[HN Gopher] Elite for Emacs (2015)
       Elite for Emacs (2015)
       Author : nanna
       Score  : 151 points
       Date   : 2023-01-27 19:28 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.salkosuo.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.salkosuo.net)
       | jicea wrote:
       | My favorite NES game has always been Elite [1]. It's really a
       | marvelous gem, that, in my opinion, is not well known. Happy
       | memories...
       | [1]: https://www.justgamesretro.com/nes/elite
         | bitwize wrote:
         | The NES version famously recreated the vector graphics of the
         | home computer originals by having RAM in part of its character
         | ROM area on the cartridge, that could be used effectively as a
         | framebuffer upon which the vector graphics could be drawn.
         | We never got this remarkable NES game in NA. More's the pity.
       | Bondi_Blue wrote:
       | This is wild. Elite is an amazing game. The NES port is
       | particularly impressive given the limitations, not just with
       | respect to pushing polygons, but to how carefully they chose to
       | adapt the controls. And it is the only game, save for a few
       | obscure modern homebrew roms, that manages to render polygons on
       | the NES (though many games used sprite scaling and other
       | techniques to pull off a 3D appearance with varying degrees of
       | success).
       | I wish the NTSC version (which was never shipped on cartridges)
       | could run without graphical issues on a real NTSC NES. Instead
       | you need a PAL NES or a PAL Emulator.
       | See the story about how Elite came about if you're curious:
       | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GpWoF5uVgbA
       | Otek wrote:
       | This needs [2015]
       | [deleted]
       | gwern wrote:
       | (I'm always pleased when I click on a submission and it's exactly
       | what I inferred it could not be.)
         | guessbest wrote:
         | Probably because the online culture in 2003 was a lot tighter
         | coupled and now it seems more spread out in different
         | simultaneous directions. It even includes the obligatory Docker
         | container.
         | detrites wrote:
         | I too was so ready to be disappointed...
         | throwanem wrote:
         | In fairness, it looks more like the old Palm game Space Trader,
         | ie roughly the same trade model but combat handled by dice
         | rolls - if there's any code in here for Elite-style 3D combat,
         | I've yet to see it. (Even without graphics and rendering to a
         | text buffer, it would be a hell of a thing to get working in
         | circa-2001 Emacs on a circa-2001 machine!)
         | That said, I do still _play_ Space Trader, every now and
         | again...
           | cmrdporcupine wrote:
           | At first I assumed it was going to be based on this:
           | https://breakintochat.com/wiki/Space_Empire_Elite which is
           | more like the trader type games you're talking about.
           | There was a history of BBS "door" games with this style of
           | interface, that would have been quite adaptable to Emacs.
           | But yeah, his link to 'Elite' does take to the classic 3d
           | game.
           | Nifty.
       | outworlder wrote:
       | I have tried to reimplement the Elite trading part in
       | Javascript(back when I was learning the language, I need a
       | 'practical project') but I've found the galaxy generation code to
       | be inscrutable. One can implement line by line, but I haven't
       | found an explanation for all the byte manipulation and magic
       | numbers that are used.
       | EDIT: found this in the comments
       | " Function and description taken from elite new kind sources. "
       | Huh. Maybe I should look into that (and "oolite" as well).
       | DrBazza wrote:
       | There was or is, a mode 7 version of Elite too.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2emwRygvEAA
         | aardvark179 wrote:
         | On the other end of the ridiculous spectrum there is a port of
         | Elite II to the BBC Micro with an ARM second processor. With an
         | upgraded video ULA it looks pretty good.
           | helf wrote:
           | What's great, too, about the been tube version is that both
           | CPUs are actually used. At least with the dual 6502 version.
           | I'm assuming the ARM may be a bit different.
       | themodelplumber wrote:
       | I have been trying to get into Elite as part of my retro-gaming
       | hobby, but so far my particular combination of free time +
       | learning-motivation-levels are like "best I can do is Space
       | Trader for Palm".
       | I'm annoyed that I never gave it the extra push when I was a kid,
       | preferring Silent Service, Aces of the Pacific, Strike Commander,
       | etc.
       | Still, I love seeing the proliferation of things like this into
       | Emacs. The psychology of Elite-type games has a strong
       | propagation bonus factor within general tech psychology. It's
       | like if you view tech as a mandelbrot set, you zoom in and you
       | can start to see these little Elite wings all over.
       | (From recent discussions it seems like Lite-XL ought to enable
       | this kind of effort too? Being SDL based and anything-goes on the
       | scripting side, I'd just hazard a guess)
         | helf wrote:
         | Space trader for palmos is the bomb! I spent way way too many
         | hours playing that.
         | .. I may have that on my current android phone using a palmos
         | emulator. There's also an actual android port of it too though.
         | Did you ever get to play the leaked Elite 3D port for palmos?
         | The dev couldn't get rights for release so abandoned it. I
         | cracked and released it after that. I was a beta tester. It's a
         | hoot. Works well. Even has a plug-in for the vibrator on the
         | Palm M5xx series.
           | throwanem wrote:
           | You don't even need a native emulator! CloudpilotEmu works
           | great, and runs in any modern browser. You'll need to supply
           | your own ROM, but those aren't hard to come by these days.
           | I did not get to play the 3d version. I'd love to try it out
           | on my old TX, if you happen to know where a .prc might be
           | found... ;)
           | themodelplumber wrote:
           | That's a good point about Android, I think I play the FDroid
           | one or something like that.
           | I never saw the Elite 3D you mentioned, sounds great. How was
           | the color palette? Just curious if it was more monochrome or
           | colorful.
           | I was probably hitting the Cybiko Xtreme really hard at that
           | time, having all but given up on gaming on my HP Jornada and
           | finding some relief in the KayBee Toys clearance bin ;-)
           | I do have a bunch of space trading games ready to go here for
           | when the right time comes, and I like to leave the Elite Plus
           | attract screen open in a DOSBox window sometimes...
             | helf wrote:
             | Always wanted a cybiko. Had a jornada 720! Great devices
             | for the time.
             | The game is very colorful. I loved it. Here's the original
             | website for it.
             | http://www.harbaum.org/till/palm/elite/index.html
             | And apparently he either released or something else a v1.0
             | with the source code and it is up here:
             | https://palmdb.net/app/elite-palm
             | I didn't know this copy existed till a few minutes ago.
             | I've only played the one I had which was a version 0.9.5 or
             | 9.7 iirc. So now I'm curious to test this out.
               | themodelplumber wrote:
               | Oh that's pretty. Looks fun, thanks for sharing the links
               | too. Amazing how far they took it on the platform,
               | including Sony Clie multi-track audio!
         | nix23 wrote:
         | Take privateer first the "gemini gold edition" ;)
         | https://privateer.sourceforge.net/
       | anthk wrote:
       | Emacs has a Infocom interpreter too, Malyon.
       | M-x package install malyon; load a Z? file: M-x malyon.
       (page generated 2023-01-27 23:00 UTC)