[HN Gopher] Show HN: I made a tool that turns screenshots into d...
       Show HN: I made a tool that turns screenshots into dramatically
       angled photos
       Author : mikaelaast
       Score  : 86 points
       Date   : 2023-02-09 19:28 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.screenstab.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.screenstab.com)
       | caboteria wrote:
       | Error on the landing page:
       | > Gorgeous screenshots is just a click away...
       | should be "Gorgeous screenshots are just a click away...".
       | voytec wrote:
       | I would reconsider this pricing model. Flat monthly fee with
       | unlimited calls/runs may not be pleasant for you.
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. I don't do any cloud computing to deliver the service.
         | It is essentially a pure JavaScript-application running on the
         | client.
       | mih wrote:
       | I can see how this is useful for laypeople. Those with a DIY
       | attitude might resort to popular image editing tools. My choice
       | would be trying to achieve this with Imagemagick. Fred Weinhaus'
       | script http://www.fmwconcepts.com/imagemagick/skew/index.php and
       | maybe adding a blur later.
       | dt3ft wrote:
       | Great results on the first attempt I did.
       | When I wanted to export the result in highest available
       | resolution, it asked me to subscribe for $5/month. I only need 1
       | single screenshot, so I'm not going to subscribe, but I can see
       | this being used by big newspaper companies. Good luck with your
       | project!
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. Thanks, that's good to hear. I got journalists at a
         | couple of the big newspaper players here in my country (Norway)
         | to purchase subscriptions, and after seeing these pop up in
         | articles rather often, I felt that I had sold myself short with
         | the $5 monthly fee. One of them (VG.no), is like the 2nd
         | biggest site in Norway, with 70 million visits a month. I guess
         | I'm bad at business.
           | cloudking wrote:
           | I think the insight here is you should offer a pay-per-use
           | model too.
           | mensetmanusman wrote:
           | Personal / business tier pricing
           | nextaccountic wrote:
           | $5/yr is too much for the casual user and too little for big
           | newspapersq
           | radiojasper wrote:
           | Took me 2 scrolls to find an image probably generated by your
           | tool.
           | https://www.tek.no/nyheter/nyhet/i/KnWn0G/ai-flause-for-
           | goog...
           | You probably should make a personal account which limits the
           | amount of images you can generate a month (10?) and a
           | business account which offers unlimited generation but for a
           | steep price.
           | movedx wrote:
           | It's the wrong pricing model, in my opinion.
           | consider the following:
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwXlo9gy_k4 &
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWZbWzAyHAE
       | oblib wrote:
       | I made a screenshot using this and it's pretty cool.
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. Love to hear it!
       | INTPenis wrote:
       | I'd pay for one-time pro features. I don't want a subscription,
       | but I'm willing to pay to use this service a few times a year
       | maybe. There are probably more like me.
       | Maybe sell 10 pro edits or something like that?
       | thot_experiment wrote:
       | Ahahaha amazing! Affine transformation as a service! Upgrade to
       | pro and we'll do a convolution kernel as well! Take the trouble
       | out of performing basic linear transforms with money!
       | Don't worry your little head with things like:
       | transform: skew(15deg, 15deg);
       | Let the big boys in silicon valley handle that. AI and big data!
       | For a small monthly fee we'll throw in rotational transforms as
       | well! What a savings!
         | [deleted]
         | weakfish wrote:
         | Why do you need to use a snide tone to convey your point? Just
         | make it in plain language, don't be rude.
           | thot_experiment wrote:
           | Yeah fair, I'm one one today. I genuinely thought this was a
           | joke at first. But you're right, I should just put my money
           | where my mouth is and make a github pages or similar that
           | replicates this functionality as something that you can
           | download and keep forever, how hard can it be?
           | It's utterly disgraceful to charge money for something like
           | this as a service, but that doesn't excuse my conduct in
           | response. The implications of validating this sort of rent
           | collecting are insidious and serve. We really need to re-
           | evaluate what our definition of 'value' is as a society.
             | kimjune01 wrote:
             | Not everyone shares your values, and that's OK
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. There's a little more than that to it.
       | dandigangi wrote:
       | This is a cool idea. Wish website showed a bit more info and
       | examples but I like what it d oes. Content creators could use
       | this.
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. Thanks! And yeah, I will try to improve on the landing
         | page.
       | ironlake wrote:
       | I clicked the link because it sounded interesting and maybe
       | useful. But then I wasn't quite sure what it did.
       | I wanted a before and after photo. It's a simple concept. The
       | landing page should be equally simple.
         | ewjt wrote:
         | Based on the GIF, I thought it created an animated video.
         | Even when the .PNG downloaded I thought for sure it'd be an
         | animated PNG.
         | If I'm doing some content creation, I probably already have an
         | image editor, in which case I can create this effect myself or
         | would prefer an integrated plugin to do it.
         | Motion graphics is much harder, and there's more demand there
         | to add some sparkle to a static image. OP, have you considered
         | that angle?
           | mikaelaast wrote:
           | OP here. Sorry to disappoint you with the lack of animation.
           | I have definitely entertained the idea of creating a video
           | variant of this app. I fear it will remain a pipe dream due
           | to the demands of my day job and family life.
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. A few others have made this point, and it's glaringly
         | obvious to me in retrospect. Guess I have my work cut out for
         | me.
         | voytec wrote:
         | The GIF[1] on the mail page shows the effect with before-after
         | transformation.
         | [1] https://www.screenstab.com/editor/resources/demo.gif
         | syntaxing wrote:
         | There's a gif on the landing page that shows what it does
         | pretty much immediately
         | mynameisvlad wrote:
         | That's pretty much what the animated image is. It shows a
         | screenshot before, the tool being used, and the final image as
         | part of a tweet.
         | [deleted]
       | warent wrote:
       | I'm sure you put a ton of work into this, so it's really
       | unfortunate that I can barely tell what this really does or why
       | we should care.
       | Also the "Ready to go pro?" thing seems very rushed and
       | presumptuous. Like, I'm not even sure I'm ready to go "Free" yet
         | [deleted]
         | acuozzo wrote:
         | > so it's really unfortunate that I can barely tell what this
         | really does or why we should care
         | It takes an image as input and produces a "dramatic" copy of
         | that image in which "dramatic" is defined as being angled away
         | from the viewer on two planes and having a blur somewhat
         | consistent with it having been photographed with a shallow
         | depth of field.
       | LoganDark wrote:
       | What is this paid subscription to be able to rotate the
       | screenshot a certain way?
       | system2 wrote:
       | Why not skew, mask and blur with photoshop in 10 seconds?
         | warent wrote:
         | you mean aside from the fact that it requires downloading a
         | huge multi-purpose program that starts at $21/mo which is built
         | for significantly more than just those features and the user
         | must use a lot more brain space for what they want to be a
         | simple task?
           | kilgnad wrote:
           | Or gimp. "Photoshop" is the all encompassing term for these
           | editors. This task is actually quite trivial, but there is a
           | bit of a learning curve for someone who knows absolutely
           | nothing about photo editing.
             | rzzzt wrote:
             | For a Linux user, you can already build such a system
             | yourself quite trivially by using PHP's ImageMagick
             | extension to modify the uploaded image file.
               | JKCalhoun wrote:
               | I wonder can ImageMagick give you the "progressive linear
               | blur" (or whatever you want to call it) that emulates
               | depth of field?
               | Might as well ray trace it....
               | rzzzt wrote:
               | My comment was mostly tongue-in-cheek. mih in a sibling
               | thread added a link to actually useful IM scripts
               | however, one of which supports variable blur using a mask
               | (scroll below the table and parameters for example
               | pictures): http://www.fmwconcepts.com/imagemagick/variabl
               | eblur/index.ph...
           | kimjune01 wrote:
           | photopea.com
         | [deleted]
       | bluetidepro wrote:
       | Def needs more before/after examples...
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. Duly noted!
       | movedx wrote:
       | "Charged monthly at only $5 for individuals or $3 per person for
       | teams of 3 and up. Cancel anytime." - excellent tool, terrible
       | business model.
       | No on wants to pay $5/month for a utility.
         | csilverman wrote:
         | Yeah, I was initially interested, but then I saw that it was a
         | subscription and I just stopped looking.
         | [deleted]
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. How would you monetize it?
           | JKCalhoun wrote:
           | Yeah, subscription for the big players (and raise your
           | subscription price), then $1 a pop for a one-off.
           | movedx wrote:
           | I would consider the value to the consumer and use a value
           | based pricing model.
           | The value you're offering is overcoming a few challenges.
           | First, the technical challenges of designing these graphics
           | yourself - you have to pay for potentially expensive software
           | suites (Photoshop, etc.) to get this kind of work done, and
           | then you have to learn how-to do it. There is a financial and
           | educational curve to climb there.
           | Then the second challenge is time. It takes time to sit and
           | fiddle with a complex piece of software to make a screenshot
           | do what your utility does.
           | So your value is you provide a single piece of software that
           | does one job very well, and it's near instant and requires
           | little to no learning curve whatsoever.
           | Further, you need to consider your own personal objectives
           | with this software. I'm not in this field, so I do not have
           | the foresight to see the potential growth with this software,
           | therefore from my perspective it's a cute tool that does one
           | thing. You might know different and can see potentially big
           | markets.
           | Anyway. I would likely price this as a $15 one time purchase
           | at the non-commercial level (targeting everyday Joe Blogs)
           | with one year of upgrades, and around $50/year/user at the
           | commercial end.
           | It really depends on the market and the user's pain points,
           | Jobs To be Done, etc.
       | kevincox wrote:
       | It would be nice to have a few more examples. The only example I
       | see on the homepage is hidden in the video, both hard to see and
       | not always visible.
         | metadat wrote:
         | 100%, I also wonder what this would do to a regular non-
         | screenshot photograph. Could be funky weird or funky cool.
           | mikaelaast wrote:
           | OP here. It's basically Ken-Burns-on-steroids vibes.
             | dylan604 wrote:
             | ken-burns 1.0
             | modern ken-burns not only slides the image, but does the
             | 2.5D effects as well. much more interesting than just
             | zoom/pan
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. Valid point! I find it hard to strike a good balance
         | between demonstrating value and cutting to the chase. I wanted
         | it to come off as a utility that lets you take action
         | immediately.
           | TaylorAlexander wrote:
           | My first reaction was "I can barely tell what this does" so
           | it's hard to feel motivated to take action at that point.
         | TechBro8615 wrote:
         | Yes, I would recommend showing two images (before/after)
         | instead of the video.
         | You could do more interactive stuff, like the common interface
         | of moving a slider on the "before" image to reveal the "after"
         | image. And that's nice, but it should be supplemental to the
         | two images.
         | But take this advice with a grain of salt - after all, the
         | video did cause me to spend more time on your site than if two
         | images had immediately answered the question I was curious
         | about.
           | mikaelaast wrote:
           | OP here. Thanks for the advice. I have been considering a few
           | different options. Perhaps I could have a preloaded
           | screenshot with the UI already initialised, so I immediately
           | can show off the functionality? I don't know what is the best
           | approach.
       | tambourine_man wrote:
       | This looks neat indeed :)
       | I have no idea how hard it would be, but this would be great as
       | an effect for Final Cut, Da Vinci, etc. I don't think the video
       | world has a plug-in standard like the photo kinda does
       | (eventually lots of apps implemented Photoshop's API).
         | mikaelaast wrote:
         | OP here. I'm fantasising about making a video version of this
         | app, to generate some very cool documentary-style Ken Burns-
         | shit imagery.
       (page generated 2023-02-09 23:00 UTC)