[HN Gopher] Release engineering is exhausting so here's cargo-dist
       Release engineering is exhausting so here's cargo-dist
       Author : ag_dubs
       Score  : 129 points
       Date   : 2023-02-01 17:50 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.axo.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.axo.dev)
       | ZeroCool2u wrote:
       | "Alright so I've given you The Pitch of how this should work, but
       | how does it actually work today? Well, yes, I wouldn't announce
       | this if not -- but there's a lot of future work to do! Actually
       | no I take that back, it's definitely perfect. Those familiar with
       | my broader oeuvre know this will absolutely be a perfectly
       | crafted demo that avoids all the sharp corners of cargo-dist!"
       | One of the most honest paragraphs ever written.
       | Seriously though, great tool and great write up. I hope something
       | like this lands as an official cargo feature. Coming from mostly
       | Python land at work with crazy dependencies for TF and PyTorch
       | GPU support (On Windows sometimes!) makes me super jealous.
       | chatmasta wrote:
       | I'm really not a fan of the "download the prebuilt binary from
       | github releases" workflow that's been proliferating along with
       | the popularity of Rust. It seems like a step backward in terms of
       | secure package management, and it's surprising to me that Rust
       | doesn't offer a more out-of-box experience for this, instead
       | encouraging users to build from source. I understand the
       | arguments for this, and I even find some of them convincing -
       | namely, that the inverse problem of opaque intermediate binaries
       | and object files would be much worse as it would cause a cascade
       | of brittle builds and barely any packages would work.
       | But the fact remains that end users want to download a binary,
       | and the common approach to this is to simply publish them to
       | GitHub actions. Surely Cargo could offer a better option than
       | this, while retaining the ability to build all packages from
       | source (maybe you can only publish binaries to Cargo _in
       | addition_ to the source files... or maybe Cargo.toml could
       | include a link to GitHub releases, and Cargo could include a
       | command for downloading directly from there.)
       | In the meantime, I've been considering publishing Rust binaries
       | to npm (in addition to GitHub releases). I got the idea from
       | esbuild, which is written in Go but distributed via npm. What do
       | people think of this approach? Here's a recent blog post [0]
       | describing the setup.
       | [0] https://blog.orhun.dev/packaging-rust-for-npm/
         | ag_dubs wrote:
         | we actually agree and are working on this! github releases are
         | just an easy initial target, and makes our tool a drop-in
         | replacement for the kinds of things people are already doing.
         | longer-term we'd like to see something more robust, and cargo-
         | dist is the first cog in that machine.
         | i have personally packaged and published many rust devtools on
         | npm (cloudflare's wrangler, apollo's rover, wasm-pack) but that
         | was largely because they were targeted at a javascript
         | developer audience.
         | as a former npm registry engineer i'm curious what you find to
         | be the particular value of publishing to npm? installing node
         | is actually very unpleasant and then getting global installs to
         | work is also... very unpleasant. i think it works well for
         | people already in that ecosystem but i think we can build
         | something better for a more agnostic audience that can give a
         | similar out-of-box exp without requiring a centralized
         | registry. would love to learn more about your perspective!
         | simonw wrote:
         | I've noticed people publishing binaries to PyPI too - you can
         | run "pip install ziglang" to get Zig, for example.
         | I wrote a bit about that pattern here:
         | https://simonwillison.net/2022/May/23/bundling-binary-tools-...
         | jacoblambda wrote:
         | Worth considering using nix with cargo. Of course it still
         | involves a lot of "download from github" or "download from nix
         | cache" but reproducibility + tight source hash pinning helps
         | guarantee provenance.
       | Shared404 wrote:
       | > (Did you know the warning you get on Windows isn't about code
       | signing, but is actually just a special flag Windows' builtin
       | unzipping tool sets on all executables it extracts?)
       | My jaw hit the floor here.
         | Gankra wrote:
         | Correction on this someone else sent me:
         | The check of interest is for a Mark Of The Web[0] flag that
         | Windows includes in file system metadata. The builtin unzipping
         | utility just faithfully propagates this flag to the files it
         | unpacks. Other utilities like 7zip are unlikely to do this
         | propagation (effectively clearing it).
         | But yeah either way it has nothing to do with code signing!
         | [0]: https://nolongerset.com/mark-of-the-web-details/
           | jakub_g wrote:
           | If someone's interested with more details about MoTW, EricLaw
           | (long time MSFT engineer at IE and Edge teams) got you
           | covered:
           | https://textslashplain.com/2016/04/04/downloads-and-the-
           | mark...
           | https://textslashplain.com/2022/12/02/mark-of-the-web-
           | additi...
           | chatmasta wrote:
           | macOS has a similar feature with Gatekeeper, which bit me
           | when preparing a Pyinstaller binary for Mac. The flag doesn't
           | get added when you download a file with curl, but it does
           | when you download it through a web browser, which can cause
           | difficult to debug issues with binaries downloaded from
           | GitHub releases.
           | You can remove this flag with the xattr command:
           | xattr -d com.apple.quarantine the_quarantined_binary
           | I wrote up the details of this in a PR [0] where I last dealt
           | with it.
           | [0] https://github.com/splitgraph/sgr/pull/656
             | maldev wrote:
             | This is actually pretty similar. The OS has an alternative
             | data stream(An idea they stole from Mac), and they list
             | what site a exe was downloaded on, or if it came from
             | somewhere else. Others incorrectly called it a flag, when
             | it works by having two different file data streams for a
             | single file, one is the default one.
             | So for example, a single file can actually contain two
             | different "files"(File data).
             | So, foo.exe, actually will effectively open the file
             | foo.exe:DEFAULT. You could also add a piece of malware to
             | the foo file in place of a datastream. So foo.exe is legit,
             | but if you open foo.exe:MALWARE , it will open up the
             | malware datastream.
             | So tldr, how Windows does this, it when you get a file from
             | a third party source(Internet, USB Drive, etc), it adds a
             | new datastream in the form of a textfile. And the textfile
             | contains info about the source. Namely, a number for
             | location it came from(3? for web), and then some more info.
       | jph wrote:
       | Awesome thank you. I'm adding it to the cargo favorites list:
       | https://github.com/sixarm/cargo-install-favorites
       | Tiny feedback:
       | - Can you consider changing "git add ." to be explicit e.g. "git
       | add Cargo.toml .github/workflows/release.yml"?
       | - How about modifying Cargo.toml to add cargo-dist as a dev-
       | dependency? I know it's not strictly necessary; it's just very
       | helpful for typical collaboration.
         | Gankra wrote:
         | Do you mean this kind of dep? https://rust-
         | lang.github.io/rfcs/3028-cargo-binary-dependenc...
         | That's an interesting thought, I'm not sure I've ever seen
         | someone employ that as a pattern. Actually no wait, I thought
         | cargo bin-deps specifically gave the developer no way to
         | manually invoke it (i.e. there's no equivalent functionality to
         | npm's npx)? Without that, what use would the dependency be?
           | jph wrote:
           | Yes, where that link describes "[dev-dependencies]" and
           | "[build-dependencies]".
           | I use the dev-dependencies section often, and the build-
           | dependencies rarely. And anyone here, please correct my
           | understanding if there's a better way to do what I'm
           | describing.
           | For me, these sections are an easy way to be explicit with
           | collaborators that the project needs the deps installed in
           | order to work on the project, and does not want/need the deps
           | to be compiled into the release.
           | My #1 use case is to have a collaborator start with a git
           | clone, then run "cargo build", and have cargo download and
           | cache everything that's needed to work on the project and
           | release it. My #2 use case is to deal with semver, so a
           | project can be explicit that it needs a greater cargo-dist
           | version in the future.
           | To your point about cargo bin deps akin to npx, yes, your
           | understanding matches mine i.e. not available yet. I do
           | advocate for that feature to be added because it's helpful
           | for local environments. Cargo does offer "default-run" which
           | shows there an awareness of a developer preferring specific
           | local exectuables-- maybe Cargo can/will add more like that
           | for deps?
       | IshKebab wrote:
       | > Congrats kid you're A Release Engineer now and your life is
       | hell. Enjoy debugging basic typos on a remote machine with 20
       | minute latency because you sure can't run those Github CI bash-
       | scripts-in-yaml files locally!
       | Yes! Why is this accepted??
       | Gitlab has a way of running CI locally (for Docker based builds
       | anyway; who knows about Windows or Mac) but a) it doesn't support
       | the same features at the "proper" one (even basic ones like the
       | `default` key) and b) they deprecated it!
       | Ok in fairness they've stated in a random comment that they won't
       | remove it before providing an alternative.... But still, how is
       | this not a core feature of all CI systems?
         | sedatk wrote:
         | You can run GitHub workflows locally with act:
         | https://github.com/nektos/act
           | frodowtf wrote:
           | Act is okay, but the runner image behaves quite differently
           | than a GitHub runner would. The original image would just be
           | too big for reasonable local workflows.
           | Also artifacts don't seem to be supported.
           | ollien wrote:
           | This is far from perfect, IME. The big problem I have (and
           | maybe there's a solution I don't know about) is that there's
           | no easy way to test getting event data, unless you wanna
           | rebuild the events yourself (which is hardly reliable if the
           | problem is something like verifying a conditional that
           | enables/disables a stage).
             | adrienthebo wrote:
             | Seconding this; act has a lot of potential but misses a
             | number of features such as support for deployment
             | environment variables (eg `${{ var.DEPLOY_SPECIFIC_ENV_VAR
             | }}`) and only recently added support for reusable workflows
             | (https://github.com/nektos/act/issues/826). It looks like
             | fine software and the maintainers deserve praise for their
             | work but it's not yet a drop-in replacement for GitHub
             | Actions.
         | wizzwizz4 wrote:
         | > _But still, how is this not a core feature of all CI
         | systems?_
         | Vendor lock-in, presumably.
           | WorldMaker wrote:
           | In multiple directions, too. It's easier to build the CI
           | system itself if you are only targeting one class of
           | servers/one means of hosting servers/one specific "cloud".
         | capableweb wrote:
         | CircleCI solved this so many years ago, allow users to SSH into
         | the environment the build happens.
         | Workflow is something like:
         | - Guess together a random CI or CD workflow, this is just to
         | kick off the process. You can also start with a empty config.
         | - Something fails, get SSH host+port to connect to
         | - Enter environment and manually do everything you want to be
         | able to automatically do
         | - Execute `history` and copy output, trim it into something
         | nicer and put in your config
         | angio wrote:
         | If you're using nix to build your repo, it's worth adding
         | scripts for releases etc and run them locally and as part of
         | the ci https://determinate.systems/posts/nix-github-actions
         | brundolf wrote:
         | What we need is a standard CI language/config format across
         | vendors (stuffing a custom DSL inside YAML doesn't count)
         | That would allow for a tooling ecosystem of static checkers,
         | offline runners, IDE integrations, etc etc, and would also cut
         | down on the learning barrier every time you switch to a new
         | company that uses a different vendor
       | samsquire wrote:
       | There's so much work to do to release software. Kind of explains
       | why everything is a website.
       | oconnor663 wrote:
       | Bend the curve!
       | MuffinFlavored wrote:
       | I think this would benefit from an example repo that shows just
       | Cargo.toml for a simple src/main.rs with `fn main() {
       | println!("Hello, world!"); }` project with the simplest needed
       | .github/workflows/foo.yaml possible to actually use this.
       | If it was in the article and I missed it I apologize.
         | Gankra wrote:
         | The "way-too-quickstart" is the minimal example:
         | https://github.com/axodotdev/cargo-dist#way-too-quick-start
         | A key feature of cargo-dist is that
         | cargo dist init --ci=github
         | should simply set everything up for an arbitrary* Rust
         | workspace and you just check in the results.
         | * Not sufficiently tested for all the wild workspaces you can
         | build, but a "boring" one with a bunch of libraries supporting
         | one binary should work -- that's what cargo-dist's own
         | workspace is, and it's self-hosting without any configuration.
         | Any time I want to update the bootstrap dist I just install
         | that version of cargo-dist on my machine and run `cargo dist
         | generate-ci github --installer=...` to completely overwrite the
         | ci with the latest impl.
           | Gankra wrote:
           | Just to elaborate on this a bit: as discussed in the Concepts
           | section of the docs[0] the core of cargo-dist absolutely
           | supports workspaces with multiple binaries, and will chunk
           | them out into their own distinct logical applications and
           | provide builds/metadata for all them.
           | However this isn't fully supported by the actual github CI
           | integration yet[1], as I haven't implemented proper support
           | for detecting that you're only trying to publish a new
           | version of _only one_ of the applications (or none of them!),
           | and it doesn 't properly merge the release notes if you're
           | trying to publish multiple ones at once.
           | I never build workspaces like that so I'm waiting for someone
           | who _does_ to chime in with the behaviour they want (since
           | there 's lots of defensible choices and I only have so many
           | waking hours to implement stuff).
           | [0]: https://github.com/axodotdev/cargo-dist/#concepts [1]:
           | https://github.com/axodotdev/cargo-dist/issues/69
           | MuffinFlavored wrote:
           | Cool, thanks.
           | It creates a ~100 line release.yml file
           | 1. create GitHub release
           | 2. upload artifacts
           | 3. upload manifest
           | 4. publish GitHub release
           | I like it, it's opinionated, but I don't know how much it
           | will catch on. If somebody needs to maintain a 100 line
           | GitHub Actions release YAML file, in my experience you
           | typically want to understand everything in it in case you
           | need to adjust it for future needs/as they grow.
           | It's well done though. Curious to see how much adoption it
           | picks up.
       | Chmouel wrote:
       | i really enjoy goreleaser
       | https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser/ and use it with rust
       | https://github.com/chmouel/snazy/blob/main/.goreleaser.yaml#...
       | combined with build matrix
       | https://github.com/chmouel/snazy/blob/main/.github/workflows...
         | ag_dubs wrote:
         | definitely inspired by goreleaser! it's a great project
       (page generated 2023-02-01 23:00 UTC)