[HN Gopher] Big meat can't quit antibiotics
       Big meat can't quit antibiotics
       Author : atlasunshrugged
       Score  : 188 points
       Date   : 2023-01-13 14:01 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.vox.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.vox.com)
       | benj111 wrote:
       | Can't or won't.
       | The EU manages fine without so much antibiotics.
       | rpaddock wrote:
       | Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics such as Cipro are often given to
       | animals because they are cheap. They are in no way at all safe
       | for people or animals. Sadly as the parent article shows, the FDA
       | doesn't care.
       | The book: "Taking On Big Pharma: Dr. Charles Bennett's Battle"
       | was released this week.
       | I was asked to go with Dr Bennett to speak to members of Congress
       | about the dangers of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics. As these were a
       | significant contributor to my late wife's suicide. Alas that was
       | right as the world changed at the start of the pandemic and
       | derailed those plans.
       | I have the many FDA warning for Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics here:
       | https://www.kpaddock.com/fq
       | People just don't expect side effects like permanent psychoses to
       | come from their antibiotics, as one of the most recent FDA
       | warnings documents.
       | Dr Bennetts new book:
       | https://www.amazon.com/Taking-Big-Pharma-Bennetts-Childrens/...
       | His related interview:
       | https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/doctors...
         | dml2135 wrote:
         | I personally experienced the negative affects of
         | fluoroquinolone as well. I did a full course of Cipro and
         | experienced horrible back pain, which was minimized by my
         | doctor until he put me on Levaquin a few weeks later and I had
         | to stop after a few days because the pain was so bad. Six years
         | later I still have some lingering back pain from that incident,
         | seems like it did at least some permanent damage.
         | It was incredibly hard to deal with, on top of the chronic
         | infection causing me to take the antibiotics in the first
         | place. The most frustrating thing was the seeming indifference
         | I got from many (not all) of the doctors I saw about it.
         | Condolences for your loss, and my deepest sympathies.
           | aqme28 wrote:
           | Ugh Levaquin. One of the well-known side effects is a
           | spontaneous Achilles tendon rupture. Horrifying, and I hated
           | taking it.
             | unethical_ban wrote:
             | That's a terrifying side effect.
               | Traubenfuchs wrote:
               | Don't forget about the chronic neuropathy! Some people
               | have hands and feet that will burn and sting until their
               | death.
               | I had to take moxifloxacin and ciprofloxacin at two
               | different times in my life. Besides the achilles, feet
               | and hand tendon pain, both times I would have severe
               | stinging pain in my scalp for months after taking them.
               | Blessed as I am it went away again.
         | notafraudster wrote:
         | I'm sorry you lost your wife. My wife had a near-death medical
         | experience last year (a stroke, completely unrelated) and I was
         | never as emotionally empty and destroyed as I was during the
         | ten minutes I thought I lost her and subsequent days worrying
         | about her recovery.
         | You linked an interview with Childrens' Health Defense, an
         | organization whose primary purpose is to argue, categorically,
         | that all vaccinations are dangerous and do not work. They are
         | the largest such organization and their activism has been
         | directly responsible for the growth in resistance to MMR
         | vaccination and later to COVID-19 vaccination.
         | This does not mean that the point about a class of antibiotics
         | is incorrect, and I understand that there's a possibility of
         | "strange bedfellows" here because of the potential agreement on
         | the matter of, uh, "big pharma". As I see it, one possibility
         | is that you linked the CHD article not knowing this. Another
         | possibility is that you linked the CHD article knowing this,
         | but figuring just because they're wrong about vaccines doesn't
         | tarnish them on this issue. Another possibility is that you
         | generally agree with their position on vaccines.
         | I'm not here to judge or change your mind, I'm just telling you
         | that I don't have any prior view about whatever fluoroquinolone
         | antibiotics are. I read the first half of your post wanting to
         | do more investigation. Because of the CHD link inclusion, I am
         | now predisposed not to believe this is a real issue. I am a
         | non-medical social scientist but I have spent a lot of the
         | COVID period publishing work about vaccination. Anti-vaxx stuff
         | is a complete deal-breaker for me. And if your reason for
         | posting was to persuade an audience, I think that's the
         | opposite of what you want.
           | wolfprogramming wrote:
           | [flagged]
           | rpaddock wrote:
           | The interview is where it is, which I have no control over. I
           | would have posted Dr. B's interview where ever it was as it
           | is related to the Big Pharma book release. He is considered
           | one of the worlds experts on drug adverse advents.
           | That there are adverse advents with multiple (All?) Big
           | Pharma products is also something I have no control over.
           | I supplied a link to my late wife's page where all the FDA
           | warnings are linked to directly. The other links can be
           | ignored if that is your desire.
           | unethical_ban wrote:
           | I agree that when people cite bad sources, it harm's their
           | argument. Yes, dead commenters, the messenger matters.
           | I'll also state I think deleting vaccine skeptics does more
           | harm on HN than good. Let their ignorance be argued, lest
           | they get a persecution complex and dig in more deeply. Only
           | delete, in my opinion, those that cite disinformation or
           | misinformation.
             | magicalist wrote:
             | > _Let their ignorance be argued_
             | eh, "Disprove [the situation you just said was emotionally
             | gutting] wasn't caused by [nonsense I can write down in 5
             | seconds but will take 2+ orders of magnitude to respond
             | to]" is pretty classic sealioning/asymmetric trolling.
             | Maybe if they put up a claim with evidence, otherwise it's
             | just low-effort shit posting and not worth much more than a
             | downvote.
           | Traubenfuchs wrote:
           | There are many different numbers floating around, but let me
           | give you a source that claims a 0.14-0.4% "prevalence of FQ-
           | induced tendon injury". That's at least one in a thousand.
           | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2921747
           | They are also absolutely known and proven to cause permanent
           | pain in the hand and feet (neuropathies) in some patients and
           | "long lasting" anxiety, depression, hallucinations.
           | Those are just a few of the serious long term side effects
           | they can cause.
           | Here is a good overview.
           | https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4087/2/3/17
           | Let me conclude that sometimes they are the right choice to
           | save someone's life or prevent serious health consequences
           | due to infection, but in the majority of cases there would be
           | alternative antibiotics available.
           | camccar wrote:
           | [dead]
           | gjsman-1000 wrote:
           | [flagged]
         | devwastaken wrote:
         | The FDA warnings read like any other medication. This article
         | does not point out why this is specifically worse, or how
         | "rare" of an occurrence it is is or isn't. I can't know from
         | this article wether the cause is this antibiotic.
         | wizee wrote:
         | Speaking of Fluoroquinolones and Cipro (Ciprofloxacin)
         | specifically, I personally had bad experiences with it causing
         | tendon damage and severe back pain, though fortunately the
         | damage healed and the back pain cleared within a couple days
         | after stopping my Cipro course early and switching to a
         | different antibiotic.
         | MonkeyClub wrote:
         | My condolences for your loss... And thank you for the important
         | information!
         | culi wrote:
         | Interesting. What is the mechanism of action that could be
         | causing this? Are other antibiotics safer in this regard? What
         | are the most commonly used antibiotics?
         | Extremely sorry for your loss
           | Traubenfuchs wrote:
           | > What is the mechanism of action that could be causing this?
           | It is barely understood. Fluoroquinolones are known to cause:
           | Mineral and metal chelation, permanent DNA damage,
           | permanently changed unhealthy epigenetic state changes,
           | increased oxidative stress, permanent damage to mitochondrial
           | DNA.
           | > Are other antibiotics safer in this regard?
           | Besides aminoglycosides like gentamicin which is now
           | liberally used topically because internal usage causes
           | permanent hearing loss, most antibiotics in use generally do
           | not carry a notable risk of lifelong disability.
           | > What are the most commonly used antibiotics?
           | That very much depends on the infection being treated, but
           | let me just guarantee you that there would almost always be
           | an antibiotic available that is a safer alternative to
           | fluoroquinolones.
           | Unfortunately, those antibiotics are generally strictly
           | controlled reserve antibiotics you get IV in a hospital,
           | which you would only get to avoid death or other serious
           | consequences, and just won't get for that treatment resistant
           | gonorrhea, where fluoroquinolones can already indeed be the
           | only freely available alternative. Then there are also
           | substances that just aren't available everywhere, like
           | streptogramins which in Europe you can probably only get in
           | France.
           | rpaddock wrote:
           | Thank you.
           | No one really knows what causes these issues.
           | Any other antibiotic is safer. These should have been removed
           | from the market a long time ago. Just read the other comments
           | in this tread for examples.
         | simonebrunozzi wrote:
         | > As these were a significant contributor to my late wife's
         | suicide.
         | I can't even imagine how hard it is for you. I am sorry for
         | your loss.
       | paxys wrote:
       | A significant chunk of people in this country would give up (or
       | at least wayyy reduce) meat consumption if they toured an average
       | factory farm. Opening up this industry for public scrutiny would
       | be a great first step, but many states now have laws banning
       | people from even photographing them.
         | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
         | May I go into your house and start taking photos?
           | paxys wrote:
           | May I take pictures of abuse at my workplace and share it
           | with people without going to jail?
             | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
             | Up front- I'm all for opening these "farms" up to more
             | public scrutiny but I'm not sure sneaky activists with
             | cameras is the answer. The USDA should do a better job and
             | Congress could pass more animal welfare guidelines.
             | The problem is that factory farming doesn't harm people and
             | it keeps meat cheap. Expensive meat hurts poor people and
             | minorities the most. It's a disturbing and tough issue.
         | Spivak wrote:
         | The, now famous, video of the guy trying to get kids to not eat
         | chicken nuggets after showing them what they're made of and
         | failing miserably I think means it won't be as much of a slam-
         | dunk as you predict. Doubly when you ask them to give up milk,
         | butter, cheese. Because were a cow I would take slaughter to
         | milk producer every day of the week.
       | falcolas wrote:
       | I'm afraid this earns a "well, duh" from me. For a minimal cost
       | to ranches, they can increase both their output and the
       | reliability of that output. And the externalized costs? The
       | ranches aren't held accountable for those, so they may as well
       | not exist.
       | And you can bet those ranches will fight tooth and nail against
       | being held accountable; it is, after all, the most "logical" way
       | to spend their resources to protect their revenue. Imagine the
       | shareholder response if the profits were to drop significantly,
       | and permanently.
       | It's simply how we've trained corporations to behave.
         | snarf21 wrote:
         | This our biggest problem in the US, externalities are never
         | priced in. Always easier to pay fines for pennies or to declare
         | bankruptcy and start again.
           | willnonya wrote:
           | By externalities you seem to mean the choices that other
           | people make.
           | unless the choice is to not biy their product how or why
           | woukd these get factored in? how would you do so and retain a
           | nominally free society?
           | How would you justify this being our biggest problem?
             | BobbyJo wrote:
             | Externalities refers to the economic concept of external
             | costs:
             | "An external cost is a cost not included in the market
             | price of the goods and services being produced, i.e. a cost
             | not borne by those who create it".
             | The less real costs are factored into a product, the less
             | the market able to efficiently price it. Many of our
             | greatest modern problems could be ameliorated if we handled
             | external costs better: pricing industrial runoff, CO2
             | emissions, antibiotic resistance, etc.
             | We mostly choose not to price in those costs, because the
             | consequences of such are generally delayed, and it allows
             | us greater standard of living for the moment. When given
             | the options "meat will be cheaper but infections harder to
             | cure in 20 years", or "energy will be cheaper but large
             | scale climate disasters will be common in 50 years", we've
             | chosen cheap meat and energy.
               | xoa wrote:
               | > _The less real costs are factored into a product, the
               | less the market able to efficiently price it. Many of our
               | greatest modern problems could be ameliorated if we
               | handled external costs better: pricing industrial runoff,
               | CO2 emissions, antibiotic resistance, etc._
               | I'll add to this that in many cases this also eliminates
               | a lot of the subjective/contextless moralizing around
               | spending of energy/mass surplus that goes on, resulting
               | in more individual freedom. It's common in environmental
               | discussions for example for someone to complain about
               | <xyz> form of transportation, often cars or aircraft but
               | I've also seen it come up in rockets. This can lead down
               | all sorts of rabbit holes in terms of cost/benefit etc.
               | But the entire discussion could be avoided as far as AGW
               | if we'd simply make all hydrocarbon fuels CO2 net neutral
               | (either via producing them directly from atmospheric CO2
               | with renewable energy or scrubbing an equal tonnage of
               | emissions from the atmosphere for every ton CO2
               | released). Then whatever price the fuel was would fully
               | reflect the CO2 cost, which would naturally filter out to
               | all users, and everyone would be free to spend on that or
               | not as they wished. All sides would optimize to the
               | pricing, producers would search for ways to make the net
               | neutral hydrocarbons cheaper, users would seek ways to
               | use them more efficiently, and those buying services
               | would do the same. That's a Free Market at work, the
               | emergent result of lots of decentralized individual
               | decisions is a much more efficient allocation of
               | resources, and without any central judgement around "oh,
               | that's not a _worthy_ usage " needed.
             | lovich wrote:
             | Nah man, externalities here means externalities. In this
             | specific instance the meat producing corporations are not
             | paying for the increased risk of producing antibiotic
             | resistant pathogens, which is a cost the rest of the planet
             | has to bear. Price them in the same way any insurance model
             | prices in risk.
             | > how would you do so and retain a nominally free society?
             | Nominally free doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
             | Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose, as the
             | saying goes. If you want to take actions that affect
             | everyone negatively then you should be paying for that.
             | Inversely there are also positive externalities and we
             | should probably subsidize/pay groups who produce those
             | biorach wrote:
             | That's not what externalities means.
             | Google "pricing in externalities"
           | aqme28 wrote:
           | Not to stir the pot, but I've long believed that a big
           | problem with conservative ideology is that it does not seem
           | to believe in externalities--either good or bad. Positive
           | societal effects couldn't possibly arise from investments in
           | education or infrastructure. Likewise negative externalities
           | from increased emissions
             | BurningFrog wrote:
             | Anyone who is Economics literate - which is more common
             | among conservatives - knows about externalities.
             | They also know that when there are negative externalities,
             | government action to try to counter them is often a cure
             | worse than the disease.
             | Also "my proposal will be costly, but the positive
             | externalities will outweigh them" is often stated, but
             | rarely proven.
               | bumby wrote:
               | Even the most die-hard libertarians I know (which I'm
               | using here as a proxy for the most conservative)
               | recognize one of the fundamental roles of government is
               | to account for and price in externalities.
               | The OP indicates that the incentives of corporations
               | driven by a profit motive is not to price in
               | externalities. If not the government, what other
               | mechanisms do you suggest?
               | Spivak wrote:
               | Genuinely curious, in a conservative world, how do you
               | deal with externalities without some kind of intervention
               | that distorts the market or the natural order?
               | It makes total sense to have debates over what things
               | rise to the level of problem and what the best fix is
               | but, at least in my state politics, Republican's seem to
               | just abandon their principles for pragmatism (which is
               | good) but I can't seem to figure how this doesn't cause
               | an identity crisis. Having a "how a conservative
               | evaluates market interventions" seems less taxing than
               | getting pushed to a breaking point and then begrudgingly
               | doing things not in line with your ideals.
               | BurningFrog wrote:
               | How to deal with (negative) externalities depends a lot
               | on the nature each specific externality, and what the
               | alternatives are.
               | It's important to recognize that both markets and
               | government action sometimes fail, and why, to have a
               | grownup conversation about options.
             | ch4s3 wrote:
             | As someone who is not a conservative, but is interested in
             | what and why people think and believe thing, I don't think
             | that's a fair characterization. It seems to me that
             | conservative care a great deal about negative externalities
             | that effect the existing social order, or may do so in the
             | future. I think the problem is two-fold some of those
             | negative externalities were baked into existing
             | institutions or don't directly effect them, and the
             | "culture wars" in the US cause people to take up positions
             | that don't make any rational sense in their worldview.
             | You can make really good conservative arguments for say
             | fighting climate change as it could upend traditional
             | social order, but partisan polarization has made it an
             | issue of "the other side" so mainstream conservatives
             | aren't making those arguments IMHO.
         | kevincox wrote:
         | Yeah, the question isn't so much "can't" as "prefers not to".
         | Unless the premium that people will pay for meat without
         | antibiotics is more than the reduced output costs them they
         | won't do it. Alternatively if they are forced to pay for the
         | externalities and that costs them more than the extra profit.
         | It's simple math to do. Expecting "big meat" to change it's
         | behaviour without changing the inputs to the equation is
         | ridiculous. That isn't how businesses work.
           | saiya-jin wrote:
           | Its always a choice - here is some cheap junk with mediocre
           | taste. Here is some significantly more expensive, less junky
           | stuff with +-same taste, sometimes worse. Rest is sales
           | history.
           | If we want to actively shield population from eating shit, we
           | would have to remove more than half of items in shelves in
           | most supermarkets, I suspect even more in typical US one. But
           | then why the heck should things like cigarettes or even sugar
           | be legal, we know now pretty well how they slowly kill
           | everybody involved.
             | themitigating wrote:
             | Cigarettes are heavily regulated in fact California just
             | banned flavors.
             | There's also been proposals about a sugar tax and limits on
             | the size of soft drinks but they are difficult to implement
             | due to conservative/right wing pushback.
             | Your comment is whataboutism but not even that good of a
             | counter since actions are being taken
               | cscurmudgeon wrote:
               | Didn't Coca Cola bribe NAACP to call sugar taxes racist.
               | https://thepostmillennial.com/coca-cola-accused-of-
               | paying-na...
               | Is NAACP right wing?
               | A lot of left wing groups also oppose sugar tax calling
               | it racist
               | https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/taxing-bubbles-or-
               | cas...
               | themitigating wrote:
               | No idea, what does that have to do with my comments? I'm
               | pointing out that actions are being taken to curtail
               | usage to counter the person who what using whataboutism
               | with sugar and cigarettes
       | icf80 wrote:
       | next step in human evolution, just give up meat
       | LatteLazy wrote:
       | I feel like we're living through the death of democracy because a
       | list of issues (from gerrymandering to demographics) mean that
       | small groups wield oversized power. Agriculture is <6% of the US
       | economy and only about 10% of the US workforce is related to it.
       | Yet whole federal elections are decided based on candidates
       | comments about corn and it receives huge pointless subsidies and
       | is very badly under regulated. The same is true here in the UK.
       | The same is true of other groups too.
       | A core political issue in the 2020s will be how to deal with tiny
       | groups holding oversized political power as we cannot afford to
       | just keep paying them off (or worse, letting them "wag the dog"
       | as they did with Brexit) anymore.
         | bannedbybros wrote:
         | [dead]
         | sonthonax wrote:
         | Agriculture may be a small constituency, but you'd rather the
         | food supply continues to flow.
           | LatteLazy wrote:
           | No one is proposing a famine. Just that, maybe, we should
           | have some safety standards?
         | nikanj wrote:
         | Who's "we"? The poor people don't have any power, and the rich
         | people don't want to stop buying large subsidies with small
         | campaign donations
         | AtlasBarfed wrote:
         | It's also because of the Iowa caucuses. Why is that continued
         | to wield such outlandish control of the Presidential Election
         | Process?
       | milliams wrote:
       | When I see a graph like [1] with the y-axis not zeroed I stop
       | reading. Furthermore, the assertion that it "ticked back up" is
       | not really supported by that graph any more than saying "it
       | ticked back up and then it ticked down again"
       | [1] https://cdn.vox-
       | cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/24341618/K...
         | sonofhans wrote:
         | Yes, that's a deceptive graph, very likely intentionally
         | deceptive in order to reinforce the clickbait headline.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | I agree it is totally unnecessary in this case, but sometimes
         | truncating the y-axis serves a purpose. Many times it is for
         | stylistic reasons, but also if the trend is more interesting
         | then the scale, e.g. most stock charts truncate the y-axis
         | because people don't really care how much a stock has dropped
         | relative to the value, but are more interested in the overall
         | trend in the time period and the specific times when the trend
         | reversed (I think, I don't trade in stocks).
         | It is unnecessary to do that in this case because the scale
         | isn't that vast and you can easily see the trend on an absolute
         | scale. However, this graph serves the same purpose as--I gather
         | --stock charts do. They are interested in what happened while
         | the trend was downwards, and the specific time at when the
         | trend stopped (or at least halted).
         | remarkEon wrote:
         | There's a lot of red flags in the article for me as well.
         | I'm genuinely amenable to the idea that mass antibiotics is bad
         | because it makes intuitive sense. But the article starts out
         | with "For decades..." and then the relevant plot has the X-axis
         | start in 2012 for some reason. I strongly suspect, but don't
         | have time to confirm, that if you extended that axis back to,
         | say, the 90s you'd see more nuanced trends that would threaten
         | the doom-porn nature of the standard Vox "explainer".
         | jweir wrote:
         | The article is terrible.
         | At the very least break down the use by animal and mass.
         | Never mind cows are not raised like pigs which are not raised
         | like chickens. To lump them all together is silly and
         | insulting.
           | callalex wrote:
           | But they don't lump them together, and they acknowledge your
           | concern specifically.
             | jweir wrote:
             | What I would like to see a break down by animal mass. For
             | meat production the US produces almost equivalent amounts
             | of beef and pork. But the US also has about 10 million
             | dairy cows. The FDA report is for food producing animals -
             | which includes dairy cows.
             | Unfortunately the FDA report does not include mass either,
             | but I reckon if you were to look at the antibiotics/animal
             | mass you would see that swine is a huge outlier.
       | timeon wrote:
       | Still waiting for antibiotics-resistant bacteria pandemics.
         | mnw21cam wrote:
         | Sibling comments point out some pretty serious conditions that
         | have been caused by antibiotic resistance. However, antibiotic
         | resistance is more likely to cause isolated problems than
         | pandemics. We haven't had antibiotics for very long, and most
         | of the pandemics before we had them were viral, not bacterial.
         | However, before we had antibiotics, we had the problem that
         | cuts, scratches, surgery, and similar could get infected, and
         | then you would lose a limb or likely die. We are slowly
         | returning to that state.
         | We live with a huge amount of bacteria around us, and in our
         | guts. Our skin generally protects us from them very well, but
         | those same bacteria that are harmless outside the body can kill
         | when inside the body.
         | Antibiotics not only improved survival rates from silly trivial
         | injuries. They enabled a whole world of surgical interventions,
         | because after surgery you can just give antibiotics to kill off
         | any inadvertent infection you may have introduced. (Yes,
         | sterile operating conditions help too.)
         | HarryHirsch wrote:
         | Tuberculosis? Gonorhoea? MRSA in hospitals?
           | vibrio wrote:
           | it is here, and as it grows, much of the pain of drug
           | resistance won't be chaos and screaming in the streets. It
           | won't happen all at once. It will increasingly impact people
           | getting routine procedures, or otherwise minor injuries.
           | Someone who got a wisdom tooth removed or a a deep cut
           | stitched up may find it doesn't heal, and there is no longer
           | a magic pill available to clear an infection. It has been a
           | challenging economic problem. There are poor/complicated
           | incentives for R&D or venture investment into this area.
             | MandieD wrote:
             | Childbirth will once again be the most dangerous thing an
             | average woman does, when a Caesarean becomes far too risky
             | for any but the most dire cases and tears that have to be
             | sewn up will often lead to childbed fever again.
       | alexfromapex wrote:
       | Common sense would suggest to use probiotics instead because,
       | like AI, they adapt and overcome with the same genetic variations
       | these pathogens use to mutate and create their offensive
       | capabilities. Bacteria are advanced biological machines that
       | evolve so it does not make sense to fight them with static
       | defense mechanisms.
         | softfalcon wrote:
         | Yeah, but that's more expensive. Farming corps aren't going to
         | just accept that and open their wallets. Profit is everything
         | for them.
       | jdfedgon wrote:
       | Another excellent overview of the wider problem that's behind the
       | usage of antibiotics in that scale can be found in the Meat
       | Atlas, published by Heinrich Boll Foundation.
       | https://eu.boell.org/sites/default/files/2021-09/MeatAtlas20...
       | It delivers an excellent compilation of the issues at play that
       | will keep the problem going. As long as there's no change in
       | policies, consumer behavior and/or some mad disease that brings
       | down the meat industry, it's going to keep continued.
       | willnonya wrote:
       | "Big meat can't quit antibiotics"
       | Nor should they. The impact would be more far reaching than
       | what's being discussed in the article.
         | xsmasher wrote:
         | They could quit using antibiotics on animals that are not sick;
         | quit using them just to make animals grow faster. But that
         | would hurt their bottom line, so they won't do it unless
         | regulated to do so.
         | biorach wrote:
         | No one is calling for a total ban on antibiotic use. They're
         | calling for a ban on routine mass administration, along the
         | lines of what the EU has done. There are very compelling public
         | health reasons for this.
       | Synaesthesia wrote:
       | For a slightly higher cost we can rear animals like cattle and
       | chicken humanely and produce better quality eggs, beef etc. I
       | don't understand this factory farm model.
         | autokad wrote:
         | this part:
         | > I don't understand this factory farm model
         | is prven by this part:
         | > For a slightly higher cost we can rear animals like cattle
         | and chicken humanely
         | I think a better statement would have been, you know nothing
         | about this topic but have strong opinions on it.
           | Synaesthesia wrote:
           | Take chickens, you can simply have them walk around in a yard
           | and have a coop for them to go to sleep in at night, rather
           | than keep them in caves their entire life and feeding them
           | antibiotics. It's a bit more space, which there's plenty of
           | in South Africa and the USA, but otherwise your capital
           | expenditure shouldn't be more.
         | AtlasBarfed wrote:
         | IMO the only solution to the big "meat problem" be it CO2, land
         | use, antibiotics resistance, ethics of slaughtering animals,
         | treatment, is probably cultured meat.
         | More government sponsored investment is definitely needed. The
         | CO2 externality alone of cattle is a significant portion of
         | humanity's CO2 emissions, something like 15%.
         | The land use for meat production between feed and grazing is
         | very large as well, google says 33% of farmland is dedicated to
         | animal feed production. That's a huge amount of land consuming
         | water resources, steadily losing topsoil, and removal of
         | natural habitats and potential carbon sinks.
         | Grazing is 35% of US land. Again, just a huge amount of land
         | that is denied natural habitats.
           | pookha wrote:
           | You can buy meat sourced from ethical ranchers. You don't
           | need to bite the bullet and be an early adopter for some
           | science experiment. And you seem to have no issue with the
           | millions of acres of land dedicated to growing genetically
           | modified soy crops. That genetically engineered habitat
           | killed off the original "natural habitat". And the answer to
           | C02 has always been simple. Nuclear power.
             | myshpa wrote:
             | https://ourworldindata.org/soy
             | "More than three-quarters (77%) of global soy is fed to
             | livestock for meat and dairy production. Most of the rest
             | is used for biofuels, industry or vegetable oils. Just 7%
             | of soy is used directly for human food products such as
             | tofu, soy milk, edamame beans, and tempeh"
           | cbrozefsky wrote:
           | You don't fix industrial food systems with more industrial
           | food systems. It's the industrial scale and the drive of
           | capitalism to externalize costs and risks, and aggregate
           | profits that is the problem.
           | I would prefer a traditional vegetarian diet to a "cultured
           | meat" diet. I don't want industrial food poducts in my body.
             | AtlasBarfed wrote:
             | Well, another solution to the industrial meat system is the
             | industrial fake meat system. That may be a lot more viable
             | in the short term than cultured meat.
             | Vegetarianism is a far far harder sell to Americans than
             | "give up your practically worthless pointlessly large
             | Trucks/SUVs that you almost never use for what the
             | advertising portrays you using them as". It may be harder
             | than "give up soda", "use bikes more", "don't live in the
             | suburbs", etc.
               | cbrozefsky wrote:
               | I like tofu and seitan and tvp, but my stomach has some
               | limits on it's ability to process them. I really
               | appreciate what vietnamese cuisine can do to imitate
               | meat, but in general I find it best to not try and to let
               | the ingredient do it's thing.
               | I know I'm talking about meat in this thread, and
               | sourcing it, but just wanna also acknowledge that
               | reducing intake of it, and making sure it's good is the
               | strategy I think is best and scalable. Seems to be some
               | consensus forming around it too.
             | pookha wrote:
             | At one point in my life I was an avowed socialist. It look
             | years for me to see through the bullshit to understand that
             | "Capitalism" is really just negotiated (unplanned) order
             | and sometimes that order is high-jacked by moron's. In the
             | case of food production in the US the USDA is severely
             | restricting the ability for small to medium sized
             | operations to survive in the market and have tipped the
             | scales in favor of giant multi-national corporations. those
             | company's can have the on-site inspection overhead. A small
             | business cannot. Thus they cannot sell their product across
             | state lines. And so you wind up with aggregated industrial
             | food systems.
               | cbrozefsky wrote:
               | We run into that very issue in our local food system.
               | It's a cap on the ability to grow the local food economy.
               | The solutions people have tried include making shared
               | USDA kitchens for food processing, but that is very
               | complicated and I have heard more of them fail than
               | succeed.
               | In capitalist systems, "sometimes" seems to be happening
               | very often. Frequently enough now, and over history, that
               | some very believable and actionable critiques of capital
               | have been written, re-written, re-discovered and re-
               | packaged -- at their root being the insight that this
               | alienation, capture and monopoly is the result of class
               | differentiation, capital accumulation, and production
               | under the commodity form. That's not bullshit.
         | pookha wrote:
         | By all means start the business. You'll soon realize that the
         | regulatory overhead is draining your resources (can't pay the
         | bills) and the FDA doesn't have enough mobile inspectors
         | available to inspect the beef. Of course these aren't problems
         | for Tyson Foods Corp... Crony capitlism is heavily entrenched
         | in the US.
         | adh636 wrote:
         | > For a slightly higher cost...
         | > I don't understand this factory farm model
         | Seems to me like you understand it just fine. Or maybe you are
         | underestimating the cost difference or people's
         | ability/willingness to spend more on these items.
       | cbrozefsky wrote:
       | I encourage people to look for alternative sources for their
       | meat, for all food, really. Local food systems get you a better
       | product, and nowadays they can also be quite cheaper with all of
       | the profit taking and fuel/energy cost driven inflation in the
       | industrial food supply chain.
       | We are blessed to be in Vermont, which has strong local food
       | systems. We can get nearly all our produce and meat from local
       | farms. We have been purchasing grass fed, pastured beef from
       | Squier Family Farm, in Wallingford VT for years. We can get lamb
       | and pork from the Bur-Ger family farm or any of a half dozen
       | other families that show up at the local farmers market or sell
       | in the coop.
       | We recently had some Omaha steaks, claiming to be grass fed,
       | shipped to us by a family member. They absolutely sucked in
       | comparison. I have had Butcher Box steaks that were comparable,
       | but also much more expensive, and way more material in packaging.
       | For produce, we have a half dozen farms to choose from. It means
       | eating more seasonally, but the quality of the veg is just so
       | much greater.
       | Now you can see this as privilege, but it's also the result of
       | hundreds of neighbors making the conscious decision to support
       | their local food system. While everyone was complaining about
       | food price increases, the local food systems were WAY more stable
       | in their pricing, and we even saw the price of grass fed ground
       | beef drop around here. It requires more thought and planning, but
       | it really pays off, IMO.
         | standardUser wrote:
         | For those who live a little father out from the source, these
         | are two labels that actually mean something: Certified Humane
         | Animal Welfare Approved
         | Of course lots of small producers cant afford these
         | certifications, which doesn't meat they don't have high
         | standards for how they raise their animals.
         | pacaro wrote:
         | I think that you correctly identify this as a privilege.
         | This points to another deeper problem that drives this.
         | Americans expect to be able to eat meat, even when eating cheap
         | food.
         | Historically the food of poverty has either not included meat,
         | or has used less desirable parts of the animal.
         | If meat production was all done humanely, then a large section
         | of society wouldn't be able to afford to eat meat, or not
         | often.
         | The subsidies, both explicit and implicit, in the meat industry
         | in the US helps disguise income inequality
           | standardUser wrote:
           | "If meat production was all done humanely, then a large
           | section of society wouldn't be able to afford to eat meat"
           | We might eat less meat, but you can buy meat today that is
           | humanely raised for marginally more expensive than the
           | factory farmed stuff. And that's with the overhead associated
           | with small producers in a niche industry. If we were to make
           | humane standards universal, cost savings would obviously
           | follow. Just look at Europe.
           | This is a solved problem that only persists due to mass
           | American indifference to how our meat is tortured and
           | poisoned before we eat it.
             | Thlom wrote:
             | Meat production is not that much more humane in Europe to
             | be honest.
             | It's difficult to humanely produce meat at the same scale
             | and price as industrial meat production.
             | cbrozefsky wrote:
             | I think regulatory capture and the power of absolutely
             | massive monopolies in our industrial agriculture systems
             | are what makes the problem persist. Awareness of the issue
             | is not the obstacle. We can all be aware of it, people
             | regularly complain about this or that part of the food
             | system, but when we organize and fight to improve it, we
             | meet incredible power arrayed against us. We can win, and
             | do, but that poeer, not our lack of awareness, is the
             | problem, IMO
           | goodpoint wrote:
           | > a large section of society wouldn't be able to afford to
           | eat meat, or not often.
           | US has the highest obesity rate. Even more among the poor.
           | Eating healthier food sounds like a big improvement.
           | [deleted]
           | uxcolumbo wrote:
           | The definition of humanely includes compassion and sympathy.
           | Even if you raise a cow on a 'happy' farm, at the end the cow
           | will end up in a slaughter house where the cow experiences
           | immense terror and fear.
           | To be humane would mean not to eat animals if our survival
           | doesn't depend on it and in most parts of the world we don't
           | need to eat animals anymore.
           | I think 'less cruel' would be a more apt description - but
           | eating animals that came from a happy farm is still cruel.
             | pacaro wrote:
             | This is an important perspective. We all have to find our
             | own peace with how the food we eat is produced.
             | Temple Grandin discusses this in "Animals Make Us Human:
             | Creating the Best Life for Animals" [1]. She discusses the
             | distress she felt when the first slaughter house that she
             | had designed opened, and she watched the cows calming going
             | to be slaughtered. Even with the reduced distress, or
             | perhaps because of it, that she felt like a betrayer. But
             | she also talks about how she comes to terms with consuming
             | ethically produced meat. Prey species like cattle -- or the
             | nearest wild equivalent -- live with high stress levels,
             | with threats from predators, and the constant search for
             | food. On a farm the food is assured, and the environment is
             | less stressful. Her thesis (which I hope I am representing
             | correctly) is that this can be a trade. The animal lives a
             | calmer safer life, without cruelty, and in return, we eat
             | it.
             | Not everyone will be happy with that argument. The world
             | would be arguably be a better place if more people thought
             | about this
             | [1] https://a.co/d/bQwSb4q
               | uxcolumbo wrote:
               | Interesting. If all animals currently consumed would be
               | treated like that - then yes suffering overall would be
               | reduced. But it's not realistic to feed the world with
               | these farming methods.
               | And 'ethical farming' is not without cruelty. Cruelty is
               | still applied at the end.
               | And I wouldn't call it a fair trade either.
               | These cows are being bred because we want to eat them. If
               | there wasn't a demand then the cow on the ethical farm
               | wouldn't exist or experience cruelty.
               | Animals in nature are free and yes are being hunted by
               | other animals who need to eat other animals to survive.
               | It's the nature of things.
               | Most of humanity don't need to eat meat anymore and hence
               | have the choice of not causing suffering or being cruel.
             | cbrozefsky wrote:
             | Interestingly, on my last visit to the farm stand picking
             | up beef, the owner was talking about how made their choice
             | of butcher based on those principals. They take them to one
             | whose operation was designed with consultation from Temple
             | Grandin. She takes the cows she has raised there herself,
             | and witnesses the operation.
             | I've processed chickens and ducks that I have raised. Much
             | smaller scale, and actually when it comes to duck I'm much
             | more about the eggs than the meat 8^)
               | uxcolumbo wrote:
               | If there is no other way to survive - yes raising or
               | hunting animals and doing the best we can to minimise
               | suffering is essential.
               | There are videos of farmers who gave up farming animals
               | because they realized 'there is someone in there'. In the
               | BBC docu series 'dark side of dairy' a farmer starts
               | crying when he's asked to explain what happens to the
               | baby cow.
               | Chickens are deeply social animals and can create deep
               | bonds with humans. You might have seen the video of a hen
               | waiting for her human friend coming back from school and
               | running towards him.
               | Or how about Monique - the hen that traveled around the
               | world and 'kind of saved my life' [0] of her human
               | friend.
               | Cows are these gentle and curious giant creatures and yet
               | we betray their trust by killing them in the end. [1]
               | Also, why are we not using the actual words like killing
               | and butchering vs processing. The meat industry comes up
               | with all these words to soften what is actually happening
               | to animals.
               | Humanity will eventually give up killing & consuming
               | animals for pleasure and future humans will see what we
               | are doing now to other sentient beings as barbaric [2]
               | [0]https://www.theguardian.com/global/2019/apr/21/why-
               | did-the-c...
               | [1] https://moustache-farmer.de/en
               | [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS7NRtEJBcA
           | cbrozefsky wrote:
           | I hear you, but I also think that something must be said for
           | the fact that I am getting all the meat I want, at prices
           | that are competitive with and in many cases cheaper than the
           | heavily subsidized industrial farms, but I am doing it with a
           | family that gets none of those subsidies, and processed at a
           | butcher in my county that doesn't get those subsidies either.
           | This could not scale to feed my old neighborhood in Chicago,
           | for example. In that place, sourcing this way would be so
           | much more expensive. I pay other prices for living in a very
           | small city in the mountains, but this is a perk.
           | I guess I just want to caution us from applying the usual
           | "privilege" critiques and pretending like only super-scalar
           | universal solutions are worth considering.
           | I agree with the whole of your comment. Subsidies of
           | industrial food systems shape our collective diets.
           | My diet includes bulk purchased lentils and chickpeas, rice,
           | home-ground wheat and other very cheap staples that are the
           | majority of my calories. We're eating lentils, beans, rice,
           | making our own bread, and the meat is in about 1/4 our meals.
           | I feel like we eat very well, perhaps better than I have in
           | my whole life if I measure it by health and ethics. I spent
           | years in Chicago where my corner bar had a Michelin star, and
           | there were dozens of equally good places and man did I enjoy
           | my privilege of being a well paid single remote working
           | hacker there.
           | nebula8804 wrote:
           | >The subsidies, both explicit and implicit, in the meat
           | industry in the US helps disguise income inequality
           | This right here is the key and its just not meat. So many
           | foodstuffs are nothing but sugar and corn. It makes you think
           | that you are wealthy since you have so much food to choose
           | from. The reality is that it is disguising the increasing
           | devaluing of the dollar + decades of income stagnation.
           | Now you got me on a rant:
           | With the rising costs of everything due to what CEOs claim is
           | "inflation", we are seeing this reduction in quality in
           | everything we buy.
           | I would protest this by only buying locally and spending as
           | few dollars as I can just to stick it to the man and this
           | captured government that we have but the fact that year after
           | year the currency is being whittled away to 0 means I lose no
           | matter what I do.
           | So what can I do to preserve the effort spent to earn that
           | wealth? Can't invest in stocks, the market is down and so I
           | could lose, don't want to spend the money and reward all
           | these CEOs who have been price gouging and selling us
           | products with quality fade. Maybe buy real estate? I will
           | probably lose on that as well. There seems to be no escape, I
           | am trapped with no recourse.
             | cbrozefsky wrote:
             | I think you are just recognizing that capital is not
             | wealth, and that the instinct to grow and preserve it is
             | alienating you from solving the problems and generating the
             | wealth thru cooperation with your neighbors. Buying
             | locally, keeps more money circulating locally.
             | It wont offset inflation, but it makes a bigger impact on
             | the people around you, who grow your food, ship and
             | transport your food, sell you food and goods, install your
             | heat pumps or wood stove, maybe even build the wood stove.
             | The fabric of social relations that drives modern
             | production, light industry as they sometimes call it, is
             | what makes us collectively wealthy.
               | nebula8804 wrote:
               | Fair enough, I seen "money" as a store of the work effort
               | that was done to earn it...sort of like storing energy in
               | a battery. Yes the "energy" needs to be able to flow. And
               | yes it is a net benefit of the community to circulate the
               | money among itself. I didn't rule this out as in my
               | comment I did mention buying locally.
               | However what you describe is largely out of my control
               | and this is where my frustrations lie. The locally
               | sourced money eventually finds its way heading in one
               | direction: the portfolios of all these elites who have
               | the capacity to shape policy and help accelerate this one
               | way flow of capital. In my 30+ years of living I have not
               | seen this trend reverse. Like I mentioned, any attempts
               | to stem this flow is futile since even my outflow is
               | reduced to 0, I lose that "energy" stored in the battery
               | anyway in the form of inflation. I guess in a way if you
               | think about it, a real battery cannot hold energy
               | indefinitely (as far as I know) but still...how do I
               | reconcile with the fact that the effort used to generate
               | that money is either stolen by these people, either by it
               | moving in one direction from me to them or by their
               | monetary policy that makes it eventually worthless?
               | cbrozefsky wrote:
               | Yah, I mean, that's one take on it. A take that I still
               | think confuses money with wealth and energy. That kind of
               | metaphor works because it's still putting money as a
               | stand-in, a generalization, an abstraction, for the
               | social relations that reproduce our culture, that feed
               | and clothe and educate and entertain us. It's a useful
               | metaphor sometimes, but we should not mistake the map for
               | the territory, the accounting for the experience.
               | The wealth is in the social relations and material goods
               | even (you are not wealthy because you have the money to
               | buy a house, you are wealthy because you have a well
               | insulated, sturdy house). Turn the abstract capital into
               | the means of production and (social) reproduction.
               | Just trying to give a pep talk, not disagreeing with your
               | sentiment 8^)
           | ROTMetro wrote:
           | My grandparents ate tons of meat despite their income level.
           | Why? Because they lived in a small rural town. City folks not
           | wanting to pay the true cost of living in a city and be able
           | to live like they live in a small rural ag town (while making
           | fun of people who chose to live in rural ag towns) is just
           | like meat producers not wanting to pay the true costs of
           | creating antibiotic resistance, it is an unspoken cause of
           | these sorts of discussions.
       | m000 wrote:
       | > Big meat can't quit antibiotics
       | But you _can_ quit big meat.
         | NovaVeles wrote:
         | It is one of the easiest things to do that has a sizeable
         | impact on the world.
         | detroitcoder wrote:
         | It is my understanding that you quitting big meat, doesn't
         | affect your risk. If you are exposed to a new drug resistant
         | pathogen that was the result of anti-biotics in cattle,
         | chicken, pork, etc, it doesn't matter if you even eat meat.
         | That said am I interpreting this right? How much of a risk does
         | the use of antibiotics in meat present to a vegetarian?
           | biorach wrote:
           | long-term yes, you're right - everyone is at risk due to
           | over-use of antibiotics
           | barbazoo wrote:
           | > How much of a risk does the use of antibiotics in meat
           | present to a vegetarian?
           | Whatever the exact value, it's most likely much lower. At
           | least you're not ingesting whatever is left in the meat
           | which, by reading some of the responses here, seem to come
           | with significant risk.
         | ornornor wrote:
         | You can also quit meat entirely.
       | nszceta wrote:
       | Do these antibiotics and their metabolites stay in the meat post
       | slaughter and make their way into the food supply?
         | xnx wrote:
         | Even if they don't, broad/inessential use of antibiotics helps
         | evolve antibiotic resistant pathogens, which is everyone's
         | problem.
         | Traubenfuchs wrote:
         | Yes, but in negligible amounts that should not cause illness or
         | emergence of antibiotic resistance in consumers.
         | "Although intake was estimated to be low and exposure can be
         | considered safe, the dietary habits among consumers vary and
         | increased consumption of several foods that are burdened with
         | antibiotics can raise the risk. Furthermore, low and long-term
         | exposure can have severe effects for gut microbiota which in
         | turn is related with severe consequences for health and
         | diseases that sometimes are not directly correlated with
         | antibiotics exposure."
         | https://www.mdpi.com/2305-6304/10/8/456
         | Gordonjcp wrote:
         | Yes, which is why giving antibiotics to livestock that are
         | going for slaughter is illegal pretty much everywhere except
         | the US.
         | If you actually need to dose some to treat an illness, there
         | are protocols to follow to ensure that they're clean before
         | they go off to market.
           | willnonya wrote:
           | That's not even based in reality.
           | If you wait until after animals are sick to treat then
           | depending on what disease it is you've lost all or most of a
           | herd due to the way existing regulations require them to be
           | handled.
             | nszceta wrote:
             | Do you see any problems with prophylactically dosing
             | antibiotics yourself? Anything?
               | NegativeK wrote:
               | Human living conditions are nowhere near those of
               | livestock.
               | If we want to drop antibiotics, we're going to end up
               | with significantly increased prices of meat due to
               | increased land usage requirements. This would be
               | ecologically good, but socially disastrous.
               | timeon wrote:
               | Sooner or later it is going to be socially disastrous
               | anyway.
               | barbazoo wrote:
               | Perhaps that means that industrial meat production is not
               | sustainable and maybe never can even can be.
               | runarberg wrote:
               | Given a choose between faster onsets of more antibiotic
               | resistant bacteria and a higher price of meat, I think a
               | smart policy choice would be the latter, as the former
               | disaster seems a lot harder to manage then the latter.
               | But maybe this is why I'm not a politician.
               | nszceta wrote:
               | Central Europeans eat a lot of meat and somehow they
               | manage to keep prices under control without slamming
               | animals with antibiotics prophylactically. Land and
               | regulatory compliance costs are much higher than in the
               | US too.
               | cesnja wrote:
               | Yes, because they the EU farmers are given ridiculous
               | subsidies.
               | count wrote:
               | lol, so are US farmers.
               | biorach wrote:
               | It's far from that simple.
               | US farms are also subsidised. Maybe to a lesser extent
               | than the EU but it's significant.
               | There are plenty of farms in the EU that house animals
               | permanantly. I can't speak as to the differences in
               | conditions between US and EU regulations regarding animal
               | housing.
               | It's not at all clear that banning indiscriminate
               | antibiotic use in the US would render farms financially
               | unviable. There are significant trade barriers that mean
               | that meat producers are somewhat insulated from world
               | competition.
               | There would probably be a rise in the price of meat, but
               | how significant is hard to say - there may be some
               | research done on this, maybe not. I don't believe that
               | meat in the EU is significantly more expensive than in
               | the US
             | michael1999 wrote:
             | The article reports that US producers want this because
             | their stock handling is weak, and improving their practices
             | would be inconvenient. Lots of people raise chickens,
             | swine, and cattle without prophylactic antibiotics. But
             | running the herd through to vax is tougher work than adding
             | cipro to the feed.
             | benj111 wrote:
             | anti biotics arent preventative, you have to give them when
             | they actually have the infection, else it doesnt do
             | anything.
               | amanaplanacanal wrote:
               | I believe the animals are given antibiotics to make them
               | grow faster. I don't know what the mechanism of action is
               | for that though.
             | biorach wrote:
             | Based on reality...? Here in the EU we have managed not to
             | loose most of our herds.
             | troyvit wrote:
             | You're being down-voted, but you're describing exactly how
             | the U.S. handles outbreaks like this. The avian flu egg
             | shortage is a good example [1][2]
             | I'm not saying those rules are bad, I honestly don't know,
             | but I do wonder how necessary they would be if high
             | concentration livestock operations weren't so prevalent in
             | the U.S.
             | [1] https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/spotlights/2022-2023/n
             | earin...
             | [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avian_influenza#Culling
               | amanaplanacanal wrote:
               | Avian flu and antibiotics have nothing to do with each
               | other. Influenza is a virus.
               | troyvit wrote:
               | Sure but the bigger picture re: the industry and its
               | oversight is what we're talking about in this thread.
             | Gordonjcp wrote:
             | Yeah, maybe in the US, where your livestock practices are
             | pretty suspect at best.
             | xsmasher wrote:
             | Antibiotics are used to make the animals grow faster. This
             | is not a case of "we want to keep these animals healthy" it
             | is "we want more meat per animal, and this is a cheap way
             | to get it."
               | Gordonjcp wrote:
               | Right, which is only a thing in the US.
               | Over here we have better livestock rearing practices, and
               | we choose better breeds.
       | andrewmatte wrote:
       | I am not a doctor - I just write code... I remember being up in
       | arms about weird stuff in my food when I first heard about it but
       | now I think about the wellbeing of the animals while they're
       | alive and shit, man, if I were sick I'd want antibiotics too.
       | When is it excessive? Is it because they're all so close together
       | in the factory "farm"? What do the veterinarians say about this?
         | zabzonk wrote:
         | i am not a doctor, i am a programmer, i used to be a
         | microbiologist. the big problem with stuffing domestic or wild
         | animals or humans with antibiotics for no good reason (ie
         | without testing if they actually have an infection that the
         | antibiotic can or should treat) is that it encourages the
         | development of antibiotic resistance in _all_ bacteria in the
         | treated animal/human.
         | it's only been 100 years since the very first development of
         | effective antibiotics. before this, bacterial diseases were
         | deadly. if we go on with this misuse, they will become deadly
         | again.
         | nervousvarun wrote:
         | It's not given to sick animals, it's constantly given to all
         | livestock because it's cheap and it's seen as a sort of
         | "preventative maintenance". Which is bad for all kinds of
         | reasons 1) a lot of it makes it into your meals 2) it reduces
         | the efficacy of antibiotics by constantly exposing it to
         | bacteria (allowing them to eventually become resistant).
         | Probably other reasons it's bad as well (I'm also not a doctor
         | and just write code).
           | vjerancrnjak wrote:
           | Giving antibiotics to animals also makes them grow bigger.
           | It's billions of Petri dishes. It's a white swan in the
           | making.
           | It's really a shame that now humans are not given antibiotics
           | to combat antibiotic resistance, when humans do not even
           | consume most of the antibiotics produced.
             | kube-system wrote:
             | Not all antibiotics and diseases are the same. It still
             | makes sense to not overprescribe powerful antibiotics that
             | humans use for human diseases. Even if agriculture is
             | recklessly using cheap antibiotics in animals.
         | toiletfuneral wrote:
         | [dead]
         | yboris wrote:
         | It's because they are close together in the factory farm. I
         | don't think you need to consult what veterinarians say - seeing
         | photos of how animals are treated should be enough for you to
         | just stop consuming meat (if you "think about the wellbeing of
         | the animals").
         | Consider watching _Earthlings_ (2005) -
         | http://www.nationearth.com/ - I'd say a _must watch_ film for
         | anyone who cares about animals.
           | myshpa wrote:
           | I would also recommend newer version named Dominion (2018).
           | Hard to say which one is better. If unsure, watch both! :)
           | https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch
           | falcolas wrote:
           | I hate to be that guy, but not all ranches.
           | Ranches surrounding me (I live in relatively rural Montana)
           | don't even come close to resembling the kinds you mention.
           | The cattle are given the run of hundreds of acres, and also
           | they often graze from those fields, etc.
           | Yeah, there are a shitty minority of ranches that produce a
           | large amount of meat in terrible conditions. But they are not
           | the norm, not in my experience.
           | And for a tangent, I'd like also call out that it's not just
           | beef being produced by ranchers. We're not just tossing
           | carcasses in the landfills. We use the whole animal. Calcium,
           | leather, feed, gelatin, medicine, etc.
             | yboris wrote:
             | You are going by your personal experience which is _very
             | dangerous_. As far as I understand statistics (taken across
             | the US), If I remember right, at least 97% of all meat
             | comes from factory farms (depends on animal, this may not
             | be aggregate across all animal types).
             | So, most people want to believe _their_ meat comes from
             | somewhere nice, but on average, basically all meat in the
             | US comes from animals that are living in horrible
             | conditions (I suspect living lives not worth living -- a
             | life of suffering).
               | falcolas wrote:
               | I'd love to see your source for the 97% statistic,
               | because it doesn't match with anything I know about it.
               | > So, most people want to believe their meat comes from
               | somewhere nice
               | I have the ability to _know_ mine is, because our grocery
               | stores get their meat locally.
               | myshpa wrote:
               | https://www.sentienceinstitute.org/us-factory-farming-
               | estima...
               | "We estimate that 99% of US farmed animals are living in
               | factory farms at present. By species, we estimate that
               | 70.4% of cows, 98.3% of pigs, 99.8% of turkeys, 98.2% of
               | chickens raised for eggs, and over 99.9% of chickens
               | raised for meat are living in factory farms."
               | falcolas wrote:
               | Thank you.
               | Being honest though, it's sus as fuck, and not just
               | because of the source, or that these are "rough
               | estimates" to use their terms.
               | A simple read through the spreadsheet shows some pretty
               | odd (and significant) discrepancies. A single example: A
               | row with "2500-4999" animals per farm has farm counts and
               | "total animals" that amounts to over 6.5k animals per
               | farm.
               | Also, note that CAFO - the farms we're (legitimately)
               | concerned about - is not based solely on the animal
               | counts+, though that's the only part of the definition
               | that the "Sentience Institute" uses because "the public
               | may consider it bad too".
               | It strikes me as straight up lying with numbers -
               | presenting real numbers in a way which tells the story
               | the institute wants to tell.
               | + "has a manmade ditch or pipe that carries manure or
               | wastewater to surface water; or the animals come into
               | contact with surface water that passes through the area
               | where they're confined."
               | myshpa wrote:
               | > A row with "2500-4999" animals per farm has farm counts
               | and "total animals" that amounts to over 6.5k animals per
               | farm
               | Do you mean line #69 (Inventory, Table 14) ?
               | ----------------------------------------------
               | Animals per farm | Total farms | Total animals
               | 2500 to 4999 ..... | 1,973 ...... | 6,681,843
               | ----------------------------------------------
               | 6681843 / 1973 = 3386 animals per farm
               | > It strikes me as straight up lying with numbers
               | Do you have better source ?
               | yboris wrote:
               | This is why I _super_ appreciate and love the book
               | _Animal Liberation_ (1975) by Peter Singer -- a classic
               | that started modern-day vegetarianism.
               | The author, my favorite philosopher, uses industry
               | booklets and instruction manuals as examples of what
               | happens at the farms (and you _know_ worse things happen
               | than what is described). It 's horrific stuff, enough to
               | make the reader want to decrease their meat consumption.
               | I'm 99% sure that since its publication, the % of animals
               | coming from CAFOs has increased. And since then various
               | other problems appeared (chickens genetically engineered
               | to grow so fast that often their bones break -- resulting
               | in more suffering than before).
               | https://www.amazon.com/Animal-Liberation-Definitive-
               | Classic-...
       | [deleted]
       | Gordonjcp wrote:
       | And yet this only happens in the US.
         | elil17 wrote:
         | EU did it until last year, when they banned it. The US should
         | follow their lead.
           | biorach wrote:
           | My understanding is that even before the EU ban it was much
           | less common in the EU than in the US because most EU
           | countries regulate antibiotic use in agriculture.
             | Beltalowda wrote:
             | Also there's less need for it in the first place as welfare
             | conditions are usually better. Who could have expected that
             | livestock that's not kept unhealthy conditions tends to be
             | healthier.
               | kwhitefoot wrote:
               | Except in Denmark where they use, or perhaps used to use,
               | vast quantities of antibiotics intensive pig rearing.
               | Beltalowda wrote:
               | No doubt; same in Netherlands (more pigs than people in
               | the country). But there's been improvement over the last
               | 20 years on the animal welfare front, at least in the
               | Netherlands and presumably Denmark too. And routine
               | administration of antibiotics is banned everywhere in the
               | EU now, AFAIK without too many exceptions.
           | Tor3 wrote:
           | Some countries in Europe (e.g. the Nordic countries) banned
           | the practice a decade or more ago already. What's new is that
           | EU as a whole bans it.
           | https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/antibiotic-use-in-
           | livesto...
       | hammock wrote:
       | I hear about antibiotics in meat constantly, but all of the
       | biggest meat suppliers I know don't use them. For example, Perdue
       | and Tyson both don't raise chicken with antibiotics. So where are
       | antibiotics being used?
       | Edit: why is this downvoted?
         | mokash wrote:
         | suggest you read the article.
         |  _The sea change in chicken production demonstrated it was
         | possible to quickly scale down antibiotics in farming, but it
         | didn't do much to reduce overall use, as the chicken industry
         | only used 6 percent of antibiotics in agriculture in 2016. And
         | the momentum didn't spread to other parts of the meat business,
         | like beef and pork, which together account for over 80 percent
         | of medically important antibiotics fed to farmed animals._
         | hotdogrelish wrote:
         | I think that this is sometimes misleading marketing-speak.
         | For example, Perdue says, "All of the animals for our branded
         | products are raised in no-antibiotics-ever programs"; as a big
         | company, surely this leaves enough vagueness for them to raise
         | and sell animals with antibiotics under other brands/products.
         | Since it's a private company, consumers can't know really what
         | percentage of animals fall under one category or the other.
         | https://corporate.perduefarms.com/news/statements/antibiotic...
         | Though it is interesting that such a big company would move
         | towards that direction at all.
       | no_wizard wrote:
       | If we follow the EU lead on this and it does take, I expect in
       | short order the US government to pass some Farm aid bill that
       | further passes the cost on to taxpayers, and for enforcement to
       | be haphazard for ~decade or more.
       | We can't regulate anything correctly in the US, it seems. Only
       | recently have I ever seen, in my entire adult life, the FTC have
       | any real teeth, and I doubt it'll last
         | dimitrios1 wrote:
         | Don't worry, the EU can't regulate effectively either, they
         | just end up making life harder for everyone, while the
         | insiders, large producers and corrupt politicians continue to
         | make out like bandits, just like here. They are just better at
         | throwing you a couple of morsels to distract you at what's
         | really going on. Prime example my relatives experience daily:
         | they can't do anything to stop trade fraud with extra virgin
         | olive oil or cheeses.
         | I'm tired of everyone romanticizing the EU here, it's full of
         | all the same corruption and regulatory capture issues as
         | America. I question whether even a fraction of you have ever
         | lived there.
         | eppp wrote:
         | You will pay for it in taxes or at the meat counter. You are
         | going to pay either way and likely both.
           | callalex wrote:
           | This assumes that everyone has to purchase meat. The reality
           | is that nobody has to purchase meat.
           | no_wizard wrote:
           | Thats my point in not so many words (typical American
           | fashion!). We'll likely pay for both while the businesses
           | don't actually have to bear any real due to subsidies but
           | they won't get passed on to the consumer, they'll just
           | capture the profits
         | dylan604 wrote:
         | >in my entire adult life, the FTC have any real teeth, and I
         | doubt it'll last
         | It's one of those situations where the people involved are so
         | over powered by those they are meant to govern/regulate, that
         | there's little chance of them being anything but toothless. The
         | only time they seemingly act is when the acts are so large and
         | publicly visible, that the only way to save any face is to
         | publicly react. For the things that slide under the public's
         | radar, they don't have resources for it and just let it go. At
         | least, that's how it appears to me.
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