[HN Gopher] KeenType: Pure Java typesetting system
       KeenType: Pure Java typesetting system
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 67 points
       Date   : 2023-01-23 17:01 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | whartung wrote:
       | What a fascinating license.
       | This is a particularly compelling line from it:
       | 3. You must not distribute the modified file with the filename of
       | the          original file.
       | Just in isolation, outside of the other aspects of the license,
       | this is pretty much completely crippling for a Java program.
       | Simply, if you change a file, you can't use the same name. Well,
       | in Java, the name of the file is the name of the class. You can't
       | have the file name differ from the class inside.
       | That means you can't change a Java file in this codebase.
       | Fascinating.
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | KRAKRISMOTT wrote:
         | Or just use a shading tool (which comes by default with most
         | Maven/Gradle builds). It is not a barrier for any experienced
         | java developer.
         | hbn wrote:
         | Now I want to make a fork, DumbKeenType, where the first thing
         | I do is append "Dumb" to the beginning of every class/filename.
         | https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/dumb-sta...
         | dcminter wrote:
         | Huh? Refactor the class name in virtually any Java supporting
         | IDE and the file name and invocations will be changed along
         | with it.
         | The license term seems petty, and would be annoying, but the
         | workaround is trivial.
           | whartung wrote:
           | If you do that, you have to rename every class file it
           | impacts as well, because now those files are changed. A lot
           | of refactoring systems don't take into account the ancillary
           | files (like build files, start scripts, etc.).
           | So, the workaround can be quite impactful in the end.
           | Renaming the entirety of the code base, potentially.
             | dcminter wrote:
             | Oh, duh, now I get it. That's very annoying.
             | layer8 wrote:
             | In principle, you could rename the classes on the class-
             | file level after compilation, back to the original names.
             | That wouldn't violate the license.
             | Moreover, under the following definition in the license:
             | `Modification' of a file       means any procedure that
             | produces a derivative file under any       applicable law
             | -- that is, a file containing the original file or       a
             | significant portion of it, either verbatim or with
             | modifications       and/or translated into another
             | language.
             | ...compilation would count as modification ("translated
             | into another language"), and compilation also changes the
             | file name (from .java to .class), so distributing the
             | compilation output should be fine. Furthermore, any changes
             | to the sources can be distributed as a diff patch, which
             | also has a different file name.
           | thangalin wrote:
           | > but the workaround is trivial.
           | If you have a trivial solution to rename hundreds of Java
           | classes and their references en masse without breaking the
           | build and without renaming each file one-at-a-time, do tell.
           | You can find more details about potential solutions I've
           | tried here:
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75154524/bulk-rename-
           | of-...
           | FYI, the following plug-in for IDEA supports regular
           | expressions (as of Jan 20, 2023), so it may be a viable
           | solution:
           | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/17455-rename-files-
           | refa...
             | counttheforks wrote:
             | Posted a solution on your other comment:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34493760
             | playingalong wrote:
             | I bet Open Rewrite can handle that quite easily:
             | https://docs.openrewrite.org/
               | thangalin wrote:
               | I wasn't able to find a recipe that performs a regular
               | expression rename. That is, there doesn't seem to be
               | anything like:                   ---         type:
               | specs.openrewrite.org/v1beta/recipe         name:
               | com.yourorg.ChangeTypeExample         displayName: Change
               | type example         recipeList:           -
               | org.openrewrite.java.ChangeType:
               | oldFullyQualifiedTypeName: (.+)
               | newFullyQualifiedTypeName: Kt$1
               | [deleted]
               | Someone wrote:
               | I would do that the hacker way:
               | - build the current TeX.jar
               | - jar tf TeX.jar | grep _whatever_ to get a list of to-
               | be-renamed classes
               | - use _sed_ or manual editing to generate a large list of
               | recipes
               | - run those recipes
               | Instead of _jar tf_ , grep for "^package foo.bar.baz" and
               | "class (complex regex)" in the source code to get a list
               | of package and class names, or use the directory
               | structure. Maybe do all of them, and compare the results
               | for robustness.
               | That list will be large and it may not go perfect in one
               | go, but it's a one-off job, and you'll get there.
             | dangerlibrary wrote:
             | This feels like something where the right solution is to
             | drop down to the terminal and use the old standbys -
             | sed/grep/find, etc. Could probably wrap it all up in `make`
             | or `just` if this is something you do regularly.
               | thangalin wrote:
               | It's not trivial. Some class names are substrings of
               | other classes. I'm pretty sure this requires loading and
               | parsing the source code's AST to accomplish without
               | breaking the build. The SO thread goes into more gnarly
               | details.
             | dcminter wrote:
             | Edit: Never mind, whartung enlightened me in a sibling
             | comment. Leaving the egg on my face for posterity below.
             | ---
             | Why do you want to change all the files? The license only
             | says you have to change the names of files that you modify.
             | It's a pretty weird term.
             | If for some reason you were determined to change the names
             | of all files then you ought to be able to create a plugin
             | that walks the tree of classes and invokes the refactoring
             | capabilities of the IDE to make the change. It's a strange
             | use-case though so I'm not really surprised there isn't a
             | ready tool for it.
               | thangalin wrote:
               | > Why do you want to change all the files?
               | Ever pull on a thread to unravel an entire sweater?
               | Imagine wanting to add an SVG typesetter. To do this, the
               | interface implemented by the DVI typesetter needs to be
               | extracted and generalized so that it works for both SVG
               | and DVI (to maintain existing behaviour). The
               | `Typesetter` interface is used by, for example,
               | `BaseNode`, so any changes to that interface could touch
               | `BaseNode`. Changes to `BaseNode` can affect all `*Node`
               | classes, which then cascade over to `*Noad` and `*Prim`
               | classes, and from there the rest of the source base.
         | bedatadriven wrote:
         | Looks like it was inherited from an upstream project that has a
         | long history: https://github.com/jamespfennell/new-typesetting-
         | system#lice...
         | thangalin wrote:
         | I've been looking high-and-low for a way to rename Java classes
         | en masse without breaking the build.
         | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75154524/bulk-rename-of-...
         | A number of classes have been renamed to have the Kt prefix.
         | There are other changes that don't yet have the new prefix
         | applied because changing those classes would ripple into,
         | essentially, the entire code base. Hence the search for a mass
         | rename procedure that works. Suggestions welcome.
         | Donald Knuth set that rule up so that "plain.tex" would be the
         | same, world-wide. I don't know why the authors applied the same
         | license to the entire Java application, rather than limit it to
         | Knuth's work.
         | I've also added a comment "// Originally" that indicates the
         | original name of the class, rather than the name of the file.
         | This minor license violation keeps its spirit if not its
         | letter. Otherwise there'd be no way to extract an inner class.
           | counttheforks wrote:
           | If you're fine using intellij then you can probably use its
           | scripting to do this. It has access to most of the same API
           | as plugins and can access intellij features such as its
           | refactor rename.
           | The (meager) docs on scripting:
           | https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/ide-scripting-
           | console.ht.... The plugin docs & intellij source code
           | (especially the unit tests) are a better source of
           | information.
           | And here's a script that will use intellij's refactoring to
           | rename all classes recursively in a directory to add the
           | prefix Renamed, correctly dealing with references & renaming
           | files if necessary:
           | @file:Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING")            import
           | com.intellij.notification.Notification       import
           | com.intellij.notification.NotificationType       import
           | com.intellij.notification.Notifications       import
           | com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.*       import
           | com.intellij.openapi.keymap.KeymapManager       import
           | com.intellij.openapi.command.WriteCommandAction       import
           | com.intellij.psi.*       import com.intellij.psi.search.*
           | import com.intellij.refactoring.rename.RenameProcessor
           | import com.intellij.util.ThrowableConsumer       import
           | java.io.PrintWriter       import java.io.StringWriter
           | import javax.swing.KeyStroke            // Usage: In IDEA:
           | Tools -> IDE Scripting Console -> Kotlin       // Ctrl+A,
           | Ctrl+Enter to run the script       // Select folder
           | containing target classes, Ctrl+Shift+A to open action menu,
           | search for Bulk refactor            //<editor-fold
           | desc="Boilerplate">       val b = bindings as Map<*, *>
           | val IDE = b["IDE"] as com.intellij.ide.script.IDE
           | fun registerAction(         name: String,         keyBind:
           | String? = null,         consumer:
           | ThrowableConsumer<AnActionEvent, Throwable>       ) {
           | registerAction(name, keyBind, object : AnAction() {
           | override fun actionPerformed(event: AnActionEvent) {
           | try {               consumer.consume(event);             }
           | catch (t: Throwable) {               val sw = StringWriter()
           | t.printStackTrace(PrintWriter(sw))
           | log("Exception in action $name: $t\n\n\n$sw",
           | NotificationType.ERROR)               throw t             }
           | }         });       }            fun registerAction(name:
           | String, keyBind: String? = null, action: AnAction) {
           | action.templatePresentation.text = name;
           | action.templatePresentation.description = name;              
           | KeymapManager.getInstance().activeKeymap.removeAllActionShort
           | cuts(name);
           | ActionManager.getInstance().unregisterAction(name);
           | ActionManager.getInstance().registerAction(name, action);
           | if (keyBind != null) {
           | KeymapManager.getInstance().activeKeymap.addShortcut(
           | name,
           | KeyboardShortcut(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(keyBind), null)
           | );         }       }            fun log(msg: String,
           | notificationType: NotificationType =
           | NotificationType.INFORMATION) {         log("Scripted
           | Action", msg, notificationType)       }            fun log(
           | title: String,         msg: String,         notificationType:
           | NotificationType = NotificationType.INFORMATION       ) {
           | Notifications.Bus.notify(           Notification(
           | "scriptedAction",             title,             msg,
           | notificationType           )         )       }
           | //</editor-fold>            registerAction("Bulk refactor")
           | lambda@{ event ->         val project = event.project ?:
           | return@lambda;         val psiElement =
           | event.getData(LangDataKeys.PSI_ELEMENT) ?: return@lambda
           | log("Bulk refactor for: $psiElement")              WriteComma
           | ndAction.writeCommandAction(event.project).withGlobalUndo().r
           | un<Throwable> {           psiElement.accept(object :
           | PsiRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() {             override
           | fun visitElement(element: PsiElement) {
           | super.visitElement(element);               if (element !is
           | PsiClass) {                 return               }
           | if(element.name?.startsWith("Renamed") == false) {
           | log("Renaming $element")                      // arg4 =
           | isSearchInComments                 // arg5 =
           | isSearchTextOccurrences                 val processor =
           | object : RenameProcessor(project, element, "Renamed" +
           | element.name, false, false) {                   override fun
           | isPreviewUsages(usages: Array<out UsageInfo>): Boolean {
           | return false                   }                 }
           | processor.run()               }             }           })
           | }       }
           | If your project is large this will temporarily freeze
           | intellij since it doesn't properly run on the background
           | thread but just give it a minute.
           | By the way, this should work on all languages that IntelliJ
           | has a language plugin for, not just Java.
           | Edit: Modified script to override isPreviewUsages to prevent
           | intellij from opening confirmation dialogs
             | thangalin wrote:
             | This looks rather promising. Doesn't work in my version of
             | IDEA (Build #IC-223.8214.52, built on December 20, 2022,
             | Community Edition), due to the following errors when
             | running the script:
             | > Argument for @NotNull parameter 'module' of
             | org/jetbrains/.../...GroovyRunner must not be null.
             | The project doesn't have any references to the NotNull
             | annotation, and there are a number of what appear to be
             | compile errors:
             | https://i.ibb.co/dfxbV4p/rename-script.png
             | Running with Ctrl+Enter produces:                   >
             | @file:Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING")
             | MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
             | Script1.groovy: 1: Unexpected input: '@file:' @ line 1,
             | column 6.            @file:Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING")
             | ^              1 error
             | I removed the line and re-ran, which resulted in:
             | > import com.intellij.notification.Notification         [22
             | ms]=> null
             | Then I selected the entire text and pressed Ctrl+Enter
             | again, which returned:
             | MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
             | Script4.groovy: 20: Unexpected input: '<*' @ line 20,
             | column 25.            val b = bindings as Map<*, *>
             | ^              1 error
             | After changing the asterisks to question marks, the script
             | failed to run, indicating:
             | MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
             | Script5.groovy: 25: Unexpected input: 'registerAction(\n
             | name: String,\n    keyBind: String? =' @ line 25, column
             | 22.                keyBind: String? = null,
             | ^              1 error
             | I appreciate the effort, though!
               | counttheforks wrote:
               | Make sure you pick Kotlin for the scripting language, not
               | Groovy.
               | Then run the script like this:
               | 1. In IDEA: Tools -> IDE Scripting Console -> Kotlin
               | 2. Paste in the script
               | 3. Ctrl+A, Ctrl+Enter to load the script. This should
               | show a green "Loaded!" notification
               | 4. Select a folder containing the classes in the Project
               | window
               | 5. Press Ctrl+Shift+A to open action menu
               | 6. Search for Bulk refactor and select it
               | Also please note the first version of the script had a
               | bug that would open confirmation dialogues for some
               | refactorings, so see the edited script.
               | thangalin wrote:
               | > 1. In IDEA: Tools -> IDE Scripting Console -> Kotlin
               | No such sub-menu of Tools exists, but that's fine because
               | I've mapped Ctrl+Shift+A to bring up the menu. I
               | installed the Kotlin plugin and tried again. There was a
               | missing import. After fixing the missing import:
               | [732 ms]=> null
               | I switched "Rename" to "Kt", of course, and re-ran the
               | script.
               | > 4. Select a folder containing the classes in the
               | Project window
               | > 5. Press Ctrl+Shift+A to open action menu
               | > 6. Search for Bulk refactor and select it
               | Opening the menu with Ctrl+Shift+A doesn't show the bulk
               | refactor script, but that could be because I remapped
               | Ctrl+Shift+A and am using the NetBeans keyboard mappings,
               | rather than the IntelliJ map.
               | https://i.ibb.co/5LTsffj/bulk-refactor.png
               | counttheforks wrote:
               | > There was a missing import
               | Oops :)
               | When pressing Ctrl+Enter, did you see the green "Loaded!"
               | notification in the bottom right? If so, then I guess
               | installing the Kotlin plugin worked.
               | > Opening the menu with Ctrl+Shift+A doesn't show the
               | bulk refactor script
               | The Ctrl+Shift+A menu from the default keymap that I'm
               | talking about is the "Actions" dialog. You can also get
               | there via "Navigate -> Search Everywhere" and then
               | selecting the "Actions" tab (or just searching in All).
               | Also you only have to select a single folder/package and
               | it will be processed recursively. I did not test what
               | happens when you select multiple folders. Might be fine,
               | might explode.
               | edit: Just realized the script I pasted here does not
               | emit the "Loaded!" log message on load. So disregard
               | those comments. If you want to verify it loads correctly,
               | add this as the last line:
               | log("Loaded!")
               | edit: HN rate limited my account again, so I'm not
               | allowed to post any new comments for the next few hours.
               | Good luck!
               | If you do wind up using this script and want to modify
               | it, it is helpful to read
               | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/psi.html & to
               | install the PsiViewer plugin from the marketplace.
           | layer8 wrote:
           | Ignoring the case of the TFA license that actually requires
           | you to rename the files, renaming packages is normally
           | enough, and is rather straightforward, which is probably why
           | there isn't much existing tooling for batch-renaming classes.
           | patrec wrote:
           | Wouldn't something like the following shell one-liner rename
           | get you quite close?                  export javas=$(find .
           | -regex '.*\.java$'); for old in $(grep -hrPo 'class
           | (?!Kt)\K[A-Z]\w+'); do echo $old; sed -i
           | "s/\<$old\>/Kt$old/g" $javas;  rename "s/^$old\$/Kt$old/"
           | $javas; done
           | Untested, unoptimized, needs gnu grep and perl's rename
           | utility (variously packaged as prename or rename-files, as
           | opposed to the crappy linux-utils rename).
             | patrec wrote:
             | Here you are, "gradle build" works with this cleaned up and
             | faster version (and the diff looks plausible on first
             | sight):                  javas=$(find . -regex '.*\.java$')
             | sed -i -E "$(printf 's/\\<(%s)\\>/Kt\\1/g;' $(grep -hrPo
             | '\b(class|interface|record|enum)
             | (?!Kt)(?!List\b)(?!Entry\b)\K[A-Z]\w+'))" $(echo $javas);
             | rename 's;\b(?!Kt)(\w+[.]java)$;Kt$1;' $(echo $javas)
             | (The $(echo $javas) is so it works in both bash and zsh).
         | brazzy wrote:
         | > in Java, the name of the file is the name of the class. You
         | can't have the file name differ from the class inside.
         | Actually, I'm fairly sure you can. You just need a custom
         | classloader.
           | brabel wrote:
           | Class files don't actually care about file names so
           | ClassLoader has nothing to do with this. The OP problem is
           | the source. The Java compiler won't compile a source file if
           | none of the classes (and the only public one) in the file
           | matches the name of the file.
             | rowls66 wrote:
             | Yes, commonly used ClassLoaders do care about file names
             | and directories. The Java compiler javac does not. The
             | javac compiler compiles compilation units which are
             | generally files, but name does not matter.
               | teraflop wrote:
               | No, the file names of compilation units _do_ matter to
               | javac. To quote the Java Language Specification, section
               | 7.6:
               | > If and only if packages are stored in a file system
               | (SS7.2), the host system may choose to enforce the
               | restriction that it is a compile-time error if a class or
               | interface is not found in a file under a name composed of
               | the class or interface name plus an extension (such as
               | .java or .jav) if either of the following is true:
               | > * The class or interface is referred to by code in
               | other ordinary compilation units of the package in which
               | the class or interface is declared.
               | > * The class or interface is declared public (and
               | therefore is potentially accessible from code in other
               | packages).
               | and javac does indeed enforce this restriction, at least
               | for public classes. It's an error to declare a public
               | class called Foo in a file that's called anything except
               | Foo.java.
             | brazzy wrote:
             | > Class files don't actually care about file names
             | But URLClassLoader does, which definitely has something to
             | do with this.
             | True, before you get there, you'd first need it to compile
             | - but modern JDKs have a compiler API that allows
             | customization via the StandardJavaFileManager interface,
             | and that looks like it should be able to do the job to make
             | source file names follow a different convention.
         | ebruchez wrote:
         | As a workaround, you could distribute the modified Foo.java as
         | Foo2.java, and have your build system rename Foo2.java to
         | Foo.java at build time. It might be all it takes (but IANAL).
           | mqus wrote:
           | WHich would completely cripple IDEs or at the very least
           | makes it difficult to work with
       | svat wrote:
       | For some history/context on what this is based on:
       | * During 1977-78, Knuth wrote the first version of TeX (now
       | called TeX78) in SAIL and gave a talk[1] about it. Everyone was
       | excited, and lots of people at other universities/labs starting
       | writing their own ports of TeX.
       | * During 1980-82, Knuth set out to rewrite a "portable" TeX using
       | Pascal, the most widely available language at that time (actually
       | he wrote his own macros/wrapper on top of Pascal; the resulting
       | language is called WEB). This (TeX82 aka TeX) is the program
       | still in use today if you invoke "tex". (Continues to be updated
       | once every few years, but basically stable.)
       | * During 1998-2000, there was a Java rewrite of TeX called the
       | New Typesetting System (NTS)[2], which had an alpha release and
       | then was basically abandoned: it had all the problems of TeX and
       | was several times slower, so it was regarded by many as a
       | failure. Meanwhile extensions of TeX like pdfTeX came into
       | existence, which are the programs most people use today.
       | * The code still exists though, and I imagine people must have
       | tried it on and off. But since I can't find any earlier record,
       | I'll provisionally take credit for the idea of
       | resurrecting/resurfacing it, when I tried it in 2017: [3]
       | * Recently (in the last few months), Dave Jarvis (user
       | `thangalin` here) has forked/modernized this Java implementation
       | and is trying it out. (I noticed when he left his comment on my
       | TeX.SE question; I guess his post
       | https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/672614 on another question is
       | what led to it being posted here.) I'm excited about this;
       | looking forward to see how it gets used.
       | (Apologies if this long comment potentially takes attention away
       | from the current state and future possibilities, but felt like
       | the history is useful context...)
       | --------
       | I'll also add some history about the license, as I see another
       | thread about it. When Knuth wrote TeX, it was to solve a specific
       | problem he had encountered in publishing: the second edition of
       | TAOCP Vol 2 was turning out worse in appearance than the first,
       | because the publisher was moving from hot-metal typesetting (with
       | Monotype machines) to phototypesetting, and could not achieve
       | exactly the same appearance. While being bothered by this, Knuth
       | discovered that digital typesetting machines were starting to
       | come into existence: now it was just 0s and 1s, and as a
       | programmer he felt he could handle it. That was his motivation
       | for creating TeX and METAFONT: the appearance of each page would
       | remain reproducible forever into the future.
       | Except: when he publicized TeX and various clones sprung up, the
       | situation was heading towards merely re-introducing the problem:
       | if different computer systems had different programs all called
       | "tex" that made even subtly different choices about line-breaking
       | or whatever, then someone could write a paper/book on one
       | computer, fine-tune the typesetting, then send the .tex file to
       | their colleague / editor / publisher who used another computer,
       | and no longer be confident that they would get the same result.
       | This was one of the reasons he used the rewrite to create a
       | portable TeX, going to great pains to use only a common subset of
       | Pascal (Pascal had widely diverging compiler and language
       | features), wrote a very demanding conformance test suite called
       | the TRIP test[4] and insisted that any program would need to pass
       | this test to be called "tex" -- that way, everyone using "tex"
       | could be sure they were writing something that would always
       | produce the same result everywhere. If you wanted to make
       | different choices in the program you could, as long as you
       | changed the name.
       | When he announced in 1990[5] that TeX would be stable (no more
       | features), this is what he wrote:
       | > _My work on developing TeX, METAFONT, and Computer Modern has
       | come to an end. I will make no further changes except to correct
       | extremely serious bugs. I have put these systems into the public
       | domain so that people everywhere can use the ideas freely if they
       | wish. I have also spent thousands of hours trying to ensure that
       | the systems produce essentially identical results on all
       | computers. [...]_
       | > _[...] anybody can make use of my programs in whatever way they
       | wish, as long as they do not use the names TeX, METAFONT, or
       | Computer Modern. In particular, any person or group who wants to
       | produce a program superior to mine is free to do so. However,
       | nobody is allowed to call a system TeX or METAFONT unless that
       | system conforms 100% to my own programs [...]_
       | > _I welcome continued research that will lead to alternative
       | systems that can typeset documents better than TeX is able to do.
       | But the authors of such systems must think of another name. That
       | is all I ask, after devoting a substantial portion of my life to
       | the creation of these systems and making them available to
       | everybody in the world. I sincerely hope that the members of TUG
       | will help me to enforce these wishes..._
       | etc. And NTS derives a similar licence, and this project (being
       | forked from NTS) simply carries over the license.
       | Of course such a license is unusual today, and thousands of
       | pages' worth of ink have been spilled over whether or not this
       | counts as "free software" (predating GPL / MIT license etc), and
       | (finally) grudgingly accepted to be. You can read about the
       | history of the LaTeX project's similar license (LPPL) and all the
       | debates on Debian/FSF mailing lists etc if you're morbidly
       | interested[6]; the discussion usually proceeds on similar lines
       | and I hope it doesn't get repeated here. :-)
       | [1]: Gibbs lecture, "Mathematical Typography":
       | https://doi.org/10.1090/S0273-0979-1979-14598-1
       | [2]:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=New_Typesetting_S...
       | [3]: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/385645/is-nts-new-
       | ty...
       | [4]: http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/knuth-pdf/tex/tripman.pdf
       | [5]: https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb11-4/tb30knut.pdf
       | [6]: https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb32-1/tb100mitt.pdf
         | TylerE wrote:
         | Aren't pretty much all modern TeX distorts using luatex?
           | dhosek wrote:
           | Not really. The luaTeX engine is the slowest and some of its
           | defaults differ from the behavior of pdfTeX and XeTeX. I
           | generally recommend people use XeTeX (which is also slower
           | than pdfTeX but faster than luaTeX), unless either they
           | specifically need some luaTeX facility or they are required
           | to use pdfTeX (some publishers insist on pdfTeX, although
           | their number is declining. I think that arxiv used to (maybe
           | still does) be one site that only supported pdfTeX, but I
           | could be wrong about that.
       (page generated 2023-01-23 23:00 UTC)