[HN Gopher] Bitwarden Acquires Passwordless.dev
       Bitwarden Acquires Passwordless.dev
       Author : xxkylexx
       Score  : 392 points
       Date   : 2023-01-18 15:11 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (bitwarden.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (bitwarden.com)
       | ohCh6zos wrote:
       | I'm highly skeptical of Passkeys/Webauthn as it would seem to not
       | have the same legal protections that a password has in the US.
       | Maybe this is me becoming a conspiracy theorist.
         | qzx_pierri wrote:
         | I'm in the same boat. Using Passkeys gives the user less
         | control. The last thing I need is another layer of complexity
         | when dealing with credentials. This seems like a solution
         | created for people too lazy to generate and track secure
         | secrets (using a password manager).
         | It also seems like a way companies like Google would lock
         | people into their browser.
           | 9dev wrote:
           | Well, passkeys come with another very interesting property:
           | they make it entirely useless to obtain the database of user
           | credentials from services. It only contains public keys
           | specific to a single service, so you cannot use them anywhere
           | else. Additionally, private keys are stored on secure storage
           | in client devices (or need to be decrypted themselves using a
           | second factor), so there's pretty much 0% risk of mass
           | credential leakage.
             | secabeen wrote:
             | > they make it entirely useless to obtain the database of
             | user credentials from services. It only contains public
             | keys specific to a single service, so you cannot use them
             | anywhere else.
             | This is also the case for anyone using unique passwords per
             | site, which is the standard for password vault users. Not
             | much of a win there.
             | > Additionally, private keys are stored on secure storage
             | in client devices (or need to be decrypted themselves using
             | a second factor)
             | Also exactly the same as password vaults, but we still
             | stress about Lastpass losing their encrypted vault DB.
             | I agree that Passkeys appear to bring the benefits of
             | Password Vaults to people not currently using them in a
             | fairly easy way. However, I worry about access to those
             | passkeys when access to the Passkey provider is
             | lost/revoked.
               | 9dev wrote:
               | No, you misunderstood me. Passkeys remove the _incentive_
               | to attack auth infrastructure in the first place, because
               | a database of WebAuthn credentials isn't useful _to
               | criminals_ compared to a database full of password
               | hashes. This isn't about the handful of tech-savvy users
               | who know how to protect their privacy anyway, but all the
               | others which constantly reuse their insecure passwords
               | and won't use password managers.
         | tmerc wrote:
         | This is conspiracy theorist talk until it isn't and that date
         | will be not long after this is more commonly used. (I think
         | this is a rational concern, btw)
         | The current legal climate is mixed but we have court cases that
         | claim biometrics are not covered by the 4th and 5th. We also
         | have the opposite. The reasoning being that producing
         | biometrics is not testimonial. Until decided by the Supreme
         | Court, I'll assume that anything that can be produced without
         | my mind is not covered and that includes this.
         | I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.
       | tr33house wrote:
       | I like where passwordless.dev is going. However, I don't think
       | I'd like to build a business on top of that. Is there a similar
       | implementation that's open-source that doesn't depend on a third
       | party?
         | jlundberg wrote:
         | The core technology behind passwordless.dev is actually open
         | source.
         | https://github.com/passwordless-lib/fido2-net-lib
         | jaywalk wrote:
         | You can do all of it yourself, it's all based on open
         | standards. Their value proposition is that by paying them, you
         | don't have to DIY.
       | judge2020 wrote:
       | This seems a bit odd to me - is setting up WebAuthn in your main
       | backend so hard that an external service like this for validating
       | credentials is required?
         | 9dev wrote:
         | I recently implemented WebAuthn for a toy project, and while it
         | took a bit to wrap my head around the details, it's fairly
         | straightforward if you know the problem domain a bit.
         | I'd say we're going to see polished libraries soon that will
         | abstract all the details away, but services like this may help
         | less experienced developers to quickly get secure auth working.
         | cormacrelf wrote:
         | Quoting the docs: it's "WebAuthn - without reading the w3c
         | spec". So apparently yes. It does seem very silly that this has
         | to be a third party service instead of open source code you
         | just plug in to Rails or whatever. I guess they had to find
         | some way to get paid for all the expertise they accumulated.
         | Stuff running on external servers is the way tech companies as
         | a whole have decided to remunerate work like that, and now
         | everything looks like a nail. I note that since logging in is
         | such a crucial part of online business, running consulting
         | around open source software would appear to be a a good model.
         | That's what the people behind the C# OAuth2/OpenID code known
         | as IdentityServer do.
       | Jerrrry wrote:
       | Your passwords shouldn't leave your device.
       | Chrome's password manager is pushing it.
       | Everything else should be considered malware.
       | I don't understand how such a 'techy' crowd here on HN can be so
       | belligerent with this security vs convenience trade off.
       | KeePass locally, gmail yourself an encrypted backup. That's it.
       | FFS.
         | eli wrote:
         | How is "gmail yourself an encrypted backup" fine but "store a
         | copy of the encrypted vault in a cloud service designed for
         | this purpose" not?
           | Accacin wrote:
           | I'm surprised someone as techy as the parent even uses Google
           | if I'm honest.
           | ffstroll wrote:
           | One is an encrypted blob in the cloud, the other is an
           | encrypted file in your email in the cloud. That's it. FFS.
         | RockRobotRock wrote:
         | You don't know what you're talking about.
         | thesh4d0w wrote:
         | If the key to decrypt the vault never leaves your device, then
         | the security implications are minimal. Well worth the
         | convenience in my eyes, and many others apparently.
         | advisedwang wrote:
         | This push is because there's a lot of people using weak, reused
         | passwords out there, who are not willing (or capable in cases)
         | of a self-managing a password manager. For the people in my
         | life in this position, I would much rather them use lastpass or
         | bitwarden or _anything_ over continuing their current practice.
         | The risk of a lost password from one of those services is much
         | lower than of them getting hit by password stuffing or getting
         | a password brute-forced.
         | For a technical person I would advise a better solution, but
         | the reason these solutions are being pushed is for widespread
         | adoption of better password practices.
         | probabletrain wrote:
         | Keeping your passwords on your device (and also in Gmail?)
         | might work for you, but a password store that I can't
         | conveniently access from both my computer and phone isn't
         | useful to me, and I suspect, many others.
       | xwowsersx wrote:
       | Could someone clarify what the relationship between passkeys and
       | WebAuthn is? Is it that Passkey is the Apple, Google, Microsoft
       | _implementation_ (commercialization?) of WebAuthn? If so, does it
       | add anything on top of WebAuthn that makes it differ in some
       | fundamental way? Also, are passkeys how WebAuthn is most commonly
       | actually used in practice? Apologies for the noob questions.
         | arianvanp wrote:
         | it's just WebAuthn with an easier to understand name.
         | However passkeys depends on a yet to be published standard for
         | QR codes + bluetooth + websockets for doing WebAuthn from a
         | second device. But that is planned to be published soon.
           | candiddevmike wrote:
           | Just recently tried to add WebAuthn to an app and was shocked
           | at how complicated the spec is and how quirky the
           | implementation ends up being. The biggest thing I couldn't
           | easily figure out is how to use it properly. It seems like
           | hybrid auth with your phone or FIDO gives you sign in, and
           | local could be used for sessions? It's hard to make heads or
           | tails from it.
           | The developer UX was also pretty bad, ArrayBuffers was a poor
           | design choice for passing around what ultimately becomes
           | JSON.
             | arianvanp wrote:
             | Webauthn L4 standardises on JSON serialisation luckily.
             | Yes the spec is horribly complex unfortunately.
             | In my own project I send the assertion and attestation as
             | multipart/form-data. Which means I can just directly send
             | the ArrayBuffers over the wire.
             | PublicKeyCredential.prototype.toFormData = function (this:
             | PublicKeyCredential) {             const formData = new
             | FormData()             formData.append('type', this.type)
             | formData.append('id', this.id)
             | formData.append('rawId', new Blob([this.rawId]))
             | switch (this.type) {                 case 'webauthn.get':
             | if (!(this.response instanceof
             | AuthenticatorAssertionResponse)) {
             | throw new Error('Unknown type')                     }
             | formData.append('response.authenticatorData', new
             | Blob([this.response.authenticatorData]))
             | formData.append('response.signature', new
             | Blob([this.response.signature]))
             | formData.append('response.clientDataJSON', new
             | Blob([this.response.clientDataJSON]))
             | if (this.response.userHandle) {
             | formData.append('response.userHandle', new
             | Blob([this.response.userHandle]))                     }
             | case 'webauthn.create':                     if
             | (!(this.response instanceof
             | AuthenticatorAttestationResponse)) {
             | throw new Error('Unknown type')                     }
             | formData.append('response.attestationObject', new
             | Blob([this.response.attestationObject]))
             | formData.append('response.clientDataJSON', new
             | Blob([this.response.clientDataJSON]))
             | break                 default:                     throw
             | new Error('Unknown type')             }             return
             | formData         }              async
             | solveChallenge(challenge: Challenge, credential:
             | PublicKeyCredential) {             const formData =
             | credential.toFormData()             await
             | fetch(challenge.location, { method: 'POST', headers:
             | {'content-type':'multipart/form-data'}, body: formData })
             | }
             | PassageNick wrote:
             | Yeah, it is non-trivial to implement, but not impossible.
             | Some folks go that route.
             | There are SaaS solutions that implement it for you and make
             | it easy to include in your app.
         | 0xCMP wrote:
         | Passkeys is the "normal" name for a FIDO2/WebAuthn credential
         | that basically lives within a phone or password manager. It
         | does add a few things. Namely the ability to store many
         | passkeys per device per app/site, the ability to sync those
         | passkeys (e.g. via iCloud or similar), and the ability to use
         | QR codes and Bluetooth to do a local-only authentication on a
         | device which doesn't have the passkey (which is what often
         | requires some proprietary implementation).
         | [Edit]: An important feature of "Passkeys" is that browsers and
         | operating systems have a special API that allows an app to pre-
         | start a sign in with a known user/email/etc. which if there is
         | a passkey for that user it'll automatically start the FaceID or
         | similar confirmation process. Which Passkeys are checked is
         | controlled by the OS/Password Manager which checks which
         | website is asking and what username it's checking. This is just
         | to make it so it seamlessly logs you in. It does a fall-back to
         | just asking what your user is which is the initial workflow.
         | This[0] is a good podcast to listen to with Adam Langley from
         | Google about how Chrome supports Passkeys and why they're a
         | good thing. It includes the details of how/where/why there are
         | some proprietary bits needed to implement "Passkeys".
         | [0]:
         | https://securitycryptographywhatever.buzzsprout.com/1822302/...
         | FIDO Alliance Press Release https://fidoalliance.org/apple-
         | google-and-microsoft-commit-t...
         | Chromium Blog on Passkey support (Dec 8, 22)
         | https://blog.chromium.org/2022/12/introducing-passkeys-in-ch...
           | xwowsersx wrote:
           | Thanks for the info and for the podcast link. Going to give
           | that a listen.
         | PassageNick wrote:
         | (Full disclosure: I work at https://passage.id)
         | WebAuthn is the short name for the "FIDO Alliance Web
         | Authentication Protocol".
         | "Passkey" is the trade name (that Apple tries to own) for the
         | "stuff" that results from using the WebAuthn protocol. At it's
         | root, a passkey is really the private key portion of that
         | "stuff" that is kept. So yes, in practice, a passkey is the
         | result of a WebAuthn implementation.
         | MS, Apple, and Google don't implement WebAuthn. Companies like
         | mine do. Each website out there that wants to use passkeys
         | needs to employ WebAuthn, whether via build or buy. What the
         | "Big Three" do is leverage their OS's and platforms to enable
         | the storage and migration of passkeys within their eco-system.
         | WebAuthn is implemented in their browsers, and they enable the
         | use of passkeys (which websites make happen via implementing
         | WebAuthn).
         | One thing to note is that the Big Three also make a small
         | adjustment to the WebAuthn protocol to allow passkeys to shared
         | inside their cloud infrastructure. This every so slightly
         | reduces the security of passkeys (which start out as very, very
         | many orders of magnitude more secure than passwords).
         | You can read about Passkeys here:
         | https://passage.id/post/a-look-at-passkeys
         | More on WebAuthn: https://passage.id/post/what-is-webauth
           | xwowsersx wrote:
           | Thanks.
           | > What the "Big Three" do is leverage their OS's and
           | platforms to enable the storage and migration of passkeys
           | within their eco-system. WebAuthn is implemented in their
           | browsers, and they enable the use of passkeys (which websites
           | make happen via implementing WebAuthn).
           | That was really helpful, I think that was the bit I was
           | missing.
           | TacticalCoder wrote:
           | Do old Yubikeys and similar U2F devices, which do still work
           | for webauthn, still work for sites that a going to require a
           | "passkey"?
           | Or are MS+Google+Apple doing an "embrace, extend and
           | extinguish" on webauthn?
           | Are the "small adjustements that ever so slightly reduces the
           | security" sufficient to effectively kick security keys
           | hardware vendor out of the game?
             | PassageNick wrote:
             | Re: Yubikey -- I confess I don't know. The folks in
             | r/yubikey definitely will, though.
             | The "Big Three" are on the FIDO board, along with
             | 1Password. They can't really do the extinguish thing, and
             | it really isn't in their interst to do so.
             | An no, the small tweaks don't kick anyone out of the game.
             | There will be other, perhaps more trusted, companies that
             | you can use to move your passkeys around between eco-
             | systems.
           | secabeen wrote:
           | Are Passkeys exportable and re-importable by another service,
           | site, or system?
           | I am strongly opposed to any authentication system that makes
           | my authorization workflow for unrelated third-party sites
           | dependent on any company whose terms of service allow them to
           | suspend or terminate my use without reasonable recourse or
           | recovery.
           | Passwords have problems, but I can print them out on a piece
           | of paper in a fire safe.
             | PassageNick wrote:
             | You own your own passkeys on your own device, ultimately.
             | Google/Apple/MS have no ownership or knowledge of the
             | actual keys.
               | secabeen wrote:
               | Okay, can they block access to those keys and/or the the
               | backups of them? Assume that my account is terminated or
               | that it's compromised to the degree that I cannot re-
               | claim access to it. Can I move those keys to my new
               | device/system without the cooperation of Google/Apple/MS?
           | echeese wrote:
           | I don't think Apple is trying to own the name passkey. Quote
           | from this video:
           | https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10092/
           | > Here are some guidelines for how to refer to passkeys in
           | your apps and websites. "Passkey" is a generic, user-visible
           | term. This video focuses on Apple's implementation, but as
           | I've just shown you, other major platforms have already
           | started building their own support for passkeys. "Passkey" is
           | also a common noun, like "password." In English, this means
           | it's lowercase and gets pluralized like "password" would. I
           | have a passkey for my account, and I can go to Settings to
           | view all of my accounts with passkeys.
             | PassageNick wrote:
             | Fair enough.
         | jlundberg wrote:
         | Passkeys is what Apple decided to call their implementation and
         | the benefits are within their ecosystem, such as storing these
         | in your Keychain to be used on multiple devices.
         | This page is a good starter:
         | https://developer.apple.com/passkeys/
           | xwowsersx wrote:
           | Ah thanks, I kept ending up on Google's pages. I don't search
           | good:P
         | TacticalCoder wrote:
         | Can't help much but originally webauthn came from Fido2 and old
         | Fido devices, like old yubikeys, which only supported U2F, were
         | de facto compatible with webauthn (as in: webauthn was only an
         | upgrade server side).
         | Now Google killed U2F in Chrome (and hence Chromium etc.) but
         | you can migrate your webserver to use webauthn instead of U2F
         | and your users' old U2F keys shall keep working.
         | For the "new" webauthn, called passkeys, which is a modified
         | webauthn: I've got no clue.
         | It's not clear to me if old hardware security keys shall keep
         | working or if we'll all be forced to use software keys
         | protected by Google/Apple/Microsoft.
         | judge2020 wrote:
         | Passkeys are effectively software security keys, stored in
         | whatever keychain you're using (Chrome or iCloud Keychain or
         | otherwise); for the major implementations you're hearing about,
         | the goal of their implementation is improving the UX by syncing
         | your passkeys between devices, so as long as you can access
         | your passkey keychain, you won't have to worry about losing
         | your security key for that website.
         | As for how "passwordless" plays into this, Passkeys are
         | _generally_ better than passwords simply because it 's PGP
         | instead of a shared secret you send to the website, so even if
         | a website is compromised, there's effectively 0 way the
         | compromised database will enable password stuffing attacks on
         | other websites.
         | Another cool thing is QR codes via caBLE (cloud assisted BLE),
         | you can scan a QR code on a browser (on a bluetooth-enabled
         | computer) to have your phone connect to that computer and
         | present its passkey to the computer, without needing to
         | actually plug in your device to the computer. This is not
         | strictly a passkey thing, it just aids in making them usable.
           | antihero wrote:
           | It's cool but until Apple lets Firefox use said keychain I'm
           | not going to use it.
             | toomuchtodo wrote:
             | Most people will though, because they're either in the
             | Android or Apple ecosystems.
       | Ajedi32 wrote:
       | Not sure if this is new information or not, but this post
       | mentions that Bitwarden is planning to support passkeys starting
       | in 2023.
       | That's great, since AFAIK all existing passkey implementations
       | are tied to a specific browser or OS, and have no way to export
       | the keys, which isn't great for a program designed to own the
       | keys to your digital life. I'm hopeful Bitwarden will solve that
       | problem, and that their example will encourage other popular
       | password managers to do the same.
       | (...or at least, I _think_ "passkey support" means they plan to
       | support storing passkeys in Bitwarden itself. I hope it doesn't
       | just mean they want to let you use a passkey to log in to
       | Bitwarden. That'd be really disappointing, and probably a poor
       | choice strategically given that passkeys aim to eventually render
       | traditional password managers obsolete.)
         | cmdli wrote:
         | Shameless plug to my own passkey manager, which is 100% open
         | source: https://bulwark.id
         | One of the big challenges to passkeys right now is that they
         | aren't as versatile as passwords, but this doesn't have to be
         | the case. Passkeys should be able to be exported and stored
         | anywhere you want (ideally in an open source solution). Bulwark
         | Passkey supports that right now, but I'm glad that other
         | products are also providing solutions to users for the same
         | problem.
         | noahtallen wrote:
         | 1Password is also working on it:
         | https://www.future.1password.com/passkeys/
         | It's shaping up to be a cool year for password management!
       | badrabbit wrote:
       | Passwordless as a concept needs to die along with biometric auth.
       | You have really good newer methods of auth. Instead of selling
       | them as good MFA alternatives security vendors decided to replace
       | passwords because that differentiates them more. But in reality,
       | the layer of defense "what you know" should be complemented not
       | replaced. A reduction in security being sold as a feature is
       | dishonest and harmful.
         | jaywalk wrote:
         | Please explain how this is a reduction in security.
           | hsdropout wrote:
           | They are pointing out that while the "something you have"
           | factor may be stronger than "something you know", multi
           | factor is still better. I agree. Also, passwords are
           | decentralized, whereas passwordless puts the power into fewer
           | hands, so this too reduces complexity for attackers.
           | 2FA>1FA
         | PassageNick wrote:
         | The threat surface of a password based system is like Lake
         | Superior.
         | The threat surface of a passkey based solution is like a small
         | puddle after a rain.
         | How is there a "reduction" in security here?
           | badrabbit wrote:
           | Doesn't work that way. Passwords are inferior but still a
           | strong layer of defense. You are putting all your eggs in one
           | basket again. The lesson from passwords is that a single
           | factor of authentication is inherently inferior to multiple
           | factors of authentication. From a threat actor's perspective,
           | even a yubikey is a matter of one well planned attack
           | (physical, compromised host,etc) and by nature newer factors
           | of auth don't get treated with hostility like with passwords.
           | They are better than passwords but what I see is people
           | moving away from MFA to only a yubikey for example. Like you
           | are now one lost yubikey away from your whole company getting
           | owned lol.
       | jacooper wrote:
       | I still don't understand how it works. I went into the website
       | under authenticated using my phones API, where is my account now?
       | There is nothing in my Bitwarden vault.
         | g_p wrote:
         | Passkeys are stored on your platform keychain. In time,
         | Bitwarden will offer this interface up, so you can sync them
         | through your Bitwarden vault.
         | Currently, if you use an iPhone, you will have the passkey
         | stored in iCloud keychain. Your "account" is a private key held
         | within iCloud keychain, along with some metadata mapping that
         | private key to the site you visited.
           | jacooper wrote:
           | Well I use GrapheneOS without a Google Account. Its not
           | listed under secure keys in the settings or in the browser.
           | Anyway this really needs to be exportable, otherwise its in
           | the ultimate platform lock.
       | moneywoes wrote:
       | Any idea on the multiple?
       | boringg wrote:
       | Is this the password wars heating up? I.e. Bitwarden vs
       | 1Password?
       | zackify wrote:
       | I own passwordless.app. I wonder if they will want to buy it from
       | me now.
         | temptemptemp111 wrote:
         | [dead]
       | ubermonkey wrote:
       | Yeah, this is not a good sign IMO.
       | velhartice wrote:
       | I've been using the keepass ecosystem for years after switching
       | from 1password. It's open source, highly portable, and you don't
       | need a degree to set it up.
       | wurstehans wrote:
       | Sounds a bit worrisome to me... Maybe I'm just overly cautious,
       | but i guess it's time to look around again. Has anybody checked
       | out APass yet? https://github.com/balu-/a-pass
         | seanw444 wrote:
         | For my personal passwords and general secure info (it can store
         | notes, files, and TOTP as well), KeePass(XC/DX) has been my
         | password manager of choice. Nothing leaves your device. If you
         | want it to, that's considered out-of-scope, and you have to
         | handle syncing yourself. Whether that be something like
         | Nextcloud, or my personal favorite: Syncthing.
         | coffeeri wrote:
         | Without looking close at your suggestion, you might want to
         | look at passage [0] by the creator of age. It's a fork of pass
         | [1] using age as the backend.
         | [0] https://github.com/FiloSottile/passage [1]
         | https://passwordstore.org
       | mtgx wrote:
       | [dead]
       | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
       | As a recent convert to Bitwarden from LastPass, I start to get a
       | bit nervous when I see acquisitions happening. LastPass getting
       | acquired was the beginning of the end for it, IMO, before
       | stagnating into criminal negligence.
       | Granted this is Bitwarden _acquiring_ rather than being acquired,
       | but I still worry it leads to a trend of building  "portfolio
       | value" rather than focusing on the product. I sincerely hope I'm
       | wrong.
         | gagabity wrote:
         | Also Bitwarden recently raised 100M from VC so yeah, the clock
         | is ticking now.
           | zucked wrote:
           | I'm happy for the one dev who's been lone rangering as I hope
           | it means he's finally getting paid, but the pressure is going
           | to be on to get an ROI.
             | sph wrote:
             | It is possible to build a profitable business without
             | investors or venture capitals, you know.
             | dahfizz wrote:
             | Insane radical idea: Businesses can actually make a profit
             | by having income higher than expenses. You can pay yourself
             | that way.
               | sirsinsalot wrote:
               | What does "make a profit" mean? Is that the money from
               | IPO? Or money laundering? Idgi
               | alex_suzuki wrote:
               | Heresy!
             | mfer wrote:
             | If he was not being paid before it means he had not built a
             | sustainable business. That means changes will need to come
             | in the future to do that.
             | If he had a sustainable business and took the VC funding it
             | means he has grander ambitions. That will mean change as
             | well.
             | No matter how you look at it there will be change coming.
             | Fueled by people who want a return on their investment.
               | agrippanux wrote:
               | Doesn't necessarily mean change will come to the current
               | offering; acquisitions can happen because new or
               | enhancing existing product lines (like enterprise) are in
               | the future.
           | sngz wrote:
           | was considering switching, guess I'll stick to keepass
           | cpsns wrote:
           | > Bitwarden recently raised 100M from VC
           | I wasn't aware of this, but I'm glad I am now. If that's the
           | case it's time to look elsewhere or self host, VC funds and
           | acquisitions are rarely good for users so I'll assume the
           | worst.
             | ssgodderidge wrote:
             | My guess is they will follow 1Password and have more
             | strategies to monetize users. I wonder what the difference
             | between the two services will be at the end of the day.
               | princevegeta89 wrote:
               | 1Password in my experience was the biggest scum of bait
               | and switch I ever faced. They used to do "lifetime"
               | licenses which I bought into, but wouldn't support it
               | beyond one year of release and stop giving me updates.
               | Later, they invested heavily into the cloud side of
               | things, and brought in confusing subscription-based
               | pricing which made it expensive and difficult to
               | understand. All they're doing as of now is trying to
               | increase prices and tear into your pockets.
               | With BW I have never expected the same and I am still
               | hopeful on giving them the benefit of doubt.
               | roustem wrote:
               | 1Password NEVER had lifetime licenses. We made this
               | decision since day one because we had a product before
               | that died because it was a "lifetime" purchase. The
               | 1Password license is valid for the major version of the
               | app. The license purchased would still work with that
               | version today. If you look at the release history of
               | 1Password apps -- every version had a ton of updates made
               | long after the app was no longer on sale. For example,
               | 1Password 7 was updated just a month ago: https://app-
               | updates.agilebits.com/product_history/OPM7
               | The licenses are also confusing -- people had to purchase
               | apps separately for every platform: macOS, Windows, iOS,
               | Android. And then they had to purchase upgrades
               | separately as well.
             | mbesto wrote:
             | > VC funds and acquisitions are rarely good for users
             | Where does this sentiment come from? I know very few
             | applications I use that are VC funded or haven't gone
             | through acquisitions...
               | Dalewyn wrote:
               | The notion that all software must be provided free of
               | charge and that making any profit is a cardinal sin.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | Or it could be that the probability of having to do anti
               | user things to earn an ROI for a $100M investment into a
               | password manager is too high.
               | $100M to develop a new processor or phone or vaccine or
               | search engine or social network that delivers video to
               | everyone worldwide is different than $100M to a password
               | manager or other "simpler" project.
               | wvenable wrote:
               | No, it's just that growth necessary to satisfy VC
               | investment is unobtainable so solid products eat
               | themselves attempting to achieve that growth.
               | [deleted]
               | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
               | The issue is that there are a large number of
               | products/companies (I think the vast, vast majority)
               | whose addressable market size isn't that big, but when
               | they take VC money they do all types of unnatural things
               | to try to grow instead of focusing on the couple things
               | they were really good at. Couple cases in point:
               | 1. Totally agree with the comments that VC funding
               | absolutely killed LastPass.
               | 2. Twitter is probably another good example. Twitter was
               | a really large business, but they were constantly
               | wringing their hands about what they could do to get as
               | big as Facebook or Instagram. What if the answer was
               | always just "No, you'll never be that big, just don't
               | even try". So instead of improving their core bread-and-
               | butter (and fine, easy to argue they didn't even do that
               | super well), they wasted a ton trying to get users who
               | were never going to use Twitter in the first place.
               | 3. Very closely related to this idea about "When large
               | sums of money become toxic", the private equity
               | consolidation in US health care is another ongoing
               | disaster. PE comes in with the promise of "streamlining
               | operations", but instead they are just vampires, cutting
               | stuff to the bone so that the health care system isn't
               | able to respond to spikes in demand (e.g. Covid):
               | https://www.statnews.com/2022/12/14/moodys-private-
               | equity-he...
               | mbesto wrote:
               | Ya, but can you name any products where this is the
               | opposite? Meaning, how many products do you use that
               | _aren 't_ VC backed?
               | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
               | craigslist famously rejected taking outside money for
               | years.
               | But more importantly, I don't think VC or VC money is
               | always bad, but I get _extremely_ wary when a relatively
               | small company gets a shitload of money that they 'll then
               | be forced to grow into a way that means they'll lose
               | focus on their core product.
               | I remember when I told a friend of mine that Postman
               | raised nearly _half a billion dollars_ in total funding,
               | and his jaw dropped  "You mean that browser plugin that
               | allows you to make REST calls???" And sure enough,
               | postman got filled with more and more "enterprise-y
               | uselessness" to the point that I just stopped using it.
               | mbesto wrote:
               | > but I get extremely wary when a relatively small
               | company gets a shitload of money that they'll then be
               | forced to grow into a way that means they'll lose focus
               | on their core product.
               | Irrationally so. That's my point. There isn't a strong
               | indicator that correlates to a company being a craigslist
               | vs a company being a Postman. The median is somewhere in
               | between and its not as dire as you pose it to be.
               | bsg75 wrote:
               | It comes from a concern that VC backed investments demand
               | a constant level of revenue growth, causing a company to
               | add features or integrations that do not improve the base
               | product. Organic growth is usually insufficient for
               | stockholders, whose demands become a priority over
               | stakeholders.
               | If the user base does not increase at some rate
               | determined by the investor, then growth comes in the form
               | of advertising, partnerships, or similar that negatively
               | affect the _product_ existing customers signed up for.
               | orhmeh09 wrote:
               | This does not stem from VC but from the "C" itself -
               | capital. In order to function in capitalism, production
               | must facilitate the creation of surplus value that can
               | then be appropriated. Over time, with the tendency of the
               | rate of profit to fall and with inflation of prices, you
               | will see a race to the bottom.
           | afavour wrote:
           | They did? Oh JFC I just switched from 1Password to avoid
           | using a VC backed service. At least there's always
           | Vaultwarden, now all I need is a service I can pay to host an
           | instance for me. ...and to not take VC funding.
           | https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden
           | Though I fear it's only a matter of time before the VC gods
           | demand the client apps remove compatibility and they have to
           | be forked too.
             | mfer wrote:
             | Not to totally burst your bubble but 1Password took funding
             | a few years ago [1]. I say this as a 1Password user.
             | [1] https://www.wsj.com/articles/password-
             | manager-1password-rais...
               | afavour wrote:
               | Oh I know, I switched _from_ 1Password to Bitwarden for
               | exactly that reason.
             | jorvi wrote:
             | I switched from 1Password to Bitwarden, imported my vault,
             | and then realized that their client doesn't even support
             | drag 'n drop.
             | I've been wanting to switch from 1Password to Bitwarden for
             | years, but each year I try it I'm just flummoxed by how
             | atrociously behind the UX / UI still is.
             | Unless you (or whoever you're getting to switch) are an
             | absolute open source absolutist: do yourself a favor and go
             | for 1Password.
               | afavour wrote:
               | I did try to switch a year or so ago and got really
               | frustrated. Tried again a week ago and Bitwarden does
               | seem a little better. It helps that it feels like
               | 1Password's app has been getting more bloated over time
               | (though I have no data to support that assertion).
               | roustem wrote:
               | 1Password certainly added a ton of new features recently
               | :)
               | Did you check 1Password developer tools, like SSH-agent
               | server, git commit signing, and CLI?
               | https://developer.1password.com/
               | Or the new item and file sharing.
               | https://support.1password.com/share-items/
               | miked85 wrote:
               | I refuse to use a cloud-based password manager, they will
               | all be hacked eventually. I will continue to use and pay
               | for the standalone 1Password as long as possible, and
               | then be forced to self-host vaultwarden.
               | afavour wrote:
               | I have no interest in those things, they're good examples
               | of what I _don 't_ want in my password manager.
               | Sorry, I don't mean to sound like an ass, they look like
               | very well put together features. They just remind me of
               | when Dropbox decided to start offering document editing.
               | Not what I go there for.
               | roustem wrote:
               | Fair enough, everyone has their own requirements. I'd
               | argue that all modern operating systems have password
               | management already built-in.
               | We have a lot of 1Password customers with families and
               | team members that require more than a single vault, need
               | an option to recover team/family member access and often
               | have to securely share data with other people,
               | accountants and lawyers. Also, many of developers and
               | admins that want to keep their SSH keys safe.
               | panzi wrote:
               | Bitwarden is the first password manager I ever used.
               | Where would it use drag and drop and for what? I wish it
               | would be better controllable vie keyboard-only. That is,
               | when you use the Firefox add on and tab out of the
               | Bitwarden popup and tab back in again it remembers the
               | focus on e.g. the copy password button, you just have to
               | hit space again and tab back to the terminal window where
               | you need to use the password. But Brave doesn't remember
               | the focus so annoyingly I have to grab the mouse.
               | selykg wrote:
               | In 1Password there's at least a half dozen ways that drag
               | and drop could be used:
               | - Drag a password into a password field
               | - Drag an attachment from Finder/Explorer into an item
               | - Drag an item from vault to vault (or collection in
               | Bitwarden parlance)
               | - Drag an item into a tag or folder to add that item to
               | the folder, or add that tag to the item
               | - Drag an app to the 1Password icon to create a software
               | license item with the icon of the app as well as name
               | There are also drag and drop functions, some similar to
               | above, on iOS as well.
               | Bitwarden is... and I agree with the grand parent here,
               | awful from a UX angle, compared to 1Password. It's
               | certainly functional, but that's about where it ends for
               | me.
               | dddw wrote:
               | You must be on mac, because my 1pw experience is horrible
               | on Linux. Edit a password in the browserextention opens
               | an new tab in n which i have to login all again. Ugh.
               | Bitwarden at least doesn't do that. Drag and drop? Nope.
               | selykg wrote:
               | Technically it does the same thing on Mac, it opens the
               | Mac app. But on a Mac there's universal unlock, so if you
               | have the extension unlocked, the app will unlock, so it
               | opens the item you want to edit in edit mode.
               | If you don't have the app installed it opens the website
               | in a tab to signin and edit.
           | sph wrote:
           | Ah for fuck's sake. It keeps happening to all the software I
           | love. I guess I'll have to stop relying on convenience (I was
           | a 1Password user years ago) and go 100% open-source. None of
           | the libre offerings seem to be as convenient and polished,
           | but at least they're not into some VC's pocket ready to
           | squeeze as much profit as possible out of my paid membership.
           | What's a good OSS alternative that works with iOS and Linux?
           | Anything that's audited? (perhaps that's asking for too much)
             | kdmccormick wrote:
             | If a simple git-based CLI solution is appealing to you,
             | then try https://www.passwordstore.org/. I wouldn't
             | recommend it someone non-technical, but personally, I've
             | never looked back.
             | There are iOS and Android clients, too. Not especially
             | polished, but they do the job.
               | jmcphers wrote:
               | Love passwordstore, been using it for almost 6 years with
               | zero issues while watching my friends run frantically
               | from one compromised or greedy password manager to
               | another.
             | Y_Y wrote:
             | I haven't seen, but would love to, a tech startup that is
             | guaranteed not to sell out. I don't mean a promise from the
             | founder on a blog, but a legal structure. I'm not sure what
             | what form this would take or if it's such anathema that it
             | could never be but it would be great to see.
             | I'm sure I'm not the only one who's tired of the bait-amd-
             | switch of companies who are all about freedom until they
             | get acquired by a giant and then start hastily walling
             | their garden.
               | aaronax wrote:
               | Cooperative
               | Customers are members/owners.
               | Examples: Tessitura, NISC
               | Y_Y wrote:
               | Someone posted this list of such co-ops recently:
               | https://tech-coops.xyz/
               | Is it true that they couldn't sell out though? I imagine
               | if the buyer offered a pile of money then the majority of
               | the owner-workers would go for it, even at the expense of
               | the users.
             | lumb63 wrote:
             | I use KeePass. It's up to you to sync passwords and they're
             | stored locally. I see those as features despite that
             | they're inconvenient.
               | noirscape wrote:
               | Another advantage to KeePass is that there's about half a
               | million clients and most are actually written to be used
               | for their platforms.
               | Lots of more "modern" password managers (as well as
               | generally other software) kinda suffer from having this
               | weird mixed mobile and desktop interface, inheriting all
               | the downsides of each interface while gaining the
               | advantages of neither. (Not to mention all the issues
               | with porting stuff between two different OSes; Mac and
               | Windows have completely different ideas on what an
               | interface should look like.)
               | KeePass's official client being windows-only is a
               | blessing in disguise since it means that each client
               | developer can specifically focus on making it look good
               | on whatever specific platform they're targeting.
               | qwerpy wrote:
               | I use cloud storage to store the kdbx file and sync it
               | across a PC and my phone. It's pretty awesome 99% of the
               | time and just works. Once in a while you get a merge
               | conflict and it's not so good.
               | lcnPylGDnU4H9OF wrote:
               | Even merge conflicts have been a lot better for me in
               | recent years. My only worry with KeePass is that I have
               | to rely on potentially sketchy client applications but
               | I'm also fortunate enough to have the skills to make my
               | own if I really felt the need. It's one of the few "not-
               | my-solution" pieces of software which continually gives
               | me a sense of data ownership.
               | lumb63 wrote:
               | I run an SSH server on my laptop and SFTP it to my phone
               | via Strongbox when I'm local.
               | jimt1234 wrote:
               | I love Bitwarden. I've been a customer for years. Great
               | product. Great team. However, I recently quit for this
               | exact reason (evil VC influence), and migrated all of my
               | secrets to KeePass. Yes, a slight inconvenience to
               | manually sync across devices, but I sleep better at night
               | knowing my secrets are no longer in the hands of some VC
               | suit.
             | trinsic2 wrote:
             | Yeah, the very reason I'll stick with keepass.
             | worble wrote:
             | KeepassXC has served me well for many years, synced via my
             | Nextcloud but could just as easily use dropbox or icloud,
             | or even syncthing.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | I use KeepassXC and Strongbox.
               | forsakenharmony wrote:
               | syncthing works really well imo, can also tell it to keep
               | 3 versions as a backup
               | vetinari wrote:
               | I had conflicts that needed manual intervention too
               | often. It is not something that most users would put up
               | with.
               | kornhole wrote:
               | Yes KeepassXC is great. Nextcloud passwords is actively
               | developed and looking good except for the Linux app
               | failing on Arch.
               | 5e92cb50239222b wrote:
               | Upvote for keepassxc. I've been using it and its
               | predecessor with the same database file for something
               | like 15 years and have seen many of these services come
               | and go in the meantime. It will outlive Bitwarden for
               | sure.
             | weaksauce wrote:
             | bitwarden is opensource. you can self host. the apps in the
             | store are compatible with the self hosted options just
             | change the url to your server. you can also fork any of the
             | projects and build it yourself if you don't trust them.
             | yoavm wrote:
             | As mentioned in other comments, BitWarden has both OSS
             | client and server implementations. You can keep using it
             | and if something goes wrong (or earlier, if you wish) you
             | can always run it yourself.
             | dcow wrote:
             | In your opinion, what would the ideal password management
             | business model be? A non-profit like Signal? (Not
             | rhetorical, actually curious what people want here.)
             | As a thought experiment, let's say there are 1000 people
             | who get annoyed when a software product they use takes VC
             | funding. For those 1000 people to sustain a software
             | product with a team of 5 for 10 years at 150k average per
             | head. you'd need 7.5MM dollars just to break even. That's
             | $7,500 per user, or $750 per year. I doubt many people
             | would be willing to pay that just to have a product that
             | never takes VC funding.
             | And note that's just to cover labor costs. If you want it
             | audited, that's a solid 25k per audit. Operating costs for
             | website and infrastructure, etc. Now if the product was
             | exceptional and beat out other products in the space and
             | generally had a slice of the pie, the number of users would
             | increase and per user cost would decrease. But also doing
             | as much with a team of 5 is no small feat.
               | aceazzameen wrote:
               | I'm not sure if there is a good business model in
               | password management. I can't answer that question. What I
               | do know is, a good password manager is the type of
               | software that should strive to be feature complete. And
               | at that point resources should be used for maintenance,
               | security, and software/OS compatibility updates. In other
               | words, a low-if-any growth, but profitable business
               | assuming the software is good.
               | But once you get into VC funding or acquisitions,
               | businesses tend to want to grow and bloat their products
               | by adding features no one asked for to increase their
               | perceived value. I know I'm tired of seeing this happen
               | to beloved software time and time again.
               | dcow wrote:
               | Perhaps then software utilities are better suited for a
               | crowd funding model?
               | vanilla_nut wrote:
               | Non-profit like Signal that sells cloud hosting to pay
               | the bills, standard protocol with self-hosting option for
               | the server like email/browsers agreed upon decades ago,
               | anyone can create an interoperable desktop/browser/mobile
               | client. Fully encrypted such that even the non-profit
               | doesn't have the decryption keys.
               | That being said: it's unclear if _anyone_ really
               | understands how to build an open source product with
               | cloud hosting covering the bills. Almost everyone either
               | makes a deal with the devil (VC funding) or upsells too
               | aggressively anyway.
               | Cloud storage and CPU usage is basically negligible per-
               | user for a password manager. I imagine you could service
               | hundreds of millions of users on just a couple of capable
               | machines, similar to HN's setup. Even with hundreds of
               | passwords, most users total mere MB's of usage -- it's
               | even simpler than email! I think this is one of the rare
               | cases where corporate users can pay for big accounts with
               | special sharing features and completely subsidize a free
               | product for individual users. Or you could charge
               | individual users $5 a year to cover cloud costs (more
               | than enough), with self-hosting as an option for highly
               | technical users to save a buck.
               | franga2000 wrote:
               | > sells cloud hosting to pay the bills, standard protocol
               | with self-hosting option for the server like
               | email/browsers agreed upon decades ago, anyone can create
               | an interoperable desktop/browser/mobile client. Fully
               | encrypted such that even the non-profit doesn't have the
               | decryption keys
               | All of those are true of Bitwarden, except for the non-
               | profit part...
               | > Or you could charge individual users $5 a year to cover
               | cloud costs
               | And who pays for the development?? Bitwarden already
               | charges only 10EUR/year, so they're basically doing
               | exactly what you're proposing, but paying for development
               | with VC money.
               | Even if servers were literally free (they're far from
               | it!), do you have any idea how many users they'd need to
               | cover just the minimal amount of developers, one business
               | person and either an in-house or external security
               | auditor? And who would pay for all of that during the
               | time it took them to build up that user base??
               | I hate the VC culture as much as the next guy, but unless
               | the founder is already crazy rich, you need external
               | capital to start up any large decently company - or even
               | a non-profit.
             | crossroadsguy wrote:
             | I have accepted that one has to keep moving around.
             | Password manager, backup software, it goes on.
             | Right now I am hunting for a non-subscription note taking
             | setup that will replace SimpleNote.
             | So I'll move to the next option from BW, just like I moved
             | to it from LP.
             | ok_dad wrote:
             | > Ah for fuck's sake.
             | I agree, and I wish we had more power in these things than
             | just forking. Now that I know Bitwarden took VC money, I'm
             | also fucking out of this mess, and here I was about to
             | renew for the 5th year in a row.
             | Fuck VC's, they ruin everything good. Can I say that here?
             | It's true.
               | karaterobot wrote:
               | You can definitely say that here. To me the problem isn't
               | exactly VCs, it's the expectation of rapid, open-ended
               | growth that ruins good products and companies. Of course,
               | the driver for that is often VCs, but it can come from
               | other places too.
               | secabeen wrote:
               | The entire finance industry has a disdain for "lifestyle
               | businesses", that just generate enough profits for the
               | founders and employees to live on, but will never
               | generate an exit beyond that. I get why, but for utility
               | products, a solid lifestyle for the employees and a
               | useful product for users is enough, and should be enough.
               | tunesmith wrote:
               | Lifestyle businesses have a big flaw in American culture
               | though; our safety net is not enough to make "meets
               | expenses" a tenable long-term approach. We basically have
               | to aim for a big wad of savings for later in life, which
               | incentivizes going for exits and cash-outs.
               | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
               | VueScan (hamrick.com) is a very good example of a
               | successful lifestyle business (first release in 1998).
               | The founder and his son work on the product full-time. I
               | don't think they have any other staff, but I could be
               | wrong.
               | nightski wrote:
               | Seeing as only a few % of Americans achieve what you are
               | saying I don't think it's strictly true. Maybe if you
               | want to fatfire or something
               | secabeen wrote:
               | Perhaps, I would hope that a sustainable lifestyle
               | business would be able to pay employees and founders
               | enough to build a comfortable retirement nest egg through
               | savings, investments, and compound interest.
               | fortuna86 wrote:
               | This also means creation of billion dollar global
               | platforms that Europe and other parts of the world have
               | never accomplished. Trade offs.
               | ok_dad wrote:
               | I feel so happy that we have created "billion dollar
               | global platforms" instead of universal healthcare or
               | ensuring everyone was sleeping indoors. Woo-hoo!
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | And can be enough if you don't need large quantities of
               | investment capital. If you don't _need_ it, but _want_ it
               | to get fabulously wealthy... well, "lifestyle business"
               | is not the path to that, by definition.
               | It's almost like the interests of those who want to get
               | fabulously wealthy -- whether founders or investors --
               | become misaligned with the interests of the users, even
               | steeper/faster than when you "just" have a "lifestyle
               | business".
               | jjeaff wrote:
               | The thing is, founders can get fabulously wealthy with a
               | lifestyle business or at least very wealthy, but it might
               | take longer. But all the established money seeking rent
               | parked at VC firms can't get a cut if you don't play ball
               | with them.
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | Yeah, wealthy enough if not billionaire, true.
               | > But all the established money seeking rent parked at VC
               | firms can't get a cut if you don't play ball with them.
               | OK, but why does a founder care about that? Either they
               | think their business model can't get them to a
               | sustainable lifestyle business without external capital
               | investment... or they want to get more-than-lifestyle-
               | business wealthy, right?
               | sirsinsalot wrote:
               | Millions, even tens of millions, for founders isn't
               | unheard of at all for small "lifestyle" businesses.
               | Not VC billions, but fuck you money is certainly doable.
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | I don't know if a couple million is "fuck you" money in
               | 2023 (enough to never work again and eventually retire
               | while living a fairly luxurious lifestyle?), but point
               | taken.
         | Liquidor wrote:
         | I'm of the opposite opinion in this case.
         | If someone creates new tech and it fits with Bitwarden then I'm
         | more than happy to see what they can do together.
           | sschueller wrote:
           | Like docker? They made huge profits but docker itself has
           | made practically no improvements. It's still using iptables
           | when many distros switches to nftables causing a huge mess
           | and the documentation is still really poor.
         | dcow wrote:
         | Seems like Bitwarden is successful enough to have the cash to
         | make a strategic acquisition. That seems like a good thing for
         | users.
         | paulryanrogers wrote:
         | BitWarden is open source on both ends. So worst case one can
         | self host then fork clients. (Server has already been
         | reimplemented independently.)
           | Macha wrote:
           | So too have some clients (e.g. rbw CLI). So just need an
           | independent browser extension and then my use of Bitwarden
           | does not need Bitwarden LLC (and the browser extension is not
           | great, so that's not a high bar)
           | cdev_gl wrote:
           | This is true, but LastPass proved that by the time the worst
           | case occurs it's already too late. A security breach means,
           | at minimum, redoing all your passwords, and these sites are a
           | very compelling target.
           | OTOH I wouldn't want to self-host because I know I'm not
           | going to spend the same amount of time and effort a full
           | security staff would, even if my self-hosted box would make a
           | much less attractive target.
           | It's quite a pickle.
             | phyphy wrote:
             | I thought a security breach wasn't possible due to zero
             | knowledge encryption.
             | vorpalhex wrote:
             | You have security options self hosting that a big host does
             | not.
             | Want to just encrypt everything on a node with no network
             | access? Sure. That doesn't work for a "real" host but that
             | is fine if you mostly use your phone and need to just
             | occasionally sync your passwords back at home.
             | You don't need the things that make hosting hard. You can
             | have a few hours of downtime. You password vault is
             | gigabytes, not hundreds of terabytes. You don't need to arm
             | guard your backups, just pass them (encrypted) to a friend
             | with a safe.
               | lewantmontreal wrote:
               | Does bitwarden work if server is offline? I know the
               | client works without internet connection but server
               | outage had an issue earlier last year
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32782386
             | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
             | > A security breach means, at minimum, redoing all your
             | passwords
             | Not necessarily. I wouldn't have felt compelled to redo all
             | my passwords if 1Password's encrypted vaults were stolen
             | the way LastPass's were, given that 1P's vaults are
             | uncrackable with brute force but LastPass's critically
             | depend on the entropy of the master password. This was
             | discussed recently:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34359251
             | chriscjcj wrote:
             | I self-host Vaultwarden. I'm sure someone will be happy to
             | explain to me how foolish my implementation is, but I'm
             | comfortable with it from a security perspective.
             | I run it as a Docker instance on my home Synology NAS. This
             | turned out to be pretty easy to do. The only part that was
             | a slight hassle was buying a cert, creating an FQDN and
             | making the DNS entries to get an SSL connection to the NAS.
             | Also, I wish updating to a new version of Vaultwarden was a
             | little more straightforward.
             | When I am at home, my devices with Bitwarden all sync to
             | the Vautwarden instance on the NAS without issue.
             | My router is a Ubiquiti UDMPro. I have an L2TP VPN
             | configured with a shared-secret and user passwords that are
             | ridiculously long and complex. When I'm out and about and
             | need to sync with the NAS from my laptop or mobile device,
             | I activate the VPN and do the sync.
             | My Ubiquiti account does have 2FA.
             | I implemented all this when 1Password informed me that in
             | order to continue using their service, my vault would have
             | to be hosted on their server and I would have to pay them
             | every month for the privilege. That was a nonstarter.
             | I'm sure my router and NAS are not impenetrable, but I
             | don't feel like I'm low-hanging fruit either. And if
             | someone went to the trouble of breaking in, their reward
             | would be one guy's vault and not the vaults of millions of
             | customers. I'm hoping that makes me a less attractive
             | target. Of course the vault itself has a very long and
             | complex password as well.
             | This is working out quite well for me so far, knock on
             | wood.
               | sampling wrote:
               | I have a very similar self-hosted Vaultwarden set up, for
               | the same reasons.
               | My other concern, which may be unfounded is that
               | Vaultwarden [1], which is an unofficial Rust rewrite, may
               | also be developed to different, or lesser security
               | standards than the official client. However I don't have
               | any real reasons to suspect this.
               | [1] https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden
               | chriscjcj wrote:
               | Agreed. I know I'm taking it on faith that this
               | implementation is robust and secure when it might not be.
               | However, I feel okay about it knowing that it would be
               | very difficult for anyone other than me to access this
               | Docker instance in the first place. And if I'm outside my
               | home network, I'm interacting with it via the VPN.
               | moogly wrote:
               | > The only part that was a slight hassle was buying a
               | cert, creating an FQDN and making the DNS entries to get
               | an SSL connection to the NAS
               | Note that Synology DSM has built-in Let's Encrypt support
               | chriscjcj wrote:
               | > Note that Synology DSM has built-in Let's Encrypt
               | support
               | Yes... I tried going down that route. In my scenario, I'm
               | accessing the NAS via its internal IP which is in an
               | RFC1918 subnet. Let's Encrypt insists that you use a
               | globally routable IP. If I used the public IP issed to me
               | by my ISP, then I would have to map a port on my router
               | and expose the NAS directly to the Internet. No way am I
               | doing that.
               | I bought a cert through Namecheap and got 5 years for
               | $29.95. That seemed quite reasonable to me. There was no
               | problem getting it to work when I mapped the hostname to
               | the NAS's internal IP. The only downside is that I have
               | to go through a renewal process every year and install
               | the updated cert on NAS. Not a huge deal; just one more
               | thing I have to do.
               | moogly wrote:
               | That all makes sense. Wanted to point out to others that
               | there's potentially less of a hassle to set this up (if
               | you're fine with opening port 80, as has been pointed out
               | to me).
               | vetinari wrote:
               | Unfortunately, HTTP challenge only. I.e. you have to open
               | port 80 to your Synology, which is handled by the same
               | nginx instance, as all the other services on the device.
         | KyeRussell wrote:
         | I've never used Bitwarden, but I've used LastPass in the past,
         | and I've used 1Password for ages. AgileBits took on a big chunk
         | of VC some time ago. This upset a bunch of people, too.
         | Slightly different circumstances due to the different user base
         | and source availability, but whatever.
         | I can say with certainty that I've continued to get value out
         | of 1Password both personally and professionally. I can even say
         | with a degree of certainty that I've gotten value out of the
         | changes that have come post-acquisition. Were I starting from
         | scratch, I'd still probably pick 1Password. This isn't me
         | arguing that 1Password is better. More saying that it's been
         | a...little bit of time now, and I'm still happy with the
         | product and how it's improved.
         | I appreciate that acquisitions or taking on funding feels like
         | more of a kick in the teeth because it's a distinct event, is
         | publicised, and even publicised as a good thing. Having just
         | gone through my first acquisition (as an employee in an
         | entirely bootstrapped small business) I've realised that this
         | has to be weighed up against the risks associated with whatever
         | was in the no-funding no-acquisition future, i.e. the thing
         | just going away entirely, which happens slowly (and then all at
         | once) and mostly in private.
         | I've little doubt that over time 1Password will get
         | comparatively worse than whatever else is around. Either
         | because it's neglected or because it gets juiced and dark
         | patterned by VC incentives. Ignoring the VC bit, I'm just as
         | sure the same will still happen to Bitwarden obviously. But
         | this shifting playing field just feels like an inevitability
         | regardless of which path any product takes.
         | bluSCALE4 wrote:
         | The concern with Bitwarden started a few months back when they
         | did a round of venture capital funding. Now, they have to turn
         | profits instead of just being great.
           | sirsinsalot wrote:
           | Not being a non profit or charity, I'm fairly sure profit was
           | a need for sustaining the business before investment.
           | sngz wrote:
           | not just turn profit. But ridiculous unsustainable amounts of
           | profit at the expense of the users until its bled dry then it
           | will be sold off
         | rvz wrote:
         | I'd like to remind you that Bitwarden is becoming completely VC
         | backed with the way it is going [0] and there is always a
         | possibility that it _can_ be acquired to give investors a
         | return. The same happened with Keybase as soon as they took VC
         | cash.
         | It is now growth at all costs until an eventual acquisition of
         | Bitwarden. So I won't be surprised to see price increases on
         | some plans soon.
         | [0] https://bitwarden.com/blog/accelerating-value-for-
         | bitwarden-...
           | sirsinsalot wrote:
           | The keybase pivot was so ugly and sad. Their pre VC product
           | was really nice.
         | babypuncher wrote:
         | I know this dead horse has probably been beaten beyond
         | recognition, but I think the safest option that still preserves
         | some convenience for password management is to stick a keepass
         | database in your cloud storage provider
         | (icloud/dropbox/whatever).
         | Some keepass compatible apps even offer full iOS integration
         | (FaceTime unlock, Password AutoFill), so you don't lose these
         | features you're used to with LastPass.
         | WheatMillington wrote:
         | Criminal negligence? Explain?
           | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
           | https://www.grc.com/sn/sn-905-notes.pdf
           | There are multiple users who, post-breach, are checking the
           | Iteration Count the number of PBKDF2 iterations for their
           | vault, and discovering that even though LastPass had been
           | slowly increasing the number of iterations for _new_
           | customers in line with industry best practices, they were
           | never going back and upgrading the old users. So if you
           | created a LastPass account in the past few years, your
           | iteration count was 100,000. But if you were an older user,
           | it may have only been 5,000. Or 500. Or, in the case of many
           | _old_ users: 1. One iteration. That 's all that was
           | protecting their encrypted vault--now in the hands of
           | attackers--from brute forcing.
         | allochthon wrote:
         | I had a similar reaction. Acquisitions can be a signal that
         | there's a go-to-market strategy being pursued.
           | tiffanyh wrote:
           | Given that Bitwarden, Inc. is a _for_ -profit company, isn't
           | it expected they would have a GTM strategy.
             | fpoling wrote:
             | Well, when the interest rates were zero profit was an after
             | thought and many still do not grasp what a rate like 4%
             | implies.
         | kjfarm wrote:
         | A good note for bitwarden is that it has a self hosting open
         | source version, vaultwarden that is easy to switch to:
         | https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden I see this as
         | downside protection, as I can quickly migrate if I disagree
         | with bitwarden's direction with minimal changes to my clients.
         | I do worry about VC pressure on Bitwarden for hypergrowth.
         | However in my personal opinion, the benefits outweigh the cons
         | (for now).
           | omnicognate wrote:
           | Vaultwarden's great. I use it. I use the Bitwarden Android
           | client, though. Not sure what there is to replace that.
             | johnmaguire wrote:
             | It's open source and can be forked if necessary:
             | https://github.com/bitwarden/mobile
               | jacoblambda wrote:
               | To add onto this, if you care about supply chain attacks,
               | bitwarden mobile supports Fdroid builds (albeit not part
               | of the main repo because they rely on xamarin) so you can
               | host your own fdroid repo and run your own builds if so
               | desired.
               | jjeaff wrote:
               | If you are making your own build, is there a benefit to
               | using f-droid? Why not just install the APK?
               | notpushkin wrote:
               | Update notifications?
               | weaksauce wrote:
               | you don't need to fork it... just add an account at the
               | main screen and set the backend url to whatever your
               | server resolves to.
               | tazard wrote:
               | I think they meant if they don't like the direction that
               | the Android client takes, i.e. they stop allowing you to
               | change the backend url for example in which case, yes you
               | would need to fork or rewrite it
             | princevegeta89 wrote:
             | Is it not possible to point BW Android to your Vaultwarden
             | instance?
               | cube00 wrote:
               | It's fragile if you do that. Bitwarden updated their API
               | last month on the clients so you couldn't connect to
               | Vaultwarden at all until the Vaultwarden team could
               | reverse engineer the change and produce a new release.
               | BrandoElFollito wrote:
               | This is interesting. I use BW daily (many times) on
               | Android against my self-updating VW instance.
               | I did not notice anything, maybe the break happened
               | during the night in Europe. Or the Android app did not
               | want about problems.
           | kioleanu wrote:
           | Note that Vaultwarden is the unofficial server, there is also
           | an official one, that you can self host.
           | Vaultwarden is much easier to set up and manage, I use it
           | myself, and I heard that the official build is a little bit
           | more tedious to go with.
             | Spivak wrote:
             | The official one used to only support MS SQL and other DBs
             | are still "mileage may vary" so people were uhh pretty
             | motivated to make something else.
               | nightski wrote:
               | Interesting, I use ms sql a lot so that's actually a plus
               | for me.
             | cube00 wrote:
             | It's easier to manage until it breaks as the recent example
             | last month when Bitwarden updated their client and
             | Vaultwarden had to play catch up and reverse engineer the
             | changes.
             | That experience sent me back to just letting Bitwarden host
             | for me, I know it's all free and I can't expect anything
             | which is fine, but I can't be without my passwords either.
             | pavon wrote:
             | The official server is distributed as docker containers,
             | with a shell script to manage them, and is quite simple to
             | setup and maintain. I could see how trying to deploy it
             | yourself outside of docker could be an undertaking though.
             | The MSSQL database seems a bit heavyweight (RAM wise) given
             | the tiny amount of data it needs to host for a handful of
             | users, and isn't acceptable to some people on principle,
             | since it isn't open source.
           | simooooo wrote:
           | Waiting for bitwarden unified to come out of beta before I
           | self Host
           | szundi wrote:
           | If dev support from the company fades, the UI will start to
           | deteriorate - and wether you are hosting or not, that is also
           | a thing that matters. Like mobile apps, browser plugins, form
           | filling logics and specific site behaviours etc.
         | switch007 wrote:
         | I'd bet on KeePass 2 longer term. KeepPassCX has been around 10
         | years (forked from a project started 8 years before that).
         | Actively developed, cross platform.
         | There are decent apps for android and iOS (eg Strongbox)
         | I'm going to migrate off 1Password to it soon
           | princevegeta89 wrote:
           | What is the best client for Keepass on Android? How is the
           | autofill functionality?
           | ESchack wrote:
           | I did this some time ago when 1Password announced switching
           | from having native apps to being containerized web apps. Have
           | not regretted it one bit.
             | roustem wrote:
             | The "containerized web app" is not a correct description
             | here. 1Password 8 on macOS, Windows, and Linux is a full-
             | fledged desktop app. It is built in Rust with
             | Electron/React providing the UI. It can work completely
             | offline and does not require a network connection.
             | 1Password 8 has greatly improved security architecture
             | compared to the previous versions. Just one example of
             | many: when rendering the item details, the Rust core would
             | not send the password value to the UI layer until the user
             | clicks "Copy" or "Reveal" password.
             | In addition to that, 1Password 8 has better integration
             | with the operating system that any other version in the
             | past -- Touch ID, Windows Hello, Secure Enclave, macOS
             | Accessibility services, etc, etc.
             | velhartice wrote:
             | Bingo, me too. I like that keepass is file based so I can
             | use any storage medium to make multiple layers of security
             | to access the vault. Even if cloud providers have access to
             | the file or my cloud storage account gets hacked they still
             | have to crack the file to get the passowrds. Also I have
             | been using strongbox pro for a few years now and been very
             | happy, in fact I like it better than what 1password used to
             | be. Worth every penny. KeepassXC has also been great.
               | aheckler wrote:
               | I've been considering a switch from 1Password to
               | KeepassXC myself, but the last time I tried it, I
               | couldn't find if KeepassXC has some equivalent to the
               | "quick access" feature of 1Password.[0] In short, a way
               | to open a small window, search for a service name or URL,
               | and then quickly copy username, password, or a TOTP code.
               | As far as I could tell, I had to open the entire
               | KeepassXC app every time to find something. Has this
               | changed, or did I miss something somehow?
               | [0] https://support.1password.com/quick-access/
       | Jack5500 wrote:
       | Slightly offtopic, but I really find the Bitwarden Clients to be
       | lacking in the feature department. I switched to Bitwarden a few
       | month ago and the client has evolved (for me) ever since.
       | There are a few basic features missing, such as that if I search
       | for something I wrote in the notes of password, that the client
       | shows the according password. I get that the open-source model
       | implies that everyone can contribute and fix this issue, but if I
       | look at the repo and see 108 open PRs, I don't even bother to
       | check if that's a feature that would be easy to add.
         | sigzero wrote:
         | Bitwarden (for me) is still a little clunkier in how it does
         | things compared to 1Password. I find 1Password a much smoother
         | experience.
           | velhartice wrote:
           | KeepassXC and/or strongbox have a very similar workflow to
           | the older file based 1password one. I switched from 1password
           | once they went to the centralized subscription model and I
           | have been very happy with it for years now.
         | mimimi31 wrote:
         | I agree, it's a little weird that some very basic quality of
         | life features are missing from such a popular and relatively
         | mature product.
         | Folder management in particular seems to have been an
         | afterthought. You create a subfolder by setting its name to its
         | full path in the hierarchy, including all its parents. And
         | thus, in order to rename a folder you have to manually go
         | through every single subfolder and rename the particular parent
         | in its name.
         | Other annoyances off the top of my head are things like the
         | inability to change the type of a custom field from e.g. text
         | to hidden without deleting it and creating a new field. Or the
         | browser extension forgetting everything you just typed into the
         | new item form (unless you remember to pop out the window) when
         | pasting a generated password on the site you're trying to
         | register to.
         | After switching from KeepassXC to Bitwarden for its better
         | auto-fill detection and convenient synchronization, I can't
         | help but feel that it's also been a downgrade in more ways than
         | expected.
         | yshavit wrote:
         | I just switched password managers from LastPass, and
         | Bitwarden's lack of multiple accounts on their browser plugin
         | was a dealbreaker for me. Such a basic feature, especially if
         | they want to get widespread adoption. Otherwise, anyone whose
         | work uses Bitwarden basically can't also use it for their
         | personal stuff without jumping through hoops.
           | tapland wrote:
           | Aren't you supposed to have your personal Bitwarden account
           | and get work passwords shared to your account? I thought
           | that's how Bitwarden for organisations worked.
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | Bitwarden's mobile app allows you to log in with multiple
             | accounts. I think the desktop client does as well.
             | Not sure why the web extension doesn't. Might have
             | something to do with autofilling or adding credentials to
             | HTTP Basic Auth?
             | yshavit wrote:
             | Ideally I'd want to keep my _personal_ personal stuff
             | separate from my "work personal" (ie my personal logins,
             | but the one for work accounts) separate from my shared work
             | stuff. So I'd want two accounts, one for my truly personal
             | accounts, and then one for my work-personal and have the
             | work-shared connected to that.
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | I don't know how well this works across business and
               | personal accounts, but you can use "collections" to share
               | passwords between accounts.
               | I'm using that on my VaultWarden server to share data
               | between different accounts and it works well for me. This
               | may not work in your specific situation if your company
               | manages your Bitwarden account, though.
               | tapland wrote:
               | There doesn't seem to be a security benefit of doing this
               | if you encounter having to swap between personal-personal
               | and work-personal.
               | It doesn't take me many seconds to swap accounts.
               | LastPass allows you to be signed into two accounts at the
               | same time in the same browser?
               | secabeen wrote:
               | Lastpass allows you to link your personal-personal
               | account into your work account, so that you can access
               | your personal-personal data while logged into a work
               | account. Work-personal accounts should be stored in a
               | personal folder in your work account, then work-work
               | accounts are in shared folders that cross multiple users.
               | yshavit wrote:
               | I forget if LastPass does -- 1Password does (though I
               | haven't actually used it in practice, because my work
               | doesn't use 1Password). Idk, maybe it's not actually a
               | problem, but it's how I like to organize things.
               | ::shrug::
       | obblekk wrote:
       | I really dislike the idea of giving complete access to my digital
       | life to any company, particularly one that needs to grow quickly.
       | The tech for password vaults is so simple, I use keepass + icloud
       | syncing and get free end-to-end encrypted password syncing,
       | without sharing any data with anyone.
       | Outlined in more detail here: https://magoop.substack.com/p/how-
       | to-manage-500-passwords-se...
         | thefz wrote:
         | Bitwarden is built as a zero knowledge platform and they can't
         | access the contents of your Vault.
           | mort96 wrote:
           | Only if you never use the web interface.
           | RadiozRadioz wrote:
           | So is LastPass, but we users changed our passwords in
           | December anyway as a precaution. Bitwarden is still a central
           | entity that needs to be trusted to manage the zero knowledge
           | platform with competence, e.g. not storing unencrypted
           | metadata in a backup.
             | panarky wrote:
             | Because LastPass is a bad actor that falsely claimed to
             | have a "zero knowledge architecture" that couldn't be
             | compromised if they were hacked, and kept their code secret
             | so nobody could independently assess their implementation,
             | and then proceeded to store critical user data unencrypted,
             | which was promptly hacked and leaked, that means the risks
             | must be identical with Bitwarden, which publishes client
             | and server code in public, so anyone can inspect their
             | implementation.
         | stavros wrote:
         | I kind of want to point out the discrepancy in saying "I get
         | syncing without sharing my data with anyone by sending my
         | password database to Apple". If your argument is that the
         | database is encrypted, how is Bitwarden different?
           | dcow wrote:
           | What this highlights in my humble opinion is that many users
           | seek security signals and are less concerned with the actual
           | security implementation. In the password management space,
           | the signals are "local vault", and "not VC backed", at least
           | on HN. It's quite odd since you'd think people would be more
           | concerned with the application architecture, key derivation,
           | key transport backup and recovery, etc. But it seems security
           | is more synonymous with "company doesn't store my vault on
           | their servers" than it is with "company helps me securely
           | encrypt my passwords".
         | advisedwang wrote:
         | I do this, but have started using Syncthing [1] for sync
         | instead of a cloud service.
         | [1] https://syncthing.net/
         | TillE wrote:
         | BitWarden doesn't get "complete access to your digital life",
         | they get an encrypted blob.
         | It's not materially different than storing your KeePass vault
         | in the cloud.
           | mort96 wrote:
           | There's still trust there. You're writing the key to decrypt
           | everything into their web interface if you ever use it
           | (vault.bitwarden.com). If they wanted, they could really get
           | access to everything in your bitwarden vault.
             | dcow wrote:
             | That's why open source is important. You can audit them and
             | verify that they are behaving in a trustworthy manner.
               | Kimcha wrote:
               | Not if you are using their cloud version instead of the
               | open source self hosted server.
               | The code they are running does have to be the code they
               | are publishing.
               | And if someone compromises their cloud servers, they
               | could also modify it to log the passwords entered.
               | dcow wrote:
               | Yes we can degenerate into inordinate amounts of rabbit
               | holes. For 1, you can audit the JS that runs on your
               | browser, it's not hiding (so it's not strictly fair to
               | say that just because you loaded a webpage in your
               | browser from their server it can't be trusted). And
               | anyway, generally, your argument holds for any software
               | interaction ever. GH doesn't have to ship you the repo
               | that you browsed on the web client. A malicious actor
               | could have compromised their infra and be serving fake
               | code in the web UI but have added all sorts of malware to
               | the stuff you download. Apple app store doesn't eve ship
               | you the exact binary the developer uploaded. Scary. At
               | some point you have to decide which threat vectors you
               | actually care about. Give me a scenario and I can tell
               | you how someone can theoretically attack it and why
               | you're not safe. The only thing you can be 100% sure
               | about is manually auditing every single release at the
               | source level and building it yourself.
               | getcrunk wrote:
               | Well even then you have to make sure your compiler isn't
               | playing tricks on you. So compile your compiler from
               | source ... oh wait. Then you have your cpu microcode,
               | firmware, security coprocessors.
               | Trusting trust
               | mort96 wrote:
               | I can't audit their server-side code. Even if it's open
               | source, it's impossible to verify that the software which
               | the server is running is identical to the open source
               | version, or that there's no proxy in between you and the
               | sever which logs the passwords, or some debugger attached
               | which inspects the passwords in memory as people log in.
         | manmal wrote:
         | Services like 1Password are often more secure than your
         | solution because they need to harden vaults against full leaks.
         | In the case of 1Password, a secret key in addition to the
         | password ensures that brute forcing is (at the moment) not
         | feasible, even if your password is really crappy.
           | DavideNL wrote:
           | Note that 1Password copies the "Secret Key" to iCloud...
           | without asking.
           | princevegeta89 wrote:
           | Same was said about LastPass many times and look at what
           | happened, everything turns out to be a false promise.
             | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
             | That's not a fair comparison. The differences in LP and 1P
             | encryption approaches have been well known for years, and
             | they are fundamentally different.
             | Now, while 1P encrypted vaults are not brute-forceable the
             | way LP's are, that doesn't mean it's impossible to hack 1P
             | (e.g. malicious code injection in any of their apps or
             | plugins), but I don't like the "everything turns out to be
             | a false promise" broad-brushing when there are real and
             | verifiable differences in how these companies secure your
             | data.
           | notesinthefield wrote:
           | Keepass has Key Files as a part of the spec
           | https://keepass.info/help/base/keys.html
           | On my devices, keyfiles and a KP client are stored locally.
           | The DB rests in the cloud.
           | phonebucket wrote:
           | But in the context of a strong master password, the
           | additional benefit of the secret key is of neglible benefit,
           | while the hassle and dangers of having to synchronise the
           | secret key remain.
           | I'd rather use an extremely high entropy master password by
           | itself.
           | brandon272 wrote:
           | LastPass would have also led their customers to believe that
           | "brute forcing was not possible" and that they were taking
           | extraordinary measures to keep vaults and data safe.
           | I think one distinction between services like KeePass and
           | 1Password is end user perception of how easy it is for an
           | attacker to acquire an encrypted vault to begin with. For
           | many, they consider a KDBX database sitting in their Dropbox
           | account to be less likely to be stolen than an encrypted
           | vault being held by a company like 1Password, a high value
           | target to the most sophisticated attackers including state
           | actors.
             | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
             | Doesn't necessarily matter what LastPass "would have also
             | led their customers to believe", the mathematical reality
             | is still that LassPass vaults _are_ crackable in a way that
             | 1P vaults fundamentally are not.
               | brandon272 wrote:
               | Yes, according to what 1Password is telling us. But as
               | we've seen, what these companies say and what they
               | actually do in practice are not always aligned. And
               | oftentimes customers are inserting a _lot_ of their own
               | assumptions into the mix, not only with respect to vault
               | encryption but vault storage and operational security.
               | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
               | > Yes, according to what 1Password is telling us. But as
               | we've seen, what these companies say and what they
               | actually do in practice are not always aligned.
               | That's just not accurate:
               | 1. First off, all the encryption happens client-side. It
               | is possible for anyone so inclined to validate how 1P and
               | LP are doing their encryption.
               | 2. The deficiencies in LP's encryption approach were well
               | known for years.
               | My point it, yes, companies will spin things how ever
               | they want, which is why you should _completely ignore
               | what they say_ and only evaluate _what is verifiable_.
               | And 1P 's and LP's approaches are verifiably different.
               | brandon272 wrote:
               | 1Password's client side encryption is occurring within
               | it's proprietary, closed-source product, so I'm not sure
               | how the end to end process can be completely validated.
               | With respect to your confidence in 1Password's code and
               | encryption methodology, would you be willing to send me
               | your 1Password vault so that I can have a look at it?
               | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
               | > 1Password's client side encryption is occurring within
               | it's proprietary, closed-source product
               | It's Javascript running in a browser.
               | > With respect to your confidence in 1Password's code and
               | encryption methodology, would you be willing to send me
               | your 1Password vault so that I can have a look at it?
               | Yes, absolutely (note I don't actually know how to get
               | the encrypted version of the vault standalone). Are you
               | willing to send banking information over HTTPS? It's the
               | same level of security.
               | brandon272 wrote:
               | > Yes, absolutely (note I don't actually know how to get
               | the encrypted version of the vault standalone).
               | I believe that, given that it's just JavaScript in the
               | browser, that the encrypted vault should be available as
               | a blob in one of the network requests when you are making
               | a change to the vault.
               | > Are you willing to send banking information over HTTPS?
               | It's the same level of security.
               | Maybe I'm being irrational, but I just think there is a
               | fundamental difference in the risk profile between a
               | breach of my banking credentials and having every stored
               | set of credentials across my entire digital life exposed
               | through a password vault breach.
               | If my banking details were compromised somehow, I at
               | least have a bank I can work with and real people I can
               | talk to. Both the bank and myself have a strong mutual
               | interest in addressing the acute security issue.
               | Government banking regulations come into play. Insurance
               | comes into play.
               | If my password vault is compromised and credentials for
               | every service and website are exposed, I would argue that
               | is a far graver matter. And who do I turn to in that
               | case? I have to imagine that any of these password
               | management companies would just point to me being somehow
               | negligent with my master key and tell me to pound sound.
         | zmxz wrote:
         | Bitwarden can be self-hosted, it's fully open source so you can
         | be safe that way, never giving a single byte to the company.
         | Do you have a browser extension that offers username/password
         | autofill using keepass as datasource or do you alttab copypaste
         | / rely on a program made by someone else to clear your
         | clipboard?
         | d1lanka wrote:
         | Same here.
         | KeepassXC to be specific: https://keepassxc.org/
         | sakopov wrote:
         | Agreed. I use keepass + dropbox secured with yubikey. You can
         | even go a step further and configure yubikey with keepass as
         | well.
           | anonkogudhyfhhf wrote:
           | Where about on mobile?
             | sakopov wrote:
             | I believe KeepPassDX on android supports yubikey via NFC.
             | velhartice wrote:
             | Strongbox for iOS.
         | waymon wrote:
         | I used to do this. Now I self host vaultwarden since it allows
         | me to use that database with faceID. Can keepass do that?
           | hoboris wrote:
           | I use the Strongbox iOS client. It reads .kdbx files,
           | integrates with apple sign-in features, and supports faceID.
           | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/strongbox-password-
           | manager/id8...
             | dicknuckle wrote:
             | I use the Keepass2Android and it integrates with the OS
             | fingerprint reader, so it's likely the same for faceunlock
             | but I don't use that.
           | IronWolve wrote:
           | I like keypass, but merging my android and pc versions every
           | so often is a task I'd like to automate. I dont do
           | google/apple cloud so avoiding that.
       | ithkuil wrote:
       | The demo on the homepage is available only on chrome. I tried
       | both safari and firefox on macos and I can't see the " Experience
       | Passwordless.dev in action" link there.
         | jlundberg wrote:
         | Worked for me in Safari on macOS if you have iCloud keychain
         | activated.
         | Or more correctly: I got so far but stopped because I prefer to
         | have my keychain locally :)
       | StreamBright wrote:
       | I am not sure how much is this better than magic link logins.
         | 8organicbits wrote:
         | Magic links via email? Email isn't a secure transport, or
         | storage. I think that's only viable for low risk systems. Even
         | software like Slack, which supports magic links via email, will
         | also support username/password/MFA as an option for folks who
         | need better security.
         | 9dev wrote:
         | It's about a bazillion times less annoying?
       | heresjohnny wrote:
       | Interesting demo. What happens though if the device holding the
       | private key is lost? Or Apple decides to shut down your iCloud?
       | Is there a backup option, similar to backup codes for OTP?
         | smileybarry wrote:
         | I wonder how iCloud shutdown would affect this route, but: your
         | Passkeys are synced to your devices locally, and the whole
         | "scan QR code on another device with your phone to
         | authenticate" flow is fully local, utilizing key authentication
         | over BLE.
         | Theoretically, your Passkeys _should_ still be on your iPhone
         | /iPad/Mac/iThing, and QR authentication will work. (And then
         | you provision another key on another device, since Passkeys'
         | intention is like SSH keys, allowing multiple on a single
         | account)
         | WorldMaker wrote:
         | Just like TOTP (used for most 2FA) the best practice for
         | websites accepting passkeys will be to support as many passkeys
         | as you wish to enroll. So you could enroll into your account
         | some device associated with your Apple ID and some device
         | associated with your Microsoft Account and some device
         | associated with your Google Account and some browser associated
         | with your Firefox Account and use any of those for recovery.
         | Unlike TOTP, the _base case_ for passkeys is multiple key
         | enrollment so websites are more likely to support it well
         | whereas with TOTP so many implement it as having one-and-only-
         | one TOTP configured. Even when enrolling just a single device
         | that device generally enrolls a small key-chain, not just a
         | single key, because that 's how recovery systems work even for
         | using just a single "owner" account. Plus most people use 2 or
         | more devices regularly and Passkey has to work with that. So
         | much more websites in practice should actually support N
         | passkeys where N > 1 (versus half-baked single-option-only TOTP
         | implementations).
         | At least in theory, in practice we'll see how well Passkey gets
         | implemented at large, there's always lots of ways for companies
         | to get practice wrong.
           | secabeen wrote:
           | Best practice is unlikely to help here, as people just aren't
           | going to register passkeys from multiple services unless it
           | happens automatically. I might bother to enroll multiple
           | passkeys for my bank, but I'm unlikely to do it often.
           | Are Passkeys exportable and re-importable by another service,
           | site, or system? As described above, if my Google Account is
           | terminated by Google without recourse (which absolutely
           | happens), do I lose access to all sites that I used solely a
           | Google Account Passkey for once my phone stops working?
             | WorldMaker wrote:
             | It _should_ start to happen automatically. Apple, Google,
             | and Microsoft have all stated the goal that they are hoping
             | for deep inter-operation across all of a user 's devices,
             | regardless of ecosystem.
             | If you are truly paranoid that your major device accounts
             | are subject to termination without recourse (which if that
             | happens you generally have lots of other problems and
             | should maybe cause you to rethink your other trust
             | relationships with such vendors and which devices you are
             | buying), you can build your own Passkeys with WebAuthn
             | standards and roll your own recovery/backup strategy. (Most
             | FIDO compatible WebAuthn keys already work today anywhere
             | Passkeys are supported, Passkey is just the "brand name"
             | for those standards plus a soon-to-be-standard Bluetooth
             | LTE handshake plus Vendor-guided backup and recovery plus
             | whatever cross-device ecosystem "interop" standards the Big
             | 3 eventually settle on.)
               | secabeen wrote:
               | > It should start to happen automatically. Apple, Google,
               | and Microsoft have all stated the goal that they are
               | hoping for deep inter-operation across all of a user's
               | devices, regardless of ecosystem.
               | If this is the case, then maybe there will be some
               | solution through Google Takeout. Apple and MS seem less
               | interested in this, but if one of them can generate an
               | export, I can see services appearing that can work with
               | that exported data.
               | > you can build your own Passkeys with WebAuthn standards
               | and roll your own recovery/backup strategy.
               | This....or I can stick with passwords, print them out
               | annually and put them in my fire safe. The KISS principle
               | works here, and I can't imagine a non-techie person who
               | works in a socially-risky field being able to do so.
               | > If you are truly paranoid that your major device
               | accounts are subject to termination without recourse
               | (which if that happens you generally have lots of other
               | problems and should maybe cause you to rethink your other
               | trust relationships with such vendors and which devices
               | you are buying)
               | Complaints by users who have Big 3 cloud accounts closed
               | for unspecified "violations" are common enough to make it
               | a concern. I take other protections against something
               | like this, but I absolutely do consider it a risk, and
               | would generally advise people not to keep all their
               | digital services under one roof. If you use Gmail for
               | email, then use Microsoft or Apple for Passkey, Bitwarden
               | or 1Password for Password Vaults, etc., etc.
               | WorldMaker wrote:
               | > If this is the case, then maybe there will be some
               | solution through Google Takeout. Apple and MS seem less
               | interested in this, but if one of them can generate an
               | export, I can see services appearing that can work with
               | that exported data.
               | So far as I'm aware none of them are planning key exports
               | any time soon. Keeping keys to the various secure
               | enclaves of user's devices is a key part of the security
               | footprint they are trying to establish. That's why multi-
               | key enrollment is the _base case_ in all Passkey systems:
               | recovery, multi-device support, etc all hinge on
               | continuously expiring old keys and auto-enrolling new
               | ones. There 's no export, and cloud backups aren't
               | "backups" but different, Vendor _escrowed_ keys (often
               | themselves in hardware cloud secure enclaves that cannot
               | be exported, only new keys added to keychains) and ways
               | to attest for (sign) new keys in recovery situations.
               | As I said way above, the _theory_ is that enrolling all
               | of your devices and all of your top-level recovery
               | accounts will be easy and convenient enough on _every_
               | website, not just your bank (given how many banks still
               | don 't even support proper TOTP, hopefully _better_ than
               | some banks today), and enough so that _everyone_ does it
               | by habit. I agree, there 's huge practical risks that
               | someone gets it wrong and there's all sorts of ways what
               | should be easy turns into complicated soup that never
               | works right. That's the brief glimmer of hope here
               | offered by the Big 3 alliance on this and making it a
               | major marketing endeavor. They've put a lot on the line
               | for this.
               | > This....or I can stick with passwords, print them out
               | annually and put them in my fire safe. The KISS principle
               | works here, and I can't imagine a non-techie person who
               | works in a socially-risky field being able to do so.
               | The _hope_ is that with the Big 3 all in agreement here
               | on passwords needing to be entirely replaced and the only
               | way that happens is if what replaces them is as easy and
               | uncomplicated as possible for non-technical to use every
               | day, Passkeys will see strong implementations everywhere
               | and that cross-vendor multi-device interop will be strong
               | enough for _everyone_ to rely on (even if you distrust
               | one or all three of the Big 3).
               | > Complaints by users who have Big 3 cloud accounts
               | closed for unspecified "violations" are common enough to
               | make it a concern. I take other protections against
               | something like this, but I absolutely do consider it a
               | risk
               | I consider it a risk too, but as with all things security
               | every risk needs to be evaluated within the template of a
               | larger threat model. Email is already the de facto
               | chokepoint for recovery of almost any account (and
               | passkeys don't necessarily change that, "Forgot Password"
               | flows still probably exist in passkey worlds, just
               | differently). You have a ton of eggs in whatever basket
               | is your email provider (and for the majority of people
               | often one of the Big 3). Phones are already the de facto
               | chokepoint for account access (whether because of TOTP or
               | single ecosystem "apps" or all sorts of other lock in
               | mechanics). Passkeys don't substantially change these
               | existing deep trust relationships (and weren't really
               | designed too), most people in most threat models the
               | amount they are trusting their various relationships with
               | the Big 3 doesn't substantially shift with a switch to
               | Passkeys. (For good and bad. Absolutely some people are
               | underestimating exactly how much they trust one vendor or
               | another and how much they have to lose if their account
               | is suspended for any reason without warning or easy
               | recourse.) (Your threat model is your own and will vary,
               | of course.)
               | On top of that, other vendors _will_ be playing ball in
               | this space. Mozilla isn 't a direct part of the "Passkey
               | Alliance" but has stated their interest in Passkeys and
               | cross-platform/cross-device interoperability. There will
               | be more, too, over time. Possibly _enough_ paranoid
               | people will roll their own that good self-hosting and
               | open source options will roll out eventually, even if
               | most people won 't use them and most people won't need
               | them in their personal threat models, having more options
               | is always a good thing (and Plan B if your threat model
               | changes for any reason). All of this is in a cloud of
               | enough open standards that vendor lock-in, while maybe
               | not impossible, should be unlikely.
               | You are right to be worried. You are right to be
               | questioning all of this. I appreciate your concerns here
               | (I know I have an uneasy relationship at best with at
               | least one of the Big 3 myself). I hope I've offered at
               | least some reasoning on where some of your concerns may
               | be mitigated by the ecosystem as a whole.
               | secabeen wrote:
               | Thanks for your comments, and I think I see the ambition
               | of the project. We'll see how far it goes. I hope that
               | the powers that be in this space see the risks they're
               | creating, recognize that they are increasing the blast
               | radius of account loss, and take some efforts to mitigate
               | them.
               | Honestly, if they don't, they may find themselves under
               | significant government regulation. The DMV in most states
               | is hard to work with, but they work with everyone,
               | regardless of disability, felony record, reprehensible
               | views, everyone. If we're going to allow these companies
               | to take this authoritative role in our systems, they
               | should necessarily lose the right to refuse service. If
               | they don't want that trade-off, then they should hand the
               | whole thing to login.gov and other Government Identity
               | schemes.
               | The best hinge point I would use in conversation with
               | these players is to plan for third-party access from the
               | beginning. Systems like Lastpass and Bitwarden have built
               | robust systems for emergency access in the event of
               | hospitalization or death. They've done so because its
               | needed, often. If the Big 3 commit to allowing some
               | access-for-transfer-out when accounts are closed or
               | access is lost, even in non-ideal situations, that would
               | go a long way.
               | secabeen wrote:
               | This is an unrelated question, so I'm putting it in a
               | different thread.
               | How will Passkeys work for users who don't have or want a
               | smartphone? There are plenty of people who carry no
               | electronic devices on their person, and who primarily
               | access the Internet through library access stations,
               | other public Internet services. or multiple desktops.
               | Will they be unable to use a site that is passkey-auth-
               | only until they get such a device?
               | WorldMaker wrote:
               | Very good questions and I've been wondering that some
               | myself. I imagine of the Big 3 Microsoft is likely the
               | one to have been thinking about this the most. With
               | Microsoft no longer having a smartphone ecosystem of
               | their own, they will likely have to support both Apple
               | and Android devices and they probably also need to have
               | more answers for the "neither" scenarios as well (de-
               | Googled Android users still sometimes have Windows PCs,
               | for instance; Windows users are said to include a larger
               | share of older "dumb phone" generations; etc). Also, most
               | of those access stations themselves are generally Windows
               | PCs for the intersection of cheapest available hardware
               | and lowest common denominator software. (Though I've
               | heard Chrome OS is shifting that in some places.)
               | I think the immediate answer is that something like a
               | Microsoft Account-based login system and Cloud-based key
               | escrow becomes more unavoidable in situations like that.
               | But I'm not sure and hopefully there are smart minds
               | exploring some of these scenarios in the long term.
               | Relatedly, I know there are some long-term creatives
               | trying to figure out if "smartphone" is becoming a
               | required utility for the modern world (TOTP has already
               | made that a recently strong requirement in plenty of
               | areas; soon you may not be able to bank without a mobile
               | device, for instance) and the "phoneless" may be its own
               | evolving economic crisis on top of homelessness to deal
               | with in the long term. "Give everyone phones" may sound
               | like a curt, dumb answer, but it may end up being
               | something close to the answer; go to your local DMV and
               | get a secure phone as your digital ID to go with your
               | physical ID. I don't know if that is the plan, I just
               | know it is a plan I've heard we need to consider, that
               | "baseline personal hardware" may be an ever-increasing
               | need.
         | selykg wrote:
         | > Or Apple decides to shut down your iCloud?
         | This is probably testable as it is. They sync to iCloud
         | Keychain, as is my understanding anyway.
         | How are the rest of your passwords stored in iCloud Keychain
         | when your account is hosed? Do you lose those or does it just
         | turn off syncing? I'd imagine it turns off syncing but keeps
         | the keychain around unless you delete the iCloud Account from
         | the device. That's a whole different ballgame of potential bad
         | decisions though.
         | echeese wrote:
         | Probably the same thing that happens when you forget your
         | password. Hit the "forgot your password" link, get a
         | confirmation email, create a new passkey
       | penciltwirler wrote:
       | One can easily self host a bitwarden server on digitalocean.
       | https://bitwarden.com/blog/digitalocean-marketplace/
       | However, I'm curious what y'all think about the cost. A
       | digitalocean droplet for the recommended specs (4 GiB memory) is
       | $24/month. This is hard to stomach when you compare with
       | Bitwarden Premium which is <$1/month. I guess it depends on how
       | much you value your own data.
         | jslql wrote:
         | 4 gb of memory for something like this? Absolutely deranged.
         | How can they not see that?
         | ramsj wrote:
         | I run Vaultwarden on the free VPS from Google Cloud and it
         | works great.
         | jeroenhd wrote:
         | You can run the open source VaultWarden server
         | (https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden) on way slower
         | hardware. It takes a while for the project to catch up in terms
         | of API support compared to the official server, but it's great
         | for self hosting.
         | sodality2 wrote:
         | Highly recommend using Vaultwarden, API compatible OSS server.
         | It even provides premium features like TOTP for saved sites. I
         | could host it on a small $12/yr VPS but currently host it on a
         | home server. Minimum specs are very low for it as it's written
         | in Rust.
         | DO inflates prices for their systems, sometimes I guess it's
         | worth it but you can get a great dedi with FAR better
         | performance from Hetzner auctions for $32/mo. 64GB RAM, proper
         | CPU, large HDD, could probably host a thousand Vaultwarden
         | instances. Definitely don't use that for just Vaultwarden, it's
         | just an example, but yeah.
         | wallmountedtv wrote:
         | You can use vaultwarden, which is a re-implementation in Rust
         | that is much more lightweight than the official .NET version.
           | metaltyphoon wrote:
           | I wish they would drop SQL for the self hosting and just use
           | SQLite instead. That's what eats the most RAM on self hosting
           | in .NET version.
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | Based on their current docker-compose file, it seems like
             | they did away with the MS SQL server, at least:
             | https://github.com/bitwarden/server/blob/master/docker-
             | unifi...
             | [This issue](https://github.com/bitwarden/server/pull/2487)
             | also suggests SQLite was added as a database driver last
             | December.
         | fullstop wrote:
         | Vaultwarden can run on their $5 droplet.
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | Aside from the highly relevant cost observations of the sibling
         | comments, one will want to be cognizant of the ... very strange
         | .. opsec that installer uses. It's a lot of curl into bash,
         | self-updating things, url shorteners, and :latest tags
         | discussed when it was announced:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31098608
         | rqtwteye wrote:
         | If you self host, why would you need such specs? You would
         | access your server a few times a day at best. Otherwise it just
         | sits there.
         | kevwil wrote:
         | It makes me think (dangerous, I know) ... I find it odd to use
         | the term "self host" when referring to a third-party cloud.
         | It's someone else's servers and network and electric bill,
         | after all.
         | Pedantry aside, yeah that seems expensive given the amount of
         | convenience offered. But much more convenient than setting up a
         | server in your basement with a UPS and external backup drives
         | and such.
           | selykg wrote:
           | Self hosting is a scale. But the point is you have the
           | ability to host it how you want. Whether that be on a cloud
           | service that you just throw a docker container at, to a VPS
           | with root, to a bare metal machine co-hosted, to in your
           | basement, the choice is yours.
         | recuter wrote:
         | Why does it need to run 24/7?
         | jedahan wrote:
         | They are working on reducing the requirements - see
         | https://bitwarden.com/help/install-and-deploy-unified-beta/
         | which claims 200 MB RAM and 1GB storage requirements.
       | DangitBobby wrote:
       | Anyone know how Bitwarden fits into the "passwordless" equation
       | here? I tried to log in to Dogwarden (shown in the video demo on
       | passwordless.dev), but the Bitwarden extension/app doesn't seem
       | to do anything during sign-up.
       | Also wondering if anyone knows why this device [1] doesn't work
       | during the "passwordless" sign-up/sign-in process on
       | dogwarden1.passwordless.dev. Am I going to have to buy yet
       | another hardware key if I want passwordless logins?
       | 1. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0773YLSY5/
         | jeroenhd wrote:
         | My current setup uses Krypt.co (deprecated) to forward most
         | U2F/FIDO2 requests to an app on my phone. The app has some keys
         | stored in my phone's secure secret storage and verifies/signs
         | the request (after unlocking my phone with biometrics or my
         | phone's PIN). This signed response is then used to log into the
         | website.
         | I believe the goal for Bitwarden would be the same, to allow
         | for seamless login through a secondary device using WebAuthn
         | and friends. Apple and Google are already working on cross-
         | device FIDO2 login support, but for Firefox I haven't seen much
         | announced as of yet. Bitwarden filling in for Apple's/Google's
         | proprietary services would be a way to log in securely without
         | giving up even more security features to browser companies.
       | ajcoll5 wrote:
       | Would have preferred to see the cash used for this to be used for
       | things like app QoL improvements, an actual code audit (not just
       | the basic network security assessments they list), or offer
       | actual bounties for their bug 'bounty' program.
       | Reptur wrote:
       | I'd like to see a video on how losing your device and recovery of
       | the account works with Passwordless.
       | jlundberg wrote:
       | And here is a link to the web site of this startup:
       | https://www.passwordless.dev/
       | Anders Aberg (@andersaberg) who is the founder behind this is a
       | really enthusiastic and inspiring coder. I've always enjoyed his
       | mashup hackathon ideas and meetup presentations. :-)
         | jlundberg wrote:
         | For those curious, here is another fun project Anders has built
         | in which he mix ambient music with live radio broadcasts from
         | airports :)
         | https://listentothe.cloud/
         | fantalamera wrote:
         | Anders is amazing!
       | Jsharm wrote:
       | Wow this is really cool. I just tried the example on the
       | homepage, that's magic! No email, username or password. Can
       | someone explain what is happening?
         | antihero wrote:
         | On iOS this seems to use the iCloud Keychain which is slick but
         | how would I then login to sites using Firefox or any computer
         | that doesn't have access to my keychain? The reason I use a 3rd
         | party manager is precisely this reason.
           | WorldMaker wrote:
           | Sites should likely let you enroll multiple such passkeys
           | from different vendors (add a Microsoft Account passkey from
           | your PC, a Google one from your Chromebook, etc).
           | Apple already supports Keychain sync with Edge on Windows and
           | I believe that already supports Passkey access.
           | Also, I believe I heard rumor that "Sign in with Apple"
           | (their existing OpenID Connect account system) will also
           | eventually support helping you enroll non-Apple devices to
           | Passkeys in apps that support both Passkeys and "Sign in with
           | Apple", though I don't know if there is yet a timeframe on
           | that sort of support.
         | medstrom wrote:
         | From my loose skim, this seems to be more for UX than anything
         | else: no-clicks account creation and no-clicks login, but
         | there's still account creation and login happening, presumably
         | with a key provided by BitWarden. But websites can start
         | removing the login prompt as an entity to be interacted with.
         | rgrmrts wrote:
         | A new private-public key pair is generated, the public key is
         | your user identifier (sort of), and the private key is stored
         | on your device (browser or phone). You're logging in by proving
         | you have the private key for the associated public key. I think
         | the device may also be storing a mapping from key to service or
         | something? Not sure.
         | Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.
       (page generated 2023-01-18 23:00 UTC)