[HN Gopher] Alpine Linux in the Browser (2020)
       Alpine Linux in the Browser (2020)
       Author : kevmo314
       Score  : 148 points
       Date   : 2023-01-13 17:41 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (bellard.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (bellard.org)
       | lxgr wrote:
       | How about any x86 OS in the browser, with JIT translation to WASM
       | and including network access?
       | https://copy.sh/v86/
       | To be fair, I believe Bellard's JS x86 emulator predates this
       | (and WASM, and to my knowledge also possibly emscripten) by
       | several years :) It has a very interesting history itself:
       | > I wrote the initial version of JSLinux[...] in Javascript
       | > [...] I modified it to use the asm.js Javascript subset [...]
       | > [...] so I converted the JSLinux asm.js code to C and converted
       | it back to Javascript with emscripten!
       | [1] https://bellard.org/jslinux/tech.html
       | skrowl wrote:
       | This tech appears to have not changed since 2019 -
       | https://bellard.org/tinyemu/
       | Why is it noteworthy / in the new page here?
         | tomcam wrote:
         | Has it suddenly become unimpressive? Things get reposted all
         | the time in HN. It's part of the site's DNA.
         | brazzy wrote:
         | Presumably because of this:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34365515#34365977
       | robotnikman wrote:
       | Unrelated but still a coincidence, there is also a post on the
       | front page about Alpine.js, and I ended up getting the 2 mixed up
       | for a sec.
         | c0balt wrote:
         | Not really unrelated, this url was referenced in one of the
         | comments in the alpine.js thread.
       | keewee7 wrote:
       | It's worth mentioning that the initial version of this didn't use
       | WebAssembly. Bellard literally implemented i386/PC emulation in
       | pure JavaScript (ES5) back in 2011.
       | detrites wrote:
       | Is this letting anyone use the owners internet?
         | allanrbo wrote:
         | Too bad there isn't a way to use the network of the machine
         | running the browser... Maybe one could write some code that
         | intercepts any outgoing network traffic from the VM, and
         | instead of sending it via websockets to that 3rd party VPN,
         | instead just finds packets that are part of a HTTP call and
         | rewrites them to XMLHttpRequests. Would obviously only work for
         | HTTP traffic, but that's probably a big majority. Might not
         | work for HTTPS though. Oh, and DNS would have to respond with
         | some sort of fantasy IP's that the Javascript host would have
         | to keep track of.
           | ratorx wrote:
           | HTTP support seems possible, but it's unlikely to be useful
           | by itself. HTTPS is probably the majority and that's a lot
           | trickier (you'd have to MITM TLS in JS).
           | DNS is comparable to HTTP probably, since you could just use
           | DNS-over-HTTPS and intercept DNS packets.
             | ahachete wrote:
             | Wait until the emulator can run a modern kernel with eBPF
             | support. Then use eBPF to intercept the SSL calls pre
             | encryption, push via a map the requests to userspace, and
             | then translate them to HTTP as you wish. Simple! ;P
         | reginaldo wrote:
         | Yes, but [1]:
         | "Can I access to the network from the virtual machine ? Yes it
         | is possible. It uses the websocket VPN offered by Benjamin
         | Burns (see his blog[2]). The bandwidth is capped to 40 kB/s and
         | at most two connections are allowed per public IP address.
         | Please don't abuse the service. "
         | [1] https://bellard.org/jslinux/faq.html [2]
         | http://www.benjamincburns.com/2013/11/10/jor1k-ethmac-suppor...
       | ashton314 wrote:
       | This guy again?! Fabrice Bellard gives me serious imposter
       | syndrome. He's built QEMU, ffmpeg, and the Tiny C Compiler that
       | can run off of a floppy. Ugh. If I build _one_ thing in my career
       | that 's as cool as any one of those, I'll be delighted.
         | [deleted]
           | [deleted]
         | dathinab wrote:
         | Don't worry there are just a handful of people like him world
         | wide. But the software industry needs myrads, no, millions of
         | people.
         | Given some arbitrary metric it's generally not the best to
         | compare yourself with the best of the best (on that metric),
         | just doing the best you can do and striving to learn and
         | improve (and live and be there for your family etc.) is more
         | then good enough.
         | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
         | dude, you're not an impostor just because you're not Beethoven.
         | the world needs punks too (and they weren't impostors either)
         | lxgr wrote:
         | To add on to that, JSLinux was written in 2011, in pure
         | JavaScript (i.e. before both Emscripten (2014?) and asm.js
         | (2013)).
           | williamstein wrote:
           | Emscripten has been under active development since at least
           | 2010. Here's the commit frequency history
           | https://github.com/emscripten-
           | core/emscripten/graphs/contrib...
           | and an article from 2012 about using it
           | https://www.webpronews.com/easily-port-c-to-
           | html5javascript-...
         | rahen wrote:
         | Check out his latest creation, nncp, a lossless, neural network
         | based file compression algorithm.
         | https://bellard.org/nncp/
         | And of course, he wrote it in plain ANSI C for the efficiency.
         | manmal wrote:
         | I feel similarly. At the same time, comparing oneself to one of
         | the, what, top ten (?) hackers alive might not be a recipe for
         | happiness.
         | Fabrice seems to know an insane amount about how computers
         | work, knows all the CS stuff, has a tight grasp of all kinds of
         | algorithms, great math intuition, and a lot of time on his
         | hands to write OSS code. I bet he spent a lot of time learning
         | the basics.
         | msie wrote:
         | I used to think that. But loving someone and being loved seems
         | better.
         | ddyevf635372 wrote:
         | Yep, as the wises usually say, compare yourself to your
         | previous self, where you were a year ago, and where you are
         | now.
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | that's why we give him god status, so we can stop comparing :p
       | piyh wrote:
       | benchmark.py is 100x slower in browser than native on my 16 inch
       | macbook.
       | ilaksh wrote:
       | I have heard that Alpine is really light on resources. Would it
       | be practical for Rust, Node, Python projects in general? Or am I
       | better off sticking with Ubuntu? I know that projects often have
       | extra dependencies and I believe Ubuntu is still very good as far
       | as those being easily available with the package manager. Or
       | maybe about the same thing goes for Debian.
         | minimaxir wrote:
         | For code that compiles into a binary like Rust, distroless is
         | another option for a minimal image that doesn't run into the
         | compiling issues of Alpine. (Python and Node are supported but
         | lose benefits rapidly depending on any added dependencies)
         | https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/distroless
           | mikepurvis wrote:
           | Just to clarify for anyone who isn't aware, the "compiling
           | issues", at least historically, have been that Alpine uses
           | musl, and PyPI's manylinux wheels are built against old glibc
           | versions. So stuff like numpy that would trivially and
           | quickly install from whl on glibc distros (like a bare-bones
           | Ubuntu image) trigger compilations and the installation of
           | build-only dependencies/toolchains on Alpine.
           | That said, it looks like as of late-2021, at least some
           | projects are offering musllinux wheels as well, per the
           | discussion here: https://github.com/pypa/manylinux/issues/37
           | (not numpy yet, though:
           | https://pypi.org/project/numpy/#files)
           | Here's a longer version of the above, originally published in
           | 2020, but with an update regarding PEP 656:
           | https://pythonspeed.com/articles/alpine-docker-python/
         | davidhay wrote:
         | I've only used Alpine when creating containers with docker and
         | has worked for me. Not sure about it being a daily driver
         | though, prob best to stick with Ubuntu.
         | FinalBriefing wrote:
         | I use it for Node all the time. There are published docker
         | images with Alpine as the base and just Node and any required
         | packages installed. I've had to manually install a handful of
         | libraries to support image processing, or anything else that
         | NPM might not install itself.
           | horsawlarway wrote:
           | Same here. It's a great base image for node projects.
           | the Node 19 release alpine image is ~175mb, the same release
           | on debian (bullseye) is roughly 1gb (998mb). Still ~80MB
           | smaller than the bullseye-slim release (247mb).
           | ---
           | That said - if the ask was for using it as a daily driver on
           | a machine (primary OS), I'd probably still pick a more fully
           | featured distro (ex: my daily driver is Arch, not Alpine).
           | The available packages and tooling in Alpine aren't really
           | geared towards daily use as an OS, although some folks
           | definitely do it.
             | lxgr wrote:
             | Is it just me, or does this still seem about an order of
             | magnitude larger than it reasonably needs to be?
             | Given the size of Alpine itself (less than 10 MB, last time
             | I checked), is it node that pulls in so much extra stuff,
             | or something else?
               | horsawlarway wrote:
               | Node is about 60mb on it's own.
               | Taking a peak at the official dockerfile for alpine node
               | (https://github.com/nodejs/docker-
               | node/blob/28ad5e0e5d0e80df4...), they're also pulling in
               | the following packages                       && apk add
               | --no-cache --virtual .build-deps-full \
               | binutils-gold \             g++ \             gcc \
               | gnupg \             libgcc \             linux-headers \
               | make \             python3
               | My guess is the most weight is probably coming from
               | linux-headers (~10mb), python3 (~50mb), and nodejs
               | (~60mb). Plus 1 to 10 mb for each of the other pacakges,
               | and you end up right there around 175mb.
         | guilhas wrote:
         | Alpine is strong in package availability, but needs some manual
         | work for a usable desktop. Also I did some browser benchmarks,
         | uses less RAM but it's not noticeably faster and some
         | situations slower
         | You would be better trying Xubuntu, MX linux, NixOS...
         | tyingq wrote:
         | Aside from packaging, do also look into any potential issues
         | with musl libc. It's fixed now, but the malloc in musl made
         | Python noticably slower for some real world tasks roughly three
         | years ago and earlier. This fixed it: https://git.musl-
         | libc.org/cgit/musl/commit/?id=ea6d7847ac128...
         | zitterbewegung wrote:
         | You can also run Python in the browser
         | https://www.anaconda.com/blog/pyscript-python-in-the-browser
         | hardwaregeek wrote:
         | I'd run it mostly for cloud projects that need to be
         | lightweight. I just ran into a quite unpleasant issue with
         | Alpine and Go where Go compiled as a shared library with musl
         | cannot work in Alpine. In fact it segfaults and doesn't give
         | any indication as to why it segfaults (the stack is even
         | corrupted if you try to use gdb). You can read about it here:
         | https://github.com/golang/go/issues/13492
         | Of course one could argue that's mostly Go's fault...
         | thewataccount wrote:
         | It's great for packaging a project in containers. The package
         | management is actually pretty good specifically for anything
         | server/service related, you just have to be a bit more hands on
         | since it doesn't come with all of the bells and whistle
         | dependencies.
         | The only issue I've really had is libc vs musl for some of my
         | dependencies.
         | Its _tiny_ compared to ubuntu.
         | I haven't looked at daily driving it because it doesn't feel
         | like it's really meant for desktop use (although I'm sure it'll
         | work), Something like arch makes more sense if you want
         | something more lightweight while also having decent
         | documentation and support for desktop use, and better packaging
         | for things like chrome, vscode, etc. Especially because of musl
         | I suspect you'll run into a lot of issues in general.
         | EDIT: Also most images like python have alpine variants now
         | which is really nice.
           | KMnO4 wrote:
           | > Also most images like python have alpine variants now which
           | is really nice.
           | You _probably_ don't want to use Alpine for Python
           | containers. Many packages don't provide wheels for Alpine
           | (the Python version of prebuilt binaries), so you'll have to
           | build them from source, countering the space savings.
           | You're often better just using something like Debian-slim or
           | something.
             | throwawaaarrgh wrote:
             | I would use whatever Alpine-y containers the official
             | Python docker hub has, and switch to a Debian-based one if
             | there are bugs. Building extra wheels isn't necessarily an
             | issue, you can squash layers with a multistage build from
             | scratch.
           | Arnavion wrote:
           | >I haven't looked at daily driving it because it doesn't feel
           | like it's really meant for desktop use (although I'm sure
           | it'll work),
           | Many people use it on desktops. Also many people use
           | postmarketOS (phone-specific packages on top of Alpine repos)
           | on phones.
           | rezonant wrote:
           | I hit some nasty segfaults in musl, with gRPC above it in the
           | stack trace while doing some rather heavy YouTube API
           | operations-- opted to switch to a glibc distribution rather
           | than track down that mess. The segfaults were gone after
           | that.
       (page generated 2023-01-13 23:00 UTC)