[HN Gopher] Show HN: Create your own video clips with Stable Dif...
       Show HN: Create your own video clips with Stable Diffusion
       A few months ago, I started making video clips with stable
       diffusion and noticed that the tools to do this were too
       complicated for everyday people. That's why I built neural frames.
       Author : nicollegah
       Score  : 160 points
       Date   : 2023-01-15 12:55 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.neuralframes.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.neuralframes.com)
       | seydor wrote:
       | Yannic kilcher had created a videoclip for lyrics made of
       | imagenet labels last year:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR5_emVeyBk
       | tekni5 wrote:
       | Very cool, your demo video looks great, would love to try it when
       | it's working again. You can also do this type of thing on colab
       | with Deforum Stable Diffusion:
       | https://colab.research.google.com/github/deforum-art/deforum...
       | I've been messing with it myself, here is an example:
       | https://youtu.be/FsVskNtNazk
         | nicollegah wrote:
         | It should absolutely work now. Doesn't it?
           | tekni5 wrote:
           | Seems to be overloaded.
           | "There's a lot of requests currently and our servers are
           | overloaded - sorry. I am trying to increase the capacity.
           | Please try again later."
       | francis_lewis wrote:
       | This is very cool! What sort of values are you using for the
       | denoising strength/guidance scale? Each frame is a nice level of
       | similar/different to the last to create flowing video.
       | RichardGao112 wrote:
       | Nice! This is much simpler than using Deforum
       | Is everything set up on the cloud yourself, or do you use an API?
         | nicollegah wrote:
         | I've set it up myself. The APIs I saw didn't seem suitable for
         | this real-time inference thing.
           | jsjohnst wrote:
           | I'd much prefer to run this locally on my own. Any chance
           | you're willing to share code (or suggestions / links since it
           | looks like you might be trying to monetize this per your
           | Twitter posts)?
             | nicollegah wrote:
             | I understand and have been thinking about it. Would somehow
             | like to monetize this but if it doesn't work out I might
             | just open-source it.
               | metadat wrote:
               | You might be able to do both. Lots of people don't have
               | high-end video cards or an M1, and will pay for the
               | convenience you offer.
               | jsjohnst wrote:
               | Completely agree
       | kruuuder wrote:
       | Is there an example video somewhere?
       | Edit: Nevermind - I don't have autoplay active and there was no
       | way to see that the "image" on the landing page is actually a
       | video (no UI like a play button).
         | nicollegah wrote:
         | it's on the landing page directly. You can also check
         | https://twitter.com/neuralframes
           | lxe wrote:
           | Lol did you mean to past that last one on your twitter? I
           | think you might need some content filtering.
             | nicollegah wrote:
             | hahaha, i think you're right.
       | lukeplato wrote:
       | I suggest that people simply run Stable Diffusion Deforum
       | themselves (there's an extension for automatic1111's web UI). You
       | can run it in a google colab notebook and the cost will likely be
       | cheaper or the same, though I haven't bothered to compare.
       | ecliptik wrote:
       | Reminds me a lot of the "Ghost" music video for by Gunship[1]
       | made by aiplague[2].
       | 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUJuwNxNUWQ
       | 2. https://aiplague.com/
       | jsjohnst wrote:
       | Couple suggestions after playing with this:
       | 1) the experience mostly works on mobile (where I first tried
       | it). With only minimal changes in the fixed sizing I think you
       | could make this mobile friendly.
       | 2) for posts shared via your Twitter, would be interesting to see
       | details about the prompt(s) used vs "new post"
       | 3) I'd like to have a bit more customization in the options
       | Overall really nice and good luck with monetizing it. I'd love to
       | see a blog post write up on the technical implementation. That's
       | something I'd more be willing to pay to see personally.
         | nicollegah wrote:
         | Those are very good suggestions. I built it with mobile in mind
         | but somehow I failed to get it right, yet. Will continue to
         | work on it. Would also be nice to make a native app at some
         | point.
       | tehsauce wrote:
       | Very cool! I just released a tutorial on how to do this using the
       | computerender api!
       | https://github.com/computerender/tutorials/tree/main/python/...
       | If you're interested in saving money on expensive cloud gpus, our
       | api is much cheaper than this. (only $0.001-0.0025 per frame)
         | sebzim4500 wrote:
         | How is it so cheap? I think that's a factor of 3 cheaper than
         | others.
           | tehsauce wrote:
           | The GPUs are rented from vast.ai The individual machines
           | aren't as reliable or well-integrated with other cloud
           | services as typical cloud machines, but multiple can be put
           | behind a queue to create a highly reliable service.
         | nicollegah wrote:
         | looks cool. somehow the website looks screwed up in my browser
         | (chrome) and I cannot get an API key after signing up.
           | tehsauce wrote:
           | Hm, what device/os are you browsing on? The site should be
           | mobile-friendly except for the account page. Also please feel
           | free to reach out by email or discord.
         | conidig wrote:
         | do you plan on adding dreambooth? I would give it a try.
           | tehsauce wrote:
           | I would like to support dreambooth, if there is a way to
           | store the fine-tuned models more efficiently. The challenge
           | is that each trained model is quite large and a bunch of
           | models can't fit into one gpus memory at once.
             | conidig wrote:
             | textual inversion maybe? lightweight embeddings and I
             | haven't seen any API offering it at the moment.
       | pcrh wrote:
       | The more AI-generated art I see the more convinced I am that it
       | will generate entire new modes of art creation, rather than make
       | creative work redundant.
       | I'm now waiting for a creation that could not have been done
       | without AI, the labour that would be involved to create these
       | works manually not being considered.
         | [deleted]
         | nuclearsugar wrote:
         | I've been experimenting with creating image datasets via Stable
         | Diffusion, then training StyleGAN2, and compositing in After
         | Effects. It's a new mode of art creation for me that I cannot
         | recreate otherwise. https://www.jasonfletcher.info/vjloops/
           | imhoguy wrote:
           | One video brought me memory of Autechre - Gantz Graf music
           | video (warning, hard IDM style ;) [0]. It was made manually
           | in 2002, per Wikipedia: "Rutterford also stated that there
           | was no generative element to the imagery; every three-
           | dimensional object in the agglomeration was painstakingly and
           | manually synchronised with a specific element or frequency
           | range within the track" [1].
           | [0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev3vENli7wQ
           | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantz_Graf
           | jcims wrote:
           | Very cool!
           | I wonder if this could be merged with the work done to build
           | music from inverted FFT's to do Aphex Twin type
           | visualization, or alternatively visualizations through
           | oscilloscope music like Jarobeam Fenderson.
           | adzm wrote:
           | This is some truly amazing art. I kept reading one post after
           | another of yours.
           | pcrh wrote:
           | Awesome! It reminds me of time-lapse movies in developmental
           | biology, showing, for example, the various shapes an organism
           | has as it develops.
           | mustacheemperor wrote:
           | This takes me back to the demo scene days. Seeing something
           | that's both a technical and artistic achievement that could
           | only have been borne out of the cutting edge. Thanks, awesome
           | stuff.
       | Magi604 wrote:
       | Reminds me of something you would see in a newer modern remake of
       | Decasia.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decasia
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDa-mmSldDg
       | will5421 wrote:
       | What prompts did you use to make the video?
       | NicoleJO wrote:
       | The company that makes stablediffusion is being sued for
       | copyright infringement. Don't use this.
         | sebzim4500 wrote:
         | I would be shocked if there were any significant tech companies
         | that are not currently being sued. Frivolous (or maybe even not
         | so frivolous) lawsuits are a fact of nature, best not to waste
         | time worrying about them until you are the target.
         | wellthisisgreat wrote:
         | That's a strange statement.
         | Who cares about frivolous lawsuits. Stable Diffision and the
         | like tools will prevail. The main hope is that it will be their
         | OSS versions and not corporate (Dall-E).
         | The works and ways of lives that are threatened by SD and the
         | like are not worth preserving
           | ghaff wrote:
           | I wouldn't call them frivolous. Quite a few people believe
           | training generative AI models on their copyrighted work and
           | providing others with access to that model violates their
           | copyright. IANAL but it seems a weak argument to me. And it
           | seems weak to some IP lawyers I know as well.
           | It also seems like technology that can't be realistically
           | bottled back up. However, I wouldn't call lawsuits frivolous
           | and it might actually be useful to get some legal clarity
         | julianeon wrote:
         | It would be like banning Bittorrent at this point.
         | Stable Diffusion - or something functionally identical - is
         | here to stay.
         | jtsiskin wrote:
         | Everyone's being sued for something somewhere. You can use
         | this.
       | nicollegah wrote:
       | Hi all, thanks for all that attention to the site. I am super
       | happy about that. A word of caution: I can only rent 4 GPU
       | instances currently on AWS due to service quota limits.
       | "Unfortunately" the traffic due to hackernews is too high for
       | that. Sorry for any inconveniences. If you are having troubles at
       | the moment, come back later or so. I asked for service quote
       | increase but those take usually 24h or so.
       | Also, very little people actually pay so I can only afford so
       | much.
         | atylerrice wrote:
         | I don't usually comment, but aws is actually rather expensive
         | and i've hit this annoying quota problem as well. Been back and
         | forth and still hasn't been raised. I can also recommend
         | coreweave banana.dev and pipeline.ai as great alternatives.
         | This service looks awesome good luck with the launch!
         | snissn wrote:
         | hey! FYI i think this limit is usally per geograhic site, so if
         | you can only rent 4 in us-east-1 try us-west-1 etc
           | nicollegah wrote:
           | ah sick, i didn't know that. thanks!
       | gmuslera wrote:
       | The description of what you have to do reminds me the
       | instructions on how to draw an owl
       | (https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/572078-how-to-draw-an-owl)
         | [deleted]
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | What will be interesting is whether we will soon have a model
         | that can actually follow these steps.
       | [deleted]
       | O__________O wrote:
       | Might want to put notice:
       | "There's a lot of requests currently and our servers are
       | overloaded - sorry. I am trying to increase the capacity. Please
       | try again later."
       | ...prior to making users do multiple clicks, opt to not provide
       | an email, etc.
         | [deleted]
         | O__________O wrote:
         | Then, if I finally try to render a 5 second click I get:
         | "There's high demand on the servers currently. Sorry for any
         | inconvenience. I am trying to scale up the servers."
         | RIP
       | O__________O wrote:
       | Might want to put notice:
       | "There's a lot of requests currently and our servers are
       | overloaded - sorry. I am trying to increase the capacity. Please
       | try again later."
       | ...prior to making users do multiple clicks, opt to not provide
       | an email, etc.
       | Even a prerecorded demo posted to Youtube would be a better
       | experience.
         | [deleted]
       | throwmeup123 wrote:
       | ...no noise overlay on the input images to at least get some sort
       | of frame by frame consistency? -.-
         | nicollegah wrote:
         | Do you have some resource to learn how this works? I'd love to
         | implement it.
           | refulgentis wrote:
           | It's baked into Deforum, the bit you'd want to look into here
           | is the recent changes for Perlin noise.
       (page generated 2023-01-15 23:00 UTC)