[HN Gopher] Show HN: DriftDB - an open source WebSocket backend ...
       Show HN: DriftDB - an open source WebSocket backend for real-time
       Hey HN! I've written a bunch of WebSocket servers over the years to
       do simple things like state synchronization, WebRTC signaling, and
       notifying a client when a backend job was run. I realized that if I
       had a simple way to create a private, temporary, mini-redis that
       the client could talk to directly, it would save a lot of time. So
       we created DriftDB.  In addition to the open source server that you
       can run yourself, we also provide https://jamsocket.live where you
       can use an instance we host on Cloudflare's edge (~13ms round trip
       latency from my home in NY).  You may have seen my blog post a
       couple months back, "You might not need a CRDT"[1]. Some of those
       ideas (especially the emphasis on state machine synchronization)
       are implemented in DriftDB.  Here's an IRL talk I gave on DriftDB
       last week at Browsertech SF[2] and a 4-minute tutorial of building
       a cross-client synchronized slider component in React[3]  [1]
       https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33865672  [2]
       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPRv3MImcqM  [3]
       Author : paulgb
       Score  : 302 points
       Date   : 2023-02-03 11:12 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (driftdb.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (driftdb.com)
       | globalise83 wrote:
       | This looks just about perfect for powering all those team online
       | games we all played a lot during lockdown (and still do), is that
       | right?
         | paulgb wrote:
         | Yep, in fact, it was making a word game[1] for my family to
         | play on zoom calls early in lockdown that sent me down the
         | rabbit hole of synchronizing state in distributed systems.
         | [1] https://word.red
         | Thaxll wrote:
         | Websocket is not very good for online games because it's TCP
         | based, also there are millions of websockets library in every
         | languages.
           | paulgb wrote:
           | Right, WebSocket is fine for a chess game, but you wouldn't
           | use it for a first-person shooter.
           | If you do want UDP from a browser (via a WebRTC data channel)
           | you first need a side channel to establish the connection,
           | and DriftDB is handy for that.
       | alexisread wrote:
       | I've not looked at DriftDB in depth (cloudflare worker running
       | this is neat!), but can't MQTT handle this sort of workload?
       | Obv. there's not a cloudflare worker running say an MQTT server
       | over websockets, but you can scope topics with wildcards
       | (https://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part-5-mqtt-
       | topi...), replay missed messages on reconnection, last-will-and-
       | testament, ACLs, dynamic topic creation, binary messages etc.
       | I'm asking as many of these websocket projects seem to use custom
       | protocols rather than anything standard aka interoperable.
         | nine_k wrote:
         | Maybe it's the richness of MQTT that makes it a worse choice
         | for a startup. Offering a conformant MQTT broker is a lot of
         | work, and the semantics come from elsewhere, not geared towards
         | emphasizing your unique advantages.
         | Building a much simpler, custom-tailored protocol allows to
         | ship faster, and improve gradually. If the point is to deploy
         | on Cloudflare in a massively-parallel fashion (which is likely
         | harder for a regular MQTT broker), the custom protocol allows
         | to concentrate on that special advantage, and not on standards
         | conformance or interoperability with a bevy of existing
         | libraries.
         | paulgb wrote:
         | The problem with MQTT is that most of the use cases I'm
         | interested in involve a web browser as at least one party of
         | the connection, and the browser doesn't support MQTT. I could
         | wrap MQTT in a WebSocket, but then I'd lose the advantages of
         | MQTT's compactness and interoperability (unless MQTT-over-
         | WebSocket is a thing?)
         | The other operation that I haven't seen elsewhere, but is vital
         | to enabling stream compaction without a leader, is the idea of
         | a stream rollup _up to a specific stream number_. NATS
         | Jetstream, for example, has the ability to roll up an entire
         | stream, but if another message hits the stream between when the
         | rollup is computed and when it arrives at the server, that
         | message too will be replaced (IIRC). So I thought about using
         | NATS (which already has a WebSocket protocol), but ruled it
         | out.
           | alexisread wrote:
           | MQTT-over-websocket does exist
           | (https://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js), and most MQTT brokers
           | support it (Mosquito, AmazonMQ etc.). You're right about the
           | compaction - MQTT doesn't have anything in it's protocol
           | about compaction, and I don't know of any brokers that
           | implement it. Having said that, you could use an MQTT-kafka
           | bridge.
           | Something like Mosquito + https://github.com/nodefluent/mqtt-
           | to-kafka-bridge + Redpanda in a docker image would work,
           | though obv. this might be a bit overkill for most. Having
           | said that, it does open many new avenues for interaction at
           | scale. You pays your money...
             | fud101 wrote:
             | What is compaction?
               | paulgb wrote:
               | Compaction is where you take a chunk of messages and
               | replace them with a single message.
               | For example, one of the DriftDB demos is a counter
               | (https://demos.driftdb.com/counter). State is
               | synchronized by putting increment/decrement events into a
               | stream. When a new user connects, their client get all
               | the messages in the stream, plays them back, and arrives
               | at the same state as everyone else.
               | If that's all we did, over time, the stream would grow
               | unruly. It would take ages to load the page because we'd
               | have to load every state change. But we only really care
               | about a single numeric value. Compaction takes a chunk of
               | messages that look like this:
               | {"apply":"increment"}         {"apply":"increment"}
               | {"apply":"decrement"}         {"apply":"increment"}
               | And replaces them with a message that looks like this:
               | {"reset":2}
               | DriftDB doesn't know _how_ to compute the compaction, it
               | relies on clients to do that. When a client does
               | something that increases the length of the stream, the
               | server sends back the new length of the stream, so that
               | the client can decide whether to compact it (i.e. if it
               | passes some threshold).
               | The important part that I haven't seen elsewhere is that
               | when a client compacts the stream, it includes a sequence
               | number of the last message that's part of the compaction.
               | The server will preserve messages greater than that
               | sequence number, since they are not part of the
               | compaction.
           | chrisdalke wrote:
           | Most MQTT implementations do support MQTT-over-Websocket. I
           | use it extensively at work and it's been fairly reliable!
           | elithrar wrote:
           | > The problem with MQTT is that most of the use cases I'm
           | interested in involve a web browser as at least one party of
           | the connection, and the browser doesn't support MQTT. I could
           | wrap MQTT in a WebSocket, but then I'd lose the advantages of
           | MQTT's compactness and interoperability (unless MQTT-over-
           | WebSocket is a thing?)
           | We support MQTT over WS (or JSON over WS, or just HTTP) in
           | Cloudflare Pub/Sub, FWIW -
           | https://developers.cloudflare.com/pub-
           | sub/learning/websocket...
           | I also agree with the comments re: MQTT being well suited to
           | a lot of these "broadcast" use-case, but that the IoT roots
           | seem to hold it back. MQTT 5.0 is just a great protocol --
           | clear spec, explicit about errors, flexible payloads -- that
           | make it well suited to these broadcast/fan-in/real-time
           | workloads. The traditional cloud providers do MQTT (3.1.1) in
           | their respective IoT platforms but never grew it beyond that.
             | jconley wrote:
             | Can I get in on that beta? Submitted the form yesterday.
             | Currently building something that could use it. ;)
         | manv1 wrote:
         | Funny, the IoT space has bought into MQTT but the general
         | internet space has not.
         | MQTT scales and works. And it's easy, fast, and small.
         | I've been trying to get our guys to do MQTT-based pub/sub, and
         | they're rather do their own thing with web sockets because MQTT
         | is scary. <shrug>.
         | That's the problem when front-end guys make decisions about
         | tech sometimes, they choose stuff that seems easy to integrate
         | without caring about things like deployment, scalability,
         | capabilities, etc.
           | manv1 wrote:
           | I mean, it'd be trivial to write stream replay for MQTT. It's
           | literally just stashing messages and sending them back on
           | connect. Not sure what the issue is there.
           | Scottopherson wrote:
           | Jeez that's a big paint brush you're slinging around.
           | That's the problem when non-front-end guys make decisions
           | about tech sometimes, they choose stuff that seems easy to
           | integrate without caring about things like accessibility,
           | design scalability, client device capabilities, etc.
             | nine_k wrote:
             | How does a wire protocol relate to UX concerns like
             | accessibility or design scalability?
             | Client device capabilities are there, MQTT is neither
             | rocket science nor a resource hog, since it was designed
             | for underpowered IoT devices.
       | jwilber wrote:
       | Awesome stuff. Here's a short video talking about DriftDB at
       | Browsertech SF (I believe this is an put on by them ("Drifting in
       | Space"): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPRv3MImcqM
       | ocimbote wrote:
       | Plane.dev is mentioned.
       | Has anyone experience with it? It seems quite interesting but I
       | need more opinion on what they call "backend sessions"...
       | BTBurke wrote:
       | This is great. I'm going to use this with something I'm working
       | on. The edge behavior is just what I need.
       | When you say limitations are a "relatively small number of
       | clients need to share some state over a relatively short period
       | of time," I read in another comment about a dozen or so clients,
       | but what about the time factor? Can it be on the order of hours?
         | paulgb wrote:
         | > but what about the time factor? Can it be on the order of
         | hours?
         | So far I've focused on use cases where clients are online for
         | overlapping time intervals. When all the clients go offline,
         | Cloudflare will shut down the worker after some period and the
         | replay ability will be lost. The core data structure is
         | designed such that it could be stored in the Durable Object
         | storage Cloudflare provides, but I haven't wired it up yet.
           | BTBurke wrote:
           | One more thought - any consideration of hooking this to
           | Cloudflare's queue? Then you could optionally connect another
           | worker to that and e.g. persist everything in their D1 SQLite
           | database.
             | paulgb wrote:
             | I haven't looked at the queue specifically, but Durable
             | Objects have a nice key/value storage mechanism that
             | happens to map nicely. It would take a bit of munging to
             | make it work for a stream instead of a single value, but I
             | have a design in mind.
           | BTBurke wrote:
           | That works perfectly for what I'm using it for. Thanks for
           | building this!
       | jcq3 wrote:
       | I didn't find the use case section, the first thing I read before
       | code, implementation example or whatever. Why is it always
       | lacking in SaaS landpages?
         | paulgb wrote:
         | Good feedback, here you go :) https://github.com/drifting-in-
         | space/driftdb/commit/8d946217...
           | jcq3 wrote:
           | Beautiful, now it makes me want to use your tool because I
           | can relate to use cases I might have...
       | speps wrote:
       | Reminds me of Colyseus: https://github.com/colyseus/colyseus
       | Colyseus has support for persistence as well as matchmaking!
       | mrtksn wrote:
       | How the race conditions are handled? If one of the clients of the
       | shared state delivers the the input with a delay(network issue
       | etc.), will it overwrite state of the other client once delivered
       | or will be dismissed? Is there a concept of slave/master client?
       | Edit:
       | So, I played a bit and it appears that if a client is
       | disconnected and changes of the state happens when offline, once
       | connected these changes will be applied to the other client who
       | was having its own changes in the state. So its working on the
       | "last message" basis? Also it seems like it can't detect the
       | offline/online status?
       | I'm curious because the interesting part of this kind of systems
       | is the way races are handled.
         | paulgb wrote:
         | > So, I played a bit and it appears that if a client is
         | disconnected and changes of the state happens when offline,
         | once connected these changes will be applied to the other
         | client who was having its own changes in the state. So its
         | working on the "last message" basis? Also it seems like it
         | can't detect the offline/online status?
         | From the server's point of view, it's just an ordered broadcast
         | channel with replay. The conflict semantics are whatever you
         | build on top of that.
         | The `useSharedState` hook in the React bindings implements
         | last-write-wins. For the `useSharedReducer` hook, the reducer
         | itself determines the semantics, but in the voxel editor demo
         | we also use last-write-wins.
         | > Also it seems like it can't detect the offline/online status?
         | Online/offline status is exposed in the client libraries, e.g.
         | in the react bindings there is a useConnectionStatus hook:
         | https://driftdb.com/docs/react#useconnectionstatus-hook
         | > I'm curious because the interesting part of this kind of
         | systems is the way races are handled.
         | It's academically the interesting part, but I think it matters
         | less than people assume it does. Here's a section from a blog
         | post I wrote a couple months ago:
         | > Developers may find it tempting to treat collaborative
         | applications as any other distributed systems, and in many ways
         | that's a useful way to look at them. But they differ in an
         | important way, which is that they always have humans-in-the-
         | loop. As a result, many edge cases can simply be deferred to
         | the user.
         | > For example, every multiplayer application has to decide how
         | to handle two users modifying the same object concurrently. In
         | practice, this tends to be rare, because of something I call
         | social locking: the tendency of reasonable people not to
         | clobber each other's work-in-progress, even in the absence of
         | software-based locking features. This is especially the case
         | when applications have presence features that provide hints to
         | other users about where their attention is (cursor position,
         | selection, etc.) In the rare times it does occur, the users can
         | sort it out among themselves.
         | > A general theme of successful multiplayer approaches we've
         | seen is not overcomplicating things. We've heard a number of
         | companies confess that their multiplayer approach feels naive
         | -- especially compared to the academic literature on the topic
         | -- and yet it works just fine in practice.
         | https://driftingin.space/posts/you-might-not-need-a-crdt
           | mrtksn wrote:
           | Good point, in the case of users interacting it's probably a
           | non issue. Thanks for the insight.
       | Aldipower wrote:
       | How can something be real-time, if there is a websocket
       | connection in-between. How do you ensure real time? In real-time
       | applications response times must be guaranteed. Seems impossible
       | to me with websocket connections.
         | paulgb wrote:
         | I mean real-time apps in the colloquial sense - applications
         | where two people see the same state nearly instantly. In the
         | strict computation sense, it's true that you can't guarantee an
         | upper bound for delivery of a message. This isn't just a
         | limitation of WebSockets, it's a limitation of TCP/IP, which
         | don't provide a way to reserve bandwidth along a path between
         | hosts (IIRC).
       | bufferoverflow wrote:
       | SurrealDB was supposed to be a websocket real time DB, but it
       | seems they never finished that websocket part.
       | Glad there's an alternative.
       | https://surrealdb.com/docs/integration/websockets
       | winrid wrote:
       | Reminds me of DerbyJS and ShareDB/Racer. It's a pretty productive
       | stack, but came out at the wrong time. You can plug in different
       | storage engines (mongo, postgres) and it handles conflicts via
       | operational transform.
       | JohnCClarke wrote:
       | useState() --> useSharedState()
       | My brain just exploded with how perfect this DX is! Love it!
       | stmblast wrote:
       | This is really cool!
       | Looking forward to seeing how this progresses.
       | ArtWomb wrote:
       | Seems expensive no? To start a http container per request? But I
       | suppose it does solve many server side persistence issues. And I
       | love the power it affords you in creating virtual worlds. Awesome
       | stuff ;)
       | https://github.com/drifting-in-space/plane
         | paulgb wrote:
         | We created Plane, but we're actually not using it for this!
         | DriftDB stemmed out of realizing that a lot of the use cases
         | people were coming to Plane for were simple WebSocket servers
         | for which spinning up a container is excessive.
         | Plane is still great (I mean, I'm biased) if you want to run a
         | WebSocket server that implements custom business logic, uses
         | heavy compute, GPUs[1], or is stateful.
         | [1] teaser: https://canvas.stream/
           | ArtWomb wrote:
           | Blender over WebRTC demo looks fast too ;)
             | paulgb wrote:
             | Thanks! My colleagues gave a talk last week on streaming
             | data visualization that you might like:
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WyeZ9lKdSU
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | Would be fascinating if you could build Jitsi like video ontop of
       | this.
       | I think DB in the name is a little misleading due to there being
       | no persistence (I assume?) but that is a small nitpick!
         | paulgb wrote:
         | > I think DB in the name is a little misleading due to there
         | being no persistence (I assume?) but that is a small nitpick!
         | Yes, I feel a bit guilty about that part. When I started it the
         | design looked more like a traditional key/value or durable
         | stream database with real-time capabilities, but over time I
         | realized that the use cases I had in mind usually didn't
         | actually need long-term persistence. The DB stuck, partly
         | because it turns out if you add "db" as a suffix it's a lot
         | easier to find available package names and domains :). If it's
         | any consolation, I still do intend to support persistence
         | eventually.
           | quickthrower2 wrote:
           | Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a neat bit of
           | infrastructure. Well done for getting it done! I almost want
           | to create a project as an excuse to use it ha ha! Also naming
           | stuff is hard of course.
       | dabeeeenster wrote:
       | This is super interesting! Do you have any data on how well this
       | scales when running on Cloudflare Edge? Can you run more than one
       | instance and have them share state?
         | paulgb wrote:
         | Thanks! When hosted on Cloudflare, it uses their Durable
         | Objects product. Rather than running multiple backend instances
         | that share state, it's set up so that all users in the same
         | "room" are connected to the same instance. The instances can
         | then be scaled out horizontally (but Cloudflare takes care of
         | that.)
         | Within a room, things are a bit more constrained. We haven't
         | found the limit yet, and I suspect it's pretty high, but our
         | design goal was to support on the order of dozens of users in a
         | room, not necessarily beyond that. (Targeting e.g. a shared
         | whiteboard use case)
           | tmikaeld wrote:
           | We also looked at using Cloudflare, but it was prohibitively
           | expensive, because you pay for the duration of each "room"
           | (Connection, depending on how you use it).
           | https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/platform/pricing/#.
           | ..
           | Eventually we went with Centrifuge.
             | paulgb wrote:
             | Yeah, it remains to be seen whether it is economical for us
             | to keep the hosted version on CF. I suspect that for users
             | who want to run their own geographically distributed
             | instance of it, CF will be the path that makes sense for
             | the majority of them.
             | Who did you end up going with as a hosting provider?
             | (Centrifuge looks to be a library, if I'm looking at the
             | right thing)
             | unraveller wrote:
             | CF edge wants you to be more one and done, very anti
             | connection. Deno is the better priced edgejs compute for
             | websockets last I checked.
             | Probably still worthwhile for DriftDB SaaS if mainly short
             | lived connections are used, even though similar
             | functionality can be had with NATS bridge + an ordered
             | streaming library in your fav language on fly.io
             | e1g wrote:
             | "Centrifuge" as in
             | https://github.com/centrifugal/centrifugo ?
       | [deleted]
       | matt-attack wrote:
       | > DriftDB is a real-time data backend that runs on the edge.
       | What does "on the edge" mean in this context? Can I just run the
       | server part on my own infrastructure? What if I have multiple
       | pods for redundancy, and client web connections might get
       | connected randomly to any of those pods? How would the pods all
       | share state between each other?
         | paulgb wrote:
         | > What does "on the edge" mean in this context?
         | DriftDB has a concept of "rooms", which are essentially
         | broadcast channels. By "on the edge", what I mean is that the
         | authoritative server for each room can be geographically
         | located near the participants in that room. In practice, today
         | that means that it can be compiled to WebAssembly and run as a
         | Cloudflare Worker.
         | > Can I just run the server part on my own infrastructure?
         | Kinda. It includes a server that runs locally, but it's only
         | useful as a development server at this point. Your question
         | about multiple pods is exactly the reason -- unless you have a
         | routing layer that is aware of DriftDB's "rooms", it won't work
         | if you scale it up. We also make https://plane.dev which
         | provides the routing layer, but it might be overkill for a
         | DriftDB use case.
       | avinassh wrote:
       | This is really cool! But how are conflicts handled?
         | paulgb wrote:
         | As far as the server itself is concerned, it's just a broadcast
         | channel with replay and compaction capabilities, so it's not
         | directly concerned with conflict resolution. You could use it
         | as a broadcast channel for CRDTs if you wanted to.
         | The useSharedState react hook is more opinionated, it uses
         | last-write-wins semantics in the case of a conflict. The
         | useSharedReducer hook's behavior on conflict is up to the
         | reducer provided.
       | samhuk wrote:
       | Looks interesting. Coincidentally, I've _just_ completed the bulk
       | of work on a distributed Websocket network system to synchronize
       | certain bits of state between multiple clients for my own kind of
       | Storybook tool [0]. How interesting!
       | This kind of tool is exactly what I would have needed, instead of
       | the approach I've taken which is a bit kludgy and grass-roots.
       | By far the most difficult part of it for me was ensuring that the
       | web socket network can heal from outages of any of the clients or
       | the server. E.g. If a client loses connection, how does it regain
       | knowledge of state? If the server dies, what do clients do with
       | state changes they want to upload? Etc. It was really difficult!
       | Good work :)
       | [0] https://github.com/samhuk/exhibitor/pull/22
       | rlt wrote:
       | Neat.
       | > DriftDB is a real-time data backend that runs on the edge
       | What does it mean for these backends to be "on the edge"? Do
       | geographically disperse clients connect to different backends? If
       | so are messages synchronized between them? If so what's the point
       | of them being on the edge?
         | fernandopj wrote:
         | OP must have meant it runs on Cloudflare Edge.
           | scaredginger wrote:
           | Please explain your reasoning here
             | paulgb wrote:
             | That's essentially what I meant. The core database is
             | separate from the Cloudflare parts, so it could in theory
             | run on other edges (I want to get it running on fly.io!),
             | but for now "the edge" can be read as "Cloudflare Workers".
         | paulgb wrote:
         | By "on the edge", I mean that if you're in London and I'm in
         | Amsterdam, and we want to exchange messages, the messages
         | shouldn't have to do a round-trip through Virginia, they should
         | go through a server closer to both of us. (Of course, if I'm in
         | SF and you're in London, this is less of a win.)
         | The way it works in DriftDB is that everything is siloed into
         | "rooms", which are effectively broadcast channels. The room is
         | started based on the geography of the person who first joins it
         | (Cloudflare handles this part).
           | trollitarantula wrote:
           | Nice! Would love to see Cloudflare deployment guide.
           | Cloudflare isn't mentioned in the docs.
             | paulgb wrote:
             | Ah, you're right, I haven't written that up yet. The tl;dr
             | is something like:                   cd driftdb-worker
             | npm i         npm run deploy
             | You'll need to sign in to wrangler if you haven't already,
             | and will need to have rustc/cargo available (wrangler will
             | install some things and build it into a WebAssembly
             | module).
           | HighlandSpring wrote:
           | Oh, cool! So kinda like IRC?
             | paulgb wrote:
             | Yes, the concept of rooms is analogous to rooms in a chat
             | service. One difference from IRC as a protocol (besides
             | being over websocket) is that each connection corresponds
             | to exactly one room (since different rooms may be on
             | different servers.)
           | rlt wrote:
           | > The room is started based on the geography of the person
           | who first joins it
           | Cool, makes a lot of sense because people using a given
           | "room" are often likely to be geographically collocated.
             | paulgb wrote:
             | Exactly!
       | atentaten wrote:
       | Can this be used in the Dart/Flutter world?
         | paulgb wrote:
         | The server itself speaks a very simple WebSocket protocol[1],
         | so it could be used by anything that can speak WebSocket.
         | The JS/React bindings that implement the actual data sync
         | patterns (shared state, shared reducers, presence) haven't been
         | ported to Dart (yet?) though.
         | [1] https://driftdb.com/docs/api
           | rgbrgb wrote:
           | > presence
           | Congrats on the launch! You have a pointer to docs about
           | presence? Use-case is an ephemeral chatroom where I want to
           | show who's online.
             | paulgb wrote:
             | Good catch, this should be in the react docs but it's
             | missing. Until then, it's pretty simple. You call `const
             | presence = usePresence({})` and pass in any data you want,
             | and the `presence` value that gets returned is an object
             | that maps client IDs (a unique string for each client) to
             | the values that _they_ passed in to `usePresence`.
             | Here's an example from the voxel demo:
             | https://github.com/drifting-in-
             | space/driftdb/blob/af64f62b29...
             | And from the canvas demo: https://github.com/drifting-in-
             | space/driftdb/blob/af64f62b29...
       | jaime-ez wrote:
       | for those interested in open source websocket servers checkout
       | deepstream.io ... data persistence, subscriptions, rpc calls,
       | authorization, permissions, custom connectors..basically
       | everything you need to develop an app.
       (page generated 2023-02-03 23:00 UTC)