[HN Gopher] Thoughts on the Python Packaging Ecosystem
       Thoughts on the Python Packaging Ecosystem
       Author : BerislavLopac
       Score  : 45 points
       Date   : 2023-01-21 17:16 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (pradyunsg.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (pradyunsg.me)
       | DougMerritt wrote:
       | At the top is a "tl;dr" which makes some points that I think are
       | good to keep in mind for any set of tools:                  Pick
       | from N different tools that do N different things is a good
       | model.             Pick from N ~equivalent choices is a really
       | bad user experience.             Picking a default doesn't make
       | other approaches illegal.
         | zdragnar wrote:
         | As someone who has had to take over the projects of other
         | people, I will say the third point needs a caveat:
         | Picking a non-default tool needs a written explanation with
         | sound reasoning
         | When there is a default, new members to the community will
         | gravitate towards it and, if there isn't a good reason, will
         | avoid learning other options.
         | In time, this ends up being anywhere from a minor annoyance to
         | very frustrating, as not only are you losing time to learning,
         | but potentially losing time to not having access to extras as
         | the community around the default expands and your now special
         | snowflake project goes without.
         | For very specific tools and libraries, it might be okay if they
         | are easily interchangeable (but is apparently bad UX?) But for
         | things with larger responsibilities - a full blown ORM, package
         | manager, etc- it can end up being a millstone.
       | di wrote:
       | Previous discussion:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34464657
       | woodruffw wrote:
       | This is a great writeup by a central figure in Python packaging,
       | and gets to the core of one of Python packaging's biggest
       | strengths (and weaknesses): the PyPA is _primarily_ an  "open
       | tent," with mostly independent (but somewhat standards-driven)
       | development within it.
       | Pradyun's point about unnecessary competition rings especially
       | true to me, and points to (IMO) a hard reality about where the
       | ecosystem needs to go: at some point, there need to be some
       | _prescriptions_ about the _one good tool_ to use for 99.9% of use
       | cases, and with that will probably come some hurt feelings and
       | disregarded technical opinions (including possibly mine!). But
       | that 's what _needs_ to happen in order to produce a uniform
       | tooling environment and UX.
         | saghm wrote:
         | > Pradyun's point about unnecessary competition rings
         | especially true to me, and points to (IMO) a hard reality about
         | where the ecosystem needs to go: at some point, there need to
         | be some prescriptions about the one good tool to use for 99.9%
         | of use cases, and with that will probably come some hurt
         | feelings and disregarded technical opinions (including possibly
         | mine!). But that's what needs to happen in order to produce a
         | uniform tooling environment and UX.
         | Not to mention that all efforts would be focused on improving a
         | single package manager. Even if the one that was standardized
         | wasn't the "best" at first (by whichever metric you prefer),
         | giving everyone an incentive to improve that one will likely
         | make it the best within a few years.
       | atomicnumber3 wrote:
       | Why does Ruby not have similar problems? (Or if it does, why does
       | nobody seem to care?)
       | Like why does Ruby have gem and bundler, each doing one thing,
       | whereas python has fifty bazillion tools that all do nearly the
       | same thing if you squint but all have their own weird problems?
       | I've personally just ended up using poetry and that has mostly
       | stopped me from having to care overmuch about the tooling.
       | I feel like I'm spoiled coming from Java land, where aside from
       | too much XML, maven just works and if you need to do weird shit
       | (like if you're android, for instance) then you use gradle, which
       | still doesn't fuck up the maven repository format and we can all
       | just live happily. (And nobody uses Ant anymore).
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | In some ways, it's actually pretty weird that Ruby hasn't had
         | similar problems (I say wearing both my Ruby fanboy and Python
         | packaging contributor hats).
         | In others, it's less weird: Ruby's upswing happened with Rails
         | and a handful of other "killer" frameworks, which helped to
         | solidify developer workflows (and expectations) around
         | packaging. Python, by contrast, has had multiple generations of
         | "killer" usecases, each with their own baggage (and many
         | predating any real packaging standards).
         | The history of Python packaging is also much older, and much
         | more devolved than anybody in 2023 would consider reasonable
         | for a packaging ecosystem: the earliest generation of PyPI, for
         | example, was _just_ an index that pointed to other webhosts for
         | downloads, rather than a full package host. This helped ossify
         | manual workflows that developers at the time were content with,
         | and some of that cost is still being paid forwards.
         | [deleted]
         | Kwpolska wrote:
         | Python packaging has too many people inventing their own tools
         | and their own little fiefdoms instead of picking one good tool
         | and pushing it forward. There's also the PyPA, which is an
         | organization (or a group of semi-related volunteers, depending
         | which interpretation suits them best) that maintains many of
         | the tools (although none of the most feature-complete, namely
         | poetry and PDM) and that produces standards that promote
         | tooling proliferation.
           | wiredfool wrote:
           | I've just looked through the docs for poetry and I don't see
           | anything there about compiled extensions.
       | ram_rar wrote:
       | I get a lot of flak for saying this, but I do hope python
       | committers and psf members take a hard look at perl and its
       | demise. Perl had a very similar problem of having N equivalent
       | choices for doing the same thing and python for better or worse
       | is heading in the same direction. In the last few yrs of my
       | professional career many projects I worked, were on are migrating
       | python -> golang cuz frankly many people were fed up of
       | python2->3 migration. Not that golang doesnt have it fair share
       | of issues, but the the packaging and deploying aspects of a
       | single binary makes CI/CD and operations a breeze. I hope python
       | makes this is first class citizen in its ecosystem.
       | philsnow wrote:
       | > A class of users expect a packaging tool that provides a
       | cohesive experience (like npm (NodeJS), [...], etc) - a single
       | tool that provides a build system, dependency manager,
       | publishing, running project-specific tasks/scripts, etc. I've
       | referred to this as "workflow tool" in this post.
       | I don't know enough about node, but aren't there at least two or
       | three package managers (npm, yarn, maybe pnpm)? Then there are
       | half a dozen different things for the "build" / transpile /
       | compile stage of frontend work, and
       | > Pick from N ~equivalent choices is a really bad user experience
       | this has caused me to bounce off of getting into frontend work
       | several times. It's so aesthetically displeasing that my brain
       | doesn't want to learn it.
         | JeremyBanks wrote:
         | [dead]
         | jessaustin wrote:
         | _...aren 't there at least two or three package managers (npm,
         | yarn, maybe pnpm)?_
         | I'm not sure about yarn, but pnpm has exactly the same API as
         | npm has. It simply has a different disk organization and
         | caching strategy. If npm maintainers so chose, pnpm's behavior
         | would be an option within npm. Since they haven't chosen that,
         | it seems completely reasonable to "compete" in the way that
         | pnpm does.
       | chaxor wrote:
       | Packaging and Nvidia are pretty much the main reasons python has
       | degraded in status for the past 7 years. It started with the
       | added and unnecessary confusion from conda (and silly things like
       | pythonxy), but has really escalated through extra stupidities
       | like poetry. Much of the features that may be enticing for these
       | extra packages should have pushed the developers to improve the
       | standard tools in python (pip). The other problem is due to
       | python's lead in ML and the need to work with GPUs. That started
       | with tensorflow, which had immense (still does) issues in dealing
       | with versioning, mostly due to Nvidia (matching cuda versions and
       | such). So effectively, Nvidia and package management killed a
       | good language.
         | kelsolaar wrote:
         | Poetry certainly made our life much easier and was a
         | productivity improvement. It the the tool that brought us back
         | from Conda because it was able to solve environments than
         | nothing in Pip land was able to do.
           | totalhack wrote:
           | Poetry seems pretty slow due to some of the extra dependency
           | logic it builds on top of pip. Whether this trade off is
           | worth it probably depends on the scope of the project. For
           | most of my projects I stick with pip and almost never run
           | into issues.
           | jvolkman wrote:
           | Was that before or after pip's new resolver was released at
           | the end of 2020?
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2023-01-21 23:00 UTC)