[HN Gopher] FOSDEM 2023 is live now
       FOSDEM 2023 is live now
       Author : 0x54MUR41
       Score  : 317 points
       Date   : 2023-02-04 10:39 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (fosdem.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (fosdem.org)
       | Tomte wrote:
       | I'm missing n-gate.
         | unconed wrote:
         | [flagged]
           | aliqot wrote:
           | who hurt you
       | Am4TIfIsER0ppos wrote:
       | In reply to my prediction
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34265765 I am disappointed
       | to report that it seems as crowded as ever.
       | snvzz wrote:
       | There's a talk introducing the PinePhone port of Genode[0].
       | This is the very first actually secure smartphone OS. This is a
       | huge development, but most are yet unaware.
       | 0.
       | https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/genode_on_the_pinepho...
       | Dowwie wrote:
       | Do they record every talk? I can't find many talks from 2022 so
       | it seems unlikely.
         | tux3 wrote:
         | I thought they did, but they might not always get around to it
         | in a short timeframe.
         | I'm dumping streams for a few of the rooms I care about, might
         | upload them on Youtube later
           | ekianjo wrote:
           | Youtube? Not very fosdem-y...
             | tomcam wrote:
             | How would you meet FOSDEM's requirements without YouTube?
             | And what is your proposed solution for distribution and
             | audience reach?
               | _ache_ wrote:
               | In fact the FOSDEM doesn't use Youtube and still deliver
               | live streaming only with HTML.
               | Peertube is well suited for events like FOSDEM. The CCC
               | use https://c3voc.de/wiki/voctomix but a littler harder
               | to use.
               | detaro wrote:
               | I think you are getting a few things mixed up: voctomix
               | has nothing to do with stream/video _hosting_ , and is a
               | different part of the stack.
               | vocworker wrote:
               | Yes, the website (media.ccc.de) is
               | https://github.com/voc/voctoweb/, but live streaming is
               | actually a differennt project:
               | https://github.com/voc/streaming-website
               | They do interact a bit, to make it seem more seamless.
             | tux3 wrote:
             | I could also just rsync the raw unsplit files on a public
             | server somewhere, would save me time actually =)
             | (If you have usable FOSS Youtube alternatives, don't mind
             | trying to use them)
               | capableweb wrote:
               | PeerTube is the only obvious alternative I know of, I'm
               | sure others here know even better alternatives.
             | pengaru wrote:
             | Despite the proprietary javascript et al, it's still
             | arguably quite "FOSDEM-y" to spread its information far and
             | wide to every corner of the internet making space available
             | for it.
             | And in the case of youtube they make significant effort to
             | maximize accessibility when it comes to devices being able
             | to successfully play the videos and get the message, as it
             | aligns with their need to show ads to as many people as
             | possible.
             | I'd argue shoving informational content on youtube is
             | making less a deal with the devil than say hosting your
             | FOSS projects on github...
         | xdfgh1112 wrote:
         | They do but some take weeks or months to be released. I gave up
         | waiting last year :P better to watch live if you can.
         | ZiiS wrote:
         | https://archive.fosdem.org/2022/schedule/streaming/ go into any
         | sesssion and the should be links to very high quality
         | recordings.
       | pengaru wrote:
       | For anyone equally frustrated as I was with the site's navigation
       | to simply find streams by room and not by some scheduled talk
       | that happens to align with my current time...
       | The raw stream URLs are of the format:
       | https://stream.fosdem.org/${roomname}.m3u8
       | So for room H.1302:
       | `mpv https://stream.fosdem.org/h1302.m3u8`
       | Room D.emulator:
       | `mpv https://stream.fosdem.org/demulator.m3u8`
       | You can see the URL-appropriate room names in various places by
       | just hovering over the link etc.
       | I don't know if it's just me, but the site's navigation to find
       | streams as a normal human being seemed ridiculously unnecessarily
       | convoluted.
       | Why they don't have a page capturing a live cross-section of
       | what's currently live-streaming by room, where you can simply
       | click on the room that most interests you _presently_ to start
       | watching that room is beyond me. Maybe I just missed it.
         | [deleted]
         | tux3 wrote:
         | This may be the page you want? It has what's currently playing
         | in every room, and you can find a link to the video from there.
         | https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/streaming/
           | pengaru wrote:
           | Huh, I must have clicked right past that page without
           | realizing it was what I wanted.
           | The right column of "no event scheduled" rows should really
           | say "next event starts in XX minutes".
           | As-is it sends a very misleading message of there being
           | nothing booked for that room at all today, which just makes
           | the page seem useless/broken at a glance when they all say
           | that uniformly. I suspect it's why I quickly moved on from
           | it.
       | brunoqc wrote:
       | yay, I love Fosdem!
       | I wish the website would show the time in my own timezone.
       | Is there a matrix space with all the rooms in it?
       | phkahler wrote:
       | Is Libregraphics still a thing?
       | pxc wrote:
       | Lots of Guix talks in the Declarative and Minimalistic Computing
       | section! Looking forward to catching up on new developments there
       | once the final videos go up. Hopefully I can catch a few streams,
       | too!
       | fatih-erikli wrote:
       | [flagged]
         | znpy wrote:
         | According to a friend of mine that has been attending fosdem
         | for a few years now, the main track is always crap but the true
         | gold is in side tracks and topic-specific assemblies
           | ghaff wrote:
           | I don't think it's generally fair to say the main track is
           | crap. But the logistics of the event are such that it
           | generally makes sense to mostly pick a devroom and hang out
           | there.
             | znpy wrote:
             | > I don't think it's generally fair to say the main track
             | is crap
             | i don't think either but that's the opinion he gave me.
             | ahartmetz wrote:
             | It's just an insane amount of talks with enough good ones
             | to make it worthwhile, plus the important hallway track.
             | Nothing special about any particular track except maybe
             | that, historically, Postgres has always had a few really
             | good ones IMO.
         | HenrikB wrote:
         | Mate, please be more constructive, especially since "FOSDEM is
         | a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the
         | widespread use of free and open source software."
         | UPDATE: I see you did so independently just moments after I
         | submitted the above. Thanks for doing so
           | fatih-erikli wrote:
           | [flagged]
       | fatih-erikli wrote:
       | Looks like they are presented in a real venue. Is there anybody
       | watching there offline?
         | ZiiS wrote:
         | Yes, maybe not the 2020 crush; but a lot of people.
           | belorn wrote:
           | My perspective is that there is more people today than in
           | 2020, based on the welcome talk (it was full with people
           | lining the walls) and just walking around. They have also
           | opened up new rooms for this year.
           | Since there is no registration there isn't any hard numbers
           | to go on.
             | rubenbe wrote:
             | True, it's very busy.
             | Usually they make an estimate of the number of visitors
             | based on the number of connections to the fosdem wifi.
               | midasuni wrote:
               | The main fosdem wifi is ipv6 only. Amazing how many
               | services don't work on it - Uber was just failing for
               | example. There's a dual stack one too.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | For me it looks as busy as it ever was, although my last
             | time there was in 2016.
           | glandium wrote:
           | FWIW, last time I was at FOSDEM before today was 10 years
           | ago, and it's as packed as (if not more than) I remember.
           | [deleted]
           | ghaff wrote:
           | In general, my observation is that events are, with some
           | variation, back to close to pre-COVID levels in spite of
           | lingering travel hesitancy and some company travel expense
           | restrictions--the latter of which probably affects FOSDEM
           | less than expensive conferences.
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | Yes, me (and several thousand other people).
         | Aachen wrote:
         | Trying to watch it offline but it's a mistake honestly. First
         | talk I wanted to go for this morning, couldn't find d.energy on
         | the map where the talk was to be held. Turns out it's online
         | only. I don't think there are viewing rooms anywhere (either on
         | a screen or where you can use your own laptop) so good luck
         | with that. Lots of other talks disappointing: project xyz about
         | public transport routing sounds cool, but then you go to the
         | talk and they show a few screenshots like we've never seen a
         | transit app before and don't talk about anything technical. No
         | overcome challenges, no tech stack, no algorithms. Another talk
         | about Linux reliability for safety critical applications talks
         | mainly about their project members and management structure.
         | I'm interested in the project for its content, not its
         | metadata. Finally, just now I left a 15-minute OSM talk 6
         | minutes early to make the Glidesort talk (the rooms here don't
         | coordinate with each other, you'll have gaps of 30 minutes and
         | then 3 consecutive talks that overlap 5-10 minutes), arrive 1
         | minute late, and nope not being let in anymore so I missed half
         | the OSM talk for nothing. (The OSM talk was actually
         | interesting, plus I was excited for this Glidesort talk. "Why
         | can't we have neither?")
         | Might as well just look at everything online then, then it's
         | easy to zap to another one if it's not as advertised and never
         | issues with joining a room. Treat it as a day out or networking
         | event, rather than going here if you care about the content
         | here.
         | Afk now, gonna find a room somewhere at fosdem to watch fosdem
         | talks online, as well as a clean toilet at some point...
         | Edit: nvm the talks aren't online yet
         | https://video.fosdem.org/2023/ , so can't watch what I missed
         | earlier. Will have to reserve the hours again another day.
           | ghaff wrote:
           | FOSDEM is a networking and socializing event with some
           | presentations on the side. And, yes, trying to attend a
           | specific schedule of presentations in a bunch of different
           | rooms is a recipe for frustration. The last couple of times
           | I've gone I've done some combination of socializing and
           | hanging out in one room for half the day.
             | capableweb wrote:
             | > The last couple of times I've gone I've done some
             | combination of socializing and hanging out in one room for
             | half the day.
             | Same here. I pick one talk every day I "have to watch" and
             | spend the entire day in the same room, considering the
             | others talks as happy accidents but the best is the mix of
             | people you meet.
               | belorn wrote:
               | I have used both strategies and yes, picking a track and
               | staying there in the room has a much higher success than
               | trying to run between talks. There is just too many
               | people, and popular talks (those with famous projects as
               | part of the title) has a tendency to create full rooms
               | with long lines.
               | On the positive, there are around 20 parallel tracks
               | going on. There are almost as many tracks as there are
               | talks on other conferences.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Same here, I used to hang either on Java or X Windows
             | rooms.
             | Also be close enough to the doors, so that in case to watch
             | something else, to leave during Q&A for the next session.
           | tux3 wrote:
           | Maybe I can help with the VoD (assuming these are the right
           | one)
           | The Glidesort talk:
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0iVKIseDnw
           | The OSM talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu5ZrSccJcU
           | (They seem to be coming online a lot quicker than previous
           | years, though! I might not even need to record tomorrow =])
           | tristor wrote:
           | Sounds like this might have been your first FOSDEM. Each room
           | is managed differently, they don't run coordinated tracks
           | across rooms like other conferences. Usually the best bet for
           | your first time is to camp a room where you are interested
           | for a big project and use the opportunity to socialize and
           | connect in the down times. There's usually a big room for
           | Linux kernel stuff as well as Mozilla, and both have good
           | properly technical talks. The MySQL and PostgreSQL rooms are
           | usually good too with talks from Percona, MySQL, Crunchy, etc
           | people who contrib to the projects.
           | Going to random talks spread out across campus is the best
           | way to end up frustrated.
             | Aachen wrote:
             | > Each room is managed differently, they don't run
             | coordinated tracks
             | That's the problem I was pointing out
             | Makes life a lot easier for planners (reminds me of "the
             | best firewall is not to have a connection"), but I'm not
             | sure it makes sense for me to attend again, at least not
             | for the talks. There were a few rooms with more than one
             | interesting talk, but definitely not close to a whole/half
             | day. And the angled narrow "desk" like things aren't
             | suitable for a laptop, plus there is no power, so I can't
             | "skip" gaps that way (and it's silly to occupy a spot like
             | that also).
         | sqs wrote:
         | Yes, I'm at FOSDEM and it is absolutely packed. Like pre-COVID.
         | midasuni wrote:
         | Massive queues at lunch, at least inside the uni. Train over
         | from london yesterday full of people with beards and T-shirts.
         | Feels really inspiring just being around developers,
         | overhearing talk with technical terms in, etc
         | Great to be in person.
           | m4rtink wrote:
           | There are tons of nice restaurants in the residential streets
           | around the University campus - we had a very nice ramen in
           | the Menma restaurant nearby for example, but there are many
           | more choices.
         | Felmioytfr wrote:
         | Yepp!
         | And it doesn't feel any different than previous.
         | Lots and lots of people
           | pantalaimon wrote:
           | The (unofficial) Beer Event was also packed as always.
       (page generated 2023-02-04 23:00 UTC)