic paper on small
       | world networks is fantastic as well:
       | http://worrydream.com/ScientificCommunicationAsSequentialArt...
       | jcadam wrote:
       | Learn You A Haskell is full of useful illustrations.
       | http://learnyouahaskell.com/
       | wendyshu wrote:
       | "A Self-Adjusting Search Tree"
       | https://www.link.cs.cmu.edu/splay/#:~:text=A%20Self%2DAdjust...
       | motohagiography wrote:
       | Variations on mean time between failure curves:
       | https://hpreliability.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Failure...
       | Comparing solutions based on the perceived reliability curves of
       | their lifecycles is useful.
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | Fun chart, here's an article to explain a bit more (it was
         | necessary for me)
       | lkozma wrote:
       | May I add one that I made?
       | Illustration of QuickSort and MergeSort as two sides of the same
       | coin: http://lkozma.net/images/sort/duality.pdf
       | I find this somehow both obvious and counter-intuitive, and
       | usually the two algorithms are not presented in this way, as
       | duals of each other.
       | I wrote up this view in more detail, but the figure above should
       | be self-explanatory: http://lkozma.net/blog/a-dual-view-of-
       | sorting-algorithms/
         | robswc wrote:
         | This is awesome. I think ppl should def share anything they
         | made. As long as its not low-effort shilling... and your
         | contributions are anything but!
         | thanatos519 wrote:
         | That is great and should be in every textbook!
         | raddan wrote:
         | There's an important distinction that your explanation glosses
         | over, which is that MergeSort is an out-of-place sort while
         | QuickSort is in-place. As a practical matter, this distinction
         | is important and it makes the two algorithms not quite duals.
         | Your explanation of why we can assume that QuickSort pivots are
         | medians makes sense, but it also glosses over one of the deep
         | insights about why QuickSort works at all, which is that with
         | unsorted data, the choice of pivot will rarely be bad (it will
         | be "near the middle on average.")
           | lkozma wrote:
           | Yes, this efficiency-aspect is not captured in the
           | illustration -- while splitting perfectly _by index_ comes
           | for free, splitting perfectly _by value_ needs nontrivial
           | work (median-finding).
             | chongli wrote:
             | Yes and with naive median-finding comes pathological inputs
             | that hit the worst case O(n^2). Something to watch out for
             | if you're sorting user-provided input as that could open
             | you up to some silly denial of service attacks!
         | ro_jazz wrote:
         | Super cool!
       | rg111 wrote:
       | Anything from Setosa [0] is really good. It contains interactive,
       | animated illustrations of several Machine Learning ideas.
       | I _loved_ reading papers from Distill Pub [1] as they contained
       | interactive diagrams.
       | My most favorite one so far is the thread on Differentiable Self-
       | organizing Systems [2]. I liked the lizard example very much as
       | it is interactive, and lizards grow lost organs back. I think
       | this is funny.
       | [0]: https://setosa.io
       | [1]: https://distill.pub
       | [2]: https://distill.pub/2020/selforg/
       | krwck wrote:
       | Not sure if it fits in scope, but I find this classic to be an
       | ingenious intro to where to start from in terms of visualisation:
       | https://bost.ocks.org/mike/algorithms/
       | mbaytas wrote:
       | A while back I made a small NFT collection with my favorite CS
       | illustrations:
       | https://instagram.com/citationsnft
       | It was an experiment that didn't do much commercially, but we
       | learned a lot from it.
       | hbcondo714 wrote:
       | I don't remember the original source of this image but it's a
       | comical take on the SDLC, showing how different roles / teams
       | understand what the customer wanted versus needed when building a
       | tree swing:
       | https://www.amarkota.com/Content/images/portfolio/trees.jpg
         | S04dKHzrKT wrote:
         | In a similar vein, I thought of the comic on how software
         | companies are organized.
         | https://bonkersworld.net/organizational-charts
           | Quarrelsome wrote:
           | is there much truth to these patterns? I've never worked for
           | FAANG so am unaware of their structures.
             | timidger wrote:
             | It was probably very true 10 years ago, for some of them it
             | has become less true
             | porbelm wrote:
             | The Microsoft one was VERY true, at least until the mid
             | 2K's. Small groups with lots of middle managers, bad
             | communication, and hatred towards the other small groups.
             | Dunno how it is now though.
         | GnarfGnarf wrote:
         | I first saw this cartoon in 1971.
         | k__ wrote:
         | I worked in many companies that had it at the door to the Dev
         | department.
         | sideproject wrote:
         | This is exactly what I thought of coming into this post! I
         | think I actually saw this first nearly 20 years ago and boy oh
         | boy things don't change much (or should I say, people don't
         | change much)
         | eurasiantiger wrote:
         | Interesting that what operations supposedly installed was
         | closest to what was actually needed, and only an additional
         | binding away from a complete solution.
         | trynewideas wrote:
         | Variations of it date back to at least the 1970s:
         | https://www.businessballs.com/amusement-stress-relief/tree-s...
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | Impressive how not modern we are.
         | echelon wrote:
         | Completely orthogonal to yours, but the undergraduate text
         | "Operating Systems Concepts" by Silberschatz et al. has always
         | been good.
         | Every edition features dinosaurs, which totally relate to the
         | concepts of CPU scheduling, IPC, memory management, etc.
         | The seventh edition is the absolute pinnacle, as the sauropod
         | family on the front cover enjoy a host of electronic devices
         | from the 80's and 90's:
         | https://i.imgur.com/5U87Pgt.png
         | Most of the covers are great.
       | fredguth wrote:
       | Drawing of self adjusting trees by Jorge Stolfi.
       | https://www.link.cs.cmu.edu/splay/tree5.jpg
       | DoneWithAllThat wrote:
       | Oh man a friend of mine used to have a shirt with a delightful
       | illustration of the madness that is ATM, or maybe it was just
       | illustrating IP-over-ATM. It had packets being like thrown into
       | woodchippers and reassembled if I'm remembering right. Wish I
       | could find it again.
       | pcurve wrote:
       | maybe not CS concepts, but wanted to re-share Perpendicular disc
       | storage from Hitachi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb_PyKuI7II
       | It's a simple concept to explain, but animation sure makes it fun
       | and lasting.
       | lkozma wrote:
       | My favorite artistic illustration is probably Jorge Stolfi's
       | drawing inspired by the self-adjusting splay tree data structure
       | of Sleator and Tarjan:
       | https://www.link.cs.cmu.edu/splay/tree5.jpg
       | drewg123 wrote:
       | The cover of the 1st edition of the "dragon book" -- Compilers:
       | Principles, Techniques, and Tools, by Aho, Sethi and Ullman
       | https://www.amazon.com/Compilers-Principles-Techniques-Alfre...
       | bosch_mind wrote:
       | Grokking Algorithms is a funny and enjoyable read
       | SmileyJames wrote:
       | I think the field of automata has some lovely diagrams.
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automata_theory
       | I'm sure many are familiar with state diagrams, directed graphs
       | that can be used to explain regular expressions or any other FSM
       | Turing machines also can be represented with a diagram featuring
       | a "tape" - so elegant
       | Professor Rick Thomas made a great impression on me whilst
       | lecturing on the subject of Automata
       | zX41ZdbW wrote:
       | The relations between Hilbert Curves[1], Gray Code, De Bruijn
       | sequences[2]...
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_curve
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bruijn_sequence
       | I want to make use of it in ClickHouse, but we did not (yet), see
       | https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/41195
       | typhonic wrote:
       | What came to my mind is "An Introduction to Microcomputers" by
       | Adam Osborne. I don't think I can find my copy anymore. If I
       | remember correctly, there were block diagrams showing the main
       | functional components of a microcomputer, E.G. the ALU,
       | Arithmetic Logic Unit.
       | void-star wrote:
       | I worked at several companies that had this poster hanging on the
       | wall back in the day and spent a lot of time staring at it while
       | on the phone. It comes immediately to mind.
       | https://www.scribd.com/doc/223671868/Poster-Protocolos-1
         | Eduard wrote:
         | More recent (2006) version without paywall:
         | https://www.cisco.com/web/offer/emea/7193/docs/Agilent_Netzw...
       | binarymax wrote:
       | Everything from Land of Lisp!
       | http://landoflisp.com/
       | greggarious wrote:
       | The "cascading failure" GIF[1] from Wikipedia's entry of the same
       | name[2].
       | (I'd love to see similar style animations of various crypto
       | algorithms like MD5, AES, etc if anyone has the cycles.)
       | [1]
       | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Networkf...
       | [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_failure
       | devniel wrote:
       | The glider
       | gamegoblin wrote:
       | Log-structured merge trees have some good diagrams.
       | If you know a little bit about the problem space, the 3 main
       | diagrams (2.1, 2.2, 3.1) in the whitepaper basically tell you how
       | to implement it.
       | https://www.cs.umb.edu/~poneil/lsmtree.pdf
       | rfonseca wrote:
       | In Networking, two illustrations of congestion control are just
       | fantastic IMO.
       | First one is [1], by Chiu and Jain (page 7, figure 5), showing
       | that Additive Increase / Multiplicative decrease is the only
       | simple policy that converges among 2 senders (with rates x and y)
       | to a rate that is fair (along the y=x diagonal) and efficient
       | (along the x+y=Bandwidth). This is the basis of the algorithm
       | that made TCP (and the Internet as we know it today) possible.
       | The other one is this diagram from BBR [2] (from the paper in
       | [3]), that shows how BBR sets the window ("amount in flight") to
       | the bandwidth-delay product (BDP) of the bottleneck link (the
       | "volume" of the pipe in a water analogy). The cool thing is that
       | you can only measure the delay of the link if you window is <=
       | the BDP, and you can only measure the bandwidth if your window is
       | >= the BDP, so the algorithm has to hover around this point to
       | make sure it can determine both.
       | [1] Chiu and Jain, Analysis of the Increase and Decrease
       | Algorithms for Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks, 1989,
       | https://www.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/papers/ftp/cong_av.pdf
       | [2]
       | https://dl.acm.org/cms/attachment/9cf72499-b32d-4426-914b-cd...
       | [3] BBR: Congestion-Based Congestion Control
       | https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=3022184
       | adrianmonk wrote:
       | I like railroad diagrams for language grammars. So much easier
       | than just looking at production rules.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntax_diagram
       | They're used at https://json.org/, for example.
         | salgernon wrote:
         | The Apple Pascal poster has a very 70s vibe:
         | https://www.whatisepic.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/apple_p...
           | bagels wrote:
           | It's not very useful as a technical reference. The text is so
           | de-emphasized in comparison to the graph, it's impossible to
           | read.
       | blakesterz wrote:
       | https://paleofuture.com/blog/2009/3/23/computer-criminals-of...
       | "The 1981 book School, Work and Play (World of Tomorrow) features
       | this beautiful two-page spread. Apparently, thanks to computers,
       | there's no crime in the future outside of the computerized
       | variety. The "computer criminal" pictured really doesn't appear
       | to be running very fast. Maybe they're playing a game of freeze-
       | tag. Or maybe that policeman's gun has special settings the
       | author didn't tell us about. I like to believe the former, but
       | that's just me."
       | The book is full of really cool images like that one of "The
       | Future" as seen from '81
         | heywhatupboys wrote:
         | what a horrible website. Takes over my trackpad so I cannot
         | zoom in on the image.
         | Where did we go so wrong? as to literally remove UX for no
         | benefit
         | superjan wrote:
         | > Computers will make the world of tomorrow a much safe place.
         | They will do away with cash, so that you need no longer fear
         | being attacked for your money.
         | Hahaha
           | safog wrote:
           | Yeah it's an interesting thought. Credit card scams,
           | phishing, etc. have made new ways of stealing possible.
           | It's 'safer' as in I think you can claim muggings or
           | burglaries (or losses to these) have reduced because people
           | just don't carry as much cash anymore.
             | zokier wrote:
             | There is even a song written about that :)
             | > You don't have to rob me
             | > It's not really worth it
             | > I only have credit cards
             | > And I can just cancel them
             | > Know that you needed cash
             | > But what the fuck's up with that?
             | (DOMi & JD BECK - U DON'T HAVE TO ROB ME)
           | justinjlynn wrote:
           | The growing use of Debit and Credit Cards eliminating the
           | need to carry a hundred or so with you at all times for
           | spending/errand purposes without requiring the merchant to
           | take the risk of taking personal cheques was a huge
           | revolution made possible by mass computerisation in the
           | finance industry. This includes the current discussions many
           | governments are currently having about simply not issuing
           | cash money any longer.
             | hooverd wrote:
             | Cash money still has its uses. I always carry some for tips
             | and for when a business's payment card reader goes down and
             | nobody knows how to process a card without it.
               | ElectricalUnion wrote:
               | > when a business's payment card reader goes down and
               | nobody knows how to process a card without it.
               | Online fraud prevention is the most important part of
               | online card processing, and can't be done offline.
               | hooverd wrote:
               | I was paying for services rendered at the optician, and
               | luckily had a wad of cash, but what's the user story
               | there other than wait while they call support? I guess
               | they could have invoiced me.
               | zitterbewegung wrote:
               | You are completely right but the core issue is that they
               | don't want to process credit cards or avoid fees.
               | Having money with you though is good in emergencies.
               | Carrying a one dollar, five dollar and or a ten / twenty
               | though is always a good idea.
           | fatnoah wrote:
           | It's not wrong. You no longer have to be physically present
           | to have your money stolen. It's safer for everyone.
       | tudorw wrote:
       | http://www.thetednelson.com/art_intertwingled.png
       | sophacles wrote:
       | I often cite this diagram:
       | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Netfilte...
       | as my favorite picture. It shows the logical flow of packets
       | through Linux. I'm pretty sure my career would be on a very
       | different trajectory had I not discovered an earlier version of
       | it back in ~2006.
       | jacquesm wrote:
       | Sort animations.
       | https://www.hackerearth.com/practice/algorithms/sorting/quic...
         | DaveSwift wrote:
         | https://www.toptal.com/developers/sorting-algorithms
         | LVB wrote:
         | Watching SORTDEMO.BAS at the formative age of ~11 baited me
         | into programming. I recall messing around trying to make even
         | faster versions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leNaS9eJWqo
         | hansjorg wrote:
         | If you're more of a Lindy learner:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3San3uKKHgg
           | jacquesm wrote:
           | That is really neat :)
           | TheMaskedCoder wrote:
           | I believe this is the original account. They produced several
           | similar videos:
           | https://www.youtube.com/@AlgoRythmics
         | Eduard wrote:
         | Youtube user Musicombo has plenty of videos showing different
         | sorting algorithms in action and their runtime behavior under
         | different (pathological) cases:
         | e.g.: https://youtu.be/vr5dCRHAgb0
       | [deleted]
       | DubiousPusher wrote:
       | https://libraryofbabel.info/
         | TurkishPoptart wrote:
         | I have no clue what's going on here. Context?
           | KMnO4 wrote:
           | It's based off a 1941 short story in which there's a library
           | of books which hold every possible combination of letters.
           | The idea is that every story, song, piece of knowledge, etc
           | are in there if you know where to find them.
           | (And also, every erroneous fact, false story, etc)
       | nlolks wrote:
       | Funny one. . . http://gunshowcomic.com/648
       | nrjames wrote:
       | These animations by Mike Bostock are great:
       | https://bost.ocks.org/mike/algorithms/
       (page generated 2023-01-11 23:00 UTC)