[HN Gopher] Git security vulnerabilities announced
       Git security vulnerabilities announced
       Author : ttaylorr
       Score  : 271 points
       Date   : 2023-01-17 19:05 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.blog)
       | codazoda wrote:
       | I don't think Apple has patched this yet (it just came out 3
       | hours ago). Looks like homebrew got right on it so I installed
       | via that with the following command.
       | `brew install git`
       | The latest version in Ventura 13.1 seems to be either 2.24.3 or
       | 2.37.1 (not all my co-workers machines match). I'm not sure if
       | these are defaults, different because some of us have XCode, or
       | if some of us manually installed. In any case, brew install got
       | me up to date.
       | rust_is_dead wrote:
       | [dead]
       | based2 wrote:
       | https://x41-dsec.de/security/research/news/2023/01/17/git-se...
       | sshine wrote:
       | [Edit: According to @rlpb's comment, git 2.39.1 is already
       | available on Ubuntu]
       | To install the latest git on Ubuntu:                 sudo apt
       | upgrade git
       | [Former post included instructions on how to install git from
       | https://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ubuntu/ppa]
         | rlpb wrote:
         | > [Edit: According to @rlpb's comment, git 2.39.1 is already
         | available on Ubuntu]
         | Note that I said Ubuntu's git package was updated, but didn't
         | say to what version. Ubuntu like most stable distributions
         | cherry-pick security fixes rather than bump major versions, so
         | Ubuntu users will get a version with these vulnerabilities
         | patched but not necessarily a bump up to 2.39.1. See
         | https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-5810-1 for details.
         | bbarnett wrote:
         | Ubuntu will update git, without having to add this.
           | rlpb wrote:
           | Indeed! Ubuntu updated git at 18:44Z, nearly an hour before
           | you posted that comment :-)
           | Pr0ject217 wrote:
           | Hopefully soon :)
         | adrianmonk wrote:
         | > _git 2.39.1 is already available on Ubuntu_
         | The updater just gave me 1:2.37.2-1ubuntu1.2 (to replace
         | 1:2.37.2-1ubuntu1.1). It said it addresses the two CVEs in
         | question.
         | So they (Ubuntu or maybe Debian) are taking the approach of
         | patching a slightly older git version.
       | tinus_hn wrote:
       | Sounds terrible, however typically you're checking out code
       | you're going to compile and run anyway.
         | nequo wrote:
         | That is a little less than typical for me. I sometimes check
         | out code to read it or to decide if I should compile and run
         | it.
           | j1elo wrote:
           | You might find git-peek useful:
           | https://github.com/jarred-sumner/git-peek
           | throwanem wrote:
           | Likewise; editor tooling is better than Github's. In general,
           | I feel like "git checkout" alone being a potentially unsafe
           | action breaks a lot of people's mental threat models.
       | ffjffsfr wrote:
       | Regarding first vulnerability with gIt format, how can malicious
       | party exploit it? Someone needs to convince you to run git log
       | format with some unusual format specifier, right? And then they
       | need to access some specific memory location this way so they
       | still need to store something malicious elsewhere. Sounds like it
       | would be really extremely hard for anyone to exploit this.
       | Overall fixing this it looks like routine house keeping and
       | nothing major.
         | japanman425 wrote:
         | Pretty narrow vector. Could identify low level employee in
         | another team to run it to exfiltrate info in a high secure env
         | maybe.
         | gwbas1c wrote:
         | You could bury it in a script, or in one of the many "copy and
         | paste this command into your terminal" blurbs that we see all
         | over the place.
         | joernchen wrote:
         | As stated in the advisory:
         | > It may also be triggered indirectly via Git's export-subst
         | mechanism, which applies the formatting modifiers to selected
         | files when using git archive.
         | This very practical to exploit on Git forges like GitHub or
         | GitLab which allow their users to download archives of tags or
         | branches.
       | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
       | I don't know if "announced" is really the word they want to use
       | here. It makes it sound like they're unveiling a new feature.
         | [deleted]
         | fabianhjr wrote:
         | Normally these posts would by called advisories (or more
         | specifically security advisories)
         | Some vendors use the term Security Bulletins
       | divbzero wrote:
       | For those of us who use Homebrew, the patched Git 2.39.1 should
       | be available after this PR is merged:
       | https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/120818
         | david_allison wrote:
         | PR is now merged
           | cstuder wrote:
           | And the update is now a single `brew upgrade` away.
         | [deleted]
       | bbojan wrote:
       | Both critical bugs are integer overflows. It's unclear to me why
       | our languages still default to modulo arithmetic semantics. I
       | feel Rust had a chance to fix this, but also dropped the ball.
         | topspin wrote:
         | > I feel Rust had a chance to fix this
         | Don't see how. Given the hardware Rust is designed to program
         | you have to compromise some or all of efficiency, memory usage
         | and complexity to solve overflow.
           | viraptor wrote:
           | Rust can guarantee some things about collections which are
           | not possible in C, so a lot more range checks and overflow
           | checks could be omitted. Together with actually having the
           | saturating/overflowing/checked adds, this makes the whole
           | thing a lot safer and easier to deal with where you need to.
         | kgeist wrote:
         | I'm quite paranoid about integer overflows, so in my hobby
         | projects I now have a habit of always using helper functions
         | (which generate an error on overflow) instead of "bare" math
         | operators, and whenever I see a bare math operator without any
         | checks in an open source project (and from what I've seen
         | almost no one checks for overflows) I wonder whether they
         | thought about potential consequences or I'm being too paranoid
           | sshine wrote:
           | My contribution to two open-source projects in recent years
           | has involved a transition to the use of safe arithmetic, too.
           | I think it makes a lot of sense to think about. Ultimately,
           | it matters more in some applications than in others.
             | soiler wrote:
             | Can you explain this as if I were a programmer who doesn't
             | know what that looks like?
               | favorited wrote:
               | There are different ways to design it, but a simple
               | version could be a function that takes 2 operands and 1
               | result pointer as inputs, and returns boolean (true if
               | success, false if it overflowed):                   bool
               | SafeAddIntInt(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t *r);
               | so the caller could say                   int32_t result;
               | if (SafeAddIntInt(x, y, &result)) {           // do
               | something with result         } else {           //
               | handle overflow         }
               | An even simpler version could just abort on
               | over/underflow.
         | Kon-Peki wrote:
         | I'm wondering if what you are asking for is what Swift does -
         | overflow kills your program, but you can opt into allowing it
         | by using "Overflow Operators" (&+, &- and &*).
         | This crashes in Swift                  var potentialOverflow =
         | Int16.max        potentialOverflow += 1
         | This does not crash                  var potentialOverflow =
         | Int16.max        potentialOverflow &+= 1
         | [1] https://docs.swift.org/swift-
         | book/LanguageGuide/AdvancedOper...
           | LegionMammal978 wrote:
           | As others have mentioned, the default overflow behavior in
           | Rust can be configured to panic. To explicitly wrap around on
           | overflow in every configuration, you can use the newtype
           | wrapper Wrapping, or use the wrapping_add(), wrapping_mul(),
           | etc. methods on the basic integer types. There are also
           | variations such as saturating_ _op_ (), checked_ _op_ (), and
           | overflowing_ _op_ () to detect the overflow and handle it
           | appropriately.
             | Kon-Peki wrote:
             | Sure, I was suggesting that what the OP is asking for is
             | not what Rust does, but what Swift does. This is not a
             | configuration thing, if you don't want a runtime exception
             | on overflow, you must use a different arithmetic operator.
             | Swift's behavior comes at a cost - it is not exactly the
             | fastest language out there ;) Another no-overflow oddity is
             | that Swift doesn't have a rand() equivalent. You can't get
             | fast psuedorandom numbers in Swift unless you are on the
             | Mac, in which case you can import GameplayKit and get
             | gaming-appropriate pseudorandom numbers.
         | sshine wrote:
         | Rust does have a fix for this:                 error: this
         | arithmetic operation will overflow        --> src/main.rs:2:18
         | |       2 |     let a: u64 = u64::MAX + 1;         |
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ attempt to compute `u64::MAX + 1_u64`, which would
         | overflow         |         = note:
         | `#[deny(arithmetic_overflow)]` on by default
         | Rust also allows for overflowing arithmetic (preserving the
         | default to fail):
         | https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/?search=overflowing
         | It's generally less ergonomic, e.g.                 let (zero,
         | _did_overflow) = u64::MAX.overflowing_add(1);
           | howinteresting wrote:
           | You'll get a compile error when rustc can statically prove
           | that it'll overflow (as in your example above). That is
           | generally not possible.
           | The correct answer is what shepmaster said in a sibling
           | comment.
           | deathanatos wrote:
           | Edit: Gah, I'm a bit wrong too. There's the compiler error
           | (this), and the runtime error (what I'm talking about below.)
           | Here's a link to the runtime variant: https://play.rust-
           | lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&editio...
           | As a sibling notes, currently, this is for debug builds. So,
           | if you change that playground to "Release", you'll see it
           | wrap.
           | (I _love_ this feature, and I wish they had done it in
           | release mode too. The sibling comment has some notes on that,
           | too.)
           | (But, e.g., were `git` written in Rust, presumably the end
           | product would be a release build. Now, you can enable the
           | check there, but that is something you have to do, today.)
           | (But also note, that, in all cases, it's well-defined. Vs. C,
           | where some overflows are UB.)
           | hypeatei wrote:
           | Slightly related, I wonder why the return type for
           | `overflowing_add` isn't `Result<T>` and instead a tuple
           | containing a boolean?
             | sshine wrote:
             | My guess is:
             | The `(T, bool)` that gets returned is friendly towards
             | optimization.
             | If you don't use the bool, the overflowing arithmetic is
             | reduced to efficient arithmetic which is overflowing by
             | default. If you do use the bool, the generated code
             | contains one extra instruction.
             | re wrote:
             | There are times when you want to know how much overflow
             | occurred -- think of the way you learn to do multi-digit
             | addition. There is a checked_add that returns an Option<T>
             | if you only care about success/failure.
               | sshine wrote:
               | An example is efficient prime-field arithmetic:
               | https://cp4space.hatsya.com/2021/09/01/an-efficient-
               | prime-fo...
               | > If A happened to be larger than C, and therefore the
               | result of the subtraction underflowed, then we can
               | correct for this by adding p to the result. [...] we can
               | multiply B by 2^32 using a binary shift and a
               | subtraction, and then add it to the result. We might
               | encounter an overflow, but we can correct for that by
               | subtracting p.
               | (Highlighting the parts that relate to reacting to
               | overflow.)
             | jcparkyn wrote:
             | Probably because you'd want to access the value in either
             | case, depending on your application.
               | howinteresting wrote:
               | Could be a `Result<T, T>` which would seem to express the
               | intent better.
               | 3836293648 wrote:
               | Sometimes, sure. But an overflow doesn't have to be an
               | error, it can be what you're after and you just want to
               | know when it happens.
               | howinteresting wrote:
               | Binary search is similar and the return type there is
               | already Result<usize, usize>: https://doc.rust-
               | lang.org/std/vec/struct.Vec.html#method.bin...
         | jcranmer wrote:
         | Rust makes integer overflow panic in debug builds, so Rust code
         | is effectively required to opt into overflowing operations for
         | correctness reasons. It disables those checks on release builds
         | for performance reasons, but as sibling comments point out, it
         | reserves the right to change that behavior.
         | Unfortunately, there is a circular dependency here. Languages
         | are reluctant to make integer overflows error conditions
         | because there is a moderately high overhead to checking
         | overflow conditions constantly, and processors (and compilers)
         | are unwilling to make overflow checks cheaper because they
         | benchmarks they care about don't do such checks.
           | deckard1 wrote:
           | That sounds like the similar, but opposite case of tail
           | recursion optimization. Some languages/compilers don't do it
           | because devs want stack traces. But allow TCO in and now the
           | code that gets written is quite different than the code that
           | would not do tail calls because TCO doesn't exist.
           | Also a surprising amount of undefined behavior gets relied on
           | in code. I don't use Rust, but the idea that they could
           | potentially change the future behavior on overflow seems...
           | risky?
         | weinzierl wrote:
         | Because saturating math is not _" more right"_, just _"
         | different wrong"_. The _" right"_ way of checking an error
         | condition after every integer operation is prohibitively
         | expensive.
         | From the language side, what I wish for is a sort of NaN for
         | integer operations. I would not want to check for overflow on
         | _every_ operation, but I would want to know after a couple of
         | them if somewhere an overflow had occurred. On the hardware
         | side this could be done with a sticky overflow bit, which some
         | architectures already support.
         | I think the ball is on the hardware side and in my opinion Rust
         | did the most sensible thing possible with contemporary
         | hardware.
         | xxpor wrote:
         | >It's unclear to me why our languages still default to modulo
         | arithmetic semantics.
         | Because that's what processors do? (leaving aside backwards
         | compatibility issues)
           | hyperhopper wrote:
           | Our processors also require manually manipulating registers.
           | The whole point of higher level programming languages is to
           | abstract away the fiddly bits of dealing with processors that
           | we don't want to have to deal with.
           | This is one of those cases.
             | robmccoll wrote:
             | In this case it's really that the cost of determining if an
             | overflow did occur or will occur on modern architectures is
             | too high and the likelihood too low for it to be reasonable
             | to perform the checks in most cases in native code. Might
             | be different for interpreted languages depending on a lot
             | of things (whether or not they even use integer arithmetic,
             | whether or not they default to some arbitrary precision
             | integers by default, etc.). If common architectures
             | automatically interrupted on overflow rather than setting a
             | flag at no additional cost, I'd think you'd see safety
             | guarantees instantly.
             | xxpor wrote:
             | In cases where you're willing to take the perf hit, you can
             | just use languages like Python which abstract over integer
             | size entirely.
               | hansvm wrote:
               | Which used to, but at least for parsing ints they've
               | snuck in the perf hit as a "security vulnerability."
           | FatActor wrote:
           | Saturated arithmetic instructions do not do this.
             | xxpor wrote:
             | And on the platforms where the ADD instruction uses
             | saturated arithmetic I bet assert(UINT32_MAX + 1 ==
             | UINT32_MAX) in C passes.
               | astrange wrote:
               | Unsigned integers in C are defined to wrap on overflow,
               | so they shouldn't be affected by what the underlying
               | processor wants to do. And just because signed overflows
               | are undefined doesn't mean you get what the processor
               | provides either.
               | So basically, don't forget to test with UBSan.
               | (I don't like -fno-strict-overflow as a solution, because
               | defining incorrect behavior isn't much better than
               | undefined behavior.)
               | [deleted]
         | dcsommer wrote:
         | Integer overflow isn't a security issue unless your program's
         | memory safety depends on the correctness of the integer
         | operation. Safe rust doesn't (in any build mode), but C/C++
         | does.
           | [deleted]
           | hyperhopper wrote:
           | You don't know the business logic of every program. You can't
           | say that a rust program won't have a security issue due to
           | this.
           | `UserAccessLevel > Threshold`
           | Like there could be a million ways an integer becoming small
           | could mess up something.
           | Also there are business logic issues as well
             | HideousKojima wrote:
             | Sure, but a logic error is a fundamentally different class
             | of error compared to a memory error. The potential harm of
             | a logic error is limited in scope to what the program was
             | written to be able to do. A memory error can lead to
             | arbitrary code execution.
               | naniwaduni wrote:
               | Logic errors can still be security issues, even if they
               | don't violate memory safety.
               | HideousKojima wrote:
               | Absolutely, and I didn't suggest otherwise. But a logic
               | error generally won't lead to your entire system getting
               | pwned unless the program that has the logic error is one
               | for something like user administration or managing a
               | database etc.
           | IncRnd wrote:
           | > Integer overflow isn't a security issue unless your
           | program's memory safety depends on the correctness of the
           | integer operation.
           | That's simply not true and has wide-reaching horrible effects
           | that can occur. The wrong number of tickets can be purchased
           | from a website, charging for less than were purchased. The
           | DNR order can be put in place instead of SAVE LIFE. There are
           | countless security issues that can occur.
           | Saying that integer overflow is only an issue for memory
           | safety is really bad and incorrect advice.
             | unshavedyak wrote:
             | That's most logic issues though, is it not? I agree with
             | you though, i wish Rust more commonly pushed "safer" _(not
             | in the UB way)_ code, like `Vec::get` and
             | `u32::overflow_add` and etc.
             | Luckily lints help to easily ban the arithmetic/etc ops
             | from projects. Nevertheless i feel it should be a bit
             | closer to Rust's home.
               | [deleted]
             | dcsommer wrote:
             | Do you have data on the relative frequency and severity of
             | non-memory safety integer overflow security issues?
           | shiftingleft wrote:
           | To elaborate on this: Rust always performs bounds checks on
           | array accesses, so you can't get an out-of-bound read/write.
             | AlexAndScripts wrote:
             | Is there a way to turn this off?
         | nine_k wrote:
         | I wonder if using 64-bit integers all over the place would
         | alleviate this a bit. If your integers represent some real
         | quantities (sizes of objects, etc), the sizes have to be
         | unrealistically huge to trigger an overflow. If your integer is
         | a counter, it would take years to increment it in a tight loop
         | to achieve an overflow.
         | The cost of operating on 64-bit integers is about the same as
         | operating on 32-bit integers on most modern CPUs (except maybe
         | 32-bit cores in MCUs).
         | shepmaster wrote:
         | > Rust had a chance to fix this, but also dropped the ball.
         | By _default_ , a Rust project will panic on integer overflow in
         | debug builds and will overflow on release builds. Two key
         | points to note, however:
         | 1. You can change the setting so that your project panics in
         | release or overflows in debug mode.
         | 2. We reserved the right to change the default at some point in
         | the future. This will probably be widely communicated before it
         | ever happens, and last I heard we are still waiting for the
         | cost of performing those checks to be "reasonable" before
         | thinking about making such a change.
           | kibwen wrote:
           | Furthermore, because integer overflow is defined behavior,
           | the integer overflow is never considered a root cause in
           | Rust. In order for an integer overflow to express as UB in
           | Rust, you'd have to use it in conjunction with an `unsafe`
           | block that was failing to ensure its invariants, and that
           | would be considered the root cause. If you're not using
           | `unsafe`, then an integer overflow is at worst a logic bug.
             | astrange wrote:
             | A logic bug can be just as bad as any other kind of bug.
             | Security bugs/memory corruption don't always deserve the
             | extra special treatment they get, nor are they the only
             | kind of remotely exploitable issue.
             | p4l4g4 wrote:
             | A logic bug can be dangerous too though. E.g. Bumping a
             | user ID, to get a "fresh" one or calculate port to open
             | based on offset. When not bounded to a known range, this
             | kind of logic can easily pose a serious security risk. Most
             | of the time, it will probably just work, but under extreme
             | conditions, it will fail. If your language at least catch
             | the overflow and crash instead of wrapping around, you
             | "only" have a denial of service.
             | Can imagine that implementing bounds checking can be
             | costly, when done in software. Wonder if there are any
             | hardware improvements that could reduce risk in this area.
               | wongarsu wrote:
               | If you identify an area as risky, it's trivial in Rust to
               | do a checked_add or saturating_add. The challenge is
               | obviously identifying this, but having easy library
               | functions anectotally leads to people looking for it in
               | code reviews.
           | CorrectHorseBat wrote:
           | > I heard we are still waiting for the cost of performing
           | those checks to be "reasonable" before thinking about making
           | such a change.
           | What I don't understand is, checking for integer overflow is
           | extremely cheap in hardware, so why is there any cost for
           | performing those checks? What am I missing?
             | dahfizz wrote:
             | Integer arithmetic is a significant part of ~every program.
             | A single branch that checks the overflow flag is not
             | expensive. But branching on that flag every time you do
             | integer math is death by a billion paper cuts.
               | CorrectHorseBat wrote:
               | Your could use interrupts, no? Basically free when not
               | triggered and when triggered you probably don't care
               | about performance anymore.
               | prbs23 wrote:
               | Most architectures do not provide an interrupt that is
               | generated by an integer overflow. Since this would be a
               | significant architectural change in the hardware, it
               | can't be simply added in.
               | Additionally, if you are running inside an operating
               | system, handling an interrupt usually incurs a trip
               | through the kernel, which would add extra overhead every
               | time an overflow did happen. Since there's a lot of
               | software which depends on integers overflowing, this
               | overhead on each overflow could significantly impact
               | legacy software.
               | gwillen wrote:
               | x86 at one time had a single-byte instruction that would
               | trap if the overflow bit was set, INTO. It doesn't exist
               | in 64-bit mode, I believe, and it was never widely used
               | as far as I know. The performance implications of adding
               | even a single additional instruction to every integer
               | operation were probably still prohibitive? (And there's a
               | history in x86 of specialized clever instructions and
               | mechanisms going unused, due to being slower than doing
               | the same thing some other way.)
             | comex wrote:
             | Part of it is that most CPU architectures don't make
             | overflow checking as cheap as it could be (there's no
             | option to trap on overflow, so you need a branch after
             | every arithmetic operation, which has some cost). Another
             | part is the compiler: a lot of compiler optimizations
             | assume that arithmetic is a pure operation that can be
             | added and removed and reordered as needed. So right now,
             | adding overflow checks means opting out of a ton of
             | optimizations. With care it may be possible to recover most
             | of those optimizations, but it would require major
             | improvements to LLVM.
               | superjan wrote:
               | This is a great point. But how about if the language
               | would allow the programmer to specify what range of
               | values is expected for function input/output?
               | Then a compiler could try to reason about the computation
               | and decide that overflow does not happen if all values
               | are within bounds, and just add checks at the function
               | boundaries.
             | kelnos wrote:
             | Presumably the program has to check bit in a status
             | register or something like that to tell if the previous
             | instruction caused overflow, no? That means an extra branch
             | after each arithmetic instruction. I imagine that's not
             | cheap?
           | travisgriggs wrote:
           | Fascinating. Haven't had a chance to do Rust yet, but I think
           | I would change this so that they were consistent. I do
           | embedded, and that kind of "behaves differently in different
           | places" is the worst kind of bug to figure out.
           | eklitzke wrote:
           | Just in case people don't know, you can get the same behavior
           | with C or C++ by invoking GCC or Clang with -ftrapv. I don't
           | know about Rust, but for C and C++ -ftrapv will only fault on
           | _signed_ integer overflow, as signed integer overflow is UB
           | in C /C++ but unsigned integer overflow is well defined (it's
           | guaranteed to wrap around to zero on all platforms). So even
           | if you're trapping on integer overflow, there are still
           | plenty of weird things that can happen if you unintentionally
           | overflow an unsigned integer.
       | bouke wrote:
       | What is git doing with the system's spell checker? This is the
       | first time I've read about git using a spell checker. I know that
       | various gui clients do spell checking, but I'm not aware of git
       | itself doing anything related to this.
         | Arnavion wrote:
         | As the article states, it's a feature of git-gui, not the git
         | CLI.
         | The vulnerability is Windows-only, so maybe whatever Windows
         | users do to install git always gives them git-gui. But at least
         | for Linux, the distro might package it separately (mine does),
         | so you won't even have it if you didn't install it.
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | As best I can tell from the "The Windows-specific issue
           | involves a $PATH lookup including the current working
           | directory" part, it would be:                   echo
           | "calc.exe" > aspell.cmd         git commit -a -m"lolol
           | windows"
           | and wait for someone to clone that repo
             | zerocrates wrote:
             | What I don't quite get is why there's spellchecking on
             | _incoming_ commits at all.
       | remirk wrote:
       | Original source:
       | https://lore.kernel.org/git/xmqq7cxl9h0i.fsf@gitster.g/T/#u
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | > url = https://github.com/gitster/git
         | huh, I would have thought for sure they would have linked to
         | git/git from which that repo was forked
         | Also, the 2.39.1 tag alleges it was created Dec 13th - I wonder
         | why they held it so long? I would have thought maybe embargo
         | but the actual commit says "security fix"
         | https://github.com/git/git/commit/01443f01b7c6a3c6ef03268b64...
         | [deleted]
         | heywhatupboys wrote:
         | this should really be the article link instead of that
         | proprietary writeup by a company taking advantage of OSS
         | edit: just because someone puts up an "easy" ""free"" service,
         | does not mean they are kind. GitHub is not your friend for git
         | issues. I woul dhope this site would support true FOSS
           | OJFord wrote:
           | No it shouldn't, an hour in this submission might have barely
           | 7 points, not 177, and probably a comment or two bemoaning
           | the readability and pointing out the clearer write-up(s)
           | available for people not already keeping up with the mailing
           | list.
           | If you don't believe me, have a look, this was probably
           | submitted too, and is languishing somewhere off the front
           | page while this one is at the top, by virtue of people voting
           | for it and not the other.
             | heywhatupboys wrote:
             | lack of accessibility/discoverability and meager focus on
             | looks has been a staple of FOSS for decades, but HN should
             | be a site that helped with this, not one that supported
             | proprietary uses of FOSS software to the benefit of an
             | anti-competitive behemoth such as MS
       | tomesco wrote:
       | What is the recommended upgrade path for macOS' system install of
       | git?
       | I have upgraded my brew install, but am unsure of what to do with
       | the vulnerable system install.
       (page generated 2023-01-17 23:00 UTC)