[HN Gopher] The C juggernaut illustrated (2012)
       The C juggernaut illustrated (2012)
       Author : susam
       Score  : 23 points
       Date   : 2023-02-02 10:08 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (utcc.utoronto.ca)
 (TXT) w3m dump (utcc.utoronto.ca)
       | cesaref wrote:
       | From my perspective, there is a certain truth to this. I started
       | out as an assembler programmer in the early 80s, just a kid
       | messing about with the machines of the time (Z80, 6510 based).
       | There was BASIC on various machines, but it was slow and clunky,
       | and you just didn't get enough control or speed to do the things
       | that a kid in the 80s wanted to do (write games!).
       | When I first came across C, it was around the time i'd been
       | writing 68k for the first time, and intel assembler was very
       | confusing, and already had a heap of different models to
       | consider.
       | So, C allowed the majority of stuff to be written once, with
       | calls to library functions written in assembler. All of a sudden,
       | we went from 0% portability to 95% portability. C could be
       | written like assembler, basic types which map directly to
       | registers and memory locations, and so really it was a simple
       | step to write not great C, with obvious benefits.
       | The first non-C language I came across was Fortran, closely
       | followed by Modula-2, and neither of these were in any way as
       | close to what i'd been writing in assembler, and so didn't
       | connect in the same way.
       | I don't think i'm unusual in this regard, transitioning from
       | assembler to C. Of course these days there is a new generation of
       | programmers who haven't that experience, and are happier with
       | higher level abstractions, and so it must look weird to them to
       | see the fascination with C, and it probably has outlived it's
       | expected life - i'm certainly surprised we're not all functional
       | by now for example.
       | mistrial9 wrote:
       | the example about C at Apple Computer is accurate. The MPW group
       | had a tool suite but it was a niche project at the time
       | (mid-80s). Influential engineers had a great pascal compiler and
       | dropped into assembler for the fine points, quite a lot. The
       | environment at DeAnza 3 where TechSupport lived was a place of
       | change for Apple at that time. Within a few years, C was popular
       | as an application language, some drivers for the new Mac II, and
       | lots of community code was generated.
       |  _edit_ thinking about it, the resistance to C at the time was
       | for real reasons.. common microcomputer C famously shipped with a
       | minimal language but the I /O and string handling libs made the
       | environment a useful runtime. Interfaces to anything more than
       | that on a microcomputer were adhoc. But many professionals at
       | that time knew about the larger *nix systems, and wanted the
       | kinds of pipes and task management interfaces that they knew.
       | This was the wrong model for the Mac OS, which emphasized
       | graphical user interfaces at every step. There were no terminal
       | windows in the background at all, no pipes and no standardized
       | processes.
       | It was the courage to break away from "grown up" multi-user
       | system, incremental engineering and make a completely mouse-
       | driven interface that made the Mac great. Later when C interfaces
       | to ROM Toolbox calls were built, they were used to support the
       | Mac OS, not drag in tons of technical debt and character-stream
       | kinds of ideas to this new computer.
       | quelsolaar wrote:
       | The "Likeability" of C is very underestimated. Many people think
       | that system code _should_ be written in other language, but
       | people who _want_ to actually write, and maintain system software
       | want to do so in C.
       | A programming language has to be enjoyed, if someone is going to
       | dedicated a significant part of their lives o writing opensource
       | software in it. C is on paper not a safe language, but almost all
       | of the most trusted safety critical software is written in it, so
       | from a Darwinistic point of view it has produced more trusted
       | software. I strongly suspect that a big reason for this is that C
       | is enjoyable enough for maintainers stick around long enough
       | shake out all the issues.
         | tialaramex wrote:
         | I liked C perfectly well, and for over 25 years I wrote
         | software in it, including both Free Software you may have used
         | and in-house software I was directly employed to write for a
         | large corporation. However I began learning Rust back in 2021
         | and not only do I now not want to write any more C, I want to
         | rewrite my C software in Rust, although obviously 25 years
         | worth of software means that's a whole lot of work and in a few
         | cases I don't own the rights.
         | Gigachad wrote:
         | Things have changed a lot since 2012. The Asahi Linux devs have
         | said positive things about writing OS code in Rust. They have
         | built a full M1 GPU driver in Rust which says a lot for the
         | future of system code in safer languages.
         | galangalalgol wrote:
         | Misra C is not normal likeable C. And while people have written
         | safety critical code in normal likeable C, that isn't at all
         | common. Ada, more recently spark, and various c++ subsets are
         | all far more common. But yes Misra C is very common.
         | Zig seems likeable, but I haven't tried it yet. And rust is
         | enjoyable now that I'm into it as my daily driver. The
         | complexity is only there if I go looking. Mostly.
       | User23 wrote:
       | The first "real programming language" I learned was Pascal. This
       | was back in the 90s. Switching to C was like taking off a
       | straight-jacket. I think it's hard to explain how much more
       | freely you were able to code to someone who didn't go through the
       | experience. Pascal was derogatorily referred to as a "Bondage and
       | Discipline Language" by C programmers.
       | Of course I've matured a bit and I see a value in discipline and
       | having the language get in the way of doing error prone things
       | more now, but even so I'd still choose K&R 2nd edition ANSI C
       | over late 80s and early 90s vintage Pascal if I had to pick one
       | today.
       | pyjarrett wrote:
       | Despite enjoying the terseness of C, with curly braces and short
       | notations, many "normalized" things in C used to trip up math
       | students I would tutor in elementary programming classes. "Why is
       | `=` assignment and not `==`? How can a function not produce a
       | value? Why does `||` mean "or"?, etc.
       | Pascal family languages usually end up much more long winded, but
       | can often be more easily explained to non-programmers than C
       | solutions. I spent a couple years doing down the Ada rabbit hole
       | in open source and was amazed how many elements of the problem
       | domain you express directly with the language, and how you can
       | constrain your program to catch domain-specific issues with the
       | compiler.
       | With the rise of things like ChatGPT, I'm curious if the next
       | revolution for programming languages is focusing on constraints
       | to verify correctness rather than expression of what to do. This
       | might help help an AI model develop code and provide validity
       | checks on the generated solution.
       | jmclnx wrote:
       | Around that time we had K&R c, which I liked because no really
       | messing around with prototypes. Were Pascal, IIRC you had to deal
       | with prototypes and variable types and other things.
       | Since then, we have ANCI c, which I got use to prototypes, but I
       | still prefer K&R. At least for now, ANSI has yet to get anal
       | about variable types and memory. I hope that never happens but I
       | fear c is heading in that direction because of what the rust
       | people are doing.
         | mgaunard wrote:
         | Did you not get the memo? C was replaced by C++.
         | Many languages are trying to replace C++ and failing to do so.
       (page generated 2023-02-04 23:00 UTC)