[HN Gopher] Accessible hamburger buttons without JavaScript
       Accessible hamburger buttons without JavaScript
       Author : enyo
       Score  : 160 points
       Date   : 2023-01-27 13:48 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.pausly.app)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.pausly.app)
       | mkoryak wrote:
       | everything old is new again. We were doing this crap in 2011
         | LocalPCGuy wrote:
         | Definitely - there's a whole class of stuff related to
         | Progressive Enhancement that is being re-learned (and re-
         | shared) every couple years, it seems like. There was whether
         | CSS was expected to be available. In 2011, it was still being
         | argued whether or not JS could be reliably be expected to be
         | on. Now it's probably more about specific features of CSS/JS
         | depending on browser support, but it's still all basically the
         | same stuff, just maybe different techniques.
         | I don't know if it's still true as I heard this state a few
         | years ago, but at one point the growth rate of new web devs
         | meant that at any given year, more than 50% of all web devs had
         | less than 2 years of experience.
           | toastal wrote:
           | 2013 was the Snowden Leaks which ended up sparking a lot of
           | folks interest and awareness in both security and privacy.
           | This is the time when I and many others started keeping
           | JavaScript off by default and enabling it iff needed. So,
           | yes, please keep your site usable without JS if its purpose
           | is to deliver content+information and not be a web
           | application.
       | jameshart wrote:
       | Proof that accessibility and usability are entirely orthogonal.
       | For screen reader users _only_ , this provides them with the
       | information that activating this link will open or close a menu.
       | Screen reader users do not need to open or close menus. Menus do
       | not take up space or sit in front of other content. Closing a
       | menu offers no usability benefit to a screen reader user.
       | All they need is the options to be present under a navigable
       | heading that they can skip to when they need to access those
       | options.
       | Meanwhile, non screen reader users are forced to guess what will
       | be behind the [?] button this time.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | > Screen reader users do not need to open or close menus.
         | Are you sure about that? I'm not an expert but I was under the
         | impression that many screen reader users use the screen reader
         | (among other tools) to interact with the visual representation
         | of the user interface. Not all screen reader users are 100%
         | blind (or at least that's what I've been told), and actually
         | use a variety of zooming, high contrast, magnifying glass, etc.
         | _and_ a screen reader.
         | If my impression is correct, then many screen reader user
         | indeed open or close menus, and they _are_ in the way
         | (especially when zoom levels are pumped way up), and visually
         | hiding them by default _does_ offer a ton of usability
         | benefits.
         | enyo wrote:
         | > Screen reader users do not need to open or close menus.
         | Agreed, but you don't want keyboard accessible menu items
         | available for users that aren't visually impaired. Offering a
         | "show menu" button to screen readers is not less accessible to
         | them than skipping the navigation section.
         | If you're building a page that is only meant to be used by
         | screen readers, then you are absolutely right.
         | > Meanwhile, non screen reader users are forced to guess what
         | will be behind the [?] button this time.
         | The main menu? Which is behind the same [?] button on most
         | pages on the internet?
           | jameshart wrote:
           | Offering a show menu button to screenreader users is
           | _accessible_ but poorly _usable_. They can't see the menu.
           | 'Showing' and 'hiding' mean nothing to them.
           | And for your keyboard navigators using the visual interface,
           | perhaps this hints that you could afford them a similar
           | opportunity - where, from being focused on the menu, they
           | could either descend into the menu, expanding it, or skip the
           | menu and move focus to the next control. That's how most
           | OS/application keyboard accessible menus work - they don't
           | have 'expand' and 'collapse' affordances at all.
             | clairity wrote:
             | blind folks aren't dumb. they can analogize what 'show' and
             | 'hide' mean in context (not to say that this shouldn't be
             | made better).
             | in any case, i agree that there's a lot going on to add
             | affordances for keyboard users that screenreader users
             | don't need. screenreaders would just need the <nav> element
             | (probably should be aria-labeled too) and the <ul> link
             | list.
             | it's neat but a little convoluted. i'd also vote for using
             | a <button> rather than a checkbox plus anchors, but buttons
             | do have technical limitations (as noted elsewhere) that
             | browser engines should fix (similar to how dialog elements
             | are now nearly javascript-less, only requiring a
             | `showModal()` call to open), rather than having to have
             | authors work around them.
             | enyo wrote:
             | Mh.. yes I agree. "Expand menu" and "Collapse menu" is
             | probably a better wording.
               | frereubu wrote:
               | It's an interesting distinction for sure. Perhaps
               | "Activate menu" and "Deactivate menu" would work too,
               | particularly as there's no reference to visual things -
               | what would "expanding" on the screen mean in the context
               | of a blind user?
               | frosted-flakes wrote:
               | Not all screen reader users are blind though. There are
               | plenty of people with enough vision to see the screen,
               | but cannot easily read the text on the screen. And on
               | mobile where users interact with the screen reader via
               | the touch screen, expand/collapse or show/hide fit the
               | bill perfectly.
           | jameshart wrote:
           | The 'main' menu? Implying, there are other menus.
           | So is the [?] the main navigation menu?
           | The account options menu?
           | The preferences menu?
           | The menu of the application platform that's wrapping the page
           | you're on, rather than the page itself?
           | The menu showing all the sister companies of the site you're
           | on?
           | myfonj wrote:
           | > The main menu? Which is behind the same [?] button on most
           | pages on the internet?
           | This triple dash thingy ([?]) is in this case "identical to"
           | Unicode character, so this is what you'd most probably hear
           | from the screen reader. Other pages (mis)use similar
           | characters, for example "Trigram for heaven". Not very
           | helpful.
           | Truly accessible active elements must communicate their
           | function through meaningful text, not cryptic astral Unicode
           | from exotic blocks.
             | jameshart wrote:
             | To be fair the OP hides the trigram from screen readers and
             | provides them with the 'open menu' label.
               | myfonj wrote:
               | No, they did not, they present both "accessible hidden
               | link" and "inaccessible visible label", at least I see no
               | `aria-hidden="true"` in the code [1] on the label right
               | now, I see just:                   <label
               | for="menustate">           <span class="open">[?]</span>
               | <span class="close">x</span>         </label>
               | So there still remains "readable" structure loosely
               | identical to                   <label>identical to
               | multiplication sign</label>
               | (With active CSS, only one half would be presented to SR,
               | since the other has `display: none`, but still...)
               | BTW Fact that wording of the link in the article pointing
               | to the codepen is "this codepen" is also ... not right.
               | [1] https://codepen.io/enyo/pen/yLqjrOR
               | enyo wrote:
               | Oh you're right, I forgot to add this in the article +
               | codepen. (It's how the button on the site itself is
               | implemented and I forgot to integrate it)
               | jameshart wrote:
               | You're right - I guess I assumed they'd added that in the
               | full codepen.
             | enyo wrote:
             | The use of this symbol in the article is a placeholder.
             | Obviously nobody would actually use this on their
             | website...
       | enyo wrote:
       | Learn how to create an accessible hamburger button with pure HTML
       | and CSS and why that is important.
         | techn00 wrote:
         | Unrelated: the image on the home page has a low resolution and
         | doesn't look good ...
           | enyo wrote:
           | Which image (and which browser)?
             | _n0ll wrote:
             | Second one(the guy on his pc), vanadium
             | techn00 wrote:
             | The CTA one, looks fuzzy to me (both firefox and chrome)
             | https://i.imgur.com/xVXWiGn.png Resolution: 2k and 1080p
               | enyo wrote:
               | Thanks for letting me know! Seems to happen because it's
               | not a high dpi screen. I'll get on it.
         | LocalPCGuy wrote:
         | Not really super important, but thoughts on using an SVG when
         | the same hamburger button affect can be generated with just a
         | tiny bit of HTML/CSS? As little as one element with
         | :before/:after for the top/bottom bars, although sometimes it
         | needs a wrapping element for best styling.
           | toastal wrote:
           | BTW, it's been ::before/::after (pseudo-element, not pseudo-
           | class) since IE9 (2011).
         | swyx wrote:
         | providing complete copy pastable code with good default styling
         | would help improve the article
       | meerita wrote:
       | The good old "hamburger menu". That menu that stores everything
       | designers never knew how to organize it.
         | kitsunesoba wrote:
         | Also known as the "app junk drawer". Terrible design pattern in
         | my opinion, particularly when they're used in place of a proper
         | menubar in a desktop app.
       | shakna wrote:
       | Except modern HTML actually has a builtin which is accessible,
       | and works far better with screenreaders and other assistant
       | technologies.
       | The details element.                   <details>
       | <summary>Menu</summary>             <ul>                 <li><a
       | href="/">Home</a></li>                 <li><a
       | href="/thing">Thing</a></li>             </ul>         </details>
       | You may want to add a tiny bit of CSS, like adding a border, and
       | setting the cursor to a pointer, for your sighted users:
       | details {             padding: 0.5em;             border-style:
       | solid;             border-width: 1px;             border-radius:
       | 0.25em;             cursor: pointer;         }
         | mariusor wrote:
         | You should still wrap the list in a <nav> element to give the
         | browser the context about what the menu represents.
           | myfonj wrote:
           | Also, while details/summary support in browsers and other
           | user agents and tools is improving over time, it is still not
           | perfect for ... nearly anything. Sadly.
           | https://adrianroselli.com/2019/04/details-summary-are-not-
           | in...
             | nimish wrote:
             | Perfect is the enemy of the good. It's a reasonable general
             | purpose choice. Of course don't use it if you have stricter
             | requirements.
         | enyo wrote:
         | Unfortunately there are still plenty of issues with the details
         | element, especially around accessibility. Read more here:
         | https://cloudfour.com/thinks/a-details-element-as-a-burger-m...
         | Hopefully this will change soon. I'll amend the article when
         | this will be the case.
           | toastal wrote:
           | Referenced in that article is:
           | https://adrianroselli.com/2019/04/details-summary-are-not-
           | in...
           | Which says JavaScript is required and simplest solution for
           | building this menu. It also states to try to avoid them when
           | possible.
           | shakna wrote:
           | As someone who actually uses screenreaders and voice control
           | on a daily basis, most of that is not a huge deal. The "a"
           | element has similar accessibility ratings and holes in
           | implementation.
             | tomcam wrote:
             | Would you mind contacting me at the email address in my
             | profile? I'm about to release an open source thing and I
             | would like to understand some accessibility issues.
             | neon_electro wrote:
             | Appreciate you sharing your direct experience!
         | davchana wrote:
         | I used to use a combination of checkbox & divs to show main
         | part, the logs & data tabs on mobile page e.g.
         | https://hukamnama.bydav.in
         | Now, I found details,& I keep the main page visible all times
         | in a div, & then horizontal accordion styles as Details
         | underneath it for History, Logs & other stuff e.g.
         | https://spa.bydav.in/odo.html (type foo in the box to see page)
         | snow_mac wrote:
         | This is really cool, thanks for pointing it out!
       | gauddasa wrote:
       | Oh, that explains why Wikipedia hamburger button works with
       | Javascript disabled. I disabled all Javascript for wikipedia long
       | ago when it brought back the abusive popup culture that disrupts
       | reading by mere presence of pointer on a hyperlink.
       | thex10 wrote:
       | On my site we have a "menu" link styled as a button. Before JS
       | loads it'll link to a page we have that lists out all the menu
       | options (literally navigating to oursite.com/menu). After JS
       | kicks in the link gets hidden and an identical button gets shown
       | that does the fancy side menu opening thing. TFA's approach seems
       | nice enough but mine feels way simpler...
         | enyo wrote:
         | This would be way too frustrating to me :)
       | ElectricalUnion wrote:
       | I believe the details/summary tag has most of the builtin
       | behaviour one would expect of a hamburger menu, but those are
       | usually unfortunately not well supported by common browser
       | accessibility tools.
       | https://adrianroselli.com/2019/04/details-summary-are-not-in...
       | chadlavi wrote:
       | Anchor elements aren't buttons! Stop using them as buttons!!
       | Anchors navigate. Buttons have effects.
         | enyo wrote:
         | That's why the anchor gets the role="button". Unfortunately you
         | can't set the target of the page with a button (without
         | JavaScript), that's why an anchor link is used.
           | SebastianKra wrote:
           | Some of the most annoying StackOverflow threads are with
           | people urging to use a <button> when I've triple checked that
           | it isn't sufficient for my use-case.
           | LocalPCGuy wrote:
           | You could actually skip the button altogether and just make
           | the checkbox input keyboard focus-able but visually hidden.
           | You also avoid the issues with the hash also, as the user is
           | then directly interacting with the element that toggles the
           | menu. With some massaging (ensuring what is read for screen
           | readers is set and that the visual focus state still appears
           | to be on the hamburger when the checkbox is focused), it
           | works quite well both for screen reader users and for non-
           | mouse users. I don't have a current example (looks like it's
           | been redesigned since I worked on it), but I've done
           | something similar to this in the past on extremely large
           | websites (thousands of views an hour in at least one
           | instance) with much success.
           | warp wrote:
           | You can do this:                   <a
           | href="#something"><button>menu</button></a>
           | Or maybe:                   <form action="#something"><button
           | type="submit">menu</button></form>
           | Not sure either of those options are better than the original
           | post though :)
             | exogen wrote:
             | The latter would probably work, but the first is invalid
             | HTML - you can't nest interactive elements. Will browsers
             | allow it? Yes. But it's still invalid per the spec.
       | Semaphor wrote:
       | Neat solution. Also interesting about `:target:`, I had not
       | encountered that before.
       | runarberg wrote:
       | > But even if accessibility is not required in your particular
       | case (you might be building an internal site where there are no
       | visually impaired people) you want people to be able to navigate
       | your page with the keyboard.
       | I feel like this is a fundamental misunderstanding of
       | accessibility:
       | First of all, in many case the default choice provides
       | accessibility for free. In this case it is the
       | <details>/<summary> elements that other posts have highlighted.
       | Secondly, accessibility is not just about accommodating current
       | visually impaired users, or providing power-users with mouse free
       | experience. There are all sorts of impairments where
       | accessibility will help. Your mouse might decide to die all of a
       | sudden in a middle of a form, and they just need to click that
       | submit button, the company might hire a visually impaired
       | developer, a developer might get sick, or have an accident and
       | return to work needing assistive technology, etc. The cases are
       | numerous.
       | And finally, there are no excuses for not making your site
       | accessible. If you are a front end developer, you know the
       | industrial standard and you apply it. If you are not and are
       | simply making a UI around an internal tool, you are probably
       | either just using a rudimentary UI and browser native element
       | (why do you need the hamburger menu in that case) or you use some
       | UI framework that implements accessibility anyway.
       | toastal wrote:
       | I don't know how I feel about using a CSS hack for this. This
       | isn't a semantic element and a lot of other browsers like TUI
       | browsers aren't sure what to do with this sort of element.
       | In my experience in many cases, just showing all of the menu
       | items when JS is disabled is an easier, safer solution with
       | cleaner markup and no hacks. After JS is detected, toggle a class
       | on the document to hide the menu, build your button, insert it
       | into the DOM. Some menus are too big, but most are not and the
       | kinds of sites that need big menus often require interactivity
       | with JavaScript anyways.
         | enyo wrote:
         | That is a terrible user experience for SSR though and will lead
         | to a layout shift every time the page is loaded.
         | I wouldn't really call this a CSS "hack" either. There is a
         | checkbox that defines whether the menu is open, and CSS that
         | styles the menu accordingly. I think that this is rather
         | elegant really.
         | As soon as the :has pseudo class has widespread support, the
         | checkbox can also just live inside the nav element, which
         | removes the awkward general sibling combinator.
           | toastal wrote:
           | Correct me if I'm wrong but it doesn't lead to layout shift
           | if you attach that "has-js" or remove the "no-js" class from
           | the document if the script is in the <head> without
           | async/defer or so it's executed before the body and CSS are
           | even rendered. Doing this is useful for styling other
           | <noscript> other related situations as well.
           | Using a checkbox is a hack in that you are using a <input>
           | but not as a part of a form. The vestigial element gets
           | rendered in all sorts of contexts where the CSS isn't
           | downloaded or used. And even still, to get the ARIA you need
           | for this menu to be accessible, you'll need to invoke
           | JavaScript for to set the element attribute states anyhow.
           | The anchor is a hack as well because it's not being used to
           | link to any ID on in the document.
           | I also just gave this author's site a go. If I checked the
           | box by using the keyboard, I can't close it with the mouse
           | (or vise versa). It's a little funny as well since the menu
           | items fit on the site without needing to make a menu button
           | and at a small enough breakpoints it doesn't even break the
           | items into multiple lines. Perhaps this is the anchor that's
           | getting hit in the other case. ...And if the author had
           | concerns about JavaScript, they would have done the syntax
           | highlighting on the server side as well.
           | I wish there was an existing element for developers to just
           | use though since it's a common pattern at this point. Then we
           | wouldn't need to use said hacks or involve JavaScript that
           | many users disable by default for security/privacy.
       | detritus wrote:
       | > "Over the last few decades hamburger buttons have become the de
       | facto standard to expand larger menus on smaller devices. They
       | are so ubiquitous that every user immediately knows what they are
       | when seen in the top left or right corner, which makes them a
       | good user interface element choice."
       | "Last Few Decades"? Eh? A decade.. perhaps?
       | "Every User Immediately"? This is not at all my experience.
       | Perhaps with younger users, but I've seen plenty of people
       | younger than I even stumble over sites where the nav was hidden
       | behind a hamburger menu icon.
       | This sounds like it was written by someone very much in their own
       | bubble
         | dwringer wrote:
         | This immediately made me think of Wikipedia's latest change
         | that moves their main menu behind just such a hamburger button
         | on desktop, and replaces it with a table of contents down the
         | left side.
         | Now instead of lazily clicking from one random article to the
         | next (or to a different language, or to "current events", or
         | the "main page" of headline articles), one has to move the
         | mouse twice and make two clicks to get to it through the
         | hamburger menu, or use the URL bar. I can't even remember the
         | last time I went back to the ToC when reading a Wikipedia
         | article and this change is utterly incomprehensible to me.
           | marginalia_nu wrote:
           | Yeah on desktop it's particularly bizarre design choice.
           | Hamburger buttons are designed to conserve pixels on cramped
           | horizontal screens. They make zero sense on a 4k ultrawide
           | monitor.
             | deathanatos wrote:
             | And _yet_ it feels like all designers are doing this. Some
             | Rust docs, rendered by mdBook, was annoying me just
             | yesterday with this.
             | (It's perhaps worse in that way, since it's the tooling
             | generating the HTML, of course, so this is just going to
             | propagate...)
             | mgkimsal wrote:
             | likely a case of wanting "one design to fit all devices".
               | Spivak wrote:
               | And "one design to fit not maximized windows on not high-
               | dpi screens."
               | The new design vs the old design.
               | https://imgur.com/a/rV1UXc4
               | wolpoli wrote:
               | Unfortunately for power users, "one design to fit all
               | devices" is done by designing for mobile first. Desktop
               | is treated as a giant tablet. Hence the large buttons and
               | huge distance between elements.
               | marginalia_nu wrote:
               | That's a pipe dream if I ever saw one. Desktop and mobile
               | inputs have entirely different properties and
               | constraints.
           | johannes1234321 wrote:
           | > I can't even remember the last time I went back to the ToC
           | when reading a Wikipedia article
           | I can't remember going purposely back to the ToC myself,
           | however I often enough scroll over pages to find a section
           | again and there it helps to have the structure visible.
           | However the nice thing: In your preferences you can pick the
           | style you like. So if you want the old one pick it.
           | You can also leave feedback with them that "random page" is
           | important (I like that one too!) so they find a better place
           | ...
           | layer8 wrote:
           | Another thing I dislike about the new design is the visual
           | distraction of the current section being highlighted in the
           | TOC. When you scroll through an article, you have like a
           | blinking light moving through the TOC.
           | xchkr1337 wrote:
           | My experience with this is literally the opposite, I almost
           | never clicked the buttons on the left side (except for the
           | language switcher but that isn't in the hamburger menu now)
           | but I always found long tables of contents very annoying on
           | bigger articles, I find the new design generally more
           | comfortable to read with. The only complaint I have is that
           | it doesn't remember the state of the fullscreen button.
           | notRobot wrote:
           | Wikipedia has support for different skins, including the old
           | one: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34431533
           | awefji wrote:
           | I'm fine with it on articles, where as you say there's a
           | table of contents.
           | But the front page just has empty space there?!!??
         | dvh wrote:
         | The only intuitive user interface is a nipple. Everything else
         | has to be learned.
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | I presume you're being down-voted for the use of the word
           | "nipple," by people who don't know that this is an axiom that
           | has been used in the design industry for a very long time.
             | Domenic_S wrote:
             | It's a fun little meme, but it's not all that accurate.
             | Something like half of mothers report latching or other
             | nipple-baby interface problems in some studies [0]. What's
             | more, suckling is a _hardwired reflex_ , not something
             | that's _intuited_ , so the quote also misunderstands the
             | nature of intuition.
             | FWIW I also used to use that quote, until I had a child and
             | saw firsthand [well, second-hand as it was my wife doing
             | the work] how much effort breastfeeding a newborn could
             | take; I don't really blame anyone for quoting it (it's
             | pithy after all).
             | Surprisingly good further discussion on the UX SE [1].
             | 0: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-
             | shots/2013/09/23/2253491...
             | 1: https://ux.stackexchange.com/questions/5150/is-it-true-
             | that-...
               | reaperducer wrote:
               | Because not every baby figures it out the first time does
               | not mean it is not intuitive for the other babies that do
               | figure it out immediately.
               | It's become more of a meme to be needlessly contrarian,
               | and ignore the fact that billions of babies actually do
               | know this interface intuitively.
               | mixmastamyk wrote:
               | Also many times they "know" what to do but can't quite
               | succeed for whatever reason. Or perhaps the milk is not
               | ready.
             | PoignardAzur wrote:
             | Nope, I downvoted because I don't like it when HN users
             | quote platitudes with no additional context or elaboration
             | to shut down a discussion which is more interesting than
             | the one-line platitude.
             | It's like quoting Einstein's bit about infinite stupidity,
             | or the Dunning Kruger effect. It's dismissive without being
             | insightful.
               | [deleted]
           | intrasight wrote:
           | The original "3-D user-friendly input device" ;)
         | reaperducer wrote:
         | _" Every User Immediately"? This is not at all my experience.
         | Perhaps with younger users_
         | I agree.
         | I put a hamburger menu in an in-house tool I built last year.
         | Everyone in that department is between 22 and 30, with one guy
         | over 50. I always stand with the users when my new products are
         | deployed, so I was in the room when nobody recognized what the
         | hamburger menu was.
         | I ended up changing it to the word "Menu" and everyone was
         | happy.
         | I think it's becoming even more confusing now that Google is
         | pushing the [?] vertical ellipsis as a hamburger replacement.
         | The last thing the web needs is inconsistent icons.
           | runarberg wrote:
           | Iconography is both art and science, just like typography,
           | and works hand in hand with usability. The right icon in the
           | right context will convey its meaning to the users, if it
           | doesn't then it is not the right icon or the context is
           | missing (or both). What makes the right icon has to do with
           | both universality and internal consistency, but neither is
           | required.
           | Universally consistent icons only exist in rare cases, most
           | of the time it is because a certain industry sits down and
           | agrees on a standard (the power buttons are a good example;
           | or the radioactivity and bio-hazard symbols), so inconsistent
           | icons across the web is simply a reality that we have to live
           | with as web designers. This makes our work both harder, but
           | also more interesting.
           | I think you made the right choice removing the icon with
           | text. Sometimes there is no icon which fits the context to
           | provide meaning to it. In those cases, text is the correct
           | choice.
         | divbzero wrote:
         | Could we popularize an alternative to hamburger buttons that is
         | more discoverable for users?
         | Google uses a horizontally-scrolling menu bar for Images, News,
         | _etc._ , just above the search results when viewed on mobile:
         | https://www.google.com/search?q=test
         | The horizontally-scrolling menu bar seems to be:
         | - Discoverable for typical visual browsers
         | - Discoverable for screen readers, especially when used with
         | attributes like _role= "menu"_ and _role= "menuitem"_
         | - Fully functional without JavaScript
         | enyo wrote:
         | The icon was designed and introduced in 1981. The popularity
         | dramatically increased in the last decade due to smartphones
         | that's for sure.
         | It's used by Microsoft, Apple, Youtube... the list goes on. I
         | think it's not too much of a stretch to say that it is
         | ubiquitous and familiar to users.
         | That being said, it's not the point of the article. There are
         | definitely reasons not to use a hamburger button. But this
         | article helps you build one if you want it.
           | detritus wrote:
           | I know it was originally invented way back when (in Xerox
           | Parc?), but it did not become 'de facto' on small screens
           | decades ago, that's just a mangling of perspective.
           | I don't recollect ever having seen it on any of the 'small
           | screens' (ie LCDs, etc) I used prior to smartphones.
             | mixmastamyk wrote:
             | PDAs and the Nokia phone, mp3 player generation had icons.
             | 90s-2010s
             | enyo wrote:
             | I never said that it did.
               | detritus wrote:
               | Except in the bit I quoted above, no.
               | Wait, what?
               | This might seem like I'm simply being contrarian or
               | wanting stamp my rightitude on the matter, but your
               | framing of the icon's absolute comprehension by everyone
               | else seems to me to be ... ill-advised. Someone not doing
               | their homework might just take your schpiel at face value
               | and propagate problems obliviously.
               | I've 'beta'd' hamburger icons a few times over the years
               | and have always come away not relying on them precisely
               | because they don't seem to have the blanket comprehension
               | amongst users you seem to think they do.
               | enyo wrote:
               | > "but it did not become 'de facto' on small screens
               | decades ago"
               | To me saying that something becomes something over a few
               | decades doesn't imply that it has been that way from the
               | beginning. It has become a de facto standard over two
               | decades doesn't mean that it was a de facto standard two
               | decades ago.
               | I feel like this is really not important, and I'll change
               | it to the last decade because it doesn't matter. It's
               | definitely true that the adoption was most relevant in
               | the last decade. I remember building hamburger menus over
               | 20 years ago though.
               | What is more important is your second point that I sort
               | of endorse hamburger buttons as a good UI element choice
               | with this introduction. To me, this introduction was not
               | meant to be controversial in any way. I believe that
               | hamburger buttons are one of the most recognisable UI
               | elements, and I don't think that companies like Apple
               | would use them without doing their homework.
               | That being said, it was not my intent to promote them as
               | such. I didn't do any profound research on the topic, and
               | this article is not meant for user interface designers,
               | but for developers that want or need to implement such a
               | button because it either fits their use case or because
               | the designers made the decision.
               | I'll amend the intro to be more careful in the wording.
               | You came in a bit hot with your initial comment, but
               | thanks for your feedback :)
           | frereubu wrote:
           | That depends very much on your demographic. Over 60s? Over
           | 70s? From personal expereince helping older people with
           | devices I doubt that it's familiar to quite a few people
           | around that kind of threshold.
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _The icon was designed and introduced in 1981._
           | "Designed and introduced" on the Xerox Star, which almost
           | nobody used. It was quickly forgotten for 30 years, and only
           | came back into use in 2009, according to Wikipedia.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamburger_button
         | atestu wrote:
         | I agree. Hamburger buttons were popularized with smartphones so
         | they are still relatively new. Here's a good breakdown on why
         | they suck https://www.nngroup.com/articles/hamburger-menus/
         | tl;dr "Discoverability is cut almost in half by hiding a
         | website's main navigation. Also, task time is longer and
         | perceived task difficulty increases."
           | at-fates-hands wrote:
           | I'm an accessibility engineer and hamburger menus on mobile
           | are almost always completely inaccessible. A majority of the
           | time they need to be fixed in order to accommodate visually
           | impaired users or users who depend on VoiceOver or other
           | screen reading technologies. Its practically a default issue
           | at this point.
             | frereubu wrote:
             | Is this improved with the use of attributes like aria-
             | controls and aria-expanded, or is there a deeper issue?
               | at-fates-hands wrote:
               | Yes, using aria attributes does help, but most of the
               | older sites we're trying to make accessible don't have
               | these. Most of the time its a simple coding fix to add
               | these though.
               | The other issue is the placement of the menu in the upper
               | right or left hand corner is nearly impossible to find
               | with TalkBack or VoiceOver controls. Sometimes even with
               | aria attributes, you really have to search with your
               | finger to find the menu and interact with it.
               | frereubu wrote:
               | Thanks for that. We take care to build with aria
               | attributes, but the search for the menu icon is something
               | I hadn't considered. Is top right / left corner not
               | enough of a convention for a menu hamburger that it's
               | difficult to find, or is is more about the size of that
               | button?
               | at-fates-hands wrote:
               | Its mostly about the size.
               | When you use VoiceOver for example, an easy test is
               | dragging your finger down the middle of the screen, you
               | should be able to access the majority of the content -
               | when the menu is tucked too far up in the corner, or too
               | small, it gets obscured by the logo, CTA or anything else
               | that's in the area and gets bypassed by VoiceOver.
               | Making it large enough to find by simply dragging your
               | finger down the middle of the screen is a good enough
               | test to determine if its big enough, too small or located
               | somewhere it would be skipped by those screen reader
               | tools.
               | Hope that helps.
               | frereubu wrote:
               | Yes, thanks, that's really helpful.
             | mixmastamyk wrote:
             | What is the preferred design?
               | layer8 wrote:
               | Look at the top of this very page. That design works
               | quite well.
               | at-fates-hands wrote:
               | I don't think the org that I work for has really found
               | it.
               | Enlarging the menu so its easier to find with screen
               | reader tools like TalkBack and VoiceOver has been
               | somewhat effective. However, if you have split menu's,
               | login, search and other features, you start running into
               | complex design issues with where to put all of those and
               | whether you want to stuff them all in the mobile menu,
               | outside the menu or a combination of the two. When you
               | start putting features like search and login into the
               | mobile menu, that also creates more accessibility issues
               | as well.
               | Designing for accessibility can get really complex,
               | really fast and I'm not sure there's really a solid
               | design pattern yet that addresses all of the issues we're
               | seeing now.
               | I know that's not a great answer, but it just highlights
               | the complexity of designing for accessibility.
               | deltarholamda wrote:
               | I prefer an actual menu. Not one of the deeply nesting,
               | expands on rollover sorts of menus (about half of them
               | disappear if you mis-mouse out), but just a handful of
               | clickable text buttons or whatever that hit the major
               | navigation points.
               | BigCorps Inc. don't like these, because each menu choice
               | has 3 departments and 14 sub-departments that mate-guard
               | their particular menu area, so designers just give up on
               | mobile and hide it all behind the hamburger icon.
               | It's absolutely daft. Your Web site should be an extra
               | employee, never-tiring, always at work, facilitating the
               | customer or visitor's needs. It's really weird, but
               | depressingly predictable.
           | robinsonb5 wrote:
           | > I agree. Hamburger buttons were popularized with
           | smartphones so they are still relatively new.
           | I have an (admittedly ancient) Android smartphone in my
           | pocket which has dedicated physical menu and back buttons. I
           | don't recall seeing hamburger menus until phone manufacturers
           | started being too cheap to include that menu button.
           | Now they're everywhere, even (especially) when they're not
           | remotely appropriate. What could be more ridiculous than a
           | touchscreen-oriented menu button in a text editor (looking at
           | you, Gedit) or a VCD waveform viewer (looking at you,
           | GtkWave)?
         | unsupp0rted wrote:
         | Every time I think something is obvious and ubiquitously
         | understood someone on my client's team looks directly at it and
         | insists it doesn't exist, or if it exists then it doesn't do
         | anything, or if it does something then what it does isn't the
         | thing they thought it would do.
           | irrational wrote:
           | I remember a business manager having zero idea that clicking
           | the logo at the top of a webpage would often take you to the
           | home page. I had assumed this was ubiquitously understood,
           | but clearly not.
             | unsupp0rted wrote:
             | It seems people don't explore at all. There's no "I wonder
             | what would happen if" impulse, or there's an "I'd better
             | not just in case" worry.
               | djbusby wrote:
               | And the lack of tooltips on hover. WTF, it's missing on
               | loads of big properties.
             | at-fates-hands wrote:
             | >> I had assumed this was ubiquitously understood, but
             | clearly not.
             | Some anecdotal evidence to support this.
             | I work for a very large health care company. We recently
             | redesigned one of our portals. During the UX research
             | phase, one of the tasks was to go back to the home page via
             | the logo - one of the researchers had an idea we were
             | assuming _all_ of our users should /would know this since
             | but we still have a large portion of our users are older,
             | retirees or aging Gen Xers. It was a hunch at the time -
             | nothing more.
             | The research showed a large enough percentage of people
             | couldn't complete the task in a timely manner whereas on
             | the new design, the logo is now just an SVG, with no link.
             | We have a dedicated "Home" link now on the main navigation
             | which in testing, 100% of the people were now able to
             | complete the task in a timely manner.
             | I think it really stunned quite a few people since this has
             | seemingly been a standard design pattern for so long. I was
             | pretty stunned hearing the research team talking about it.
               | irrational wrote:
               | Frankly, I would think the Gen X people would be the most
               | familiar with the pattern. I'm Gen X and I grew up with
               | computers from the Commodore 64 to modern computers. I
               | learned about the clicking the logo to go to the home
               | page back in the mid-90s, even before I became a web
               | developer myself. It was my generation that came up with
               | that design pattern.
               | dalmo3 wrote:
               | > the logo is now just an SVG, with no link.
               | Why not both? Genuine question.
         | moffkalast wrote:
         | They even wrote the following:
         | > Put yourself in the shoes of a visually impaired person and
         | think how frustrating it must be to get on a page that doesn't
         | allow you to open the main menu!
         | I just have to laugh at that kind of level of delusion. As if a
         | screen reader will be able to figure out what the menu button
         | is when the ids, classes and tags are all filled up with
         | generated garbage by <insert unnecessary framework of choice>.
         | It's not like the icon is labelled in any way that matters.
         | Any actually accessible or even good UX would have the menu
         | buttons expanded by default, with text and not just icons.
         | Mobile UIs have brought on this epidemic of hiding all features
         | behind multiple superfluous clicks of icons hidden somewhere to
         | the side and it just makes me feel like throwing up seeing it
         | on desktop UIs. Even Wikipedia did it recently, despite the
         | community backlash.
       | zichy wrote:
       | Those "toggle buttons without JavaScript" are one of my pet
       | peeves. It's always the same thing:
       | 1. Someone finds out that you can use `:checked`.
       | 2. They add some JavaScript to "enhance" their idea.
       | 3. It's still less accessible than a proper implementation.
       | This example is a CSS hack and not something you would actually
       | want to use in a production environment. JavaScript is absolutely
       | necessary if you are developing a custom interactive element. If
       | `<details>` works for you, fine. If it doesn't, you might want to
       | look up ARIA attributes.
         | enyo wrote:
         | You didn't actually say anything other than that it's bad and
         | not to use on production. Care to elaborate?
       | robertoandred wrote:
       | Except it doesn't actually perform well with keyboard navigation.
       | Focus states are inconsistent and the spacebar doesn't work. And
       | where are the aria attributes?
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