[HN Gopher] Zrok: Open-Source Peer to Peer
       Zrok: Open-Source Peer to Peer
       Author : whack
       Score  : 155 points
       Date   : 2023-02-08 15:36 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (zrok.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (zrok.io)
       | omani wrote:
       | there is NKN (nkn.org). with 60k+ nodes. already established
       | blockchain with incentivized miners. free and anonymous, p2p
       | networking.
       | nobody uses it and everybody is doing their own thing trying to
       | reinvent the wheel.
         | vineyardmike wrote:
         | The purpose of the shared project has nothing to do with nkn,
         | either in usage or _ahem_ a blockchain.
         | The shared project is more of a p2p VPN to access remote
         | services privately, as opposed to a VPN for accessing the
         | broader internet. Yes, there are other services that do
         | something similar to Zrok, but this actually builds on one
         | (openZiti) presumably to handle the connections more abstractly
         | (and also presumably to launch their own paid SaaS endpoint?).
         | I could see this more competing with Tailscale to access
         | Internal tools at a company, or for home-lab users who want to
         | access/share services they're running remotely.
         | wyager wrote:
         | The fact that whatever you're talking about has a blockchain
         | built in tells me everything I need to know.
         | orthecreedence wrote:
         | How is NKN different from, like, the internet? Nothing on the
         | homepage tells me why there is a blockchain involved. Nothing
         | it talks about cannot be done with TCP/TLS/etc etc.
         | If it's a p2p _framework_ then something like libp2p,
         | holochain, or p2panda would be much more appropriate than a
         | blockchain with  "incentivized miners" (incentivized to do
         | what??).
         | I think the reason people are reinventing the wheel is because
         | blockchain tech has extremely limited use-cases and all the
         | people who tried (or are trying) to use it outside of its
         | applicable domain are misguided, prompting further exploration
         | into the p2p space that isn't tethered (no pun intended) to a
         | _global state that has to be shared by every node in the
         | system_ which is an inherently unscalable solution for anything
         | beyond a handful of performant nodes (ie, sharing transactions
         | between banks or something).
           | omani wrote:
           | > (incentivized to do what??)
           | to route traffic. NKN is a CHORD overlay on top of the
           | internet. clients connect to nodes and nodes route traffic
           | from one node to another until the packet reaches its
           | destination. clients stay anonymous (no IP leakage). end-to-
           | end encrypted communication. "Proof-of-Relay" algorithm for
           | mining. consensus via MOCA.
           | the only state of the art blockchain technology I know of.
           | and they dont even pay me to say this.
       | AlbertoGP wrote:
       | There was a post one day ago, apparently from the creator of
       | Zrok, giving more context on this:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34693988
       | > _In the discussions about v0.2, the (now obvious) idea came up
       | to implement something that we 're calling "private sharing". It
       | works a lot like the traditional on-demand reverse proxy, except
       | instead of exposing the private endpoint through a public HTTP
       | listener, it binds the shared resource onto an OpenZiti network,
       | where it can be accessed securely by another zrok client. This
       | "other" zrok client exposes an HTTP listener wherever the user
       | wants... but it's usually put on the loopback interface of that
       | user's system. This allows the user to securely access the shared
       | resource on their system as if it's local, even though it's
       | somewhere else on a zero-trust network._
       | > _As we 've started working through the development of v0.3,
       | we've realized that we can incorporate other useful capabilities,
       | like streamlined file sharing (elegant WebDAV integration is
       | coming)._
       | From a quick look, it seems that the self-hostable part
       | (https://github.com/openziti/zrok/blob/main/docs/guides/v0.3_...)
       | is written in Go, and there are SDKs for connecting to it from a
       | variety of languages.
       | Oracle has an article on the underlying network layer which is
       | called OpenZiti, which defines ZeroTrust:
       | > _Zero trust assumes there is no implicit trust granted to
       | assets or user accounts based solely on their physical or network
       | location (i.e., local area networks versus the internet) or based
       | on asset ownership (enterprise or personally owned).
       | Authentication and authorization (both subject and device) are
       | discrete functions performed before a session to an enterprise
       | resource is established._
       | All of this sounds very interesting to me, but I have no
       | experience with these kinds of network stacks. Has anyone here
       | evaluated it?
       | Would this be useful for adding document sharing to applications
       | I write, for instance, a hypothetical word processor? I mean
       | sharing with other people working on a document. The SDKs seem to
       | be clients, so to interchange files between two applications with
       | an embedded SDK, does it still need a third machine running an
       | API server?
         | michaelquigley wrote:
         | > Would this be useful for adding document sharing to
         | applications I write, for instance, a hypothetical word
         | processor? I mean sharing with other people working on a
         | document. The SDKs seem to be clients, so to interchange files
         | between two applications with an embedded SDK, does it still
         | need a third machine running an API server?
         | We could certainly incorporate an "embeddable" SDK so that zrok
         | can be incorporated into other applications.
         | As it currently stands, you would need access to a zrok
         | "service instance" ("cloud"), running the zrok controller
         | (providing API access). But we could certainly look at other
         | kinds of use cases where that control plane is potentially
         | enabled ephemerally or on-demand. I have some ideas for things
         | we might be able to do.
         | Neither of these are on the immediate roadmap. But if people
         | ask for them, we could certainly build them.
       | Maursault wrote:
       | I doubt Activision cares, but what does this have to do with
       | Infocom and Z-machine?
         | dovholuknf wrote:
         | man, those were the days. I actually played it on my Atari 800
       | codethief wrote:
       | How does this compare to Tailscale, beyond being based on
       | OpenZiti instead of Wireguard?
         | gz5 wrote:
         | yes, zrok is open source and tailscale is not. zrok has a
         | private share mode in which you share the resource without any
         | internet exposure (not even temporary) - nice for security and
         | cases where you need 2 or more private enviros (rfc 1918 space)
         | to talk w/o opening any ports.
         | if your question was centered on the compare between wireguard
         | and openziti. both are open source network overlay solutions
         | and both have large scale saas options (e.g. cloudziti from
         | netfoundry; tailscale for wireguard).
         | 4 key differences between openziti vs wireguard are (1) app vs.
         | device; (2) p2p tunnel vs full mesh; (3) management model; (4)
         | security model. it mainly comes down to what your use case
         | needs and doesn't need.
         | (1) app vs. device the atom of wireguard is a device. the atom
         | of openziti is an app. devs embed openziti directly into the
         | process space of an app or api as code (using openziti sdks)
         | such that installing your app spins up a zero trust overlay for
         | your app w/o distributing agents. alternatively you can use
         | openziti agents for mobile, desktop, cloud edge, etc. in that
         | model, the agents are still app-specific, e.g. only services
         | you specify go on the overlay; rest are ignored.
         | (2) vpn vs. sdn like mesh wireguard gives you p2p tunnels like
         | most vpns. openziti gives you control of a full mesh, latency
         | optimized network - like a programmable sdn. if you want x
         | connections from a given machine (e.g. an api to cloud1, a
         | different service to cloud2, some other app to cloud3) then
         | openziti is designed to make that simple for you. if you want a
         | single device level tunnel for all data, then wg may be for
         | you.
         | (3) management model with wg, you manage certs, p2p tunnels,
         | restrictions/ACLs (tailscale etc help you with much of this but
         | then you are buying a closed source product). openziti builds
         | all this into the foss for you. you even control the full mesh
         | fabric (programmable ziti routers) listed above. so wg may be
         | simpler if you have a limited # of endpoints, routes and
         | restrictions to manage.
         | (4) security and compliance model openziti provides mTLS, X.509
         | based identities, private DNS, e2e encryption all the way to
         | the process space of the app (see item #1 above), default least
         | privileged access, mfa, posture checks, etc. that is overkill
         | for some uses - it does carry some complexity with it -
         | wireguard may be a better choice for those cases.
         | dovholuknf wrote:
         | I am a dev on the OpenZiti project. I personally think
         | Tailscale is more similar to OpenZiti. It's making wireguard
         | administration really easy.
         | zrok is very clearly based heavily on inspiration from the
         | amazing tool called ngrok. If you haven't checked them out you
         | should. They are widely loved for lots of good reasons. Other
         | product/projects in this category is Tailscale's funnels or
         | Cloudflare tunnels.
         | Key differences to ngrok are it being fully open source and
         | fully self hostable. zrok allows you to do public/anonymous
         | type sharing too but also has this private sharing feature that
         | you might find neat. Basically it'll hide your app behind two
         | "localhost" type proxies all transparently (to most people).
           | bogwog wrote:
           | I just looked up ngrok right now and it looks really cool,
           | but I wonder what people actually use it for? Are people
           | actually running production software this way, or is it just
           | for sharing e.g. demos with coworkers? If the latter, it
           | seems to me like a narrow use case that can already be served
           | by automated devops stuff.
           | Again this is new to me, so I'm probably missing some obvious
           | use cases. Do you use it for anything in particular?
             | dopidopHN wrote:
             | I often use it for :
             | - showing a POC running locally / quick demo/ short terms
             | project
             | - debug incoming webhook or the like. Let's say you have a
             | service where you can register a URL, and that the service
             | will post a http request to you when a event occurs.
             | I use ngrok, piped to a local handler. It's convenient
             | johne20 wrote:
             | Consuming webhooks in dev environment is one use-case.
             | Agrue8u wrote:
             | I found ngrok looking for simple and safe ways to share our
             | local minecraft server among my kid's friends. (about 5
             | years ago)
             | dovholuknf wrote:
             | Easily sharing local resources is a common need as a dev,
             | for sure. If I'm making changes to a web form, updating
             | online doc, etc. it's dreadfully convenient to just share
             | that resource for some short amount of time...
             | I've used similar tech when collaborating with a fella
             | recently, he stood up a vault server and I hit his private
             | API over an ngrok share because that was the tool he had
             | used, liked and was familiar with.
             | It's just super handy to do that sort of thing when/as you
             | need to
         | PLG88 wrote:
         | Great question. I am in the process of creating some public
         | documentation for the OpenZiti project vs [insert tech].
         | OpenZiti is more akin to Wireguard (i.e., open source),
         | CloudZiti is more comparable to Tailscale (hosted SaaS)
         | Here are some shorted bullets vs Wireguard (with references to
         | Tailscale).
         | - Rather than connecting machines, Ziti cares about connecting
         | "services" with zero trust networking concepts. This can be
         | surmised as Wireguard being 'default-open' whereas ZT is
         | 'default-closed'. Wireguard is normally combined with a
         | firewall to deliver ACLs and network segmentation controls.
         | - Whereas WireGuard securely encapsulates IP packets over UDP
         | and uses hole punching, OpenZiti uses TCP and a mesh overlay
         | (with the outbound only at source and destination). This is how
         | Tailscale implements Wireguard to ensure it works easily in all
         | situations. All of this is open-source and native to OpenZiti,
         | not in Wireguard.
         | - Due to OpenZiti's uses of identity in the endpoints and
         | fabric for routing, you also get private DNS, unique naming and
         | outbound connections. No need to use floating or static IPs,
         | easily handle overlapping, and have no need for port forwarding
         | or NAT issues.
         | - While with OpenZiti you can start with "network-based zero
         | trust" (installing a router in private IP space) and progress
         | to "host-based zero trust" (using an agent/tunneller); it also
         | has a suite of SDKs to embed in apps themselves for
         | "application-based zero trust".
         | P.S., OpenZiti uses the Windows TUN (WinTun) that the Wireguard
         | project made as (at least) part of our Windows tunneler.
         | Thanks, Wireguard!
           | johne20 wrote:
           | Thanks for this. How does speed of OpenZiti compare to
           | Wireguard on network on same LAN? Eg. if you connect machines
           | on same VPC?
         | jron wrote:
         | Also curious how it compares to https://github.com/holepunchto
       | [deleted]
       | jhoechtl wrote:
       | Can this be used for a P2P pair editing session?
         | tpoacher wrote:
         | maybe it could be used to share a tmux session? (which is my
         | favourite way for collaborative editing)
           | dovholuknf wrote:
           | Not at this time. Right now zrok is for web (http) and file
           | sharing. It's possible that sharing other UDP/TCP type
           | sharing could be added in the future. Right now the overlay
           | network (OpenZiti) would be able to support that right now if
           | you were looking for any TCP/UDP.
         | dovholuknf wrote:
         | I wouldn't think so tbh. Unless whatever editor you're using is
         | sharing a web resource... In that case, sure. If you need/want
         | UDP/TCP type sharing you could use the underlying OpenZiti
         | overlay network for that, but out of the gate, at this time I
         | don't think it'd support most "P2P editing". zrok certainly
         | doesn't provide that type of functionality at this time
       | [deleted]
       | kerkeslager wrote:
       | This... sounds like something I would be interested in, but I
       | cannot for the life of me understand what this does.
       | Is this decentralized file sharing?
         | spaniard89277 wrote:
         | It seems to me that is some kind of tunnel/vpn a-la-zerotier?
           | AlbertoGP wrote:
           | In this video from 11 months ago, at 25 min. they say this:
           | "Ziti is only providing a pipe. That's also very important.
           | Some people might think that there is more going on there,
           | but Ziti is literally, just... just a black hole, from one
           | side to the other, and how it gets there... _it's like an SSH
           | tunnel_.
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyjM5y8Op_I&t=1509s
           | He goes on to say " _I'm going say it publicly: my mission is
           | to kill REST. [...] I'm going to bring us all the way back to
           | the 1990s, and we're going to do RPC all over again_ "
           | The linked article is about Zrok, which seems to be an
           | application on top of that OpenZiti overlay network on top of
           | the Internet.
           | dovholuknf wrote:
           | Trying to keep it short, I would say OpenZiti is similar to
           | zerotier moreso than zrok. This zrok tool though is closer to
           | ngrok. I mentioned that in another comment so hopefully
           | that's easy enough to find in the page.
         | dovholuknf wrote:
         | It's more peer to peer file sharing and web content sharing
         | than truly distributed sharig but with a globally available
         | service, it's "distributed" ina way. It's not doing sharding or
         | anything fancy like that (yet anyway). Right now, it's a dev-
         | focused tool similar to the other projects out there like
         | ngrok/tailscale funnels/cloudflare tunnels etc. There's a fair
         | number of them now-a-days. :) But it doesn't need to stay that
         | way and might change.
         | This one is built on top of OpenZiti (I am a dev on that
         | project) which is a secure, zero trust overlay network. It's
         | fully self-hostable and open source which some people find
         | attractive. The hosted version our company is sponsoring for
         | free (at least 'for now').
         | The key goal is to make it super easy and safe to share
         | files/web content.
         | debarshri wrote:
         | On surface it looks similar to ngrok. Except you can self host
         | this using the open source project openziti that support the
         | infra for it. It seems to be either a wrapper or implemented
         | using openziti
         | vineyardmike wrote:
         | > zrok provides Private or Public, instant, secure tunneling of
         | applications from anywhere.
         | Its a tunneling tool, to share a port/etc from one computer to
         | another. You can connect to a computer, even if you don't
         | directly have a route to it's IP.
         | > Secured effortlessly by using a zero trust overlay network
         | provided by OpenZiti
         | It uses OpenZiti to accomplish the links, as opposed to
         | tailscale, zero tier, cloudflare tunnels, Yggdrasil, etc.
         | > zrok allows sharing other types of resources; rather than
         | just proxying http endpoints, zrok allows users to easily and
         | rapidly share files and web content. zrok is also ready to be
         | extended to easily support many kinds of decentralized resource
         | sharing; zrok provides a framework that makes this kind of
         | peer-to-peer resource sharing simple and secure
         | It looks like its also extensible, so you can use it to form
         | the communication layer to share other things, files being one
         | example.
           | vapemaster wrote:
           | this was an awesome, non-snarky, explanatory comment. thanks
           | for this.
       (page generated 2023-02-08 23:00 UTC)