[HN Gopher] Show HN: 1Kb Webspace
       Show HN: 1Kb Webspace
       Hey guys, I wanted to introduce you my hacknight project.  It is a
       tribute to onekb.net which has stopped its service a few years ago.
       Currently it is still a beta where external resources are also
       possible (but not the point ;) ) to get your opinions.  When it is
       finished, the source code will be open source. The secret word is
       therefore also hackernews.  P.S.: The source code is currently
       2.4Kb I'm trying to make it smaller. 1Kb would be my goal.
       Author : Visurox
       Score  : 83 points
       Date   : 2023-01-26 09:29 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (onekb.uber.space)
 (TXT) w3m dump (onekb.uber.space)
       | Visurox wrote:
       | So, I will change the secret word for now (1-2 hours) to fix some
       | stuff the user mention here (thanks!). And to the one who post
       | the snake game, stop it, I need to code! ;)
       | After then, the word will be the same as before.
         | Visurox wrote:
         | Filter for username and text is online, thanks to the users!
         | hackernews is the secret word again. :)
           | tln wrote:
           | Is it working? I've got my code ready:)
           | <style>#b{--s:12vmin;--w:100vmin;--h:calc(var(--w) / 2);posit
           | ion:relative;width:var(--w);height:var(--w);margin:auto;anima
           | tion:spin 4s linear infinite;transform-
           | origin:center}@keyframes
           | spin{100%{transform:rotate(360deg)}}#b b{font:var(--s) monosp
           | ace;height:var(--h);position:absolute;width:var(--s);left:cal
           | c(var(--h) - var(--s)/ 2);top:0;transform-origin:bottom
           | center}</style><div id=b><script>for(i in s="because circular
           | reasoning works ",s)b.innerHTML+=`<b style="transform:rotate(
           | ${360*i/s.length}deg)">${s[i]}`</script>
         | kris_wayton wrote:
         | Since you can insert arbitrary JS, it feels like you could
         | write a loop that ajax posts a bunch of new webspaces when
         | someone visits a webspace. Might look into protecting againt
         | that.
           | Visurox wrote:
           | src and href are now forbidden tags. should be filter out the
           | most crap.
             | tekni5 wrote:
             | The site doesn't seem to work, says "Wrong secret word" for
             | hackernews.
             | Is there a list of pages people have made?
             | So with out src & href you can't have links, seem like a
             | massive limitation. Was trying to a submit a personal site
             | with external links, guess it's no use now.
               | kris_wayton wrote:
               | There's srcset, and things like generating content with
               | JS, inline css base64 images (background: url(data:...),
               | and lots of other loopholes. The author is going to re-
               | live a lockdown path many others have gone through ;)
           | Visurox wrote:
           | Just for now. Later after the beta (which is nearly finished)
           | no extern stuff will work, just the basics. But you're
           | absolutely correct!
       | bradley_taunt wrote:
       | Shameless plug - but feel free to add to the 1kB Club [0] once it
       | hits the 1kB mark :)
       | 0: https://1kB.club
         | Visurox wrote:
         | Its ok for me. :) I thought last night about but may I cant hit
         | the mark with this project. Thanks god, I have a lot more. ;D
         | focusedone wrote:
         | https://1kb.ng5p.com
       | thisisbrians wrote:
       | It looks like it's down for the "night".
       | OP: I like the idea. How can we keep up with what you're
       | doing/when it's back online? I have some code to post :)
       | M4v3R wrote:
       | Maybe it's just me, but I have no idea what this is (I never saw
       | onekb.net) and how to use it.
         | Visurox wrote:
         | Heres an great example from the 1kbclub: https://1k.lom.me/
         | Without the htaccess, the complete site is 555 bytes, so you
         | would still have ~500 more until you hit the mark. :)
         | Visurox wrote:
         | Its a 1Kb webspace. It should bring you to simply and shorten
         | as much as you can instead of big size webpages. Archive.org
         | has a backup:
         | https://web.archive.org/web/20131208003019/http://onekb.net/
       | bbbbbenji wrote:
       | I think I broke it by creating the username `index.html`. Sorry,
       | I wasn't expecting it to do anything.
         | baobabKoodaa wrote:
         | Is that you, Bobby Tables?
         | unglaublich wrote:
         | Now try `.well-known/acme-challenge`, or the
         | `google123456789asbcef.html` authentication file!
           | pjc50 wrote:
           | What do these do? The latter is, er, ungoogleable.
           | Visurox wrote:
           | Just numbers and letters are allowed. but yeah, the google
           | file whould be useless but possible bad. Will think about!
           | tialaramex wrote:
           | Hmm, what is "the google[...].html authentication file" ?
           | We roped off all of /.well-known/ and it is after all under a
           | dot directory which ought to have been caught by a lot of
           | existing software anyway, it seems like if people have things
           | they want treated this way they ought to live in /.well-
           | known/ too, it's not as though the registration process is
           | onerous, you just need to write a specification for your
           | thing.
           | Visurox wrote:
           | The Username google43434343 would be too long. Max 12. :)
           | Also input a forbidden list which should be filter the most
           | crap in usernames. :)
         | Visurox wrote:
         | Ah nice to know. Another point for the todo list! :)
         | tomberek wrote:
         | winning
           | Visurox wrote:
           | True, but this is exactly why I post it here. To see my
           | mistakes and fix it before put up a project for everyone. :)
           | Betas ftw!
         | Visurox wrote:
         | Fixed. :)
       | Visurox wrote:
       | The site is going into maintenance again overnight. Many many
       | folders consisting of only a "hi" or similar make me doubt if too
       | many on HN don't know what is meant by "code". ;)
       | Anyway, the secret word is changing and will be reset in about 15
       | hours. So far the beta has been quite successful though, as I've
       | been pointed to many things that I didn't notice when I created
       | it.
       | If I decide to use the whole thing with my own domain and
       | webspace instead of uberspace (which were only for the beta
       | test), you will find out here. At the moment it doesn't look like
       | it will be profitable.
         | dalmo3 wrote:
         | What is code?
         | kris_wayton wrote:
         | > Many many folders consisting of only a "hi" or similar make
         | me doubt if too many on HN don't know what is meant by "code".
         | ;)
         | I suspect it's just people experimenting with how it works,
         | what it allows or doesn't, and so on. I wouldn't focus much on
         | the cruft.
       | shawabawa3 wrote:
       | You can store up to 2KB of data in the URL, so you could actually
       | run this service with zero storage costs, just generate a URL
       | containing the provided code, could be signed if you want the
       | username to be the only one with control of the content
         | Visurox wrote:
         | True! I still like my way, but feel free to code it like you
         | wish, more nerdy stuff is always welcome. :)
           | wgx wrote:
           | Ah, I already did this! :)
           | https://wgx.github.io/anypage/editor
             | Visurox wrote:
             | Thats pretty smart! I rem I did something like this with a
             | notepad. Would love to see to future code!
               | davidcollantes wrote:
               | Code: https://github.com/wgx/anypage
             | mk12345 wrote:
             | Looks cool! I created something similar a while ago, which
             | allows you to store any kind of data in the url (web pages,
             | audio, games,...).
             | https://mkaandorp.github.io/hdd-of-babel/
               | app4soft wrote:
               | > _https://mkaandorp.github.io/hdd-of-babel/_
               | It broke 3256x880 (225 kByte) PNG image, drastically
               | ripping it to 407x110 (3.4 kByte) JPEG image.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | The increased CPU cost of that approach maybe outweighs the
         | saved storage cost?
         | twinge wrote:
         | Storing data in the metadata reminds me of the $5000
         | compression challenge:
         | https://www.patrickcraig.co.uk/other/compression.htm
       | [deleted]
       | Joyfield wrote:
       | Kilobyte = kB.
         | Visurox wrote:
         | [flagged]
       | luto wrote:
       | haha, funny to use a 3rd-party hoster to provide web space to
       | others! How did you end up using uberspace for this?
         | Visurox wrote:
         | Because I use uberspace for years and it perfect for projects
         | like this before buying a domain.
       | andrewmcwatters wrote:
       | > Visurox 3 hours ago [flagged] [dead] | parent | next [-]
       | > Sorry to tell you, but this is an absolutly useless comment.
       | Even if I would say your right, is the only point an uppercase
       | mistake. Yay. FeelGreatMan.
       | Someone was teaching you the difference between a kilobit and a
       | kilobyte in notation, and you responded this way? Sheesh.
         | pjc50 wrote:
         | He's right: this kind of pedantry is almost always useless
         | because it's nearly always bytes unless you know you're talking
         | about line serialisation or codecs.
       | dusted wrote:
       | Forbidden words!
       | Okay? Which words? Fuck that. I just said Hello..
         | RGamma wrote:
         | Hell?
       | [deleted]
       | ktpsns wrote:
       | Having to say that here: the shared Webspace hoster used for this
       | project is superb. the most nerdy German spaced provider i ever
       | met. https://uberspace.de/en/ it is pay-what-you-want and truly
       | into Unix philosophy and modern linux userspace at ssh access
       | level.
         | Visurox wrote:
         | Exactly. And its much better to use them, instead of buying a
         | domain and webspace for may 5 users at the end who "code" more
         | then test or hi.
       | illys wrote:
       | Nice.
       | But please, if you are in IT, don't mix up kb and kB. There is a
       | x8 size factor from the bit to the byte!
       | [Edit: and "kilo" is a lowercase k]
       (page generated 2023-01-26 23:01 UTC)