[HN Gopher] A page with no code
       A page with no code
       Author : edent
       Score  : 326 points
       Date   : 2023-01-21 08:51 UTC (14 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (danq.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (danq.me)
       | IYasha wrote:
       | JS is SO overused and abused right now!
       | It so happens that two months ago my cell ISP revamped their user
       | page in such way that it no longer displays ANYTHING. No
       | accounting, no payments, no traffic, not a single letter. On all
       | of my browsers. Just because it (possibly) looks cool? Or money
       | must be spent. Or whatever. And you can't file a complain - all
       | you get is an AI chat bot. Of course it doesn't help bringing the
       | site back of getting HTTP API. But it excels at annoying
       | customers.
       | Anyway, customer support was almost always useless: "Update you
       | browser, buy a new device" is all they have to say.
       | osrec wrote:
       | People can choose to avoid JS if they want, but a lot of users
       | get a HUGE amount of value from JS.
       | The web is an app delivery platform now, not _just_ an
       | information delivery platform.
       | Plus, we have a lot of processing power on the client side, which
       | should be utilised.
       | JS, when used well is not a bad thing. If a site uses it badly,
       | just don't go to that site.
         | sodapopcan wrote:
         | > The web is an app delivery platform now, not just an
         | information delivery platform.
         | No arguments there.
         | > Plus, we have a lot of processing power on the client side,
         | which should be utilised.
         | I don't agree with the "should" here at all. Lots of the stuff
         | is done on the client these days which could be done cheaper on
         | the server. If I'm visiting a site that's developed as an
         | application then I fully expect to running a bunch of JS, no
         | qualms there. But there is no reason my phone should be forced
         | to build a bunch of HTML just so I can read an article, and
         | that's the problem: people are developing information sites as
         | "apps". This is a large factor of why my phone can't hold a
         | charge for a full day.
           | rudasn wrote:
           | At the risk of sounding like a broken record, try and switch
           | javascript off on your mobile device. It's like using an ad
           | blocker, really.
           | But because we're not neanderthals, you can also whitelist
           | the sites/apps you like to run JS (in Chrome) and/or use
           | another browser for your JS-powered sites/apps.
             | sodapopcan wrote:
             | Right, but I often want to read those sites so I don't
             | bother (but perhaps I should go for it). Though really I'm
             | speaking vicariously through the hoards of non-technical
             | people who don't even know what JS is who enjoy long
             | battery life.
               | c0nfused wrote:
               | You can enable per domain by clicking on the lock icon by
               | the URL.
               | That said the modern web is generally very broken with js
               | off, but it does get rid of most cookie banners, modal
               | email sign ups prompts and generally lets your read
               | article number 6 of the 5 free ones.
           | MR4D wrote:
           | > people are developing information sites as "apps"
           | This statement nails the problem that all of us suffer from.
           | It's like people have to add "feature" to make their site
           | compelling because the information on it is not good enough.
             | osrec wrote:
             | I would happily build a service that simply took all the JS
             | heavy sites people visit and present them as basic HTML.
             | Unfortunately, I don't think there'd be enough takers to
             | make it a viable product.
             | Information for free, without ads, is tough to do.
           | thih9 wrote:
           | > But there is no reason my phone should be forced to build a
           | bunch of HTML just so I can read an article
           | But the goal usually isn't to let you read an article.
           | Often the goal is to get you to read another article, click
           | an ad, sign up for a newsletter, or buy a subscription. Apps
           | can be good for all that.
             | jibe wrote:
             | Original comment: _users get a HUGE amount of value from
             | JS_
             | You are correct here: _the goal is to get you to read
             | another article, click an ad, sign up for a newsletter, or
             | buy a subscription_
             | But I think that contradicts the idea users get a lot of
             | value from JS.
             | You are correct, and
             | sodapopcan wrote:
             | The word "app" is a bit overloaded and I really just mean a
             | buttload of client-side JS. What you're describing there is
             | app-like but can be easily delivered with server-render
             | HTML with minimal client-side JS enhancements. When I say
             | "app" I'm more talking about an in-browser text editor, an
             | image editor, a DAW, etc.
         | 0x445442 wrote:
         | The web was an app delivery platform 20 years ago, at least
         | that's what the folks at Sun and Adobe tried to tell us. But
         | then everyone pitched a collective fit and rejected injection
         | of a runtime container into the browser. Now we have the
         | current situation of an inferior technology and architecture
         | being used as an app delivery platform. If one views a web
         | browser as a proper platform for hosting applications I'd argue
         | WASM and even the aforementioned tech (applets/flash) are
         | superior.
           | toomanydoubts wrote:
           | In what ways are applets/flash superior to browser
           | engines/JS? I really can't see it at all.
         | andrepd wrote:
         | > Plus, we have a lot of processing power on the client side,
         | which should be utilised.
         | Preferrably in useful work. The fact that end user interfaces
         | are sometimes slower than what they were in the late 90s
         | suggests this is often not the case.
         | jxf wrote:
         | > Plus, we have a lot of processing power on the client side,
         | which should be utilised.
         | It would be one thing if this was a matter of consent. It
         | isn't. It uses your resources without your permission. Leaving
         | JS on is not permission to consume as much CPU as you want
         | (otherwise, every website would also run a crypto miner).
         | > If a site uses it badly, just don't go to that site.
         | This sort of blitheness is very surprising to me. What if we're
         | talking about a passport site, or an unemployment benefits
         | site, and so on? Why is the onus on the user and not the
         | developer?
           | googlryas wrote:
           | There needs to be an API in the client for specifying how
           | much CPU can be used. Clearly things like crypto mining in
           | the bg are considered abuse but what about just poorly
           | written js? Clients should be able to police the code they
           | execute.
           | ornornor wrote:
           | Well said.
           | osrec wrote:
           | The choice is with the user. The onus is on the developer to
           | build something good and efficient, otherwise people will not
           | use the product.
           | If the user is forced to use a terrible government website
           | (as we all are from time to time), removing JS will fix
           | absolutely nothing there. If anything, it might make things
           | worse, as there will be a bunch of things you simply cannot
           | do without JS (e.g cropping a photo to upload to a passport
           | site - how would you even draw out the crop region without
           | JS?!)
           | JS is not the problem. Crappy developers and corrupt
           | officials who award key contracts to crappy developers are
           | the problem.
             | speed_spread wrote:
             | It's the ads that are the problem. A crappy website is sad
             | but fixable. At least it provides some value.
             | Ads are are a nuisance race to the bottom.
         | pwdisswordfisha wrote:
         | > Plus, we have a lot of processing power on the client side,
         | which should be utilised.
         | That does not mean it should be utilised by _you_. Have some
         | humility as a developer.
         | chadlavi wrote:
         | Depends on what you're doing. Everyone uses the word "website"
         | like it's just one type of thing. You DON'T need JavaScript for
         | a website that has no interactability, like a personal blog
         | with no comments or reactions features. You DO need it for...
         | well, almost anything else you want to let the end user do.
         | I think a lot of these "you don't need JS" things you see out
         | there are either (a) a sensible reminder that your JS-filled
         | app doesn't have to do EVERYTHING with JavaScript (looking at
         | you, JSS), (b) a contrarian "JS sucks" take, (c) an appeal to
         | use outdated tech like PHP instead, or (d) just a clever way of
         | getting attention on sites like hackernews.
           | jfoutz wrote:
           | It's funny you mention HN. With comments and voting and no
           | js.
             | Stratoscope wrote:
             | How do you think HN handles voting and collapsing threads
             | _without a page load_?
             | It's this JavaScript that is loaded at the bottom of every
             | page:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/hn.js
             | There is a no-JS fallback. If you disable JS with uBlock
             | Origin or whatever, then reload the page and try voting,
             | you will see the page reload. But thread collapsing won't
             | work at all.
         | AviationAtom wrote:
         | I think PWAs are the future. The industry is just slow at
         | getting to it.
           | robgibbons wrote:
           | It's not that the industry is slow. It's just hard to push
           | PWAs forward when Apple is actively hostile toward web apps.
             | brookst wrote:
             | Why haven't PWA's displaced native Android apps? That can't
             | be Apple's fault, can it?
             | rabuse wrote:
             | Still waiting on iOS Safari push notifications to actually
             | work...
           | catiopatio wrote:
           | The only people who truly want PWAs are web developers and
           | product managers that do not prioritize their users.
           | Why learn anything new or spend anything extra when you can
           | just ship substandard web crapware to users who have no
           | choice (looking at you, Slack).
             | smhg wrote:
             | Isn't that like saying only big companies with specialized
             | roles are allowed to provide app-like functionality?
             | Among others, smaller shops and single-person companies
             | surely benefit from one delivery platform if you ask me.
             | Even if it's not perfect.
               | chc wrote:
               | I don't see how it's like saying that. Do you think a
               | single person can develop a PWA but a single person can't
               | develop an Android app?
         | bobajeff wrote:
         | My argument lately has been: Should we be allowing code to run
         | inside of our documents? Am I okay with PDFs, jpegs, mp4s etc.
         | running arbitrary code when I open them?
           | jareklupinski wrote:
           | imo the extension is how we communicate the purpose of the
           | contents: if it's a .js or .exe file, expect execution, and
           | take appropriate precautions
           | while media _shouldn't_ run arbitrary code, there's also
           | nothing stopping a malicious actor from crafting something
           | that breaks through a buffer overflow in the .mp4 codec for
           | example
           | the safest bet would probably be "assume anything can run
           | arbitrary code, even if it's not supposed to"
           | Stratoscope wrote:
           | PDF files can run JavaScript. It's used in a lot of fillable
           | forms.
           | https://opensource.adobe.com/dc-acrobat-sdk-
           | docs/acrobatsdk/...
           | https://opensource.adobe.com/dc-acrobat-sdk-
           | docs/acrobatsdk/...
         | [deleted]
         | Dwedit wrote:
         | It's still nice to make your page compatible with users who
         | have Javascript turned off by default (noscript/umatrix). That
         | way you can still use ancient HTML forms for server-side
         | interactivity.
       | andrewmackrodt wrote:
       | For non firefox users wanting to manually render the page, grab
       | the base64 output from the link response header, e.g.
       | - open developer tools, navigate to network and refresh
       | - or run from a terminal "curl -s --head 'https://danq.me/wp-
       | content/no-code-webpage/' | sed -nE 's/.*base64,([^>]+)>.*/\1/p'"
       | - replace the base64 into the below code:
       | document.head.innerHTML='<style>'+decodeURIComponent(atob('Ym9...
       | 9IA').split('').map(c => '%' + ('00' +
       | c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2)).join(''))+'</style>'
       | - paste the above string into the developer tools console and
       | press return
         | yardstick wrote:
         | Or, use a different browser just to view this page.
       | pictur wrote:
       | I think it's time to write a blog article under the name you
       | don't need the internet.
         | nicbou wrote:
         | That's a newspaper or a zine, isn't it?
           | layer8 wrote:
           | It's a file on a portable storage medium.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_dead_drop
       | Sephr wrote:
       | I made some similar concepts using generated content via Link
       | header stylesheets over a decade ago at
       | https://code.eligrey.com/css/link-header
       | For example, this CSS[1] resulted in a professional-looking 'blog
       | post' style complete with a header, subtitle, metadata, and
       | footer when paired with a plaintext file.
       | I've also used this functionality to directly add titles to non-
       | HTML content such as images[2]. Unfortunately no extant browser
       | engines support this anymore.
       | 1. https://code.eligrey.com/css/link-header/lorem-ipsum-2.css
       | 2. https://eligrey.com/blog/title-image-files-in-opera/ (contains
       | dead link to demo)
       | msla wrote:
       | The only part I don't get isn't even about the page in question:
       | > My first reaction was "why not just deliver something with
       | Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 and dispense with the
       | invalid code, but perhaps that's just me overthinking the non-
       | existent problem.
       | Yes, it's about the HTML-less plain text page https://no-ht.ml
       | which is UTF-8 plain text which browsers should be able to
       | render.
       | Does anyone here have deep knowledge, quotes from grimoires, or
       | relevant strange tales?
         | edent wrote:
         | I wrote about it at https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2022/12/you-dont-
         | need-html/
         | I tested with a bunch of browsers on mobile and desktop - some
         | browsers forced a download of plain text and / or wouldn't
         | render the characters properly.
         | Some browsers assume the server is lying and think they know
         | best.
           | conaclos wrote:
           | Thanks for the post :)
           | I am wondering: why do you use the obsolete <plaintext>
           | instead of <pre>?
           | Why do you use the `ml` extension?
           | By the way, I noticed some issues in the page:
           | - trailing whitespaces
           | - mixed of spaces/tabs
           | - some wide characters such as V seems to create aligning
           | issues
             | edent wrote:
             | > why do you use the obsolete <plaintext> instead of <pre>?
             | Because it is funny.
             | > Why do you use the `ml` extension?
             | Because it is funny. Also, it was free.
             | > By the way, I noticed some issues in the page:
             | The source is open. Feel free to correct those issues.
       | dvdkon wrote:
       | Good job! That's so clever it crashed my Firefox.
         | still_grokking wrote:
         | A plain text document caused as crash? That sounds really
         | strange.
         | It works fine for me on latest Linux Firefox.
       | fijiaarone wrote:
       | Content-type: image/gif
       | mftb wrote:
       | Well, if it's not in the body of the response...
       | joshmarinacci wrote:
       | You can do a whole lot with just 20 lines of modern JS.
       | jeffreygoesto wrote:
       | Sigh. Wait until she learns about the static initialization order
       | fiasco...
         | jeffreygoesto wrote:
         | Oh my. Should have gone here...
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34464993
       | skeyo wrote:
       | RIP screen readers
       | sshine wrote:
       | > It'll probably only work if you're using Firefox
       | This sentence both made me think:
       | "Seriously; a page that only works in one browser?"
       | and
       | "Finally something that only works in Firefox, that'll teach
       | those Chromers!"
         | chungy wrote:
         | Does the page actually work for anyone?
         | I'm on Firefox and as soon as I click the link from the blog,
         | it's just forever loading.
           | fortran77 wrote:
           | Worked for me on Windows 11 Firefox 109.0 64-bit
           | IYasha wrote:
           | ff 50, linux, works.
             | avx56 wrote:
             | Firefox 50 was released like a week after Trump was
             | elected. They do have an LTS version if you just want
             | stability: https://www.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/firefox/enterprise/ Or it was just a typo I don't know
             | sorry
           | eterm wrote:
           | Works for me (FF 109.0)
           | encody wrote:
           | Works for me on mobile Firefox 109.1.1
           | chungy wrote:
           | Followup: It does work for me after all, but the server was
           | way too overloaded to serve it promptly.
         | [deleted]
       | lovasoa wrote:
       | Related to https://no-ht.ml :
       | A few years ago, I wrote a small js library to convert HTML to
       | unicode: https://www.npmjs.com/package/html2unicode
       | cableshaft wrote:
       | Nothing loaded for me in Chrome. Just a blank page and the
       | following warning in the console:
       | "DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for
       | chrome-extension://[removed]/sourceMap/chrome/scripts/iframe_form
       | _check.map: System error: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT"
       | Which might not be related, not sure, and not awake enough to dig
       | into it further. Did it not load properly for anyone else?
       | asim wrote:
       | Can I just say. I wish web pages were actually programmable.
       | Every time I put together a website now I think damn, look at all
       | this content stuck inside static html. I wish it was in a
       | database and loaded from there, even if that database was a
       | simple text file or whatever else. The web needs some evolution
       | that isn't react and next.js. Going back to pure text is killer.
         | avaika wrote:
         | Sounds like messengers with one to many communication feature
         | (e.g. Telegram) fit this requirement at least partially.
         | It might be not as interactive as mostly of websites, but it
         | allows you to get data through API or develop own client.
         | [deleted]
         | simonw wrote:
         | Web pages are programmable - way more so than desktop or mobile
         | apps.
         | You can open up the DevTools and start poking around -
         | including running your own JS against the page DOM using the
         | console.
         | You can write bookmarklets, or user scripts, or even fill
         | browser extensions that run your own custom scripts.
         | You can even run a headless browser to automate this stuff
         | further - a trick I use a bunch with my shot-scraper CLI tool,
         | see https://simonwillison.net/2022/Mar/14/scraping-web-pages-
         | sho... and https://til.simonwillison.net/shot-scraper/scraping-
         | flourish
         | est wrote:
         | XSLT?
           | cableshaft wrote:
           | Have you tried coding XSLT before? I had to for one job, it
           | was a cool idea, but extremely difficult to do anything, and
           | very restrictive.
           | As much as I wanted it to work out (and tried making a
           | personal website using it for a little while), I would never
           | go back to it today.
           | still_grokking wrote:
           | Frankly HTML5 isn't XML any more. Very bad move...
             | andai wrote:
             | Does anyone know why XHTML failed? I remember deriving some
             | satisfaction from making my website XHTML compliant back in
             | the day.
             | Wouldn't it make it much easier to parse? Or does the
             | motivation to "make stuff still try to work even when it's
             | clearly broken" override that? (The same motivation gave us
             | everything that's wrong with JavaScript, so I'm not sure I
             | agree with it...)
               | chc wrote:
               | XHTML was not backwards compatible and was harder to
               | write for essentially no benefit to most people. "It's
               | XML" was basically the entire list of selling points, and
               | that was just not a compelling enough proposition -- in
               | fact, for many people, that was negative value.
               | still_grokking wrote:
               | > XHTML was not backwards compatible
               | Sure?
               | I think it was _HTML4_ that was not _forwards_
               | compatible.
               | XML is a subset of SGML, and HTML4 was SGML. XHTML was /
               | is XML. So HTML4 parsers (as being SGML parsers)
               | shouldn't have issues with XHTML.
               | It's the other way around: XML parsers don't like HTML.
               | So the attempt failed to change the default parsers to
               | XML; as _old_ webpages had than issues, and the web crowd
               | didn 't like to fix that. People wanted to continue to
               | use the horrible SGML mess--only because nobody wanted to
               | touch their HTML4.
               | So Google created their own web "standards council" and
               | ignored the W3C henceforth. The rest is history.
               | still_grokking wrote:
               | You can still write HTML in XML syntax. It's not wrong
               | afaik.
               | But HTML can be also written in some absolute quirky way
               | that isn't even SGML. Just a horrible mess!
       | afandian wrote:
       | I'm not clear which bit doesn't work on other browsers. Is it the
       | use of a Style Link in the headers rather than body? Or the use
       | of an inline stylesheet as a data URI? Or the styling of a
       | document with no content? Although the combination is unusual,
       | none of those seems particularly exotic.
         | wildrhythms wrote:
         | Agreed, also in the MDN compatibility table it says it's
         | experimental, but that Chrome supports it, so maybe there's a
         | difference in browser implementation handling it?
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Li...
         | azeemba wrote:
         | Link header seemed very exotic to me. I was very surprised to
         | hear that that exists
           | javajosh wrote:
           | Same. And honestly its existence concerns me greatly, non-
           | ironically.
             | afandian wrote:
             | Curious, what's concerning? Links a la IETF RFC 5988 are
             | pretty vanilla web stuff.
               | javajosh wrote:
               | There is nothing worse than believing something that
               | isn't true. Imagine trouble-shooting a front-end issue,
               | and not knowing about this. You think you know where all
               | the CSS is coming from, and that it couldn't possibly
               | produce the effect you're seeing. But actually you do not
               | know where all the CSS is coming from. Adding
               | subresources via http header is pure evil.
               | afandian wrote:
               | Seems like there's a multitude of similar situations to
               | deal with with modern front development. This would
               | hardly be more "evil" than anything else.
               | javajosh wrote:
               | Well, then I don't think I respect your opinion. It's
               | true that tab state is, in general, a function over a
               | truly vast array of variables, plus transitives. But
               | there are some invariants that have been present in the
               | browser from the beginning which constrain this
               | diversity. This feature removes a foundational invariant,
               | namely that the content (and style) of a page depends on
               | the content of a resource. This is a profound mistake
               | that is not in the same league as, for example, a
               | misconfigured webpack. It is more akin to an intrusive,
               | badly written browser extension that injects random crap
               | into a page, but this is far worse because of its
               | novelty, and because of its (potential) scale.
               | This feature needs to die.
               | svieira wrote:
               | The fact of the matter is that what-a-resource-is
               | includes the headers it is served with and the context in
               | which it is requested. Consider
               | https://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/squirrel/
               | It may not be normal in your day-to-day work, but it's
               | definitely an important point of extensibility.
               | Extensibility is indeed opposed to management (see _The
               | Principle of Least Power_ for more on that front) but
               | that is a trade off that worked really well for the web
               | for decades. I for one would be really sad to see this
               | further limited and would love for browser support for
               | `Link` header behavior to increase rather than decrease.
               | javajosh wrote:
               | By that reasoning content-length should include headers.
               | Needless to say you have not changed my mind. There's
               | never going to be a hard and fast rule distinguishing
               | headers from content. It's all just data after all. That
               | doesn't mean it's a good idea to eliminate the
               | distinction entirely.
               | It's almost as if software engineers are doomed to this
               | pendulum of constraining and then under constraining. It
               | happened with SQL and noSQL and it seems to be happening
               | now with HTTP. Constraints are for your own benefit but
               | maybe it takes time to really grok that.
               | afandian wrote:
               | At a cursory search, Link appears in 1996. It was there
               | before CSS.
               | https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1945#appendix-D.2.6
               | javajosh wrote:
               | Wow, you're right! Good that it was summarily ignored
               | until now I guess.
               | afandian wrote:
               | I fear we're getting into xkcd 386 but...
               | As svieira says above, Link is a standard thing. It's
               | widely used. CSS is even based on it. Another example is
               | 'canonical'.
               | https://http.dev/link#canonical
               | You may not have encountered it personally, but I don't
               | think it's wise to extrapolate from that.
       | d12bb wrote:
       | Finding the source in the header was obvious, but I can't figure
       | how to decode that properly. I can see the rules for body{} and
       | @keyframes{}, but no idea where all the text (the before/after
       | rules) are hiding..
         | ldjb wrote:
         | The header " The Page With No Code " is in the html::before
         | content property. The first paragraph "It all started when..."
         | is in the body::before content. The second paragraph "This web
         | page has..." is in the body::after content. And finally, the
         | footnote "* Obviously there's some code somewhere..." is in the
         | html::after content property.
         | I ran the decoded base64 string through a CSS beautifier; this
         | might help:
         | https://gist.github.com/ldjb/8c6b6d83f2acd3cef01fcf56b36d65f...
           | d12bb wrote:
           | I found those in the inspector, sure. But I can't find them
           | in the base64 encoded header.
           | Edit: Nevermind. I tried like 10 different online base64
           | decoders before, till I found one wich didn't show just
           | garbage (maybe they all hiccup on the emojis?), but even that
           | one didn't decode properly as it seems. Either the eleventh
           | one now told me the whole truth, or I should've used curl -i
           | from the start instead of copy/pasting from Firefox's
           | developer tools.
             | Symbiote wrote:
             | curl -SsI https://danq.me/wp-content/no-code-webpage/ | \
             | grep -i ^link: | \         cut -d, -f2 | cut -d\> -f1 | \
             | base64 -d
             | The Base64 encoding is invalid, or at least not ideal, as
             | the '==' padding has been removed [1]. Restoring it works:
             | (curl -SsI https://danq.me/wp-content/no-code-webpage/ | \
             | grep -i ^link: | \         cut -d, -f2 | cut -d\> -f1; echo
             | '==') | \         base64 -d
             | [1] https://gist.github.com/Dan-Q/fc308a8a4aca2934312939f92
             | eaa9d...
             | javajosh wrote:
             | FYI browsers have built in functions for decoding base64,
             | btoa() and atob(). Although I can never remember which is
             | which.
               | codetrotter wrote:
               | Guessing from the names:
               | btoa() should be base64 to ascii
               | atob() should be ascii to base64
               | Edit: it's other way around, lolwut.
               | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/atob
               | javajosh wrote:
               | No-one uses these often, and you have a 50% of guessing
               | right every time!
               | codetrotter wrote:
               | This other page has some more details
               | > The btoa() method creates a Base64-encoded ASCII string
               | from a binary string (i.e., a string in which each
               | character in the string is treated as a byte of binary
               | data).
               | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/btoa
               | So the naming makes sense after all.
               | btoa() is binary to (base64 encoded) ascii.
               | But I'm still not gonna remember this either :^)
             | AlexGuo1998 wrote:
             | > ... instead of copy/pasting from Firefox's developer
             | tools.
             | You may toggle the "raw" switch in the upper-right corner,
             | or Firefox will trim the header like "jh6...W5n".
       | cheeaun wrote:
       | https://css-tricks.com/using-css-without-html/ (2010)
       | defanor wrote:
       | Neat, but this part is a bit odd:
       | > As a fan of CSS Naked Day and a firm believer in using JS only
       | for progressive enhancement, I'm obviously in favour.
       | ...And the page it is written on is slightly broken (images
       | follow enlarged thumbnails of themselves) in FF with JS off.
       | pprotas wrote:
       | Technically there is code on the back-end server, now make a
       | webpage with no code at all
         | oneeyedpigeon wrote:
         | An empty file is technically a webpage, right?
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | base64 encoded url thingy
           | joshxyz wrote:
           | Thinking of blob urls lol
         | still_grokking wrote:
         | Easy. Just use the nocode language for that.
         | https://github.com/kelseyhightower/nocode
           | Towaway69 wrote:
           | I'm going wait until the Linux install script has been merged
           | - https://github.com/kelseyhightower/nocode/pull/4967
         | El_RIDO wrote:
         | Would a webserver configuration file count? The code on the
         | webserver minifies the CSS file and embeds it into a Link
         | header - you could configure a webserver to respond with a
         | generated Link header and no content to a certain URL.
         | Here is an example configuration file for nginx:
         | https://snip.dssr.ch/?7a4e21dde5f7916b#2aPagYEg3kuWg3YN8Q5oz...
         | Though I would argue that the header-embedded CSS is still
         | code, regardless how it is delivered.
         | dcminter wrote:
         | Is 'about:mozilla' close enough for you? (Firefox only obv.)
       | webscalist wrote:
       | swf is all you need
         | IYasha wrote:
         | _big hug_
       | rav wrote:
       | Does it also work if the response code is changed to HTTP 204 No
       | Content?
         | jwilk wrote:
         | It does.
       | lovasoa wrote:
       | To see the magic:                   curl -I https://danq.me/wp-
       | content/no-code-webpage/ | grep -oP 'base64,\K\w+' | base64 -d
       (page generated 2023-01-21 23:00 UTC)